• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 756 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Adventure: The Return to Earth - Bloody

After Living in Equestria for awhile, I decided it was time to bring someone else to Equestira.

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Chapter 1

My Little Adventure
The Return to Earth

The walk was long, my mind filled with worries but I pressed on. I entered what I knew as Earth, for the first time in what I thought to be six years. The trees returned to the old Canadian maple I was used to; I continued to walk until I emerged from the forest, my first stop would be someplace I knew, my friend Michelle's apartment.

Trixie had been following Collin for the past two days, Part of her was curious to learn about this... "Earth." She tailed Collin sticking to the bushes. Trixie grinned, she felt very sneaky, she continued to observe Collin, trying to predict his movements.

I stood there and thought for a moment, I stretched my wings out and, wait I had my wings still? I looked over my shoulders and surely enough broad as day there they were, I pondered for a moment and decided to see if I still had magic, I did perhaps this was going to be easy after all...

I folded in my wings and hid them under my jacket, I'd have to hope that no one noticed them. Trixie continued to follow behind Collin, sticking to the bushes. I began to walk, but I felt as though something...or someone was following me, I looked to my left to see a slight bit of white peeking out of a bush, I shrugged and assumed it wasn't anything. Then again it moved, I quickly ran over to the bush and spotted...The great and powerful Trixie...

It indeed was Trixie, "Trixie? what are you doing here!?" I hissed, I didn't need anyone with me to do this, I was flattered she followed me but it was dangerous for her, heck it was dangerous for me!

Trixie's lip quivered, she knew she could get a bit of pity from Collin, hopefully soften whatever punishment he'd give her, and hope that he wouldn't send her back to Equestria. He was like an older brother to her, a very close friend above that. "I just wanted to come with you..." Trixie said her voice trembling, I sighed, "Alright alright shh, but it's not safe for you to be out in the open, it's not even safe for me! We need a plan Trixie."

After a lot for thinking I came up with an ingenious plan to shrink Trixie and keep her in my pocket, allowing for her to stay with me at all times and remain concealed. I began walking towards Michelle's supposed apartment, I just hoped she still lived there, I knew my place would be gone being as I've been gone for who knows how long.

We arrived at Michelle's place around Noonish, I walked up the stairs and knocked on her door. The next 10 seconds happened so fast I had no time to react, the door opened, I was yanked inside and pressed up against a wall. "Collin? is that really you?" A voice called out from nowhere in particular, "Of course it's me...who are you?" I asked calling out, I was pretty sure it was Michelle, it sure sounded like her. Michelle arrived and ran up to me, I wasn't sure what to expect but I got something that wasn't half bad, a hug. Michelle looked up to me, tears streaming down her cheeks, "You've been missing for 6 months!" she managed to sputter out through the sobs.

It was a heartfelt moment, I stood there with her arms wrapped around me for a few minutes until two things happened. Michelle let go and took a step back, "Your jacket feels....lumpy what are you hiding?" Michelle asks suspicious already, my front pocket in my jacket also squirmed a bit and let out a "Meep!"

Michelle blinked when my pocket spoke, "Well....I can't really explain, I'll have to show you..." I said, Michelle gave a subtle nod, I took off my jacket but still held it with my one hand, Trixie's head popped out of the pocket and she gave a tiny wave, Michelle promptly gasped and fell over, but not before I caught her with my free hand. Michelle stood back up, she took in the sight of my wings and her jaw dropped, then she looked at Trixie, "What in the name of..." Michelle started but didn't finish her sentence, she was just too shocked, wings and a tiny pony?

Michelle and I sat down, I put Trixie back down and put her to her full size, I had to admit it was kind of funny watching her explore the apartment, touching almost anything. meanwhile I was explaining to Michelle, where I'd been for the past six months. Michelle's reactions we're mixed, mainly angry when I told her that I'd nearly gotten myself killed twice, "Your still a reckless fool aren't you?" Michelle asked, "Of course, I didn't change that much." I said with a smirk, "Now...I have a question for you." I looked over to her and she looked up, "And what's that?" Michelle asked, "You remember how we used to watch the show together." Michelle nodded, "Would you...like to visit...Equestria?" Michelle's face lit up, blushed and looked confused all at once, "Well....how would we get there, and why me?" Michelle asked shifting around in her seat. "Well... We're good friends, and we have been for a long time, so I've been given the choice to bring one person back with me, and well, I'd like to bring you back with me."

Michelle looked shocked, "But...how...and what if they don't accept me?" Michelle was muttering all the things that could go wrong, "None of that will happen, you got a good heart Michelle, and they'll like you all the same." Michelle cracked a smile and we headed for the forest, after shrinking Trixie back down, Michelle held her, it was funny the two we're already getting along, maybe it wouldn't take awhile to get someone into Equestria with me.