• Published 1st Apr 2012
  • 757 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Adventure: The Return to Earth - Bloody

After Living in Equestria for awhile, I decided it was time to bring someone else to Equestira.

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

I woke up next morning and dragged myself from bed to find myself falling over another bed and face planting onto the floor, an audible thud accompanied all of this and Jenny and Michelle both woke up, smirked and began to howl with laughter. Jenny was the first one to gather herself together "wow, talk about waking up on the wrong side of the bed." Michelle spoke up before I'd even pushed myself to my feet, "This is even better than that time you toppled down the stairs after waking up!" I had to admit, this was just about as funny and a lot less painful, so it was defiantly better than the time I'd token that wrong turn and toppled down the stairs. "Yeah yeah, laugh it up girls." I said as I stood up and stretched out, I looked over to the two, "let's go." I mumbled with sleep and pain entwined with my voice.
The three of us sat at the table and ate breakfast together, all three of us seemed to be in the same sleepy state. I eventually finished and walked outside to fetch the morning paper, I opened it and browsed through it quickly, not spotting anything aside from a Royal wedding that happened while I was gone, nothing really provoked my interest. I tossed the paper onto the couch and called for Michelle and Jenny to come meet me in the living room. The two entered shortly after and we all sat down for a moment. This was where I would talk to them about our situation.
The silence that filled the room for a short moment was quite awkward. "So, this is where we've arrived." I said looking at the two. "As you both know I brought Michelle here on purpose and Jenny you got stuck here un-intentionally." The two nodded in agreement. "And I take it you'd like to go home Jenny?" I asked. Jenny looked down and then up, "Well...I'd rather stay here...." I was actually taken by surprise, "You do?" Michelle remained quiet, Jenny nodded, "Yes if it's okay with you and that princess...I'd love to stay here...I've noticed it's a heck of a lot better than earth." I stood up and walked over, Jenny looked up, "He's going to say no!" Jenny thought, but this is what caught her off guard, I gave her a big hug. "Of course you can stay!" I said as I hugged her, I decided to levitate Michelle over too and bring her into the group hug, the three of us stood there hugging each other all with a great grin plastered on our faces.
Shortly after we has our little meeting I decided to celebrate the occasion with some ice-cream and treats down by Sugar Cube Corner, I'd invited Twilight and the others, Michelle and Jenny tagged along of course being as they were the main part of the Celebration, somehow Pinkie had found out and had an entire surprise party planned out and set up by the time we arrived. "SURPRSIE!" Pinkie yelled out as the eight of us all entered. I nearly fell over, Dashie jumped up, Fluttershy dived for a nearby table, Rarity gasped and nearly fainted, Twilight just blinked, and Applejack began to laugh, Michelle and Jenny jumped up and hugged onto each other startled by the surprise. Pinkie bounced over giggling, "Wow I guess I really surprised you guys huh!?" I nodded quietly as I tried to calm my heartbeat down, "Jeez pinkie...you're gonna' give me a heart attack!" I said regaining my balance, "But....It's a great surprise..." I said through a weak smile. Pinkie's face brightened up and she leapt up and gave me a hug, "Oh I'm so glad you like it!" Pinkie jumped back off and frolicked over to the cake, "Well well!? what do you think?" I walked over and looked to it. "It's amazing." I said, honestly it was the best cake I've ever laid eyes upon. My mouth actually watered as Pinkie described the moist delicious triple chocolate cake. Michelle and Jenny followed my gaze and look, I heard a snicker from behind and found Rainbow Dash hovering beside me with a great big smirk on her face, "oh my gosh...you should see your faces!" Dashie burst out into laughter as she finished the sentence, I playfully tackled her over, "Oh well you should see your face!" I began to give her a noogie as I was tackled over by two other bodies, Michelle and Jenny, both began to poke me, and try to get me to let go of Dashie who was too busy laughing her flank off to try to escape the group, eventually everypony even Fluttershy had joined in, we all laughed, cried tears of joy and eventually I found myself being air-tackled by Dashie and Fluttershy, unfortunately I have rotten luck and wound up covered in cake.
After a quick clean with the help of magic the group ate what was left of the cake, we talked and chatted about the wedding which I had missed, I was surprised to find out that Twilight had a brother, "Well as long as everything worked out." I commented towards the end as we wrapped up the changeling attack and such, I gave a polite nod and Michelle, Jenny and I began to walk home, it seemed to be around 9:38 PM, The sun was beginning to set and I got the great idea, "take my hand." I said offering one to each of them, they gradually took my hands, I used my magic to stabilize the three of us as I lunched up into the sky and settled us down on a cloud, "What are we doing up here?" Michelle asked, I pointed ahead, "Watching the sunset of course." Michelle nodded and leaned on my shoulder, I almost leaned back onto her head when I found Jenny leaning on my other shoulder... I wasn't exactly sure what to do at this point, so I put my arms around each of them and held them as we watched the last of the orange disperse from the sky and become a calm dark blue.