• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 6,502 Views, 562 Comments

What Changes May Come - Bluegrass Brooke

Cheese Sandwich returns to Ponyvillle and discovers his love for Pinkie. To his surprise, she loves him back! Will he and Pinkie be willing to accept the changes and challenges that follow?

  • ...


Cheese blinked away the early morning light filtering around the curtain. A tantalizingly warm May breeze swept across the bedroom. Sighing contentedly, he nuzzled his wife's side. The sweet scent of her coat was intoxicating. Lying next to her was the best feeling in the world. But, they had work today. "Pinkie, it's time to get up."

"Urgh. Too tired." The mare burrowed her head against his chest. "A few more minutes."

How could I resist that? Cheese chuckled, kissing her on the forehead. "All right. I'll make us breakfast. Kay?"


As carefully as he could, he slid out of bed and pulled the quilt over Pinkie. Though they had been married for a few months already, it still felt bizarre to wake up beside her. He kept thinking that he would wake up and be alone again. Thankfully that was never the case.

Their bedroom was a bit of a wreck, but that was to be expected after a weeklong party tour. Pinkie had insisted on it, as it was warm enough to travel and his Cheesie sense had been driving him to fits. They had had a lot of fun, laughing, singing, and raising the level of cheer in all the cities they visited. For some reason, Pinkie had insisted on cutting their last stop short and heading home. It worried him, but she kept declaring that she was fine.

He jumped a little when something pinched hard on his tail. "Gummy, what are you up to? Geeze, come on." Dragging the alligator out of the room, he made his way to the kitchen. Though he and Pinkie had done an incredible amount of work on the place, it still needed repair. At least their paint job made for a cheery atmosphere.

Depositing the alligator on the tile, he started pulling out a pan for breakfast. "Don't go eating stuff again. You've been really bad lately." The alligator blinked at him, seemingly acknowledging the request. "Good. You stay and I'll feed you later."

With a practiced efficiency, he whipped up some pancake batter and started frying some. Instinctively, he reached for the chocolate chips, but stopped himself. Lately Pinkie had decided that she no longer liked chocolate chips which was simply ridiculous. If there was one thing Pinkie loved, it was chocolate chips. Still, he was happy to oblige her whim even if it made no sense. After a few minutes, the plain pancakes were done. "There. Now for you, Gummy."

The alligator trundled over to his food dish, looking up expectantly at Cheese. With a little flourish, Cheese dropped two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches sans the jelly into the bowl. "Here you are." Gummy glowered a little. Cheese clucked disapprovingly. "Sorry, but you have way too much sugar as is. You can have some jelly for dinner. Kay?"

Cheese took the alligator's munching as a sign of approval. After setting the table, he glanced around for Pinkie. Where is she? Geeze, still asleep, huh? Sighing, he trotted down the hallway to fetch her. "Pinkie, you really need to get up. You've got work at the Corner today."

When he walked into the room, Pinkie was lying on top of the quilt, glowering at the floor. Cheese's heart skipped a beat. "You not feeling good again? I can go to the doctor with you, Harvey won't mind if I take the morning off."

Pinkie looked up at Cheese, then back down at the floor. "Don't need to go to the doctor. I went yesterday. I'm not sick."

"Not sick?" He trotted over to her, placing a scarred hoof on her head. There was no fever. He attempted to make eye contact with her, but she kept staring at the boards. Snorting in frustration, he lifted her chin with his hoof. "Pinkie, those floorboards can't be that interesting."

"I uh," Pinkie flushed a little, cringing at Cheese's stare. "they aren't really."

"What's wrong? You keep saying you're not sick but then you act completely different." Cheese stroked her long mane gently. "Maybe you're sick and you don't know it. I'm worried about you."

"There's nothing to be worried about." Pinkie wanted nothing more than to crawl in a corner. But, she had to face reality. "I'm not sick, Cheese. It's perfectly normal for somepony in my condition."

"You're condition?" Their entire conversation was confusing him to no end. He spoke a little more firmly. "What's wrong, Pinkamena?"


"Quit saying that!" He stamped a hoof against the floor. "I'm not stupid, I know when something's up."

Pinkie rolled her eyes, pinning her ears. "Oh do I have to spell it out, Cheese?" Judging from his expression, she did. "I'm pregnant! I'm not sick, I'm going to have a foal."

"WHAT?" Cheese took a few steps back, a strange chill crashing over him like a wave. His voice was shaky, "Are you serious?"

"Of course I am. Why would I lie about something like that?" Pinkie snorted, curling into a tighter ball.

Cheese felt his legs shaking uncontrollably. "How . . . how far along?"

"Almost four months."

"FOUR MONTHS?" He trotted back over to her, concern filling his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I wanted to make sure first. The doctors confirmed it yesterday." Pinkie's voice shook a little as she stared into his eyes. "I'm sorry, Cheese. So sorry."

"Why in Equestria are you apologizing?" Cheese stroked her coat gently. "There's nothing to be sorry about."

"But, but . . ." Tears streamed down her cheeks. "We're so young, and I don't know how to be a mother."

"Oh, Pinkie." Cheese sat beside her, clutching her in a tight hug. He stroked her back listening to her sobs. "Don't cry, please don't cry. Having a foal isn't something to be sad about." The sobs came slower then, eventually stopping. "You'll be an amazing mother. And it's not like we're alone in life. Between our friends and your family, we'll get by."

Pinkie pressed her face into his chest, feeling his steady breaths calm her nerves. "You know, it's neat." She glanced down at her side, "There's a whole new life growing inside of me."

"Yeah." Cheese pressed Pinkie to the quilt, kissing her all over. "Thank you, thank you, Pinkie. I'm the luckiest stallion in the world." He nickered softly, "I love you as much as life itself. And," His whispered softly in her ear, "I'll love this foal with all my heart."

"That's good. 'Cause he or she is going to need a great Dad." Pinkie sighed, rolling upright again. "We'd better get to work."

"Will you be okay?" Cheese's eyes focused nervously on her side.

"Of course. It's a baby, not a disease." She jumped to the floor, trotting to the door. "See? Now who's late?"

"Not fair." Cheese laughed loudly, joining his wife. To think that in a few months he would be a father. Life seemed to love throwing curve balls at them. At least this one was more than welcome.

Comments ( 61 )

Pinkie being pregnant with a foal on the way, I smell a sequel! :pinkiecrazy:

5249185 yeah same here i smell a sequel for this story too

Congratulations to the happy couple, and to you, too, for finishing! That must feel great.

Excited for your next shipfic! I just can't wait. Congratulations on finishing this great story. See you soon!

5249267 It's been a LONG road. I'm super excited to complete my first big project! Now there's a big hole that needs filled with more CheesePie goodness.

This was a great story. I love this long travel, but it was a well worth one. Great job. I can't wait to read future sequel stories and the Apple/Flim ship story. I can't wait for that. Thanks again for this story. I loved these last to chapters the most. Good luck and thank you.

5249369 You're welcome. Glad you liked it, especially the last chapters. It was so nerve wracking publishing them knowing that they would be the last! I can't wait to get started on the ApplejackFlim story and my other ships. The ships have set sail!


Congrats for finishing it! This was a wonderful ride! :twilightsmile:

Amazing story! Thanks for not leaving it unfinished!

I think I died of cuteness :rainbowkiss: wait....foal!! *cough* *cough squeal *cough* *cough* :heart: :derpytongue2:

5249470 5249487
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun to write.

5249464 It's great to hear that my story can bring such a range of emotions. That was my goal from the start. I can't wait for the sequel myself. The best and worst thing about slice of life is that life goes on. It's great because there's always room for expansion, but bad because you'll never capture everything.

5249508 No story left behind! If you start it, you ought to finish it. That's my philosophy anyway.

Aww so sweet a happy ending and after all he's been through in his life cheese certainly deserves it. :pinkiehappy:

At first I was concerned that Pinkie might have diabetes or something, but PREGNANT? Can you say awesome!? That ending was so sweet too. My wife and I are hoping for one of our own soon so this hit close to home. Thank you, truly.

This was an amazing story! :pinkiehappy: Gosh, it feels weird now it's over, huh?

This was so adorable:raritystarry: Unfortunately, I'm sad that this story is over now, because I really enjoyed it:fluttercry: Anyways, is that a sequel I sense?:duck: No rush though. Congratulations to you as well, it must feel nice for you to have finished. I'm definitely going to recommend this:) Thank you very much for writing this story, it was an amazing ride:pinkiesmile:

5251065 So glad you enjoyed it. Though it was difficult to write, I enjoyed every minute. I thought Pinkie's pregnancy was a good way to tie things up on a happy note. Children are such a blessing.

5254952 No problem. :twilightsmile: I love these two together and it's so good to have them finally married! Gah! Only took 38 chapters to do it. Anywho, there will be some short story sequels featuring just them. CheesePie will be an element in my upcoming fic An Honest Life, so look forward to a little CheesePie goodness along with some Applejack and Flim shenanigans.

5257732 That sounds great:pinkiehappy: I'm excited:)

Aw, I wish we could have a least seen the wedding! Why no wedding?! This is a downright amazing story though, I love it!

5273933 The wedding was a bit too much both to write and for the story itself. The point of slice of life is that life moves on after the story. I kind of wanted to convey that. Anyway, I'm glad you liked my story. :twilightsmile: Look forward to some more in the future.

This story is soooo long. But it's CheesePie... but it's looooong. I don't tend to read stories this long... But. It's. CheesePie.

I thiiiiiink I'll put it into my favs. I'll get around to it sometime. (Why didn't I read this sooner?)

5282796 Just don't try to read it in one sitting. That would be suicide.

5274336 It would have been nice to at least hear how Pinkie's friends would react to the news, since earlier they were upset with Oinkie not spending enough time with them and now she getting married!!

5345000 Well . . . they weren't at all surprised. And, considering that they now know about Cheese's past, they more than agreed that Cheese needed Pinkie's support. They were all pretty understanding of Pinkie's decision though Applejack was a little nervous. Didn't write it out in part because it would have taken so long and writing the wedding scene would have been really tough! There would have been so many characters that the writing quality would have suffered drastically. Don't like to disappoint, but I didn't feel I had the skills to do the scene justice. Needless to say, I will allude to the wedding in future stories.

I am not good at wedding scenes either. I think Sketcha pulled it off pretty good in RFD but then again it depends on the story and the setting, I don't think all stories have to include the wedding it can be mentioned but sometimes its not worth writing because it might come out boring so i understand completely wedding scenes are HARD to write XD.

Hey BB dont mind if i ask you something? While reading this please do not take this as me being angry but marble was being a complete jerkass to her older sister. i dont know if it was intentional or not but i felt marble was very unlikeable and that limestone and maud are the only ones who aren't hard on pinkie like she is. heck even in my story marble is a bit of a jerk towards pinkie i guess marble comes off as the jerky little sister. XD

5345718 Oh, I'm not mad. Everyone has their own opinions. :twilightsmile: I chose Storm's punishment because it was essentially granting him a taste of his own medicine. For someone as powerful and influential as Storm Scribe, being brought to a powerless state where he would be forced to face his own demons over and over again seemed a fitting punishment. And I suppose it is a slow death sentence. But, I don't see that as un-ethical given the circumstances (just my personal belief there), so I had no qualms about Storm's punishment.

As far as Luna being surprised, I bring back the fact that all of the known cases where her and Celestia fought villains in the show. In all those cases, there was a black and white line between what was right and what was wrong. The villains always had grandiose plans of conquering empires or enslaving ponies. Luna was shocked that it was not the oppression of many, but the complete and total control he held over another pony, his own son. It was the fact that evil could be so sneaky, that it did not have to take a monstrous, world threatening form to cause so much harm. In a similar way to Nightmare Moon, it was internal, a slow progression coupled with a complete and utter disregard for another pony's life. That's what bothers Luna, it reminds her of the darkest aspects of life and her own faults.

5346057 Certainly not angry! :pinkiesmile: It's a valid point. The way I see and write Marble is that she is insecure. Though beautiful and skilled with rock farming, she's afraid that she has no especially vibrant talents. She fears that ponies will only see her as a pretty faced rock farmer, nothing more. In short, she doesn't have the self confidence that Maud, Limestone, and Pinkie Pie possess. It's that lack of self confidence that leads her to lash out verbally to hide her jealousy. Marble tries incredibly hard to prove herself, so hard in fact that she finds fault in anypony that gives less than the same amount of effort. I plan on going more into that with my Limestone x Stalactite short I'll be writing, but that's the gist. Hope that answered your question . . .

It did thanks for going into more detail on it. Trying to be something compared to your more confident siblings is really hard I understand that I feel the same way with my siblings. Insecurities suck big time and I can't wait to see that limestone x stalactite fanfic. :scootangel:

5401052 Yeah . . . I wrote that many moons ago. All of this is self edited, so I'm bound to have missed some details along the way. Thanks so much for pointing that out! It all blends together after a while. If you want to proofread, by the heavens go for it! I would be eternally grateful. Do as much as you'd like, though I'll warn you the story goes on for about 37 chapters. Glad you're enjoying it.

5424956 Glad you're enjoying my story. It's been fun reading your comments! :pinkiehappy: I've put so much effort into this story over the months, and I'm happy it shows.I wish I could edit it to get the little pieces polished, but it's just too long. All I can hope for is to write better in the future. Thanks for reading, and the wonderful comments!

5444608 He, he. :twilightblush: I'll fix that. I was wondering about that when I was typing it up months ago. Thanks for catching that.

5554161 Awweee. Glad you're enjoying it. :twilightsmile: Thanks for favoriting!

I really enjoyed reading this story. It had such a great ending.:yay:

I loved every word of this story. It made my laugh, it made me mad (can't tell you how many times I've wanted to punch Storm Scribe in the throat,) and a great happy ending. Bravo.

5661287 Thanks, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'll be writing another long running CheesePie here shortly as well.

5661945 Are you going to use DisneyFanatic2364 oc's, the Tri-Pies (Pinkie and Cheese's triplet daughters in her fics: Raspberry Pie, Blueberry Pie, and Cherry Pie) or your own oc for CheesePie kid?

5662035 He, he. Nope. Gabbro and Apricot, my own OC's. My stories with them are The Best Kind of Surprise and What Good is Magic?

The long running story I will be posting isn't in the same universe. It's a dark AU CheesePie based on the idea of what Cheese would be like if he stayed in Manehattan. It's not a happy go lucky fic, and will be a LOT darker than this one.

5836062 A unicorn can't cast magic without his horn in my headcanon. The reason is actually explained in my story This Cruel and Random World.

Essentially, it is because the source of all magic is like a fast flowing river through the heart of the world. It is purity itself, and when a part of the river, it cannot be corrupted. Corruption happens when the magic is pulled out of the stream and not released. These stagnant pools of magic fester and become chaos magic. Alicorns and powerful beings like Discord can draw from the river directly, granting them a larger share of magic, but also increasing their propensity for corruption (Discord is the exception because of the way he draws the magic). Unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies draw their magic through wells. For unicorns, this is the Tree of Harmony and their horn is the conduit by which they connect with the Tree. When it is severed, they can't connect to the river, and thus can't use magic (also has other nasty side effects).

I can see Pinkie having triplets. One earth, one pegasi and one unicorn. Oh all the little pies running around, each one a different shade of pink.

5932332 Glad it helped! :pinkiehappy: Yeah, we need more stories with Pinkie and the Cakes.

This was a very good read. I had started a few years ago, but I lost track. I don't regret taking the time to reread everything. This was a very enjoyable length as it was not too long and not too short.

Grammar wise, there were a few mistakes here and there. Nothing that scratched my chalkboard and nothing that distracted from the story. Remember to spell names correctly.
It's hard to remember back to other chapters, but I don't believe there were any plot holes.
Pacing wise, the romance didn't feel rushed. Although at the beginning, I felt that we should've at least seen Cheese mess up a few parties before he headed to Ponyville. The beginning felt rushed. All of the sudden, Cheese is going to Ponyville, without a prior explanation. What!!! That's what I was thinking when I first read it. It didn't draw away from the story, honestly. Cheese messing up a party would be a better hookline for readers. Your hookline did draw me in, but it still felt sudden.
The emotion went up and down, and it dragged me with it. I didn't cry, though. Balancing emotion and healing your characters can sometimes be troubling. There are stories where you feel like it's a constant down pour of darkness and pain where you become depressed yourself, and others where they heal like nothing happened and everything's hunkie-dorie. The healing process for Cheese was very realistic. In future stories, I see that Cheese still suffers from nightmares and panic attacks. Pain never goes away; it's how you live with it.
The punishment, while dark, was fitting for Storm Scribe. I admit it was very medieval. In America, that would never happen, sadly. I wish there was redemption for Starlight. There were redeeming qualities. Her testimony kind of destroyed that. I admit that I'm glad Cheese forgave her enough to find a good place for her.

All those details aside, I really enjoyed the story. I'm not a uber big fan of romantic stories, but I will read them as long as they're good. This was a very satisfying read. I enjoyed every second of it.

Keep up the great work!

PS please write a story about Milo :rainbowkiss:

Lol, same. I literally laughed for like five minutes. . .

6225033 Goodness, thank you for the lovely comment. I'm soooo happy my story could bring out that kind of emotion. Makes my day to hear that it's impacted someone. Kind of funny really. This is my first and worst-written novel, so I tend to be very hard on it. Glad to know that, despite the low writing quality, it's still being enjoyed by folks. ^^

Yeah, I had someone try to read this story in one day. O___O It ain't gonna work, it ain't gonna work.

Oh brava. What an excellent journey (and it's only just begun!).


Yeah, I had someone try to read this story in one day. O___O It ain't gonna work, it ain't gonna work.

It only took me about 10 hours to read the whole thing. (All in one sitting, too... I also finished at about 5; at this point I may as well start on your next story, since I'll be getting up for breakfast soon. :twilightsheepish:)

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