• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 6,500 Views, 562 Comments

What Changes May Come - Bluegrass Brooke

Cheese Sandwich returns to Ponyvillle and discovers his love for Pinkie. To his surprise, she loves him back! Will he and Pinkie be willing to accept the changes and challenges that follow?

  • ...

With You, It's All Okay

Author's Note:

Wow, sorry about the wait guys. Needless to say this took a lot longer than usual. But, after struggling through a lot of problems (including a broken computer), I have finally managed to complete it. I decided, since you had to wait so long, and this arc had a lot in it, I would upload a special chapter. This one's over twice the normal length, and I tried to do some additional tie ins/foreshadowing and expand on some things I haven't made note of yet. Anywho, I do hope you enjoy it, and let me know what you think in the comments. Thanks so much for being patient!

"Come on Gummy!" Pinkie whisked the alligator off her bed, and out the door. She was running late and knew it. That's what I get for writing all night. Writing in her diary was a ritual she had for years, but last night after all the excitement with the Cakes and Cheese, it seemed a necessity to scroll down her thoughts. Unfortunately for her sleep schedule, she had plenty of thoughts to write down. She skidded to a halt at the bottom of the stairs, turning to see a very perplexed pair of ponies.

"Pinkie dear, you do know you have the day off?" Mrs. Cake turned to her husband for back up.

Mr. Cake grinned at the frantic party pony. "That's right. No need to rush Pinkie. You deserve a day off."

"I'm not worried about work." Pinkie started to prance anxiously, "It's just Rarity and Fluttershy are always inviting me to their spa day, but since I work Mondays, I don't normally get to go." She adjusted Gummy's position on her back. "So me and Gummy are headed over right now."

"Oh, my. That sounds lovely. Better get going then." The couple waved kindly as Pinkie shot out of the store, curly mane flying backwards.

Somehow, she managed to skid into the spa only about ten minutes late. She looked around, spotting the mares, and trotted up to them. "Hey girls. Sorry I'm late."

Fluttershy stared in surprise, "Pinkie? I thought you had work."

"Yes, darling. But, I'm glad you could make it." Rarity gestured to the empty chair beside her. "We're just getting our facials, do join us."

"Okey dokey then." Pinkie reclined next to the girls, grinning broadly. It was a rare treat to get a Monday off.

"Say, Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy and I were just discussing what was something going on yesterday." Rarity adjusted the cucumbers now placed over her eyes. "We ran into Twilight this morning, and she said she was just coming home."

"Oh yes." Fluttershy nodded, looking concerned. "She looked so tired."

"Yes, and she said she was in Fillydelphia all day yesterday helping with a train derailment." Rarity gesticulated dramatically, "It's just dreadful. Thank Celestia nopony was hurt."

"But she said the Cakes were on the train and that you and Cheese had watched the twins all day." The pegasus' eyes were filled with concern, "Did they make it back okay? How were the twins?"

"Yup, they came back last night." Pinkie stroked Gummy happily. "We were really worried, but it all worked out. The twins were a bit sad, but Cheesie was really great and cheered them up in no time." She giggled, remembering how much fun he had playing with the foals.

Fluttershy smirked knowingly, "So, how was it?"

"How was what?" Rarity's love of cucumber slices caused her to miss Fluttershy's look.

"Oh, you know." Flutttershy giggled, "Was it a little distracting having your stallion around all night?"

Pinkie snorted with surprise, and flushed crimson. Rarity shot up, cucumbers dislodging from her eyes. "What are you implying Fluttershy?"

With a little giggle, Fluttershy started to twirl her lilac mane. "Oh, just if my stallion was staying the night, I'd feel a little nervous. You know?"

Pinkie giggled too, "Yeah. It was a little awkward." The party pony began to play with her own mane, "But Cheesie's such a gentlepony. When I was too sad to stay around the twins, he took me to my room-"

Rarity stared, her mouth hung open, "-he took you to your room?"

Her face was really red now, and she shook her head and hooves vigorously. "No! No! It wasn't like that Rarity. He just made me go to bed, and left. Honest." To her surprise, she found herself feeling just a touch disappointed at that. Pinkie, get a grip! "He slept on the couch, and watched the twins for me."

"Oh, that's okay then." Rarity found her own snow white cheeks going a little red. "How's that going anyway?"

"What going?" Lifting a hoof, she played with the facial cream over her own face.

"You know, you and Cheese." Rarity leaned forward expectantly.

Fluttershy's eyes grew wide with excitement. "I want to know too."

"Really well." Shifting over, she looked at her friends, "We get along so well, and he's so kind. He's dependable, funny, smart, and really great with foals too."

Rarity rolled her eyes. Puppy love, mark my words. "Don't you think you two are rushing things a tad?"

"Huh? We're just dating Rarity. Spending time together, getting to know each other. Isn't that how it's supposed to work? It's not like we're getting married tomorrow." Pinkie giggled at the pleasant thought.

The pegasus grinned at Pinkie. "I'm so glad it's working out. I was a bit scared when you said you were dating, but there's nothing to worry about. Right Rarity?"

"Right." Rarity frowned at the pair of giddy mares. They're acting like school yard fillies. Am I the only pony with common sense in this place?

After their facials, they had a mud bath, then went to soak in the massive bathtubs. Rarity loved her spa days more than anything, and the soaking was her favorite part. Now's as good a time as any to bring it up. "Say, girls? I have a favor to ask, if you don't mind."

"Oh, not at all. Ask anything. What are friends for?" Fluttershy smiled, and watched Gummy swim laps in the bubbly water.
Rarity puffed her chest out a bit. "I've had some great news from Manehattan."

Pinkie stopped splashing with her pet, staring wide eyed at Rarity. "Manehattan?" She saw her friends surprised stares at her overreaction. Ever since Cheese's stories, she had not had pleasant thoughts of the city.

"That's right." Rarity grinned, "There's a big, exclusive competition coming up in two weeks. I've been chosen as one of the six designers to display my talents." Rarity splashed with excitement, "Eeeee! The winner gets to have the top models in the city pose with their fall line up and be featured throughout the city. Isn't it wonderful?"

Fluttershy gave her friend a big hug. "Wow, that's just wonderful Rarity."

"Yeah, it's great." Somehow, Pinkie's chest was filled with a sense of dread at Rarity's words. Cheese's mom is one of the top models in the city. Does that mean she would model for Rarity? Oooh, I don't want a pony as nasty as her anywhere near her! She looked at Rarity's happy expression. But, she's so happy. I can't disappoint my friend. Pinkie forced a smile to her face. "I'm happy for you Rarity."

"Oh thank you both. It's just I need your support when I go." She clasped Fluttershy's hooves in her own. "Would you mind giving me some last minute advice on my lineup?"

"Of course, I'd be happy to Rarity." This is going to be so fun!

Rarity turned to Pinkie, "Pinkie dear, I've got a special request for you. You see, on the first night of the contest, we designers have to plan out a showcase event. It's like a formal party to show off the line, and meet with the big shots." Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, "Could you, would you do me the honor of planning it for me?"

Pinkie gulped, her stomach churned very uncomfortably. "Sure, but I'm not good with fancy parties Rarity." The memory of the gala was still fresh in her mind. "But, Cheesie probably knows more about them. I can ask him if you want."

"Do, do. Why with two party planners working together, it will be oh so fabulous." She hugged Pinkie tight, "I don't know what I'd do without you Pinkie."

"Ha ha. Yeah." Pinkie looked down, feeling terrible now. Stupid Pinkie! Why did you have to bring up Cheesie? He's not going to want to have anything to do with this. Oh, what do I do?

It was close to sunset, when Pinkie made her way over to see Cheese. She had spent the morning with the girls, then gone home. Try as she may to prepare for Rarity's event, she knew she did not have the skill to plan something so fancy alone. There was no way around it; she needed his help. Oh, why did I have to bring him into this mess?

Her hooves felt like lead as she walked towards the house Cheese was living. Brahm was not one for decorating; the small yard was overgrown with weeds, and the blue paint was peeling on the shutters. She knocked on the door, and started backwards when she saw the burly stallion in front of her. His breath stunk like hard cider, and she recognized his stubbly face at once. "Hey, Brahm. Is Cheesie there?"

Brahm looked down at the mare, staring hard at her scar. This was the closest look he had of Pinkie sense the accident, and he was shocked by the extent of her injury. After a few seconds, he recovered himself, and shook his head. "Yeah. He's round back, fixing a wagon for a buddy of mine. He'll be done in a sec." Raising a massive hoof, he motioned her in. "Come on in, it's a bit of a mess though."

Carefully, Pinkie stepped inside the small house. The old floor boards creaked, and she looked around at the small kitchen. Fading wallpaper decorated the walls, and a thick layer of dust coated the unused portions of the shelves. At the center of the room was a very well-worn table covered in the day's newspaper and a large, empty cider mug. Brahm pulled up a chair, motioning her to sit.
"Sorry about this. We don't normally have mares stoppin' by." He quickly shuffled the dirty dishes lying atop the blue countertops into the sink. With a clatter, he brought out a clean mug, filling it with water from a pitcher. He slapped it on the table in front of her, and pulled up a chair himself. He noticed her concerned look, mistaking it for a hygiene concern. "Oh, don't you worry 'bout your stallion. This here's my mess. He's really clean, not like me. He's always tellin' me to pick up. Ha ha…"

Pinkie sighed, shaking her head. She could not help but dread her conversation with Cheese. She looked at Brahm, who looked quite nervous. She smiled at him, "It's okay. I don't mind things a little messy." In truth, despite being a silly party pony, she was not fond of disorganization. Only when she got depressed, would her natural orderly tendencies be put to the wayside.

Brahm fidgeted with his empty mug, trying to grasp some means of conversation. "So, you and Cheese must get along pretty well. He's always goin' on about you like the sun don’t get raised till you give the go ahead."

"He does?" Pinkie found herself flushing a little. She thought about Cheese all the time, but she had not imagined he would too. It felt really nice. And she was about to make him so sad. It didn't feel right. She looked down, frowning.

What's wrong with her? "Listen, if he's done somethin' to ya, let me know. I'll make him take responsibility or my name ain't Brahm."

Pinkie choked on her water, "What?"

"You know…" Brahm leaned forward, flushing slightly, "If he's gone and got you with foal or something."

There was a resounding thud as Pinkie struck the stallion hard in the head with her mug, sending him to the ground. Her face was redder than it had ever been in her life. "No! By Celestia, where did you get an idea like that? Geeze!" She stood, huffing indigently. "For you to suggest that I'm some loose mare? You've got nerve mister!"

Brahm chuckled, then burst out laughing. "My, you're quite the spitfire when you're mad. Like my ex." He rubbed his cheek, filled with new admiration for the party pony.

There was the clatter of hooves, and the back door opened to reveal an exasperated Cheese Sandwich. "All right Brahm, which mare have you insulted today?" He turned with shock to see Pinkie standing in the kitchen, giving Brahm a death glare. "Pinkie? What are you doing here? I thought you'd be at home."

"Cheesie." Trotting over to him, she fixed her eyes menacingly at Brahm.

Cheese looked between the two, trying to judge the situation. He had never seen Pinkie so mad. He looked at his mare, "You all right? Brahm didn't attack you did he?"

"No, by thunder." Brahm stood, shaking himself off. "We was just chattin' when all of a sudden she goes feral on me."

Pinkie huffed, standing close to Cheese for backup. "Well, you deserved it." Pinkie stuck her tongue out dramatically at the stallion. She looked into Cheese's emerald eyes, "He suggested we were-"Flushing, she looked at the ground. "-sleeping together."

"You did what?" Now Cheese was starting to get angry himself. "I suggest you take that back this instant Brahm."

"All right, all right." Brahm turned to the irate mare, "Sorry 'bout upsetting your delicate sensibilities miss. I'll be choosier with my words in the future."

With a sigh, Pinkie nodded, and turned to Cheese. "Can we go now?"

"Yeah." Cheese decided it was best to separate the two for the moment, and to prevent himself becoming just as angry as Pinkie. "Be back later Brahm. The wagon's done, so why don't you take it over?"

Brahm nodded, grumbling under his breath as he walked out the back door. Cheese steered Pinkie out the front, and they walked in silence for a bit. Satisfied they were far enough away, he turned to Pinkie. "Sorry about that Pinkie. Normally he's all right. He's just a little rough around the edges, bit crude, you know?"

Pinkie nodded, flushing a little. "Sorry about hitting him with the mug."

Cheese's eyes flashed with surprise, "You hit him?"

"Yeah. I just got a little mad I guess." She giggled, "But he was being an obnoxious jerk."

"Right." Cheese chuckled and stared kindly into her blue eyes. "I'm a bit surprised you came to see me today." Without hesitation, he leaned forward, pressing his muzzle to hers. "Surprised, but not unhappy. To what do I owe the honor of your company?"

With a nervous glance at him, she started to paw the ground. The incident with Brahm had pushed the unpleasant truth of the matter to the wayside. Now, with it facing her once more, she found her resolve wavering. "I made a teensy mistake today." She flushed, turning to watch the brilliant sunset over Ponyville. "Rarity made a request, and I accepted without thinking. Now, I've got a problem-"

"-problem?" Cheese leaned in, concerned with Pinkie's sudden shyness. "Everything all right?"

"Yes….no…Oh I don’t know!" She looked into Cheese's eyes, her own sparkling with tears. "I told Rarity I'd help plan this party for her fashion competition in Manehattan. It's super fancy, and all the big shots of the fashion world will be there." She took a breath, continuing her hasty explanation, "-all of the big shots, and all of the best models. Your mom too."

Cheese gulped. So that's the problem. "Pinkie I-"

"-it's all my fault! I should never had said we'd help her. Of course you don't want to talk to that horrible pony. I'm sorry Cheesie." The mare's blue eyes started to mist over. "-I'm really sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" Reaching over, he gave her a big hug. "There's no reason for you to apologize. My problem with my mother is my business." He lifted her head gently, "You don't have to shoulder my burden, got it?"

With a sniff, she nodded agreement. "Okay." For a while more, she clutched him tightly, savoring that wonderful earthy smell she loved more than anything else. She smiled weakly up at him. "You okay with helping?"

Cheese nodded, feeling his chest tighten. "Yeah, it's about time I stop running from her. Besides-" He grinned back at Pinkie, "-as long as you're with me, I think I can handle just about anything." He looked meaningfully into the now dark sky, voice very quiet, "-Just as long as he's not there."

"Your dad?" Gently, she pressed her side to his, feeling the stallion's racing heartbeat.

Cheese gulped, "Yeah, him."

"Don't worry. He won't be there, it's just the models." Pinkie nuzzled him affectionately, happy the issue was resolved. "Still, I don't see how we're going to plan a formal party."

"Hmmm." Cheese closed his eyes, trying to imagine such a party. All he could think of were his mother's dinner parties, and they were the opposite of a good time. "Doesn't exactly sound fun does it?"

"Nope." She giggled, playing with his mane, "It's silly to think of it as a party. Maybe, a get together, but not a party. Do you know what to do for it?"

"Oh I've got a good idea, but we'll have to make it a lot different than normal." He grinned back at Pinkie, watching the moonlight reflect in her eyes. "It'll be just fine. We can work on getting it set up tomorrow if you want."

"Okay." Pinkie hugged him, then turned back to town. "I've got to get home, the Cakes will worry."

"All right. Night." Cheese stood, watching Pinkie flounce out of sight. Despite his words of encouragement, he still felt a terrible sense of dread about the whole request. What do you say to somepony like her? Sorry I ran away? Why didn't you look for me? What did I do wrong? He gulped, tears streaming down his muzzle. "I just wanted you to love me."

She's just a touch too excited. Rarity watched as Pinkie Pie hopped another lap around them as they waited at the station. She was quite happy her friend was so enthusiastic, but it did get a little tiresome. "Pinkie, dear, to try to control yourself."

The mare screeched to a halt, saluting Rarity. "Okey dokey. But I'm just so happy!" She giggled, hugging the two mares affectionately. "Cheesie and I have the best party worked out." Noting the concerned expression on Rarity's face, she grinned slyly, "Don't worry Rarity, it's super fancy. But-" She started to hop once more. "-but we have the best after party planned for just us friends. And that's going to be great!"

"Oooh. That sounds nice Pinkie." Fluttershy had to admit, she was just as excited as Pinkie, though she did not show it in the same way as her friend. "Where's Cheese?"

"Oh, he's coming after work. Since he's taking an early weekend, he wanted to work a little today." Pinkie joined her friends by the luggage, waiting for the stallion and the train. She did not have long to wait, as she soon heard Cheese's distinct hoof beats.

The party stallion grinned from under his traveling hat. "Hey Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy. Sorry I'm late."

Pinkie shot to him like a bullet, and gave him an affectionate nuzzle on the cheek. "That's okay Cheesie." Her eyes darted over the poncho donned stallion. "You brought Boneless 2?"

"Sure did." He pulled the rubber chicken off his back with a flourish. "You bring the party supplies?"

"Yup." She gestured to a pink suitcase, and sighed. "I just wish we could bring the cannon. You sure you don't want me to bring it Rarity?"

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Quite sure, dear. I'm certain what you brought will be just fine."

There was a familiar call of the train, and they watched it pull into the station. Cheese helped Rarity carry her supplies onto the train, and the friends found an empty compartment to settle into. The train moved away, and they prepared themselves for the long ride ahead of them. In no time at all, the party ponies busied themselves with a rousing came of cards.

"Gah! Cheesie, how is that fair?" Pinkie stared incredulously at Cheese, gesturing to the move he just made.

Cheese smirked, "I told you, that's what the rules say."

"What kind of silly game is this anyway?" She huffed, looking down at the cards, then hard into Cheese's green eyes.

"It's called spite and malice. At least I think that's what it's called." Closing his eyes, he tried to remember where he had first learned the game. With a clap of his hooves, he beamed at the mare, "That's right, I learned it from a traveling trick pony."

"What?" She leaned in close, sweet breath mixing with his. Cheese started to flush, and she giggled. "That sounds silly. What kind of pony was he?"

"She was a little weird. Kept referring to herself in the third person. Trixie the great and powerful or something like that." He looked at the mares, who were all starting at him in shock.

Rarity gaped at the stallion, "You met Trixie?"

"Oh, you know her too?" Wow, I didn't think they would.

"Yeah." Pinkie was a bit surprised she would neglect to tell him of such an important story. "I've gotta bring you up to speed."

For the next hour, the girls took turns describing their unfortunate encounters with Trixie the great and powerful. Cheese laughed a few times, and looked very concerned when they told of the alicorn amulet incident. Pinkie was a great storyteller, and he was enthralled by the tale (or was it the mare). He was a little surprised when they all leaned in close to him afterwards, eyes expect. Fluttershy inched forward, "Well? When did you meet her?"

He never liked being stared at, and suddenly felt a touch of his old shyness coming back. Turning away, he started his story. "It was a long time ago, when I was a teenager." Why do they have to stare? "Anyway, I went to this fair to learn some party pony tricks, and get some practice doing shows and stuff. On my way from a lesson with the local clown, I noticed a teal unicorn in a wizard hat and cloak sitting on a blanket outside of her wagon."

Pinkie nodded, "Yup, that's Trixie all right."

"Yeah. That's just what she said when I asked her name." He chuckled, remembering her eccentric attitude. "Well, I was a little impressed that a mare a little older than myself had her own show wagon, and I wanted to talk to her more." Pinkie was looked a little mortified, and he ruffled her mane playfully. "Relax, dear. I just wanted to learn the tricks of her trade, not become her."

"Well, she refused to tell me her secrets, magicians are like that you know. But, she said she'd teach me a fun card game, seeing as how I was a party pony." With a hearty chuckle, he continued, "I think she just wanted somepony to play the game with. I picked up the rules quick, and we played for hours. But-" He sighed, "-we had to part ways after that. I went to say goodbye in the morning, but she was already gone. I never saw her again."

"Oooh, I'm glad she isn't all bad." Fluttershy smiled sweetly and grinned at her friends.

Rarity nodded, "Yes, it's good to hear she can be normal."

They all laughed at that, and settled back into their "traveling mode." Pinkie and Cheese played plenty of other games, sometimes with each other, sometimes with Fluttershy. Time flew by, and they arrived in Manehattan in the afternoon.

The hall where the contest was taking place was grandly decorated for the occasion. Pinkie admired the tasteful streamers, wondering if she could make streamers as 'classy,' probably not. Cheese hummed a tune as he walked beside the group. They waited patiently for Rarity to register. The unicorn strode over to them, looking a touch nervous. "So, the preliminary rounds are tonight, with the finals tomorrow. There's only six of us, so only two of us will be in the finals. They'll announce their choices tomorrow after everypony's display tonight." She turned to Cheese and Pinkie. "We're setting up the party in the upstairs suites. Each contestant gets their own room. Could I ask you to start?"

"Sure thing Rarity!" Pinkie hopped up and down with excitement, looking at the stallion. "You ready Cheesie?"

"You know it, Pinkie." He turned, and together they walked out and up the stairs.

The room was so suited to parties, that it seemed silly to use it for anything else. A spacious wood floor provided ample space for dancing or chatting, while a smooth bar allowed for drinks and snacks. Piled against the wall, the exact number of tables needed for the event were ready for use. Pinkie found herself staring in wonder at the perfectly placement of every feature. She turned to Cheese, mouth slightly open, "It's perfect. I wish we had a place like this in Ponyville."

"Yeah, that'd be great." He trotted out into the center of the room, giving a happy dance. "With this, we can give these ponies a party to remember."

"Yup a doodles. Though-" She sighed theatrically, "-we've got to make it extra fancy."

"Oh, right." Lowering his head a little, he gestured to the hall around them, "Such a waste."

"You said it." Giggling a little, she took his hoof, planting a soft kiss on his forehead. "It'll be okay Cheesie. Remember, we've got a big after party to plan too."

"True enough. Let's get started, shall we?" Trotting over to their suitcase of supplies, he set to work decorating the hall. They had brought their most neutral decorations, and Rarity had been gracious enough to make them a few tablecloths that were 'sufficiently subdued.' Still, they felt rather meager compared to the usual fantastic style they knew and loved.

They were borrowing the serving trays, punch bowls, and other general supplies, so there was little left to do apart from setting up the tables, and placing the few decorations on them. For two highly active party ponies, it was done in a matter of minutes.
Pinkie flopped on the floor, rolling around. "Urgh! So boring. How much time till it starts Cheesie?"

"Uh…" Glancing at the clock on the wall, he moaned in frustration. "Another three hours."

"So sad." She looked around at the barren room for something to do, then spotted it. "It's our lucky day Cheesie." Trotting to the corner, she pulled out two oddly shaped cases. Carefully, she opened them to reveal an old violin and a beat up xylophone.

"Wow! Those are great!" Cheese happily set up the xylophone stand, while Pinkie took out the violin. "Let's make some music, shall we?"

Pinkie grinned, starting up a 'gool ol' tune' as Granny Smith would say. Picking up the song almost as fast as she started it, Cheese joined in. Before long, they were playing the most unusual hoedown music either of them had ever heard. Still, the two never lost a beat, and kept up the harmonious, if unconventional music.

They were so engrossed with their little performance, that they scarcely noticed the pair of mares walk into the room. Rarity smiled, and Fluttershy clapped enthusiastically. "That was wonderful you two."

Pinkie ceased her rendition of "Turkey in the Straw", and beamed up at her friends. "Hey guys! How was it?"

"Ughh." Rarity fanned herself theatrically with her hoof. "I was so nervous, but, I do believe we managed to impress more than a few ponies. Fluttershy?"

"Oh yes, they loved it." Fluttershy pointed to the instruments the pair were employing. "Where'd you find those?"

Cheese chuckled and winked playfully at Pinkie, "Oh, Pinkie here just materialized them for us."

"Wow." Fluttershy's grew wide with admiration at her curly maned friend. "I didn't know you could do that."

Rolling her eyes, she ruffled Fluttershy's forelock, "Silly. I can't do that. I found them in the corner." She turned to her stallion. "As you know full well mister."

Cheese shrugged, and grinned slyly at Pinkie. "Well, I wouldn't put it past you, dear." He looked at the hall, frowning, "Say, where are the outfits? We need to set them up."

"Oh don't you worry yourselves about that." Rarity practically giggled with excitement. "I've asked the porters to take them up. I'll arrange them just the right way in that corner. That is, if it suits you."

The exuberant party mare hopped up and down. "Sure thing Rarity. I know it'll be super-duper awesome with you setting them up."

Resting a hoof gently on Pinkie's back, Cheese beamed at the unicorn. "We have full confidence in you. Just-" He gestured to the tables and snacks. "-let the experts handle the party."

They all laughed at this, and settled themselves into some chairs to wait it out. In no time at all, the porters brought the dresses, and Rartiy worked her magic. Pinkie and Cheese went to double and triple check everything was in order, while Fluttershy tried to assist Rarity. Though, in her nervous state, the designer was far from her chipper self.

Soon, ponies began to arrive and the party commenced. As all parties planned by Pinkie and Cheese, it was a total success. Though it was 'elegant' as Rarity would say, it was somehow fun for everypony. When Cheese was helping her plan the party, they agreed that just because it was fancy, does not mean ponies could not have a good time. Instead of their usual crazy activities, they had settled for arranging the tables and snacks all around, to facilitate conversation. It worked brilliantly, and the ponies were laughing and talking the night away.

Cheese took up the violin and played some of his best 'fancy music' to the great enjoyment of the crowd. The party ponies had agreed that the xylophone was a little too weird for such an event, though they were definitely using it for the after party. With ponies having fun all around her, and Cheese occupied, Pinkie took the chance for a little break.

Sitting in the corner, she hummed a cheery tune and did some pony watching. After a few minutes, Rarity trotted over, flopping down on the chair next to her. "Argh! My, that was nerve wracking." She turned to Pinkie, grinning broadly. "Though, they were quite impressed. Things are looking up for the Boutique now, Pinkie."

Pinkie smiled, hugging the mare fondly. "I'm happy for you Rarity."

"Yes, thank you, darling." She clasp her friend's hooves in hers. "Truth be told, I was rather nervous going against so many well-known designers."

Pinkie snorted, rolling her eyes. You're the last pony in Equestria who should be nervous about that. You're a smart, successful business pony who knows what she wants in life. Me on the other hoof… "Say, Rarity?"

"Hmmm, yes?" Rarity's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

She took a deep breath, steadying the butterflies dancing in her stomach, "When we get back to Ponyville, could you maybe tell me how you started the Boutique?"

"Of course, darling. You don't have to be shy." She gave the mare a big hug, "You thinking of starting out on your own?"

"No." Pinkie waved her hooves in the air, then glanced at the hall around her, perfectly suited to parties, calculating. "Well…maybe just a little."

Rarity chuckled, "You don't have to know right away, I certainly didn't. But, I'll teach you the ropes none the less."

"Thank you so much Rarity!" Pinkie snuggled close to her friend, happy that she understood. Together, they sat and discussed the party. It was fun to point out the different ponies, and their sometimes silly antics. Though she would have enjoyed chatting longer, Rarity had to return to her 'adoring public,' leaving Pinkie lost in thought. Me start a business? I don't know. Would any pony take me seriously? Cheesie will, but who else? Hmmm. Guess I'll worry about that later. For now, I can look forward to the after party.


"You did it Rarity!" Pinkie Pie leapt on Rarity as soon as she walked into the prep room. The unicorn's white cheeks flushed red and she hugged her back. She had managed to wow the judges last night, and was placed in the final two for that morning's competition. To her surprise, she won, and could not be happier to share the moment with her friends.

Fluttershy flew over and joined the group. "Oh, congratulations. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks girls." The unicorn fanned herself, trying to staunch the overwhelming excitement filling her chest. She carefully levitated the shining trophy to the powder table, and turned to Cheese who seemed oddly quiet. "I do hope it wasn't too boring for you. I know stallions sometimes don't care for fashion shows."

"No, no." Cheese beamed, and trotted over to the mare. "It was actually really interesting, though Pinkie had to explain some stuff."

"Yeah. He thought the ponies had to dance in the outfits or something." The party mare giggled, pushing Cheese's shoulder playfully.

Rarity beamed at her friends, "I'm so honored you came out to watch me truly. We'll just have to write to the others about our adventure, won't we?"

Fluttershy did a loop the loop, "Oh yes, everyone's going to be so excited."

There was a loud knock at the door, and one of the assistants walked in. The middle aged earth pony was holding a clipboard and had a nervous look plastered on her face. "Miss Rarity, I do hope I'm not interrupting." She walked over to the group, hooves almost shaking. "But, there's been a slight change in models for tomorrow." The pale blue mare looked as though lighting might strike her where she stood. "Starlight Scribe has insisted on modeling your line. Of course, we couldn't say no."

Rarity's eyes bulged with excitement, and she screamed. "Starlight Scribe? The Starlight Scribe wants to model for my line?" She pranced happily, hugging Fluttershy. "This is a very big deal girls, a very big deal." Turning to the assistant, "When are we to meet her?"

The nervous pony clenched her clipboard tighter, "She's just outside in the reception hall. She insists on speaking to you at once."

Cheese had been watching the spectacle with mounting dread. He found his own legs quivering quite as much as the mare's. Pinkie turned to him, the same sort of tension echoed in her features. She inched close to Cheese, and whispered in his ear. "What do we do? Should we tell Rarity?"

"No-" He gulped, trying to steady the nerves that nearly overwhelmed him. "Everypony will know soon enough. Mother's not one for subtlety. Though-" He looked towards the overly excited unicorn, "-you might warn Rarity not to get too excited. She's not a nice pony, I don't want her to hurt Rarity's feelings."

"Right." Pinkie smiled at Cheese, and trotted over to her friend. She leaned into her ear, "Rarity, I think you might try to be a little less excited. Don't want to make her nervous, you know."

"Right." Rarity flushed, and shook herself into a relatively calm state. She started to follow the assistant out, when she realized they were not following. "Do come girls, Cheese. I'm certain she'll want to meet the team."

Together they set off to the hall. Fluttershy kept glancing behind her at the laborious pace Pinkie and Cheese were walking. Their heads were hung low, and they looked better suited for a funeral. What's gotten into them? She flew over, and smiled, "What's wrong you two? I thought you'd be so excited."

Pinkie gulped, shaking her head. She looked at Cheese for support, but he seemed as though he was going to be sick. She turned back to Fluttershy, "It's just. Cheesie knows Starlight and-" Pinkie glanced nervously at Rarity, "-she's anything but a nice pony. We're worried about Rarity."

"Oh." The pegasus walked in time with them. "But Surry was bad too, and it all worked out. I'm sure she can't be much worse than her."

Cheese huffed, and snorted. "Forgive me, Fluttershy, but you have no idea how horrible she is." Turning away, he reverted to his solemn death march.

"Okay." They walked the rest of the way in silence, staying well back from Rarity and the assistant. Finally, they reached the hall where a tall unicorn stood flanked by two assistants. Fluttershy made to fly out, but Cheese held her back, shaking his head. They stood in the entryway, watching as Rarity went out to the mare.

Beautiful did not begin to describe her appearance. She wore an elegant, long cream dress, and a stylish hairpiece to hold up her finely combed white mane. Her coat glistened like finely spun silk in the afternoon sun filtering through the windows. With an appraising glance at Rarity, she inclined her delicate muzzle in a small nod, the most respectful greeting she had. "Rarity, I presume."

"Yes." Rarity nearly squeaked with excitement. She held out a hoof, but the mare did not take it. "It's such an honor to have you model my line, Miss Scribe."

"Please, call me Starlight." She turned to her two assistants, a pair of yellow unicorn mares that might have been twins. Then, her gaze settled on the now quivering pony who had brought Rarity here. "I see I should have sent my own assistants to fetch you. This earth pony seems to have been confounded by the simplest of tasks." Her amber eyes flashed menacingly at the mare. "Did I not tell you to bring her at once, and post haste? My, but you are stupid."

The mare flushed, bowed, than galloped down the hall out of sight. Rarity watched in shock, "Starlight, I don't believe there was any reason to be so rude. It was my fault."

"Nonsense. It is not your fault the messenger was so slow." She smiled at Rarity, white teeth glistening. "I was quite pleased that a unicorn won the competition. The last four years have only seen earth ponies and pegasi take the title. Quite a shame really."

"Yes, truly." Rarity was already starting to become uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. What is wrong with her? They deserve to win every bit as much as unicorns.

"Tell me something, Rarity. I heard your showcase went well last night. Why, I never heard my friend Lightwave praise an event so highly." Resting a hoof on Rarity's back, she leaned in closer, "You must tell me who does your parties."

"Oh, my friends, they're party planners." With a flourish, she gestured for the others to come out. "You simply must meet them Starlight. They really are the best in Equestria."

"I've no doubt." Starlight released Rarity, and stood straight as the two party ponies crept out into the hall.

Cheese could not remember the last time he felt so nervous. Each step felt like lead as he made his way to the mare, Pinkie right beside him. His ears were laid flat, and his head sunk low. Try as he may, he could not think of anything to say to her. Pinkie noticed how nervous he was, and pressed her side to his, whispering, "It'll be okay Cheesie. It'll be okay."

Starlight's eyes flashed with surprise, then a bitter, horrid expression contorted her fine features. She let out a harsh, cruel laugh. "These two? You're party planners? They're earth ponies!" Starting closely at Cheese, she started backwards at the recognition. The cold quality of the laugh grew even more pronounced. "So there you are Rory. I was wondering what kind of gutter you ended up in."

Pinkie looked around, trying to figure out who she was talking to. Then she turned to Cheese who had straightened up. His green eyes flashed determinedly, "Nice to see you too mother."

"Mother?" Rarity stood, mouth hung open, as she glanced from the unicorn to Cheese and back again.

Starlight snorted, and struck her hoof hard against the marble floor. "I'm surprised you'd show your face again after running away." Glancing at his cutie mark, she snorted. "What do you do Rory, cook sandwiches all day? Somehow it fits, you always were preoccupied with food."

Cheese felt his face going red, but he chose his next words carefully. "I wouldn't have been, if you remembered to feed me."

Starlight turned her head indigently, "I had better things on my mind then your care." She turned to Rarity and Fluttershy, who looked thunderstruck. "Rarity, I do apologize for this. But, I am afraid I do not understand your joke."

"Joke?" Rarity glanced between Cheese and his mother, at a loss to understand what was supposed to funny about the situation.

"Yes, I doubt that Rory here is capable of planning anything, let alone a party." She glared at Rarity, "Unless you set this all up so that we would meet?"

"No, she didn't. I'm a party pony, it's my job." Though Cheese was nervous, he found the strength to walk over to her. "But, do I need an excuse to speak to you?"

She frowned, straightening her back. "I have no desire to speak to you. As far as I'm concerned, you left my life the day you ran away." Try as she may, she found herself curious as how her son had come to be here of all places. Continuing cautiously, "However, I see no harm in speaking to you. Well?"

Cheese sighed, "I want to understand." He looked at Pinkie who was standing anxiously a few paces back. Her confident smile gave him all the courage he needed. "Why don't we go someplace else, I don't want to bother my friends with my problems."

The unicorn stared at her son, calculating. He had certainly grown up taller than she expected. Smooth muscles rippled under his coat, and she suspected the stallion was quite strong. If he's anything like Storm, it could be troublesome. Still, his eyes flashed with a sadness her husband's never held. I suppose it's all right. "Very well." She turned to her assistants, "You stay here girls. I won't be long."

Together they walked slowly away, towards a side room. Cheese gave Pinkie a halfhearted smile and whispered, "Be back soon. Okay?"

"Kay." Pinkie watched sadly, as they left, hoping Cheese would come back in one piece.

They walked into the small dressing room, and Starlight closed the door with her magic. She turned to face the stallion, who looked rather distraught. "You want to know why then?"

He gulped, nodding slowly. "Yes."

For a brief moment, she thought of lying to him, of telling a sad tale to gain his sympathy. But no, something in the back of her head told her that it would be foolish and cruel. Despite her past treatment towards him, she did not want to give the stallion yet another reason to hate her. The truth then, as I understand it. She sighed, "I suppose it started with your birth. You do know how terribly unusual it is for two unicorns to have an earth pony foal. Storm was…not pleased to say the least."

She found herself shuddering at the remembrance. "Eventually, he came to understand that I was not intending upon letting you starve to death, and he might as well accept fate." The mare stared hard into Cheese's eyes. "At first, things were okay. He assumed I would simply have a unicorn the next time, and all would be right. I was content to raise you well, in the hopes that he would eventually come to love you as I did. But-" She turned away, flushing, "-of course I got sick. I couldn't give him the unicorn he wanted, and he was quite angry."

Cheese rolled his eyes, "You're repeating what I know already. Why did you stop-" He gulped, "-stop caring for me? It's not as though I did anything wrong."

Starlight stared at him, her eyes cold. "Well, that is obvious. He made it abundantly clear that you were the cause of our misfortune, and that it was your fault I got sick." She stood straight, "I have to agree."

"It's not my fault for being born." He lowered his head, and tried to control the urge to run as far away from her as possible.

The mare continued, "Of course, I was not going to waste my time on a colt like you. You were not going to give me what I wanted, so I did not expend the effort. I can find purpose elsewhere, and that's exactly what I did."

Effort? So that's all I was to her? A waste of time! He tried to steady the mounting rage he felt. His voice became rather harsher than he intended it, "So you let father torture me? Was it too much effort to tell him he was wrong?"

Starlight looked away, "Well, I did not approve of Storm's methods. But, it did the trick, you behaved afterwards, so I agreed to it."
Cheese's emerald eyes flashed with anger, and he stomped a hoof hard on the stone floor. "Did the trick? DID THE TRICK! Do you even realize how much I suffered from that? How scared I was? And you-" He stopped, chest huffing, and tears streaming down his muzzle. "-you watched. You watched, me screaming for help, locked in that box for days. You could have stopped him, let me out, but you watched and did nothing." He turned away from her, trying to staunch the tears.

Sniffing indigently, the mare continued, "That's right. And what did I have to gain from helping you? My husband's scorn? Oh I already had that in spades. Your affection? What good is the affection of some earth pony colt?" She glowered at him, tears streaming down her own muzzle. "Do you know what? I was glad when you left. Glad I did not have to suffer your presence any longer!"

Cheese stood there, his face composed once more. A cold filled his chest, and seeped into every inch of his body. He would never have her affection, and for the first time in his life, he did not care. Slowly, he left the room. "So be it. You'll not be bothered by me again."

He left her standing there in the room, and walked down the long hall. Pinkie looked up when she saw him coming, and galloped over. "Cheesie! Are you okay?"

"Fine, Pinkie." He lifted his head, giving her a small smile. "I think so. Just-" He looked at their concerned friends and the now empty hallway. "-I think I'd like to go back to Ponyville."

"Oh…okay." She lifted her muzzle to his, and smiled. "Sorry, but I told them."

"You don't have to apologize." Cheese walked over to the others, head hung low. "Sorry about this, Fluttershy, Rarity. I messed up your big day, Rarity, sorry."

Rarity smiled, and hugged the stallion. "No you didn't. Why, the assistant just came back to say the other models are looking forward to posing with my line." She sighed, looking into his eyes. "I'm dreadfully sorry about bringing you here. Forcing you to face that piece of work."

"Don't apologize, Rarity. I had to face her sometime. Still-" Raising a hoof, he gestured to the door. "-it'd be best to leave. I'll see you Tuesday."

"Yes, safe trip." Rarity waved as he walked slowly down the long hall. Fluttershy turned to Pinkie who was standing next to her, hoof raised towards Cheese. Pinkie turned to them, eyes filled with longing. The unicorn chuckled, "You going too?"

"Yes." Pinkie glanced at the two mares. "-that is, if you don't mind."

Rarity smiled sweetly. "Not at all. We'll see you back in Ponyville."

Pinkie cantered off down the hallway, and next to Cheese. She pressed close, and walked in step with him out of the building into the afternoon sun.


Pinkie could explain a lot of stuff other ponies could not, but for the life of her, she had no idea what got into Cheese. As soon as they left the building, he had begun to prance down the road, humming a cheery tune. He was so sad and nervous just a few minutes before. "Say, Cheesie, you feeling okay?"

"Of course Pinkie, I've never been better." He gave a cheery leap into the air and danced a little in front of her. "I'm just keeping on the sunny side."

Giggling, she bounced along with him. "Okay. I just thought you'd be a little sad, after talking to your mom and all."

A flash of anger flickered in Cheese's eyes before being replaced with the usual good cheer. "Oh, don’t you worry about that. I suppose she told me what I've always known from the get go." He sighed, watching the busy street beside them. "She never loved me, but you know something?" Turning to her, he leaned in close, planting a kiss on her forehead. "I don't care. Not one bit. I have you and that's all I need in life."

Pinkie felt her face go red, and she pressed her muzzle to his. "Alright-" Then, she breathed, "but if you need somepony to talk to, you come to me okay?"

"You know I will, dear." He nuzzled her back, savoring that familiar sweet taste he loved so much. Grinning, he trotted down the road, "Come on then, we'll get our things, and be on our way."

The mare stood stock still, staring at Cheese as though he had two heads. "Uh, Cheesie. Since you're not sad, and doing fine, why did you say you wanted to go back to Ponyville?"

Cheese turned, a mischievous grin plastered to his face, "Well now, that's obvious. I was kinda bored with all the fashion stuff, and honestly-" He trotted back to her, leaning in close, "-I wanted to spend the rest of the weekend just the two of us."

"Cheesie!" She slapped him playfully on the back, flushing brightly. "That's like playing hooky."

"I know." He held out a hoof, "Care to join me?"

She rolled her blue eyes at him, "Oh, all right. But we're apologizing to Rarity for the fib, okay?"

"Righto." Cheese started off down the road, humming that familiar tune of theirs. After they had stopped by the hotel, they started off to the train station. To her dismay, Cheese kept leading her down side alley after side alley. Surprisingly, rather than wasting time, they got to the station much earlier than she expected.

Pinkie's eyes darted from the clock at the platform to Cheese in his hat and poncho. "How'd you do that?"

"Do what?" He looked around the crowd, gauging the general level of cheer and calculating how long it would take for Pinkie and him to start a dance party.

"Get us here in so little time." She too was looking at the crowd, mirroring Cheese's calculations.

"Oh, well I am from Manehattan. It's not hard if you know the streets." Winking slyly, he gestured to the crowd, "They seem a little grouchy. Want to dance?"

How'd he know? She pranced close, hugging him tightly. "Of course I do!"


Sitting on the train by themselves felt different than with her friends. Cheese was always willing to chat with her about any random thought that came into her head, while her friends would eventually tire of her outbursts. From the window, she watched the brilliant sun set over the grassy fields. "Say, Cheesie? Are we going straight home?"

"Well-" Shoot, I was so excited to be with her, I forgot to plan. Just as he was about to ask her, a tingle filled his body, shooting up his spine and through his legs. His cutie mark played that familiar melody. The tingle quickly turned to a stabbing pain, and he jumped upright. "Outch! That was a doozy."

Pinkie stared at him with concern. I never thought his Cheesie sense would hurt. Has he been hiding it from me so I wouldn't worry? Silly stallion. "You okay Cheesie? Does your Cheesie sense normally hurt?"

He winced, rubbing his legs until the tingling ebbed. "No. It's just gets that way if I ignore it for a long time. Since I've been in Ponyville I guess." Sighing, he rejoined Pinkie on the cushion. "There's a serious shindig later tonight in Neighmours."

Her eyes seemed to grow twice as big with excitement. "Neighmours, that's like the next stop! It's perfect, Cheesie. Let's go."

"You sure? I don't want to push you to go just for me." He flicked her forelock back affectionately, concern in his eyes. "You're probably tired."

"Cheesie!" She huffed, slamming his hat down hard on his head. Standing she gestured dramatically around them. "Equestria would be in a sorry state if its two best party ponies were sick of partying." Pacing, she stood straight with confident pride. "Why, those ponies may not know it yet, but they need us. They need us Cheesie. And I for one am not going to disappoint them just because I'm a little tired."

"Okay, okay. I feel the same, but I'd thought I'd ask." Hugging her tightly, he flopped his hat on her head. "There, now we both can be traveling party ponies." He winked, "At least for the weekend."

Pinkie giggled, snuggling closer to him. For some reason, the strength of his limbs holding her was more comforting than any blanket. A train whistle sounded, and they broke away, each flushing a little. "We'd better go."

"Yeah, let's get this party really started." He grabbed Boneless 2, and they set off towards Neighmours and what promised to be a very interesting night.


"Well now, that was a lot of fun." Cheese was prancing next to Pinkie in the moonlight. It was a well past midnight, and the two were trudging down the road to Ponyville. They decided to keep moving, refusing the offer to stay. Cheese said it was against his 'code of partying' to stay the night in a town he planned in. Pinkie was not sure she agreed, but happily followed him along the path, though she did not have quite the energy to prance anymore.

She looked into his emerald eyes, now sparkling in the moonlight. "Yeah. It sure was." Glancing at the forest around them, she wondered where they were. Pinkie loved to walk as much as the next pony, but rarely went very far, and her hooves were starting to ache. "Say, Cheesie, when's the next town?"

He looked at her, surprise plastered on his face. "Oh, I thought you knew. It's a good four hours away yet."

"What?" Pinkie flopped onto the roadside grass, moaning. "I can't go on, Cheesie…so sleepy…"

Cheese slapped a hoof to his forehead. Stupid Cheese! I completely forgot she's not used to traveling. Besides, it's really late. "Sorry, Pinkie. I should have told you the next town was so far away." Sighing, he leaned down, blowing air into Pinkie's ear.
Giggling, she looked up at him. "It's fine Cheesie. I was having so much fun, I forgot the time too." She stood weakly, grinning at him. "Where shall we make camp?"

He gestured to the case he had been carrying, and the rubber chicken on her back. "Camp? I don't think you could call no tent, Boneless 2, and a suitcase of party supplies a camp Pinkie."

"Oh I don't know. They're more than enough for us, aren't they?" She shuffled closer to him, her soft, clean smell playing with his senses. She pointed to a clearing a ways off. "Let's try there."

"Okay." They walked over to the grassy patch among the trees. It was a cool, quiet night; the kind Cheese loved best. He took Boneless 2 from Pinkie, and curled up on the soft grass. Though he could go a long time when traveling, the moment he hit the ground he realized how tired he really was. The night was beautiful, and he found himself admiring the starry sky. He chuckled. Luna's really showing off tonight.

Pinkie lay in the grass too, a few feet away from him. Her parents had instilled the concept of 'respectful distance' from an early age, and Cheese seemed to share the sentiment. Though, it was a little tough, especially when she was cold and he was so very warm. She shivered just a little, and turned to Cheese. "Night."

Yawing, he grinned back at her, "Night." He noticed her shivering and sighed. With a bit more effort than he cared to admit, he stood, took off his poncho, and placed it on the mare. "You could've just said you were cold silly."

She giggled, "Sorry." The poncho was really warm, and had that familiar earthy scent she loved so much. "So, that's why you wear it."

"Yup." He turned, going back to his spot once more. "You don't think it's a fashion statement do you?" They laughed together for a time, then fell silent. It really was very late, and they had a lot of walking to do in the morning.

Pinkie stared at Cheese for a time, smiling to herself. She watched his sides heave up and down as he slept. She giggled just a bit at the sight of him curled up next to Boneless 2 and tail over his head. Does he always sleep like that? Silly. Yawning, she curled up herself, and soon fell into a just as deep sleep.


Pinkie was at a loss for words. Never in her life had she had such a perfect day. How in Equestria am I ever going to top this one? She turned to Cheese, her face showing her broadest grin she had. "This is so fun!" It was probably the hundredth time she had said it, but that did not stop it from being true.

Cheese bounced up and down, sharing in her exuberance. "Yeah, I can't believe all we got to do."

"I loved the fudge in Millcreek. It was the best in Equestria." She clapped a hoof to her mouth, flushing. "Oh, don't tell the Cakes I said that!"

He chuckled adjusting the borrowed hat on her head. "Of course I won't. But, I thought the watermelon festival in Palomino was the best." They had successfully managed to visit three towns on their way back to Ponyville. Cheese playfully dubbed it a "fun gauntlet," which had set Pinkie into a fit of giggles.

"Oooh that was super yummy." She leaned in close to him, watching the setting sun dance off of his caramel coat. "I loved everything, but being with you was the best."

He nuzzled her gently, "Me too." He looked around him at the open road, passing through the many fields on the outskirts of Ponyville. "We'll be home before too long, it's a shame."

"Yeah." Her ears dropped a little at the thought of being separated from him again. "But, let's walk extra slow, okay?"

He chuckled, "Kay, but let's try to get back before midnight shall we?"

"He, he." Pinkie snuggled up close, and did her best to savor the walk. The longer she stayed with him, the more cheerful she became. At this point, she was fairly certain she might explode from sheer happiness.

Ahead of them, they spotted a cart in the center of the road. As they approached, Pinkie noticed an older brown donkey pushing the back of the cart with all his strength. From the toupee, the floppy ears, and his knobby knees, she recognized Cranky in an instant. She cantered up to him. "Cranky! You okay?"

He turned to see a familiar pink mare standing in front of him. "Pinkie Pie? What are you doing so far out of Ponyville?"

"Oh, me and Cheesie just got back from our fun gauntlet." She gestured to the stallion trotting up to meet them.

Cranky squinted, judging the mare's expression, "Party gauntlet? What in the hay is that?"

"It's a group of fun things to do, all in a row." Cheese stood next to Pinkie, grinning at the donkey. He held out a hoof, "You must be Cranky. Pinkie's told me so much about you. It's a pleasure."

The donkey shook his hoof, but still looked confused. "And you are?"

"Ooops. Guess that slipped my mind." Cheese smiled brightly at him, "Name's Cheese Sandwich. Party planning pony, and-" He raised a hoof to his head, flushing a little, "-and Pinkie's coltfriend."

"What?" Cranky glanced between Pinkie and Cheese, surprise plastered to his wrinkly face. "You mean you started courting that stallion you had that big goof off with last year?"

She beamed, puffing her chest out. "Yup a doodles Cranky."

"Well I'll be." He removed his toupee, scratching his head. "I'm glad for you, Pinkie. You deserve a stallion of your own." Staring hard into Cheese's eyes, he continued, "You treasure her like the gem she is. Got it?"

Cheese chuckled nervously, "Sure I will." The stallion regarded the cart, stuck fast in a big, muddy pothole. "Hmmm. Looks like a mess."

"Yeah." Cranky kicked the cart irritably. "Been trying to get it unstuck for an hour now."

"Let me help." Cheese walked over to the wheel, assessing the situation. Turning around, he gave a measured kick. With a great squelsh, the wheel popped loose from the mud, and was sent forward a few feet. "How's that?"

Cranky gaped, "Well, I'll be. Thanks a bunch Cheese." He stared at the stallion's handiwork. "Boy, I wish I could be as fit as you, but I'm well past that now." Turning to Pinkie, he gave an honest, and rare Cranky doodle donkey smile. "Don't let me hold you two love birds up."

"Hmmm." Pinkie turned to Cheese who nodded. She stepped closer to Cranky. "We could walk with you if you don't mind. Cheesie can pull the wagon, give you a break." She turned to her stallion for acknowledgement, and he nodded confidently.

Cranky smiled even bigger. "Sure. I'd love that Pinkie."

Taking the cue, Cheese picked up the driving collar, and started to pull the wagon along. Together, the merry group set off towards Ponyville. Pinkie was happy to tell Cranky about their adventures that day, and how things were in town. Cranky gave an account of his day to day activities, which involved a lot of junk collection.

Cranky gestured to the cart full of mismatched items. "It's just, ponies don't realize what they throw away. You know?"

"Oh I know." Cheese nodded in agreement. "You won't believe what kind of yummy treats I've found in dumpsters and the sides of roads."

Pinkie gasped, "Cheesie! It's not healthy to eat dumpster food."

He chuckled, "Beggars can't be choosers dear. Besides-" He winked at Cranky. "-it's a surprise in every can."

"Eewwwe." Pinkie stuck out her tongue in disgust. "Do all stallions eat whatever they find in the trash?"

"Probably." Cranky chuckled along with Cheese at the mortified expression on the mare's face. They continued on their way, and the pair of party ponies fell into an impromptu skit that left Cranky laughing harder than Pinkie had ever heard him. Turning to Pinkie with wry grin, "Say, when is it?"

"When's what Cranky?" Cocking her head, she stared at the donkey's unusually cheeky expression.

"Oh, you know." He leaned in a little closer, long face breaking into a smirk now. "The wedding."

Both party ponies stopped dead in their tracks. Pinkie pulled her haunches up so fast, that she slid into a sitting position. Her pink coat was as red as an apple, and she gaped at Cranky. "What? No! We're not-" She gulped, looking down, "-engaged."

"Oh." Cranky faced Cheese now, "What are you doing lad? Get on it."

"Gah! Cranky-" The stallion's sandy coat was just as red as Pinkie's and he pawed the ground nervously. "-we're not quite ready for that yet."

Rolling his eyes, he snorted. "Fine. Just-" He sighed, remembering his own lost chance, "-don't wait forever kids. You're only young once after all. Besides-" Smirking once more, "-if you want foals, you'll have to start before you're too old."

Pinkie squeaked with embarrassment, shoving her head under her hooves. Snorting, Cheese turned to the jack, "Cranky!"
Chuckling, Cranky slapped the stallion playfully on the back. "Awe relax kids, old Cranky's just playing with you. Ain't nothing to it."

"Okay, but don't do it again Cranky." She stood, regaining some of her composure. As they walked on, she felt her mind reeling with his words. Me, married to Cheese? With foals? Geeze, Cranky's getting a little pushy. Still… Her heat pounded so fast, that she felt the others would hear it for sure. It kinda sounds nice.

Eventually, they reached the inner edge of town. Cranky had to take the other road, so they parted ways. As they walked towards home, Pinkie could not help but giggle the whole way. "Thanks for the fun Cheesie."

"Sure. I had a lot of fun too you know." Cheese stroked Pinkie's soft curls. "You make a good travel buddy. What do you say to doing this again? Maybe, once or twice a month, when we're off work."

Pinkie grinned, hopping around him with excitement. "Yes, yes YES!" Then, realizing that is was dark and ponies were asleep, she lowered her volume. "Of course I'd love to Cheesie."

"Great. Let's make it a promise okay?" He held out a hoof.

Pinkie took it, grinning broadly, "Okay, Pinkie Promise."