• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 6,500 Views, 562 Comments

What Changes May Come - Bluegrass Brooke

Cheese Sandwich returns to Ponyvillle and discovers his love for Pinkie. To his surprise, she loves him back! Will he and Pinkie be willing to accept the changes and challenges that follow?

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Settling In

Author's Note:

Wow. I got another chapter written out fast. I wrote this pretty late, so apologies in advance if there are a few errors. Sorry the chapters have been so short lately, but in interest of pacing, I make them as long or short as I feel are necessary. Longer chapters will be coming soon. Thanks as always for reading and commenting. I hope you enjoy it!

Cicadas chirped in the apple trees of Sweet Apple Acres, playing a summer symphony for the two stallions hard at work. They stood next to the imposing barn, paintbrushes in mouth, and sweat matting their manes.

An unsure look stretched across the stallion's apple red face. He turned to his lank companion. "Uh Cheese?"

"Yes Big Mac?"

"What in the hay are you doin' ta the barn?"

"Why I'm painting it of course."

Skeptically, Big Mac glanced upwards at their respective sides of the wall. His was an even coat of maroon. Cheese's on the other hoof…" Cheese I don't rightly think we should be paintin' a carnival on the side of our barn."

"It's not a carnival, it's a hoedown. I thought it would match the theme better."

Big Mac sighed and pointed to the rest of barn, sides still bare. "Cheese we got ta paint this whole barn today. So why in the hay are you wastin' yer time paintin' all fancy? Just paint it like mine, that's all you have ta do."

Cheese rolled his emerald eyes in frustration. "Not you too!"


Cheese set the paintbrush down, and glared at his friend. "Ever since I started my apprenticeship, it's been nothing but paint and build by numbers the whole time. Moving from one project to the next, all with the same boring colors and themes. Days and days of repeating routines, never being allowed to liven things up. You don't know how hard it is to never get the chance to express myself! I'm a party pony for Celestia's sake!"

Big Mac stared, and noticed the hurt in Cheese's eyes. Sighing, he dropped his own brush and rested a massive hoof on the younger stallion's back. "Hey, it'll be all right. Why don't you come over here for a minute?" Slowly, he walked Cheese over to his side of the wall. "Look real close. What do you see?"

"A boring, ordinary barn, painted just the way all the other barns in Equestria are."

A deep rumbling escaped Big Mac's barrel of a chest. Cheese was about to call for help, when he realized the stallion was laughing. "What's so funny?"

"It aint just like all the others. Just 'cause it looks like all the other barns don't mean it is."


"Listen, I know you an Pinkie like to express yourselves real loud. It's yer personality an all. But, there are plenty of other ways ta bring a little somethin' of yerself to yer work. Look real close at my paint job. What do you notice?"

Squinting, Cheese leaned forward and gasped. "All the strokes, they're little swirls! It's beautiful Big Mac."

"Eeeup. I use this pattern whenever I go ta paint somethin'. It's like leavin' a little bit of myself in my work. So, just 'cause we got ta paint this 'ere barn quick, don't mean we have ta sacrifice what makes us special. Expression don't have ta be loud an flashy Cheese."

"I guess I never thought about like that. I'll give it a try Big Mac." With that, Cheese set off with gusto to start painting the barn the way it needed to be done. He smiled as he thought of a pattern of his own to paint in. Inwardly, he smiled at his friend's advice. Big Mac's right. I don't have to sacrifice who I am. I've just got to find my own rhythm, it'll come with time.

Three mares stood on the book laden floor of Twilight's library. Though the windows and door were thrown open, the oppressive heat hung in the air like a blanket. The ponies were admiring a large banner splayed out on the boards, decorated with an assortment of colors. In the center, scrawled in Pinkie's bubbly writing was "Go Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow's face broke into a wide grin. "Sweet!"

"It's great Pinkie Pie. But is this all you're bringing to Rainbow's competition?"

"Oh no silly. I just wanted to show the banner. I've got lots of pom poms, confetti, and noise makers too. We'll be the loudest, most spectacular, super awesome fans anywhere! Cheese is even loaning me his candy launcher."

Rainbow perked her ears and cocked her head. "What in Equestria is a candy launcher?"

"It's like my party cannon, but smaller. It launches candy way up high! You'll even be able to catch some if you want."

"That sounds awesome!"

"I'm sure everypony will love it Pinkie. But isn't Cheese Sandwich coming with us?"

Pinkie seemed to deflate a little, and hung her head. "No, he has to work tomorrow."

"I see. Why aren't you spending time with him today?" Twilight knew her cheerful friend loved to spend any free time she could with the equally chipper stallion.

"I can't. He's helping Big Mac paint the barn today."

"What? Geeze he's turning as boring as everypony else around here!"

"Rainbow! I'm sure he has his reasons. Besides, since you're both here, I thought we could catalogue my new library books."

"Uggh! Tilight that's even worse. I'm going out to practice some more. You two can sit here and sweat all day." Rainbow dashed out of the library before Twilight could protest.

Pinkie carefully rolled up the banner, and placed it in her saddlebag. Twilight smiled hopefully at her. "What do you say Pinkie Pie? Want to help out?"

"Gee Twilight I'd love to but, I've got some things to do around town." Pinkie's stomach knotted seeing crestfallen alicorn, then thought of a way to cheer her up. "Hey I just remembered Twilight. I wanted to borrow some books. Is that okay?"

"Of course it is. Help yourself. It's a bit of a mess right now though."

Pinkie had an uncanny ability to maneuver around obstacles. Despite the stacks of books and paper, she managed to pull out three volumes from the shelves and materialize again in front of Twilight. "Can I check these out?"

"Sure, just let me get the names." Levitating the books, Twilight frowned.

"What's wrong Twilight?"

"Oh nothing Pinkie. Just-" Finding the right words were proving to be difficult. "-Are you sure you grabbed the right books?"

"Yup a doodles Twilight."

"But Pinkie, normally you check out books on baking or party planning. Now, I'm not against branching out on knowledge, but these seem more like something Rarity would borrow. Alabaster's Guide to Fabulous Mane Styles, Dress for success, and An Entrepreneur's Handbook? Are you sure you want these books?"

"Sure I'm sure Twilight!" Pinkie's face went a little red and she shuffled uncomfortably. "I thought I'd try something a little different is all."

"Okay. Well, I hope you like them. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"See you then Twilight."

The midday sun beat relentlessly on Cheese's back as he painted the barn. After four hours of continuous work, they were nearing completion. He was excited to see what two ponies could accomplish, but his strength was wearing thin. His three weeks working in Ponyville had helped to build his muscles considerably, but he would never escape his lank frame's limitations. The only reason he had done so well on the site, were the frequent water breaks everypony was obligated to take.

Cheese admired Big Mac's one track "get it done" attitude, but he could not follow it. The dizzy, nauseous sensation had started small, but now it was threatening to overwhelm his senses. Before he could stop himself, he had dropped the brush in the dusty earth and laid down. His head was pounding and all he wanted was a long drink of water.

Big Mac turned his large head to see Cheese on the ground. He had been so fixated on getting the job done, he failed to notice his friend. What was I thinking? Grabbing a pail of water, he trotted over to Cheese. "You'd better drink some water Cheese."

Grateful, Cheese dunked his whole head in the bucket and gulped down mouthfuls of the sweet liquid. Big Mac shifted the collar he always wore uncomfortably. He really enjoyed having another stallion to help out on the farm, but he had to remember that Cheese was not a farm pony. "Sorry Cheese. I got so focused on the barn that I forgot ta give you a break."

"It's okay Big Mac. I should have said something. I really wanted to finish the barn too."

"Let's go rest in the shade for a spell." The pair moved to the apple trees framing the farmyard, and sprawled out under the cool protection of a particularly large tree. Cheese grinned and rolled in the grass like a colt, savoring the cool sensation of the blades caressing his coat. Big Mac chuckled at his reaction. Is this what it's like to have a younger brother? "Say Cheese, you sure you'll be all right? I can take you ta the hospital."

Cheese grimaced at the thought of going back to blank, sterile rooms. "No, I just had a little heat exhaustion. I think I'll be fine if I rest for a bit."

"Okay, but we'll call it a day just ta be safe."

"What? But we're nearly done!"

"I can finish by myself. I'm right grateful fer your help, but I ain't lettin you go into work sick tomorrow."

"Right." Cheese remembered tomorrow, and felt his stomach clench. He would have vastly preferred to be watching Rainbow's performance with all his friends. However, he promised Harvy he'd be at work, and he was not going to disappoint him.

"Say Cheese I really appreciate yer help. It's nice ta have the girls work an all, but they got ta talk the whole time. You just put yer head down and do yer best. I really admire that."

"I'm nothing special. I just want to see the job done right. It's not like I can do much the way I am."

"Hmmm. I think you can do plenty Cheese." Big Mac affectionately clapped a hoof on Cheese's back. "An who knows? Maybe you'll be just as strong as me someday?"

"I doubt that!" A summer breeze brushed past, raising Cheese's now matted mane, and cooling his lathered neck. Despite his initial discomfort around the bulky stallion, he found himself enjoying Big Mac's company. The older pony never wasted words, but still managed to say he needed to hear. If anypony would be able to give advice, it would be him. "Say, could I ask you for some advice?"


"I've…I've been worried lately. Worried that I'm doing the wrong thing by coming to Ponyville. I've been a drifter so long, I'm not sure I know how to live in one place. Even being here three weeks, I still wake up thinking I ought to get moving again. Maybe…maybe I'm not meant to settle down. But I like staying in Ponyville. I'm just so confused."

"Hmmm. I don't think yer a lost cause. You're lost, but that aint a bad thing. Granny always says a pony's got to get lost before they can find themselves. Applejack knows, that's how she got 'er cutie mark."


"Eeeup. You'll figure it out Cheese. Aint no rush on it either. Just follow yer heart, it's all you can do." He looked over to the farmhouse, smiling. "Why don't you ask yer family 'bout how they figured it out? Talkin' ta Granny sure helped me. Ain't nothin' like a bit of family counselin'."

Cheese stood up as quick as though he had been shot. His normally kind eyes held an icy quality that sent shivers up Big Mac's spine. "There's no way in Equestria I'm talking to them! They can go to hell for all I care!" Before he could register the situation, he watched as Cheese galloped off down the road. Now what in the hay was that about?

What's wrong with me? Argh! Stupid Cheese! Big Mac was just trying to be friendly. Cheese unconsciously carried himself over the bridge into Ponyville. The sickness from before was coming back with a vengeance, and he hung his head low to ease the nausea. He was so focused on his thoughts and not collapsing, that he failed to notice the mare in front of him. With a great thud, he collided with her, sending a shock that knocked the wind out of him. "Ooof! Sorry about that miss-" He was staring down at a disgruntled looking Pinkie Pie. She had tied her mane in a loose ponytail and was sporting what looked to be a newspony's hat with a quill and notebook tucked in the pink sash. Cheese quickly reached out a hoof to help her up.

"What in Equestria are you doing in that getup Pinkie?"

"Cheesie? I thought you were at Sweet Apple Acres."

"I was. We er, finished early."

"Oooh that sounds great!"

"Why are you going around town dressed like that?"

"I'm on a mission of exploration. Just like you."

"Just like me? But you have an apprenticeship."

"Not an apprenticeship silly. Advice."

"Advice on what?"

"Oh all kinds of things. I'm trying to ask everypony in town things like why they moved to Ponyville, their goals in life, what kind of adventures they went on, that sort of thing."

"Sounds super fun Pinkie! But, might I ask what's the occasion?"

"Nothing special, just something Mrs. Cake and I talked about." For some reason Pinkie could not explain, she felt embarrassed mentioning it. She could not stop herself from remembering Mrs. Cake's suggestion that Cheese was "good for her." Suddenly an image of Cheese nuzzling her came to mind, and she flushed crimson. Stop being weird brain!

"You okay Pinkie? You're not getting heat exhaustion are you? I had a touch of it today too. Maybe you ought to go cool off?"

"Uhhh, yeah. You’re right about that Cheesie! Why don't you come to the corner with me? We can get some milkshakes to cool off."

"I thought the machine was broken."

"They got the parts in early. Come on, it'll be fun!"

"I don't think I'm exactly presentable right now. Need to go wash up in the stream." The stallion's sandy coat was plastered with road dust, and the strands of his mane were glued together with dried sweat.

He has a point. Though he looks kinda cute all ruffled like that. Urgh! Stop thinking like that Pinkamena! Pinkie smiled at Cheese. "That's okay, but it's kind of sad not getting to spend more time with you before I leave tomorrow. Could I walk you home?"

"All right. I could use the company."