• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 6,500 Views, 562 Comments

What Changes May Come - Bluegrass Brooke

Cheese Sandwich returns to Ponyvillle and discovers his love for Pinkie. To his surprise, she loves him back! Will he and Pinkie be willing to accept the changes and challenges that follow?

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Letters to You

Author's Note:

Hazzah! I finally managed to write up another chapter. Sorry about the wait guys. This one's not too long, but I had to set the scene for what I've got planned next. A lot of thought and dialogue again, hopefully everything flows naturally. I was a little worried about how I've chosen to move the plot along, so I hope it meets expectations. As always, I love to hear from my readers, so tell me what you think of it. Enjoy the chapter!

P.S. I'm still looking for proofreaders/editors so PM me if you're interested.

Cold night air stung Cheese's lungs as he galloped down the forest path. The trees' dark shadows swayed in the moonlight as he sped along. His legs ached, his sides heaved, but he could not stop, not yet, not when he was so close. There before him was a dim light, a beacon pushing him ever onwards. With great exertion, he sped up and saw a group of ponies standing in the light; his friends. "Wait for me! Wait!"

But, just as quickly as they materialized, they faded. "Don't go…not yet…" Try as he may, he could not close the distance. Little by little, the forest around him contorted into shadowy images. He bulked as the whole world came crashing down over him like a great wave.

"Argh!" Cheese awoke with a start, and glanced around at the dark interior of his tent. His sides heaved, and his sandy coat was lathered with sweat. A numb, empty sensation filled his stomach as he acclimatized to reality. Somehow, the steady pounding of rain on the canvas comforted him. In a few minutes, his breathing returned to normal, and he felt in control again. Another nightmare huh? That'd make it the third this week. Gah! I need to get some sleep before I go crazy.

Cheese stood and shook himself off, his curly brown mane flouncing back to its default setting. Sighing, he took a swig of water from his canteen, and stared at the sparsely decorated tent around him. Boneless 2 sat where he had been sleeping, and the party cannon rested by the entrance. The only other objects present, were a stationary set, and a bundle of letters. With some difficulty, he settled himself down next to them. "Well, now that I'm awake, better start on my mail."

The sweet smell of cotton candy and baked goods escaped the pink letters Cheese had so carefully tied together. Over the past 3 months, Pinkie Pie had managed to deliver one letter a week without fail, to wherever in Equestria he happened to be. Her kind words, funny tales, and heartfelt concern far surpassed any measure of enjoyment he received from planning parties. It did not make sense to him, but that did not matter. All the mattered, was that he had a friend who would always be looking out for him.

Smiling, he regarded her latest installment. She was very grateful for his help planning Twilight's birthday party. Apparently, the Princesses themselves had heard of the event and gone down for the day. Half of Equestria seemed to have shown up, and the party went off without a hitch. Pinkie was sad that he had not been able to make it, but understood that he was "super duper busy" planning other parties. Cheese took out his quill, and started to write, then paused.

He glowered at the paper, trying to make the words come out as naturally as they always did, but they did not come. Something felt wrong about the whole business. His heart began to ache as he stared at Pinkie's loopy writing. I don't want a letter from Pinkie, I want to see her myself. No! I'm a traveling party pony, I've got no business in Ponyville, none whatsoever. A small voice echoed in the back of his head. But you could have business there.

Cheese gulped and stared at another letter next to Pinkie's. It's distinctly functional design contrasted sharply with her exuberant one. A large seal with a hammer shone at the bottom. He had written to them on a whim, he never expected a response. It was wrong of him to even consider it. But, try as he may, Cheese could not throw it away. Was it fate that kept bringing him back to it? It could change his life, but would it be for the better?

That small voice echoed again. Do it, just do it Cheese. What's the harm in trying? Taking a deep breath, the stallion began to write.

"Pinkie darling, that's toast."

"Yupadoodles rarity. One box of toast, just like you ordered."

"Pinkie, I ordered a box of cupcakes. Cupcakes, not toast!"

"Oh. Ooopies."

Rarity rolled her eyes at Pinkie. She was standing in front of the counter at Sugar Cube Corner across from her frazzled friend. The summer sun radiated in the bakery, and the heat was almost oppressive. Pinkie was minding the store, while the Cakes took a much needed day off. Unfortunately, it seemed that Pinkie was the one that needed minding.

"Sorry about that Rarity. I guess I just got distracted."

"I've noticed. You've been a touch distracted for the past two weeks. Whatever is the matter Pinkie?"

"Nothing silly. It's just a teensy bit hot, that's all."

"Pinkie I-" Before she could come up with a comeback, Pinkie had thrust a box of cupcakes on the counter to replace the toast.

"Here you go Rarity! Better get them to the fridge lickety split before the icing melts."

"All right. But promise me you'll let me know if you need anything."

"Of course I will. But I'm okey dokey Rarity."

"Uh huh… Well, I'll see you soon." Fanning herself as she walked, Rarity made her way through the open doors of the bakery into the blazing morning sun. Pinkie frowned as she watched her friend leave. Noises from outside drifted in and echoed inside the empty room.
Normally, the whole shop would be teeming with townspeople enjoying an ice cream. However, their machine had broken, and it would be another week before the parts came in to fix it. Pinkie missed all the hubbub and conversation, but what she missed most was the distraction.

It was not as though she was miserable. No, it was more like there was a big hole in her chest that needed filling. She had tried just about everything that would normally cheer her up, but to no avail. No, there was only one thing, one pony that could fill that hole; Cheese. From his letters, she was beginning to feel he felt the same way. But then, then he had stopped writing back. It was now two weeks since his last letter, and she was getting worried.

Pinkie struggled to busy herself with cleaning the spotless dining room. What if he's been taken by pirates? Or lost in the woods? Or what if…what if he's forgotten about me? Oh I don't want that! Once again, she heard that tiny voice in the back of her mind. He wouldn't forget you Pinkie, you know that.

"I know, I know, I know!"

"Know what Pinkie Pie?" A diminutive green spiked dragon stood in the doorway, arms crossed.

"Uh…I know you're here to pick up some sweets Spike!"

In the course of the morning, Pinkie managed to switch up two orders, spill a bag of flour on the floor, put hot sauce on the muffins, and burn the pies. By the time the Cakes returned, Sugar Cube Corner was starting to look like a war zone. Mr. and Mrs. Cake pushed the stroller into the shop, and stared at Pinkie.

"Pinkie Pie, what in all of Equestria is going on?"

"Sorry Mr. Cake! I guess I'm just a teensy bit scatterbrained today. I'll get it cleaned up right away." Pinkie bounced around the counter and attempted to grab a broom. Instead, she sent a chair toppling to the wooden floor with a crash.

Mrs. Cake smiled motherly at the mare. "Pinkie dear, I know you mean well. But, maybe the pony who really needs a break is you. You've been working so hard, why not take the rest of the day off?"

"Oh I couldn't do that. And leave you to clean up my mess."

"Oh we'll be fine Pinkie. We decided to head back early anyway. Why don’t you go outside and enjoy the day?"

"Okey dokey then. But let me know if you need anything." Pinkie turned and walked out the door, head hung low. What's wrong with me? Stupid, clumsy Pinkie!

Pinkie looked around at the happy faces of her friends and neighbors. She loved Ponyville, and she loved each and every one of the ponies there. The day was very hot, and most of the town was reclining in the shade or drinking cold glasses of water. Even the fillies and colts seemed to be too hot to play.

They smiled and waved at their party pony, and Pinkie forced a smile back. A pair of mares offered to let her sit in on their conversation, but Pinkie declined. Even if it was for one day, she wanted to be left alone. Sighing, she walked over the bridge, towards the meadows. A good nap is just the thing I need. I'll be okey dokey after that. That familiar voice fought back, No you won't Pinkie, and you know it.

Pinkie covered her ears and tried to shake those thoughts back again. "Oh be quiet! I'm going to be just fine, you'll see!" Kicking up a little dust, she cantered down the road towards her favorite spot under the shade trees.

She had been lying peacefully in the shade for a good hour, when she heard the soft sound of hoof beats on the dirt road. Perking her ears, she listened as the sound grew closer. Pinkie had good ears, at least that's what Mrs. Cake was always saying. She could make out every one of her friend's hoof beats with no problem at all. But, what her ears were telling her, did not make any sense. Is it? No, that's impossible. You're imagining things Pinkie. Calm down.

As though in answer to her thoughts, the pony came over the hill and into sight. Pinkie gasped, then felt as though her heart would burst from the excitement. It really is him! Without a second thought, Pinkie jumped to her hooves and galloped up to meet him. It was hot, and a long way, but Pinkie did not care. With a great lunge she jumped forward, sending Cheese toppling to the ground.

"Cheese!" Pinkie gave the stallion a big hug. She buried her muzzle deep in the frizzy brown mane and savored the familiar scent she had missed for so long. In that moment, nothing mattered to Pinkie more than holding him tightly. Before she could stop herself, all the horrible emotions she'd felt while he was gone welled up inside her and she started to cry. "I was so worried. Why didn't you write silly?"

Cheese stared flabbergasted at Pinkie's change of character. I didn't know she cared about me so much. "Sorry Pinkie. I didn't mean to make you worried, I just wanted to surprise you. Don't cry, I'm okay."

Pinkie sniffed and nodded. Cheese flushed crimson. "Pinkie, could you uh let me go now?"

Pinkie released Cheese and stood up. "Oh my gosh Cheesie! I'm sorry. Guess I was just so super duper happy to see you I forgot myself for a minute."

"It's okay. Just try not to tackle me in the future. Okay?"

"Okey dokey." Now that she was standing back, Pinkie was able to get a good look at Cheese. He looked rather tired, and was wearing his traveling poncho. She seemed to have knocked his hat off when she tackled him. Flushing with embarrassment, she reached down and handed it to him.

"Thanks Pinkie. Say, what are you doing out here anyway?"

"The Cakes told me to take the rest of the day off, so I came out here for a nap. But what about you? Why didn't you let me know you were coming back? Is this about a party? I don't think I forgot any, but maybe I did…"

Cheese chuckled and smiled at Pinkie. "Nope. This is business."

"Business? What kind of business? Oooh, is it fun business?"

"Eh, well not really. But it could be. I'm doing an experiment."

"Oooh like what Twilight does?"

"Yes, but this one isn't for science, it's for self-improvement."


"I've found myself an apprenticeship here in Ponyville."

Pinkie hopped up and down with excitement. Cheese is staying here! "Apprenticeship? With who? I didn't know there were any other party ponies around here."

"No, not for parties. I'm going to be spending the rest of the summer and fall working under a master carpenter."

"Carpenter? But you're a party pony Cheesie, not a carpenter."

"Well, why can't I be both? You're a party pony too, but you have a job at Sugar Cube Corner. Why can't I have a regular job as well?"

Pinkie frowned, considering. "I'm super duper happy you're staying Cheesie. But are you sure you want to? I mean, you were so excited about getting back on the road. Don't you want to keep traveling?"

Cheese felt his stomach clench. Is traveling what I really want to do? Ugh how does she manage to pick out exactly what's bothering me? He took a deep breath, considering his answer. "The truth is Pinkie, I'm not sure what I want to do anymore. I like traveling, but I also loved staying with all of you here in Ponyville. So, I'm a little torn right now. That's why I got this apprenticeship, to give me time to think."

"Oooh. You really are something Cheesie. I'd never, ever think of something so clever. I'm sure you'll figure it out soon. In the meantime, we can have fun together, just like we did this spring."

"Sounds great, but not today. I'm supposed to meet with Harvy at the office when I arrive so we can go over my responsibilities."

"Oh, okey dokey. But why don't I walk you there? You don't know where it is do you?"

"That'd be great Pinkie. I can tell you all about the parties I planned and you can give me all the details about Twilight's birthday bash."

"Oooh. That sounds super fun!" Together the pair set off towards town, both feeling happier than they had been in months.