• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 6,502 Views, 562 Comments

What Changes May Come - Bluegrass Brooke

Cheese Sandwich returns to Ponyvillle and discovers his love for Pinkie. To his surprise, she loves him back! Will he and Pinkie be willing to accept the changes and challenges that follow?

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Author's Note:

So, I've really been in a writing mood lately. Huh... Don't know how that happened... O glorious procrastination. Anywho, I wrote it down and so I'm posting it. I borrowed an idea for the ending scenario from a fanfic's description I read once (I don't intend on copying them, just spring boarding with the premise). I hope you enjoy it. This marks over 50k words! That's right, you've put up with my story for 50k words. Grab yourself a cookie, pat yourself on the back. I'd say we're a good 2/3 of the way through the story now. Provided nothing new flows magically into my head. As always, I love to read your comments and enjoy!

"Say Cheese, you goin' ta help with Big Mac's house again?" Brahm frowned at Cheese through the stubble on his face. He was leaning casually in the doorway, blocking his roommate from leaving the small house.

Cheese rolled his eyes, shoving the larger stallion out of the way. "Yes, every Saturday and Sunday. You know that."

Brahm held his hoof out and pushed the lank stallion back. Cheese pinned his ears. "Ooof. What'da do that for?"

The familiar booming laugh reverberated from the stallion's ruddy brown chest into the morning air. "You're not goin' anywhere Cheese." He dropped his hoof, trotting to a corner of the living room, pulling out his construction box. "Not without me that is."

Cheese could only gawk at Brahm. If the good natured stallion had a fault besides his drinking, it was his lazy nature. "You mean you want to help?"

"Course I do. Big Mac ain't a real good friend of mine, but we went ta school together. Be a cryin' shame if I couldn't help him out in his time of need." He clapped Cheese hard on the back, sending the thin framed stallion to his knees. "I even went an asked the boys. We're all in agreement. You've got our full service for the whole weekend. Congratulations!" With that, he strode forward into the early morning sunshine.

"But Brahm-" Cheese galloped to keep up with his massive strides. "-Big Mac doesn't want all of Ponyville knowing about the project."

"Awe don't worry your little head over details Cheese. Rest of the town's gonna find out sooner or later." He slapped Cheese on the back. "Besides, with all of us boys workin' together, that house'll be up by tomorrow night or my name ain't Brahm."

Cheese sighed, resigning himself to defeat. Once the stubborn stallion set his mind to something, there was no changing it. Sorry Big Mac, you're getting help whether you want it or not.

Ah, finally some peace and quiet. Pinkie reclined under the shade of the big oak tree, just outside of Sugarcube Corner. The day was not as hot as normal, and a refreshing summer breeze blew through town. Beside her in their "foal cage" fast asleep, were Pumpkin and Pound Cake. Though she normally had Saturdays off, she had agreed to watch the twins for the weekend, so the Cakes could travel to Fillydelphia for a baker's conference. She giggled to herself at the thought of a baker's conference. So silly. Wonder if they all make cakes and eat them together?

She had played with the foals all morning, until they finally drifted off to sleep after lunch. Now, she could finally focus on making her decorations. There were a few parties coming up, and she wanted to be ready. As she adjusted the streamers on a particularly tricky centerpiece, she heard fast hoof beats approaching. She looked up to see Applejack lathered in sweat, hat askew, and angrier than she had ever seen her. "Heya Applejack. What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Urrrgh!" Applejack stamped her hooves and threw her hat onto the ground. "Everythin's wrong Pinkie Pie." She snorted and gestured back the road towards Sweet Apple Acres. "I wake up ready ta do a hard day's work, when who should pass by my door but an army of construction workers? All marchin' through Sweet Apple Acres like they own the place."

Applejack leaned in close to Pinkie, a maniacal glint in her eyes. "Oh an ya want ta know what else? Big Mac just up an tells me he's movin' out, making his own house on the back acres." She raised her head cackling uncontrollably. "An then Granny acts like she's known 'bout this all along! An then-" She stopped for air, "-an then she says the workers are there to help him finish the house. Finish it, Pinkie Pie! So my brother's been lyin' ta me for weeks, sayin' he's workin' on fixin' fences when he's really been buildin' a getaway house from his lovin' family."

Pinkie was so thunderstruck at Appplejack's rant, that she could only gape. Applejack leaned in closer to her, eyes meeting hers in that crazed way. "Ya know what else? Yer stallion shows up just as casual as I'll get out, with that Brahm fellow. Seems he's been the mastermind, pollutin' my brother with ideas of a loner's life." The mare's yellow sides heaved, and she glared at Pinkie.

My stallion? Pinkie giggled at the thought. It's got a nice ring to it. She looked at Applejack's disheveled appearance, and burst out laughing. "You're so silly Applejack."

"It ain't no laughin' matter Pinkie." Applejack stared helplessly as Pinkie rolled on the ground laughing. "Pinkie? Focus."

"Sorry, sorry." She ceased her fit, and looked up at her friend. "But don't worry so much Applejack." Applejack's face looked a little hurt, and she felt bad about teasing her. "Big Mac doesn't want to leave the family." She patted the grass next to her. "Sit down, we'll talk it out."

"Okay." Applejack scooped up her hat, and joined Pinkie.

"All Cheesie would tell me was that he was helping Big Mac with a special project and that it would take a long time to get done." Pinkie smiled at her friend, resting a hoof on her back. "Cheesie's not going to make Big Mac into a wanderer. He doesn't even like wandering himself."

"What?" Applejack stared in disbelief at Pinkie. "But he's a travlin' party pony."

"Yup. But-" Pinkie lowered her head, remembering how terrified Cheese was in that hole. "-He gets scared, and lonely really easy. He's always telling me how much happier he is in Ponyville than he was on the road." She smiled at Applejack, giving her a big hug. "Just because Big Mac wants to move out, doesn't mean he wants to go away, he just wants space."

Applejack nodded, tears streaming down her muzzle. "It's just, he's my big brother. I can't imagine not havin' him around all the time. It ain't right. Ya know?"

"I know." Pinkie snuggled closer to her friend. "I felt sad when I left my sisters for the first time. But, it'll be okay. You can still see him every day. Plus, he won't ever be too far away to visit."

"You're right. I'm sorry fer actin' so crazy. Guess I just gotta adjust." She was surprised to hear a soft whimpering noise behind her. "What in the hay? Pinkie? Ain't ya supposed ta be watchin' the twins?"

"Oh my gosh!" Pinkie bolted upright, trotting over to the foals. "There, there. Pinkie's here. Hush." After calming them down once more, she grinned at Applejack. "You want to help? We can talk all day while we watch them. What do you say?"

Applejack stood, adjusting her hat. "Sounds great. But I ain't changin' no diapers."

Cheese could not remember the last time two days flew by so fast in his life. One minute they were walking out to the work site, the next, they were all standing around Big Mac's new house on Sunday evening. "Wow. We did get it done."

"Eeeup." Big Mac smiled in satisfaction and grinned at the small herd of construction workers around him. Never had he imagined so many ponies would come out to help him, especially since he hardly spoke to any of them. Now, the project he and Cheese thought would take till the end of fall, was done and done right. "Thanks fer yer help guys."

"Not a problem!" Brahm's dirt covered face beamed back at the red stallion. He turned to his companions, grinned mischievously. "Me an the boys needed a challenge. Ain't that right scrawny?"

Cheese's sandy coat was drenched in sweat and dirt, nearly matching the shade of his mane. He managed to nod. "Yeah, it's good practice all right."

An orange stallion in a yellow hard hat smirked knowingly at Brahm. "Say, why don’t we throw Big Mac a house warmin' party tonight?"

Brahm's be-stubbled face broke into a particularly wicked grin. "You are readin' my mind. Party at my place boys! Don't wanna disturb Big Mac's good family, now do we?"

"Eeeup." Big Mac followed the herd, happy everything went so smoothly. He walked down the path next to Cheese.

The lank stallion looked up at Big Mac, flushing. "Sorry. I had no idea they were going to do this. I would've asked your permission first."

"No problem." Big Mac smiled at the merry band in front of them, all brazenly singing an off color song. "I appreciate their help. But 'specially yers Cheese. Yer a good friend."

Cheese smiled. Somehow, he always felt happy when anypony called him a friend. "Sure."

Their little parade passed by the main farm on the way out. Big Mac chuckled, and nudged Cheese aside. He was a little surprised to see Pinkie and Applejack smiling back at them. "Hey girls."

Pinkie hopped forward and gave Cheese a big hug, despite his rather filthy coat. "Heya, Cheesie. How'd it go?"

"We got it done." He carefully pried Pinkie off of him, flushing. "You'll get all dirty hugging me like that."

"Ooopsies. I was just so happy to see you again." She bounced up and down to emphasize her exuberance.

"Say, weren't you watching the twins today?" Cheese glanced nervously around, expecting to see the foals getting into trouble.

"Yup a doodles Cheesie. Applejack came over early and invited me to spend the day on the farm. So, we brought the twins over so they could have fun too." She spun around in happy circles. "Granny Smith is watching them with Applebloom right now. I just came out to say hi."

"I see." He tried to imagine the elderly mare and young filly watching the twins. "You sure they can handle it?"

"Sure am!" She grinned broadly, then slowly, realization sunk in. "Uh, on second thought, maybe I should check."

Cheese nodded and laughed as Pinkie cantered inside the building. Big Mac turned away from the conversation he was having with his sister, clapping Cheese hard on the back. "Ya want ta wash up?"

Cheese glanced down at his absolutely filthy hooves. "Yes please."

The Apple family had a clever outdoor shower behind the barn, designed just occasions such as these. The water was cold, but it felt so good on his aching muscles. In no time at all, Cheese was presentable again. Together, they went around to join the others once more. Big Mac turned to the road, grinning broadly. "I'm gonna get started movin' some stuff over. Thanks fer yer help Cheese."

"Sure thing. Anytime." Cheese beamed back at his friend, and diverted his attention to Pinkie and the twins who were playing in the dirt. He nudged the mare gently with his muzzle. "It's getting late, don't you think you should bring them home? Where's their stroller?"

Pinkie froze, glancing nervously at Applejack. "Ooopsies."

Cheese rolled his emerald eyes at the mare, carefully lifting Pumpkin Cake on his back. "Guess I'll help carry them back."

"He he. Thanks Cheesie." Pinkie picked up Pound Cake and they waved goodbye to the Apples, starting off down the road. She strode forward so her paces matched Cheese's. "I don't normally forget stuff like strollers you know. Applejack had her cart, so we took them in that. I'm really good with kids." Pinkie flushed from ear to ear. Why in Equestria am I telling him that?

Cheese chuckled. "I believe you Dear."

Pinkie stopped cold in the road. Dear? It was the first time Cheese had called her by a "pet name" as Mrs. Cake dubbed them. It made her insides feel warm and jittery. She shook her head, catching up to him. "Say, now that you're done with the project, that means we get to spend more time together."

He nodded. "Sure do. Ouch!" Pumpkin cake had taken a big mouthful of Cheese's mane and tugged. "Stop it Pumpkin!"

Pinkie giggled along with Pound Cake. "She does the same thing to me. All the time."

Cheese sighed. "How do you handle these two day in and day out?"

"Practice Cheesie." Pinkie started to hum, and her steps became very light indeed. "Did I ever tell you about the time I first foalsat the twins?"

"No, I don't think so." Cheese adjusted Pumpkin Cake on his back. "I'd like to hear it."

"Okey dokey then. But it's pretty silly." She happily told of her misadventures in foalsitting all the way until they reached the corner. It was nearly dark by the time they opened the door, and went inside.

"Mr. Cake, Mrs. Cake we're back!" Pinkie flickered on the dining room lights, frowning. "That's strange. They aren't home." She lifted Pound Cake into the playpen.

"Did they say they'd be back late?" Cheese carefully set Pumpkin Cake down to join her brother and looked around the empty room.

"They said they'd be back at sunset at the latest." Pinkie's voice was a little high, and she started to prance nervously. "You think they're okay Cheesie?"

"I'm sure they're fine. The train's probably running late, no big deal." He smiled and regarded the twins. "Though I think it's bed time for these guys. Why don't I help you get them ready? By the time we tuck them in, the Cakes will be home."

"Okey dokey then. But you don't mind?" Pinkie looked nervously at Cheese. He's been working so hard all day.

"Nope." He helped carry Pumpkin Cake up the stairs. Together, they bathed the twins, dressed them for bed, and read a story to them. Cheese was surprisingly good at reading stories, and Pinkie found herself enjoying it as much as the twins. Pinkie gave them each a kiss, and waited until they fell asleep. She winked at Cheese, and they went into the next door living room to wait.

"Well, they're all set." Cheese grinned at Pinkie and joined her on the couch. "I say we make a pretty efficient pair. Eh?"

"You betcha." Pinkie flushed. He really is good with foals. I thought he'd make the same mistakes I did, but I guess not. "Say, Cheesie? Where'd you learn to take care of foals like that?"

He laughed, and gave Pinkie a playful rub on the head. "One of my first jobs after I got my cutie mark was working for a day care."

Pinkie's eyes grew wide. "Really?"

"Yup. It was only for about two months, but it was a nice place." He went quiet, recalling the memory. "They helped me out a lot. Set me on my hooves, gave me some good advice. But, that's a story for another time." He smiled, and nuzzled Pinkie's cheek. "You do a good job with the twins yourself. You'd make a good mother."

Pinkie flushed crimson, and looked at the other side of the room. Me a mother? An image of her and Cheese with foals drifted into her head. She shook herself so violently, Cheese looked at her with concern. "You okay Pinkie?"

"Eh heh. Just fine Cheesie." She glanced at the clock above the mantelpiece. "It's almost nine o'clock. Are they okay?"

"They'll be here any minute Pinkie." Admittedly, he was getting nervous himself. "But, if you want, I'll stay here until they get back."
Pinkie leaned closer to Cheese on the couch. "Yeah. That'd be good."

They sat in silence, watching the hands drift lazily across the clock face. The long day had taken a toll on them, and before long, they drifted off to sleep. A loud knock started Cheese awake. Was that a dream? From the moonlight streaming in through the window, he could just make out the time to be one in the morning. He turned to Pinkie, her head resting on his back, fast asleep. His face felt hot, and he could not help but stare at her. By Celestia, she's cute when she's sleeping.

The knock repeated itself and he heard the front door open. There was a soft clatter of hooves, and who should appear before them, but Twilight. He gaped at the alicorn, her mane wind swept, and her eyes wide with apprehension. He felt his stomach drop out from under him. "Twilight? What's wrong?"

Pinkie started awake, staring bleary eyed at Cheese, then at the frightened mare in front of her. "Huh? Twilight? What are you doing here?"

Twilight panted, walking up to the pair. "We've got a problem."

"Problem?" An icy chill was fast filling his chest as he stared at the alicorn.

Pinkie leapt up from the couch, and proceeded to shake Twilight vigorously with her hooves. "What kind of problem Twilight? Is it the Cakes?"

Twilight sighed, and nodded. "There's been an accident. The train they were on derailed, just outside of Fillydelphia. I got the news just now."

"Oh my." Pinkie let go of Twilight, her breathing coming in fast and shallow.

Cheese stood and looked nervously at Twilight. "But they're okay aren't they?"

"The only thing I know, is that nopony was killed and all the passengers were taken to the hospital as a precaution. I just received a letter from Princess Celestia asking me to head over there as soon as I can." She glanced at the nursery. "Are the twins okay?"

"They're fine." Cheese looked worriedly at Pinkie who had started to cry, her mane decidedly less flouncy. He placed a hoof over her withers. "It's okay Pinkie. They'll be fine." He looked at Twilight. "You'd better get going. I'll stay here with Pinkie and watch the twins. Let the Cakes know they're all right when you see them."

She nodded, and trotted down the stairs and out of sight. Cheese turned to the distraught mare. If the twins see her like this, they'll be upset too. "Come on Pinkie, let's get you to bed." She didn't want to move, but he managed to drag her to her room.

He was a little surprised at the state the chamber was in. Everything was neatly tucked away, party supplies organized, and even the bed was neatly made. The pink décor really did fit Pinkie's attitude, and even Gummy's small bed was lined with lacy pink ribbon. The little green alligator had trundled over to see what was wrong with his owner. "Hey Gummy. Pinkie's not feeling like playing right now okay?"

He led Pinkie to the bed, and made her lay down. "Get some sleep Pinkie. It'll be just fine."

"But…but what if it isn't Cheesie? What if they're hurt bad?" Pinkie's blue eyes looked desperately into his.

Cheese held her in a tight hug. "Don't think about that now." Pulling back, he rested her head onto the pillow. "Get some sleep." He stood over her, rubbing her sides until the shaking stopped. "I'll be in the other room if you need me. Okay?"

She sniffed and nodded. "Okay."

Cheese walked quietly out of the room, closing the door behind him. He felt as though he wanted to cry himself, but resisted the urge. Stay strong Cheese. It'll be all right, it'll work out. Slowly, he crawled back onto the couch and tried to fall asleep.