• Published 20th Mar 2014
  • 6,500 Views, 562 Comments

What Changes May Come - Bluegrass Brooke

Cheese Sandwich returns to Ponyvillle and discovers his love for Pinkie. To his surprise, she loves him back! Will he and Pinkie be willing to accept the changes and challenges that follow?

  • ...

What Time Can't Erase

Author's Note:

I'm on a roll. Another new chapter within a few days and it's longer. There's a lot of heavy stuff in this one, so I broke it up with some Pinkie Pie goodness. We're getting close to the climax, and things are about to get messy. Hope you enjoy it. Comments are ever appreciated.

Milo read and reread the note, half expecting the words to change. But, the longer he stared, the more it was looking like the real deal. The small slip of stationary had been deposited with the rest of his mail, like some stray puppy. From the smooth, neat strokes, he assumed it must be a mare who wrote it. Of course he had his suspicions, but none seemed at all likely. Sighing, he stowed the note in his suit pocket and made his way up the stairs and to the apartment.

"Cheese, you've got a letter. It smells really-" He paused, and nearly backed out of the room in shock. The entire place was so organized and clean, he barely recognized it. "Cheese!"

"Yup?" Cheese looked up from the sofa, a case file in his hooves and a pair of reading glasses on his muzzle.

The glasses drew Milo's gaze for a second. I'm not even going to ask where he found those. He strode over to the now spotless coffee table and the neatly organized box of files beside it. "You cleaned."

"Sure did!" Cheese went back to reading the file, tapping his hooves to some unknown melody.

Milo sighed, sitting next to him and resting the stack of envelopes on the table. "Thanks I guess. You do remember where you put everything?"

"Of course, silly. I clean up parties all the time, remember? Some party pony I'd be if I let all my supplies get jumbled."

He's got a point. "So, like I was saying. You've got a letter."

"Really?" Cheese put the file down, a small grin forming. "I didn't think I'd get any mail here."

"I think it's from your marefriend." He held the letter up with his magic, a look of disgust on his face. "It smells like candy. That normal?"

"Sure is." Cheese glanced between the letter and Milo and back again. "I wonder why she sent one?"

Milo sighed, rubbing his forehead with a grimy hoof, "You do remember writing to her, don't you?"

A grimace stretched across his face, "Kinda."

Milo snorted, "Really, you can't hold your alcohol, can you? It was four glasses, not the whole bottle."

"That stuff was strong."

His husky laugh filled the apartment, "You were out like a light for fourteen hours."

"Well, I was tired." The warmth in his face had reached fever pitch, "Just give me the letter."

"Woah there. One more thing." Milo drew out the slip of parchment from his pocket. "Check this out. It was hiding in the mail."

Cheese glanced down, reading the note out loud,


I've heard you want to take Storm Scribe down. I want in. I believe I have just the evidence you're looking for. Meet me in the alley behind 12th street theatre at 10 o'clock tonight, and come alone.'"

"Strange isn't it?" A hungry look started to stretch across Milo's face, "Could be just the break we need."

"Or a trap." Cheese looked up, eyes flashing with concern, "You sure it's smart to go alone?"

"Well, smart or no, we need a lead." Milo levitated Pinkie's letter onto the coffee table, and started towards his room. "I'm going to relax a bit, then head out. Call the cops if I'm not back by midnight. They'll find me." If there's anything left to find.


The slick grime on the cobbles did little to accentuate the income of the street. Every street and alley was just as familiar to Milo as the back of his own hoof. This particular stretch of real-estate was the site of well over half of his prosecution cases these days. As he walked by, he noted the once grandiose store fronts, boarded up and covered in graffiti. Pity, it could have been something spectacular.

After what felt like an eternity, Milo finally arrived at the back of the old theatre. The smell from the overflowing trash cans made him want to gag. Just why would any pony pick this place to meet up? Milo of course knew why, but was not liable to admit it. A soft, sickeningly familiar voice behind him made him jump.

"Milo Coltfax. Still hunting for truth and justice I see."

Milo gritted his teeth, whirling around and squinting into the shadows. "I don't have time for your games, Starlight."

"Funny, neither do I." As smooth as silk, the unicorn strode into the dimly lit alley from behind the nearest dumpster. The contrast of her radiant coat against the filth covered street was comical to say the least. But, as he stared, that familiar spell of her beauty began to ensnare him once more. She tossed her silver tresses, and smiled mischievously. The pounding in his heart was nearly earsplitting as she walked towards him, delicate hooves striking the stones. "I see I still leave you speechless Milo."


Her liquid amber eyes grew soft as she leaned closer, noxiously sweet breath mixing with his, "-and, you still leave me in wonder." She stroked his cheek with a hoof, noting the lines and grey hairs. "Oh but time's been cruel to you. You should have given up when Storm took you down."

"You're a fool if you think I'd quit so easily." A part of him wanted to reach out and grab her, hold her close. What are you thinking Milo? Get a grip! She' poison. Gritting his teeth until it hurt, he continued, "What do you want, Starlight? Come to rub your success in my face some more?"

"Success? Oh, everypony already knows how successful I am, Milo." She gave a bell like laugh that sent a shock through Milo's spine. "And no, I didn't come to start up an old flame. Though, you were quite the charmer years ago, ever the valiant chevalier."

"You were kind then, with a love for life and pride in the work of your own hooves. What happened to you is the better question." As he stared, the longing to punch her started to push away the desire.

"Oh, I grew up from that fantasy. You see, Milo-" She stood straight, horn glistening in the city lights, "-You don't need love to be happy. The world doesn't care if we do the 'right thing.' Success favors those who are cutthroat enough to take down anypony who gets in their way. Storm taught me that."

Milo's eyes shone like daggers, "Did he? What else did he teach you? How to abuse your own flesh and blood?"

Starlight sighed dramatically, "Oh, you've been talking to Rory. How quaint." The lights flickered and danced across her silken coat as she circled Milo. "Now to business. I've heard you're trying to take down my husband."

"You heard correct." What's she getting at?

Her teeth flashed hungrily, "I want in."

Milo felt his stomach drop, "In? You want to help take down Storm?"

Starlight feigned an innocent expression, "Oh, I wouldn't say that exactly. More like, I'd like to have him out of my way."

The stallion raised an eyebrow, "You're planning on taking over the company."

"And why not?" She stopped her pacing, eyes flashing menacingly. "There's every opportunity to. Listen up, because I will only say this once, Milo. I'm prepared to offer you more than sufficient evidence to take down my husband. Blackmail, extortion, death threats-" A sneer formed on her face, "-missing person's cases. All perfectly condemning, I can assure you."

Milo's heart began to race once more, "And how do I know Storm's not going to threaten everypony into silence the moment we bring up charges?"

Starlight leaned in closer to him, "Storm may be threatening, but I have my own methods of persuasion. I have willing supporters scattered throughout the company and community, ready to turn on Storm like a pack of wolves at my signal." A snarl revealed her set of perfectly white teeth, "As for the judge and jury, they'll be easy enough to convince."

It was too good to be true, a chance to take him down once and for all. But, no, there had to be something else. Starlight would never do anything that was out of her own self-interest. "What's the catch?"

A bell like laugh echoed across the alley, "It's simple really." The mare's eyes softened seductively once more. "You simply drop the abuse charges."

Milo pinned his ears, snarling back at her. "What? No way in hell!"

She raised a hoof, clucking disapprovingly, "Temper, Milo, temper. Consider for a moment, what you have to gain with me. With the evidence in my possession, why, we could lock up Storm for at least twenty years. That's a good stint, and should be enough to satisfy most everypony."

"You need to pay, he needs to pay for what you did to that colt." Milo felt his hooves shaking in anger, "Twenty years isn't going to cut it, Starlight."

She huffed indigently, "Oh, well then, I suppose you prefer no time at all. Because that's what you'll get without me, Milo. I know the only evidence you have for abuse is Rory's own word." Her sneer returned, "You'd have me testify and condemn myself. I'm no idiot Milo Coltfax, and neither are you. We both have something to gain with deal, and it's about time you choose wisely." Starlight sighed at the dumbstruck stallion and turned to leave. "I'll give you twenty four hours, Milo. Make your choice by then, or you've got nothing against him."

For what felt like hours, Milo watched the unicorn slip away into the shadows once more. The knot in his stomach tightened exponentially as he stared at the now empty alley. A rage filled him like he had never known before. Tears streamed down his muzzle and he screamed at the top of his lungs. He knew what he had to do, and loathed himself for it.


Pinkie sat in the brightly lit office, tapping her hooves in a nervous tattoo. The Mayor sat across from her behind a massive oak desk reading intently. Slowly, she looked up from behind her glasses, a smile crossing her lined face. "This is very well done, Pinkie Pie. And yes, the city would be willing to sell the property to you."

She wanted to jump into the air and scream with delight, but she reined herself in. Instead she nodded, "Okay. How will the payments work?"

"I'll bill you each month with the balance. As long as you keep regular on the payments, you'll own it in four years." The mayor shuffled in a drawer, pulling out a stack of papers. "Now for the paperwork."

"Urgh." Pinkie readied her pen, and tried her best to focus on what the mayor was telling her. The talk lasted much longer than she had anticipated. By the time they finished, her head was spinning with all the legal jargon. She nearly jumped when Mayor Mare jingled a set of keys in front of her. "Oh, are these mine?"

"They sure are. Take good care of them."

"I will." Pinkie took the keys and started to walk out the door. Her hooves felt numb as she stumbled along. Slowly, realization started to sink in. I have my own place. Eeeee! She skipped the whole way out the door and into the bright sun. A bright cheery song drifted to her thoughts, and she gave in, singing loudly.

Ponies eyed Pinkie with curiosity, wondering if there was some kind of party going on. In no time at all, they were all singing along. A wake of smiles followed the mare as she weaved through the town. Expertly, Pinkie ducked into a side street, watching the merry making with a huge grin on her face. Hopping as fast as her hooves would go, she strode up to the building, her new home.

The place had been owned by the town for years, and was showing some signs of neglect. It was nearly as old as Ponyville itself, and was in dire need of a paint job. Pinkie giggled, running a hoof over the door frame and slipping the key into the lock. She opened the door, and let out a loud gasp. It was everything she had hoped for.

In its prime, the building had been the hub of dancing and merrymaking in Ponyville but had been left abandoned after city hall was built. The expansive hall in front of her was worn smooth with decades of barn dances and parties. Sliding across the dusty floor left a streak of clear wood in her wake. Laughing loudly, she rolled in the inch thick dust, making a dirt angel. "Wow! This is perfect!"

She jumped to her hooves, glancing around at the empty room. On one side was a massive stone fireplace, on the other a little stage where bands could gather. There was even a few small rooms branching off the hall for extra space.

After the initial exuberance wore off, she started to critically examine all the work ahead of her. The lighting was not electric, but gas lantern. Great for barn dances, but not so good for everyday use. There was an all pervasive stale smell. Going to have to air it out, huh? The decades old windows needed replaced, and there was some small water damage in places.

Still, the hall was built amazingly well, using high quality timber and some of the best carpentry work she had ever seen. It had been the pride of Ponyville for a long time, and it showed. Her hooves caressed the minute detail carved into the door frames and the amazingly sturdy floors. "Wow, somepony must have really cared about this place."

Standing straight, she looked for the staircase. Sure enough, if she opened what looked to be a closet, a staircase appeared. It too was well worn, though of a simple design. Her hooves made a pleasant clip clop as she climbed. What was at the top made her squeal with delight.

The living quarters had once housed the mayor's family before traditions changed and majors bought their own houses. As such, it had been as carefully and lovingly constructed as the rest of the building. The boards creaked as she stared at the quaint living room. A little exploring revealed an adorable kitchen, a large dining room, two bedrooms, and a bathroom with a claw foot tub. She giggled at the antique faucet and plumbing. "Wow, that's just silly."

Striding into the largest bedroom, she looked out the window and beamed from ear to ear. The view of Ponyville was breathtaking, and there was even a little balcony to step out on. It was perfect, and it was all hers. She opened her mouth to sing a happy song when a loud shout sounded from downstairs.

Quick as a whip, she made her way out of the apartment and down the stairs. Sure enough, two ponies stood in the center of the hall looking highly confused. Applejack grinned at Pinkie, "Well there you are. What in tarnation are ya doing here?"


"Exploring?" Rainbow Dash opened and closed her mouth. "It's like a museum in here. What's there to explore?"

"She's got a point there, Pinkie." Applejack kicked up a cloud of dust and immediately regretted her decision. After a fit of coughing she looked up at the party pony, "We've been lookin' all over for ya."

"Yeah. If Mayor Mare hadn't told us you were here, we would still be searching." Rainbow Dash flew around the room, and made a violent twist in the air, "Gah! It's cobweb city up here."

Applejack turned to look at her, concern filling her eyes, "Why are you here, Pinkie? This aint another of yer surprise parties is it?"

"Nope." Watching Rainbow Dash flailing from the cobwebs made her giggle loudly, "This is my new home."

"WHAT? You can't be serious, Sugarcube. This place is real old. Ma great Grandparents helped build it." Applejack rested a hoof on Pinkie's forehead, checking for fever, "You sure yer feeling allright? You aint gone crazy from missin' Cheese?"

"I'm fine, Applejack. Just peachy keen!" Pinkie twirled around, sending up a dust storm. "I got this place because it's amazing."

Rainbow landed smoothly beside them, "It's amazing all right. Amazingly filthy."

"She's got a point, Sugarcube. It's gonna be a right challenge ta fix up. You up for the job?"

Pinkie stamped a hoof against the wood, "I know that. But, it's worth it. Besides, when Cheese gets back, I'm sure he'll be happy to help me out."

Rainbow plucked a rather large cobweb from her wing, "You're going to need more than a little help."

"I know, I know." Pinkie gasped, staring at them as though they just arrived. "Oh my goodness. You were trying to find me for something important, and I'm wasting your time."

"Naw, you're good." A wide grin stretched across Rainbow's face, "We're all going over to Twilight's to plan our costumes for nightmare night."

"Nightmare night? Oooh! That sounds super fun. Let's go!" Pinkie shoved her friends along, ushering them out of the house. Before they left, she took one last long look. It would be a challenge, but it would be well worth it.


Milo walked blearily up the steps. Ever since he left the alley, it was like he was walking in a haze. Stumbling up the last step, he moved to the door. Inside the apartment was dark. Cheese lay curled up on the couch. Not too concerned for me, was he?

A part of him wanted to let the younger stallion sleep, but no, they had to talk now before his pride got the better of him. He strode over, nudging him hard in the ribs, "Cheese. Wake up. It's important."

Cheese blinked the sleep from his eyes, "You made it back."

"Yeah, way to watch out for me, kid."

"Sorry, I was super tired." Now that he was upright, he was a little confused as to why Milo woke him up to begin with. The apartment was still dark, it had be early in the morning. "What time is it?"

"About two in the morning." Milo sat next to him, illuminating his horn and staring into Cheese's eyes. "You look better."

"I feel better." He patted the pink paper beside him, "Pinkie's letter helped a lot."

"Glad to hear it." What am I doing? Get to the point, Milo. He took a long, deep breath, "Cheese, I just got done speaking with your mother."

Cheese felt his heart skip a beat, "What? She sent the letter?"

"Yes. And, she's given me a proposition. I feel obligated to tell it to you, this is your case after all." He took a few seconds to gather some courage then plowed ahead. As he spoke, the expression on Cheese's face grew darker and darker. By the time he was done, the stallion seemed lost in his own world. "So, there you have it. We can either make this deal or see Storm Scribe walk. We can still try to pursue the abuse charges, but there's not much hope of it going beyond preliminary hearings. The Princesses require evidence after all."

The chipping paint of Milo's walls somehow became fascinating to Cheese. A sea of emotions spilled over him, and he did not know if he felt like laughing or screaming. But, he knew, just knew what had to be done. He mumbled, "Take it."


"I said, take the deal." A knot formed in his stomach, "This isn't just about us any more Milo. All the ponies he's harmed, they deserve some justice too. I won't let him walk away scott free because of me."

Relief washed over Milo's face, "All right. I'll send off our reply in the morning. Get some rest, we'll start the process tomorrow morning."

"Kay, night." Cheese watched Milo slip away, and stared out the window. The lights of Manehattan flickered and danced like some fantastic kaleidoscope. As he lay there, he hoped everything would turn out for the better.



"Oh, Prius. I didn't hear you come in." Starlight looked up at the mare from her position on the lounge. A small slip of paper was held suspended in the air by her amber magic. Dropping it to the table, she motioned the unicorn to take a seat across from her.

The pudgy mare trundled into the dressing room and took a seat. Her rotund face wore a worried expression. "Did I do something wrong, Starlight?"

"Oh no, dear. You did everything right." She tapped the letter with a hoof. "Milo's accepted my little offer."

"That's good." Then, pausing, "What offer?"

"I offered him evidence to put Storm away for good." She swirled her mane absent mindedly. "He's accepted."

Prius looked politely confused, "Why would you make an offer like that?"

"Normally I wouldn't. However, he's agreed to drop the abuse charges and Rory's given his word not to bring up the abuse." Starlight levitated a hoof mirror, examining her snow white mane with interest.

"But, those were just trumped up charges to begin with. You didn't have to offer him anything."

The sight of the innocent little mare before her started a strange urge inside Starlight. It would be oh so fun to mess with her naive assumptions of the world. "Oh, those weren't trumped up charges, dear."

Her eyes grew as big as saucers, "What? You're lying! You would never do something like that."

A wolfish grin stretched across her face, "You underestimate me, Prius. I didn't take an interest in his suffering like Storm did, but I will admit, I did help on occasions."

It can't be true. It can't be. Prius opened and closed her mouth, trying to stop her heart from racing. "Why?"

Starlight actually laughed, "Why? Does it matter?" The sight of Prius' stunned expression somehow irritated her, and she stopped. Her eyes narrowed, "But it matters to you. Doesn't it?"

Prius could only nod. Every part of her was screaming to run right out of the room, but her muscles would not let her. Instead, she sat rooted to the spot, staring at her employer.

"You are a good pony, Prius. I suppose I'll tell you the truth. You'll forgive an old mare her ramblings, won't you?"

Clearing her throat, she continued, "I came from a poor family, Prius. Throughout my youth, I worked as hard as I could, using whatever means I possessed to rise to the top. At the time, I was working as a free-lance model, taking whatever low end jobs I could find. I had friends who supported me and was dating my high school sweetheart. So, I thought myself well off."

Prius tapped her hooves nervously against the tiles, "Why are you telling me this?"

"So you will understand." After a sip of water, Starlight started up again, "But, ever so slowly, I found myself wanting more out of life. Then, I met Storm. He was harsh, arrogant, and manipulative, but he was rich. I dumped my coltfriend and turned my efforts to him. Sure enough, he fell for my charms, just as everypony before him had, and we were soon married."

The soft lines of Starlight's face taunt, "I had the money and fame I had always longed for, but had lost the love. So, when I had Rory, I thought I should be well off." Her eyes grew uncharacteristically soft, "He looked just like my father with that same uncontrollable mane. A beautiful earth pony with eyes just like Storm's. I was so excited to show him to his father. Surely he would love me after giving him something so wonderful."

Starlight paused, and her expression darkened. After a long drink of water, she pointed to Prius, "You know what Storm's first words were to me after I showed him our son?"

"No?" Prius squirmed in her seat, wondering what the mare was getting at.

"'Drown it.'" An icy laugh echoed around the dressing room. Starlight looked practically manic now, "For months and months I struggled to keep his own father from killing him. 'I don't need an earth pony as a son' was all he would say when I caught him in the act. Do you even know what that's like?"

Prius wanted to crawl under the chair and hide. "You're scaring me, Starlight."

The manic laughter intensified, "What was I to do? I soon learned I would never have another foal, so I turned my attention to the one I had. Certainly Storm would see reason, wouldn't he? But no, with each passing day it became clearer and clearer that he would never care for the child."

Starlight leapt to the ground and began to pace. "I started to see that colt as a stumbling block, the very proof of my failure. The sight of him began to annoy me, and I wanted nothing more than to see him vanish. So, when Storm took a fancy to beating him, it was easy enough to turn a blind eye."

"You let him beat your colt?" The pounding in her chest had reached an unbearable level. What kind of mare does that?

Starlight leaned in close, eye to eye with Prius. "I did, and what of it? After his punishments, he was quiet and obedient, just the way I wanted him."

"He was scared." I'm scared. Get me out of here! "You should've comforted him."

"And would good would that have done? It wouldn't have made Storm stop." Starlight snorted, and turned away from her. "There, I've told you enough. You may leave my presence."

"You're a horrid pony, Starlight. You don't deserve that stallion as your son." Scrambling to her hooves, the mare galloped across the room, flung open the door, and vanished from sight.

Starlight watched her for a brief moment, then turned to the lounge once more. Don't deserve him do I? What does that ugly mare know anyway? I couldn't have stopped Storm if I wanted to. If it wasn't Rory, it would have been me. Somepony had to be the scapegoat.


Storm Scribe looked over the financial report for the third time that day. The profit margins were going down, and it disgusted him. He had gone through three heads of department so far, to no success. Perhaps I need to go down there and knock a few heads. Levitating a notepad, he began to scrawl. A loud knock brought his attention to the door. "Come in."

A burly, scar covered unicorn strode in and hastened into a bow. "They've made their move Mr. Scribe."

"Have they?" A smug expression crossed his face, "Do tell, Razak."

"They plan on pursuing just about every charge in the book but the abuse." He shrugged, "Seems you were wrong about that one, sir."

A nasty snarl stretched across his features, "Wrong was I?"

Razak felt his stomach churn. "No, sir. I just meant-"

A raised hoof silenced the pony. "It is fine, Razak. So, what evidence do they claim to possess?"

The unicorn grimaced, "From what I've gathered, they've got an informant and some pretty condemning stuff."

"Do they now?" Storm's mind raced through a list of potential suspects, all of whom he would deal with in due course. Sighing, he opened a drawer, levitating a bag full of bits towards the pony. "Make those two think twice about proceeding. You understand?"

Razak's grimy face stretched to reveal a set of uneven teeth, "Perfectly sir."