• Published 2nd Mar 2014
  • 4,447 Views, 36 Comments

Scootabreezie - Servant Phoenix

Where has Scootaloo been before Ponyville? Where are her parents? Why can’t she grasp the technique of pegasus flying? Why is she so excited about the breezie migration? And since when can she speak Breezie?

  • ...

One Day

Note: The breezie language in this fiction is Norwegian-Bokmål, containing the translation in [square brackets] after each sentence.

Ponyville was waiting with anticipation for the migration of the breezies. Almost everypony was on the streets. Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were standing outside of the crowd, next to a tree.

“It was a good idea, Apple Bloom, to not be with our sisters,” Sweetie Belle said. “I mean, not that I don’t like spending time with her, but we couldn’t have seen anything in this crowd.”

Scootaloo sat down and crossed her front hooves. “Yeah, maybe if I could fly then—”

“Oh quit it Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom said. “Ya’ll fly one day. Don’t start it again.”

Scootaloo stuck out her tongue, but said nothing.

“Oh, there they come!” Sweetie cried out.

Scootaloo looked up at the breezies. The colorful cloud of magical creatures have reached the outskirts of Ponyville. She closed her eyes and whispered, “Kan vindene veilede deg, brødre og søstre. [May the winds guide you, brothers and sisters.]”

“What did ya say?” Apple Bloom glanced back at Scootaloo.

“Oh nothing.” Scootaloo faked a smile and scratched her head. “Just remembered something. But, ehm... gotta watch the breezies!” She pointed towards the flying pony-fairies.

Apple Bloom decided to leave it, which resulted a big breath of relief from Scootaloo. She then focused on the breezies. “Ah, thank God they’re doing fine. The breeze’s just perfect. Everything’s perfect.” Her wings fluttered as the breeze reached them and went through her feathers. She sighed. “En dag… [One day...]”

A leaf flew into the formation of breezies.

Scootaloo’s eyes widened. She jumped forward. “No! Back to the line!” She began shouting. “Tilbake til linjen! [Back to the line!]”

Tilbake til linjen!

Scootaloo tried to regain her control, but couldn’t. The world was spinning and spinning. She felt nausea taking over. To her horror, she was drifting away from the screaming group.

May Flower! Ikke la meg være i fred! [May Flower! Don’t leave me alone!]

Sea Breeze was trying to reorganize the group, but couldn’t. They just kept screaming and whining.

Scootaloo’s eyes were filling with tears. “No… This can’t happen again.” She slumped down on the ground.

Fluttershy flew to the rescue.

“Ah yes! Fluttershy can resist the breeze.” Scootaloo jumped on her hooves. “Grab on her! Grip på pegasus! [Grab on the pegasus!]” she yelled.

The breezies grabbed Fluttershy, and she landed with them safely.

“YES!” Scootaloo shouted and jumped with a hoof upwards. Then looked behind herself with a huge grin on her face. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle watched Scootaloo’s reaction, mouth agape.

She quickly leaned towards a rock near to her, with one hoof on her hips and glanced upwards. “Ah yeah, I mean… breezies huh?”

“What are ya not telling us?” Apple Bloom asked with a cocked eyebrow.

Scootaloo put a hoof to her chest. “Who, me? Nothing. I…” Then she noticed it in the corner of her eye. A blue breezie drifted too far and was plummeting to the forest. She turned her head and barely caught a glimpse of it as it went through the canopy. She gasped.

Scootaloo, after some struggle, managed to stop spinning, but her velocity was still carrying her away from the group. She glanced behind her. She saw the first trees of the Everfree Forest and gulped.

The orange and purple colored breezie’s mind began filling with horrible images of the monsters that dwelt within. Even those big ponies feared that forest, what chance could she have there… alone?

The ground was coming too fast.

Scootaloo began running towards the trees she’d seen the breezie fall through.

“Hey! Ya didn’t answer! Come back here!” Apple Bloom yelled and began chasing her, with Sweetie Belle close behind.

Scootaloo arrived at a small area that was surrounded by trees. Bushes and grass with some yellow flowers enveloped the ground. She began jerking her head back and forth. “Hvor er du? [Where are you?]”

Apple Bloom tackled Scootaloo. She stood up fast and pressed the pegasus to the ground.

“Hey! Let me go!” Scootaloo protested.

“Ah’m not gonna let ya go until ya tell me why are ya actin’ so weird.”

“Yeah, what’s going on Scootaloo? You’re not just acting very strange, but also talking gibberish!” Sweetie said.

“That’s not gibberish! That’s Breezie!” Scootaloo groaned as she tried to free herself, but she had no chance against the earth pony.

“And how do ya know Breezie?”

Scootaloo tried to escape once more, but couldn’t. She sighed and laid her head on the ground sideways, gazing ahead.

Scootaloo’s back hit the ground, hard. Her tiny lungs were whistling as she tried to breathe. She couldn’t move any of her limbs. Her vision began fading, when she heard the sound of a spell cast. She could barely catch the glimpse of purple alicorn, walking in the woods.

“Ah, the good old Equestria, before I arrived to Ponyville.” She heard the sound of a deep sniff. “The best place to… Oh, a breezie! Are you okay?”

Tears were emerging in Scootaloo’s eyes. “A breezie. A breezie fell into these trees. I saw it. It’s now here in this forest... alone.”

Seeing her friend’s tears, Apple Bloom’s anger faded. “Why are ya hiding things from us, Scootaloo? Ya know we love you. We wouldn’t tell anyone.”

Scootaloo sniffed. “That breezie, it won’t be as lucky as I was. We must find it.”

Scootaloo heard a pony pacing around.

“Oh no no, what should I do? I know I shouldn’t change the past, but I can just leave her here. She must get back to her homeland!”

A pause.

“It’s too late, the portal is closed!”

Another pause. The sound of deep breath. She felt the pony come closer.

“You can’t go back to your home, therefore you must live in Equestria. But you can’t survive here… as a breezie.”

She felt something tingling and saw a purple flash through her eyelids.

“But… But… You’re Scootaloo!”

Sweetie tilted her head. “As you? Wait, you’re not gonna tell us that you used to be a breezie, right?”

Scootaloo didn’t answer, but nodded.

Apple Bloom gazed at her. “Okay, that’s the weirdest thing Ah’ve ever heard. Do ya have a more believable explanation?”

Scootaloo sighed. “I wish I had, Apple Bloom. I wish I had.”

Apple Bloom stepped off the laying pegasus. “If ah wouldn’t have seen how ya acted in the past ten minutes, I wouldn’t believe ya.” She held out a hoof, which Scootaloo grabbed and stood up.

“But… But how? When? What? This doesn’t make any sense!” Sweetie said with hooves wide.

“You see? That’s why I didn’t tell this to you,” Scootaloo said, frowning. She huffed and began looking for the fallen breezie, searching the bushes. As she was parting the branches of a bush, she felt a hoof on her shoulders. She looked back and her eyes met with Sweetie’s.

“Scootaloo, I doesn’t make any sense now. But not because I don’t believe you. I’d say let’s find your breezie friend, then we sit down and you tell us everything, okay?”

Scootaloo’s frown easened. “Thanks Sweetie.”

“Yeah, Ah want to hear that story too, but Ah can see how important it’s for you to find that breezie. So let’s find it!”

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Breezie Rescuers, YAY!”

A cough.

They all glanced at the direction of the sound and ran towards it. Behind a bush, a breezie, with blue hair and yellow body was laying on the ground.

Scootaloo leaned down, and gently took the little body in her hooves. She began examining him, lifting his wings, and gently pushing him at certain points. He coughed again.

“Scoots, what are you doing?” Sweetie asked.

“I’m checking for injuries,” she said. Then gave a sigh of relief. “He is alright, just some minor bruises.”

He opened his small blue eyes. “Hva... Hvor er jeg? [What… Where am I?]”

“Trygg, [Safe,]” Scootaloo said. “Kan du fly? [Can you fly?]”

The breezie turned on his belly, and stood on his tiny legs. He collapsed.

“Det er greit. Du trenger bare å hvile litt. [It’s okay. You just need to rest a little.]” Scootaloo put the breezie on her back.

“Care to translate?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“He is fine, but his body is exhausted and needs some rest before he can fly again.” She began trotting towards the town. “Come on, let’s go to my place.”

“And that’s how I became a pony,” Scootaloo finished. The three of them were sitting in a circle, while the breezie was sleeping in the bed.

“Through all these years... Why didn’t you tell this to us?” Sweetie asked.

Scootaloo couldn’t meet her eyes, she started at the ground. “Because I thought you wouldn’t believe me anyway. I mean… How would you’ve reacted if I’ve told you that I used to be a pony-fairy?”

“Well, to be honest… I’m not sure. But I’m happy that you did now,” Sweetie said.

“Yeah. Now Ah finally understand why we’ve never seen yer parents, and how it is possible that ya have yer own house.”

Scootaloo smiled. “Funny huh? I hope that one day, I’ll be able to thank Princess Twilight Sparkle again for her generosity. I mean… she bought me a house!”

“And taught you Equestrian,” Sweetie added.

“Yeah,” Scootaloo scratched her head. “She used some weird spell on me that made me learn incredibly fast”

“I wish I could learn things like that. It would be so much easier,” Sweetie said, chuckling.

“Ehm, Ah’m not good at this stuff but… didn’t Princess Twilight cause some problems? I mean, at that time, she was neither a princess nor an alicorn. If she’d met some ponies, they might have freaked out or even told unicorn Twilight.”

“Oh, it wasn’t a big deal for her.” She waved a hoof. “She’s just put on some illi… ilson…”

“Illusion?” Sweetie helped.

“Yeah that. An illusion spell. She looked like a yellow unicorn with orange mane. Even her sound was different! It was really weird.”

The breezie groaned in a tiny squeaky voice.

Scootaloo walked to her bed and leaned over him. “Føler du deg bedre? [Are you feeling better?]”

The breezie nodded. He crawled out of the blanked. “Ja. [Yes.]” He looked around. “Kan jeg få litt vann? [Can I get some water?]”

Scootaloo nodded. “Sweetie, could you pass me the bowl with water in it, please?”

“Sure thing Scoots!” Sweetie grabbed the bowl in her emerald magic and slowly levitated it on the bed. It wavered sometimes in the air, small droplets of water falling out. By the time she finished, she was sweating. “Phew, this was harder than I thought. It felt like this water just wanted to spill out!”

“Tusen takk! [Thank you very much!]” said the breezie and he began drinking from it.

Scootaloo glanced to her friends. “Uhm… Snakker du Equestrian? [Do you speak Equestrian?]”

“Little,” he said. “Can speak, bad grammar.”

“Wow, he speaks Equestrian!” Apple Bloom said.

The breezie chuckled. “Learned from Sea Breeze. Important he says. Speak with nice ponies in danger world.”

“What’s your name?” Sweetie asked.

“Whisper,” he said. His eyes suddenly went wide. “Oh no! Portal close!”

“Don’t worry, the portal is still open. Your group is currently with Fluttershy, resting.”

Whisper let out a huge breath.

“Ah think we should check them. It would be really bad if Whisper would miss them.”

“Yeah, let’s go! Hop on Whisper!”

Whisper fluttered his wings and flew on the top of Scootaloo’s head.

“This is probably gonna feel a little funny at first. But you’re gonna have to trust me,” Twilight said and began casting her spell.

“Hey, wait!” Scootaloo shouted.

Twilight stopped her spell. “What is it Scootaloo?”

“Oh look! A breezie, in her mane!” Fluttershy said.

Whisper fluttered out of Scootaloo’s mane and the other breezies cheered for their lost mate.

“Wow, where did you find him?” Twilight asked.

“He got separated and fell into the forest,” Scootaloo said. She gasped. “Oh no! There’s not enough of them! They won’t be able to fly through the whole way!”

“And that’s exactly why I’m gonna turn the six of us into breezies!” Twilight smiled. She turned to the others. “I didn’t want to spoil the surprise, but I can promise you it’s gonna be fun.”

Pinkie gasped. “Turning into breezies?” She leaped in front of Twilight and began hopping on the spot. “Me first! Me first!”

Twilight chuckled. “In a moment, Pinkie.” She began casting her spell again.


Twilight groaned. “Yes, Sweetie Belle? What is it?”

“Can you also turn Scootaloo into a breezie?”

Twilight cocked an eye at the request. She turned her head to the flightless pegasus filly, who was watching her with wide eyes, but couldn’t utter a word.

“Please Twilight! It would mean so much for her!” Apple Bloom asked too, giving her the best puppy smile she could make.

Twilight smiled. “I have a better idea!” She began casting her spell again, and when she released it, all of them became breezies.

Scootaloo opened her eyes. She felt that something was off, something was strange. Something, that she hadn’t felt for years.

She was flying.

“You see Scoots, Ah knew ya’d fly one day.” Apple Bloom said, hovering next to her.

Scootaloo’s mouth went wide and she began not just flying, but spinning, doing loop de loops and various air tricks that Rainbow Dash watched in awe. Scootaloo’s eyes were glimmering with tears.

“Ah yeah, that’s my girl!” Rainbow Dash cheered for her.

Fluttershy flew into the middle. “Mair flu fly, baiting du!” she said. Her friends looked at each other. “Uhm, I mean… let’s go!”

“Come on, Scootaloo!”

When they passed through the portal, the pony-breezies gasped in awe at the world of the breezies. However, after a few seconds, Scootaloo’s awe became disturbance. She was glancing between the world she just entered and the portal.

“Will ya stay here Scootaloo?” Apple Bloom asked from behind.

Scootaloo turned to look at her friend. Apple Bloom’s eyebrows were arching downwards.

“It’s okay if you do,” Sweetie said next to her. “After all, this is your home.”

She glanced again at her world, then the portal, then finally at her friends. She took a deep breath, smiled and shook her head. “No.”

“What, why?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Because...” She looked at the ground. ”Maybe it was my home, but it was years ago… and I got to know you… and I think…” She looked up at her friends. “I’d miss you a lot more than I miss my homeland.”

Sweetie smiled and hugged her friend, along with Apple Bloom. “We love you too, Scootaloo,” Sweetie said.

“We better get going before the entrance, well, exit for us, closes,” Rarity said.

Scootaloo looked at Rarity, then at her friends. “Come on, girls, let’s go.”

Ground. Again, the ground. Scootaloo looked at the ground that she was touching with every step as they were marching back to Ponyville. Flying as a breezie felt so easy. As a pony, it felt impossible.

Dash gently hit her shoulder from above. “Oh come on, Scoots, don’t be so sad. You were awesome! I mean, those tricks you did as a breezie. I can’t wait to see you do those as a pegasus.” Scootaloo smiled at her, but her eyes still betrayed her sadness. She gazed forward again.

Rainbow Dash landed in front of her, making her halt. She looked seriously in her eyes. “Scoots, I promised that I’ll teach you to fly and I’m the mare of my word!”

“Except when yer not,” Applejack said.

“Not helping, Applejack!” Dash said to her, then looked back to Scootaloo. “Scootaloo. One day, you’ll fly as a pegasus. Keep that in your mind, because... I’ll never let you forget it! Got it?” She gently hit her on the chest.

Scootaloo’s heart was melting as she was watching and listening to her big sister. She smiled again, this time, honestly. “Yes! We’ll do it! I know we can do it!”

Rainbow Dash ruffled Scootaloo’s mane. “Now that’s the Scootaloo I know!”

They continued walking. The smile on Scootaloo’s face stayed through the rest of the journey. There was a single thought in her mind that she held on for the rest of her life, until it became truth: One day, I’ll fly again.


Author's Note:

I’d like to apologize to the native Norwegian speakers, as I used my very limited Norwegian knowledge and Google Translate for the translations, which might have resulted some weird sentences. However, since the language in the episode was unintelligible Scandinavian, I don’t feel it matters that much in this fiction.

Special thanks to bobdat for proofreading and musicman722 for the idea.

Comments ( 36 )

Fluttershy's 'Let's Go" is not Norwegian. I tried to keep it as it was said in the show.

Scootaloo confirmed for best Breezy. :scootangel:

But wait... why can she fly? :rainbowhuh: You broke canon!

I was wondering when something like this was gonna show up haha pretty good, it's not bad.

Wow, that took a lot less time than I expected it to. Nice story, by the way. :twilightsmile:

Nice story. ^^
Now, if Rainbow made a breeze, could she fly as a pegasus ?

Also, yet another origin story for scootaloo... so far fanon made her (probably not exhaustive list) pegasus-alicorn-changeling-changeling_hybrid-batpony-draconequs-human-alien-mad_scientist_experiment-gallus-time_traveling_paradox-imaginary_creature-breezie... and that's just speaking of her nature...(in before seapony in season5 :facehoof: )

This is one of the few i'd be ok with.

What's a Breezy? Is that like a Flutterpony or something?

They should make a group for that, I'd probably read half of those just for the hell of it.

Yes, this was in my head too:

Poor Scootaloo has no canon origins. Let's give her another fanon one to the long list.


4026531 Watch the last episode "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies" They are the new sentient creatures of My Little Pony and look like the one on the cover photo.

Did any one notice Sea breeze's wife looked like a breeze version:scootangel: of scoots?


The idea for this story came from this art: Home by IchibanGravity. I just looked at Sea Breeze's wife and commented "Sea Breezie's wife looks like Scootaloo.", then someone wrote a comment on me "waitwaitwaitwaitwait.....what if...Scootaloo WAS a Breezie? Would explain why she can't fly", and poof, I had a story to write.

Awesome story :scootangel:

daww a nice little story and dont worry on the Norwegian parts it was good.

men Google kan ta noe feil noen ganger, også vi har bokstavene Æ(œ), Ø(ø), Å(å)

anyway sequel?:scootangel:


anyway sequel?:scootangel:

I feel like this story is complete as is, has a beginning and an end. Scootaloo decided to permanently stay to be a pony, so I can't see how the story could be developed further. The only idea I has is a Fluttershy-Scootaloo adoption story, which is....hm... I'll just put it on my idea list. Maybe one day I'll write it. :raritywink:

4155710 Hehe, we here in Denmark have æ ø and å, too!
Men det lærer man hen af vejen. :rainbowwild:

inb4 The Psychopath :trollestia:

Scootaloo smiled. “Funny huh? I hope that one day, I’ll be able to thank Princess Twilight Sparkle again for her generosity. I mean… she bought me a house!”

Wait, what?!:flutterrage: Okay, I'm gonna have to call bullshit on that! Call me petty, but Twilight never met Scootaloo prior to the pilot episode, let alone seeing the breezies. What gives? :rainbowhuh:

4305044 She's met a future Princess Twilight who time travelled. She can't thank her now because it would make no sense in Scootaloo's current timeline (and might even cause time-paradoxes), at least not until Princess Twilight reaches her jump-back point.

should have sequle

4435047 The sequel is on my to-do list. On one day Fluttershy will catch Scootaloo talking in Breezie, which will escalate into Fluttershy adopting Scootaloo. What do you think? :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Weird Dragon deleted May 29th, 2014

4435254 I love that idea do it soon pleae

4478054 Sorry, but you have to wait a little longer. :ajsleepy:


(The blogpost is not only about Healing Smiles, but rather about a general hiatus)

Nice story. Is there gonna be a sequel?:pinkiehappy::scootangel:

4849015 It's on my long list of 'stuff to write'. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Draco Dei deleted May 15th, 2015

4849350 now this is a great story and makes alot of sense about scootaloo

But... this was one of my ideas... :raritydespair:

Sorry. :pinkiesad2:
I wrote the next day after the breezie episode aired.

Headcanon accepted! Also, as a Swedish person with a bit of understanding of Norwegian, I enjoyed the Breezie talk.

However, despite, or maybe because, me being Swedish, I don't really see how the Breezie language is supposedly Scandinavian. I guess it might be, but I haven't really heard a Scandinavian language that sounds anything like that.

“Kan vindene veilede deg, brødre og søstre. [May the winds guide you, brothers and sisters.]”. Minor spelling error with 'kan', I looked it up and it doesn't translate to 'may', it translates to 'can', just to let you know.


Not a bad story.:pinkiehappy: Nor a bad idea.:pinkiehappy: It would be interesting to read a full story centered around this.:pinkiesmile:

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