• Published 2nd Feb 2014
  • 8,498 Views, 341 Comments

Sweets And A Dash Of Rainbow. - Sir Hat

After spending a drunken night with Rainbow Dash, Ryan heads back to work at a small Candyshop in the center of Ponyville. But little does he know the one night stand quickly proves to be a little more involved.

Comments ( 22 )

I could go further, but as is, it ends as it started, with some sort of a wedding.


I understand, but in truth this ending suits this story quite well. It's really the kind of ending it needs. We know what's going to happen, and we're given a pretty good idea of how their life is going to evolve from this point. It allows the readers to come up with their own headcanon of what will eventually happen to them. I like that kind of ending.

Sir Hat, you've done a fantastic job.


... and move on.

Does that mean that we'll finally see new additions to "Summer", since you're promoting "Spring"?

Eventually...I'm working on a lot man.

Oh, Lyra. I'm not sure what you expected would happen.

In any case, hooray for the happy ending for everyone who haven't stuck their brains into power sockets.

Wait, he's ending this? Can someone please point me to a substitute or something for this. No offense to Sir Hat but, this is the only thing that I read from him. I kinda have trouble getting into his Ballad of Glass thing and I'm not exactly sure what I should read from him after this.

Lol. Well that's one way to end ir. I was half expecting lyra to try talking them into letting her join them or getting them drunk so they get into a threesome and lyra ends up pregnant as well.

But atleast it got an ending. And not a horrible "der I kill the main characer off herp. Because I'm out of ideas and want the story to just end derp!:facehoof:

I'd like a prequel of Lyra's time in the human world


Where was the comedy, the Randomness Terribly timed, Bon was decent at the start then went south.Lyra was an idiot, Ryan rarely finished thoughts or sentences, and jumped from subject to subject from time to time. the Only Character that you gave any DEPTH to you threw away. Rainbow dash and Not because She's cool it was interesting to see her alittle less Full of her self, and a Sense of vulnerability. In the middle of the story you called Lyra BonBon's Old Roommate, why'd she stick around then. that "Kiss my ass" thing with her, The most Useless exchange of the Fic, about 79% of all fics i read from begining to end i feel like "i enjoy this I hate to see it end."

this was Without a Doubt NOT one of those, I am Glad this Ended. It was painful to sit through. At the first quarter very funny lots of good stuff going for it then it fell apart then promptly fell on it's face.
This gets a dislike from me

Alright. Fuck off then. :applejackunsure:

Least ya made it to the end I suppose.

Well, I say, "Congrats on finishing a big story Sir Hat." ^^ I aspire to be you!

*Sneaks off back to his tower* >.>

Why ya gotta be like that....


Well, finishing stories feels great, and I've got a lot of stories to finish. :twilightsheepish: Thus, I aspire to be so on task as thee. Hah

Your sarcasm isn't funny.... None of it is. Of all the people to join in on the "Ha, Hat is dumb" thing, I didn't think it would have been you. I honestly thought you were better than that.

"She's pregnant! And that's an engagement hooflet! You can kiss my fucking fat flank!" Lyra reached back around the corner she was hiding behind and slapped her flank.

Lyra has just admitted she is fat to a male. There are not many females that are not morbidly so that will do this.

Well, this was quite difficult to read. Funny here and there and everyone but Lyra is angry and yelling.

ok.... this was a weird ride but... uhh I guess it was funny and kinda good.

Good story bruh, not sure wut these other cats were talking but. ✌️

For some reason, all the chapters after "pent up" are a mess of typing. Either there are holes in the text, or missing chapters, or just a lack of plot. Why are they needed?

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