• Published 27th Dec 2013
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Soarin's Last Flight - Grenazers

This is a tale of one lone pegasus fight against a horde of griffons soldiers.

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Last Flight

Somewhere in Griffon territory

Flying up high in the night sky, stood a lone light blue pegasus. The pegasus was exhausted, evidence by his constant panting and sluggish movements. Despite overexerting himself, the stallion's eyes showed that this tired pony can still put up a fight.

Below him was a large airship in flames, slowly descending down to the ground. It left trail of smokes created by the fire, pieces of the airship broke off and were blown away by the strong wind currents.

Instead of looking at the falling ship, his eyes were set on the massive army before him. Flying a couple of feet a head of him, is a large formation of pissed off looking griffons. Each one them were glaring daggers at him, while brandishing their muskets, swords, and spears.

The blue stallion was not deterred and brandished his own weapons, two bloody blades attached to his forelegs. The stallion prepared himself for the coming fight. He was fully aware that he die this day, but knows that his death will not be in vain.

For his little diversion will not only help win the war, but to also finally end it, once and for all.

Seven days ago

In the main castle of Canterlot, the two royal sisters were in a middle of discussion. For too long has this war had went on, so long that it is slowly ruining their once prosperous nation. They needed to end this decade long war now or else they'll never recover from it.

The two princess gathered all their generals, admirals, and marshals in a meeting to plan out a strategy for winning the war. After many long hours everypony finally came up with a plan. It was risky, but if this succeeds then they will finally put an end to this war.

This plan has caused some major controversy with some of the ponies, including one princess. However, even they knew that it had to be done, otherwise the war will gone on even longer.

With everypony in agreement, the was set in motion. The Equestrians build up their army and their arsenals. Fresh recruits were given short rigorous trainings and were immediately put into a company.

Soon the ponies has amass a huge fighting force. Now all that was needed is for somepony to lead the distraction force. Out of all the candidates, only one actually volunteered for the position. His name was Commander Soarin of the sixth Pegasus battalion.

Now Soarin has been a controversial figure amongst the military ranks. Some say that a show performer has no place here, others say that his daredevil attitude will jeopardize the missions.

Despite these claims Soarin still remain in the army. The reason for this was for his many accomplishments over the war. He worked hard and has earn that rank. Sure he screws up once in a while, but nopony is perfect.

Another thing that sets him apart from other commanders, is for him to take part in combat. While some commanders are away from the battle, Soarin would rather be in the middle of it. This earned him the respect of his troops and showed that he was willing to take the same risk his soldiers face.
The plan was simple, they have found a route to the main griffon capital. They are going to sent their assembled army through that route and attack the city. From there they hope to make the king surrender, but if not, they'll at least destroy their main leadership.

It was quite risky since if this fails, not only will the war go on longer, but will lead to some repercussion. For example the Equestrians pooled in all their resources on this plan and not only will they be low on things, the griffons would surely counter back, but more aggressively.

This where Soarin comes in, he is to lead a small force of pegasus and engage griffon soldiers guarding the capital. He is to cause enough destruction and mayhem to have the griffons divert their troops to his location. This will in turn create an opening, allowing the main Equestrian army to sneak pass and assault the city.

So with everything explained to him, Soarin accepted the task and the plan was set in motion. For the next few days the Equestrians build up their force. Raw recruits trained hard, weapons and armors were being made, and war machines are mass producing.

Finally the day has come to put their plan into action. Before he left, Commander Soarin gave a closed envelope to one of his soldiers, who was staying behind. He asked him to hold onto it until he returns, but in case he doesn't, he is to deliver the letter to the address written on it.

Under the cover of Luna's night, the army sailed across the sea and landed on the griffon's shores. Once they landed, the large army followed the map that will lead to the route towards the capital.

Soarin and his battalion of pegasus flew ahead of the main army, acting as reconnaissance. When they reached the route, Soarin and his troops spotted some griffons airship hovering above. Those airship were much different compared to ponies.

While theirs fly by using blimps, the griffons uses numerous rotating blades around the ship to keep it flying. Truly a advance piece of technology they developed, and now Soarin and his troops are going to take them down.

Signalling the attack, all the pegasus charged at the airship. Some split up so they can target the other airships. The griffons of course immediately spotted them and alerted everyone to their presence. Before the they could do anything, the pegasus swarmed the ships and engaged the griffons in combat.

On one of the airship, Soarin was taking on ten griffons at once. This was simply to draw their attention away from his troops, who trying to find was to sink this ship. The griffons came at the blue stallion one at a time. Soarin easily evaded them and slash some in return with his dual blades.

Suddenly a loud explosion rock the ship and flames started to burst from everywhere. Knowing that the ship is going down, every griffon and pegasus flew off the ship. The flaming airship slowly descended to earth, its bright fire illuminates the night skies as a series of explosion came all over the ship, caused by the fire lighting the gunpowder.

In the middle of all this, one of the airships fired a flare signalling any other patrols for assistance. Just as planned all nearby by griffons spotted the flare and made a beeline to that location, leaving a gap for the main army to go through.

With their diversion working Soarin commanded his battalion to keep up the attack. The blue pegasus himself flew between two musket wielding griffons, impaling both of them in the stomach with his blades.

The next griffon he came across, swung his battle axe at him. Soarin duck his swing, then flew behind him and slice off one of his wings. This then caused the winged predator to lose control of his flight and fell down to his death.

That's the thing about fighting against flying opponents, you don't have to kill them. Instead you can damage their wings and let gravity finish them off. This method has been used during aerial battle, up high in the skies.

The battle went on, with more griffon reinforcements coming. Soarin's battalion fought as long as they could, taking down any griffons and airships with them.

All around the blue commander can hear the sound of his troops being slain, their screams echoes in his mind. But, nevertheless he continued on and took down another airship. In his head Soarin wanted to order a retreat, but stop himself from doing so.

He knew that for this plan to work they'll need to distract them long enough for the other group's plan to work. Mentally cursing to himself for damning his troops to death, he expelled his anger onto a nearby griffon.

After finishing that griffon off, Soarin's ears noticed something. The screams of his pegasus were gone. Taking a look around, Soarin realized that all his soldiers are dead. Not a single pony can be found, he truly is the the last one alive.

Every griffon in his vicinity charge at the last pony, raising their bladed weapons at him. Soarin didn't from his spot, he waited for them to come. Then in a blink of an eye, the blue stallion thrust forward with great speed.

He sliced up three griffons that were in his way and was heading towards the damage airship. A swarm of griffon chased after him, all going to the airship.

Soarin went inside the ship, through a hole. Once inside he grabbed a musket and waited again. The griffons behind him started to fill in and soon they were all inside. Aiming the firearm at a barrel, the pony pulled the trigger and fired.

The gunpowder fill barrel exploded, causing a chain reaction with the other barrels. The airship exploded killing everyone inside, all except for a certain blue pegasus. At the last minute he rushed towards the ship's wall, using the blast wave from the explosion to push him forward and breaking through.

Once outside the blue pegasus flapped his injured wings up, distancing himself from the burning airship. Despite the sight, the stallion's eyes were drawn to a new threat before him.

Griffons, a horde of them, all rushing to the tired pony. Each one brandishes their weapons menacingly, their faces showed only one expression: scowling.

Despite the odds not being his favours, Soarin took a deep breath and prepared himself. Instead of waiting for them, he flapped his wings and met the griffons head on. Raising up both his blood stained blades, Soarin cut his way through the griffon swarm.

Each griffon he faced all got the taste of his blades. Some were sliced up, others got stabbed. There are also a few that got limbs cut off, especially the wings.

Once he thought that he has done enough damage, he then suddenly flew up higher into the sky. As he goes higher a long line of griffon soldiers were right behind him. Meanwhile Soarin kept moving up until all of a sudden he stopped, but not like stop moving, rather his wings stop flapping.

With nothing to keep him in flight, Soarin started to fall. He was falling right into the line of griffons chasing him. Then in a split second, the pony thrust his wings forward. He went through the long line of griffons, slaying each one of them.

Soarin reach the end of the line, bodies of his slain enemies began to fall around him. The survivors watched in utter shock and horror as this single pony has killed a hundred of his brothers, in less then a minute.

This however, didn't stop them and with the arrival of airships and more troops, the griffons continue the battle.

Soarin welcome the reinforcements and charged right at them. Using his speed the pegasus moved around a lot, making himself a difficult target to hit for the musket wielders. One second he's there, and then in another he's over there. These griffons can't catch up to him.

The pony himself was so full of adrenaline from all the action, that he felt like he can go on like this forever. Unbeknownst, to him a single griffon was about to end his killing streak.

Unlike the other griffons who are inexperienced with guns, this one griffon wasn't. Using a modified musket with a scope, the sniper watch the pony switch from one position to another. Even with his speed the griffon can easily track him with his gun.

He waited, patiently waiting for the pony to stop moving. Because the second he stops, he's dead.

Finally his prey stopped, taking a second to take his breath. By this time the griffon gunner aim his weapon at the pony and squeeze the trigger.

A loud bang sounded, a lead ball left the barrel of the gun and soar through the air. Moving in a straight line, the tiny ball made its way to the blue pony. Just as it was about to pierce his head, Soarin moved himself up a bit. This results in the griffon's bullet to hit his neck.

The lead ball entered through the stallion's neck and made its way through the other side. At this point Soarin was leaking huge amount of blood from his neck. He desperately put both his hooves on each side of his neck, hoping to stop the blood flowing.

Suddenly the blue pegasus felt excruciating pain from his back and chest. Looking down Soarin saw a large bloody blade coming out of his chest. He has been stab from the back and he doubt that he'll live from this.
Quickly spinning himself around, Soarin saw the griffon who killed him and in one swift movment he slit his throat. The griffon raised both talons to his neck, but proved to be useless as large amount of his blood spill out.

The griffon soon got woozy and wings stopped flapping. He started to descent a bit until he was falling at a fast pace. Soarin tried to keep himself up, but he eventually lost control and started to fall as well.

As he was falling, the dying pony took a moment to reflect on his life. Memories from his past starts to flash before him. Each flash showed all the important events from his life from his childhood to him joining the Wonderbolts.

Despite the many mistakes he has made, Soarin never let them stop him from being himself and enjoying life. He regret leading his troops to their death, but knew that it was necessary. Their sacrifices will not be in vain for it will be responsible for ending this long conflict.

As the ground below him started to get closer, in his mind the blue pegasus thought about that envelope. Within is letter addressed to a specific mare he knew. This pony was a mare he has for a long time fell in love with, but never got the chance to tell her.

If he had one regret in his life, it is that he was never able to tell her personally how he feels for her.

Before hitting the ground, Soarin though of the mare in his mind. He does this because he wanted the last thing he see be the beautiful mare he loves.

Finally his body hit the ground. The impact killed him quickly, giving the fallen commander a swift end to his life.

And Thus conclude the story of Soarin's Last Flight

Author's Note:

Who is the mare Soarin mentioned? Why its whoever you want her to be. Basically it can be any female characters.

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