• Member Since 7th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 24th, 2017



Rainbow Dash has always been complimented on her athleticism. What happens when she gets complemented for her looks, too, especially when said compliment comes from a certain purple dragon?

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 110 )

oh shit! spikedash? this paring is so rare I need to find a master ball ASAP!

More chapters. My unquenchable thirst for SpikeDash stories must be satiated

Like the ending but I don't much care for when you start stories with something happening 4 or 5 chapters from now. Especially when its a negative. its like yeah this story is gonna end badly or be Sad so Suffer through these chapters while you dread whats gonna happen.

:rainbowlaugh: ME AND SPIKE U GOT TO BE KIDDING what about :raritystarry: spike

hhmmm that beginning.hmm.

2808930 :rainbowhuh: Rare? It's actually the most numerous Dash pairing in the Straight Shipping group.

2808930>>2808986>>2809061>>2809084>>2809211>>2809212 I'm glad y'all like it. I just edited this chapter but I will be writing more in the future. Once again Thank y'all so much

More for this story (and I definitely would love to see when this sex tag comes into play) please.

YES! You got a moustache!:moustache:

This looks good!:moustache:
Will keep a eye on it.:trollestia:

Man, this is pretty damn good. Nice job /)

I'll keep an eye on this one.

Spike-dash?.... Very interesting. I'll keep an eye on dis

Spike dash?
That's rare.


really nice !!!!!!!! :D

Pretty cool. More please.

Wheres LOLcat when you need it. :pinkiehappy:

Murphy's gonna bust some heads

It seems pretty good to me, The Brony Critic. :heart:

2849816 :pinkiegasp: That'll do Hunt that'll do :rainbowlaugh:

2849834 It's Hunter, by the way.

Twilight was this close from a severe flank whooping.

This is looking better and better.:twilightsmile:
Keep up the good work!:moustache::rainbowdetermined2:

Who's Murphy........

Murphy strikes again.:pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh: DAMN YOU MURPHY DAMN YOU TO HELL:flutterrage:

2850232 Ever heard of Murphy's law? Basically if you say something is going to happen or say your going to do something, something bad is going to happen.

2850372 There's more than just that in Murphy's law...

2851388 Probably but that's the basic of it right?


Murphy's Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong

There are a bunch of such laws, but I think Allen's law might apply here too: Almost anything is easier to get into than out of

Oh! The Murphy law!:applecry:

oh my god its the Murphy's law :pinkiegasp: rainbow dash ran for it

Ok I'm TOTALLY not getting laid 2nite.
There Murphy ... Do yo thang XDXDXD

2855548 By Murphy's Law you're going to end up wet and alone lying on the floor.

2855892 better than nothing

2851402 Well, most commonly displayed version, at least in cartoons and stories.

But you'll find other parts of Murphy's law are more common in the modern world

1. 'Rainbow dash is the straight one' is always funny.
2. Everyone is in character.
I have no complaints and I like where this is going.
Keep it up.

The one question she didn't ask herself is 'Is he too young?'

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