• Published 1st May 2013
  • 4,572 Views, 64 Comments

One Heart's Destiny - Robobrony

A new alicorn has appeared in Equestria, but where did he come from, and why is he ashamed of what he is? Only time will tell.

  • ...

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

It’s been almost a week now since the doctor left to find where Misery was hiding in the world. Every pony did just as the doctor said and have just been relaxing and enjoying themselves. The doctor, Derpy, the girls, and Heart Wing are the only ones who knew what happened when Misery changed history. No pony else had any idea of what had happened, it was for the best anyways. Ever since that incident, Dash never took off her engagement necklace, except for bathing and sleeping. Twilight, however did feel it necessary to inform Celestia of Misery’s appearance, but wasn’t sure how to explain it without telling her about what happened when he appeared. She went ahead and did her best to explain the time change incident that happened in a letter and sent it to Celestia, she believed and understood Twilight.

Heart and Rainbow were relaxing at the park, just to enjoy each other’s company, Dash was leaning against Heart’s side while he had a wing wrapped around her as they gazed over the park and watched all the young filly’s and foals play. “Hey Dash, do you ever think about having kids of your own?”

Dash looked up at Heart. “I don’t know, I never really saw myself as a mother figure.”

“Isn’t there a certain little Pegasus who looks up to you like a big sister?”

“Well yeah, but that’s different, she wants to be my little sister, not my daughter.”

“Maybe she just never thought about being your daughter. Maybe if she were offered, she would gladly take it.”

Rainbow was now wearing a confused look. “Heart Wing, what are you getting at?”

Heart Wing smiled big. “I’m saying that once this mess is over and we get married, why don’t we adopt Scootaloo into our family, that poor filly has had it real ruff, and I just know she would love to have you as a mother.”

“You really think so, well…..I guess we could, sure, why not, she deserves a family.”

“Exactly, and besides, she and I are on good terms, you should have seen how much Applebloom was begging me to join their cutie mark crusaders club when she saw I didn’t have a cutie mark, and when I got back from the castle after that curse was lifted, they were so disappointed that I was no longer eligible to join. I don’t know how good of a father figure I’d make, but I would certainly do my best, so what do you say, will we adopt Scootaloo and make her our daughter once we get married?”

Rainbow smiled big as she answered. “Sure, I think that would be a great idea. Let’s save it as a surprise for her once we get married though.”

“Fine by me.” The two then shared a loving kiss.

“Heart Wing, Rainbow Dash, there you are, the doctor just got back, he found Misery.” Pinkie called out, interrupting their moment.

“Aw ponyfeathers, can’t we just stay here a little longer?” Dash was a little upset that they had been interrupted.

Heart Wing chuckled. “Come on Dash, this is a good thing, once we get rid of Misery once and for all, we can get back to where we left off, but probably best to do it in privacy, he he.” Dash and Heart then got up and followed Pinkie to Twilight’s library where every pony else had met up, Derpy included.

Once every one was together, the doctor began. “Good, your all here, as you know, I managed to find where Misery is hiding, or rather where he is ruling from. Being a creature of his great power, he has no need to hide. Anyway, let’s get on with this, shall we?”

Twilight began. “Right then, every pony, let’s get our armor on and dawn the elements of harmony.”

“Guess I’ll have to leave this here then.” Dash said motioning to her necklace. “Spike, you better not try and eat it.” She said jokingly.

“Don’t worry, I do have some self-control after all.” Dash took off her engagement necklace and gave it to Spike for safe keeping. Heart Wing used his magic to teleport their armor to them.

“Here you go, let’s get them on, then our elements and become the Guardians of Harmony.” Heart Wing said as he levitated the armor to every pony and put his own on. The girls all got their armor on, then Twilight brought out the elements of harmony and levitated them to their respective owners.

They each dawned their element of harmony and transformed into the guardians of harmony. “All right doc, we’re ready to roll, let’s go get that meanie Misery.” Said Pinkie.

“Yes, lets show that ruffian it isn’t nice to bring misery to the world.” Rarity said.

Applejack followed up. “It’s time ta take that varmint down.”

Fluttershy then spoke up. “We’ll show him that what he’s doing isn’t nice.”

“We’ll kick his sorry flank so hard, he won’t know what hit him.” Rainbow followed up.

“We stand against him together.” Twilight then came in.

“We do this together.” Heart Wing finished. “Derpy, it’s probably best that you stay here, doctor, once you drop us off, you should leave too, there’s no telling what he may do to you if he sees you.”

“Right, there is something I should tell you about where he is though, you may not like it.”

Heart and the girls didn’t like the sound of that. “What is it doctor?” Twilight asked.

The doctor spoke hesitantly. “Well, it seems he’s made Heart’s family’s castle his own now, he’s completely changed it.”

Heart Wing was upset now. He growled through gritted teeth. “He dares to defile my family’s home, I’m gonna make him pay for this.”

Dash tried to comfort him. “Hey, it’s ok Heart, like you said, we’ll stop him and get rid of him once and for all, right?”

Heart looked at Rainbow, her words worked to calm him down. “Your right, let’s get this over with.” The guardians followed the doctor out of the library and to his Tardis which was just outside. They filed in and the doctor whisked them away.

The engine of the Tardis had come to a stop, signaling that they had arrived. The doctor announced to the guardians. “Well, here we are, best of luck to you, myself and every pony else will be rooting for you.”

Twilight addressed the doctor. “Thanks doctor, for everything you’ve done for us.”

The doctor simply smiled. Pinkie then cheered out. “Come on every pony, we’ve got a demon to slay!” With Twilight in the lead, the guardians stepped out of the Tardis to confront Misery.

The castle that stood before them was a monstrosity. The cliffs that once surrounded Heart’s family’s castle was now gone, the whole area surrounding it was flat. The two alicorn statues that stood at the front were replaced with statues of Misery himself. The castle was looking dark and threatening, it was all black, the spires at the tops of the towers were looking much sharper than they did before. Even the moat was gone. Heart Wing looked upon his family’s once proud home, now twisted by the dark powers of the demon Misery. “My family’s home, what has he done to it, he’s going to pay for this.” The area they were in was dark, the sun couldn’t be seen, it was as if it was night, but not even the stars or moon could be seen, the sky itself was a mix of black and red above them.

Heart Wing stepped away from the girls to take the lead, he stopped short of the gates that were at the front of the castle, he called out as loud as he could. “MISERY, COME OUT, YOUR DAY OF RECKONING HAS COME!”


Lightning out of nowhere went off over the sky twice, Misery’s voice then followed as it came from nowhere. “YOU DARE TO THREATEN AND ORDER ME, AN ALL POWERFUL DEMON, YOU FOOLISH CREATURES, YOU CANNOT HOPE TO STOP ME!” A dark figure was seen quickly flying up over the castle and quickly landed in front of the guardians, Misery now stood before them, clad in black armor with a black cape and a black helmet.

“This is it fer you Misery.” Applejack called out.

Rarity then followed up. “That’s right, you can’t possibly think we’d let you get away with all the evils you’ve commited.”

Pinkie then came in. “You big bully, how dare you make so many ponies unhappy!”

Fluttershy then spoke up. “You’re nothing but a big dumb meanie!”

Then Rainbow Dash came in. “We’ll make you sorry you ever came back!”

Twilight then came in. “In the name of harmony, you will be stopped!”

Finally, Heart Wing came in. “For the sake of my family and all others that have suffered under you, we will end you here and now Misery. My parents may not have been able to stop you, but me and my friends will!”

Misery just smirked. “If you truly believe that, then bring it on, I’ll make you wish you had stayed in your safe little country.” Misery’s hands then began to glow a mix of black and red, he raised his hands to the sky and the castle behind him seemed to just fall apart, but the pieces all fell upwards, the long staircase that led to the ruined city of Ponytopia disappeared and the cliff raised up, the whole area became one large flat area with nothing in sight. “Now that the stage is set, let’s begin shall we, I’m in a good mood today, so I’ll let you make the first move.”

The guardians lined up next to each other, lowered their horns and began their assault, Each of them fired off a beam from each of their horns. Fluttershy fired energy butterflies from hers, Rarity fired energy diamonds, Pinkie fired a beam of confetti and streamers, Applejack fired apples, Rainbow Dash fired a rainbow colored stream of lightning, Heart Wing fired white hearts, and Twilight was firing a simple powerful beam of magic. Misery just stood there as the beams came at him with his arms crossed.

Their magic beams made contact which resulted in a huge explosion of magical energy that kicked up a lot of dust. Rainbow Dash felt that did the trick as she spoke up. “HAH, take that Misery, not so all powerful now are you?”

The dust settled and Misery stood there, still smirking, there wasn’t a single scratch on him. The girls all gasped at the same time. Twilight spoke up. “But…..that’s impossible, that should have at least hurt you!”

“You poor deluded creature, I’m a demon, what part of that is so hard to understand.” Misery scoffed at them. That’s when he made his move. He disappeared from his spot and reappeared next to Twilight, he made a fist and swung it down on her just as she looked at him with a surprised look. She was knocked to the ground hard, he then jumped over to Pinkie and gave her an uppercut which caused her to fall backwards as she cried out in pain. “AAAAHHH!” He then shot two red beams at Fluttershy and Rarity, effectively blasting them back a few feet, then he turned his attention on Applejack, he managed to grab her by the neck and slammed her hard into the ground with great force, then he jumped up and landed on Heart Wings back with a double kick, finally, he quickly moved in front of Rainbow Dash and smirked at her before sending her back with a blast of his dark powers to the chest. He moved so fast, none of them could react.

“You see, you are powerless before me.” Misery gloated over them. Misery walked away from the group to his original spot. While his back was turned, Applejack managed to struggle to her hooves.

“We ain’t….done yet ya….dirty varmint.” Applejack breathed out.

“Oh, do tell.” Misery said as he looked at her over his shoulder.

Applejack then reared up and slammed her hooves to the ground, causing massive apple trees to spring up around Misery, just like with her battle with the Nightmare Moon clone. Misery just looked at them. “Have a taste o’ some good ol’ apples!” Applejack cried as the trees began to fire the apples at Misery. The others took this opportunity to begin another assault. Rarity then managed to get up and began summoning and shooting gemstones at Misery. Fluttershy fired her butterflies, Pinkie brought out her party cannon and fired a huge beam of pink energy from it, Heart Wing spread out his wings and fired a barrage of white magic feathers from his wings, Twilight fired a beam of magic at Misery, Rainbow Dash was getting herself ready to finish him off with her rainboom explosion.

She flew up into the dark sky a good distance and waited for the others to finish. The magic assault had kicked up another smoke screen around misery, Rainbow took that as her cure, she took off as fast as she could, creating a sonic rainboom right as she started flying down. A rainbow colored cone formed around her as she flew straight for Misery. Misery waved his arm in front of him and cleared the dust around him, he saw Rainbow flying at him and smirked. He got into a stance and brought his left arm back and formed a fist. Rainbow Dash kept up her descent at high speeds.

Rainbow Dash grew closer and closer, just before she impacted on Misery, he quickly swung his fist right into Dash’s head. Time seemed to stop at that instant, Misery’s fist striking Rainbow Dash created a huge shockwave that rocked the ground around them. Misery striking Dash was held in time for a moment, then resumed and Dash was sent flying back, rolling and tumbling on the ground to the others, knocking them all back with great force.
“HA HA HA HA HA! Did you really think that would work, you are only proving just how inferior you all are!” Misery just laughed at them.

The guardians were all lying on the ground, groaning in pain. Applejack was the first to speak up as she struggled to at least lift her head. “He’s…..too strong.”

Fluttershy was next. “How are we….supposed to beat him?”

Twilight tried to get their spirits up. “We can’t give up…..there has to be……something we can do.”

Rarity then chimed in. “But what, we used…..our best attacks and…….he just brushed them aside.”

Pinke then came in. “We can’t just…..give up….the whole world…..is counting on us…..to bring them smiles again.”

Rainbow Dash then voiced her concerns. “Pinkie and…..Twilight are right…..there has to…..be some way…..we can win this.”

While the girls talked, Heart Wing was trying to figure out why they were so outmatched, the armor his parents left him were supposed to increase the power of the elements of harmony so he and his friends could win this. So why didn’t it work. “Come on Heart, think, what are we doing wrong. The elements work together as one, it has to be six for the magic to work, when other elements are added, it just increases the power. When the elements are used, they work together to banish darkness. Work as one, work as one. THAT’S IT, work as one, the elements don’t work together separately they ARE one.”

That’s when heart got an idea and announced it to the girls. “Girls, listen, I know what to do. I’m not sure if this will work, but it’s worth a shot.”

The girls looked at Heart Wing in confusion. Twilight spoke up. “What is it Heart, do you have a plan?”

“I know what we need to……I think, I’m not entirely sure if this will work or what will happen, but it may be our only shot. Do you trust me?”

Fluttershy answered. “Of course we trust you.”

Pinkie followed up. “Yeah, you’re our friend”

Twilight then asked with a smile on her face. “What do we need to do?”

“All right, we need to put our horns together and repeat this phrase, we are harmony, we are one.” Heart Wing said to them.

The whole time they were all discussing, Misery was slowly making his way over to the guardians, he knew they didn’t stand a chance against him, so he decided to enjoy this as much as possible.

The guardians all stood up, formed a circle, and touched their horns together. They began to chant what Heart Wing told them. “We are harmony, we are one, we are harmony, we are one.” They chanted over and over. Soon, their bodies began to glow a solid color, each one matching their element of harmony, Heart’s was white. Their bodies glew brighter and brighter, then each one of them shot a pillar of light to the sky. Misery stopped in his tracks when he saw this, he looked on in curiosity.

“What are they up to now, don’t they know there’s nothing they can do to stop me.” He said to himself. The pillars of light disappeared in the sky, the guardians were gone. “HA, I see, they ran away, guess they decided to give up after all.” Soon, a bright white light filled the sky, it was so blinding and fierce, Misery had to look away. “WHAT, what is that accursed light?!”

The light finally faded a bit after a few seconds, a new alicorn now hovered before Misery. It had a pure white coat with a golden sparkling flowing mane, gold armor adorned its form, a helmet, shoes on each of its hooves, on its wings, and on its chest. On the chest piece were the seven elements of Harmony in a circle, with the element of magic at the center. It’s eyes were constantly changing color. “Who are you?” Misery asked with a glare.


Misery did not like the sound of that. “You dare to speak to me like that, I will destroy you for thinking you could hope to defeat me!” Misery then summoned a red magic shield around himself and charged full speed at the new god.
The god of harmony summoned a white magic shield and charged back. The two clashed in mid-air, magical energy clashed and sparked all around as the two combatants crashed into each other. Lightning emitted from the two, striking the ground and leaving scars on the land. The two struggled to push the other back. The god of harmony then poured more energy into it’s shield, it started to push Misery back, then picked up speed and slammed Misery to the ground, pushing him along the ground for a good mile once his shield dissipated.

The god of harmony then backed off. Misery got up and glared at the god. He then raised both his hands and quickly formed a large red orb of magic. Before he could launch it, The god of harmony fired a white beam at it and changed it to white, Misery only had time to quickly look up as the orb exploded, resulting in a massive explosion. A large cloud of dust now covered the area, the god of harmony landed and flapped it’s mighty wings once, causing the dust to clear. There was now a massive crater five miles wide and two miles deep with Misery at the center.

Misery slowly got up. “You will pay for tha-“ *POW* Misery was then struck with a small magic orb to his face which sent him flying back and crashing into the wall of the crater. Harmony then started firing more magic orbs at Misery for impact instead of explosions. Misery was getting hammered hard and was unable to move. Harmony ceased its assault on Misery. Misery was able to look at Harmony and glare menacingly as his eyes glew red. He burst out of the hole he was in from Harmony’s attacks and took to the air. Harmony followed. Misery began his assault and started firing red orbs at Harmony, but harmony was too quick.

Harmony teleported all over the place, easily avoiding Misery’s attacks. Misery was starting to get aggravated. “HOLD STILL SO I CAN DESTROY YOU!” The next time Harmony disappeared, it didn’t reappear within Misery’s field of vision. “WHERE ARE YOU YOU COWARD!” He looked all over the field but saw nothing. He was then struck in the back and sent crashing to the ground again. Harmony had teleported behind Misery and slammed into him with its magic shield. Misery stood back up, but before he could turn around, he was once again struck in the back by a powerful magic beam that sent him sliding across the ground another mile.

Misery was weak now, the continuous onslaught was starting to take its toll on him. The god of harmony spoke. “IT IS TIME TO END THIS!” The god then flew straight up into the air, higher and higher it flew, it breached the dark clouds that hung over the battle field. Harmony flew higher still into the stratosphere and out into space. Harmony hovered for a moment and looked down at the world.

Harmony started charging it’s horn with magic, brighter and brighter it glew, finally, Harmony had gathered a lot of magical energy within its horn and flew straight down to Misery’s location, it’s form becoming engulfed in a rainbow colored cone as it fell like a comet. It pierced the dark clouds and created a hole to see the night sky, the god fell closer and closer to Misery just as he was starting to get back up. He turned just in time to see a cone of rainbows coming at him. Impact, a huge explosion that could be seen from space erupted.

“NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Misery’s cries echoed throughout the world. The brilliant flash of the explosion finally faded, the dark clouds were gone and Misery was no more, the god of harmony stood victorious, but it’s work was not done yet.

“WE STILL NEED TO UNDO THE MISERY THAT DEMON HAS CAUSED ACROSS THE WORLD!” The god took to the air and began a flight around the world at such high speed, it managed to circle the world in mere seconds with a rainbow trail following it. Every continent the god passed over that had been affected by Misery was now free from his dark magic and was able to be happy again. After the god finished his flight around the world and freed every living creature from Misery’s curse, it’s work was finally done. It returned to the spot where it’s battle with the demon started and the castle that stood there was back and was how it was before the demon warped it.

“OUR WORK IS DONE!” The god then flew up into the air one more time, its body glew white then split into seven orbs, the orbs came back down and formed the guardians again. The seven heroes, still in their guardians of harmony form looked at each other with a smile, no words were needed. They took to the sky and flew back to Equestria to spread the word that Misery is gone.

“My beloved subjects, we are gathered here today to witness the bonding of two lives together in marriage, Rainbow Dash and Heart Wing.” It has been a month now since the demon Misery was defeated. Celestia was overseeing the wedding of Heart Wing and Rainbow Dash. “May their love carry on for ages. It is with great pleasure I now pronounce you both mare and stallion. You may kiss the bride.”

Heart and Dash looked at each other for a moment, they closed their eyes and shared their first kiss as a married couple. The room erupted with cheers of joy, while the girls were all crying tears of joy. They were Rainbow’s brides maids while Spike was Heart’s best stallion, or dragon actually. The cutie mark crusaders acted as the flower girls for the ceremony and stood next to spike while it was going on.

At the party after the wedding, Heart and Dash felt now was a good time to inform Scootaloo of their plans. They found her with her friends near the snack table. Heart was the first to address them. “Hey girls, you all having a good time?”

Sweetie Belle was first to answer. “We sure are, congratulations you two.”

Rainbow Dash responded back. “Thanks, this isn’t just a day for the two of us, we have something in mind to make somepony else’s day too.”

Apple Bloom then asked. “Oh yeah, who and what is it?”

Heart began to explain. “Well, since we’re married now, we would like to have a kid of our own. We talked about it and we were wondering if Scootaloo would like to be part of our family.”

Scootaloo’s eyes went wide with shock. The other two just smiled real big for their friend. Scootaloo finally found words. “You…….you mean it, you really want me as your daughter?”

Rainbow answered. “Sure do, what do ya say squirt, you wanna be part of a family?”

Scootaloo smiled real big as tears of joy began to form. “YES, oh thank you so much, thank you thank you thank you!” Scootaloo then rushed forward and hugged her new parents to be. Her two friend were also on the verge of tears of joy for their little Pegasus friend.

Apple Bloom just had to speak up. “Oh, congratulations Scootaloo.”

Sweetie Belle was next. “Yeah, this is so great, you get to have a family now.” The two then went over and got into a group hug. Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Twilight were close by and heard all that was said. Needless to say, they two were getting misty eyed for the little Pegasus.

“Well shoot, aint that just somthin.” Said applejack.

“Oh, how wonderful for her.” Fluttershy complemented.

“I just know they’ll be happy together.” Pinkie cried.

“It’s just so beautiful.” Rarity then complimented.

“They’ll be a great family.” Twilight came in.

The girls all looked on at the new family to be in a loving hug. This was the start of a beautiful family to be.


Author's Note:

And there you have it, the conclusion to my longest piece of fiction yet. I hope you all enjoyed it, let me know what you thought of it in your comments. Thanks for all the support.

Comments ( 22 )

:moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::heart::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:WHAT NOOOOO!!!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage: It can't be the end.!!!!!:flutterrage::fluttershbad::fluttershbad::fluttercry: THIS STORY IS TOO AWSOME JUST TO MAKE IT END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttershbad::fluttershbad::heart::pinkiecrazy::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::heart::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::trollestia::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

I do have one question. It pertains to the fact that Heart Wing is an immortal alicorn like Celestia and Luna. What will happen once his family start aging? Sequel?

2637930Go back to chapter 13 and read it carefully. It points out that Heart Wing is not immortal.

2638433 Oh yeah. I forgot...


2637927I'm glad you feel that way, but sadly, all good things must come to an end.:fluttershbad::fluttercry::raritycry::raritydespair: I'm glad so many of you liked my story so much, I really appreciate the support. :twilightsmile: Just wait until my next project.:pinkiegasp:

:moustache::moustache::moustache:2638442 ok:ajsleepy::ajsleepy: i guess i'll just read your other stories to wait for like a sequal or soething.:moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::trollestia::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::trollestia::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::trollestia::trollestia:

I wuv it:raritystarry:thx for the great story:twilightsmile:

nice story had a very good lot to it and was very enjoyable

2900992 Thanks, glad you like it. :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile::raritystarry::pinkiesmile::ajsmug::yay:

2901235 yw btw when my comment said lot i meant plot

Excellently done!
10 out of 10 Happy Pinkies for you!

3881919 Keep reading, there is a reason behind it.

4063993 hes not weird al he's marshal bowdrie.

4064024 It's not weird...
IT'S FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wonderful story! Nicely written couldnt have done any better :pinkiehappy::derpytongue2::twilightsmile::moustache:

Mm, not too bad. I think it would've been much better if it had been longer and touched upon the time spent together rather than marking it as "several months later" and the sort. All in all, good story, but it could have been better.

I would also suggest a romance tab for the shipping...lord knows I'd have found it far sooner that way. ;)

The story felt like a nice 50 MPH drive in a convertible on a Nice 70s sunny day. The ending felt like slamming into a brick wall with how abrupt the ending felt to me. Enough to enjoy all but the ending.


Excellent that is all I will say just excellent

That was a excellent story.:twilightsmile:

4629170 Tol lost wah kron

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