• Published 1st May 2013
  • 4,572 Views, 64 Comments

One Heart's Destiny - Robobrony

A new alicorn has appeared in Equestria, but where did he come from, and why is he ashamed of what he is? Only time will tell.

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

While the others went back to their own jobs and homes, Rarity had taken Heart Wing’s cloak and was now busy working on cleaning it up and patching the holes in it. Twilight made her way to the hospital to see if the doctor could come over to Applejacks to see if they could find anything wrong with Heart Wing. She had just entered the lobby when she began to speak to the receptionist. “Excuse me, is the doctor available? There is a pony who needs a checkup, he’s in no condition to come here and I was wondering if the doctor might be able to make a house call.”

The receptionist was a white coated earth pony with a pink mane and tail with a red cross for a cutie mark, her name was nurse Redheart. “Oh, hello, one moment while I go get him.” The nurse then left her station to get the doctor.

A moment later she returned with the doctor behind her, he was a unicorn with a light brown coat, a dark brown mane and tail, and a heart monitor for a cutie mark. The doctor then addressed Twilight while nurse Redheart got back to her station. “Hello there, I am doctor Stable, what can I do for you?”

Twilight began. “Well doctor Stable, there’s a pony at a friend of mine’s house, for some reason he seems to keep getting these pains in his chest, I was hoping you could come by some time and see if you could find out what’s wrong. His name is Heart Wing and he is recently recovering from a tumble he took down a hill, he ended up with a bump on the head and a broken foreleg.”

Doctor Stable took on a contemplative look. “Hmmm, well it does sound serious, I’m afraid I won’t be able to come by today, but I will have some free time tomorrow to look at him, where does your friend live?”

“Her name is Applejack, she lives at and runs Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Ah yes, Applejack, she and her family provide great apples for Ponyville. I’ll be sure to stop by tomorrow at around one to pay a visit and see this friend of yours at her place.”

Twilight smiled at this news. “Thank you doctor, I really appreciate it. I should probably warn you about one thing though, he’s an alicorn, this is something that should probably be kept a secret for now, if word got out that there was another alicorn here, the town would go nuts. They’d probably end up swarming the poor guy.”

“I understand, I’ll be sure to stay quiet about it. This is quite unusual though.”

With that out of the way, Twilight left the hospital and made her way back to her house which just so happen to be Ponyville’s library.

Pinkie Pie was back at Ponyville’s sweet shop, Sugarcube Corner, which was run by an earth pony couple, Mr. Carrot cake and Mrs. Cup Cake. Pinkie was having trouble concentrating on watching the register as she just couldn’t believe that Heart Wing had never had a single happy moment in his life. She kept thinking about how he said he had never smiled or laughed or even felt a little joy even once in his life. “I know what I have to do!” She stated to no one in particular.

Rarity had finally finished patching up and cleaning Heart Wing’s cloak, she felt quit proud of her work. “There we go, good as new, I just know this will lift his spirits, I’ll drop it off tomorrow. I must get back to work on a few other things.”

Back at Sweet Apple Acres, Heart Wing was still just lying in bed after just waking up from a nap he took. Applejack then walked in with a plate of food on her back for Heart, Apple Bloom was right behind her. Applejack spoke up. “Here ya go Heart Wing, a nice hot dinner. Gotta get yer strength back up after all.” Applejack set it on the nightstand next to Heart Wing.

Heart Wing looked to the plate, he reached over and set it on his lap as he began to eat. “Thanks Applejack.” Was all he said.

Apple Bloom then had a thought she was curious about. “So Heart Wing, how come you don’t have a cutie mark?”

Applejack looked to her little sister with a disapproving glare. “Apple Bloom, that is not something you ask some pony out of the blue like that, it’s rude.”

Apple Bloom coward a little under her big sister’s disapproving eyes. “Oops uh heheh, never mind, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

“It’s fine, I don’t mind answering, you already know my life story. I just never found my special talent……scratch that, I never really bothered to try to find it to earn my cutie mark. I just couldn’t find the motivation to do it. It’s kind of hard to when you’re constantly told by others that your just a freak, or an abomination that can’t do anything. They were right though, my dad never had the chance to teach me to fly before he died. And the oddest thing, even though I have this horn, I just can’t do any magic, just further proof that I’m just a freak.”

Applejack couldn’t take it anymore. “NOW THAT’S ENOUGH, how many times do ya need ta hear it before it gets into yer head, you are not a freak! I’ll admit it is odd that you can’t use magic, but that doesn’t make you a freak, you are a pony just like the rest of us, yer special, and I won’t quit until you realize that, and neither will my friends.”

Apple Bloom then got an idea. “Heart Wing, how would you like to be a cutie mark crusader?”

Heart Wing couldn’t believe how upset his words of self-loathing seemed to make Applejack. But was also confused at what Apple Bloom just said. “I’m sorry, cutie mark what now?”

Apple Bloom began to explain. “Ya see, me and two of my friends formed a club calling ourselves, the cutie mark crusaders, we go on quests to try and find our special talent so we can earn our cutie marks, since you don’t have one, you’d be a perfect candidate fer our club. So what do ya say, ya wanna be a cutie mark crusader.” Apple Bloom’s eyes were so full of hope, they were ready to burst out of her head.

Applejack smiled at her little sister for making such a proposal and glad that she was trying to do what she could to make Heart happy. Heart Wing just looked at her curiously, not sure how to respond to this request presented before him. “Well, I don’t know, it’s nice of you to offer but-“

As if she knew it was coming, Apple Bloom made the saddest most pleading look she could muster. Her eyes became as big as dinner plates, her eyes were practically watering, and her lips were in such a pout with the bottom lip quivering, she was even going so far as to sound like a little puppy whine.

Applejack couldn’t help but laugh at her little sister’s determination to have Heart Wing as a member of the cutie mark crusaders. Heart Wing didn’t stand a chance before this sad pleading look. He finally caved in. “All right, I’ll join your little club, just please stop looking at me like that.”

Apple Bloom’s pleading look was quickly replaced with one of joy. “ALL RIGHT, I can’t wait to tell Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. I just know they’re gonna love ya! Once yer all better, we’ll begin the initiation ritual.”

Applejack chuckled more as Apple Bloom skipped out of the room happily. “Awe, don’t feel too bad partner, you didn’t stand a chance against her.” Applejack then got curious about an earlier statement he made. “So are ya serious about not bein able to use magic, that just seems a might strange ta me with you bein an alicorn and all.”

Heart Wing gave a sigh as he answered. “Yes, I mean it. My mother tried to teach me magic, but I couldn’t do anything, I couldn’t even cause my horn to light up even a little. As I said, just another reason why I’m a-“ He cut himself off as he saw Applejack glaring at him. He figured it was because she knew that he was about to put himself down again. “Never mind, I think I’m ready for sleep, thanks again for the food.”

Applejack gave a smile as she responded. “Glad you enjoyed it. You have a good night now.” Applejack took Heart Wing’s plate and left the room. And so Heart Wing was left alone with his thoughts as he slowly began to drift to sleep.

The next day came and it was now around ten in the morning, Twilight left the library to go inform Applejack that Doctor Stable was coming to give Heart Wing a checkup. As she made her way, she passed by sugar cube corner and saw Pinkie Pie coming out. The two stopped in their tracks to greet each other, Twilight was first to speak. “Good morning Pinkie Pie, how are you this morning?”

Pinkie answered with a bright smile. “I’m just great, I’m on my way over to Applejack’s to give Heart Wing some of my delicious cupcakes, I just know those will put a smile on his face. He deserves one after what he’s been through.” Pinkie had a pair of saddle bags draped over her back, most likely filled with the confectionary delights she mentioned.

Twilight smiled at Pinkie’s desire to bring happiness to Heart Wing. “I think that’s a great idea, I’m on my way over there to let Applejack know that Doctor Stable is coming over today to give Heart Wing a checkup. Why don’t we go together?”

Pinkie smiled even bigger. “Okie dokie lokie, let’s go bring a smile to Heart Wing.” The two friends continued on their way which then brought them past Rarity’s just in time to see her exiting her house as well with a saddle bag on her.

Rarity then greeted them. “Why good morning Twilight, Pinkie Pie, how are you two doing this morning.”

Twilight answered first. “I’m doing just fine thank you.”

Pinkie then answered. “Super-duper, thanks for asking, you going somewhere Rarity?”

“Why yes, I was just on my way to return Heart Wing’s cloak, it took some doing but I fixed it up good as new, I just know he’ll love it.”

Twilight then spoke up again. “Me and Pinkie are on our way over there too, we can walk together, I just hope Heart Wing is up for some visitors.”

Pinkie then spoke up. “Of course he will be, how could he not be?”

Twilight and Rarity looked at each other skeptically at Pinkie’s statement. The three then just continued on their way to Applejack’s.

Upon their arrival, they saw Applejack out front talking to Rainbow Dash, The three trotted up to say their hellos. Pinkie was first. “Hey Rainbow Dash, hey Applejack!”

Rainbow Dash said her greeting. “Hey gals, what’s up?”

Applejack then said hello. “Howdy ya’ll, I take it yer here fer the same reason Rainbow is, ta see Heart Wing right?”

Twilight answered first. “Actually, I just came by to let you know that Doctor Stable will be coming by later today at one to give Heart Wing a checkup and see if he can find out what those chest pains he gets are. I need to get back to the library and help Spike with some cleaning up, I kind of went on another all night study session and left some books all over the place.” Twilight gave a little sheepish grin as she said that.

“Well that’s good ta hear, I’m a might worried about him, as I’m sure ya’ll are.”

Rarity began to give her reason for coming by. “I just came by to give Heart his cloak back, I’m done fixing it up and I do believe he will love how much better it looks.”

Pinkie then gave her reason. “I came by to give him some of my delicious scrumptious cupcakes, those are sure to put a smile on his face.”

Rainbow Dash then gave her reason. “I came by cause I wanted to ask him about maybe being my flying buddy, ya know, some pony who can give me a challenge. But then Applejack just told me that he never got the chance to learn to fly. Apparently, his dad died before he had the chance to learn. So instead, I’m going to let him know that I’ll be his flight instructor once he’s better.”

Twilight smiled at that. “That sounds like a wonderful idea Dash.”

“Of course it is, who better to teach him then the greatest flyer in all of Equestria.”

Applejack then spoke up. “Twi, there’s somethin else I think you should know.”

“What is it Applejack?”

“Last night, Heart Wing also mentioned how he…….well, he said that he can’t use magic fer some reason.”

Twilight couldn’t believe what she just heard. “What, he can’t use magic, but why, how is that even possible?”

“I don’t know, all he said was that he just was never able to do any. I just figured you should know.”

“Well this certainly calls for some looking into, I’ll come by later at the same time as the doctor and see if I can find out something after he’s gone. I’d better get going now, I’ll see you all later.” Twilight then left for the library.

Applejack then looked over the three ponies left before her. “All right then, you three come on in, since the room he’s in is kinda small, ya’ll just have ta take turns.” Applejack then led the three into her house. It was decided that Rarity would be first.

Rarity made her way down the hall to the room and opened the door, she found Heart Wing just staring out the window in the room. “Hello Heart, how are you this morning?”

Heart Turned around to see Rarity standing in the room. He didn’t say anything, he wasn’t sure what to say with everything that had been happening for him.

“I fixed up your cloak like I promised, it looks just like new.” Rarity then levitated the cloak out of her saddle bag.

Heart Wing’s eyes widened as he looked upon his cloak, it did indeed look like new, all signs of the holes it had were gone and it was a bright white, it was practically shining. “Wow, it looks great Rarity, thank you, you did an amazing job.”

Rarity levitated it over to Heart Wing so he could take it. “It was nothing dear, your quite welcome. You haven’t had any of those pains today have you?” She asked out of concern.

“Like I said, it’s nothing to worry about, but no I haven’t.”

“Well, that’s good to hear, I’m sorry to just drop and run but I simply must get back to my boutique, do take care dear, oh and I might as well let you know that Twilight has made an appointment for you to see Doctor Stable, he’ll be coming around one to give you a checkup.”

Heart Wing looked at her curiously. “He won’t find anything, but ok. Um, thank you again for fixing my cloak.”

“You’re welcome, ta ta.” Rarity then left the room and to the living room. Before leaving, she told Applejack that she already informed Heart about his appointment with the doctor.

Pinkie then elected to go next, she did remember Heart Wing’s timid nature so she would have to try real hard not to be her usual bubbly in your face self. She happily hopped down the hall and entered the room to see Heart Wing now wearing his cloak. “Hiya Heart Wing, I brought some tasty treats for you.”

Heart Wing lowered his hood as he looked to Pinkie Pie. “Oh, hello Pinkie, what did you come by for?”

“I just figured that I could bring a smile to your face with some delicious cupcakes.” Pinkie reached into her saddle bag and brought out a cupcake.

Heart Wing looked at the thing Pinkie held in her hoof carefully, he didn’t know what to make of it. “Um, what’s a cupcake?”

Pinkie let out a long drawn out gasp at Heart’s statement. “OH MY GOSH, how could you not know about cupcakes, they’re only the most delicious and tastiest treats ever!”

Heart Wing was starting to feel very nervous around Pinkie as she practically shouted at him. He was now cringing a little in the corner.

Pinkie soon realized her mistake and began to take steps to try and fix things. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry Heart, I didn’t mean to frighten you, it’s just that I’ve never met a pony who’s never had a cupcake before, please don’t be mad at me.”

Heart Wing was no longer cringing but was still a little apprehensive around Pinkie. “Uh, I just never had one before, we didn’t have anything like that in Stableton.”

Pinkie slowly made her way over to Heart Wing and held out the cupcake before him, hoping he would at least try it. “Here, give it a try, I promise you’ll like it.”

Heart Wing eyed it curiously again. “Why are you giving me this again?”

Pinkie kept her smile as she answered. “Because cupcakes can make any pony smile, and you deserve a smile after what you’ve been through, I just can’t believe that you’ve never had one moment of joy in your life, so I figured what better way to make you smile than with something that makes every pony happy.”

Heart Wing took the cupcake from Pinkie, he slowly moved it to his mouth as he opened up, took his first bite, and chewed it to let the taste settle on his tongue. It was so sweet and moist in his mouth, he had never had anything so good in all his life. As Heart Wing swallowed his first bite, he looked to Pinkie. “This IS really good, I’ve never had anything like this before, thank you Pinkie.” He never smiled though as he finished it.

Pinkie was glad he was enjoying his first cupcake, but was curious as to why he didn’t smile, not even so much as a hint of joy was on his face. “I brought some more for you, you can help yourself to all the cupcakes I brought.” Pinkie then took out a basket full of cupcakes from her bag and set it on the nightstand next to the bed.

Heart Wing eyed the basket of goodies that was all for him, as he did, he was once again struck with a sharp pain from his heart. “GAH, ah ha, oh.”

Pinkie got worried. “Heart Wing, are you all right, it’s your heart again isn’t it?”

“I’ll…..I’ll be all right.”

Pinkie was still worried. “Oh, I sure hope Stable can help you with whatever is wrong. Please take it easy Heart. I have to get back to Sugarcube Corner, I’ll see you later ok.”

“Yeah, sure, see you later.”

Pinkie left the room with a sad frown on her face, still worried for Heart Wing.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash saw Pinkie as she was coming out. Applejack was the first to address her. “So how’d it go, did ya get him ta smile?” She asked with hope in her voice.

“He liked the cupcakes I brought him, but he didn’t smile. And after I brought out a basket full of cupcakes I brought for him, he had another pain attack. I sure hope the doctor can find out what’s wrong.”

Rainbow Dash then spoke up to try and cheer Pinkie up. “Don’t worry Pinkie, the doctor is really good at what he does, and if he can’t find anything wrong, I just know Twilight can. Heart Wing will be just fine.”

Rainbow Dashes words seemed to work as Pinkie smiled a little. “Yeah, your right, Heart Wing will be just fine and better than ever. I’d better get going though, I’ll see you all later.” Pinkie then left to get back to work.

Now it was Rainbow Dashes turn. She entered the room to see Heart Wing eating another cupcake from the basket Pinkie left. “Hey Heart, how ya doin?”

Heart Wing had just finished his second cupcake of the day as he turned to face Dash. “Hello, I suppose you’re here to pay me a visit too?”

“Yep, Applejack told me about how you never got the chance to learn to fly, so I’m here to offer my services. Once your all better, I’ll be your flying coach and teach you everything I know. You’ll be almost as good as me as a flyer when I’m done with you. What do ya say, pretty cool huh?”

“You would…..teach me to fly, why? What would you get out of it?”

Rainbow just smiled as she answered. “The satisfaction of helping a friend, besides, any pony with wings should know how to fly.”

“I just don’t get it, why would you go out of your way to help me like this, why would any of you ponies, I’ve never met any pony as nice as you all. I…….I just don’t GAHHA HA ah ha.” Another pain attack struck, this one was almost more painful than before. He put his hoof to his chest as the pain struck.

Rainbow became very worried as she quickly rushed over to try and do something, she didn’t know what she could do other than just be there for him as he was hurting. “Heart Wing, oh man, please be ok.”

Heart Wing looked up to Rainbow as the pain slowly subsided from his chest. “I’m all right Rainbow, like I said before, this pain just comes and goes, it’s nothing to worry about.”

“I just think that it stinks that your hurting so much and there isn’t anything I can do to help. The best I can do is to stand by what I said earlier and give you flying lessons when your better.”

Heart Wing still didn’t smile as he answered back. “I suppose that would be nice. Thanks Rainbow Dash, I’ll take you up on your offer.”

Rainbow smiled back. “Glad ta hear it. You should take it easy until the doctor gets here. I gotta get going too.” Rainbow Dash left the room as she said good bye.

Applejack caught Rainbow as she was leaving. “So how’d your visit go?”

“He said he’d let me teach him to fly, but he had another attack, it seemed a little worse than the one I saw him have before. He’d better make it through.”

“Now don’t you worry none sugar cube, why don’t ya’ll remember what ya said ta Pinkie earlier.” Applejack gave a smile to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow smiled back. “Yeah, he’ll be fine, he has to be. I’ve gotta get going, I’ll see you later.”

“See ya Rainbow.” Rainbow Dash then left to do her own thing, leaving Applejack to her work in the orchard with her big brother.

Heart was now alone for now, waiting for the fateful meeting with a doctor. Heart knew it was pointless, there just wouldn’t be anything he could do for him, but the others were so adamant about it, he just couldn’t refuse. He just sat in front of the window staring out and waited for the doctor to come.

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter, in the next chapter, the source of Heart Wing's pains will be revealed, so keep you eyes open for it. Let me know how your enjoying the story in the comments.