• Published 1st May 2013
  • 4,572 Views, 64 Comments

One Heart's Destiny - Robobrony

A new alicorn has appeared in Equestria, but where did he come from, and why is he ashamed of what he is? Only time will tell.

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Chapter 13

Chapter 13

In two months, a lot has happened, Heart Wing showed Celestia and Luna how to do the long distance teleport so they could use it themselves, he took them and the girls to the castle that belonged to his parents to show them around, he gladly volunteered to donate half his wealth to charities in Equestria to aid those in need, while the other half went to Stableton, he helped Celestia and Luna transfer the gem of harmony from his castle to theirs for safe keeping. Heart Wing kept the bits he collected himself from the castle during his first visit for something else as he and Rainbow grew so close, she decided to let him move in with her. Heart also donated all the books from the castle library to Luna and Celestia as well, Twilight was amazed at the number of books there, she practically fainted at the sight of the size of the library.

He now had a job as a weather pony in Ponyville and was having a great time doing it because it meant more time with his love. Celestia also let Twilight keep the elements of harmony with her so the girls could practice in their alicorn forms and get used to how to control and use the new power they gained. The forms weren’t permanent, only while they wore the elements of harmony and the armor Heart Wing brought with him for them.

Heat Wing had stopped by Rarity’s to pick up something. “Hey Rarity, how are you doing today?”

Rarity turned from the dress she was currently working on. “Heart Wing, darling, how good to see you, I’m doing smashing, I take it you’re here for your order?”

“I am, I am very grateful to you for making me a suit, I’ve got a big date with Dash tomorrow and I want to look good, I know she doesn’t really like mushy stuff, but I just know she’ll have a good time for what I have planned.”

“I’m sure she will, you know how much she loves the wonderbolts. One moment and I’ll retrieve your suit.” Rarity went up to her workroom to retrieve the suit she made for Heart, moments later, she came back down levitating a black suit with a line of white diamonds in the collar and a pair of white diamond cufflinks for the foreleg sleeves. “Here you go Heart Wing, I hope you like the extra bit I added, I just couldn’t resist adding in some diamonds into the suit, I think it adds a nice flare to it, don’t you think?”

Heart Wing was amazed with Rarity’s work. “WOW Rarity, it looks amazing, you didn’t have to do that.”

“Nonsense dear, I am more than happy to help a friend out. Now here you go, you’d best be off and get the other thing you got for her.”

“Thank you so much Rarity, I really appreciate it. I’ll see you later.” Heart Wing then took the suit with his magic and left the store. He made his way back to Dash’s house so he could store it in his room. He made sure she wasn’t around though as he wanted to surprise her with his outfit. Once it was stored away in his closet, he left and made his way to the town jewler.

He walked into the store which caused a little bell just above the door to ring to announce to the jewler he has a costumer. “Welcome, how can I help you today?” The jewler asked.

“I’m here to pick up a special order I made a few days ago. I was told it would be ready today.”

“Ah yes, Heart Wing, correct, one moment please, it’s in the back.” The jewler then went to the back of the store and retrieved a small black hinged box. “Here we are, I hope it’s to your liking.” The unicorn jewler then opened the box to show Heart Wing.

It was a gold necklace, for the centerpiece, it had a white diamond cut in the shape of a cloud and a few colorful gems shaped like a lightning bolt, each held in a gold setting, the jewels were shaped and made to look just like Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark. “It’s perfect, I just know she’ll love it. Thank you very much sir.”

“You’re welcome, I’m glad you like it, it wasn’t easy to make this, but knowing what it will be used for makes the hard work worth it.” Heart Wing then paid the jewler and took the box with him. He was now set to take Rainbow Dash out on a most memorable date tomorrow.

The next day came and Heart had dash waiting in her living room wondering what he wanted to surprise her with. “Come on Heart, hurry up, what’s this big surprise you have for me?” She asked impatiently.

“All right, I’m coming out.” Heart Wing then entered Dash’s living room wearing the suit he picked up. “TADAA, well, what do you think, do I look good or what?”

Dash liked how handsome Heart looked, his mane was combed back and his coat and tail looked smooth. She didn’t admit it right away. She decided to have fun with him. “Eh, I’ve seen better.”

Heart smirked, he knew she was teasing him, so he decided to tease her back. “Better huh, well, I guess if you don’t want to admit how good I look, then I guess I’ll find some other mare to take to the wonderbotls show in Canterlot today.”

Dash let her jaw drop when she heard that. “NO WAY, you got tickets to a wonderbolts show?!”

Heart continued to smirk. “Yep, but if you don’t want to admit how good I look, you won’t get to go.”

Dash rushed forward and hugged him real tight. “OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” She then gave him a very passionate kiss on the lips, Heart didn’t fight it, he just kissed right back.

Once they broke apart, Heart began. “Now hold on there, you still haven’t told me how good you think I look.”
Dash just rolled her eyes, still feeling joy that she was going to a wonderbolts show. “Fine, I think you look great Heart Wing. But why did you get all dressed up just for a show?”

“I just wanted to look my best for you. I figured after the show, you and me could go out to eat lunch in Canterlot. Sound good to you?”

Dash smiled big as she answered. “That sounds good to me.”

“Then let’s go.” The couple then headed out to the train station to start their date.

They arrived in Canterlot one hour before the show was about to start. Heart Wing figured they could just stop at a café for a bit and have a drink. “We still have some time to kill before the show, would you care to get a drink?”

“Sure, it’ll be nice to just sit and talk for a bit.” There was something on Dash’s mind that had her a bit worried about her relationship with an alicorn. They found a café that was relatively close to the stadium, they sat down and ordered their drinks. Rainbow began the conversation. “So, Heart, there’s…..something I want to ask you.”

“You can ask me anything Dash, what’s on your mind?”

Rainbow wasn’t sure how to ask what she wanted, she was a little afraid of the answer she would get. She asked with a bit of hesitation. “Um, Heart Wing, seeing as you’re an alicorn, there is something I can’t help but wonder.”

Heart looked at Dash with curiosity, he wondered why she would bring up the fact that he was an alicorn. “What is it Rainbow? Don’t tell me your starting to have second thoughts about our relationship just because I’m an alicorn are you?”

Rainbow quickly responded. “NO NO, nothing like that, it’s just……well, are you…..i mean you’re,”

Heart cut her off. “Your concerned about me being immortal aren’t you?” he said with a straight face.

Dash was surprised that he guessed it. “Well, yeah, I mean, I think it’s kind of neat and all, but I’ll just grow old and you’ll live on, would you really be ok with that?” She asked, sounding a bit worried about the situation.

Heart Wing figured that now would be a good time to bring out his little gift, but first, she needed to be made aware of something. “Dash, let me tell you something. I found a book about my family in the library, that book had a whole bunch of information about my family, and my ancestors. I had a grandpa, and a grandma too, when I saw the pictures of them in the books, they were alicorns, but they were old, there were other pictures of other members of a family I never got to know, some of them weren’t alicorns, but some of them were, in those pictures, some of the alicorns were old looking. Do you see what I’m saying here Rainbow?”

Dash just looked at him with confusion. “Not really.”

He decided to just spill it since she wasn’t getting it. “Rainbow, I may be an alicorn, but I’m not immortal, my parents weren’t immortal and they were alicorns too. From what I’ve heard about Celestia and Luna, they are, I don’t know how they got to be immortal, but the alicorn family that I come from was not. Which means I am not immortal either, I will grow old Rainbow, which is why,” He paused, he then levitated out the little black box he had in his suit’s pocket, took it in his hoof, held it out in front of Rainbow and opened it.

Rainbow looked at the necklace, she had never seen anything like it, it was her cutie mark made out of gems. She looked back at Heart Wing. “Heart, what is this?”

“This is me asking you if you would want to grow old with me, I know I’ve said it before, but only because it’s true, you are the strongest, bravest, toughest pony I know, you’ve helped me so much in the past, and we’ve done so much together, I can’t imagine the rest of my life without you, which is why I’m asking if you’ll marry me.”

Dash’s eyes started tearing up, the stallion of her dreams was asking her to marry him. “Darn it heart, you know I don’t like sappy stuff…….but I guess I’ll make an exception this one time.” She said with teary eyes and a smile. “Yes, I will marry you.” The two then embraced in a loving hug and kiss to seal the deal. They held it for a good minute before they noticed they had a bit of an audience looking at them with admiration.

They broke their embrace slowly and Heart put Dash’s necklace on her. She smiled big as she eyed her engagement necklace on her. She then looked back at Heart. “This is wonderful Heart Wing, thank you.”

Heart smiled back at her. “Thank you Dash, you’ve made me the happiest stallion in the world.” Ignoring the audience they had, they kissed again, only with a bit of less passion. Heart and Dash broke from their embrace again. “Come on, it’s almost time for the show to start. We’d better get going, these tickets are front row seat after all.” Heart had hoped to wait until after the show to propose to her, but when she brought up her worries of him being immortal, it seemed like the perfect way to ease her troubles. Besides, it all turned out fine in the end.

The show was spectacular, it was a good two hour show of the wonderbolts showing off their moves and flying stunts. Dash and Heart enjoyed every minute of it, though Rainbow enjoyed it more than Heart. After the show, as they were leaving, Rainbow Dash just had to ask. “So Heart Wing, how did you get such amazing tickets?”

Heart smiled big at his new fiancé as he answered. “Easy, it was a thank you from the princesses for the amount of bits I donated to charity and the books from my family’s castle. They wanted to do more for me to thank me for all that, but the tickets were enough, seeing as it was enough to make you smile, and your answer to my question earlier today was more than enough of a thank you for my charitable actions.”

“So do the others know that you were going to propose to me like this?”

“Nope, I told Rarity I was getting something special for you, but I didn’t tell her what it was or what it was for, so they had no idea. They are sure in for a surprise when we get back though.”

Dash giggled at how they would react upon hearing that she and Heart were getting married. “heh heh, yeah, I can just picture the looks on their faces.”

“But first, allow me to treat you to lunch.” He then held out his foreleg for Rainbow to wrap her foreleg around, she smirked a little and rolled her eyes at his theatrics. “Oh, right, no sappy stuff.” He laughed.

Rainbow looked at him. “I suppose I can make one more exception, but this will be the last time……for today.” She then wrapped her foreleg around his and they proceeded to their lunch date before heading home to tell their friends of the good news.

The new couple made it back to Ponyville and decided to let Twilight know first about them getting married. Heart decided to first change out of his suit since the date was now over, so they first headed back to their home and dropped off Heart’s suit. They then went to the library. Heart knocked on the door, after a moment, Twilight answered. “Hey Heart Wing, hi Rainbow Dash, what’s up?” She then noticed Dash’s necklace. “Wow, Rainbow Dash, that’s a beautiful necklace, where did you get it?”

Rainbow Dash smiled as she answered. “Heart Wing gave it to me when he proposed on our date today.”

Twilight’s face grew a very wide open mouth smile as her eyes went wide, she asked in an almost squealing voice. “And you said yes?!”

Dash then smirked. “No, I said no and crushed his heart, I’m just wearing it to remind him of my rejection.”

Heart Wing then joined in on the fun. “Oh the pain, I may never love again.” He said rather dramatically.

Twilight got the message, but she was too overjoyed for the two lovebirds to give a look, she just kept her smile. “Congratulations you two, I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks Twilight, would you mind helping us get the others together at Sugarcube Corner so we can tell the others the good news?” Heart asked Twilight.

“Of course, oh this is so exciting, I just know Pinkie is going to want to throw a party.”

“That’s why we’re having a meeting there, knowing Pinkie, she’ll want to celebrate as soon as possible. Just don’t tell them why we’re meeting yet.”

“Of course, Spike you can come too.”

Spike then came up next to Twilight, he had heard the whole thing. “All right, party at Sugarcube Corner, congratulations you two.”

“Thanks Spike.” Said Rainbow before the two took off to gather Rarity and Applejack, that just left Twilight to get Fluttershy.

“So why did you need us to meet here at Sugarcube Corner Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, what’s all this about Twi?” Applejack asked.

“That’s for Heart Wing and Rainbow Dash to say.” Twilight said with a smile.

“So then what, pray tell, is this all about you two?” Rarity asked.

“Ooh ooh, I know, you want to throw a party right?” Pinkie guessed with her usual enthusiasm.

“Now why in the hay would they want to throw a party?” Applejack asked while looking at Pinkie Pie with a confused look.

Heart Wing then spoke up. “To celebrate our engagement.”

The girls, all looked at Heart and Dash with surprised expressions. Rarity found her voice after the shock and spoke. “I beg your pardon, but did you just say, to celebrate your engagement?”

Rainbow Dash then answered. “Yep, we went on a date today and Heart wing proposed to me, so him and I are getting married.”

Heart Wing continued. “I figured that once Pinkie Pie heard the news she’d want to,” Heart Wing was then cut off by a pink tornado zipping around the room at impossible speeds, setting up balloons, streamers, cakes, cupcakes, and party hats, as well as punch and a record player, once it was all done, Heart Wing was finally able to finish his sentence. “Celebrate.”

“LET’S PARTY!!!” Cried Pinkie, who then proceeded to blow in a party noise maker that resembled a small horn.

“Well I’ll be a pig in a mudhole, congratulations ya’ll.” Applejack congratulated them.

“Oh my, this is wonderful, I’m so happy for you two.” Fluttershy said.

“How marvelous, oh I can’t wait for the wedding.” Rarity cooed.

“What are we waiting for, let’s get this party started!” Pinkie cried again and started the music.

The party was a blast, during the celebration, Heart Wing and Rainbow Dash informed the girls that they wanted their help with the wedding preparations, Twilight would be the wedding planner, Fluttershy would provide music with her bird choir, mainly because Heart hadn’t had the chance to hear her birds sing and the wedding would be the perfect time to hear them for his first time, Applejack would provide the catering, Rarity would make a dress for Raibow Dash, Heart Wing decided to wear the suit he wore on their date for the wedding, and finally, Pinkie Pie would be in charge of the reception party. This was going to be a great wedding.

Heart Wing awoke the next morning with Rainbow Dash resting her head on his chest. “*YAWN* hmm, that’s odd, the sun should be up by now.” Heart Wing looked out the window and saw that the stars and moon were still out. “Hey Dash, wake up, what time is it?” He carefully nudged Rainbow with his hoof to stir her from her sleep.

She started to slowly wake up. “Huh, WHAT THE, WHO THE HAY ARE YOU, AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED?!”

Author's Note:

Hope you like the little cliffhanger there, just you wait until the next chapter, I had a brainstorm to make this story even more epic.