• Published 1st May 2013
  • 4,572 Views, 64 Comments

One Heart's Destiny - Robobrony

A new alicorn has appeared in Equestria, but where did he come from, and why is he ashamed of what he is? Only time will tell.

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Heart Wing slowly stirred from his slumber as he woke up, he let out a groan as he sat up in a large bed he found himself in. It had a nice thick blue sheet and big comfy pillows under his head. He took in the room he was in and saw a light blue carpet for the floor, a kind of dresser on the other side of the room with an open door on its left that led to a bathroom, a large window on his right and another door to his left. He closed one eye as he moved a hoof to his head and groaned again. “Oh, my head, what happened?" He crawled out of bed and took off his cloak to get more comfortable.

As he looked at it, he began to remember what had happened, how the princesses helped him remove that accursed door from his heart. Then thoughts of his mother and father arose within him. As he looked at his cloak, he remembered everything his parents tried to do for him to make him happy, and how they had died. For the first time in his life, tears started to form in his eyes, he noticed a warm sensation upon his cheeks. He placed a hoof to his face and wiped at it to see what was making his face wet, he noticed a dampness emanating from his eyes, it was then that he realized that he was actually crying.

“I…..I’m crying.” It was then that he also began to feel a great sadness build up within him. At the same time, the girls all decided to come in to the room to see if Heart Wing was awake.

“Good morning Heart Wing, we came to-“ Twilight cut herself off when she saw Heart Wing was crying.

“Heart Wing, what’s wrong, why are you crying?” Fluttershy asked with concern.

“I…..I just can’t seem to stop myself, as I-I was l-looking at my cloak, I just-just started thinking about my parents and….and.” Heart Wing couldn’t finish as he broke down even more and a torrent of tears let loose, Fluttershy was the first to make her way over to Heart Wing and gave him a hug to try and comfort him.

“Shhh, it’s ok Heart Wing, just let it all out, you don’t have to hold back anymore.” Fluttershy cooed as she held Heart Wing, Heart Wing returned the favor as he wrapped his hooves around her and continued to cry out.

“I…I just c-can’t s-s-stop, what- what’s wrong?” Heart Wing tried to ask through his sobs as he cried.

Twilight thought she had the answer. “I think that now that the curse you were under is gone which kept you from really being able to feel, your emotions are finally catching up to you. All the pain and sadness you experienced in life are now free to come out. That’s why your crying.” Twilight then made her way over to Heart Wing and joined in on the hug. Heart Wing then wrapped one of his hooves around her as he now had two shoulders to cry over. Then all the girls joined in on a group hug to comfort Heart Wing until he felt better.

Almost an hour had passed as he seemed to finally settle down and they all broke the group hug. “Feeling any better Heart Wing?” Fluttershy asked.

Heart Wing sniffled a little as he answered. “*SNIFF* Yeah, a little, it actually feels good to let it out, I’ve never cried before, thanks for……being here for me, I guess.”

“Think nothing of it dear, that’s what friends are for.” Said Rarity.

“So, how long was I out?” Heart Wing asked.

Rainbow Dash answered. “You were out for a whole day and night, Princess Celestia told us about what happened with the door.”

“She also told us about how you saw a sonic rainboom when you had that first pain attack.” Pinkie pointed out.

Applejack followed up. “Do ya realize what that means sugar cube, we all saw that same sonic rainboom too, and it helped us get our cutie marks.”

“It means that we were destined to be friends, we all have a very special connection.” Twilight continued.

Heart Wing wasn’t too sure about that. “But how, sure I saw the same sonic rainboom as you all, but it didn’t help me get my cutie mark, I don’t even have one, all it did was weaken the curse I was under.”

The girls but Fluttershy gave a smirk at Heart Wing. He looked at each of them curiously. “What, why are you all looking at me like that?”

“No cutie mark huh, then what’s that mark on your flank?” Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof to his backside.

Heart Wing kept his confused look at Rainbow, then he turned to look at what she was pointing at. Sure enough there was a mark on his flank, a golden three pronged crown with a pink heart on it. Heart Wing’s eyes widened as he looked at his new cutie mark. “I…..I don’t believe it, how did…..where did….HUH?” A big smile soon took over his face, it was so big, it seemed to threaten to tear his face in half. “I’VE GOT A CUTIE MARK, WHOOOHOOO, THIS IS INCREDIBLE, YAHOOO!!” Heart Wing was so happy, he started jumping around the room and whooping it up. “HAH, I’M ACTUALLY HAPPY, THIS IS SOOOO WONDERFUL, WHAHOOOOO, I LOVE THIS!!”

The girls all just watched in amazement and glee as they saw his excitement over discovering his cutie mark. They just laughed along with him. They knew that this was the first time he ever felt any joy in his life, so they just let him continue until he was done. Finally he stopped jumping around when a thought crossed his mind. “Wait, how did I get it, I never found my special talent, so why do I have a cutie mark?”

After some thought, Twilight figured she had come up with an answer. “Maybe that curse kept you from having your cutie mark appear as well, it kept you from your magic and your emotions, why not your cutie mark as well?”

Heart Wing also took on a contemplative look. “I guess that makes sense.” Everyone’s thoughts were soon interrupted by a rumbling sound, Heart Wing’s stomach was telling him it was time for breakfast.

“Come on Heart, Celestia invited us to join her, Luna and Cadence for breakfast.” Fluttershy informed Heart Wing.

Before they left, Heart Wing went over to his cloak and picked it up again, he just sat there and looked at it a moment. “What is it Heart Wing, are you going to wear your cloak?” Asked Rarity.

“I……I don’t feel like I need it anymore, but…….I don’t want to just get rid of it, it was the last thing my mother gave me before she……she-“ Pinkie cut him off by putting a hoof on his shoulder.

“It’s all right Heart Wing, you don’t have to get rid of it, you can still keep it, just wear it whenever you want.”

Heart Wing smiled at Pinkie Pie. “Your right Pinkie, with everything that’s happened, I don’t feel ashamed of what I am, I am a real alicorn, and I am NOT a freak.”

“That’s the spirit sugar cube, now come on, let’s go get some grub.” Applejack cheered. The girls then led Heart Wing through the castle to the dining hall.

Once they entered, the princesses were already there waiting for them. Celestia and Luna sat next to each other at the head of the long table, while Cadence and Shining Armor sat next to each other to the left of Celestia. The girls all gave a bow with Heart Wing following their motion. Celestia smiled at them as she spoke. “Good morning my little ponies, I trust you all had a good night’s sleep?”

Twilight answered for the group. “We did princess, thank you, and it was a very beautiful night as usual princess Luna, thank you.”

It was Luna’s turn to smile now. “You’re welcome, I am always glad to know that my nights are appreciated.”

Heart Wing seemed confused by this conversation, he just had to speak up and ask something. “Um, excuse me your majesties, pardon the interruption, but…..what do you mean your nights?”

Twilight seemed to take on a look of shock as she responded to Heart Wing’s question. “WHAT, don’t tell me you don’t know!”

Heart Wing then turned his attention to Twilight, along with the other ponies in the room. “Know what, what’s going on?” He asked with nervousness in his voice.

Celestia had already figured out that Heart Wing didn’t know that she and her sister controlled the sun and moon. “Twilight, it’s all right, I’ll explain.” Twilight relaxed a bit and let Celestia talk. “you see Heart Wing, my sister and I control the day and night, I raise the sun every day, and my sister raises the moon each night.”

“You two control the day and night?! I….that’s incredible, I had no idea, p-please forgive my ignorance your majesties.” Heart Wing quickly gave a bow before them.

The two princesses just smiled, Celestia spoke to ease his worries. “It’s all right Heart, come, let’s begin our meal.” With that out of the way, they all took a seat at the table. Twilight sat next to her big brother, Heart Wing took a seat next to her, followed by Fluttershy, then Pinkie pie. On the other side of the table, Rainbow Dash sat across from Heart, followed by Rarity and Applejack.

Some unicorn servants then entered the room levitating plates of pancakes for every pony. They set the plates in front of each and they all began to dig in, except for Heart Wing, upon seeing Twilight levitate her fork with her magic to begin eating, a thought crossed his mind. “Excuse me Princess Celestia, your majesty.”

Celestia turned her attention away from her plate to Heart Wing, as did every other pony. “You may address me as Celestia Heart, what can I do for you?”

“OH uh, nothing, you, Luna and Cadence have already done so much for me and I am very grateful for it, I just had a question.”

“Yes what is it?”

“Now that that curse is gone, I have access to my magic now right?”

Celestia gave a knowing smile as she answered. She figured where this was going. “why yes, you do.”

Heart Wing then turned his attention to Twilight. “Twilight, do you think you could teach me how you do that levitation thing with your fork? I’d really like to give this magic thing a try.”

Twilight grinned from ear to ear. “Of course Heart Wing, it’s real easy. Just think about what you want your fork to do and it’ll do it, use your imagination and your magic will make it happen.”

“Ok, here goes.” Every pony in the room watched in anticipation as Heart Wing was about to attempt his first try at magic. He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on the fork. His horn sparked to life as it glowed with a white aura. He may have concentrated too hard as his plate of pancakes exploded in his face instead, as well as get pieces of pancakes and syrup on some of the others, Celestia and Luna included.

Heart Wing slowly opened his eyes as his face was covered in syrup and chunks of panckes, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were trying very hard not to laugh at Heart’s misfortune, and failed miserably as they started bursting with laughter, Rainbow Dash started rolling around laughing hysterically with Pinkie soon joining her. Rarity gave Rainbow Dash a menacing glare to try and get her to stop but it didn’t work, Applejack was giving Pinkie the same look with little success as well. Fluttershy and Twilight both looked to Heart With worry in their eyes.

“Oh my goodness, Heart Wing, are you all right?” Fluttershy asked out of concern, despite the fact that she had some of the pancake and syrup on her. The same could be said for Twilight, since they were sitting next to ground zero of the great pancake disaster.

Heart Wing didn’t say anything for a moment, then a smile crept across his face, he spoke. “Well, guess breakfast is on me.” He then burst out laughing at the little incident he caused.

Pinkie managed to speak through her fits of laughter. “Breakfast is on me?! That’s hilarious, HA HA HA *SNORT* HA HA HA HA!”

“I’ll say, HA HA HA, THAT’S A GOOD ONE HA HA HA HA!” Rainbow Dash agreed. Even Twilight and Fluttershy started to giggle, followed by Rarity and Applejack, Then Shining Armor and Cadence. Finally even Celestia let out a few giggles at the laughter that soon filled the hall. Luna seemed to be the only one to not get the joke as she just stared in confusion.

“Sister, I do not get it, what is so funny?” Celestia leaned in to whisper in her sister’s ear to tell her. “Oh, I get it, that is most amusing, HA HA!” Now Luna was sharing in the joy.

After a while, the room finally calmed down as the servants brought another plate of pancakes for Heart Wing. “Thank you.” He said to the servant, he simply nodded with a smile and returned to the kitchen. “Let’s try this again without any explosions.” Heart Wing said with a jest, which coaxed a small fit of giggles from Rainbow Dash and Pinkie.

“Now try not to use so much magic this time and don’t concentrate so hard, just take it easy.” Twilight instructed.

Heart Wing nodded in understanding, he turned his attention to his fork, he kept his eyes open this time, his horn once again flared to life with a white aura, his fork soon became enveloped by the same aura and lifted up off the table. Heart Wing’s smile returned to his face as he saw the fork lift up under his power. “I did it, I did it, HA HA, this is great, I can actually do magic now.” In his elation, he lost his focus on the fork and quickly grabbed Twilight in a hug. “Oh thank you Twilight, thank you for showing me how to do that!”

Twilight just hugged back as she smiled and responded. “You’re welcome Heart Wing.”

Heart Wing then quickly released Twilight as an idea came to him. “HEY, Twilight, do you think maybe you could be my magic teacher, pleeeeease.” After he asked that, another thought came to his mind as he seemed to frown a little. “Oh, wait, never mind, you’re probably too busy to teach some pony how to use magic.” Twilight was pretty busy with her studies, sure she was able to take time away every once in a while to hang out with her friends, but would she be able to juggle her studies, her friends, AND teaching some pony to use magic?

As if sensing what Twilight was thinking, Celestia addressed her. “Twilight, I can think of no other pony more suited to be his magic teacher then you. I will be more lax in your studies so you can have the time to teach him.”

Both Twilight and Heart Wing smiled big, Twilight was the first to express herself. “Thank you princess, Heart Wing, I would be more than happy to be your magic teacher.”

“Thank you Twilight, and thank you princess, I promise to work real hard so I can learn to master my new powers.” Heart Wing then began to try and levitate his fork again to begin eating, he was met with great success as he became familiar with how to move it with his mind, within no time, he was able to move it just as easily as Twilight could move things around. In his excitement, Heart Wing finished his meal long before any pony else did. With his plate now empty, he let out a satisfied burp. “Excuse me.” He said with a bit of embarrassment. “So Rainbow Dash, I was thinking.”

Rainbow Dash turned her attention to Heart Wing upon hearing him call to her. “What’s up Heart?”

“Well, I’m kind of eager to get started with those flying lessons you said you’d give me, do you think we can get started now, please.”

“Heh, sure, with your size and my awesomeness, I’m sure I can show you how to get off the ground in no time. Come on, we can use the castle’s garden as our training area.”

“OOH OOH, can we come and watch!” Pinkie asked eagerly.

Rainbow faked a thinking look to tease Pinkie. “Weeeelllll, ok, sure, are you ok with that Heart Wing?”

Heart Wing smiled as he answered. “Of course I am, I want all my friends there to see me when I take my first flight. Princesses, prince Shining Armor, your highness, your all welcome to come too if you want.”

“Thanks, but me and Cadence have plans today, we just want some alone time.” Shining Armor answered.

“Me and my sister would be glad to join you, I think it would be quit enjoyable.” Celestia answered.

Luna then chimed in. “Yes, we would be most pleased to see how well you fly with Rainbow Dash as your teacher.” A plan was now set, Celestia, Luna, and the girls all made their way to the gardens to watch Rainbow Dash give Heart Wing his first flying lesson. Needless to say, Heart Wing was brimming with anticipation and excitement.

Once in the gardens, Celestia and Luna laid down next to each other behind Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinki Pie to watch Rainbow Dash and Heart Wing. Rainbow Dash began her lesson. “Now then, before we get started with the flying, it’s important to get a good feel for your wings, to know how they move and flex. Are you already familiar with that Heart?”

“Well, I don’t think so, all I’ve ever done with them is fold them in and out.”

“Then get them at the ready, were going to do a few wing exercises first to loosen them up so they don’t cramp up and let you get a good feel for them. Just do what I do with your wings.”

“Right.” Heart Wing then unfolded his wings at the ready to copy what Rainbow Dash was about to do.

“Let’s start with a few circular motions, just follow my lead.” Rainbow Dash then started moving her wings in a circular motion. Heart Wing started making circles with his wings as well. “Now, the other direction.” Rainbow Dash then made circles in the other direction. Heart Wing copied her in this as well. “Good, now just stretch them out as far as you can to try and really loosen them up.” Rainbow Dash then gave her wings a good stretch, Heart Wing, once again did as Rainbow Dash and stretched out his wings. “All right, I think that’s enough stretching, did you get a good feel for your wings.”

“Yeah, it felt good to actually do all that with them then just folding them in and out.”

“Good, now were ready to begin, for now, let’s start with hovering, just start flapping your wings up and down until you start to lift up off the ground, the harder you flap, the higher up you go.” Rainbow then demonstrated by flapping her wings and lifting herself up off the ground. “Like this, now you try.”

Heart Wing nodded, he looked over to his wings, took a deep breath and started flapping his wings. Pinkie watched in anticipation, while the others just watched. Heart Wing flapped his wings a little harder when he noticed he wasn’t getting any lift, when he increased his flapping, his hooves finally left the ground and he lifted up into the air until he was level with Rainbow Dash. “I did it, hah, I’m actually off the ground.” Heart Wing did feel a little nervous, but he was more full of joy that he was actually off the ground under his own power.

“YAHOO, WAY TO GO HEART WING!” Pinkie cheered, which seemed to get the others to cheer for him as well.

Heart Wing turned to face them, but when he tried, he seemed to lose his balance and started flying backwards and crashed into a tree. With a thud, his back meet bark and he slid to the ground. “OOOH!” is what came from the little ponies.

Heart Wing groaned. “Ooh, ouch, ok that hurt.”

Rainbow Dash quickly landed as the others got up and rushed over to him to make sure he was ok. Rarity was the first to ask. “Heart Wing dear, are you all right.”

Fluttershy was next to voice her concern. “Oh my, you’re not hurt are you?”

“I’m ok, guess I should have waited for lessons on how to keep myself balanced in mid-air to turn before trying it.” Heart simply chuckled a little at his joke. Heart Wing got up and assured Rainbow Dash that he was ok to continue with the lessons.

After a few lessons on keeping your balance, how to turn, and all that, Rainbow Dash felt he was ready to go high up into the clouds, she figured he would enjoy that since he’d never sat on a cloud before. “All right, you ready for this Heart Wing.”

Heart Wing nodded. “I’m ready, I feel real good about this thanks to your lessons. I’ll admit that I am a little nervous, but at the same time, eager and anxious to do this.”

“Then what are we waiting for, follow me.” Rainbow then started to hover above the ground and waited for Heart to take off, once he was off the ground, he followed her up and up and up to the clouds. Heart Wing did look down once in a while as they flew up to take in the view, he was feeling so good to be so high up. They finally got up to the clouds and Rainbow and Heart Wing took a seat on the cloud to take in the scenery before them. “Take it all in, Heart Wing, great view huh?”

Heart Wing looked over the sight before him, he could see all of Equestria from up there, he just sat there and felt the wind as it blew through his fur. “This is amazing Rainbow Dash, this view is spectacular, I can see everything from up here.”

“Yep, it sure is, this is why it’s so great to be a Pegasus, or in your case, an alicorn.”

Heart Wing then got a brilliant idea to have a bit of fun, he noticed how the clouds were puffy and he was able to actually take a few puffs in his hooves. “Hey Rainbow Dash, you wanna see something funny.” He said as he turned to Rainbow.

“What’s that?” She asked as she turned to face Heart.

“Watch this.” Heart Then took a big chuck of cloud in his hoovs, quickly turned around and molded it in some way so Rainbow couldn’t see. After a moment, Heart turned around and he had shaped the puff of cloud into a big poofy wig, a pair of long eyebrows and a big round nose. “Check it out, I’m a clown.”

Rainbow tried to fight back the fits of giggles threatening to come out, but it was no good, she started to laugh hysterically as she fell to her back and let loose. “BWAHAHAHAAA YOU LOOK REDICULOUSE HA HA!”

Then Heart had another idea. “Wait wait, I got another one, watch this.” Heart Wing then turned around and reshaped the cloud again, Rainbow managed to pick herself up as she watched, still laughing a little at Heart’s earlier gag. This time, Heart Wing shaped the cloud into a top hat, monacle, and a long mustache. He then spoke in a fake English accent. “Oh, hello my dear, your just in time for tea, care for a crumpet?”

He got her again as she started laughing just as much. “HA HA HA, NO MORE, I CAN’T HA HA I CAN’T TAKE IT HA HA HAAAH!”

Heart Wing then had one more idea that was sure to get her. He swiped the cloud pieces off of his face and shaped it into a ball in his hooves. “Hey Rainbow Dash, I got a present for you.”

Rainbow Dash got control of herself upon hearing the word present, she quickly sat up and looked to Heart Wing. “Oh yeah, what is it?” *POOMF* A cloud ball struck Rainbow right in the face.

“GOTCHA!” Heart Wing called out in triumph as his throw hit it’s mark. “Man, you should see the look on your face.”

Rainbow Dash furrowed her brow as she looked at Heart Wing, which quickly changed to a smirk. “Oh, it is on.”

Heart Wing put on a fake scared look. “Oh no, I’m in trouble.”

“Your darn right you are, come here you.”

“You want me, you gotta catch me first.” Heart Wing then started running and jumping from cloud to cloud with Rainbow Dash in hot pursuit.

“Get back here you!” Rainbow called out playfully as she chased Heart Wing through the sky.

“What’s the matter, can’t keep up, I thought you were the greatest flyer in all of Equestria, or is that just a bunch of big talk.” Heart Wing called back to her. Next thing he knew, he was now pinned down on his back on a cloud by a smirking rainbow maned Pegasus.

“Whos slow now smart guy?” She said as she looked down at him. “You’re gonna get it now.” Rainbow then picked up a piece of cloud and slammed it in Heart Wing’s face. She then got another and did it again. “Do you give up?”

Heart Wing laughed as he was assaulted with cloud. “Yes, ha ha I give I give!”

“That’s what I thought, no pony messes with Rainbow Dash and gets away with it.” Rainbow then got off Heart Wing and helped him up.

“Thanks Rainbow, this is the most fun I’ve had since………well ever.”

“You’re welcome, what are friends-“ She was cut off when Heart Wing suddenly brought her into a hug.

“Thank you, I can’t tell you how much this means to me. This is the first time I’ve actually felt free, thank you so much.” Heart said silently to her.

Rainbow Dash began to blush a little, she cleared her throat before speaking again. “Hey, it’s no big deal, I’m just glad I could help, come on, we should probably head back down now and get back to Ponyville.”

Heart Wing broke the embrace and looked at Rainbow, with a nod, the two then flew back down to rejoin the others. “It looks like you two were having fun up there.” Applejack stated.

“I sure did, I never imagined flying could be so much fun. I never got to say this to all of you, but I just want to thank each and every one of you for all you did for me when you first found me. I feel like the luckiest pony alive thanks to all of you.”

“Think nothing of it dear, after all, we do share a special connection, remember?” Rarity stated.

“I remember, and I feel ready to start a new life here, the question now is what can I do for a job in Ponyville?”

“You could join me on the weather team, it’s a pretty easy job and the pay is decent.” Rainbow Dash offered.

“That sound great, but what about my magic lessons?”

“Well, once you get started as a weather pony and figure out your schedule, I can work out when we’ll both have free time so I can teach you magic.” Twilight stated.

Heart Wing smiled big. “Then it’s settled, I’ll get a job as a weather pony and learn how to control my magic on the side, my new life in Ponyville is now set. This is just too perfect.” With a plan set for Heart Wing, and flying lessons out of the way, Heart Wing and his new friends left the castle after giving their good byes to Celestia and Luna and headed for the train station.

The group finally arrived back at Ponyville and was glad to be back. Heart Wing had his cloak on, but with the hood down. “So Heart Wing, you ready to go see about becoming a weather pony?” Rainbow Dash asked Heart Wing as they left the station.

Heart Wing looked to Dash as he answered. “Actually, I would like to take it easy for the rest of the day, with everything that’s happened, I’m kinda tired.”

“That’s cool, I’ll come by tomorrow and show you down to town hall to get you started, sound good?”

“Sure, that’d be great, thanks rainbow.”

“No problem, see ya tomorrow.” Rainbow Dash then flew off.

“I’d better get going too, my animals must be worried about me, and I’m awfully worried about them, I’ll see you later, ok Heart Wing?” Fluttershy said to Heart.

“Sure, see you later Fluttershy.” Fluttershy then fluttered off to her cottage.

“I should get back to my shop too, I imagine I have a lot of work to catch up on. Take care Heart.” Rarity called as she left.

“OOOOH, this means that I can finally throw you one of my signature welcome to Ponyville parties, just you wait Hearty Wing, this is going to be even more fun than……than…………..well it’ll be a lot of fun!” Pinkie couldn’t think of anything to compare her party to that would be more fun than something Heart Wing had done since he hadn’t had any fun until that curse had been lifted from him. Pinkie then rushed off to start planning for the party.

“Come on sugar cube, I hope you havn’t forgotten that me and my family are willing ta give ya a place ta stay until ya’ll can get a place of yer own. Ya’ll can take a nap in yer room once we get there.” Applejack smiled as she spoke to Heart Wing.

“I haven’t forgotten, and thank you again Applejack. I’ll see you Tomorrow Twilight, I’ll let you know what my weather schedule will be once I get it.”

“That’s fine, I’ll see you tomorrow Heart.” Twilight called back.

Applejack and Heart then began their trek back to Sweet Apple Acres. Upon their arrival, Heart Wing was greeted by Big Mac, Granny Smith, Apple Bloom and two more fillys that he hadn’t met before. Granny Smith spoke first. “Welcome back youngin, I take it yer meetin with the princesses went well?”

“Yeh, I’m all better now, thanks to them, and I want to express my gratitude again for letting me stay with you.”

Before Granny Smith could respond, Heart Wing was confronted by the three little fillys with big smiles on their faces. Apple Bloom started up. “Heart Wing, I’m so glad yer back, these are my friends that I told ya about, this is Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom motioned to a little Pegasus with a dark orange coat and a hot purple mane and tail. “And this here is Sweetie Belle.” She then motioned to a little unicorn with a white coat and a two toned mane and tail of a faded light pink and a light purple coloring.

Heart Wing noticed that each of them wore a cape that was dark red with a blue patch with a yellow silouete of a pony rearing up. The little Pegasus rushed up as she began to speak in an excited tone. “Hey there, Apple Bloom told us you were an alicorn, is it true?”

The little unicorn did the same. “Can we see your wings, please please pleeeease.”

Applejack chuckled at their enthusiasm, but figured that Heart Wing was a little anxious to take a nap, so it was up to her to keep the little fillies in line. “Now look here you three, Heart Wing had an exhausting day and needs a nap, ya’ll can have a nice chat with him later, all right.”

The three fillies let out a disappointed cry. “AAAAAAWWWWWWE” Heart Wing felt bad for them but he was feeling tired and wanted to take a nap, so he had to let them down for now, he would definitely have to do something to make it up to them later.

Applejack led Heart into the house. “I know the way to the room by now Applejack, thanks.” Heart Wing stated.
Applejack simply responded back. “All right then, I need to catch up on some chores round here, ya’ll have a good nap now.”

Heart Wing entered his room, undid the clasp of his cloak and decided to exercise his new magical abilities. He concentrated on his cloak and was most satisfied as he successfully levitated it off his back and set it on the foot of the bed. He climbed in, used his magic to move the covers over himself, and laid his head down for a good long nap.
As he fell asleep, he began to dream, he found himself in a blue void. He heard voices calling to him, it sounded very familiar to him. “HEEEEAAAAART WIIIIIIINNNNNNNG!”

He definitely knew he heard it before. “Mom, is that you, where are you?!”


He recognized that voice as well. “Dad, dad, what’s going on?!” A white light soon appeared before him with two silhouettes.

The light faded enough for Heart Wing to look at them, and it was indeed his parents, but they seemed different, for some reason they had both a horn and wings, they appeared as alicorns. Heart Wing was very confused by this. “Mom, dad, is that you, what happened, what’s going on, why are you alicorns?!” He had so many questions for them.

His mother spoke. “Heart Wing, you must listen to us, we do not have much time, you must go back to Stableton, there is something there that you need to see.”

His dad spoke next. “Son, you must listen to us, it is of the utmost importance that you go there, there is a truth you must be made aware of.”

Heart Wing couldn’t believe what was going on, his parents were wanting him to go back to that miserable town now that he had real friends and found happiness? “What, but why, what truth, I can’t go back, I’m about to start a new and better life here in Ponyville like you wanted, why should I go back to Stableton, what’s this truth I need find?”
His mother continued. “Heart, please listen to us, you will be able to return to Ponyville, but there is something in Stableton you must be made aware of, please, for us.”

“Son, I know this is difficult, but please go, we don’t have time to explain everything.” His father stated.

“But I don’t know how to get back to Stableton, I was lucky to find my way into Ponyville!”

“You will have the knowledge when you wake.” His mother stated.

Before his eyes, the light reappeared and his parents started to disappear. “WAIT, WHAT TRUTH, AND HOW ARE YOU TWO ALICORNS, PLEASE DON’T GO YET!”

His parents said one last goodbye before they disappeared, his mother was first. “Heart Wing, no matter what, we will always love you and we will always be with you.”

His father was next. “We will always be proud of you son, take care.” With those final words, they were gone, Heart Wing awoke with a start as he panted heavily with sweat dripping from his hed. “MOM, DAD!” He looked down over himself. “It was a dream, but it seemed so real, why do they want me to go back to Stableton, and how were they alicorns? This doesn’t make any sense. I can’t just up and leave, I’m about to start a new life. They did say I would be able to come back.” Suddenly, he felt a faint pulse of magic eminate from his brain, it didn’t hurt but it felt weird. “What the hay?” He then felt his brain fill with the knowledge he was promised, on how to get to Stableton from where he was.
Heart Wing stayed in his room for the rest of the day to think about that dream he had, about what his parents said, he had so many questions, the more he thought about it, the more he figured that if he wanted answers, he would have to go back home to Stableton. He finally decided on what to do.

He had a quiet dinner with the Apples, Apple Bloom was sad that Heart Wing was no longer eligible to be a cutie mark crusader, but that didn’t mean that they couldn’t be friends. Applejack noticed Heart Wing seemed to be deep in thought. “You all right there sugar cube, you look like somethin’s botherin ya.”

Heart Wing looked to Applejack as he responded. “I’m fine, I just had a weird dream while I was taking my nap is all.”

Applejack accepted the answer and went back to her meal. Dinner was finished and it was now time for bed. The apples each said their goodnights to each other and Heart Wing as they went to their rooms. Heart decided that it would be too difficult to say goodbye to them before leaving after everything they had done for him and discovering this special bond he shared with them, even though he would be able to come back.

He went to sleep and made a mental note to get up long before any pony else did. He woke up in the middle of the night and put his cloak on. He quietly left the room and made his way to the door to try and be careful not to wake anyone. He made it as far as the living room when he heard a familiar voice call out to him. “And just what are you doin up so late?” Heart jumped at the voice and looked in the direction of the kitchen where it came from.

“Applejack, um, well, I could ask you the same thing.” He stammered a little feeling very nervous that he was caught.

Applejack just looked at him as she continued. “I was havin a bit of trouble sleepin so I thought a little midnight snack might help, you still didn’t answer ma question, why are you wearin your cloak?”

Heart Wing thought quickly to try and make something up, he just couldn’t bring himself to say goodbye. “I…….well, I couldn’t sleep either, so I thought that…..a good walk around town at night might help, it would also give me a chance to appreciate the night.”

Applejack gave Heart Wing a menacing look, she didn’t like being lied to and she could tell he was lying. “Heart Wing, you know I can tell when some pony is lyin ta me, now what’s really goin on?”

Heart Wing sighed in sorrow and defeat. He looked at Applejack feeling sorry. “Applejack, when I took that nap today……well, you remember when I said I had a weird dream?” She nodded. “My parents appeared before me in that dream.”

“Your parents, but how?”

“I don’t know, but the weird thing is, when they appeared before me, they were alicorns like me. I don’t know how or why, but they did, and they told me that I needed to go back to Stableton to find ‘the truth’ or something.”

“The truth, the truth about what?” Applejack was looking very confused as Heart told her about his dream.

“I don’t know, but they made it sound very urgent, this just raised more questions, why were they alicorns, why do they need me to go back to Stableton, why is it so important, and what is this truth that they want me to find? I have so many questions and the only way to answer them is to do what they said and return to stableton. I don’t want to, believe me I really don’t want to, not after finding you all and becoming friends, not to mention the fact that I can finally start a new and better life for myself here, but if I want answers to these questions, then I have to go back to my home town.”

“Well, I….I don’t know what ta say ta all that, but that still don’t explain why yer sneakin out.”

“Applejack, if I just told all of you, it would be too difficult for me to say goodbye. I’ll be able to come back later, but the trip to Stableton is a very long one, it’ll take me at least three months to get there, and once I’m there, I don’t know how long I’ll be there. Three months to get there means three months to get back, that’s six months, half a year. I don’t want to be away from you all for so long, but I have to go if I want answers.”

“So you all just decide ta leave without so much as a word, no note, no nothin, that aint very friendly. I can understand yer desire fer answers, but to just up and leave without lettin us know what’s goin in is just plain mean, we would start fearin the worst if you didn’t leave so much as a note tellin us what’s goin on.”

“I……I never thought of that before, oh Applejack, I’m so sorry, I-I just wasn’t thinking was I?” Heart Wing’s eyes started to tear up as he realized the mistake he was about to make. “But I still can’t say good bye to every pony, it’ll be too painful.”

Applejack walked over to Heart Wing and gave him a hug to comfort him in his greif. “Hey now, it’s all right sugar cube, if’n this is somethin that ya’ll need ta do, then ya’ll need ta do it. But were all gonna miss ya somethin fierce. And just remember, the apple family door will always be open to ya when ya’ll get back.”

Heart looked to Applejack with a sad smile as she too wore one. “Thanks Applejack, I’m gonna miss you all, I’ll be sure to get back as soon as I can, and tell the others that I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye to them myself.”

“Of course darlin, now ya’ll best get goin, sounds like ya’ll got a lot of ground ta cover.”

“Goodbye Applejack, and thanks again for everything.”

“Yer welcome.” The two shared one last hug before Heart Wing left the house to begin his long journey back to Stableton, and away from his new friends and home of Ponyville. What could this truth possibly be that was so important to rip a new and wonderful friendship apart for so long? Only time will tell.

Author's Note:

Wow, what a goodbye, I hope I managed to get you readers to feel something at the end there, or somewhere in the middle, let me know if I managed to make you feel by leaving comments. Thanks for the support. Also, I seriously can't help but think that I need to add or retag this story in some way, I would really appreciate some advice on the matter, so could someone please just leave a comment to let me know.