• Published 1st May 2013
  • 4,572 Views, 64 Comments

One Heart's Destiny - Robobrony

A new alicorn has appeared in Equestria, but where did he come from, and why is he ashamed of what he is? Only time will tell.

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Chapter 15

Chapter 15

The girls and Heart Wing all had their armor on and ready to take flight to Canterlot, when suddenly, a voice called out to them. “Hello, excuse me, might I have a moment of your time.” The voice had a British accent to it.

The group turned their attention to where the voice came from. It was an earth pony stallion with a brown coat and a black mane and tail with an hour glass for a cutie mark. Applejack steeped forward to address the pony. “Sorry pardner, but right now were kinda closed, got some business to take care of right now.” She figured it was just some pony here to buy apples.

“Actually, that business you need to take care of is exactly why I’m here.” He said.

Dash got a little suspicious of what he said. “How do you know what business we have to take care of?”

The pony never lost his cool, he answered with a smile. “It’s my job to know, I’m the doctor.”

“Doctor who exactly?” Rarity asked.

“Exactly.” Was his only response. “Look, I’m here to help, I know for a fact that you all know that things are not as they should be, I’m here to help you rectify that little problem.”

“And how in tarnation do ya’ll know that? We needed a spell to help us realize that, how do ya’ll know what’s what and what’s not?”

“Like I said, it’s my job to know, and also I have a time machine.”

“OK, this guy is crazy, come on girls, we’ve got more important things to do than deal with some crazy pony.” Said Dash.

“Hold on Dash, he might not be crazy.” Heart said. “If he does know that things aren’t the way they should be, how else could he know, granted the whole time whatchamacallit sounds a little odd, but I for one am curious as to how he knows that things are messed up. Let’s hear him out.” The girls looked at Heart then to the doctor. They agreed to trust Heart’s judgment.

“All right doctor, we’re listening.” Said Rarity.

“Right then, you see, I have a time machine that lets me travel through space and time, I travel through time and fix things in history that were changed where they shouldn’t have. So I am here to help you all fix what was changed.”

Fluttershy spoke up. “So you can take us back in time and help us change things?”

“Well, sort of, the thing is, I know that things have changed because of the demon Misery, the problem is, there is no way of knowing where exactly he is in the point in time when he made the changes he did that prevented your friend Twilight from coming to Ponyville. There is still a way we can change things to the way they were from here though. Because of what Heart did for all of you, he unknowingly made you all paradoxes in the time line, thus making it so that if you do what you were supposed to do when Nightmare Moon first showed up, it will make things the way they should be up to this point in time.”

“Uh, did any of ya’ll get that?” Applejack asked felling confused and a bit of a headache coming on.

“It’s simple, all you have to do is get the elements of harmony, use them to turn Nightmare Moon back into princess Luna, and everything will be fine” Came a voice from behind the doctor.

“Ah, Derpy there you are, did you get the muffin you wanted?” The doctor asked a mare Pegasus with a grey coat, gold eyes, and a blond mane and tail with bubbles for a cutie mark.

“No, when I got there, Mr. and Mrs. Cake were asleep.” Derpy said.

“Girls, and Heart Wing, this is my lovely assistant, Derpy Hooves.”

“DERPY, what are you doing here?!” Rainbow asked in surprise.

“Hey Rainbow Dash, it’s good to see you again, I’ve been traveling with the doctor to help him. We’ve had all kinds of amazing adventures, this one time we-“

The doctor cut her off. “Sorry Derpy but we don’t have the time to go down memory lane right now.”

“Oh right, sorry. Anyway, come on girls, you can trust him, I promise he can help.”

The girls weren’t sure about this, but Heart Wing figured that if Derpy trusted him, he could too. “Come on girls, let’s see how he can help.” The girls all nodded in agreement. “So, what can you do to help?”

“I can take you right to your friend Twilight, my time machine is right over there.” The doctor then pointed his hoof to the left and to a tall blue box with a light on top. It had Police Box written on the sides and front. “Come along then.”

The doctor and Derpy led the group to the box, the doctor opened the door and walked in with Derpy behind him.
The girls walked in with Dash being second to last and Heart Wing being last. Heart just sat down in front of the entrance once inside, he was feeling exhausted by now. He couldn’t even be amazed at the size of the room they were now in.

“Oh my, it’s so big in here.” Fluttershy commented.

“But, how in tarnation is this thing so much bigger on the inside than it is on the outside? It don’t make no sense.” Applejack questioned.

“I said the same thing when I first saw this.” Said Derpy. The room was large and round with a console at the center and a cylindrical glass object surrounded by the strange looking buttons and levers.

The doctor grinned big at Applejack’s comment. “It’s sciency stuff, hard to explain in ways you would understand.”

Dash looked back at Heart Wing. “Hey Heart, are you ok, you look tired.”

Heart looked up at Rainbow. “I’m ok, I’m just tired is all, those spells I used to fix your memories took a lot out of me. I just need some time to rest.”

The doctor didn’t seem to think so. “Hmm, Heart Wing, how was it you weren’t affected by the time change again?”

“Well, after I went around town to see if any of my frineds remembered me, the demon showed up and taunted me, he said my magic acted on its own to shield me from the time stream being altered.”

“Hmm, curious. Give me a moment please.” The doctor then pulled a small metal long object with a green light at the end out of his mane and held it out with his hoof towards Heart. It started to give off a buzzing noise as the doctor moved it around Heart Wing. He then stopped and looked at the side of the object.

“What is that thing?” Pinkie asked.

“It’s called a sonic screwdriver, It does sonicy things. Oh dear, I was afraid of this.” The doctor had a freatful look on his face as he examined his screwdriver.

“What is it doctor, is Heart ok?” Fluttershy asked.

Dash was now sitting next to Heart Wing with a hoof on his shoulder. The doctor began to explain his findings. “The spell his magic used to shield him is still in effect, it never stopped working, it’s been active this whole time, as long as it stays active, it will drain his magic, once he runs out, he’ll…..he will.” The doctor was afraid to say it.

“He will what, spit it out already!” Dash said desperately with worry.

“He will disappear.” The doctor finally said it. The girls all let out a collective gasp.

“Disappear, what do ya mean disappear?”

“Just what I said, disappear, when the demon changed history, he changed Heart’s history as well, thus making it so as he never came to Ponyville.”

“Isn’t there anything you can do to help him doctor?” Derpy asked.

“There must be something, you can’t just let him fade out!” Dash cried out.

“I’m sorry, but the demon pretty much erased him from history, when he changed things for Nightmare Moon to win, it made things so that Heart Wing never came to Ponyville. If we are to change that, we need to stop Nightmare moon here.”

“Well then, let’s go back to that moment and stop him, if we do that, than Heart will be safe right?” Dash asked desperately to find a solution to save her fiancé.

I’m sorry but that won’t work, Misery is too powerful and Heart is too weak, besides, we need to find the elements of harmony first before you try to take him on, and before that, we need to get Twilight.”

“Well then, what are we waiting for, let’s go get Twilight and do this.” Pinkie said.

“Uhm, excuse me doctor, but um, how much time does heart have left?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“Every time Heart Wing cast a spell, it decreased the amount of time before his magic would go dry. I would have to estimate another three hours at the most, but we need him to cast his memory spell on Twilight so she can help us, after that, well…….we just need the six of you to use the elements of harmony.”

The girls were all very sad at this, but none more than Dash as she desperately clung on to him as if his life depended on her. “NO, I can’t lose him, I won’t!” Dash was crying as she hugged Heart.

“Hey, it’s ok Dash, like he said, all we need to do is get Twilight, the elements of harmony and use them to turn Nightmare Moon back to Luna and everything will be as it should.” Hear Wing said weakly to Dash.

“Doc, we need to go NOW! We are not about to lose our friend Heart Wing, so if this here ship o’ yers can get us to Twilight, then hurry up.” Applejack demanded.

“Right then, Alonsy!” The doctor cried cheerfully and rushed over to the console, he started pushing buttons and pulling levers as he rushed around it, the engine sprang to life and let off a kind of grinding noise as something in the glass at the center moved up and down. The ship shook a bit as everything sprung to life.

The girls all gathered around Heart Wing and embraced him in a group hug, even Derpy joined in, she and heart had met many times before and became friends as well. Needless to say, she was just as upset over Heart’s situation as the others.

“So doctor, where is Twilight, she is in Canterlot isn’t she?” Pinkie asked with sadness in her voice.

“She’s in the dungeons of Nightmare castle.” The doctor answered as he looked away from his console.
Heart was confused at this. “Nightmare castle, where is that?”

“It used to be Canterlot castle, but when Nightmare Moon took over, she renamed it, when she returned, she and Celestia fought, as we know, things didn’t turn out in Celestia’s favor, she was banished to her own sun. Once Celestia was dealt with, Nightmare Moon turned her attention on Twilight, she sent Twilight to the dungeons as an example to all who would defy her. That’s where we’re going.” After a few minutes, the ship settled down and fell quiet. “We have arrived.” The doctor moved past the girls and up to the door. “Come along now, we haven’t much time.” The group followed the doctor out of his ship.

“W-w-what is this place, is-is th-this really the dungeons?” Fluttershy asked with fear. The group found themselves in a dark hallway of stone lined with torches.

“Yes, these are the dungeons, come along now, we need to get to Twilight quickly.”

“Heart Wing, are you going to be ok?” Dash asked as they walked along with worry. She never left Heart’s side.

“I’ll make it Rainbow, I have to, we need to fix this, we’re the only ones who can.” Heart said with determination, but at the same time sounding weak.

“Doctor, if Heart uses his spell to restore Twilight’s memories, that means he’ll fade away doesn’t it? That’s what you tried to say earlier isn’t it?” Derpy asked. “I don’t want Heart to fade away, he’s my friend too, and I don’t know what I’d do if that happened.”

The doctor looked to Derpy somberly. “I know Derpy, but when he does, it will only be until Nightmare Moon is defeated, once the girls use the elements of harmony on her, he will come back, I promise.” The doctor smiled his best to Derpy.

The cells were all just bars coming down from the ceiling, the group made their way to the last cell at the end. “Here we are.” The doctor said.

The girls looked in the cell the doctor indicated and there, lying down in chains with a metal ring on her horn was Twilight, she did not look well, her coat was messed up, her mane and tail was frizzy and unkempt, and she looked absolutely miserable. The girls all called out to her. “TWILIGHT!”

Twilight lifted her head from the floor and looked out her cell. “H-hello, who-who’s there?” She said rather weakly.

Rarity started. “Oh Twilight, thank heavens we found you, don’t worry, we’ll get you out of here.”

“I’m sorry, do I know you, and what do you mean get me out of here, no pony can escape these dungeons.” Twilight responded back.

“Hold on, I’ll open the cell.” The doctor brought out his sonic screw driver and waved it over the lock of the cell door, the cell clicked and the doctor pushed it open. “There we go.” He then made his way over to Twilight with Derpy and the others behind him, Dash and Heart were last in.

“How…..how did you do that?” Twilight asked.

“Like this.” He then did the same thing with the chains on her and they all just clicked and fell off.

“I…I don’t understand, who are you, and why are you helping me?” Twilight asked in more confusion.

Pinkie began. “I know you don’t know us now, but we’re friends, the way things are now aren’t supposed to be like this, their supposed to be nice and fun and good.”

Applejack continued. “We’re all friends here Twilight, and we need your help ta fix things and put them back to how they should be.”

Fluttershy then continued. “Oh, please try to remember us Twilight, we need you, we’re friends.”

Dash was busy nuzzling Heart Wing as they just hung back a bit, Heart just hung his head low as he was feeling much more tired. Rarity then continued. “Twilight, I know this may be hard to believe, but this isn’t how things should’ve turned out, you must try and remember us.”

“I…..I don’t understand, I….I never had friends……did I.” There it was, the doubt needed to trigger what was needed. “AAAH, my head, wh-what’s going on, why does my head hurt?!”

Heart looked up from his position. “It’s time, every pony, get into position.”

“Heart wait, if you do this, you’ll disappear!” Dash grabbed his leg.

“If I don’t do this, we lose, we need Twilight, she’s our friend, and we can’t just let her be like this, she needs to be reminded of her friends.”

Dash frowned, she knew he was right, but she didn’t want to lose him. “Are ya sure about this sugar cube, isn’t there someother way to help her remember without ya havin ta waste yer magic like this?” Applejack asked.

“It won’t be a waste if it’s to help a friend, now please, everypony get into position. Just remember, I won’t be gone forever, just until Nightmare moon is defeated. You won’t need me for that, you were able to save Luna with just six of the elements. Also, we represent the spirits of the elements of harmony, you won’t need to go hunting for them, just call to them with your heart and they’ll appear.” Heart then set the bag on his back to the side and pulled out Twilight’s armor. “Once she remembers, have her put on her armor and you all call for your elements.”

Twilight was writhing in pain on the floor as she fought to try and remember what she was supposed to. The girls gathered around her, they helped her up and touched their foreheads together, ready for Heart Wing to do his thing. Heart began his spell and poured the last of his magic into Twilight’s mind while allowing the others memories of her flood her thoughts to help her remember.

Derpy and the doctor merely watched in silence as it happened. After a few moments, Twilight’s form lit up and let out a burst of energy which caused the others to reel back a bit, but for Heart Wing, it was stronger as he fell backwards and onto his back.

“W-wha, what happened, GIRLS, I remember!” Twilight exclaimed as her mind filled with what should be. “Girls?” Twilight looked to see them all huddled around Heart Wing. “What’s going on, what’s wrong with Heart Wing?”

Dash was now holding him up as his form was starting to phase in and out, his magic was almost gone which meant he would disappear from time. “Heart, please don’t go, we need you, I need you, I love you heart!” Dash cried as her love was fading.
“Don’t worry Dash, this isn’t goodbye, just see you later, you don’t need me, you’re the toughest pony I know, no pony is as strong and brave as you remember. The sooner….you…..beat….Nightmare Moon, the sooner…….we’ll see…..eachother.” Heart’s voice echoed at his last words as he finally faded out of existence.

“Heart, HEART!” Dash cried and broke down in tears. “Please come back, Heart Wing!”

“Wh-what happened to Heart Wing, where did he go?” Twilight asked her friends. No answer, only crying and sobbing from each of them, even the doctor was sad as Derpy was crying over his shoulder.

After a few minutes of crying, the girls finally composed themselves, while they were crying over Heart Wing, the doctor took the time to inform Twilight about what was going on, afterwards, she too started to cry over Heart Wing.
The doctor finally spoke, but he was careful and soft with his words. “Girls, I know you’re sad, but you need to pull yourselves together and do what needs to be done, if what Heart Wing said is true, then you can call on the elements of harmony and we can go after Nightmare Moon to bring Heart Wing back.”

Rainbow Dash picked herself off the ground, her eyes still wet with tears, she steeled herself. “He’s right, let’s call on our elements, stop Nightmare Moon, and get Heart Wing back.” The group nodded together.

“We’ll show that meanie Nightmare who’s boss!” Pinkie cried out.

“I just know we will succeed, we did it before, and we can do it again.” Said Rariy.

“We just have to save Luna from her curse and get Heart Wing back.” Fluttershy said with a bit of nervousness.

“Not just her, but that mean ol demon Misery that’s behind this whole mess!” Applejack said.

“We work together as friends and undo this mess, for Equestria, and for Heart Wing.” Twilight chimed in.
With their minds set they felt ready to do this, and suddenly, without them even having to try, the elements of harmony appeared before them. Twilight quickly dawned her armor. “This is it girls, let’s use our power and undo this mess.” The girls grabbed their elements, put them on and were immediately transformed into the guardians of Harmony, ready to finally face Nightmare Moon.

Author's Note:

There you have it, chapter 15, to be honest, I originally hadn't planned on including the doctor, I didn't even think about it until Chaotic Pony left a certain comment about it. Thanks for the idea.