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Searching for the Truth

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

I was catching a few z’s in my nap when I found myself facing Igor, Margaret and Marie again.

Igor asks "Welcome… to the Velvet Room. How may I help you two?"

I looked around and saw Seiko next to me.

Igor asks "You both have solved and deflected the disaster that so nearly fell upon you. Is there something else beyond this you need our assistance with?"

Seiko spoke "There’s one last thing…"

Come to think of it, I couldn’t help but feel something off.

Igor spoke "Intriguing… So, is there still something that leaves you unsatisfied? Hmmm… What may that be? Well then… Let’s take a look and see what it is you might be sensing."

Igor raised his hands before floating, circling shards appeared.

Margaret gasps.

Marie spoke "Wow… That’s a lot…"

Igor spoke "Ah, this is a surprise… these are shards of power, allowing one to see through the truth of things without being swayed by hollow rumors. Interesting… Indeed you both have come here today for a reason. Then I shall play my part as well."

Igor fused the shards into one as it created a crystal orb.

Igor spoke "That is a crystal of power which you have both nurtured through your journey… An orb that repels fabrications of all sorts, dispels lies, and shines upon the truth."

So Seiko and I got an Orb of Sight.

Marie spoke "Hey… I remembered something about myself. …I was born a long, long time ago. I was… the unconscious “wish” shared by beings’ minds. To protect the world of beings, walk the path of beings, fulfill the “wish of the world…” That was my role. But… Creatures changed. Beings stopped wishing for truth and life… Or maybe they just stopped paying attention. Eventually, the “me” that wanted to protect beings and the “me” that wanted to fulfill beings’ wish couldn’t stay as one. …The desires of beings had no bounds, and one day, my other half became its own existence, much larger than myself. I was left behind, with no power or memories… I became a tiny fragment, incapable of even clearing the fog without giving my own life to do so… “Kusumi-no-Okami.” The rest… you already know. Without my powers, I became a tool, manipulated by the other me… You two already know, huh. The cause of it all, the one who created the Midnight Mirror and gave you two the power to enter the TM… The real puppet master who tried to fill both worlds with fog, using me and the Sagiri. …If you don’t defeat her, the world will never be truly clear of that fog. Go… Follow what you believe in. The “truth” is right in front of you."

Margaret spoke "Truth is a thing which only appears to those who have observed, considered, and made a choice. At the end of the path you chose lies the truth… Believe in it, and continue without faltering."

Igor chuckles "How marvelous… It seems that you will both reveal the journey’s true end, one beyond our predictive power. Now go… To the place where everything began…"

All of a sudden, all I could see was white light before I woke up with a gasp.

Applejack asks "Y’all alright, Sugarcube?"

“Girls, we’re heading back to Ineighba.” I declared.

Spottedleaf spoke "But none of us were told to go anywhere by StarClan though Rainbow."

Twilight spoke "Spottedleaf's right Rainbow, we don't have time to be flying off to StarClan knows where... Not when Nightmare Night is a few days away."

“I’m dead serious. The fate of the word could be at stake.” I pointed out.

Flintfur spoke "I may not believe that a bunch of dead cats watch over us but Skittles is right though Twilight."

Applejack spoke "…Ah’m comin’ along."

Twilight spoke "But none of us were called by the map though."

Pinkie spoke "Guys! Something’s wrong with the map! It’s totally covered by fog!"

Two mirrors shimmer before Celestia and Cadence step through them since their cutie marks were glowing.

Danyelle spoke "Seeing how bad it's gotten, we have to get backup from the OC-verse."

Celestia spoke "Agreed since OC-verse Danyelle is part of the Alicorn Alliance."

“We have to get to Ineighba, NOW.” I urged.

OC-verse Danyelle soon arrived with her universe's Mane Six.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "It's gotten bad in my universe too since my friends and I can't see anything on the map either."

Redux-verse Danyelle crashed into a wall since she was in Mew form.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Son of a... *incoherent squawking*"

Applejack spoke "Guess the source is from this universe."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Regardless, it affected my universe and the Redux-verse too."

Moonshadow and his friends arrive via magic mirror.

Elusive spoke "And our world too."

“Come on! Let’s go!” I said.

OC-verse Danyelle and Redux-verse Danyelle both use Chaos Control to get the group of alicorns straight to Ineighba in a blink of an eye.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "We're here..."

Redux-verse Danyelle's fur bristled up since she sensed something was off.

Then we saw Seiko confronting a pony at a grocery station.

The attendant spoke "You really are troublesome. Not only did you defeat the two Sagiri I snuck into Hidzume and Shokubutsu, but you even saved that stunted dwarf of a life."

Seiko asks "Are you talking about Marie?"

The attendant spoke "*Chuckle* It’s such a foolish thing. What good is saving her life? She is but rubbish, suitable only for getting rid of that pointless fog. …Hm? Hahahaha…! Don’t tell me she was still carrying that around! Oh, excuse me… I was talking about the bamboo comb your brother has on him."

Seiko spoke "He got it from Marie."

The attendant spoke "Yes… I know. After all, it is a symbol of separation, which is why I gave it to her as we parted ways. How foolish… That comb was a curse, and to think she treasured it all this time. She must have been desperate for something to cling to… There’s a limit to how irresponsible you can get."

Seiko spoke "Don’t you look down on Marie."

The attendant spoke "Hm…? And what are you going to do about it? The last battle wasn’t enough for you? You and that mare certainly have the powers I was expecting.

Seiko asks "What do you mean?

The attendant spoke "I saw the potential the two of you had within you. Your friends were drawn to the spark I stirred within you and that mare. That’s why they are here now with their awakened powers. Still, I didn’t think you’d both make it all the way to me… Indeed, I never expected this at all. You two are really something. I know you’re here."

Yikes! The attendant spotted us.

The attendant spoke "*Approaches Seiko* …What, you don’t remember? When you first came to town and when I sensed the alicorn transformations, I gave both of your powers a gentle push. Just like… this."

I suddenly felt real dizzy, and so did Seiko.

The attendant spoke "You’re not the only ones I welcomed to town with a hoofshake greeting. I did the same for a few outsiders like you. A hoofful of strangers were more than sufficient to stimulate a small place like this. But it seems the stimulus was stronger than I imagined, enough to envelop this town with fog, and later lift it…"

I noticed the place being foggy.

The attendant asks "Not only that, you and those behind you now stand before me as if your assigned parts weren’t enough. What for?"

Seiko spoke "To learn the truth."

The attendant spoke "What will grasping the truth do for you? Why such greed? I guess it’s the foolish of life as a being…"

As the fog grew thicker, the attendant earth pony was suddenly in the air as an alicorn mare in a white robe and without the cap.

The mare spoke "I… am Izanami. Ameno-Sagiri, ruler of the fog, is merely an aspect of myself that I birthed long ago. You awakened to a power I had not imagined. You defeated the two Sagiri, and the one fragment born from me. And now here you two stand, face to face with me… I can no longer ignore this situation as mere foolishness. This may be fate, as decreed by the world… Very well. This time, I shall put my full strength against you. But in return… you and your allies must come prepared to follow through in your futile resistance. *Chuckle* I’ll be waiting for you there."

The mare suddenly vanished completely, leaving no track behind as Kaze, Emerald and Shima showed up.

Emerald spoke "Hey, are you all right?! Who was that you were just talking to!? Did she… just disappear!? Wait, don’t tell me…!"

“Guys, we should tell them what happened.” I told my friends.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "It's just as I feared... We're dealing with a god..."

We explained to Kaze, Emerald and Shima what happened.

Shima spoke "So… it wasn’t over after all."

Kaze spoke "You guys are saying this so-called Izanami is the conductor, and she’s waiting for us in the other world? If we don’t beat her, I’m sure it’ll all happen again."

Emerald spoke "O-Okay. The others aren’t far off, so I’ll call them up!"

Kaze spoke "Yeah, will ya? Tell ‘em this is really gonna close the case!"

Shima spoke "Right. We’ll defeat her, and put an end to this for sure this time!"

Emerald spoke "Alright, then once we’re all ready, let’s meet up at Junes!"

All of the gathered alicorns cheer.

Twilight spoke "We should notify Rising Sun about this too."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "The main piece of my Stand can't fight back against the one that created her."

Redux-verse Danyelle nodded as well.

Spottedleaf spoke "Given that Izanami's a primordial god... That can and will put me, Redux-verse Danyelle and OC-verse Danyelle at a major disadvantage."

Later, after we discussed the situation with the Investigation Team, we went into the TM as Karei searched with her persona.

Karei spoke "I sense a tremendous presence… It’s unlike anything we had faced… And it seems like a new area has formed…"

Karei withdrew her persona.

Kaze spoke "I bet it’s that lady… She’s waiting for us there. That reminds me… That Ameno-something we beat said stuff like, “We’ll meet again.” If that thing’s gonna show up again, let’s crush him completely so he can’t cause anymore problems from here on out!"

Rising Sun growls "Let's end this ONCE AND FOR ALL!!! TIL EQUIS ENDS..."

The OC-verse Mane Six spoke "PONY GUARD DEFEND!!!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "CHARGE!!!!"

Kanji spoke "Damn straight! Let’s go snap that thing in two. We’ll do it, and give Senpai and Miran-san a big farewell tomorrow!"

Shima spoke "Let’s do our best like always… Leader."

Seiko spoke "*Nod* Right."

Emerald spoke "It is kinda sad that this… really is gonna be the last time we do something like this. You know, this might sound like a weird thing to say… but it was a lot of fun."

Sunao: That’s because we all strove together toward a common goal. There were many things we believed in without questioning them… The culprit’s identity… Their motives… There were many occasions where we nearly gave up.

Kochuu: Looking the other way might have been easier to choose, but we didn’t do that."

Kiko: Even if we fought nonstop while moving on… I want to feel, see, touch and think for myself while going forward."

Goryuu: Yep, but one creature can only get so much if they’re alone. That’s why we’re here."

Emerald spoke "Right! All for one and one for all!"

Kanji spoke "So long as someone’s got your back, you can kick against the pricks no matter how tough they are!"

Karei spoke "This is for our future!"

Kaze spoke "So we can see them off tomorrow with no regrets!"

Teddie spoke "*As Heifa giggled* Eeeewww… Kaze always has to try to make himself look all cool… But he’s so pathetic, it makes my skiiin crawl…"

Kaze spoke "Probably fleas on your ratty old suit. I spilled juice on you earlier."

Teddie spoke "No wonder I smell of orangey freshness…!"

We couldn’t help but laugh.

Miran spoke "Come on, let’s end this!

We all went off, finding ourselves in a maze.

Karei spoke "Wh-What is this place…? It doesn’t feel anything like the other areas… Whenever we’d go in to rescue someone, I could sense their restless heart, and how unstable it felt… But there’s none of that here… Does this Izanami creature not have a heart or something…? Who is she…? Anyways, be careful, Senpai!"

Rising Sun spoke "I never mentioned this before but Izanami... is my mother... My real name is Amaterasu..."

As Teddie and Kaze were about to move forward, they comically tripped and fell at that.

Kaze asks "Wait-what?!"

Rising Sun spoke "I was too scared to admit the truth to the entire Alliance back when I first joined."

Then I remembered Rising Sun acting off while around Marie.

A huge flash of light engulfs Rising Sun, causing the others and I to shield our eyes.

After the light faded, an alicorn in the exact same colors as Rising Sun was seen.

Danyelle spoke "Whoa."

Rising howls "Let's take that bitch down once and for all!"

Redux-verse Twilight shifted to her Deep Lilac form since it was her combat form.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "The fate of all our worlds depends on this outcome!"

It took a long while, but we managed to find Izanami and confront her.

Izanami spoke "Congratulations in making it this far."

Kaze spoke "Well thank you very much, Ms. Root of All Evil!"

Sunao asks "You granted certain individuals the power to enter the TMs. You created the Midnight Mirror as well. And lastly, you started a rumor about the Midnight Mirror to raise its public awareness… Is this correct?"

Izanami spoke "All save one point. This “Midnight Mirror” you speak of… It is indeed a device to draw hearts into this world. But it was always your individual wills that would determine what appeared on it. Beings ache to expose their suppressed sides, while the prying eyes around them are curious to seem them laid bare. The want to show, and the want to see… I created a “window” that catered to both. That is all."

Kochuu spoke "Everyone wishing to know more about famous creatures through the media, the Midnight Channel granted those wishes. After the creature wanted to be seen entered the TM world, they’d show up much more clearly."

Sunao spoke "I see… So that’s how it worked."

Karei gasps "Are you saying… all you did was give that initial spark to Senpai, Rainbow Dash-hime and the others, then watched things unfold? And the rumor spreading, things going wrong… We’re to blame for all that’s happened!?"

Shima asks "Creatures’ curiosity was at fault…?"

Izanami spoke "Everything was for your sake… To create the world beings so wanted. Beings struggles to understand one another. You can only truly know a finite number of creatures within your lifetime… But beings disregard this fact, and try to know more creatures than is possible. Only by comparing yourself to others can you define yourself. Thus your ever-present anxiety… Your anxiety causes you to see only what you want to see, and believe only what you wish to believe… *Glare* As I said… your desire is for a world enshrouded in fog!"

Seiko spoke "That’s not true."

“Don’t put words into our mouths!” I shouted.

Sunao spoke "I must agree that the vast majority of creatures are exactly as you say."

Emerald spoke "But we don’t intend to live that way."

Kanji spoke "If we were fine with the world you’re making, we’d never have come this far, dammit."

Kaze spoke "We’ll keep searching for the truth and figuring out who we are, as we go on with our lives."

Karei spoke "We all will… together."

Teddie spoke "That’s right! No more butting into our business!"

Shima spoke "We will continue to live in our world with everyone else. That’s why…"

“We’ll decide our own fate!” Seiko, Miran and I finished as Izanami suddenly became enveloped in fog.

Kanji spoke "Man, it’s hazy."

Goryuu spoke "No kidding."

We noticed something appearing in the fog as it cleared, revealing Izanami.

Emerald spoke "Sheesh, it’s huge!

Kaze spoke "Come on, you know we’ve been through way worse than this thing. This is just the send-off our leader and Miran deserves!"

Kiko spoke "And no way we’re not gonna go through with it to the end!"

Kaze spoke "Alright! Time for the grand finale!"

All of us readied for battle.



We attacked Izanami, who struck back with lightning and bless attacks, hitting us.

Rising Sun blasts Izanami with the same attacks as Danyelle flung fire and ice at the mad goddess.

Izanami wasn't fazed by the attacks much as she attacked us again.

Redux-verse Danyelle flew into a Volt Tackle-Spindash combo, ripping through Izanami's neck.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Shit! None of our attacks are working on her!"

Redux-verse Danyelle shot a quad-element Roar into the sky, calling down High Goddess Faust as well as Izanagi.

Redux-verse Danyelle gasps "Did I just...?!?"

Seiko summoned his main persona, Izanagi as well as the attacks definitely hurt her a bit. But after a while, all of our attacks were somehow impervious to her.

High Goddess Faust spoke "We can't win against her!"

But then Seiko and I remembered something.

Igor spoke “That is a crystal of power which you have both nurtured through your journey… An orb that repels fabrications of all sorts, dispels lies, and shines upon the truth.

Margaret spoke “Truth is a thing which only appears to those who have observed, consider, and made a choice. At the end of the path you chose lies the truth… Believe in it, and continue without faltering.

“Thinking what I’m thinking?” I asked Seiko.

Seiko: Definitely.

Seiko and I brought out the Orb of Sight as it started to show Izanami’s real form.

Izanami spoke "Well then… Allow me to show you my full splendor…"

Izanami’s true form was now shown.

Izanami-no-Okami spoke "I… am a god… I’ll teach you the truth of your minuscule existences."

Sunao spoke "We’ve made it this far. We can’t lose now!"

Izanami-no-Okami spoke "You cannot defeat me with strength alone… Soon, you will understand."

Karei spoke "Look out! We’ve never seen anything like her!"

A powerful blast hits Izanami, stripping her powers.

High Goddess Faust spoke "You may be a goddess but I AM A HIGH GODDESS! THUS I HAVE MORE POWER THAN YOU DO!!"

Cocoa Swirl and Foxsong started singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rECCaEoJdy4 in tandem with the other alicorns, boosting the strength of High Goddess Faust while weakening Izanami.

High Goddess Faust spoke "Can you hear the voices of those who don't want you around? A true god should ALWAYS be benevolent!"

But then we heard ghastly voices, drowning out the singing.

Izanami-no-Okami spoke "Do you not hear the voices of the masses? They say they're happy in the fog. Goodbye... Accept the reality of your death... Thousand Curses."

The moment she said that, red and black hands emerged from the ground and started grabbing everyone down, one by one, and they were completely indestructible. Soon, only Seiko and I were left.

Izanami-no-Okami spoke "It's unfortunate that our battle must end this way..."

Seiko and I were then grabbed by the hands as they took us.

...Did we... lose...? Did we actually just... fail..?

A stallion spoke "My apologies for my action."

I was suddenly slapped as I found myself facing Theo and saw Seiko on the ground as Margaret approached him. Theodore suddenly summoned a huge snake.

Theodore spoke "I truly am sorry, but this is farewell."

The snake launched an attack at me before I... was suddenly shielded?

Azure's voice spoke "Dashie! Please! Come back to us! DASHIE!"


Margaret spoke "*To Seiko* What are you doing? Get up. You are not someone allowed to fall here. You must know already... The true nature of bonds... What bonds give to you... Here, listen closely..."

Kojima's voice scoffs "What's the matter? Isn't it too early to give up? You taught me what a family truly is. I had my hooves full just with Tenshi when you and your brother came rolling in... Haha, I wasn't sure what to do... But then again... I came back up as many times as I need to with you three with me... However painful it gets, I'll just grit my teeth... I'll get up as many times as I have to for you three... A father can be pretty stupid that way, huh?"

Miran's voice spoke "You moron... Why are you lying down like that and letting your little bro do all the work? We need your help, so please... Keep going."

Kaze's voice asks "Don't go, partner... Everything inside me changed after I met you... I'm... glad we met. I wouldn't have made it this far if I hadn't done it alongside you... You can't let it end this way, right? You can keep going... Right, partner?"

Kiko's voice: After what happened to me... I was completely lost on who I am... But then you came along and helped me realized that. So please... Get up.

Emerald's voice spoke "No... Don't leave me...! I'm scared... I'm such a stubborn, two-faced coward... But you understood me... That's why... I can become as strong as I need to be..."

Shima's voice spoke "Hey... Can you hear me? Don't close your eyes yet... I'll give you and Rainbow Dash our strength... You two are our last hope... Please... Get back up, just once more..."

Kanji's voice: Yo Senpai, how much longer you gonna just lie there? You ain't like that, Senpai... You're not the kinda guy who can let it drop like this... That ain't the Senpai I look up to... Get back up... Just one more time... Let me protect you..."

Goryuu's voice: That's it?... This is all you're gonna do? Where's the Seiko who keeps moving forward no matter what? The pony who searches for the truth? Where's that pony? Come on, you can do it."

Karei's voice: Senpai... Thanks... I'm glad I came to this town... When I think back on all the fun I had with you... Senpai... Please stand up just one more time. We'll be your strength..."

Sunao's voice: S-Senpai... If you stay down... I won't forgive you. You... gave me a reason to stay just as I am. For someone like you to leave me in the dark halfway like this... Please stand up, just once more... Let's fight this together. Never fear... We're always together."

Kochuu's voice spoke "Come on, Senpai... You inspire us to accept and learn more about ourselves... If you lose now, everything will end... So please get up one more time... Let us help you."

I heard a fox cry out weakly with a yip.

Stallion's voice 1: You really had our back, didn't you?"

Stallion's voice 2: Don't lose, Blade!"

Mare's voice 1: You gotta be joking... Don't you care that I won't be able to take another step forward if you disappear...? I... couldn't stick by someone who'd do that to me..."

Stallion's voice 3: Please don't give up, Senpai... I've had enough with nearly losing the creatures most precious to me... I almost lost Kiko, my big sister... I don't want to lose you too..."

A second mare spoke "You idiot... Always insisting on doing everything yourself... Some things, you can only do because you're not alone... It doesn't matter if it's a coltfriend, a friend, or family... You'll always have to part someday... But... Our bonds mean we never truly have to say farewell..."

A third mare spoke "Keep it up... I believe in you..."

A fourth mare spoke "I'm sorry I can't be there to support you in your hour of need... Life... It's filled with so many things that are dirty, grotesque, and painful... There's no way you can stand it alone... But no one is truly alone in this world. You know that, cine you've protected those precious to you, right? C'mon, creatures are waiting for you..."

An Elderly mare's voice asks "Come on, my dear. It's too early yet for you to sleep... I know you must be a little tired... But there are creatures still waiting for you... Have you really done everything you can for those precious to you?"

A Young stallion's voice spoke "Thanks, mister. To tell the truth, to be brave, to stand up again, to believe... You taught me all those things... You have to believe that you're not alone either, mister..."

A fifth mare spoke "Mister... Actually, you're only a high-school colt... You must've been through so much pain... It must've been so tough for you... But... it's wonderful to be able to protect someone who matters to you... You showed me that joy..."

Hidzume's voice asks "Man, you're so cruel. You make me take responsibility for my sins, but you're gonna let this bitch take you down like this? Haha... That's hilarious. ...Get up. You're not like me, right?"

Teddie's voice spoke "Sensei... I'll... protect you, Sensei. You gave me my life... You're important to me... I'm not alone anymore... And neither are you, Sensei... I'm sure together, we can do things that no one could do alone..."

Heifa's voice spoke "Seiko, please get up... We'll help you and Rainbow Dash win this fight... We'll show her the power of beings that fight together..."

Tenshi's voice spoke "Hey... Big bro... Are you going to leave me behind...? I'll be a good filly... So don't go... I don't want you to go... Big Bro..."

Fluttershy's voice spoke "Please, don't go Rainbow Dash... You're my best friend since we were fillies... I can't let it end this way... You helped me find the Kindness I have right now... So please fight this monster..."

Pinkie's voice spoke "Go go Dashie! She's our mare! If she can't do it, it isn't fair!... All jokes aside, without you, I feel like my Laughter would just go poof, and I'd become a party pooper... So please win this..."

Rarity's voice spoke "Please don't give up, Rainbow Dash... You're the one who helped me discover my Generosity... You've been so generous to helping us... So please let us help you..."

Applejack's voice spoke "Some element of Honesty I was before I accepted my Shadow... You helped me earn that Honesty, so I ain't gonna let you die... Keep goin', ya ain't done yet."

Twilight's voice spoke "Your Sonic Rainboom connected all of us, that helped us create the friendships and Harmony we now have... You helped me with my Magic as you showed your Loyalty..."

Danyelle's voice spoke "Come on, Skittles... You can do this..."

Spottedleaf's voice spoke "Rainbow Dash... Ever since I came into this world, I've been learning new things... And I know that we will never give up, ever, no matter what stands in our way... So I know you have what it takes to win..."

But then I looked behind to see a hill of mirrors that glow as they showed my shadow and Seiko's shadow. "Th-Those are...!"

Shadow Rainbow Dash and Shadow Seiko spoke "I was afraid of a future without my friends... Afraid of leaving... leaving everyone behind and moving forward on my own... I don't wanna be alone again... I've been alone, and I won't go back...!"

Somehow, I felt like Seiko and I agreed with that.

"Yeah... I won't go back!" I growled as I fought the giant snake.

Theodore spoke "*As I charged at the snake* Now it is... The grand finale!"

The snake and I collided, sending me and Theo flying back.

Marie's voice spoke "...Can you hear everyone's voices? The people do not wish for a world enveloped in fog. There are times when they'll stop and think they can't go another step, but everyone desperately pushes on. Please... Grant everyone's wishes... Bring light to creatures' hearts... Please get up... Just once more!"

Shadow Rainbow Dash and Shadow Seiko spoke "*As Seiko and I got up* I wanted to stay with everyone forever. I didn't care if it was an illusion created by the fog. Life without a connection to beings is miserable. It's not the life I want, I just need them here, no matter what the cost."

Seiko spoke "You're right. We had no use for the truth, did we? As long as I had them, I didn't care if it was an illusion."

"It didn't matter. I know who you are, and you're me." Seiko and I admitted as our Shadows nodded in agreement as the mirrors became two cards as each one floated to me and Seiko. "I am... no longer alone!"

Seiko summoned Izanagi and I summoned Jing Wei as they attacked the giant snake and defeated it before Margaret and Theo walked toward us.

Theodore spoke "Even if everything is lost to you, abandonment is what neither of you will ever feel. Please for your sakes, never forget that."

Theo and Margaret vanished as Seiko and I were ready to end this.

"Thank you." Seiko and I smiled as we found ourselves facing Inazami-no-Okami again. She tried using Thousand Curses on the two of us, but the hands just phased through our bodies as we were unaffected.

Izanami-no-Okami gasps "Impossible... Can the will of so few surpass the will of the masses!?"

The goddess attacked us, as we were still standing.

Izanami-no-Okami asks "How can your powers rival mine...?"

Another attack, still standing.

Izanami-no-Okami spoke "Why...? Why don't you understand...? It's impossible for beings to grasp the truth with their own hands..."

"Think it's time to show you what real power is!" I declared as Seiko and I threw away our glasses and summoned two cards glowing with energy before we shattered them. Seiko summoned Izanagi-no-Okami as I summoned Nike, the Goddess of Victory.

Seiko spoke "Anyone can do it, as long as they open their eyes and look around... They'll see the truth!"

Nike used Sentinel of Zeus as Izanagi-no-Okami used Myriad Truths, as the double attack completely defeated Izanami-no-Okami with everyone being brought back from below, totally fine.

"Everyone, the fight's over." I informed.

Izanami-no-Okami asks "This can't be... How could I be defeated? How am I the one to disappear...? Instead of the endless struggle, wouldn't it be easier to wrap oneself in lies and live in blissful ignorance...? Isn't that true peace for beings...?"

Kanji spoke "How many times do we have to tell you!? The hell with that shit!"

Emerald spoke "Stop assuming you know us!"

Spottedleaf spoke "Our stories end when we stop running! And that won't be for A VERY LONG TIME!!! DIVINE LIGHTNING NEKO ROAR!!!!"

A blast of electricity hits Izanami hard.

Twirama spoke "We WON'T EVER BACK DOWN!!!"

A Fire Kyubi Roar hits Izanami hard.

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "No matter WHAT!!!"

A quad-elemental Roar hits Izanami hard.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "We're NOT GIVING UP!!!"

A powerful Chaos Slash hits Izanami hard.

Deep Lilac spoke "As long as the Alliance is around, we WON'T GIVE UP!!!"

A flaming blade of energy hits Izanami hard.

Redux-verse Sonic spoke "We WON'T LOSE TO THE LIKES OF YOU!!!"

A Chaos Spear hits Izanami hard.

Izanami-no-Okami spoke "*Chuckle* Very well. Then try and live your way... Power enough to erase my existence... You have already exceeded what I thought beings to be capable of... You have lifted the fog in this world, as well as the fog in your own... And whether that will lead to happiness or not... rests upon your shoulders. *Starting to glow* Children of beings... Well done...!"

Izanami-no-Okami groaned as she completely dissipated in total and utter defeat.

Kanji spoke "Alright! We did it!"

Karei spoke "Thank goodness...!"

Shima spoke "It's really over now..."

Emerald spoke "Yep! This time it's alllll over!"

Sunao spoke "It seems this is more like a beginning for us, though."

Kaze: Well now, we've got no regrets for tomorrow..."

We did it... We actually won!

Twirama roars in happiness.

OC-verse Pinkie spoke "With this mess finally over, we can really let loose and PARTY!!!!"

OC-verse Danyelle laughs "No matter what universe it is, Pinkie Pie is a goofball!"

But then the TM world became engulfed in light as Seiko and I found ourselves back in the Velvet Room, meeting up with Marie, but she looked clear and didn't have her hat.

Marie spoke Welcome back. Everything's finally over. You two really are incredible. I'm no match for you... You just fought the "other me" that split from my personality. The two Sagiri, the other me, and the me that is speaking with you two right now... They were all originally one within me. *Stands up* But... There was nothing I could have done without my powers. If not for both of you, I would have disappeared along with the fog when the Hollow Forest vanished. ...Thank you both so much. You two saved everything. I'll be alright... The fragments you both defeated have returned to me, and will soon become one. My name is... "Izanami-no-Mikoto." The fertile will that protects those who live in this land and fulfills their wishes. ...I will not forget either of you. Please do not forget. I am always by your side."

That info blew my mind as Marie vanished completely as Igor and Margaret appeared with a card floating in front of us.

Igor chuckles "How marvelous. You both have driven back a godly being and brought about a new world..."

The World arcana... Wow... The card then vanished.

Igor spoke "This will be the last time we summon you here."

Margaret spoke "Soon, the fog will lift, and our destination will be visible. We will be arriving shortly."

Igor spoke "This journey was a fruitful one, worthy of marking a turning point in your destiny. many a time along the way did the fog of lies prevent you from moving forth... Yet in every instance, you overcame the temptation of easy exits and false terminals. In forging bonds with those precious to you, you moved closer to the truth, one step at a time... And my heart danced with delight to see you two succeed. I am most honored to have borne witness to such a wondrous journey."

Margaret spoke "Our destination is close at hand now."

Igor spoke "Well then, we have finally come to your journey's true end. Our contract has been fulfilled. My own duties end here as well... You were truly both remarkable guests."

The limo-like carriage stopped.

Igor spoke "Now go forth, and see with your own eyes. See the world you have won... The bright, magnificent future..."

The two of us suddenly found ourselves with those who joined us to coming inside, at a beautiful field with grass, trees, flowers, rivers, stones and mountains.

Teddie spoke "The fog is all gone...!"

Kaze spoke "Wow..."

Emerald spoke "It's nice... Feels kinda... nostalgic..."

Teddie spoke "Heifa and I know this place... this scenery... A long time ago... everywhere in this world used to look like this..."

We couldn't help but awe at the sight.

Shima spoke "So this is the world in creatures' hearts..."

It was all so... beautiful...

I spoke "It wasn't just Seiko and I that put a stop to the madness, it was all of us. We banded together in a dire time. The OC-verse, the Redux-verse, the Genderswap-verse and our universe all worked together."

OC-verse Danyelle laughs "Ya, ya, ya, ya, yo! Everybody put their paws, talons, hands or hooves together and clap 'em as loud as you can. Flap 'em, clap 'em. I don't care, slap 'em! *catlike squawking*"

Soon enough, a huge party was underway courtesy of Pinkie, Bubble Berry, OC-verse Pinkie and Redux-verse Pinkie.

Teddie was comically spinning on the top of his head like a top.

Twirama was resting on her stomach while enjoying the party.

Twirama spoke "I'm glad things are at peace."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Stupid bear better not think about peeking up my skirt because if he does... I'll roast his sorry ass faster than a sonic rainboom."

Teddie froze at that.

Emerald spoke "I understand that feeling, Dany."

OC-verse Danyelle "Damn right, but any female with fire attacks would dropkick a Teddie's ass faster than a rainboom."

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "My universe's Honeystar hates it when someone sneaks up behind hir since shi's not like other chakats."

Emerald spoke "Hey there was this quiz game show Teddie hosted, and Seiko, Kaze, me and Shima were competing in it, and I won the grand prize in the final. But there was no way I wanted that prize."

Twirama asks "What the hell was it?"

Emerald spoke "Not gonna say what it was, but I sent that pervert flying into the stars with one kick. *Kung-fu yell!*"

Redux-verse Danyelle spoke "Holy stars.... That's just as bad as the one time my universe's Ein tried to steal my inhibitor rings! I dropkicked his sorry tail into a creeper pit and BOOM!!! Hyena go flying!"

Twirama laughs "My universe's Ein is JUST as bad!"

Danyelle laughs "Golden Ingot's the same way!"

Twirama and Redux-Verse Danyelle snickered.

Twirama snickers "I'm sorry, Golden Ingot?"

Danyelle spoke "Another stupid idiot that doesn't understand what T-R-E-A-T means."

Emerald growls "*Angrily* Talking about that also reminded me about when Kaze entered me into a beauty pageant."

Spottedleaf spoke "I hate zippers though...."

Emerald spoke "He added me in to be the comic relief... *Kicks a rock into space* And I didn't wanna be the comic relief! But I got some payback by entering the boys into a crossdressing pageant."

Spottedleaf snickers "No offence to the female Diamond Dogs and kitsuneponies but payback's a bitch."

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "Damn right!"

Emerald spoke "But guess what? Sunao won the beauty pageant and she didn’t even show, that’s so awesome!"

Getting back up, Twirama spoke "Well, I guess this is where we part ways since Nightmare Night is fast approaching."

*After the OC-verse Mane Six went back to their universe with OC-verse Danyelle*

Redux-verse Twilight spoke "As should I since I know that my universe's Danyelle can't leave Akoya and her other children alone too long."

Redux-verse Danyelle and Redux-verse Twilight went back to their universe.

Moonshadow spoke "Same with my friends and I but if anything comes up, the Stallion Six will come running."

Elusive chuckles "What's the matter Moonshadow? You worried about Flare?"

Moonshadow spoke "Shut up Elusive!"

The two stallions bicker.

AJ spoke "Good freaking grief..."

Kaze groans "Oh geez... Seeing Twilight and Rarity as stallions is bringing up bad memories of things I never needed to see."

Spottedleaf snickers "You're one to talk Kaze, remember the trash can and that utility pole?"

Kaze stutters "H-Hey!"

Emerald spoke "Just be glad you guys weren't with us while we were saving Kanji."

Spottedleaf pulls a trash can out from somewhere before slamming it on Teddie's head.

Danyelle spoke "Least things are peaceful now."

Goryuu spoke "*Fearful shiver* Seriously though, be glad you weren't with us when Kanji was kidnapped, otherwise what you would've witnessed would have been burned into your memory."

Danyelle spoke "Being from Ineighba myself, I'm not one to get involved in shit unless my brothers were in danger."

Miran spoke "It's not scary things. It's... weird and... embarrassing things."

Danyelle spoke "Well, it's time that most of us head back to Ponyville."

Heifa stomped her hoof/foot, causing a mirror to appear.

Heifa spoke "Here's an exit."

Twilight and the others head back to Ponyville.

Spottedleaf drags the bickering stallions by the tails through the mirror.

Danyelle spoke "Have a great Nightmare Night!"

Danyelle darts off through the mirror.


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