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Fall Weather Friends

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

It’s been a week since I met Scootaloo and that the CMCs were formed.

A kick was felt from inside my body.

Heh. What Azure and I did in the Everfree Forest on that full moon was totally worth it.

Erza spoke "Hey Speedy."

“‘Sup, Erza.” I said as Wendy showed up.

Wendy spoke "Applejack had challenged you to a series of contests but after Crosswind told her that you have foals on the way, she reconsidered."

But then Wendy’s ears twitched as her head blushed tomato-red with steam coming off her.

Erza spoke "*facepalm* Tell me you didn't..."

Wendy spoke "I-I didn’t hear anything…"

To the surprise of the others, Twilight had returned to Ponyville. Both Shining and Cadence were with her.

Twilight spoke "Hey Rainbow."

“Hey, Twilight.” I smiled.

Cadence asks "Ponyville is a quaint town, right Shiny?"

Shining chuckles "Hehe. You bet, Cady."

Cadence giggles "Though it was a big shocker when Twilight came by for a visit with Nyx."

Shining chuckled. “What I found more surprising is that you and Chrysalis became friends and rivals.”

Cadence giggles "Of course, Shiny. She and I are love royalty."

Twilight giggles "Not to mention, I have four foals on the way."

Shining spoke "And I’m still shocked and proud at that, Twily."

Twilight snickers "So Shining, when will you and Cadence be having foals?"

Cadence and Shining blushed at that.

Spottedleaf snickers "She got you good Shining!"

Shining spoke "Well-Uh… After Cadence and I came back from our honeymoon, we encountered Chrysalis and Mandible and…"

Cadence spoke "You don’t wanna know."

Twilight spoke "It's enough Danyelle revealed that Pinkie was a clairvoyant..."

Tyson asks "So you’re Shining Armor, huh?"

Shining spoke "That I am."

Tyson asks "Whaddya say to a little Iron Creature Competition?"

Crosswind spoke "Ah'll take that challenge!"

Flash spoke "I’ll take a bite of that action."

Therron spoke "I never back down from a challenge. I’m in."

Danyelle spoke "Count me in!"

A tom spoke "A competition, huh? I’m in."

An Abyssinian tom with green and medium-blonde fur with tech goggles on his head and a white lab coat showed up.

Tyson chuckles "Hey, Silas! How’s it goin’ little bro?"

Silas spoke "Heh. Ya know me, big brother. Doing jobs while making gadgets."

Danyelle had hidden her face with her wings.

Gilda snickers "Somecat's got it bad!"

Danyelle stammers "Sh-shut up Gilda-chan!"

Lightning asks "*Smirk* You asked him to come to Ponyville, didn’t ya?"

Tyson spoke "Hehe. Guilty as can be. Silas a bit of a Specialist Agent, being more tech-savvy."

Silas spoke "And I’m not denying that, Boom-Cat."

Tyson spoke "Aww, come here, you!"

Tyson grabbed Silas and gave him a noogie as the two tomcats laughed.

Gilda spoke "Well, the blushing featherball does like video games..."

Danyelle spoke "Gilda-chan, you have five seconds to flap off before I zap you!"

Gilda stuck her tongue out and blew a raspberry before flying off really fast.

Danyelle immediately breaks the sound barrier as she flew after Gilda, throwing bolts of lightning at the gryphon hen.

Lightning Dust spoke "Sheesh, this is why I never prank others."

Lightning Dust? Never pranking others? HA! I’m no Applejack, and even I know that’s a lie! “Come on, Dust. I know you did some sick pranks as a filly.”

Spottedleaf spoke "And it seems Yellowfang's also affected..."

Yellowfang spoke "StarClan's sake Spotted, shut yer yap!"

Danyelle suddenly zipped back, glaring Yellowfang in the face.

Frostleaf spoke "Spotty, you should choose your words carefully."

Spottedleaf spoke "Okay Frost."

A pink unicorn mare with blue eyes and a honey-blonde mane was looking for somepony.

The mare groans "I swear that blue Pegasus stallion is so dense!"

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

The unicorn asks "Have any of you seen a blue Pegasus stallion with a black mane?"

That description… Ugh… Who was it? He sounds familiar and it’s on the top of my tongue.

Azure asks "You okay Rainbows?"

"It’s that description. I think I know him, but it’s a blur." I remembered.

Serene Grace spoke "I'm Serene Grace, the blue stallion is my coltfriend Thunder Spark. He went missing somewhere up north."

Then it hit me! “That’s right! Spark!”

Twilight asks "Up north?"

Serene spoke "Yeah... He's been missing for 10 years..."

Silas spoke "That can’t be good."

Serene spoke "I'm worried..."

A blue furred Abyssinian-Pegasus hybrid male with dark emerald green eyes spoke "A missing pony huh? Sounds like trouble."

A pink furred Abyssinian she-cat with jade green eyes and a green ribbon on the tail spoke "We should report this to the Princesses and Princes."

Danyelle spoke "Vince and Roll are right though, some of us should let Celestia-hime know."

Twilight asks "Spike?"

Spike spoke "Right here!"

Twilight spoke "Take a letter."

Spike spoke "Right."

Roll spoke "It could be a while before we get a response."

Danyelle groans "Jeeze... I could so go for some curry right now..."

Silas spoke "*Putting hand on Danyelle’s shoulder with a smirk* I think I may know a place."

Vincent spoke "That's my older twin you're flirting with."

Silas asks "Really?"

Danyelle’s head started blushing beet-red as steam comically rose out of her head.

Vincent spoke "If you break her heart... I will..."

Roll shuts Vincent up by kissing him.

Roll and Vincent then started making out.

Silas spoke "I’m tellin’ ya, that won’t happen."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about my younger twin, he's just stressed since our parents got killed in a skirmish roundabout 10 years ago. It was about the same time Roll lost her parents and her younger sister went missing."

Silas spoke "Man… I’m sorry about that."

Roll pulls out a photo of a 6 year old version of herself that was holding a 4 year old reddish pink Abyssinian she-cat with a fluffy tail and brown eyes in her arms to show Silas.

Roll spoke "That's my younger sister, Maylu... She and another Abyssinian went missing ten years ago..."

Pulling out a photo of four Abyssinians and a Pegasus mare, Danyelle spoke "The dark brown tom was my dad, the Pegasus was my mom, the yellow cat is me, the blue one is Vincent and the brown one is Lan..."


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