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Castle Mane-ia/ Freeing Cloudsdale

*Twilight's POV*

Some time after the Medici Mafia was destroyed and after OC-verse Danyelle went back to her universe with her Twilight and Sunset, the other alicorns and I took some time off from the search to help Celestia with a restoration project.

Celestia spoke "Really Twilight, you didn’t have to-"

I spoke "I'll have none of that Celestia, your old castle sat too long and nocreature bothered with restoring it. Besides, the Alicorns of Harmony will need a castle to rule from since you and Luna have Canterlot while Cadence has the Crystal Empire."

A voice spoke "I’d be careful."

Vaga-Lume appeared in a flash of light.

Vaga-Lume spoke "I’ve been sensing temporal energy at the old castle lately, and oddly enough, the other behemoths didn’t notice either."

Atem asks "Temporal energy?"

Vaga-Lume spoke "If I’m the only one sensing this, then the strongest of Radiant Behemoths is at the castle."

I spoke "We don't have the strength that my counterpart has."

Danyelle spoke "Wait, the strongest of all Radiant Behemoths? But then that could only be…"

Vaga-Lume spoke "Indeed, a Chronovore is there."

Danyelle spoke "I smell blood!"

The Abyssinian-alicorn grabs a med kit before flying off to the castle.

Danyelle spoke "*eyes shimmer* I was right, this creature is hurt!"

Gliding down, Danyelle lands in front of the Chronovore before tending to its wounds.

We followed Danyelle, seeing an injured male platinum-colored siren.

Danyelle spoke "Stay back everyone, a hurt creature is more liable to lash out if it feels threatened."

But then the Chronovore opened his maw at Danyelle before she jumped to the left as he shot beams of light that actually did some damage.

Danyelle spoke "Case in point."

Fluttershy glares at the siren, making him more docile.

Fluttershy asks "What do you have to say for yourself mister?"

But then the Chronovore started shaking his head in pain before his tentacles glowed as his eyes turned white with it flying into the air before orbs of light fell off it as they hit us without harm, but trapping us in chroma-colored prismatic barriers.

Flintfur used his Blood Chain skill to restrain the Chronovore, stopping it from moving.

Flintfur spoke "I’ll try to get it down."

Vaga-Lume spoke "No! Don’t-"

Before the male changeling could finish, Flintfur made the blood chains drag the siren down, but when he hit the ground, a burst of light energy rushed out, knocking us off our hooves and feet.

Vaga-Lume spoke "Behemoths of the Chronovore’s strength can send out huge bursts of energy that is their element when they make impact on the ground hard just like he did just now!"

Bone spoke "Scourge, you idiot! You should have been more gentle!"

Flintfur spoke "S-Sorry. Guess I still get impatient sometimes."

Danyelle spoke "At least you stayed focused, since the chains are still holding the Chronovore."

Sugar Song spoke "It's likely because someone is keeping Flintfur calm."

Despite his black fur, Flintfur blushed at that.

Sugar giggles.

I giggle "You two would make for a cute couple in 10 years from now."

Flintfur and Sugar spoke "*Embarrassed Blush* TWILIGHT!!!!"

Nyx giggles "Mom, you're silly."

I giggled back. “I try, sweetie.”

Nyx giggles "Yeah and oh! Auntie Cadence, you're here!"

I spoke "Cadence, I'm surprised to see you here though!"

Cadence asks "And not help you out with the castle?"

Starlight spoke "Count me in too!"

Sunset spoke "Same here."

Sunburst spoke "Bad idea sis, you've got a foal on the way."

Sunset spoke "Come on, I won’t do any heavy-lifting."

Sunrise spoke "You're two weeks off to your due date though."

I spoke "Flash had a conniption when I was close to my due date with my first four foals. He and Spike wouldn't let me handle anything heavy."

Celestia giggles "I still remember the time when you showed up in Canterlot but you were the same height as me Twilight. Even now, you're still on the lanky side."

“Hey!” I pouted.

Sunny spoke "It'll be a while before I look lanky though."

What sounded like a mix of a chirp and a meow was heard since Gilda was carrying a chickub in her beak.

“Who’s this?” I asked.

Gawain spoke "Our daughter, Guinevere."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Aww! Gotta admit, she’s real cute."

Gawain spoke "There was this one time she got into the cookie jar."

Pinkie asks "*Excited gasp* She has a sweet tooth?!"

Celestia spoke "Children of any species tend to get themselves into things they aren't supposed to."

Rarity spoke "Snowfire had hir head stuck in a cookie jar one time."

Danyelle giggles "Not to mention, the stupid potato had her head stuck in a wall once."

Then I noticed Aphmau right behind Danyelle.

Phantom spooks Aphmau.

Aphmau yelps "GAH!!!

Phantom spoke "Don't even think about it shorty."

Danyelle spoke "Anywho, I managed to heal the Chronovore, and it doesn’t have those eyes anymore."

The siren groans "Urgh…"

Alto asks "You okay dude?"

To the silver siren's surprise, seven other sirens were among the group though an earth mare was on the pink siren's head.

The silver siren asks "What? What is going on? Where am I?"

Danyelle spoke "You're in an abandoned castle within the Everfree Forest."

The silver siren spoke "I don’t understand."

Vaga-Lume spoke "You are in another world, so I suppose you went through time and space when the Slayers defeated you."

Aeon spoke "I… I see. My name is Aeon Ocean."

Foxsong spoke "I'm Foxsong."

Vaga-Lume spoke "The temporal energy’s fading. That must mean we’ve gotten him back to normal."

Cocoa spoke "Yeah."

Aeon spoke "*Floats upward* But since my wounds have been healed, I’ll need to rest."

Danyelle spoke "You're the ninth siren I found so far though."

Lyra soon shows up in her siren form.

Lyra spoke "Hey Twilight."

I spoke "*As Aeon floated in the air and curled up before going to sleep* Hey Lyra."

Though unnoticed by everyone, a faint blush was on Lyra's face.

Lyra spoke "I heard from Bonbon that somecat's bringing back the siren species."

Cadence giggles "Oh? You sound glad about that. Was it because of Bonbon?"

Lyra was caught off guard.

I spoke "wow Cadence..."

But then Rainbow Dash’s ears twitched before she flew up into the sky to look around when she paled as Nariko and Spinetusk showed up.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Not good!"

Holding her son in her arms, Celaeno asks "What is it Dash?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Cloudsdale’s trapped in a huge lightning storm!"

Nariko asks "Lightning storm? Did it look like what you’d see on the top of a dangerous mountain?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Yeah!"

Nariko spoke "Looks like Cloudsdale’s being visited by a Malkarion, the best of the Shock Behemoths."

Danyelle spoke "We have to stop it!"

Vaga-Lume spoke "For all we know, that Malkarion could be in the same situation as Aeon."

Flintfur spoke "But my skill won't work if I'm on a cloud."

Nariko spoke "Well, we might have to stun that Malkarion long enough to find out what’s going on."

Danyelle spoke "Lightning magic won't work against it... But maybe... Ice magic can!"

Spinetusk spoke "I’m afraid not, Danyelle. Shock Behemoths are weak to Terra powers and weapons."

Danyelle asks "Would earth magic work?"

Water spoke "Hold on! I can't use earth magic if I'm in the sky though!"

A voice asks "Life magic works too, but here’s a little something just in case. But please return it to me when you come back, okay?"

We turned around to see Thorne, carrying some kind of pike.

Water spoke "Okay."

Thorne spoke "I’m just glad I didn’t make you guys any Terra armor for this, because they’re weak against Shock attacks, while Terra weapons are stronger against Shock behemoths."

Danyelle spoke "I have shock resistance though since my affinity is electricity."

Water spoke "I've got fire, water, air and earth affinities."

Nariko spoke "Good thing I found a set of armor and upgraded it against the Shock Element."

Nariko brought out a suit of armor, a perfect fit for Danyelle.

Putting the armor on, Danyelle spoke "Adding that to my shock resistance, I'm tougher than before."

Pinkie asks "Huh, why does the pike looks like Thorne and the armor looks like Nariko?"

Vaga-Lume spoke "I think it’s safe to say that the magic in this world affected behemoths enough to modify any weapon and armor to their own design."

I spoke "And to any affinity too."

Nariko spoke "Just watch out for lightning, because they can strengthen me and other Shock Behemoths, helping us go into our Aether-Charged forms."

Danyelle spoke "Lightning is my affinity, I can't be hurt by it."

I ask "What about celestial magic?"

Vaga-Lume spoke "That’d be considered of the Radiant Element."

Flintfur asks "But what about my affinity?"

Stormblizzard spoke "*Showing up* I’d say that water and blood are kind of like two sides of the same coin in sub-classes of the Frost Element."

I ask "What about Twiliterasu?"

Stormblizzard spoke "Blaze and Radiant."

We saw Stormblizzard wearing some kind of bird necklace as he was a male snow owl Ornithian now.

Stormblizzard spoke "I really got to thank Vera’s mother for making this. I feel comfortable in my body again."

I spoke "Uh... Twiliterasu has every known affinity... Fire, water, earth, air, lightning, light, darkness, poison, blood and chaos are just 10 of what she has. Given that she's practically a god."

Stormblizzard spoke "I see, then there is still much I need to learn about this world."

I spoke "Not counting StarClan, there are three goddesses that preside over all of Equis. I only know of Twiliterasu since she has every known affinity, the other two are the goddess of life and the goddess of creation."

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me there are dark opposites of those three."

I spoke "Goddess Faust and Goddess Bonnie are far too pure-hearted to even have a dark side. Twiliterasu on the other hoof... I read stories about an eight headed hydra called Yamata no Orochi. It was told that 200 years ago, terrible demons plagued the world and only the white wolf... Shiranui... was able to seal Orochi away at the cost of her own life. 100 years after Shiranui died, she was reborn as Twiliterasu to finish what she started. Now, Twiliterasu roams the world to stop any remaining hostile demons."

Danyelle asks "Oh, but I meant aren’t there deities of death and destruction to balance that out?"

I spoke "There was one god mentioned in the same book as Orochi... Izanami, the Neighponese god of death..."

None of us, not even Danyelle knew why, but the fur on her tail stood on end.

Danyelle spoke "You know, let’s just head to Cloudsdale and defeat the Malkarion."

Nariko spoke "Be careful, there could be Pegasi there affected by the Shock Elemental energy, becoming Thunderdeep Pegasi."

Danyelle spoke "But none of the alicorns except for Rainbow, Spottedleaf and I have shock resistance."

Rainbow Dash spoke "We don’t have time to panic about this! Dany, Spotty, we need to go, now!"

Spottedleaf spoke "Right!"

The dark tortoiseshell hybrid takes flight along with Danyelle.

Azure spoke "Be careful Dashie."

Rainbow spoke "I will."

Rainbow Dash took off before Water Splash flew after her, Danyelle and Spottedleaf with the war pike in hoof.

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

I know this fight could be a tough one, but we’ll make it through!

Despite the lack of wings, Twiliterasu was galloping on the winds as she followed after my group.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark woof! {Count me in too!}"

“Whoa! Did not see that coming!” I admitted.

Danyelle spoke "Twilight did say that Twiliterasu had every known affinity."

“Point taken.” I responded.

Water spoke "Don’t forget about me!"

I tease "I heard a little rumor you have a crush on a Pegasus named Fire Cracker."

Both she-cats giggle while Twiliterasu chuffs.

Water was so caught off guard by that while blushing, she nearly stopped flying before she flew ahead of me as retaliation for that tease.

Danyelle snickers "She's got it bad!"

“I guess you can say Fire Cracker sets my cousin’s heart ablaze.” I punned.

Water shot some fire at me.

Water spoke "SHUT UP SKITTLES!!!"

Oh, it’s on now! I dodged and burst ahead of my cousin before both of us were neck-and-neck.

A double Lightningboom streaked past since Danyelle and Spottedleaf flew past.

Twiliterasu spoke "Awooo! {TORNADO BOOST!}"

The godly unicorn gallops past.

A dark red maned Pegasus stallion with bright red eyes and a medium red coat crashes into Water Splash.

“Talk about timing!” I smirked.

Danyelle asks "Hey Rainbow, isn't he one of Spitfire's cousins?"

“Say what now?” I asked in confusion.

Spitfire spoke "Princess Dash! We got MAJOR trouble!"

“It’s a Malkarion, I know!” I responded.

Spitfire asks "Wait-how did you know about that?"

“Nariko told us about it.” I responded.

Spitfire spoke "It already turned Soarin into a monster."

Fleetfoot showed up, with tears as proof of what she witnessed.

“A Thunderdeep Pegasus already?” I said in shock as we picked up the pace before we encountered a familiar Pegasus stallion, but he was black, yellow, sharp, spiky and scaly.

Danyelle spoke "Good thing Rising Sun-hime let me keep the devout beads for battles."

BGM: VS. Zekrom/Reshiram

Danyelle was in a fight pose as the devout beads swirled around her neck while she faced off against Thunderdeep Soarin.

Danyelle fires two devout beads at Soarin.

Thunderdeep Soarin fired a lightning beam from his mouth, deflecting the two beads.

Danyelle fires a Lightning Neko Yowl at Thunderdeep Soarin.

That shoved him back, but Thunderdeep Soarin growled as electricity surged throughout and around his body as he roared in fury while gaining a red aura and red glowing eyes. Thunderdeep Soarin just got element-charged and enraged at the same time!

Danyelle was glowing bright blue as her powers were supercharged as well.

Danyelle didn’t seem angry in the slightest, but I haven’t felt this much power from her before.

Spottedleaf spoke "Well this is unexpected..."

Water spoke "Wait, she should be able to get Soarin back to normal in that state!"

Danyelle flew faster than ever before ramming headfirst into Soarin, knocking the stallion out cold.

Danyelle caught Soarin as the Pegasus returned to normal.

But to the she-cat's surprise, Soarin had become an alicorn.

Next think we knew, Fleetfoot had a nosebleed eruption, knocked straight out cold.

Spitfire was laughing.

I caught the unconscious mare before putting her next to Soarin with a smirk on my face.

Danyelle spoke "Uh Rainbow, I sense that Fleetfoot's a nascent alicorn."

“Since she has it bad for Soarin, who just became an alicorn, I don’t doubt it one bit.” I agreed. “But we can worry about that later, ‘cause we have a Malkarion to beat.”

Danyelle spoke "Right!"

Danyelle's ears were on full alert for any Thunderdeep Pegasi.

Danyelle spoke "Seems like Soarin was the only one who got turned into a Thunderdeep, I’m not sensing any other Thunderdeep Pegasi."

Spitfire spoke "My team and I did help evacuate Cloudsdale."

As Water Splash readied the Terra elemental war pike Thorne called “Sovereign’s Sorrow”, she replied, “Then it’s time to head to the eye of the storm!”

Danyelle spoke "Hold on! I sense one Thunderdeep! And it's Stone Throw!"

Fire gasps "What?!"

“Not good, that makes Thunderdeep and earthbending neutral, so he’s not weak against Shock or Terra elements!” I realized.

Water whistles loud before Gear Spark showed up.

Gear spoke "No! Not my Stone!"

The pale yellow Pegasus was worried about her coltfriend.

Danyelle spoke "I’ll have to snap him out of it."

Spitfire spoke "It's not gonna be easy for an electricity aligned cat though."

Danyelle spoke "If Stone gets charged up and enraged, I’ll have to calm him down."

Gear spoke "I'm going too."

Fire spoke "Same, he's my brother."

Water spoke "If you two are heading in, then count me in."

Danyelle spoke "Fair enough then. Rainbow, you and Spitfire should evacuate."

“Oh no! We’re staying to help! Besides, I have resistance to electricity, which is Shock. And I don’t think Spitfire wants to leave her own troops behind.” I pointed out.

Spitfire spoke "You’re right about that."

Danyelle spoke "As one of the 10 Abyssinian royals, it's an order."

“Sorry Dany, but I won’t just stand by in the sidelines while my friends fight with their lives on the line. So I’m helping ya fight, whether you like it or not.” I responded before Danyelle sighed with a smile and a chuckle.

A powerful bolt of lightning clipped me on the left wing, causing me to fall.

Spottedleaf spoke "HANG ON RAINBOW! I'M COING!!!"

Spottedleaf flew down towards me as a mach cone formed around her.

A loud boom was soon heard as Spottedleaf pulled off the Lightningboom before grabbing me by the body and banking back up.

The noise alone snapped Stone Throw back to his senses.

Danyelle spoke "That was fast."

Spitfire spoke "I swear to Faust, that cat isn't normal."

Danyelle spoke "It’s kinda normal for us."

“Yep.” I agreed.

Spottedleaf giggles "Bizarre's more the word..."

Stone groans "*Reverting back to normal* Ugh… What happened?"

Gear spoke "*teary eyed* Stone...."

The crying Pegasus tackle hugs Stone Throw.

Stone yelps "Gah! What’s wrong?"

Spottedleaf spoke "She was worried about you."

Stone asks "Okay, but what’s going on?"

I explained what was going on and about Danyelle's new power.

Stone spoke "Aw man! Since we’re up here, my earthbending can’t get anything."

Danyelle spoke "But that’s why Thorne gave you that pike that has Terra elemental energy."

Water spoke "I hear something!"

But then we heard a thunderous roar as I saw something emerging from the eye of the storm.

Danyelle was growling as she glowed blue.

We then saw some kind of navy blue wyvern descend with the same white eyes Aeon had, telling us the wyvern was being controlled.

Danyelle teleported fast before reappearing on the back of the wyvern's neck as she used her magic to lasso the dragon's mouth closed.

But then thunder rumbled before lightning struck the Malkarion, charging it up while striking Danyelle as well.

Due to shock resistance, Danyelle didn't feel a thing as she restrained the wyvern.

The Malkarion then got angry as it gained a red aura and glowing red eyes while the electrical charge from the lightning that struck the wyvern made the spikes on tail, the wing bones and horns on its head glow electrical yellow as electricity sparked and surged through and around its body with electricity buzzing in its eyes.

Glowing bright blue, Danyelle places a hand onto the Malkarion's neck before pouring her calming aura into it.

Between the blue and red auras, a purple aura started coming out before it spewed out of the Malkarion’s maw and started floating off.

I blasted the blob with fire magic.

The floating blob was damaged, but then a purple void-like portal opened before a fanged maw emerged and devoured the blob, completely unaffected before it withdrew back into the portal as it closed.

Spottedleaf spoke "Great StarClan.... That was scary!"

The Malkarion groaned in pain as she started coming to. “Urgh…”

Releasing the magic grip, Danyelle asks "You okay?"

The Malkarion asks "Who… Who are you? Where am I?"

Danyelle spoke "I'm Princess Danyelle Hikari and you're in Cloudsdale."

The Malkarion spoke "I-I don’t understand."

Danyelle spoke "Long story short, you had gone berserk and I had to stop you."

Water asks "Anywho, you got a name?"

The Malkarion spoke "My name’s Kaminari."

I spoke "I'm Princess Rainbow Dash."

Kaminari spoke "Well, it’s good to meet you."

“Same here.” I smiled as I shook my hoof with Kaminari’s wing-claw, before I felt new power in me.

A faint blush was on Spitfire's face since she was thinking about someone.

“What is it, Spitfire?” I asked.

Spottedleaf snickers "Seems she's got a crush on some stallion!"

Spitfire spoke "Sh-shut up f-furbrain!"

Now I have to know. “Come on, Captain. Spit it out.”

Knowing she couldn't stay tight lipped around royalty, Spitfire spoke "Alright fine! I have a crush on Azure Wind!"

…Wow. Definitely did NOT expect to hear that. Gotta admit, Spitfire really does have good taste. Eh, what the hey. “That’s cool, Spitfire. You saying you want in?”

Spitfire spoke "Y-yeah..."

Danyelle pulls me aside for a moment.

Danyelle whispers "Something tells me Spitfire's a nascent alicorn."

“Ya think I don’t notice that since Spitfire has a crush on my husband?” I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "Herds aren't that common but they do happen."

Azure shows up with Bold and Mint.

Azure spoke "Hey Rainbows."

“Uh, Spotty, are you available for foalsitting?” I asked.

Spottedleaf spoke "I can tell where this is going..."

“Please?” I asked again.

Spottedleaf spoke "Sure."

Danyelle spoke "Just one thing left to do..."

Spottedleaf spoke "Oh right! The ascension spell!"

Danyelle's claws glow with magic as she spoke. "From one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, UNfulfilled. From all of us together, to each of us together. With the marks of our destinies made one and one shared by all without end!"

Both Spitfire and Fleetfoot were engulfed in a bright light.

Danyelle spoke "This has to work..."

“I know it will.” I smiled.

Danyelle spoke "A drop less and nothing will have happened."

When the lights faded, both Spitfire and Fleetfoot were alicorns.

“Welcome to the team.” I smiled.

Azure chuckles "Well, this is a surprise."

“Well, I have a surprise for you when Spitfire and I take you to the Chuddle Hotel.” I smirked.

Soarin chuckles "I have something planned for Fleetfoot too."

“Ah, to hay with it! How about all five of us go to a suite together?” I asked as Azure, Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot smiled at that and nodded in agreement.

Danyelle spoke "You five are crazy."


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