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Return of the Crystal Empire

Author's Note:

Start of Season 3

*Spottedleaf's POV*

Some time after Lune and Yuki got married and after Blizzardstar had hir cub, Twilight and I were called to Canterlot for an important test.

And of course, Twilight was stressing out of her mind.

I sigh "Calm down Twilight, it's just a test."

Twilight exclaims "Just a test? JUST A TEST?!"

I spoke "Don't make me shred your favorite doll."

Twilight spoke "You wouldn't!"

“Now are you gonna calm down?” I asked.

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

“Good.” I smiled.

Twilight spoke "Oh hey Flash."

Flash spoke "So, it seems we're going to free an entire empire."

Twilight asks "I’m sorry, what?"

I spoke "Didn't you hear what Celestia told us? She tasked us to free the Crystal Empire."

Radiant skids to a stop near the two ponies and I.

Radiant spoke "If you guys are going to free the Crystal Empire, you can count me in. The Crystal Empire is my home."

“You sure about that?” I asked in concern.

Radiant asks "It's my home and if I don't fight for it, who will?"

Lune spoke "I would."

Radiant spoke "It's gonna be dangerous though."

Cadence spoke "We've been through worse. Four weddings full of Changelings is nothing compared to what we'll face next."

Spike spoke "I wanna help too."

Twilight spoke "We can't take all of MeadowClan though."

I spoke "Agreed so the ones that are going will be Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Radiant Hope, Spike, Wendy, Cadence, Shining Armor, Lune, Yuki, Haru and myself."

Cadence spoke "We can't take too large of a group though."

And so, the fifteen took the train northward.

But to Radiant's horror, the Empire was already under attack.

I fired a Roar at Sombra, grabbing the stallion's attention.


But the dark fog just laughed.

Using a sonor spell, Radiant spoke "STOP THIS MADNESS RIGHT NOW SOMBRA!"

The fog’s eyes suddenly changed as it seemed hesitant now before its eyes turned back to normal.

Sombra scoffs "Tch! Should’ve known that host, Obsidian Shield, was weak!"

A warp ring opened up before OC-verse Danyelle flew out of it.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "You fifteen! Get into the castle! I'll keep the jerk distracted!"

I took flight while carrying Radiant on my back.

I spoke "Radiant and I will help."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Thanks, we can only buy the others time to find the Crystal Heart."

“Okay.” I responded.

OC-verse Danyelle shot fire from her mouth at Sombra, pushing him back.

I shot off bolts of lightning at Sombra.

While Radiant and I held off Sombra, Twilight and the others got into the castle.

Twilight spoke "Okay, we need some sort of barrier to keep Sombra out."

Cadence spoke "I’m on it."

Lune spoke "I may not have much magic but I'll help out in any way I can."

Twilight spoke "Thanks."

Lune's claws glow purple as he and Cadence put up a barrier to keep Sombra out.

Twilight spoke "Rainbow, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Haru. I need you six to get the Crystal Faire going. We can't have the Crystal Ponies and Crystal Abyssinians lose hope. Shining Armor, you and Yuki will stay by Cadence and Lune's side for support. Spike, Wendy and I will look for the Crystal Heart."

Shining spoke "Okay."

Yuki spoke "Right!"

Haru and the five ponies quickly got the Faire underway.

*Twilight's POV*

I think "{If I hid an all powerful item, where would I put it?}"

Wendy asks "Maybe at the top of the tower?"

I spoke "That's it! Back when Sombra was in power, he hid the Heart someplace where the Crystal Ponies and Crystal Abyssinians were too afraid to go near!"

But Sombra roared as he got back up.

OC-verse Danyelle traps Sombra with a Chaos Barrier, stopping him from attacking.

But that only made Sombra more angry.

OC-verse Danyelle snarls in an alpha tone, forcing Sombra to cower.

But then suddenly, shadows started taking physical forms and ambushed OC-Verse Danyelle, Radiant and Spottedleaf.

Spottedleaf backwings just before OC-verse Danyelle used Chaos Blast on Sombra, severely weakening the stallion and destroying the shadows.

Sombra spoke "You won’t have him or the empire! They’re all mine!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "We will stop you!"

Radiant spoke "Obsidian! SNAP OUT OF IT! THIS ISN'T THE REAL YOU!!"

Radiant started singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHx6vQNeuFE as Spottedleaf threw the mare at Sombra.

Sombra roared in pain as Radiant went into him.

Horn glowing with a light spell, Radiant asks "Obsidian, is that you?"

Obsidian cries out "…me…. Help… me…!"

Radiant gallops towards the voice, only to find Obsidian in shadowy chains.

Obsidian weakly coughed.

Radiant shatters the chains with her healing magic, thus healing Obsidian in the process.

Radiant spoke "It's going to be okay Obsidian, I'm here now."

Obsidian asks "Radiant…? Is that you?"

Radiant spoke "Yeah, some of my friends are fighting your darkness to save you."

Obsidian spoke "B-But… I thought you were killed…"

Radiant spoke "A year after the Empire vanished, I had asked Princess Celestia to put me in stasis."

Radiant hugs Obsidian.

Obsidian cried tears as he hugged Radiant back.


Spottedleaf spoke "It's as though Sombra stopped moving!"

Sombra spoke "Stay in there, you weakling!"

Spottedleaf and OC-verse Danyelle flew at high speed, pulling off a plasmaboom thus clonking Sombra hard in the face.

Sombra roared again.

OC-verse Danyelle yowls loud in retaliation.

But a glimmer of light was seen off in the distance.

Wendy spoke "SPIKE!"

Spottedleaf hisses "I WON'T LET YOU NEAR THE CRYSTAL HEART!!!"

Spottedleaf teleports to above Sombra before firing a roar at him, knocking him down into the ground as Shining Armor threw Cadence and Lune towards the Crystal Heart.

Lune was on Cadence's back as the pink alicorn flew through the sky while carrying the Crystal Heart with her magic.

One pony spoke "Behold! The Crystal Princess and the Crystal Prince!"

Cadence spoke "The Crystal Heart has returned!"

Lune spoke "Use the light and love within you to ensure that King Sombra does not."

Meanwhile, a pair of eyes hid in the shadows, as if waiting to strike Sombra.

A bright light shines from within Sombra, causing him to explode before revealing a purified Obsidian beside a tearful Radiant since her coat was shining like diamonds.

A dark cloud of mist was there as it was about to attack Obsidian and Radiant.

A voice spoke "VIP Assassination."

A sudden figure leapt from the shadows as he slashed the dark cloud with a kodachi before it exploded, being destroyed.

OC-verse Danyelle crushed the horn remnant, stopping Sombra from ever coming back.

The mysterious figure was revealed to be an Abyssinian tom with green and medium-blonde fur, having many weapons on him while wielding a kodachi and a suppressed firearm.

Haru asks "Who are you?"

There was something familiar about that tomcat, but also different. “Samhit.” That was all he said before he took off.

Haru thinks "{His eyes remind me of Baron...}"

Spottedleaf teases "Aren’t you married to Baron, Haru?"

Haru spoke "He's 24 though! I'm only 18!"

Spottedleaf asks "So? What’s the difference?"

Haru spoke "First off, I don't know if he's married or not!"

Spottedleaf teases "*Smirk* Well, if you don’t know, maybe visit him or ask Cadence if you need her help."

Haru spoke "You're one to talk furbrain, you've got kits on the way!"

Spottedleaf spoke "Heehee. I know."

Haru blushed in embarrassment.

Twilight spoke "And to think, Yellowfang was the first healer of MeadowClan to have a child."

Cadence spoke "Hmm… Haru seems troubled."

Yuki spoke "My sister's kind of a furbrain at times whenever she sees Humbert though."

Cadence asks "You mean Baron?"

Yuki spoke "Baron's more of a title though, Humbert's his actual name."

Cadence spoke "I see. Hmm… Maybe Haru needs some help in the right direction."

Flurry was on Cadence's back.

*Back in Canterlot,*

Spike was pacing about.

Spike spoke "I hope they’re alright…"

I soon came out with a smile on my face.

I spoke "I passed!"

My tail was wagging happily.

Spike sighed in relief.

I spoke "I can't wait to get home and rest."


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