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The Challenge

*Luna’s POV*

*Sigh* My sister can be more reckless than me sometimes. It’s been a day since Noble and I went to the Celestial Suite with Celestia and Pyre, with Chrysalis and Mandible taking the Hive Suite next door, and my big sister and her husband are already up and out of the room, getting ready for their challenge against Chrysalis and Mandible as Noble and I were having a big breakfast.

To my surprise, Lune and Yuki had shown up.

Yuki spoke "Princess Luna."

“What brings you two lovecats here?” I asked.

Lune chuckles "My sister in law let slip about that challenge so Yuki and I want to watch."

“Wait, you two are watching?” I noted in surprise.

Both royal cats spoke "Yes we are."

Noble asks "And you two just arrived here or booked a room yesterday?"

Lune spoke 'We just arrived via magic mirror from Ineighba."

Yuki spoke "And we brought souvenirs for you and Celestia."

Vera showed up. “A special mirror connecting to an entrance at the Chuddle Hotel I whipped up.”

Noble and I finished our breakfast before we both let out a hearty belch in unison while Yuki and Lune were both surprised.

“So what are the souvenirs?” I asked.

Lune spoke "Neighponese foods and a few towels."

At the simple mention of foods, my and Noble’s stomachs growled in unison at that, surprising the married cats more.

Lune chuckles "You're such a silly pony Moonbutt."

“Oh, haha. You can thank the food here for that.” I responded.

Yuki asks "Should we thank the food for how you two are now as well?"

As Yuki said, our meals yesterday and this morning left the four of us quite large.

Noble spoke "Well, Luna and I will eat half of the food souvenirs."

Yuki soon hears the crying of two alicorn foals before darting off towards them.

Yuki soon comes back with the two foals asleep in her arms.

Yuki asks "What should we do with these two?"

“Oh dear… Do they have any family left?” I asked in concern.

Yuki's ears droop down which gave me my answer.

Yuki spoke "The two are orphans... Just like Zakuro was before she was adopted by Rarity."

…I looked at Noble, who nodded at me, as if he already knew my question.

“Noble and I will adopt them.” I said.

Yuki asks "You sure?"

Noble spoke "Of course we are."

I nodded in agreement with my husband.

Yuki spoke "I should warn you, the elder of the two is a biter."

“Oh, we can handle that.” I said as I took the two babies into my arms. Well, they were really tiny due to how gigantic Noble and I became from our meals. The two foals then woke up and started reach out their hooves towards me, and I knew that they were hungry. “You two cats don’t mind if I…?”

Yuki spoke "We'll talk later then, I have plans for Lune though."

Yuki drags her husband off to a different room.

Vera spoke "Well, see you two later."

Vera left as Noble hugged me.

The colt with light green fur, gold eyes and dark emerald green mane had bitten me on the foreleg.

But it didn’t hurt me at all, due to how big I was from all that food. “Okay, you two. I’ll make sure you’re well fed.” I said as I gently grabbed the emerald green-maned colt and lifted him up. I then breastfed both colts at once, and when they were full, those two became as big as my current chest, just as I thought from all the food I ate. I helped burp them before the two colts became very sleepy.

Noble chuckles "We should give them names since I don't think their parents had the chance to."

“I wholeheartedly agree.” I smiled as I carried the two big, fat babies over to a large cradle big enough for the both of them.

Noble spoke "Still, I’m surprised those two got big that quickly."

“Me too, but just as I thought, all the food that I ate here also made my milk very fattening.” I noted as I placed the two sleeping foals into the cradle.

Soon enough, my magic compact goes off since Spottedleaf had contacted me.

I looked at the two colts and sighed in relief when I saw them in a deep sleep.

Spottedleaf spoke "*voice only* Princess Luna, I found a lead on who had killed Spoiled Rich!"

“Hmm? Who?” I asked.

Spottedleaf spoke "*voice only* I think it has something to do with that Midnight Mirror, because I sensed emptiness from that silhouette in the mirror."

Danyelle spoke "*voice in background* Whoever it was had something to do with the murders of my parents as well as Mr and Mrs Sakurai."

“Hmm… I see. Be sure to pay attention to when the blur is cleared.” I advised.

Spottedleaf spoke "*voice only* I'll let Rainbow know as well."

Danyelle spoke "*voice in background* And I'll let Rising Sun-hime know too."

“Good. Inform me if anything happens.” I said.

Both Abyssinians spoke "*voice only* You got it Luna-hime."

The call then ended as I turned towards Noble. “Well then, ready for our souvenir meal?”

Noble spoke "You bet."

The two of us then had our snack, eating our half of the food souvenirs. After we had our fill, we took Celestia and Pyre’s half and put them into a machine that will keep them preserved for when they come back to this room. That half will be just like our half that we ate.

Noble chuckles "That was delicious."

“Indeed.” I agreed before we heard a knock.

Noble spoke "That wasn't Lune or Yuki...."

I opened the door, seeing Hana.

Hana spoke "Hello."

Garth was with Hana.

Hana spoke "Hi there, Luna. Hope you both don’t mind us babysitting those two while you’re off watching the Challenge."

I spoke "Okay but I should warn you, Alien Wind is a biter."

Hana spoke "Oh, Garth and I handled worse."

I spoke "I'll have to ask the doctors to run a DNA scan on the two brothers later."

Hana spoke "Okay."

Noble and I went towards the audience stands at where the Challenge was taking place before I noticed Twilight Velvet and Night Light sitting next to us, and they were as big as me and Noble.

Even Lune and Yuki were among the audience.

“I thought you two wanted to participate.” I noted to Yuki and Lune.

Lune spoke "*tapping the gold band around his neck* And risk choking myself on this? Not a chance."

Noble asks "What happened?"

Yuki spoke "That collar represents the fact he's a royal."

“Oh. I see. Is it THAT tight?” I asked in concern.

Lune spoke "Oh heavens no but if I eat too much, it will dig into my neck from the weight gain."

Vera spoke "*Appearing* Why didn’t you say so earlier? I could’ve helped with that no problem."

Lune spoke "Put a mouse in it Vera, I have a berserk button you know."

Vera spoke "Please? I like helping my friends."

Yuki spoke "OC-verse Danyelle has the same trigger. Plus gold can break easily."

Vera spoke "That’s kind of confusing. But here."

Vera snapped her fingers as Lune’s collar flashed, but nothing about it changed.

Vera spoke "Try pulling it."

Lune did that as his collar somehow stretched with effortless ease before he let go with the collar going back to its normal appearance.

Vera spoke "That way it’ll never be tight or be tightened, so you won’t choke from the collar no matter what."

Lune spoke "I have a prank in mind to pull on my dad."

Vera spoke "Really? Tell me about it when the challenge is over, because the duo teams are going to arrive any minute now."

Lune whispers his plan into Vera's ear.

Vera spoke "*Gasp!* Ooh! This’ll be good!"

Lune spoke "And don’t worry, we’ll do it after the Challenge."

Vera spoke "Sweet!"

Vera flew over to the commentator’s box, taking her place next to Ignis.

“Tell me, are you two excited to see this?” I asked the two royal cats.

Lune spoke "Yeah."

Yuki spoke "Yeah."

Noble asks "What about you, Night Light and Twilight Velvet?"

Velvet spoke "Pass."

Night Light spoke "Especially with how fat the two of us have gotten, not to mention as big as you two."

“No no no. My husband meant if either of you are excited for watching this event.” I clarified.

Twilight Velvet spoke "Yes. And I do suppose Night Light and I are excited to watch the event."

Night Light spoke "Indeed. Also I couldn’t help but notice the crowd being adults that are 18 or older."

Yuki spoke "I'm 17 though...."

“Maybe that comes with the exception of married couples.” I noted.

Yuki spoke "Good thing Lune's 18."

Noble spoke "Hmm… There aren’t any elders in the audience either."

Yuki giggles "Age wise, you and Luna are a lot older than Lune and I."

“I know.” I said as I couldn’t help but giggle.

Vera asks "Alright, everyone! Are you ready?"

The audience cheered.

Vera asks "I said... ARE YOU READY?!”

The audience cheered louder with more enthusiasm.

Vera spoke "In the red side, the married alicorn duo who shines brightly individually, but shine even brighter than the sun itself when they are together! It’s Princess Celestia and Prince Pyre of the Sun!"

Celestia and Pyre arrived, looking quite slim and fit in their midforms while wearing clothes that looked perfect for them. I have a feeling that Vera made those clothes for them just for this occasion.

Lune chuckles "And here comes the buggy couple now."

Vera spoke "And in the green side, the reunited changeling team who survived hardships, and came back together with more love for each other than ever before! It’s Queen Chrysalis and King Mandible!"

Chrysalis and Mandible showed up, looking slim and fit as they were wearing clothes that looks perfectly suited for them while in their midforms. I have a feeling that Vera made those clothes for the two just for the event as well.

Light Breeze was being looked after by Hana.

Lune chuckles "My money's on the solar duo."

Twilight Velvet spoke "This isn’t gambling, Lune."

Yuki pulls her husband's ear.

Yuki spoke "*lusty purr* That just gave me plans in mind for tonight at our room, Lune. So I do hope you are ready."

Lune spoke "You bet Snowy."

Ignis spoke "Up first is Challenge #1; Eating Contest!"

Vera spoke "That’s right, Iggy! The teams will be eating waves of delicious meals nonstop! First 40 minutes will be sweets and pies, next 40 minutes will be ramen and spaghetti, and the final 40 minutes will be frappé and milkshakes!"

Ignis spoke "And the teams are certainly looking absolutely ravenous!"

Celestia spoke "You're going down Bug Butt."

Chrysalis retorted, “Bring it on, Cake Flank!”

Ignis spoke "Wow! The ladies are getting fired up!"

Vera spoke "Yep! And the first course just about here!"

Two tables appeared with millions of sweets and pies.

Vera spoke "Now let the first round… BEGIN!!!"

The gong rang as the two teams dug right in, gorging themselves on the sweets and pies, much to Twilight Velvet and Night Light’s surprise.

Yuki spoke "Kick her buggy butt Celestia!"

*Giggle!* Oh, I’m sure both teams will do great.

Vera exclaims "Wow! It hasn’t even been a minute and both teams already look like they’re putting on some pounds!"

Indeed, the bellies of both teams look more rounded, but none of them cared as their hunger and appetite were insatiable, much to Twilight Velvet and Night Light’s surprise.

To Vera's surprise, Gawain and Gilda along with Stormcloud and Jackie had entered the challenge.

The four gryphons were chowing down on the food, not caring about the weight.

Half of the red side turned orange while half of the green side turned brown.

Vera spoke "Whoa! Two gryphon teams joined in the fray and have already caught up with Team Sun and Team Changeling!"

The two gryphon teams were wearing clothes that were perfect for them in their midforms like the other two teams.

Gilda spoke "*Chomping sweets* I won’t lose!"

Jackie spoke "Ah'm not losing ta a gryphon version of mah world's Gilda!"

The teams were eating through food waves of sweets and pies, but Celestia and Pyre were devouring the cakes really fast while Stormcloud and Jackie were stuffing in the apple pies so quickly. After 40 minutes, the gong rang, as the sweets and pies vanished.

Ignis spoke "Part 1 of Round 1 is over!"

Vera spoke "Wow! Those teams really packed it in! And their clothes are starting to look mighty snug!"

The teams didn’t care about that one bit as they’re clothes did start looking extremely skintight, it kinda of makes sense since the four teams became extremely obese from eating all those sweets and pies.

“Oh? Trying to get ahead of me, Apple-fatty?” Celestia taunted Gryphon-Jack.

Jackie growls "Yer one ta talk Sunbutt."

Vera spoke "Up next is Part 2, ramen and spaghetti!"

Millions of bowls with ramen and plates with spaghetti appeared on the tables, which became four when the other two teams jumped in.

Vera spoke "GO!!!"

The teams dug in immediately as they were slurping in and swallowing the noodles with their soup and sauce real quickly, gaining more weight while getting bigger and fatter, but none of the teams cared one single bit.

Yuki spoke "Good thing neither Danyelle is here right now.... BOTH of them have a weakness for ramen..."

Danyelle pops up via magic as OC-verse Danyelle showed up via warp ring before chowing down on the ramen.

Lune groans "Jeez Yuki, you just had to say it."

Vera spoke "Whoa! Looks like have surprise guests for this round! It’s Danyelle from our universe and Danyelle from the OC-Verse!"

Ignis spoke "And it seems like those two are only participating in this round of their own choice!"

Vera spoke "That and since their significant others aren’t here."

Yuki spoke "With a love for ramen no less."

The two Danyelles feasted incredibly fast and caught up with the four teams as Vera snapped her fingers, taking some precautions as the ten got bigger and fatter. They were engulfing waves of noodles, soup/broth and sauce as none of them cared about what was happening to them, but Gawain and Gilda were sucking in the food like tornadoes spinning at extremely high speed while those of us in the audience heard a few rips and tears as we saw their clothes starting to give out, gaining rips, holes and tears. After another 40 minutes, making one hour and 20 minutes, the gong rang as the meals vanished.

Ignis spoke "Part 2 is done!"

Vera spoke "Yessiree, and boy, did that gulp down A LOT! Their bodies are starting to become too much for their clothes!"

The ten contestants were probably as big as castles now, no wonder their clothes are starting to be ripped to shreds.

“Heh, two cats trying to eat more than an Eagle-Lion combo? Ha!” Gilda taunted both Danyelles.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I'm half gryphon you featherbrain."

Surprisingly enough, OC-verse Danyelle's clothes weren't torn.

Danyelle spoke "And don’t think you’ll win!"

And our Danyelle’s clothes weren’t torn either.

Hmm… didn’t expect it to work THAT well. Oh well.” Vera mentally to herself as she went back commentating. “Last up is Part 3, frappé and milkshakes!”

Two machines looking like large water tanks then appeared on each of the tables, which turned from 4 to 5 with both Danyelles competing.

Vera spoke "One of these machine will serve frappe, and the other will serve milkshakes."

And then long tube flexible straws appeared in each of the contestant's hands.

Vera spoke "Insert one end of those straws into the tanks and the other end into your mouths, and the final part will begin!"

The contestants did that, while the males in the four duo teams put both straws into the frappe machine, and the females of the four duo teams put both straws into the milkshake machine. Pyre, Mandible, Stormcloud and Gawain put one of the connected frappe straws into their wives’ mouths as Celestia, Chrysalis, Jackie and Gilda put one of the connected milkshake straws into their husbands’ mouths. Danyelle put both connected straws into her mouth, and so did OC-Verse Danyelle.

Vera spoke "3… 2… 1… START!!!"

The teams then started chugging on the frappe and milkshakes immensely at an intense speed, already getting bigger and fatter in a matter of mere seconds.

OC-verse Danyelle thoughtspoke via telepathy "{I'm not going to lose!}"

Celestia, Chrysalis, Gilda, Jackie and Danyelle: {Me neither!}

The teams kept chugging and drinking, getting even bigger and fatter, with both Danyelles’ clothes starting to rip. Chrysalis and Mandible were guzzling down the frappe and milkshakes a bit faster. The contestants started moaning as they all of them swilling down the frappe and milkshakes faster and faster, making them swell up rapidly and incredibly fast as their moaning and drinking speed continued to increase more and more as there were five minutes left, their clothes gaining more tears and rips. Soon, there were ten seconds left, all ten contestants were both moaning and sucking up their frappe and milkshakes all at 186,000 miles per second, with their clothes having millions of tears and rips, ready to burst to shreds at any moment.

Vera and Ignis spoke "TEN! NINE! EIGHT! SEVEN! SIX!"

Vera, Ignis and the audience spoke "FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO!! ONE!!!"

The final gong rang as all of the contestants stopped drinking, the straws and machines vanished with the tables, and all of their clothes burst to shreds, leaving the males in their boxers while the female were in their undergarments and straps, which didn’t have a single tear or rip at all on them.

Vera and Ignis spoke "ROUND ONE IS OVER!!!"

Danyelle had covered her body with her wings since she didn't wear anything under her dress except a pair of undies.

Danyelle yelps "WTF?"

“I seriously should’ve seen that coming.” Vera facepalmed before she snapped her as Danyelle found herself wearing a bandeau that perfectly fitted her, despite her size, shape and weight, with the Abyssinian giving out a sigh of relief.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Good freaking grief..."

Since her clothes were shredded, it was clear to all that there was a purple star near OC-verse Danyelle's cutie mark.

Vera spoke "Hmm? That’s new."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Don't tell Josuke this but I'm the reincarnation of Jonathan Joestar."

Vera asks "Sure. Lips are sealed. Wait, did you mean him in Japan at Morioh in your universe?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I know a guy named Bruno."

Vera asks "Wait, from this universe or yours?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "My universe's Wave is married to him."

Vera spoke "Meaning? I’m just trying to make sure here."

OC-verse Danyelle's wings shot up as her dimensional scream activated.

OC-verse Danyelle mumbles "Buccriarati.... Annabelle... Crying swallow...."

Vera spoke "Oh. Okay."

Danyelle spoke "Anywho… *Looking dramatically serious with shadows over parts of her and a dramatic pose while pointing at Vera, as if part of a bizarre adventure anime* my counterpart and I shall participate in the Second Challenge as well!"

Vera gasps "*Looking like Danyelle’s sudden bizarre adventure anime appearance* N-N-Nani?! Are you serious?!"

Danyelle spoke "Deadly."

OC-verse Danyelle had the same look on her face as well.

To Vera's surprise and amusement, Amaterasu was also fat since she was tethered to OC-verse Danyelle's soul.

Vera spoke "Well this just got more interesting! But first, it’s time to…"

Audience spoke "Spin… the… Wheel… of… Combat!"

Vera spoke "That’s right!"

A sudden giant wheel appeared with an arrow pointing directly downward at the top while the wheel had a lot of panels having pictures.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "If it ends up being a Stand fight, I'd obviously have the clear advantage since I'm the only one here who has one."

Vera spoke "Now now, Danyelle. No special powers. But wings are allowed as long as you use them within the arena. So no, there aren’t stand battles. I like fights to be fair for all competitors in the Challenge."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "My other powers are locked up too."

Amaterasu growls suddenly.

OC-verse Danyelle asks "What’s wrong, Amaterasu?"

The godly wolf looks straight at her user, getting the message across.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Oh Faust no...."

Vera asks "Something happening in your universe?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I just had a vision of my universe's Tirek.... He's planning to attack this universe since there are more alicorns in this universe than in my universe!"

Vera spoke "Wait… *Reads some kind of book* That doesn’t make sense, your Tirek attacked your universe anyway. So that might be this universe’s Tirek you saw."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Including myself, there's only 12 alicorns in my universe. Here, there's about 30 plus many more that haven't ascended yet."

Vera asks "But HERE is the million dollar question, that’s an expression by the way, how would your Tirek even get here in the first place?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Metaphorically speaking, it would be impossible for him to get into this universe unless he... had a warp ring on hand!"

Vera asks "*Facepalm!* Did he seriously get a glimpse of the future and is trying to change the timeline?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Nothing is set in stone though but I fear for the safety of my fellow alicorns.. Both of my universe and those of this one."

Vera spoke "One’s bad enough but two once? No thank you."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "For sure plus I've seen glimpses of various futures of what could happen if the Sonic Rainboom didn't happen in this universe. I'm glad Spotty took matters into her own hands and grabbed Starlight before the mare stripped ponies of their cutie marks."

Vera spoke "Yeah. But let’s not forget there could be other dangers."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I can get in touch with the Zone Cop chief before my universe's Tirek finds out about this universe."

Vera spoke "Cool. Now that we got that outta the way, let’s spin the Wheel of Combat!"

The audience cheered as the contestants wonder what physical battle it could be before Vera spun the wheel.

Lune spoke "I wonder what it could be."

“Could be anything, really.” I noted as the wheel started slowing down.

Ignis asks "What kind of combat will it land on?"

Vera asks "How will the physical battle be fought?

Yuki spoke "We don't know!"

Twilight Velvet sighs "Seriously, Yuki?"

Night Light asks "Don’t you know that was a rhetorical question?"

Yuki glares at Twilight Velvet.

Twilight Velvet asks "What?"

Yuki spoke "Nothing."

Twilight Velvet giggled before the wheel stopped with the arrow pointing down at a male lion abyssinian’s head, which had deep red fur, a turquoise mane worn in circular curls aligned rather symmetrically on his head and large turquoise mustache.

Ignis spoke "Whoa-ho-ho! Look at that!"

Vera spoke "Looks like the combat of this Second Challenge shall be Turkish Wrestling, as it’s also called…"

Audience spoke "OIL WRESTLING!!!"

The six of us and the ten contestants were confused before massive barrels with a golden lion's head having its maw open emblazoned upon one end of each barrel appeared, with the heads facing down directly above the contestants as some kind of liquid fell and drenched all ten contestants. The liquid smelled like… olive oil?

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Hold it! Olive oil is flammable and I'd rather not smell like Kentucky Fried Nekomata if I had set myself on fire!"

Vera spoke "Yeah, that’s why I said no magic. Besides, stand use or firebending isn’t really allowed either, and I made sure to remove any flammable substance and anything that could start a fire."

Danyelle spoke "Still, my counterpart can't fully control her powers yet."

Vera spoke "Thought that might be the case, so I made sure any powers or magic is sealed for the 2nd Challenge so things don’t get outta control. You can still fly with your wings, but that’s about it."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I can't lock my Chaos powers though."

Due to an allergic reaction, OC-verse Danyelle's tail fur had fully fallen off.

Vera asks "…What just happened?"

OC-verse Sumarda spoke "I forgot to mention.... My universe's Danyelle is severely allergic to olive oil..."

OC-verse Danyelle's wings had lost their feathers.

Vera spoke "*Facepalm* I really should’ve seen that coming."

Vera snapped her fingers as OC-Verse Danyelle’s tail fur and wing feathers were back, not to mention she didn’t have a single drop of olive oil on her.

OC-verse Sumarda spoke "Next time, ask her before you dump olive oil on her."

Vera asks "Sure thing. But what does she wanna do now?"

OC-verse Sumarda snaps her fingers, removing the oil off the other nine participants.

OC-verse Sumarda spoke "Just this once, a regular brawl is good."

Vera asks "Ya sure re-spin wouldn’t be a good idea?"

Oc-verse Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

OC-Verse Sumarda giggles "But maybe you and I could have some fun with our husbands together sometime, eh?"

Vera asks "Oh-ho-ho-ho yeah! Alright! Guess this 2nd challenge will be mainly combat! Time limit is two hours! Last team standing wins! So get ready to wrestle! All teams ready?"

Both Danyelles spoke "The Winged Nekos are raring to go!"

Celestia spoke "Team Sun’s all good to grapple!"

Chrysalis spoke "Heh! Team Changelings ready for combat!?

Gilda spoke "We need a sixth team!"

Vera asks "Can Ignis and I…?"

Sumarda spoke "Sure. I’ll handle the commentary for this 2nd Challenge."

Vera spoke "Yeah!"

Ignis spoke "Alright! I get to be in some action!"

OC-verse Danyelle laughs "Now we're talking!"

Sumarda asks "Okay, but before we begin, are all teams ready?"

A portal opens up before a duller colored version of Celestia steps out.

Zelestia spoke "Vera, I'm afraid this contest has to be cancelled. I'm here to send the nekomata and Sumarda back to their universe before I can seal off all interdimensional travel. It's just as Alpha-Queen Danyelle predicted, Tirek is already stealing magic from the OC-verse. And if he catches wind of this universe, all of the alicorns will be in danger regardless if they're nascent or already ascended."

Vera spoke "Oh, well it’s not exactly cancelled if two teams drop out."

OC-Verse Danyelle groans "Ugh… Fine. I’ll drop out."

Stormcloud spoke "About that... Jackie would have to go back to her world until Tirek is stopped."

Danyelle spoke "Vera, you shouldn't argue with a Zone Cop."

Vera spoke "I’m not arguing, I’m just seeing things in other perspectives and ways."

OC-Verse Danyelle spoke "But Zelestia is right, I'm putting this universe and Jackie's world in danger if I visit you all."

Jackie spoke "Guess Ah’ll be droppin’ out. And Ah was real pumped too…"

Stormcloud spoke "I'll drop out too, no point of me taking part if my wife's not taking part."

Danyelle spoke "Okay. I’ll drop out as well."

Pandora then showed up. “Don’t worry, I’ll handle the commentary from here. Besides, I thought Dissy could use to time to catch up with Yui.”

Celestia's compact goes off suddenly.

Rarity spoke with a weakened voice "C-Celestia.... W-we got trouble..."


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