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Cutie Pox/ Cat Flu

*Haru's POV*

Yuki and I were hanging out at the bowling alley with Danyelle when three of the Crusaders show up.

Yuki spoke "Hi girls."

Sweetie and Scootaloo spoke "Hi, Haru!"

Applebloom sighs "…Hi."

Yuki asks "You okay Applebloom?"

Applebloom spoke "…No."

Danyelle spoke "I know you'll have your cutie mark one day. It took me some time to figure out what I was good at."

Applebloom just sighed sadly again.

Heatwave spoke "Hey AB."

Applebloom sighs "Hi Heaty…"

Yuki spoke "Something's bugging you."

Sweetie spoke "Apple Bloom’s scared that she’s never gonna get a cutie mark."

I spoke "Oh Applebloom, I know you'll get your mark someday. Even our resident clairvoyant knows that too."

Applebloom just sighed before walking away.

Knowing that Yuki's fur would stick out like a sore claw against the foliage of the Everfree Forest, I follow Applebloom without her noticing.

A voice spoke "Hey! Wait up!"

I hid in a tree so I wasn't spotted.

To my surprise, Scootaloo and Heatwave showed up.

Applebloom asks "Why did you two follow me?"

Scootaloo spoke "Come on, I understand how you feel, now that Tails has a cutie mark. And besides, *Snicker!* Heatwave didn’t wanna leave you alone."

Heatwave wingslaps Scootaloo on the back of the head.

Heatwave spoke "Last thing we need is a cockatrice after us..."

Applebloom sighed before she suddenly tripped and fell down a slope.

Heatwave gasps "Applebloom! Are you okay?"

Applebloom groans "Ow…"

Applebloom got up and opened her mouth, only to realize that she’s missing a tooth!

Scootaloo spoke "It's rather normal for baby teeth to fall out to make way for adult teeth. It's one sign of growing up. And I don't think Zecora can help with that."

Applebloom already ran off to find Zecora’s hut.

Heatwave spoke "Too late."

A yowl splits the air as an orange tabby Abyssinian female was hissing at a timber wolf while protecting an injured Lilac point Siamese Abyssinian tom.

The orange tabby hisses "BEAT IT MUTT!!!"

I shot a bolt of lightning at the timber wolf, causing it to explode.

Scootaloo asks "Did you see that Heatwave?"

Heatwave spoke "It’s the Everfree Forest."

Scootaloo spoke "It didn't feel like wild lightning."

Heatwave spoke "Still, we should make sure they’re okay."

Scootaloo asks "But what about Applebloom?"

Heatwave spoke "They can come with us."

I leapt down from the tree I was in.

I spoke "You do realize that this forest isn't safe plus I've been hearing rumors of a larger than normal wolf roaming around."

Scootaloo and Heatwave gasp "Haru?!"

I ask "What?"

Heatwave asks "Were you following Bloomy?!"

I spoke "Yeah, I didn't want her to get hurt or worse."

Heatwave spoke "Oh. Right."

I spoke "Last thing I want is a pissed Applejack on my tail."

*The next morning*

I was helping Cheerilee with preparing the classroom when Scootaloo and Applebloom show up with something on their flanks!

“Wait, are those…?” I gasped.

Yuki gasps "It can't be!"

Sweetie Belle spoke "Wow!"

Danyelle thinks "{I have a bad feeling about this.}"

The yellow furred hybrid flew off to talk to Twilight.

Twilight asks "Hmm?"

Danyelle's ears were pinned back.

Danyelle spoke "Something's not right with Applebloom-chan and Scootaloo-chan."

Twilight asks "How come?"

Danyelle spoke "Cutie Pox..."

Twilight asks "…What?"

Danyelle spoke "A different Applebloom also had it..."

OC-verse Danyelle shows up via warp ring.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "It's true, my world's Applebloom was also affected but the only cure is..."

OC-verse Danyelle was soon cut off by a lot of panicky voices.

Two voices spoke "Help!"

OC-verse Danyelle was up on the ceiling in fear.

Danyelle spoke "Called it."

Nyx and her sisters were hiding behind Flash.

Yellowfang asks "What’s goin’ on here?"

Featherwhisker spoke "Everyone's in a panic for some reason. Even Orchid's freaked out."

Twilight spoke "It’s the Cutie Pox!"

All three medicine cats were confused as hell.

Dan asks "What's the Cutie Pox?"

Twilight brings out a book.

Yellowfang groans in pain.

Blaze showed up. “Yellowfang?”

Spottedleaf spoke "Go get Gingerheart!"

Blaze spoke "O-Okay!"

After Yellowfang was taken to the hospital, Zecora arrives.

Danyelle spoke "Whoa! Talk about perfect timing!"

Fizzlepop spoke "I'll say!"

Zecora spoke "What is this, I see? This town is much empty, even for me."

Wearing a hazmat suit, I spoke "Cutie pox."

Zecora then had a face that said that she knew the cure.

Danyelle asks "Seeds of Truth?"

Zecora spoke "Indeed, they are the cure, but they require words, true and pure."

I spoke "Well... Somepony, dragon, cat or dog better tell the truth!"

Hiromi spoke "I thought I saw the fatso steal a cake from Sugarcube Corner today!"

Heatwave spoke "…I don’t think it’s that."

Quick spoke "Spill it Scoots."

Applebloom and Scootaloo were getting nervous.

Quick pounces on Scootaloo and started tickling her.

Scootaloo tried to hold in her laughter, but ultimately failed.

Heatwave tickles Applebloom, making her squeal.

Applebloom and Scootaloo both spoke "We can’t take it anymore!"

Quick and Heatwave both chuckle.

Applebloom spoke "We admit it!"

Scootaloo spoke "All of them are fake!"

All of the fake cutie marks vanish off the two Pegasus fillies.

I immediately started sneezing up a storm.

“S-Sorry about that.” I apologized.

Danyelle spoke "Cat flu... I only heard of it but it doesn't affect hybrids like me and Vince."

But I suddenly felt really cold!

Danyelle yowls loud. "CAT FLU!!!!"

The shout alone had warned Gingerheart to vaccinate Yellowfang.

I was soon locked in an isolated room at the hospital for two weeks since I couldn't stop sneezing.

I couldn’t stop feeling strange.

Hiromi was on the other side of the door since it had to remain locked for two weeks.

I wave at my best friend since I couldn't interact with her for a few weeks.

My best friend waved back.

The Lilac point Siamese Abyssinian tom I had helped Hiromi protect had his tail curled around hers.

I couldn’t help but smile at that.

Hiromi was giggling since she had heard Muta and Toto fighting again.


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