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Applebuck Season

*Applejack's POV*

Boy howdy, Crosswind and I sure had our work cut out for us since Big Mac was injured. And with them crazy cultists still on the loose, Twilight was far more temperamental than before since she had a foal to protect.

Crosswind spoke "Even wit' Applejack and I, we're only one pony and one chakat."

"Come on, Crosswind. Ah'm sure we can handle it." I assured hir.

Crosswind spoke "But there's too many trees fer the two of us to handle."

Big Mac spoke "Shi's right Applejack."

That frustrated me. “Are you sayin’ Ah can’t do this?”

Crosswind spoke "Calm down AJ."

Well, if they think I can’t do this, I better get ta work now.

Crosswind spoke "Ah'll help ya Applejack."

I smiled, “Thanks, Crosswind.”

Crosswind spoke "Ah'm yer denmate after all."

I blushed when Crosswind said that.

*Meanwhile with Rainbow and Azure*

The two speedsters were having some fun with each other.

Azure chuckles "Hehe! You’re still fast, Skittles."

Rainbow giggles "You're one to talk Sonic, and that tickles!"

The two speedsters started tussling with each other.

Rainbow pins Azure down.

Rainbow giggles "Pinned ya."

Azure chuckles "How about this?"

The two tussled again.

Rainbow pins Azure down once again.

Rainbow giggles "Pinned ya again."

A loud crack was heard since a rather strong earth stallion with a red coat, purple eyes and a dark red mane had knocked over a tree.

Crosswind facepalms before sighing "Sounds like Red knocked over a tree again..."

“Yer tellin’ me. I agreed.

Crosswind spoke "No wonder Azure calls him a knucklehead."

But then a funny thought crossed mah mind as I giggled.

Crosswind snickers "Whatcha thinkin' about AJ?"

“I think he might have a crush on a certain batpony mare who’s a jewel thief.” I answered.

Crosswind snickers "But Ah heard Jeweled Sky's got it bad fer Shadowed Night."

“Really?” I asked in surprise.

Crosswind snickers "Eyup plus it's as obvious as the crush Ah have on you Applejack."

“C-Crossy!” Ah blushed.

Red was laughing.

Red spoke "Shi got you good Applejack!"

But then we heard strange howling as I knew what it was. “Timberwolves!”

A blast of crimson magic obliterated the Timber wolves to smithereens.

Shadowed spoke "Stupid mutts..."

But then more showed up.

A wave of fire magic washed over the timberwolves, incinerating them.

The unicorn guard from earlier laughs "Didn't their pack leader warn them not to play with fire?"

But then more showed up before a teenage dragoness with black horns, black and pink spines, wearing a torn outfit, wielding a gold sword shaped like a dragon’s tail and a golden shield shaped like a dragon’s head with an open maw, showed up with a small light-pale lime-white dragon with dark-black green horns, underbelly and wings.

The dragoness spoke "Now Astra!"

The little dragon, called Astra, roared, stunning the timberwolves before the dragoness’ sword became lit on fire as she slashed all the Timberwolves, incinerating them.

Crosswind spoke "What in Celestia's mane...."

A winged cat flew past the timberwolves, making them chase after her.

The dragoness asks "You guys alright?"

Crosswind spoke "We're okay."

Some time after I acknowledged that I needed help, Twilight had sent a letter to Celestia.

*In Canterlot*

Luna spoke "Sister, we need to talk."

Celestia asks "Hmm?"

Luna spoke "We are... *ahem* I am rather jealous of Twilight Sparkle. She's got a foal of her own already since you told me what happened."

Celestia asks "Oh? Have you been eyeing a stallion?"

Luna spoke "Of course not! There's a big problem there, there's only one immortal stallion though."

Celestia wasn’t convinced however.

Luna spoke "Plus I saw you eyeing Shadowed Night once!"

Celestia spoke "That’s because I was wondering if he would be the one for you."

Luna spoke "That's so not true! You had that lovesick look in your eyes too! Even Cadence knows that!"

Now Celestia was just confused.

Luna spoke "Don't give me that look Tia."

But when Luna looked outside, she suddenly fainted.

Celestia notices a white alicorn stallion with a silver-blue mane, gray eyes and a collar on the neck.

Celestia giggles "Oh Lulu."

Celestia teleports Luna over to the wolfish stallion.

Celestia snickered as Luna started waking up.

Noble spoke "Hello again Luna."

Luna froze at that voice as she slowly looked up at Noble with her whole head blushing red. “H-H-Hello.”

Even Cadence was snickering.

Cadence spoke "Auntie Celestia, you are such a prankster."

Celestia giggles as she wrote a letter and sent it to Twilight.

Celestia giggles "That oughta surprise Twilight."

Cadence giggles "Heehee! Yeah."

Celestia giggles "That's what, five alicorns now?"

Cadence spoke "Yes, and I bet Twilight will freak out."

A masculine voice chuckles "Make that six alicorns."

Cadence suddenly snickered as Celestia froze at that voice. Celestia slowly turned around before gazing upon another alicorn stallion, one that made Celestia faint with a huge smile and blush on her face.

Cadence giggles "Nice one Pyre, you got her good!"

Pyre spoke "Hehe. Thank you, Cadence."

Cadence spoke "I just hope Twilight and Leaf don't blow a gasket when they find out."

Pyre chuckled before lifting up Celestia with magic and carrying her to her room as he closed the door with both of them inside.

Cadence was giggling uncontrollably.

Cadence spoke "Something tells me that we might get one or two new alicorns by the Gala."

But then Cadence sighed lovingly, thinking about a certain guard captain.

Shining spoke "Hey Cadence."

But then Cadence gazed at Shining Armor, showing him a needing look in her eyes.

Shining spoke "But we're not married yet."

Cadence spoke "I know… But I want you, Shiny…"

Shining asks "Cadence, will you marry me?"

Cadence giggles "Heehee… Does this answer your question?"

Cadence straight up kissed Shining Armor as he kissed her back.

One solar guard reported to Luna about the upcoming wedding.

Luna giggled at an idea she had as Noble instantly knew what she was thinking.

Noble chuckles "Triple royal wedding?"

Luna spoke "Triple royal wedding."

Celestia soon woke up and saw Pyre. “Luna asked you to come here, didn’t she?”

Pyre chuckles "Nope, I came here on my own accord and with a question to ask. Celestia, will you marry me?"

Celestia giggles "Here’s my yes to that question."

Celestia grabbed Pyre’s head and kissed him on the lips as Pyre kissed back.

Pyre chuckles "Those two students of yours are so going to spazz out when they find out."

Celestia spoke "Indeed. Especially when there will be a triple wedding."

Pyre asks "But is there such thing as a werepony?"

Celestia suddenly giggled.

Pyre asks "What's so funny?"

Celestia spoke "I think you’ll be in for a surprise."

Pyre spoke "I can't wait."


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