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Calming Danyelle Down/ Tie-Breaker/ Three's a Crowd

*Amethyst’s POV*

Well, this just got ugly.

Vera spoke "Oh boy…"

Snowfall traps Danyelle in a block of ice, stopping the Abyssinian.

Danyelle started thawing out, thanks to the combo her current state and her nine-tailed mode, but only her head broke out as Snowfall kept reinforcing the ice to restrain her.

Poking her head out of a warp ring, OC-verse Danyelle asks "This a bad time?"

Vera spoke "Actually, it’s perfect timing."

OC-verse Danyelle pulls out a pair of spare inhibitor rings she stole form her universe's Shadow.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "These might help control the yellow hairball's powers."

Snowfall asks "Need me to thaw out her wrists?"

Danyelle spoke "LET ME OUT!!!"

OC-verse Danyelle uses a stun spell on her counterpart before putting the inhibitor rings onto the yellow Abyssinian's wrists.

Danyelle’s Nine-Tailed form was deactivated after the inhibitor rings were put on her wrists.

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "That should calm her down."

Danyelle asks "Huh? What happened?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "You went berserk..."

Danyelle spoke "Why-Oh… Sorry about that."

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "My universe's Shadow wears them to control his powers as well."

Danyelle spoke "Roll, look. I’m sorry I lost my cool like that, it’s just I don’t like losing when I came so close to winning."

Roll asks "No, Danyelle. I’m sorry that me really winning upset you that badly. But since both of us has won a Challenge, that means a tiebreaker, right?"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "I'm out!"

OC-verse Danyelle went back to her universe.

Vera spoke "Okay, I knew that was a bit of a berserk button for her, but she really needs to lighten up."

Twilight spoke "I guess you didn't know... Being overweight is OC-verse Danyelle's trigger."

Vera spoke "Anyway, onto the Tiebreaker! And it is quite a festive one."

Yui pops up suddenly with a scared look on her face.

Vera asks "Huh?"

Yui spoke "Something's wrong with my dad!"

Vera spoke "Now don’t worry, everyone. It won’t take long, I’ll only be a minute."

Vera and Yui teleported.

*Vera’s POV*

Okay, something wrong with my cousin? Better look into it.

Gingerheart had Discord inside a magic-proof bubble.

Gingerheart spoke "Vera."

“What happened?” I asked.

Discord explained what happened, faking the Blue Flu, Twilight and Cadence, sending the two on a quest to “cure” him, and getting actually sick by a monster plant that sneezed on him.

“Why am I not surprised?” I sighed.

Gingerheart spoke "Sneezed on by a Tatzelwurm..."

“Fluttershy on her way?” I asked.

Gingerheart spoke "Yeah, she volunteered to help him."

A thud was heard since Card Trick had fainted.

Trixie giggles "And he's out cold."

Gingerheart asks "Uh, when did you…?"

Trixie spoke "Accident over in Saddle Arabia."

“Are you bound to that or do you have to keep it with you?” I asked

Trixie spoke "My lamp? I'm tied to it."

Mystic spoke "I'm still bound to my lamp until Princess Twilight decides to wish me free."

Yui asks "Tied to it?"

Mystic spoke "It's a genie thing."

Yui spoke "Oh."

Mystic spoke "Ten thousand years inside a cramped space can give a genie SUCH a major crick in the neck."

Trixie spoke "And I DO NOT want that!"

“Well, I can see everything’s gonna be okay.” I noted.

Mystic spoke "Least you got one genie to teach you the basics though Trixie."

Trixie spoke "True."

I teleported back to my stadium. “And now! The Tiebreaker! Hope you gals got some rhythm, ‘cause it’s time for a dance-off! Belly Dancing! Oh, Cadence! Oh, Carmen!”

Cadence showed up with Carmen, who was as big as French Fry from earlier before they got some outfits on Danyelle and Roll.

Maylu snickers "Good thing Ben and Vince aren't here right now, the two of them would be out cold with nosebleeds."

Cadence giggles "Heehee! Agreed. Awesome idea, Vera."

“Why thank you.” I smiled as Carmen fused her four maracas into two double-headed maracas as Danyelle was surprised at that.

Maylu used her magic to project images of Danyelle and Roll into the minds of Ben and Vincent, causing both toms to fain with a nosebleed.

Mystic laughs "You sly cat!"

Maylu giggles "Heehee!"

Vera asks "Alright! Danyelle at 3 trillion and 169 pounds, Roll at 3 trillion and 93 pounds, ya both ready?"

Rarity drags the two unconscious toms over with magic.

Rarity spoke "I have an idea!"

Vera asks "Hmm? Having the two toms watch them belly-dance?"

Rarity giggles "In separate rooms with their significant other."

Vera spoke "Heehee! Ya sure? ‘Cause this is the Tiebreaker, and there could be cameras there watching them."

Danyelle spoke "I'm also in heat though so I'd rather not have others watching."

Snapping her fingers, Danyelle transferred the extra 3 trillion pounds to Vera before dragging Ben off to a private room.

Roll did the same before dragging Vince off to a different room.

Vera spoke "Wow, talk about a surprise twist."

Roll asks "What are you talking about?"

Vera spoke "What you two pulled. Oh well, I guess the Tiebreaker’s more of a private matter anyway this time."

Roll spoke "Least Volt and Jazz are being looked after by Maylu."

Vera spoke "Yep. Hope you have fun with Vince."

Maylu spoke "I have to wait another 5 years before I can even have kids."

Vera spoke "Well, let’s see what the results will be in two hours."

Maylu spoke "It could take them a while though."

Vera spoke "Touché."

Maylu's tail was pressed against her rear.

Maylu spoke "Talk about bad timing..."

Vera asks "Need to book a room in the Chuddle Hotel?"

Leaving Volt and Jazz with Lucy, Maylu grabs Lan before dragging the brown tom off to a random room.

Vera spoke "Hopefully the room they’re going to have what they need."

Lucy spoke "Last thing we need is a pregnant 14 year old..."

Vera spoke "That’s why I said what I said, because I agree with you on that."

Poking her head through a portal, OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Maria may look 12 but she's actually 52 since she's immortal."

A loud POP was heard, scaring Erza to the point that she had hiccups.

Erza’s hiccups somehow sounded like soft barks as she blushed in embarrassment at that as I could tell all of us girls and herms here were thinking, “That’s so cute!

Lucy giggles "Wow Erza, I had no idea your hiccups sounded like that."

Erza stammers "*Embarrassed blush* It’s *Hiccup-bark!* really embarrassing for *Hiccup-bark!* any diamond dog. *Hiccup-bark!*"

OC-verse Danyelle laughs "I pulled that on Breakfang one time and the result was the same thing!"

A hiccup-meow was heard from Runo since the noise had spooked her as well.

Vera spoke "Aww! That’s too cute!"

Runo spoke "*embarrassed* No it's *hiccup-meow!* not! It's really embarrassing *hiccup-meow!* for Abyssinians... *hiccup-meow!*"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Mobian cats too..."

Then a hiccup-chirp was heard.

Gilda spoke "That wasn't me!"

A random gryphon hen had the hiccups.

Spike was itching his back against a wall.

“Looks like your time’s come, Spike.” I said to my son.

Dan spoke "But the molt has some rather nasty side effects.... Uncontrollable voice shifts, fire burps, itchy stone scales... And don't even get me started on the smell..."

Erza spoke "Plus there are a lot of critters that will snack on a molting dragons... Hydras, Tatzelwurms, rocs...."

Lucy spoke "Basically giant birds..."

Vera spoke "Tatzelwurms? That's what got my cousin sick in the first place with a sneeze."

Lucy spoke "Molting is a rather vulnerable time for young dragons though."

Erza spoke "Least I didn't have to deal with fire burps though."

Wendy spoke "Airblast burps are a pain for sky dragons though."

Spike asks "How exactly?"

Wendy spoke "You don't want to know..."

Spottedleaf spoke "I was stuck in a wall one time the day Wendy was undergoing the molt, airblast burp."

Spike spoke "Oh."

Later, after at least 2 hours, Vera told us she won the Tiebreaker by one point, winning the Challenge.

Vera spoke "Normally, I'd go and congratulate the winner, but I think Danyelle and Roll deserves their nap."

Runo spoke "True there."

Applebloom asks "Hey, could Ah tell ya one of the adventures I went on with mah sis?"

Runo spoke "Sure."

Wavern spoke "I'm rather curious too."

Applebloom told us of her adventure in a place called Treasure Trove while mentioning a book that had a treasure map and a coin.

Ember spoke "Wait, I think mom had a book like that."

Runo's fur had bristled up suddenly since she sensed danger.


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