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Castle Sweet Castle

*Spottedleaf's POV*

Wow, a lot's been happening lately.

Danyelle was napping on a large pillow with her only kitten by her belly.

Heehee! So adorable. Well, we should be home soon.

Rainbow groans "We might have to expand Ponyville to make space for all of the extra alicorns..."

"Yeah, and who knows. Maybe Discord could help." I said with a giggle.

Micah spoke "True there and It was quite a shocker when Flintfur ascended. I thought he was just a normal Abyssinian."

"Definitely." I agreed.

Mint chirps "Momma!"

Rainbow spoke "Excuse me for a moment."

Tidefur mewls.

Mistheart asks "Momma?"

"Yes?" I asked.

Tidefur mewls "Hungry."

“Oh. I see.” I realized.

Danyelle spoke "They might attempt to pounce on Angel Bunny."

Rainbow spoke "Aw jeeze, that won't sit well with Fluttershy..."

Pinkie spoke "Yeesh."

Danyelle spoke "Kits will be kits."

“Anyone seen Twilight today?” I asked.

Crosswind spoke "Ah saw 'er and Flash at the ruins of their old home."

“Oh…” I noted.

Crosswind spoke "Eyup."

Spike asks "What do we do?"

Natsu spoke "Perhaps we should try making the new castle feel more like home to Twilight."

Rarity asks "Question is how?"

Lillian thoughtspoke "{I have a plan!}"

Fluttershy asks "Huh? What is it?"

Danyelle spoke "What she's getting at is instead of decorating the castle to how you want it, we should decorate it to make it feel like home to Twilight. And I have a good idea on how we can go about it."

The Mane 5 ask "How?"

Sunny spoke "Some of us could distract Twilight for the day while the rest dig up the tree roots."

Pinkie spoke "Okie dokie lokie."

Foxsong asks "But what if she catches onto what we're doing?"

Cocoa spoke "Foxsong's got a point though."

Foxsong engulfs herself in flames as she shifted to her disguised form, causing Cocoa to faint with a nosebleed.

Rarity giggled.

Blizzardstar chuckles "Ya got 'er good Foxsong!"

Foxsong giggles "Heehee! Thanks."

Cocoa got back up before pouncing on Foxsong, causing both to tumble through a portal to the Chuddle Hotel.

Mythic asks "Mama?"

Rarity asks "Oh, right. Is it possible to mind speak with her?"

Squirrelstar spoke "A cousin of mine has white fur and blue eyes but he's not deaf."

Danyelle spoke "Least shi's not mute."

Rarity asks "Is it just me or do I hear screaming?"

Micah spoke "I hear it too!"

Mothwing spoke "Sounds like it's coming from the forest!"

I flew into the forest, only to find an injured red siren.

I shock the siren awake.

I spoke "Oi! Wake up!"

The siren groans "Ugh... What?"

I ask "You okay?"

The siren groans "Yeah, I think so. But what happened?"

I spoke "One of my fellow royals heard a scream so I came to have a look."

The siren asks "Wait, where am I?"

I spoke "You're in the Everfree Forest near Ponyville."

The siren asks "Everfree Forest? Why does that sound familiar?"

I ask "Do the names Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk ring any bells?"

The siren gasps "You know them?! Where are they!?"

I fired a roar into the sky before the Dazzlings and Coolings show up with Danyelle, Ocean Melody, Lettuce Rush and Lyra.

Alto asks "Retta? Is that you?"

The siren asks "Alto?"

Largo spoke "It's been a long time since we saw you Operetta."

Operetta asks "Largo? Alto? *Blushing a bit* A-Allegro?"

Curling herself around Allegro, Sonata spoke "He's mine."

Operetta spoke "*Snaps herself out of it* Sorry, I always get the three mixed up."

Lyra spoke "That may be so but there aren't many of us sirens."

Melody was on Danyelle's back.

Operetta spoke "Oh…"

Danyelle spoke "These little ones are Ocean Melody and Lettuce Rush."

Operetta spoke "They’re so cute."

Danyelle spoke "Mel's a reincarnation of my ancestor, Sein."

Operetta asks "...Sein?"

Danyelle spoke "I may not look it but I have siren blood in my veins."

Operetta asks "...What?"

Adagio spoke "Sein was a friend of mine from a long time ago but when Beardie banished my sisters and I, many sirens had gone into hiding... Some where killed... Sein was one of the sirens that died."

I growl "I kinda hate Rocket Swirl though..."

Faunia spoke "But they were only following orders."

I growl "Next time I see their boss, I'll rip him to shreds!"

Faunia asks "Huh? Aren’t grandpa and uncle Lorenzo already gone?"

I growl "There's one more that you never met though Faunia and he's a lot meaner than Lorenzo was."

Faunia asks "Huh?"

Samson scoffs "Tch, guess those Medicis are something else."

Twilight spoke "My counterpart failed to sense a third leader though."

Danyelle spoke "We should strike him down before he attacks us!"

Twilight spoke "How? We don’t even know where he is."

I growl "We might not but Rocket and Star do! If we make them squawk, we can find the jerk!"

Faunia spoke "Spottedleaf, please calm down."

Danyelle's tail was thrashing in annoyance.

Flintfur used shadow movement to track down the remaining boss of the Medici Mafia.

Flintfur thinks "{Ugh… This pony really moves around in shadows a lot, maybe all the time. He’ll be really hard to track down.}"

Flintfur soon hears a voice talking.

Flintfur thinks "{H-Huh?}"

From Flintfur's hiding spot, a unicorn stallion was talking to a random grunt.

Flintfur thinks "{Okay, this is hard to make out what’s going on.}"

Staying in the shadows, Flintfur slips into the unicorn's shadow while staying quiet.

The stallion spoke "And remember, if you or any of the others sense anything out of the ordinary, inform me immediately, even if we have a spy in this very room at this very moment."

Flintfur kept quiet, waiting for the right time to strike the stallion down.

But as time passed, the stallion never let his guard down even for a moment, giving Flintfur no blind spot to strike.

Flintfur thinks "{Damn it, this guy's too good! I need a plan....}"

A random Diamond Dog grunt spoke "Boss! I found where those two losers are!"

Still not lowering his guard, the stallion asked. “Well, tell me where they are then.”

The Diamond Dog grunt spoke "The Alicorn Alliance has them hostage... And to make matters worse, Faunia's with the Alliance."

“Hmm… The filly with the parasite? Now this has become interesting.” The stallion smirked with his guard still up. “Prepare it and call her in.”

Diamond Dog Grunt gasps "W-What?! It?! That stone?! And her?! The Crimson Scourge?!"

That caught Flintfur’s attention as he decided to hear in more closely.

The diamond dog grunt spoke "I've heard rumors that the Roar of the Ancients has also returned along with the Knights of Harmony."

That definitely surprised the stallion, but he still didn’t lower his guard. “To think that those weren’t just mere legend. I must admit, I am quite surprised. But that doesn’t matter in the slightest. Prepare a small army and move toward Ponyville to test these so-called knights.”

The diamond dog grunt spoke "About the Knights, the current leader's just a kid. Plus there's at least 100 alicorns in the Alliance alone. And I heard that one of the alicorns has a savage side."

“I see. But still send out the order. We must test them to see if they’re a threat to our plans.” The stallion said with his guard still up. “In the meantime, I’ll pay her a visit myself.”

Flintfur whispers in a quiet enough voice that the dog didn't hear him.

Flintfur spoke "Blood chains."

Chains of blood snare the stallion, binding the horn to prevent him from using magic.

The stallion laughs "Hehehe, I was expecting you, but I must admit, not this soon. And you just invited her to join the party."

A door flew off its hinges as the combat ready alicorns of the Alliance had arrived.

To the stallion's shock, there were two Twilights.

OC-verse Twilight snarls at the stallion.

The stallion spoke "Well, this is quite the surprise."

Twilight and OC-verse Twilight growl "Your reign of terror ends here Gio!"

Gio spoke "*Calm and collected* That may be, but don’t think it’s over. Thanks to the stunt your little feline friend pulled, he turned himself into a moving target."

OC-verse Twilight roars loud as she engulfs herself in fire as she transforms into Twirama.

Twirama growls "You forget, I'M THE ONE THAT KILLED LORENZO!!!"

Flintfur slipped into Crosswind's shadow to stay out of the fight.

Gio was still as cool as a cucumber. "Hmm... I suspected as much when I sensed something that didn't belong in this universe."

Twirama growls "Oh shut up bastard, I'm part of the Alicorn Alliance."

A male alicorn with the exact same color as Twilight spoke "As am I!"

Gio simply chuckled darkly.

Two Celestias from the Redux-verse show up via warp ring with Redux-verse Twilight.

Redux-verse Twilight was carrying a sword in her magic.

Newlestia spoke "So, you're the little shit that's been causing trouble for the Alliance."

Gio was still unfazed with a smirk.

Twirama snarls "There's 150 of us and one of you!"

Zelestia and Zwilight were among the alliance.

Gio spoke "Then you truly have no idea of the countless enemies out there far more powerful than I am."

Dusk spoke "If you're talking about jerks like Scrambled Egg, we of the Alliance can handle him easy! We have our heavy hitter after all!"

Gio laughed, "There are foes who are living for untold years. I'm sure your parasite friends would believe that."

Twirama snarls "You forget, most of the Alliance is immortal!"

Gio scoffs "*Smirk* Are you truly? I know you're still capable of being killed."

The Alliance soon had Gio and his goons surrounded.

The diamond dog grunt spoke "Uh boss, I don't think it'd be wise to piss off a Zone cop...."

Gio spoke "Hmph, be it Zone cop or alicorn, it doesn't matter. *As a strange stone was suddenly absorbed into him* Let's see if they'll make it out of here alive."

Redux-verse Twilight gasps "Oh SHIT! That's a dark Synergy stone!"

Newlestia spoke "This just got a whole lot worse..."

A dark orange-yellow crystal spike emerged from Gio as his power suddenly skyrocketed as we found ourselves in a dark dimension.

Twirama snarls "No matter how strong you are, you're still OUTNUMBERED!!!"

A blast of divine magic hits Shadow Gio, weakening him.

Redux-verse Danyelle laughs "How'd you like THEM apples?!?"

Squigly then started levitating before rushing towards Shadow Gio and grabbed him with Leviathan ready to attack.

Leviathan spoke "Arrogant fool!"

Leviathan then torched Shadow Gio with his fire breath, inflicting heavy damage.

OC-verse Danyelle stuffs a cherry bomb down the dark stallion's throat, causing his stomach to explode.

Shadow Gio died with a dark smile.

Twirama spoke "Holy shit girl, you are VIOLENT!!"

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Aw shut up and sit."

All three Twilights were face down on the ground.

Samson laughed at that.

All three Twilights spoke "That wasn't FUNNY!"

Samson chuckles "Heh, it was to me."

Twirama growls "Don't make me shove a Tailed Beast Bomb down your throat."

Samson taunts "Ha! Bring it!"

Faunia spoke "Both of you, please calm down."

Serene slaps Samson in the face before whacking Twirama on the back of the head, stopping the fight from getting worse.

Faunia spoke "Ow! Slapping Samson is still slapping me in the head!"

Serene spoke "Sorry Faunia."

Twirama scoffs "He started it."

Samson chuckles "Can ya blame Danyelle for being a great prankster?"

All three Danyelles spoke at the same time "Obviously!"

*After the OC-verse folks went back to their universe and the Redux-verse folks went back to their universe*

Danyelle spoke "It was rather weird seeing nekomata versions of myself."

Samson and Leviathan were silent for some reason.

Twilight asks "What?"

Samson groans "Ugh, that Gio really got under my skin."

Leviathan asks "Wondering about what he said as well, old friend?"

Twilight spoke "He got on all our nerves plus it had been my Redux-verse counterpart who had identified that weird stone."

Samson growls "Grr… I haven’t felt like this since Delilah…"

Danyelle spoke "It's got us all on edge Samson."

“Wait a minute, who’s Delilah?” I asked.

Leviathan spoke "One of Samson’s previous hosts."

Crosswind spoke "Ah'm startin' ta think there's a bigger picture here."

“Think we should ask Somnambula about this Delilah mare?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Jinxie might know as well."

Leviathan spoke "I know too, but I believe it’s better to ask Somnambula and Jinxie as well."

Sonata asks "Wait, did you say Delilah?"

Samson scoffs "Yeah, got a problem with that, punk?"

Sonata spoke "Ignoring the insult, her and I were friends at one point. She was a siren though."

Samson spoke "Tch, she died a long while ago when creatures got more hostile against parasites and sirens."

Foxsong asks "Was this before or after the Dazzlings were banished?"

Samson spoke "After those three up and vanished."

Sonata spoke "My sisters and I didn't have a choice... We were causing trouble..."

Atem was talking to Starswirl.

Atem spoke "I know you're upset that the Dazzlings are back in Equestria but that yellow cat was able to change their ways for the better."

Starswirl was silent.

Rockhoof spoke "Aye but the wee lass is stronger than she looks."

Peacock spoke "Come on, let’s head home."

But then I thought of something. Maybe Peacock could join the CMCs since she’s about their age.

Flintfur pops out of Crosswind's shadow.

Flintfur asks "Hey Pea, you want to join the Crusaders?"

Peacock asks "Crusaders? What’s that all about?"

Applebloom explains to Peacock about the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Peacock spoke "Huh? Full of adventures, eh? Well, there aren’t any Skullgirls, so I guess my gang and I can hang out with your team from time to time."

Applebloom spoke "Ya can join at any time."

But Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle giggled, eager to tell Bubo about this.

Flintfur flew off before dragging Bubo over by the tailfeathers.

Bubo asks "Huh? What’s going on?"

Sugar giggles "Peacock's part of the CMC now."

Bubo asks "*Blushes with steam whistling from his back* Say what now?"

Applebloom spoke "Sugar ain't lyin'."

Steam started whistling out of Bubo's eyes too as his body blushed more.

Flintfur snickers "You can join too if you want Bubo."

Bubo spoke "*Blushing* O-Okay!"

Scootaloo snickers "We got 'im AB."

Applebloom spoke "Eyup."

And so, the Crusaders gained new members.

*Meanwhile with the other alicorns...*

Danyelle had blindfolded Twilight before leading the alicorn mare into the castle.

Twilight asks "What's going on?"

Danyelle spoke "Rarity and the others have a surprise for you."

Danyelle removes the blindfold off Twilight, revealing something that the other alicorns had added to the map room to make the castle more homey.

I spoke "Oh Twilight! Welcome back!"

The other alicorns, Abyssinians and Changelings were gathered in the map room.

Leafstar spoke "We took the opportunity to add memory crystals to the tree roots so you have something to look back on. Oh, here's one from when you and Spottedleaf first arrived in Ponyville!"

Natsu spoke "Here's one from when Danyelle pranked Spike with invisible ink!"

Twilight was in tears as she looked at everyone.

Twilight spoke "Th-thank you all..."


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