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Party Palooza!

*Pinkie's POV*

It's been one party after another for me and Cheese since we've been finding nascent alicorns and inviting them to tour the world with us.

But the biggest surprise was the fact that I was carrying three fillies and a colt though I was just a month in.

Cheese chuckles "This sure is fun, right, Pinkster?"

“Heehee, yeah! Especially our little honeymoon at the Chuddle Hotel, big colt.” I seductively said with a tiger-like growl.

Cheese chuckles "*Seductively* Oh-ho! You were quite a package yourself, big filly. *Tiger-like growl*"

Oh, I don’t just love my Cheese Sandwich, I crave him every single moment I’m still alive!

To my surprise, my hunk of a husband was an alicorn too!

“I still can’t believe the two of us put together our own private party for your ascension, sweetie.” I groaned.

Cheese spoke "Well, after our adventure, maybe we can at our room in the Chuddle Hotel."

That got me more excited. “Aw yeah! Nonstop fun!”

Cheese laughs "And nonstop feasting!"

“Just the two of us for three weeks straight!” My hubby-wubby and I declared in unison as our excitement skyrocketed.

A white Pegasus mare with sky blue eyes and mane asks "Shouldn't we look for other alicorns?"

Before I was about to answer, my horn glowed as I sensed something in the forest, like it was hidden in the leaves.

The Pegasus mare bars my path with a wing.

The mare spoke "Whoever is hiding, come out now."

We then saw something jumping throughout the trees, like it was retreating.

Sapphire gasps "Ruby Flare nee-chan!"

“Huh?” I asked, totally confused.

Featherwhisker spoke "Miss Sapphire is of Neighpon descent, same with her older sister."

Ruby spoke "You gotta help me!"

“What happened?” I asked.

Ruby's speech had slipped into the Neighponese dialect.

Sapphire spoke "There's been reports of dragons round these parts... Nadders, Gronkles, Zipplebacks, Monstrous Nightmares... One guard said they saw a Songwing too..."

Songwing? Why does that ring a bell?

Sapphire spoke "Songwings are often seen in pairs though since a single Songwing can cause trouble."

Cheese asks "Any Night Furies or Light Furies?"

A unicorn guard spoke "None so far since the last known Night Fury is currently in Neighpon."

My ears suddenly twitched, hearing something.

Featherwhisker spoke "We got a Nadder... Female and likely gravid due to the eggs in her..."

I ask "Should we help it?"

Featherwhisker spoke "Gravid dragons are more temperamental than normal..."

After getting a salmon from the zeppelin's fridge, Featherwhisker carefully approaches the Nadder.

Orchid asks "What is he doing?"

“Trying to give her food, silly.” I giggled.

Cheese spoke "But female dragons can be temperamental when they have eggs on the way."

Just as the Nadder was about to attack Featherwhisker, Lionblaze showed up on the back of Nightclaw.

Lionblaze spoke "Careful dude! Dragon females are more aggressive when they have eggs on the way!"

Snowflake had backed the Nadder into a corner, calming the gravid dragon down.

Lionblaze sighs "I swear to StarClan, are all medicine cats this stupid?"

“I call that brave.” I responded.

Cheese spoke "Same here."

Lionblaze spoke "My brother's kinda grumpy though..."

Featherwhisker chuckles "Kinda reminds me of my mentor. But Goosefeather was bonkers though."

Lionblaze asks "So uh, have you found any alicorns yet pink one?"

Featherwhisker spoke "I heard from Yellowfang that Rarity found eight alicorns along with an alicorn ponykat. Spottedleaf said that Danyelle found three but is travelling with seven since Snowfall and Scorching had ascended differently. Moth Flight said that Twilight found one shortly after Sunset ascended. I heard from Prince Lune that his wife found two alicorn colts. Pebble said that he and Applejack found one. No report from Cloud Spots yet. Nothing from Cadence yet, not since Shining Armor ascended."

“Huh.” I noted before we heard a thud.

A sky blue alicorn mare with a bubblegum pink mane and a scar across her blind eye was out cold on the ground.

“Another universe?” I wondered.

Lionblaze growls "Something bad is coming..."

Vera suddenly showed up in a panic and closing an open portal in the sky shut. “You’ve gotta be kidding me! Tirek’s earlier return is bad enough, but the very absolute last thing we and all of the multiverses need is THAT getting here, anywhere or anywhen at all!”

I immediately patch through to Zelestia, warning the cop of what was happened.

Zelestia spoke "It's also happening in the OC-verse since the Celestia of that universe told me about it."

Vera gasps "TWO PIBBYs?! *Facepalm!* Talk about double trouble!"

Vera suddenly kicked a tree before we heard a *BWOOMP!* and, “Team Rocket’s fatly blasting off again! *Star KO*”

Vera spoke "Whoops! Good thing it’ll wear off and they’ll be back to normal in a week or so."

I spoke "Star Rose had that one coming though...."

Vera spoke "Hopefully he’ll get used to it."

The mare groans in pain.

Zelestia spoke "*voice only* I'm going to patch through to your world's Celestia and ask her to call off the hunt since I fear the alicorns are in great danger."

Vera asks "Not just of Tirek, is it?"

Zelestia spoke "Your world's Tirek died 800 years ago, according to what I heard from Zuki."

I don’t know why, but that made my knee extremely pinchy.

Lionblaze and the trio of dragons growl.

We suddenly heard screaming as I instinctively teleported and caught a strange chakat before bringing it back to my zeppelin.

Nightclaw carried the gravid Nadder up onto the zeppelin so Featherwhisker could work on getting the eggs out safely.

Lionblaze asks "Is that a... chakat?"

“Hey, I just caught hir...” I pointed out before I got a better loot at the chakat.

The chakat groans "Ugh… What? Where am I?"

Lionblaze spoke "I heard about it from Spottedleaf since one was spotted in Neighpon. Then Cloud Spots reported a Koshai to Princess Celestia."

The chakat spoke "I see, then me suddenly finding myself in this new world is no coincidence. My name is Stormblizzard."

Lionblaze spoke "I'm Lionblaze, ThunderClan warrior. The others are Princess Pinkie Pie, Prince Cheese Sandwich, Featherwhisker, Nightclaw and Snowflake. There's also a Nadder that's got eggs on the way so Featherwhisker's got his paws full."

Orchid spoke "I'm Orchid Jewel, Featherwhisker's wife and mother to Cozy Glow and Sweetwhisker."

Stormblizzard asks "I see. But I can sense that there is trouble. What is happening?"

The sky blue mare spoke "C-corruption.... It seeks to destroy all worlds...."

Stormblizzard spoke "…I knew something was off."

I spoke "Dany's counterpart is also aware of this mess since there's a Pibby in that universe too that's rallying as many battle ready fighters."

Stormblizzard spoke "I see."

Pibby spoke "They might have fallen to the corruption by now..."

I spoke "If that's the case then it'd be too late to save them."

Stormblizzard spoke "Somehow, I find that highly doubtful."

Wait-What am I saying?! “Blizzy’s right! We can’t quit now! There could be others here!”

Cheese spoke "We have to send word to the OC-verse since they might be under attack as well!"

Stormblizzard spoke "Wise choice."

Lionblaze spoke "This mess doesn't just affect our universe, it affects all universes!"

*Meanwhile in the OC-verse*

OC-verse Danyelle spoke "Watch your tail there Twilight! Don't let it touch you!"


Water suddenly surrounded a group of corrupted enemies from all directions before it turned into crystals, trapping them.

Maria shouts "CHAOS HEAL!!!"

A blast of healing energy hits the corrupted people, cleansing them of the corruption.

Some kind of alien-Pokémon combo showed up.

The creature spoke "Whew! Glad Gemeleon came in handy."

OC-verse Twilight spoke "This is bad!"


Author's Note:

Crossover with HTTYD and book 4 of Life as a Sonic OC

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