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Big Play Date

*Squirrelflight’s POV*

Well, it seemed that Carrot Cake, Cupcake, Twilight and Flash Sentry were invited to the Chuddle Hotel, then Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich wanted to come along. So Bramblestar and I decided to go with them as well.

Bramblestar was too emotionally unstable after what happened when Ashfur had taken control of his body.

Bramblestar spoke "Squirrelflight, I can't be ThunderClan leader anymore..."

“Bramblestar, listen to me. I know you’ve been through a lot, but you can’t let what happened in the past haunt you. You have family and friends to help you now, even me.” I comforted my mate.

Bramblestar spoke "But Ashfur hurt you and everycat else... I'm not cut out to be Clan leader..."

“I know you are able to be Clan leader, Bramblestar. Just because something bad happened once and you tried your best to prevent it, that doesn’t mean you’re unfit to be a leader. Even leaders make mistake. Remember Celestia and Luna?” I reminded Bramblestar.

Twilight spoke "No creature is flawless."

Bramblestar asks "T-Truly?"

“Truly. And here is my proof.” I said as I grabbed my mate’s before I connected my lips with his, kissing him with my eyes closed. He was surprised at first, but moaned and closed his eyes as he kissed back while grabbing my hips with his hands, I moved my hands and arms to around his neck, connecting my hands as our tails intertwined and our bodies contacting each other. With that, Bramblestar knew he was forgiven and still has a chance.

Bramblestar spoke "I'm still stepping down as clan leader."

I couldn’t help, but close my eyes with a smile, understanding my mate’s decision. “Very well. But who will take your place?”

Bramblestar spoke "I have an Abyssinian in mind already. And it's you Squirrelflight."

“M-Me?” I asked in complete surprise.

Bramblestar spoke "You never gave up on ThunderClan even when Ashfur had control of my body, you'll make a great leader."

I… I didn’t know what to say, but… “I will become the new Clan leader then, Bramblestar. For you.”

Bramblestar spoke "I'm going to talk to StarClan tonight so I can give back my remaining 7 lives."

I nodded with a smile.

Pinkie gasps "Oh! Did you two hear?"

I spoke "For the love of StarClan, don't sneak up on us! Cats are very jumpy."

Pinkie asks "Sorry, but did you know Nariko has a crush on Spinetusk, and Spinetusk has a crush on her, but neither of them know?"

Cadence had kicked Nariko in the rear, sending her crashing into Spinetusk thus causing the two to kiss.

Vera showed up. “Heehee! Ya haven’t changed a bit, Cadence.”

Cadence giggles "I may be leader of TundraClan but I don't interfere with relations in ThunderClan, WindClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan or SkyClan though."

Vera asks "So, you and Shining gonna hang out with me, Ignis, Chrysalis and Mandible for tonight?"

Cadence asks "Well, is there an available foalsitter for Flurry Heart?"

Vera spoke "Hana planned a play date for some of the others at the Chuddle Hotel, so she could go there."

Cadence spoke "I found two nascent alicorns. One mare and one stallion."

Vera asks "Really? Who?"

Cadence giggles "You two can come out now, Starlight and Sunburst."

Twilight spoke "Whoa, Sunset will definitely flip when she finds out."

Sunset spoke "I heard that Sparkle Butt!"

Twilight teases "So how was it with Sunrise?"

Sunset blushed as bright as Celestia’s sun at that.

Sunset spoke "Don't make me call Danyelle!"

Flash spoke "Hey Twi-Twi."

Twilight asks "Oh Flash! Perfect timing! Are our kids with you?"

Akari, Strawberry and Cherry were hanging off Flash's wings and tail.

Nyx was on Flash's head.

Flash spoke "Yep, they’re ready for their play date at the hotel."

Twilight spoke "I hope they get along with Mist and Dawn."

Flash spoke "We should try for another foal."

Twilight giggles "*Smirk* Sunset? Starlight? How’d you two, Sunrise and Sunburst like to join Flashy and I? We can even bring Trixie and Card Trick with us."

The two mares were surprised, but smirked with narrows eyes at that, accepting Twilight’s offer without hesitation.

Starlight spoke "I’ll get Trixie and Card."

Sunrise spoke "Oh no you don't Sun-Shim, you've got a foal on the way."

Danyelle was fluffed up since she saw something in her visions.

Sunset pouted at that.

Danyelle spoke "Uh girls... I saw something in my visions... Another draconequus, a female... Sh-she had a scorpion's tail...."

Vera spoke "*Happily* Oh! That’s Cosmos! She’s a blast to have around!"

Pandora growls "Not in MY book she ain't! She tried to take Discord from me!"

Vera spoke "Huh, never did get her backstory."

Pandora spoke "Pardon the tantrum but Cosmos is a total yandere! She tried to take Discord from me 2000 years ago when I had eggs on the way. Her and I fought like rabid lions every time we crossed paths. She's the reason why Yui's littermates didn't survive."

Vera asks "Wait a minute… *Looks a sudden pictures of Cosmos* Panny, did something seem off about Cosmos?"

Pandora spoke "She's just pissed because Discord chose me over her."

Vera spoke "Okay, but I don’t think she would’ve gone THAT crazy. Look."

Vera brought out two pictures, both showing Cosmos. One was her normal appearance, and the other was her eyes being black and her slits being dark-violet.

Discord spoke "She's freaking obsessed with me! She's more annoying than Malfunzonia is."

Vera spoke "Hmm… Something must’ve happened and took control of Cosmos, making her more aggressive and possessive. The Cosmos I knew cared about you, as family does. She never said anything about you being hers alone. That must’ve happened after she stopped visiting."

Pandora spoke "A month after Yui hatched, I had to seal Cosmos away in a world she can't escape from."

Vera spoke "I don’t know, whatever’s possessing Cosmos, it won’t be long before they break out."

Pandora spoke "I made sure the seal lasts for 4000 years though."

Vera asks And how long ago did you seal Cosmos?"

Pandora asks "2000 years ago, why?"

Vera groans "*Facepalm* It may take 2000 more years, but with whatever’s possessing Cosmos might weaken the seal faster, so it might not take as long."

Danyelle was fully fluffed up since her recent vision scared her.

Danyelle spoke "I fear she will break free on the summer solstice!"

Discord spoke "Oh no... That means we have only three weeks to ready ourselves."

Vera spoke "Yep. Just like I thought, whatever’s possessing Cosmos is definitely getting stronger."

Ozul suddenly showed up, tail straightened and fur not visibly standing on end. “Not good.”

Danyelle spoke "We should warn my counterpart about this since she had helped us when Discord went bonkers... Uh no offense Discord."

A mute tan earth mare with a bright blue mane and brown eyes was napping nearby.

Danyelle gasps "Is that…?"

Ooh, Danyelle looks a bit excited.

Ben spoke "Cool it Kitten."

Vera asks "But enough down in the dumps, all kids ready for the Big Play Date?"

Twilight’s children, the Cake Twins, and Flurry Heart, who appeared with Shining Armor via teleportation, smile with open mouths in agreement.

Danyelle spoke "Mel, Lettuce, play nice you two."

The two siren infants nod before crawling off to play.

We arrived at the Chuddle Hotel at the where the kids would have their play date. The others went off as Bramblestar and I volunteered to stay behind to keep an eye on them.

Yui had bumped into a male draconequus.

Yui spoke "Watch it punk."

The male spoke "Oh, my bad. Didn’t think I would encounter a beautiful lady such as you."

Yui was caught off guard at that with a blush.

Yui stammers "Sh-shut up... b-baka..."

The male Draconequus smirked as he stealthily stretched out and wrapped his tail around Yui’s, making her blush even more.

Yui stammers "What are y-you doing, you idiot?"

The male chuckles "*Coiling around Yui* This may be our first meeting, but I can tell you crave me, don’t you?"

An orange tabby Abyssinian tom with three dark orange stripes on his back was walking past with an all white Abyssinian she-cat with a pink ribbon on the tail.

The white Abyssinian spoke "Oh! Cousin Yuki! Cousin Haru! It's good to see you again!"

Haru asks "Cousin Marie?"

Yuki asks "That really you?"

Marie giggles "Oui, it is I. My brothers and half siblings are around somewhere."

Haru asks "Wouldn’t they be in Mareis, Prance?"

Marie spoke "Mother and stepfather wanted to visit aunt Naoko. But Milo and Lidia were being annoying."

Yuki asks "Mind introducing us to your tomfriend, eh Marie?"

Marie giggled.

Marie asks "Was it really that obvious?"

Both sisters giggle.

Haru spoke "Least I don't have to put up with annoying brothers."

Lune spoke "You're one to talk Haru, I saw you fawning over Humbert earlier."

The brown and white Abyssinian fainted with a major blush on her face.

Marie giggles "You were always a teaser, Yuki."

Oliver chuckles "Oh wow, one cousin in law's a prankster and the other freaks out a lot."

Some time passed, so it was noon, and the kids were hungry.

Nyx spoke "Mom!"

I grabbed some milk from the food summoner, enough for all of the kids.

Cherry was nursing from Twilight since she couldn't keep formula down yet.

I remember Twilight having cherry fruit before coming back to help nurse Cherry. But as we helped fed them, the kids started getting bigger and fatter, and when they were full, the kids were as big as us, maybe even a bit bigger, each of them weight at least 500 pounds. The kids started playing with each other again, as they added rolling around into the fun.

Lettuce and Melody were a pair of chubby little sirens.

Twilight spoke "Hmm… Maybe it was something in the cherries I ate that affected my milk, I am feeling a little pudgy and my chest does look bigger."

Danyelle giggles "Last time, it was strawberries."

Mist and Melody noticed each other and started tussling in laughter like two doughy boulders rolled into one. Whenever any of the kids bumped into each other, their bodies jiggled like jello, making the kids laugh.

Danyelle's fur had bristled since she had seen three Doberman Diamond Dogs and a Basset Hound Diamond Dog facing off against a group of Abyssinians.

Twilight spotted Golden Ingot trying to pull some kind of prank before Pound Cake and Pumpkin right on his face from both left and right, pinning him down as his screams were muffled before… the Cake Twins massively break wind.

They farted right on Ingot’s nose, making him faint from the odor before the two got up and started playing with each other and the rest of the kids again.

Danyelle was on her back while laughing as she subconsciously slipped into a nine-tailed form.

Danyelle laughs "That was gross but he had it coming!"

“No doubt about that.” I giggled in agreement before I noticed Danyelle’s form.

The other eight tails quickly vanished.

Danyelle asks "What?"

“Nevermind. My eyes were playing tricks.” I responded before all of the babies’ stomachs started rumbling so much, the ground started to shake. “Hit the dirt!” I said as myself, the teens and other present adults grabbed gas masks and took cover. The all of them broke wind as if a stink bomb warhead blew up, causing a huge mushroom stink cloud. But a few seconds later, the cloud and odor completely went away as we took off our masks, sighing in relief.

Danyelle quickly put up a sound and smell proof barrier around herself and the others.

But then all babies let out world-rattling belches.

“It least it was the attic this time.” I noted as all of the babies started with each other playing again.

Danyelle spoke "Better out than in as I always say."


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