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Castle Restoration/ Back to Ineighba

*Phantom's POV*

Thanks to the amount of alicorns and Pegasus-Abyssinian hybrids, Celestia's old castle was dismantled and moved into Ponyville to be rebuilt where Twilight's old home had been.

Spike spoke "I dunno… I think the castle might get upgrades."

Akari giggles "Uncle Spike!"

Spike spoke "Hehe, hey Akari."

The young filly pounces on Spike before tickling him.

Strawberry and Cherry also pounce on Spike.

Spike chuckles "C-Cut it out!"

Nyx giggles.

Rainbow spoke "Hehehe, Spike could be right about that, 'cause I have that same feeling."

I spoke "I don't know Skittles."

Rainbow spoke "Watch it, ghost-colt."

I retort "You had your head stuck in the ceiling when we first met."

Rainbow spoke "You caught me off guard."

I chuckle "But it was funny."

Sam spoke "You know Dash, you should've seen all the pranks Phantom had pulled on Golden Ingot."

Rainbow asks "Really?"

Sam spoke "For sure! There was one time Phantom had thrown a stick of dynamite at Kestin while pinning the blame on Ingot."

I spoke "To be honest Sam, I'm scared of outliving you."

Sam spoke "I see...."

Sam hugged me as I hugged her back.

I spoke in a soft voice as I cast the ascension spell. "From one to another, another to one. A mark of one's destiny singled out alone, UNfulfilled. From all of us together, to each of us together. With the marks of our destinies made one and one shared by all without end."

A flash of light engulfs Sam.

I spoke "This has to work..."

Danyelle asks "Will it work though Twilight-chan?"

Twilight spoke "I hope so."

Danyelle spoke "A drop less and it won't work."

When the light faded, Sam’s wings looked bigger before I noticed a horn on her forehead.

I sigh with relief.

A random alicorn spoke "It worked!"

I ask "Sam? You okay?"

Sam spoke "Y-Yeah. This’ll just take time getting used to."

The alicorns that used to be Pegasi nod in agreement.

I spoke "There's just one thing I want to ask you though Sam."

I knelt down on my left foreleg before pulling out a wedding band with an emerald on it.

I ask "Sam, will you marry me?"

Sam was definitely surprised as she gasped with hooves over her muzzle.

I asks "Is that a yes?"

Sam suddenly sniffled happy tears before tackling me with her wings and front legs hugging me. “Yes, you doofus! Yes!”

Twilight and the other lycans howl in delight.

Rainbow Dash smiled before her compact started ringing.

Danyelle spoke "I bet it's Emmy."

Rainbow Dash answered the compact.

Emerald asks "Rainbow-chan! You there?!"

Twilight spoke "We're all here in a recently rebuilt castle though."

Danyelle asks "What happened Emmy?"

Emerald spoke "Tenshi-chan’s gone missing! And what’s worse, she was on the Midnight Mirror!"

Twilight spoke "Oh StarClan no... I'm dispatching the fastest of the Alicorn Alliance to Ineighba right now!"

Twilight turns to face her fellow alicorns.

Twilight spoke "Rainbow Dash, Azure Wind, Lightning Dust, Soarin, Spitfire, Fleetfoot and Danyelle. You seven are the fastest in the Alliance, you and Cloud Spots are to head to Ineighba immediately!"

Roll asks "What about me, Vince, Lan and Maylu?"

Twilight spoke "Not a chance Roll. Especially since Maylu has a kitten on the way."

Maylu spoke "Darn.."

Rainbow Dash spoke "*Serious* No need to tell me twice. Speed squadron, move out!!!"

Azure Wind, Lightning Dust, Soarin, Spitfire, Fleetfoot and Danyelle spoke "Right!"

The six alicorns take flight as Danyelle airlifts Cloud Spots.

Fireheart spoke "Count me in too!"

The flame colored Abyssinian-Pegasus hybrid takes flight as well.

*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

Kidnapping a 7-year old innocent filly? That’s a BIG no-no on my account!

Cloud spoke "StarClan willing, we can save her!"

I nodded in agreement before we saw smoke up at Ineighba, telling us there was a crash!

Micah shows up courtesy of Twilight's magic before the pale yellow tabby Abyssinian-Pegasus hybrid whips up a strong gust of wind with just his wings alone to blow the smoke away.

Micah spoke "Good thing Moth Flight suggested that I help out."

Micah had several jars of honey strapped to his body in case someone was coughing from smoke inhalation.

We soon landed, meeting up with Seiko, Kanji, Kaze, Sunao, and who looked like was the changeling’s big brother, as we spotted that black-suited unicorn stallion from before tending to an injured adult earth pony stallion.

The stallion asks "*Concerned* Kojima-san! A-Are you all right!?"

Kojima asks "Wh-Where’s Tenshi…?"

Sunao brought a compact and called for an ambulance. “Hello? We need an ambulance, quickly. There’s been an accident. One adult male is injured…

A mare spoke "That’s right, I should call backup, too! We gotta find Shokubutsu!"

Kojima asks "Tenshi… Where’s Tenshi…?"

Emerald and the others showed up with an earth pony mare in tow.

Emerald gasps "What happened…?!"

Kojima gasps "…was on my way to Shokubutsu’s house… when I saw him… fly past me… I… I have chase… and he… dammit. Where’s Tenshi…? And Shokubutsu…? Find them… Please…!"

Seiko and Miran spoke "Uncle…"

Kaze spoke "But how…? Oh yeah, maybe there’s clues in the carriage!"

The mare spoke "Wait, you can’t! We need to preserve the scene!"

Sunao spoke "Then allow me and my brother. If it rains again while we wait, the information we need will be lost regardless."

Sunao’s brother spoke "Sunao’s right about that, ya know."

Danyelle spoke "Sunao, the Alicorn Alliance sent two medicine cats to help out."

Cloud and Micah got right to work on patching Kojima back up.

Emerald spoke "Look! There really is a TM (Tele-Mirror) in there!"

We looked at the delivery carriage and saw a mirror alright.

Sunao spoke "Yes, large enough of ponies of any size to fit through. Kochuu recovered a diary… Most likely kept by Shokubutsu himself."

Danyelle places a hand on the frame, triggering a vision of what happened before the crash.

Danyelle spoke "Man… That’s just crazy."

Kochuu read the diary, “I learned the existence of a new world. Thus, I must save creatures…”

Kanji asks “Save? The hell’s he mean by that?"

Kochuu turned the page before he gasped in shock. “Sunao, look at this!”

Sunao gasps "This… It’s a list of the victims’ home addresses! Junsei Riyu, Kiko Hayai… Shima Enaga, Kanji Tatsumi, Karei Shinai… Even the victims who survived and were never released to the public are written here. I note that Mr. Manuke’s address is absent from the list…"

The mare spoke "Wow… Then that settles it.

Sunao spoke "The last date is today’s… "I can’t believe such a small foal appeared on it. I must save this foal, no matter what.”"

Emerald asks "Is that… about Tenshi-chan!?"

Sunao reads “I managed to take her to safety. The police have been active lately… This will probably be the last time I write in this diary. I’ve done everything I can…”

Kaze spoke "It’s clear now… He used the same trick on all the victims. He’d just ring the bell, like he was making a normal delivery, then throw the victim into the TV in his truck…"

Kiko spoke "Maybe…"

Kaze spoke "Shokubutsu is the killer!"

Emerald spoke "We need to go save Tenshi-chan! Here, let’s use this mirror and-"

Goryuu spoke "Bad idea, sweetie."

Teddie asks "W-Wait a sec! Goryuu’e right! We don’t know where we’ll enter through this one! What if we end up somewhere dangerous?"

The mare spoke "There won’t be any fog tomorrow, so we should start searching tomorrow as well."

Teddie spoke "Exactly, Heifa!"

Kanji spoke "But…!"

Karei asks "If we fail, who’s going to save Tenshi-chan!?"

Dang it… They had a good point.

Sunao spoke "Saving her is our top priority from tomorrow onward. We’ll leave Shokubutsu’s whereabouts to the police. Kojima-san…"

The ambulance then arrived.

Micah and Cloud help the nurses get Kojima into the ambulance.

Danyelle spoke "We should report this to Rising Sun-hime right away. She can help us."

“Okay.” I say.

Later, I was with Seiko, Miran, Sunao and Kochuu in a room at a hospital, visiting Subarashi Kojima before he regained consciousness as his eyes opened.

Kojima spoke "You guys…"

Sunao asks "Are you alright…?"

Danyelle spoke "If it wasn't for the two toms, you wouldn't have been in any state to move... Or worse."

Azure was off talking with Rising Sun.

Kojiro spoke "I must look like hell right now…"

Sunao and Kochuu were silent

Kojiro spoke "Tenshi… She’s… my reason for living… If I lose her… I might as well be dead… ……She must be so scared right now… Waiting for someone to save her… And… here I am… *Cough! Cough!* When she needs me most… I’m helpless… *Voice breaking* What kind of father am I…? I can’t even protect my own daughter…!"

Sunao and Kochuu spoke "Kojima-san…"

Kojiro spoke "If anything happens to Tenshi… I’ll make Shokubutsu pay…! You can save Tenshi, right…? Seiko, Miran, I trust you both… Please… save her for me…! You two are the only ones I can turn to right now… *Reaches out front right leg* Please…"

Seiko and Miran nodded as they held Kojiro’s front right hoof.

Seiko spoke "We’ll do everything we can."

Miran spoke "Trust us and get some rest."

Sunao spoke "We will rescue Tenshi-chan at any cost. It may take some time, but you must put your faith in us and wait for us to return with her."

“Yeah, we’ll get Tenshi back, no matter what. And that’s a promise.” I assured as Seiko and Miran nodded in agreement at that.

Micah spoke "Cloud and I will be staying behind to keep an eye on him while you figure out a way to save Tenshi."

“Thanks.” I responded.

Cloud spoke "But since most medicine cats aren't fighters, we tend to stay in safer places. We are often found working at a hospital or at the Five Clan Clinic since it's managed by Spottedleaf, Yellowfang and Featherwhisker."

“The FCC?” I asked.

Micah spoke "Yeah, Spottedleaf's got knowledge that the other medicine cats don't have so the Five Clan Clinic works like a school to teach the medicine cats things they never knew before."

“Oh.” I noted.

Cloud spoke "Yeah but the only issue is that one unicorn... He would never approve of it."

*Meanwhile in Canterlot,*

Spottedleaf was talking to Neighsay about her clinic.

Spottedleaf growls "If you even think about shutting my clinic down, I'll drive my claws through your neck. Got it?"

Neighsay spoke "Just try me, feline! Your so-called clinic will never be acknowledged, even if it’s known worldwide!"

Spottedleaf spoke "Bad move too mister, I'm also an alicorn too!"

Spottedleaf's wings were fully spread wide to get her point across thus causing Neighsay to stammer a bit.

Spottedleaf growls "It's also funded by Celestia herself."

Neighsay however regained his composure as he started walking off. “One patient. One patient dies here, then not even Celestia can help you keep this clinic open.”

The wind started to pick up before Spottedleaf sends Neighsay flying with a Roar.

Spottedleaf spoke "Immortal or not, there isn't a cure for old age!"

Yellowfang spoke "Eyup, but he sure sounded dead-serious."

Spottedleaf groans "He's more dense than Lan."

Lan spoke "Hey!"

Maylu pulls Lan's right ear, shutting the brown tom up with a kiss on the lips.

Runo giggles "You had that one coming furbrain."

Maylu giggles "And I have something in mind for Lan."

Runo asks "But aren't you pregnant?"

Maylu spoke "Yeah, but that still doesn’t mean we can’t have fun."

Maylu while tracing a finger on Lan, making the tomcat blush as Runo giggled.

Lan's wings shot up on end.

Maylu giggles "Oh? Getting excited, Lanny-Wanny?"

Maylu suddenly mewed with a blush as she found one of Lan’s hands on her distended pregnant belly.

Lan chuckles "*Lustful purr* Oh, you have no idea, Maylu-Baylu."

Maylu then lustfully purred back as her tail intertwined with Lan’s.

Maylu spoke "And besides, I don't know if I'm having a boy or girl yet since I only feel one kitten in my belly."

Lan spoke "*As he placed his other hand behind Maylu’s neck* Hey, it’s a 50-50 chance."

Maylu placed one of her hands on top of Lan’s hand that was on her belly, and the other of one of his cheeks.

Maylu spoke "Lan…"

Lan spoke "Maylu…"

The two kissed deeply with purrs.

Ash sneezes out a weak flame.

Chrysalis' tail was on fire.

Chrysalis asks "Does anyone smell roast Changeling?"

Runo spoke "Ash, you little goober."

Mandible asks "Um… Chryssie?"

Chrysalis screams before running off to find some water to jump into.

A soft lilac colored Changeling filly with soft blue eyes was on her dad's back.

Iris spoke "Daddy!"

Haru spoke "That was... Unexpected..."

Mandible asks "What was?"

Runo spoke "Ash's dragon blood is starting to surface."

Mandible spoke "Oh."

Zecora slithers over but she was in a lot of pain since she had some shed skin that was sticking to her body.

Zecora spoke "Help..."

Haru spoke "Sure."

Runo spoke "Okay."

Zecora spoke "Fluttershy..."

Twilight picks Zecora up with magic before teleporting with the lamia-zebracorn to the Ponyville spa.

Twilight spoke "Oh Rarity, I didn't expect to see you here."

Rarity asks "What brings you here, Twilight?"

Twilight spoke "Zecora's got some stuck shed on her... It's a lamia thing. And I see you found two more alicorns."

Rarity spoke "Yes, it really surprised me."

Twilight giggles "I bet!"

The sound of a bow and arrow was heard since Blizzardstar was practicing for the upcoming Equestria Games.


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