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Jazz Cat

*Danyelle's POV*

After the playdate, the alicorn hunt had continued on. I was headed for Mareis with Serene and a few others to look for any possible alicorns. Little did I know, I was in for a musical adventure.

I ask "Hey Serene, where exactly are we going again?"

Serene spoke "Not sure, but I think it’s important."

We suddenly heard a singing voice.

A tomcat sang "I like the a chee-chee-chee-roni like they make at home or a healthy fish with a big backbone. I’m Abraham de Lacy Giuseppe Casey Thomas O’Malley. O’Malley the alley cat."

We noticed an orange furred Abyssinian tom singing while walking across the rooftops.

Marie calls out from aboard the zeppelin. "Hey Thomas! Up here!"

Thomas spoke "Well, would ya look at that. Marie, you’re back!"

Marie spoke "Oui but I'm not alone! I'm with a princess though! Two in fact!"

Thomas spoke "Whoa! Now that’s a surprise."

Yuki spoke "Oi vey, I'm only a princess through marriage.."

I spoke "Pegasus-Abyssinian hybrid prior to gaining immortality..."

Thomas spoke "Gotta admit, that second one’s a bit of a mouthful."

I spoke "A lot happened though."

Thomas spoke "Alright."

Marie spoke "It was bit of a shocker when I heard news about the Wedding of Harmony though. Oliver thought it had been a joke though."

Oliver spoke "That's what I said."

Thomas asks "Well, ya had to look into it, didn’t ya?"

Oliver spoke "Well, yeah."

Thomas spoke "Heh, something tells me that Wedding really happened."

I spoke "And to think, this all started with Spottedleaf's reincarnation ten years ago. If she hadn't reincarnated, MeadowClan would have never been formed."

Lune spoke "Hey Thomas."

Thomas spoke "Hey, lil’ Lune. Well, guess ya ain’t really lil’ anymore."

Yuki and Haru were giggling since Lune was flustered.

Lune spoke "Dude, not in front of my wife and sister in-law..."

Marie giggles "Oh come on, Lune. Thomas likes having fun."

Serene spoke "It feels good to be home."

Thomas asks "You all look pretty tired from the trip, why don’t we crash at our home tonight?"

I spoke "Thank you kind sir."

Over the day, we had quite a trip before finding Thomas’ home, and it was at night.

Thomas spoke "There it is."

I spoke "It's not much but it will have to do."

But as soon as I said that, the lights came off as the window burst open with loud jazz music playing.

Thomas chuckles "Oh! *Chuckle* Oh, no. Sounds like Scat Cat and his gang have dropped by."

Vincent chuckles "My sister just HAD to jinx it though."

Roll asks "Why don't we drop in and say hi?"

Thomas spoke "Well, okay."

We went to the window and saw a gang of Abyssinian tomcats.

Thomas spoke "Hey, Scat Cat, blow some of that sweet stuff my way."

One of the Abyssinians, revealed as Scat Cat, played the trumpet before he laughed.

Scat spoke "Well, lookie here. Big tom O’Malley’s back in his alley. Swing on down here, daddy."

Thomas jumped down and slid across piano keys before catching onto a pillar.

Thomas chuckles "Lay some skin on me, Scat Cat. *High fives Scat* Yeah!"

Peppo spoke "*Playing accordion* Buona sera, paesano."

Hit Cat spoke *Lifting colored sunglasses* Welcome home, O’Malley."

I teleported in with my two brothers and their girls as Lune teleported with Yuki, Haru, Serene, Marie and Oliver.

Scat chuckles "Well, this is a surprise O'Malley. Ya brought in a pair o' princesses."

Thomas spoke "Friends, this is the greatest cat of ‘em all."

I spoke "My name is Princess Danyelle Hikari, these two are my brothers. Princes Lan and Vincent Hikari."

Roll spoke "I'm Princess Roll Hikari, the reddish pink is my sister, Maylu Sakurai."

Yuki spoke "I'm Princess Yuki, the brown and white is my sister, Haru."

Lune spoke "I'm Prince Lune."

Oliver spoke "And I'm Oliver."

“We’re pleased to meet you, Scat Cat.” I greeted.

Scat Cat spoke "Likewise, Princess Danyelle. *Kiss back of my hand* You’re too much."

Scat Cat started raising and lowering his hat as none of us girls could help but giggle at Scat’s charm.

Marie giggles "You never change Uncle Scat Cat."

“Wow, the music here’s very different, yet really exciting.” I noted.

Scat chuckles "Say, this royal cat knows where it’s at."

That left most of us confused.

Haru asks "Knows where what's at?"

Scat sings "Why, young lady, let me elucidate here. Ev’rybody wants to be a cat because a cat’s the only cat who knows where it’s at"

O’Malley sings "Tell me, ev’rybody’s pickin’ up on that feline beat ‘cause ev’rything else is obsolete"

Scat sings "Strictly high-button hoofwear"

O’Malley sings "A square with a horn makes you wish you weren’t born"

Scat sings "Ev’ry time he plays"

O’Malley sings "But with a square in the act, you can set music back"

Scat sings "To the cavebeast days, cha-cha-ba-dum-bo-day"

O’Malley sings "I’ve heard some corny birds who tried to sing"

Scat sings "But, still, a cat’s the only cat who knows how to swing"

Billy Boss asks "Who wants to dig a long-haired gig or stuff like that?"

O’Malley and Scat sing "When ev’rybody wants to be a cat. A square with a horn makes you wish you weren’t born. Ev’ry time he plays"

Oliver sings "Oh, a rinky tinky tinky"

O’Malley and Scat sing "With a square in the act you can set music back to the cavebeast days

Marie sings "Oh, a rinky tinky tinky"

O’Malley and Oliver spoke "Yeah"

O’Malley, Scat, Marie and Oliver sing "Ev’rybody wants to be a cat because a cat’s the only cat who knows where it’s at. When playin’ jazz you always has a welcome mat 'cause everybody digs a swingin’ cat"

Milo grabs a pull cord as the lights started changing color with the tempo going up.

Shun Gon laughs "*Playing drums* Oh, boy, fellas, let’s rock the joint."

Billy Boss laughs "Ha-ha, groove it, cats."

Billy laughed as Shun played the cymbal and the music became more up-tempo.

Lune dances with Yuki as the song carries on.

I flew about as I sang along.

We then heard fast piano playing as we saw a tomcat with a red bowtie.

Marie spoke "Berlioz!"

Shun laughs *Plays piano with chopsticks* Maneghai, Hoof Kong, egg foo yung *Laughter* Fortune cookie always wrong *Laughter* That’s a hot one."

Oliver asks "Shall you and I, Marie?"

Marie spoke "Of course, Oliver, let’s swing it."

Oliver and Marie started dancing with each other.

Toulouse chuckles "Groovy sis, groovy!"

Scat spoke "*Places hat on Oliver* Blow it, small fry. Blow it."

Oliver blew the trumpet very loudly as it was off key.

Shun chuckles "Boy, he blew it."

Peppo spoke "*Playing accordion* But he was-a close."

I was soon playing the harp as Marie sang.

Marie sings "If you want to turn me on. Play your horn, don’t spare the tone and blow a little soul into the tune."

Scat then blew the trumpet soulfully.

Oliver sings "Let’s take it to another key."

Scat sings Modulate and wait for me, I’ll take a few ad-libs and pretty soon..."

Scat sat on a window ledge and blew his trumpet, attracting other Abyssinians and five familiar Diamond Dogs that Oliver knew.

Oliver sings "The other cats will all commence, congregating’ on the fence beneath the alley’s only light."

Marie sings "Where every note is out of sight."

Lune sighs peacefully while curling his tail around Yuki's tail.

Scat Cat then played his trumpet up-tempo as that excited the rest of his gang.

Jazz Cats sang "*As Scat Cat was on the piano that Shun is playing before Peppo, Hit Cat and Billy Boss got onto the piano as well* Ev’rybody, ev’rybody. Ev’rybody wants to be a cat. Hallelujah *Floor cracking under Shun, his chair and piano* Ev’rybody, ev’rybody *As the Jazz Cats and their instruments fell throughout the floors* Ev’rybody wants to a cat. I’m tellin’ you, ev’rybody *Jazz Cats and their instruments arrived at the first floor with a odd note from Scat’s trumpet* Ev’rybody"

I’ve heard of bringing the house down, but that gave the expression a whole new meaning as the Scat and the Jazz Cats left the house and walked off, still playing their instruments incredibly well, even though they got damaged.

Jazz Cats sang "Ev’rybody wants to be a cat. Yeah, ev’rybody! Ev’rybody! Ev’rybody wants to be a cat! *As we saw them off with other Abyssinians following them in rhythm* Ev’rybody, ev’rybody! Ev’rybody wants to be a cat! Hallelujah! Ev’rybody! Ev’rybody! Ev’rybody wants to be a cat…"

The music and singing faded as they paraded away.

A quintet of howls were heard since Oliver's friends had shown up to the party despite the fact it had ended.

The only bitch of the five spoke "Hey Oliver."

Oliver spoke "Everyone! You’re here!"

I giggle "The Midget's here too."

Tito whines "Hey!"

Oliver spoke "She's got a point Tito, you are rather short for a Diamond Dog."

Serene spoke "He’s a chihuahua."

I spoke "*yawn* Goodness, it's getting late."

Dodger started a little fight with the other three males.

After getting beaned in the head by Tito since the Chihuahua had been thrown, Rita spoke "Oh, what a bunch of overgrown- Oh! Alright! That's it!"

I spoke "Heh, dogfight."

O’Malley spoke "At least it doesn’t go airborne."

I giggle "Diamond Dogs hate heights."

I was soon bowled over by Francis.

I growl "Oh, what a bunch of overgrown- Oh! Alright! That's it!!"

I pounce on the four male dogs as Rita joined in.

Yuki spoke "Males..."

Oliver spoke "*Ahem*"

Haru's neck fur bristles up since she heard a quartet of growls.


“Hmm?” I noted.

Three Doberman Diamond dogs and a Basset Hound Diamond had shown up.

I growl "Well, if it isn't Edgar, Sykes, Roscoe and DeSoto... WHAT are you four doing here?"

I fired a Lightning Neko Yowl into the air, alerting the Jazz Cats.

Edgar asks "*Cleaning himself* Do you have any idea how long it took me to get back here from Timbucktu?"

I snarl as lightning crackles all over my body. "If you even THINK of hurting Marie and her brothers, I will personally RIP OUT YOUR EYES AND SHOVE THEM DOWN YOUR THROAT SO YOU CAN SEE MY CLAWS TEAR YOUR CARCASS OPEN! AND THE SAME GOES FOR YOU SYKES!"

Edgar gasps "Wait a minute, the kittens are all grown up. Does that mean…?"

I sock Edgar in the face with a Lightning Neko Fist, sending him careening into the blue collared Doberman Diamond Dog.

I snarl as my tail had split into nine. "BEAT IT JERK!!!"

Yuki gasps "Great StarClan... Danyelle... Your tail..."

The Jazz Cats gang up on Edgar, biting and clawing him.

Edgar spoke "Gah! Oof! Get off me you little brutes!"

Lune slashes DeSoto's nose, causing the dog to yelp.

Haru pounces on Roscoe and sank her fangs into the dog's skin.

I pulled out a dog whistle.

I spoke "Dodger! Rita! Midget! Francis! Einstein! COVER YOUR EARS!!!"

The five dogs plug their ears before I blew on the whistle as it caused Edgar, Sykes, Roscoe and DeSoto to cower in fear.

Edgar spoke "Blast! I forgot that painful screeching!"

A high pitched tone of my Lightning Neko Yowl had busted the eardrums of the four male dogs, rendering them permanently deaf.

Thomas spoke "Ooh! That’s gotta sting."

Oliver spoke "That was why she warned Dodger and his friends to plug their ears."

The guards soon arrest the four deaf dogs and drag them away.

I spoke "Well, that's the end of that mess."

I suddenly heard a clatter, like something spherical and small was bouncing before it rolled.

I ask "What in StarClan's name is that?"

But then we saw a glowing light in the distance before it faded.

I flew up before my eyes shimmer.

I spot something odd.

I went there and saw some kind of big furry ball, before so noticed the limbs on it.

The creature spoke "Um… Help? I’m stuck, and by that, I mean being a giant ball."

I use a weight transfer spell, sending the extra weight straight to Vera.

The creature spoke "Oh, thank you very much. Still, I cannot believe I ate that food."

I ask "Wait... That you Georgette?"

The poodle Diamond Dog asks "Danyelle?"

I call out the midget's name before he came running.

Tito asks "What is it?"

I pointed my tail at Georgette, thus surprising Tito.

Tito gasps "Georgette?!"

I teleport to a quiet place so the two could catch up.

I pull out my magic compact before contacting Rarity.

I spoke "Hey Rarity, there's something I should warn you about since it concerns your pet cat."

Rarity asks Hmm? What is it?"

I spoke "As it turns out.... Haru's cousins know an anthro mouse... But if I know Opal, she might try to eat him..."

Rarity spoke "*Gasp!* Oh dear! I’ll inform Fluttershy of it then."

I giggle "I busted the eardrums of four aggressive Diamond Dogs earlier."

Rarity stifled a giggle at that before she noticed something. “Oh! The moon’s full.”

I laugh "Dog whistle plus my Lightning Neko Yowl. But uh Rares, the full moon's not for another three nights."

Rarity spoke "Oh! My apologies, clouds must’ve been covering the moon."

But I wondered, how did Georgette get in that situation in the first place?

A voice spoke "Hello."

I turned around, seeing Stitch, much to my surprise.

I spoke "I'll talk to you later Rarity, something came up."

I close the compact before putting it in my hammerspace.

I ask "What's up Stitch?"

Stitch spoke "Cousin!"

But then my compact rang as I opened it, seeing Jumba this time.

Jumba asks "Little cat, are you there?"

I spoke "Yeah, I'm here. I'm somewhere near Haru's aunt's mansion right now."

Jumba spoke "Listen, be on lookout for Experiment 062. Pomp dog girl was lucky you came around."

I groan "For the love of... Georgette's not an experiment... but I did pick up a trace of oil on her breath."

Jumba asks "That was not what I meant. She ate Experiment 062’s meals, no?

Georgette spoke "Wait! A strange pony did give me that weird food!"

I spoke "If 062 is near, so would Gantu..."

Jumba spoke "Normally, would be concerning. But if it is Experiment 062, not much to worry about."

I spoke "Well, Stitch and Reuben are on my side though. I found them both... Or rather... Stitch found me and Reuben in Neighpon."

Jumba spoke "Yes, but it is very important to resist eating an experiment’s meals!"

I spoke "You know I have a weakness for curry and strawberries though."

Jumba asks "Strawberry only ingredient. And memory says you have weakness for ramen too, no?"

I spoke "Y-yeah... But a strawberry isn't just an ingredient, it's good on its own too. Don't tell Applejack OR Rainbow this but I know a recipe for strawberry cider."

Jumba spoke "Alright. But it is very important you hear this very carefully. Because-"

The connection was suddenly cut off.

I spoke "Jumba! What happened?! Okay, something is interfering with the compacts..."

Stitch spoke "Ih."

A pony spoke "*Ahem!* Bon appetit!"

We turned around to see a strange small, blue/grey-and-white, mustached pony about Stitch’s height with the strange chef’s hat on it, four front legs, black eyes, a small mouth, a spatula cutie mark and his tail was somehow a spatula. In his magic, he held a plate, having ramen and curry on them.

I politely decline since I wasn't hungry.

But the unicorn insisted.

“I think he wants us to eat.” I said to Stitch as he nodded in agreement. “We really shouldn’t.”

Stitch spoke "Naga."

I pick Stitch up before flying away.

I spoke "Good thing Jumba warned me about it."

We managed to get up onto a rooftop as we landed.

I spoke "We need a plan..."

Stitch spoke "Accata."

But when the two of us turned around, we found ourselves tasting the unicorn’s curry and ramen. It… it… it was… DELICIOUS!!! I had to have more as Stitch and I dug right in.

Reuben wingslaps Stitch and I hard on the back of the head, snapping us out of the trance.

Reuben spoke "Figures I had to save your sorry tails from 062's food."

“Wait, how come your aren’t-?” I was about to ask Reuben.

Reuben spoke "I make my own food, thank you."

But then 062 smirked before Stitch and I suddenly became giant bowling balls.

I fired a Lightning Neko Yowl at 062, knocking him out cold.

But then Gantu appeared and swiped him.

Gantu laughs "Ha! Thanks for doing all the hard work."

Reuben suddenly threw all the unfinished food at Gantu’s open mouth before they went down his gullet, before he became a ginormous bowling ball.

Gantu gasps "What’s happening to me?!"

“Stitch!” I called out as he and I rolled very quickly into Gantu, making him bounce away as he dropped 062 before we caught him.


Gantu was sent flying far away.

“Well, we should help French Fry find his one true place. And I think I have an idea where, but that can wait for tomorrow.” I said.

Flying over, Lan spoke "Sis! I have a great location in mind! It's at a local pizzeria that's managed by a Pegasus named Tony."

“Pizza?” I asked in interest. “But that wasn’t what I really had in mind.”

Lan spoke "Don't make me tell Vince."

Reuben spoke "Eh don’t worry. Jumba told me it’ll wear off in a whole day, being 24 hours."

I gasp "A WHOLE DAY?!?"

My wings were flapping in a panic.

I spoke "I can't let Ben see me like this!"

Vera showed up. “Remember that spell you used on Georgette?”

I spoke "I can't use it on myself!"

Vera sighed at that as she snapped her fingers, with Stitch and I back to normal, much to my relief.

Vera spoke "French Fry could stay with me."

I spoke "Under the condition he makes healthier food since too much fatty foods can make folks sick."

Vera spoke "Don’t worry, any food Hana or I make are healthy no matter what, and no one gets sick from them."

I had to admit, Vera had a point.

I spoke "We don't need a repeat of that one time my counterpart lost the fur off her tails due to an oil allergy..."

*Back at Marie's place*

I had soon returned with Lan.

I spoke "Hey Scat Cat, let's get this party started!"

Scat chuckles "Alrighty then!"

We then partied the night away, having tons of fun and danced till we dropped, fast asleep.


Author's Note:

Crossover with AristoCats along with Oliver and Company

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