• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Fashionable Tension

Equestria. Magehold. Afternoon.

Living here was the Gym Leader Fantina. Stripped of most of her memories apart from her knowledge of Pokemon, she was forced to work here at Magehold, becoming the teacher for the young vampires. And despite how she stuck out from everyone else, the children grew close to Fantina, mainly due to how she saved their lives and teaches them about Pokemon.

However, Fantina's lessons branched off from just teaching them about Pokemon. More of her interests snuck in. Currently, the young vampires were being taught how to dance by the Hearthome City Gym Leader, who was a master in dancing, Contests, Battles and more.

Naturally, for these young vampires, dancing was not their speciality, as seen by how many were stumbling, tripping, slipping and tumbling when dancing on their own or by themselves.

"It's alright, children." Fantina would pick up one of the downed ponies. "It will take time, but you'll get used to it. Dancing isn't what you usually do here, but it's something that entices everyone, I can guarantee it. I should be expecting Ebony Rhyme to show up soon as well."

"Wish there was a spell that could just do it for us." A colt vampire said, looking at his hoof which had become a bit sore from a case of poor balance and hoofwork. "Does anyone have a curse for that?"

"You want a curse? Here's this!" Reacting to his question was a filly vampire, zapping the young colt with her unique Curse Magic. The hooves of this little colt would suddenly grow talons, the ones that belonged to avians.

"Hey-hey!" The colt bellowed after witnessing both his front hooves and back hooves being turned into the talons of an avian. From the looks of these talons, they seemed to belong to crows. All the other children would laugh as the crow-hoofed boy would start stumbling about, having even more poor balance than when he tried dancing.

And because of her actions, the others would start using spells on each other, trying to see what they could do to make dancing easier. But in reality, nothing would help them at all. The level of dancing Fantina had was something that had to be taught extensively. And of course, they just didn't have access to such a spell.

"Children, play nice. Tearstrings, turn your brother back." Fantina ordered. But she would do it in a gentle and calming way rather than a stern command. After all, Fantina knew how the vampires were and what they enjoy. And with this calming aura, she could communicate well with the vampires without much issue. "Now...Let's try another dance step. This will-"

"Fantina." Entering the room was another vampire. This time, an adult vampire as she walked in on this dancing activity. A few other vampires showed up, meeting with the Expert Coordinator.

"Ah...Um, who are you?" Fantina questioned, trying to figure out who these ponies where exactly since they showed up.

"Hm. You haven't seen us for these past months, haven't you? The actual teachers of this school." The rather tall and slim pony said with an uppity tone. "You have only been coming in and out of the school constantly. With such short hours too..."

"I'm rather jealous that she gets shorter hours than us..." A vampire whispered to another.

"Ah, the teachers. Nice to meet fellow teachers." Fantina kneeled, holding out her arm to greet them all. "I thought I was on my own, honestly..."

"Miss Fantina." The tall vampire did not greet her back. "What have you been teaching the children? Dancing? Really?"

"Mhm." Fantina nodded in confirmation. "I decided on it a few weeks ago. One of the children caught me dancing in my room and passed it on. So I figured I would teach them how to dance."

"Mmm...No need for that. No need for everything else you've shown and taught them." The tall vampire shook her head before scoffing. "You were sent here to teach them about Pokemon. Not this. You have been getting rather comfortable here...especially since her majesty, the Lich Queen hasn't done much at all about this."

"It must be too merveilleux for her then." Fantina giggled before twirling. "I assure you, they don't just have to learn about Pokemon."

"Miss Fantina, we've been getting some complaints from the parents because of this. They've been constantly saying that their children have been acting differently at home and even elsewhere." The tall pony continued. "Obviously, this is because of your influence on them. That much is clear since you have been tasked with teaching these children more than us. The Lich Queen sees Pokemon as crucial for you to take up most of their time. And that leaves us with almost nothing."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Fantina apologized sincerely. "I didn't know you weren't able to work because of me. But I took a small break and everything."

"We do not need your apology. We said almost nothing. Our chances have come but the children are less focused on their magical capabilities and more on which Pokemon of theirs can eat the fastest. Are you taking this job seriously?"

"Mm-mm." The other teachers were inclined to disagree. Each of them saw Fantina as too carefree. In this school, where the children are raised to have powerful curses and grow to be mighty vampires, something like this was frowned upon as seen by the synchronized frowns on their faces that were all identical.

"Of course I am. I take everything to heart." Fantina stood tall, putting her hand on her chest. There was no mistaking her actions. Fantina did everything with full effort. She was just that passionate, especially since she is a coordinator. "And the children rather enjoy it, don't they?"

"We do!" The children all bellowed at the same time, startling the ears of the other teachers.

"The fact that her majesty is allowing this is rather confusing...For this many months?" The tall vampire held her head, rather confused as to how this came to be. The dreadful aura around this school was starting to lessen because of Fantina's presence. "Surely this will all pay off, somehow."

"It'd better." A voice echoed through this room, grabbing everyone's attention as they would look everywhere for the source of this voice. But the source would come to them.

Appearing into this classroom with a dark purple and blue flash of magic was none other than Magehold's Diva and Fashionable Vampire, Opal Vivacity. In her fashionable mane, she appeared to meet with Fantina after what her older brother, Fractured Note had spouted at the dinner table.

"Miss Opal?" The teachers all said before backing up, making way for this vampire. And from the way Opal was walking with her head and chest held high, she was rather important to them.

"Fantina." Opal Vivacity spoke her name. "I finally get to meet you up close. I'm surprised it took this long, honestly. So you've been making waves across Magehold recently. Small waves but still..."

"Bonjour. It's nice to meet you. Judging from your massively elegant hair...you must be Opal Vivacity, oui?"

"So you already know about me. Off to a good start." Opal proudly smiled, taking any form of recognition to fuel her pride and ego. "What's this about dancing?"

"Listen to this, Miss Opal." The tall pony walked over, whispering in the ears of the fashionable vampire. She would share everything that's been said here so far to Opal for her to gather. And judging by Opal's face reacting to the news, she wasn't too pleased with what she was hearing.

"Is that it? My, you've certainly made quite an impact, haven't you?" Opal looked back at Fantina with a rather condescending tone. "It's almost at the same pace as how I stuck out..."

"Well, I do my best." Fantina giggled. "Honestly, I've been meaning to speak with you as well after I hear about how fashionable you dress. By any chance, do you dance as well?"

"Oh, you won't catch me dancing. Not for one bit. We don't do that here at Magehold. Though I may be fashionable, you won't be seeing anything bombastic involving it, apart from when I enter the scene with my stunning looks."

"Hmm...No fashion shows? This place doesn't strike me as one for it though..." Now that Fantina thought about it, Magehold's whole ambience and aesthetic said otherwise. "Well! There's always a place for us to start!"

"I'm sorry what? You're not seriously planning on having one, are you?" Opal pulled back as judging from Fantina's words, she wanted to make it happen.

"Children!" Fantina swivelled, facing the young vampires. "Here's something we can plan on~How about we surprise your parents with a fashion show?"

"Oooh!" The children all cooed. That suggestion piqued their interest. The fillies were most definitely interested and the most excited to get into it.

"Wear whatever you think suits you. If you have anything to wear." Fantina continued as the children immediately started babbling and speaking amongst each other. They were already discussing what they would bring to this show. Fantina herself would focus on making this possible.

But the children would already scatter, going for whatever they could find in this classroom. And thanks to Fantina's presence and influence, the ratio of dark and ominous decorations and objects to light and flashy decorations and objects ad been balanced out. There was a perfect balance between them. Fantina managed to find this balance without making the room lose too much of its darkness.

"Hang on. You're not allowed to make these orders." The tall pony halted Fantina. "That responsibility is on us. Not you."

"I can't?" Fantina looked over with a puzzled face. "It's only a small thing. And it will be outside of the school, I promise you."

"Oh. I'm afraid it doesn't." Opal stepped forward. "You're the equivalent of a substitute teacher here. We are your superiors, Fantina. And what we say goes. But you haven't exactly been around us for that long for you to realize that. You've been far too busy spending time with the children, teaching them whatever it is you know. That is to be expected."

"Hm-hm." Fantina smiled at Opal's pompous tone. "Well, you've been too busy with your mane to truly take care of these children, so that makes us even in a way."

"Ah!" Opal gasped as Fantina replied by targeting Opal's mane. Opal, being full of vanity, didn't take too lightly for that. The other vampires would scrunch their faces after hearing that response, wishing Fantina never said that. "Watch your tongue, human...You're already getting far too comfortable and familiar here..."

"And I'm starting to like it here." Fantina crossed her arms before looking outside of the window which showed the Heavenly Maiden Tree. "Magehold is an interesting place and I wish to see more of it. But I haven't gotten that chance. Perhaps I am too busy around the children. Hahaha!"

"Eventually, that'll come to an end..." Opal said, referring to the Black Crusade and how Fantina would become a part of it down the road. "So take it all in while you can. Unless something here catches you by surprise and finishes it off early."

"Well, said. Well, said." The other teachers nodded in approval of Opal Vivacity's words. Opal was obviously hinting at the fact that many things in Magehold were intensely dangerous to Fantina in every way.

"But don't take my words too seriously. Please. Do whatever you please, if you can even get the permission to do so." Opal continued to taunt the Hearthome City Gym Leader. "The children will have to leave school behind one day, so you'll truly be a substitute teacher from start to finish. And I doubt you'll even see that defect of a vampire around anytime soon."

"Defect...?" Fantina repeated, wondering who Opal Vivaicty was referring to. It didn't take long for Fantina to realize who it was about. Her friend Ebony Rhyme, the Potion Maker. "Ebony?! She isn't a defect!""

"Is she not? Apart from her lack of vampiric Curse Magic...She doesn't have long. Well, compared to us anyway." Opal used her magic to bring over a dark-coloured apple, feeling a bit peckish. "But you don't know, do you?"


"She's more than just lacking in Curse Magic. She doesn't have the same lifespan as ours. How pathetic is that?!" Opal cackled, revealing a shocking truth about Ebony Rhyme. "She came out with such flaws! She's far younger than us as we've been around for centuries. I wouldn't say she's younger than the children here, but even they will outlive her. Her life is just as short as yours. How fitting that both of you share that?"

"So what if I'm a defect?!" Shouting at Ebony Rhyme after entering this room was none other than the pony herself. Everyone stopped what they were doing, even the children, to glance at the potion maker. She finally arrived after Fantina waited for her.

And when standing at the door with her massive carriage of potions, the usually deadpan vampire had a rather agitated face that also made her eyes twitch. Those twitching eyes along with the trembling of her mouth made her look like she was on the very of whimpering. It was unknown how much she heard or when she got here.

"Look who it is." Having a minimal filter, Opal would speak to Ebony Rhyme with that cocky tone even after pointing out her disadvantages. "How long have you been there? Heard everything, or should I go into further detail for your friend here? Your lack of wings is something we can talk about."

"It doesn't matter...So what if I'm a defect? I don't care if I don't live as long as you all..." Ebony Rhyme as her tone was starting to shift from the usual monotone version. "At least it means I won't be around you all for much longer." She would immediately leave, refusing to be here any longer.

"Ebony, wait!" Fantina yelled after seeing her vampiric friend rush out of her. She didn't even bring her carriage with her. It was too heavy for her to run with.

"You're just as fragile as her to whatever lurks here...It's honestly surprising she's lasted that long. Those potions must grant incredible luck, if that's the case. Not as great as my mane though." Opal laughed along with the teachers, revelling in Ebony Rhyme's negative emotion. They knew they had annoyed her and they loved it. They have been looking down on her all these years after all.

Fantina watched the door where Ebony Rhyme ran out, staying silent while the sound of the teachers laughing was the most prominent sound. Not even the children wanted to say anything about this. After all, they had also grown a bond with Ebony Rhyme, attending her classes and brewing potions with her. The sound of these vampires laughing her friend's sadness rubbed Fantina the wrong way. Though Ebony wasn't full of many emotions, running away like that while having a slow-shifting tone gave it away. If she could see Ebony Rhyme now, tears could be forming at this moment.

"Miss Opal..." Fantina said Opal's name, giving some formality to it.

"Hm? Yes?" Opal would cease her laughing, letting out a slight chuckle before proudly looking over at Fantina. "What is-" Opal was suddenly caught off guard by the stare that Fantina gave her.

Fantina had shadows over her eyes as her pupils gave a piercing stare that startled the other teachers when they caught a glimpse of the Ghost-Type expert's face. Even the students backed away slowly as they had not seen Fantina with this expression before. She was always so gentle and lively. But this face was the opposite of that.

And upon a closer look, Fantian even resembled that of a spectre with how chilling the look in her eyes were, making her pupils even seem nonexistent.

"W-What are you looking at me for like that..." Opal stuttered, feeling a strong sense of intimidation. "Why am I feeling intimidated by her all of a sudden?"

"I believe I can ask your brother for this permission." Fantina turned away, leaving the scene as she brought up Fractured Note.

"My brother? Hah! I doubt he'll even let you go through with this!" Opal scoffed, nearly wheezing. But there was a visible sweatdrop on her after Fantina gave her that look. She would wipe it away, feeling rather glad that Fantina was out of here. Her attention would then be drawn to the children. "Alright, children. Toss away whatever Fantina was suggesting. You're here to become better vampires for the future. Your curse magic is untapped and we can't have things like this slow you down, apart from the knowledge of Pokemon. Hurry up and get back to work."

"Yess Miss Opal..." The children all said with low and disappointed voices. It was very clear how they viewed both Fantina and Opal Vivacity.

Fantina would start searching for Ebony Rhyme, wanting to comfort her friend. She ran through the dark hallways which had various eyes poking out of them, following the Hearthome City Gym Leader. Fantina could only think of one place. Ebony Rhyme's home.

"Fantina." Stopping Fantina's movements was the voice of Fractured Note. Or rather, his presence. Fantina would dash past the figure of Fractured Note who blended in well with the dark, despite having a dark coat. He expected her to see him, casually standing by the windows.

"Ah. Fractured Note!" Fantina gasped. "I want to speak with you after I found Ebony."

"You can go and do that as soon as you can, Fantina. Because I'll allow it." Fractured Note walked out of the shadows where the light of moon would shine down on him.

"Eh? Allow it? Are you referring to..."

"I am." The servant to Rosa Maledicta nodded, showing more respect to Fantina than the other vampires aside from Ebony Rhyme. "That idea of yours can pass through. My sister may be famous, but I have high authority over her and everyone else due to my status as the Lich Queens' servant. That Fashion Show of yours will be allowed."

"Oh! Merci!" Fantina was elated to hear that, putting her hands together. "That's wonderful of you to say, Mr Fractured Note!"

"It's just Fractured. Or Sir Fractured. And before I send you off, here's a suggestion. Invite Opal to it." Fractured Note gave out a shocking bonus to this now-approved fashion show.

"Invite Opal!? Why?"

"Well, not to the whole thing. I'd suggest near the end." Fractured Note suddenly generate a list right in front of him and Fantina. "Here are the guidelines I've already thought of. You are free to do whatever you want in this Fashion Show to the best of your abilities. I trust you will execute it perfectly. However, there is one mandatory rule. You must have a Pokemon Battle at the end. And I suggest that you battle against my sister, Opal."

"Alright...But why would you want me to battle against Opal, exactly?" Fantina asked.

"Just something I'll do for my sister. Don't worry too much about it." Fractured Note put on a smile before passing the guidelines to Fantina. "Good luck. It's best that you and the children make the decorations than anyone else. That will leave you with maybe a day or two. But do take your time."

"Righ! I'll do my best~" Fantina said before going on her way to meet with Ebony Rhyme.

"And plus...it would be a great way to see the look on her face..." But Fractured Note obviously did this for a reason. There was a reason why Opal Vivacity would be involved in this. And frankly, he was looking forward to the end more than anything.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 54 End.

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