• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Birth of a Harmony most Dark

Universe 11. Equestria. Canterlot Castle.

Equestria. Before it became the Solar Empire. The eyes of its ruler would open to see the beautiful halls of Canterlot Castle. The eyes of Daybreaker, or in this case, Princess Celestia. One minute, she was viewing the area of Full Valley in the Kalos Region and the next, she saw her castle.

She felt her mane, no longer feeling the blazing heat that it once possessed. It was back to that ethereal appearance. Celestia was a bit out of it.

"Sister? Are you alright?" Just then, a familiar voice rang through her ears. The voice of the one she had lost and was the cause of her emerging as Daybreaker. The unexpected voice of Luna, her beloved sister, echoed through the regal halls of Canterlot Castle. Daybreaker's eyes widened slightly at the sight of Luna, alive and well, a stark contrast to the memories that had haunted her for so long.

"Luna?" Celestia uttered after seeing her sister. To see Luna again was stunning, even if she's already seen Universe 1's Luna. But this was her Luna. Only a memory of her. And the layout of this entire scene was familiar to Celestia. And yet, seeing her sister sparked no massive reaction from her.

"All of this must really be taking a toll on you," said Luna. "You can't falter now. Not when the Changelings are starting to turn up their aggression."

"Oh, that's right..." It hit Celestia. This presentation of the past was when the war against the Changelings and the Dread League was still ongoing. This war was the cause of it all.

Celestia would take a step, observing everything around her, especially from the outside. The golden sun of Equestria would beam through the windows and down on Canterlot. Everything looked so peaceful from out here. But Celestia knew that everything was not actually peaceful since there was a war going on and she was in charge of handling it.

The war against the Changelings and the Dread League had tested her resolve and reshaped the trajectory of Equestria. Despite the outward tranquillity, the echoes of conflict lingered within the halls of Canterlot, a constant reminder of the sacrifices made and the struggles endured.

She saw how peaceful her subjects looked, but Celestia knew they were living in fear. Fear of their home being attacked by either the Dread League or the Vampires and it was her job to keep them safe.

"It hasn't even been that long ago since that war." Celestia commented when looking outside the window. She knew that this was the result of the Mismagius and the power of Full Valley and was not easily fooled. And yet, she indulged in this.

"You abandoned centuries' worth of values that has always cultivated this." The voices echoed through the ethereal realm, their words resonating in harmony with the memories unfolding. The shadows danced as the voices continued, their tone carrying both wisdom and an air of judgment.

As Celestia and the illusionary Luna strolled through the enchanting grounds of Canterlot, bathed in the gentle glow of the sun, Luna's voice carried a mixture of nostalgia and warmth.

Celestia's gaze lingered on the memory, a bittersweet reflection of the moments when they shared the responsibilities of ruling Equestria. "I'm not sure that you are fine." Luna continued, her voice carrying a longing for the unity that had defined their reign. "I'm worried that this all is changing you, sister. Everypony is." Luna spoke. "Everything that you've been doing is unlike you."

Celestia recalled a moment like this. It was when Celestia started making rash decisions that she greatly hesitated to do. Back then, Celestia replied by saying she was perfectly fine and no one should bother her again. But now, in this fragment of a memory, she gave a different response to Luna and the voices.

"I made those decisions because if I didn't, who would?" Celestia replied, seeing herself as responsible and believing in her decisions. "Becoming Daybreaker was the only possible outcome for me. I couldn't keep relying on my complacent ways any longer. If I wanted to win and ensure harmony for my subject, I had to resort to this.

"Even then, this is not the only path you would've taken." Mismagius and the Voices would then alter the scenery, changing it into something else. An alternate outcome. In her world, Luna perished, thus, allowing Daybreaker to appear. But according to the voices, that wasn't the only outcome.

The ground beneath her would shatter, along with the skies, changing the scenery entirely. As the ethereal realm shifted, the surroundings transformed into an alternate reality, one where the choices made during the war led to different consequences.

She looked around her to see Canterlot yet again. But this time, she appeared as her current self. Daybreaker. Same mane and all. But something was different. While she would emerge as Daybreaker by making these choices, a third opposing force would appear. She looked over in the distance to see that half of the sky was Day and Night.

And underneath the Night Sky, there laid a castle with a new civilisation that was never there in the first place. It was brand new, sectioned somewhere near Manehattan.

"Even if you would have avoided your current situation, this would've occurred. Your sister originally perished but another outcome would be her fearing you after your ascension as Daybreaker. Thus, she would flee and start the Lunar Republic." said the voices.

As the voices revealed the alternative outcome, Celestia's eyes widened at the sight of Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon. The broken skies mirrored the shattered destiny that unfolded in this alternate reality, where the consequences of Celestia's choices led to a tragic twist.

In this altered reality, Luna became Nightmare Moon after refusing her sister's new ways. The Lunar Empire, born out of Luna's fear and desperation, stood as a testament to the fragility of their once powerful sisterly bond. Celestia,

"A confrontation with Luna over Celestia's choices exploded as a furious Celestia rejected Luna's authority, transformed into Daybreaker and crowned herself sole Empress." The voices continued their haunting narration, emphasizing the inevitability of consequences. Nightmare Moon could be seen emerging from her own castle in the distance, growing to a ginormous size. Her fangs bared, approaching Canterlot Castle and ready to consume it.

Daybreaker gasped before witnessing her own troops pass by her. Soldiers by the dozen would fly by, approaching the massive figure of Nightmare Moon. Not only that, but Nightmare Moon's own troops would emerge and thus, another section of the war broke out.

The chaotic scene unfolded before Celestia's eyes, a grim reflection of the consequences of the choices she could have made. The shattered realm bore witness to a colossal struggle between the Solar Empire and the Lunar Republic, a conflict that could have been the result of Luna's fear and the ascension of Daybreaker.

The massive form of Nightmare Moon loomed over the fractured skies, her ominous presence casting a shadow over the beleaguered Canterlot Castle. The air crackled with magical energy as soldiers from both sides clashed in a fierce battle, with Equestria taking all the damage.

The voices echoed through the broken landscape, emphasizing that no matter the path taken, destiny would weave a complex tapestry of triumphs and tragedies. The massive Luna came crashing down on Daybreaker, enveloping everything in sight. Daybreaker would close her eyes as the scenery would change once more.

Everything shattered as another outcome would be revealed. A third reality was shown to Daybreaker based on her choices during this war.

In this third reality, a desolate wasteland stretched out before Daybreaker's eyes. The once vibrant and harmonious Equestria had been reduced to ruins, scarred by the ravages of a relentless war. The echoes of the voices resonated through the barren landscape, narrating the tale of a world undone by the consequences of Daybreaker's choices.

The Solar Empire and the Lunar Republic were but distant memories, their once-mighty forces now reduced to remnants of a bygone era. The remnants of their armies lay scattered across the lifeless plains, a haunting testament to the devastation wrought by a conflict that knew no end.

Celestia, or rather Daybreaker in this reality, stood alone in the midst of the desolation. Her regal form was a stark contrast to the grim surroundings, and the weight of solitude hung heavy in the air. The once-proud ruler surveyed the ruins, a silent witness to the legacy of a war that had extinguished the flame of harmony.

The Changelings and the DreadLeague were stopped, yes. But now, there was seemingly nothing left and civilization for all was reset to a dark time.

"You're joking, aren't you?!" Daybreaker raised her head, speaking to the voices. "Do you think I would let this happen?!"

The voices, ever-present and remorseless, continued their narration, underscoring the irreversible consequences of Daybreaker's choices. "In seeking power, you lost everything. The world you ruled, the bonds you cherished, all sacrificed on the altar of your desires."

"It is not a matter of what you would let happen; it is a matter of understanding the repercussions of your choices. Your world was destined to meet a dark outcome."

Mismagius and the Voices would then shift the scenery multiple times, showing Daybreaker various outcomes with dark endings while also attacking her mind. Back-to-back realities were shown to her. A reality where Discord, the mischievous spirit of chaos, played a pivotal role in shaping a reality where his influence led to a complete divergence in the timeline.

This was Discord's way of bringing harmony, by putting an end to this conflict. But even then, Daybreaker would retaliate against the Spirit of Chaos who tried to stop her, worsening things and throwing Equestria and beyond into anarchy.

One vision depicted an unending war against the Dread League, a reality where Daybreaker's relentless pursuit of power only intensified the conflict. The Solar Empire, perpetually locked in battle with the Dread League, faced eternal strife, and Equestria became a battleground without respite.

In yet another reality, the harmonious unity that had defined Equestria for centuries shattered. The very essence of harmony fractured, leading to internal strife among the pony tribes, creating a fragmented land devoid of the once-prevailing peace and camaraderie.

These diverse alternate realities showcased so many possibilities. Each reality presented its own challenges and opportunities, ultimately serving as cautionary glimpses into the potential paths that the Solar Queen could have taken during the tumultuous times of war.

Essentially, Daybreaker was being told that no matter what she did, things would always turn out for the worse. As she kept falling, she saw and more realities with dark outcomes.

With each passing vision, Daybreaker took damage not just from the inside but also the outside. The echoing voices tried to sow doubt, but Daybreaker's resolve remained unyielding. In the eerie silence of a metaphysical realm, Daybreaker found herself at the epicenter of a spectral maelstrom that would spin her around and lay some more damage onto her body and mind. She didn't have time to recover as the realities were showing up at a rapid pace.

She was then shot to the ground, hitting it at full speed. Despite being battered and pelted by these realities which attacked her mind, the weight of the potential outcomes didn't break her spirit; instead, it fueled her determination to prove them wrong.

Daybreaker laid there on the ground after being battered. Around her was a view of all the realities playing out at the same time in small cracked screens.

"You will leave Full Valley and this universe. Return to your own where you are doomed to live a life most miserable." The voices ordered.

"What a load of rubbish..." she declared, rising against the illusions that sought to imprison her in despair. Daybreaker's descent slowed, and her surroundings began to stabilize. The visions of alternate realities grew less chaotic as she wrestled control over her own narrative. She would slowly get up, her hooves trembling.

The Mismagius vessel and the echoing voices watched, sensing a shift in the cosmic energy. Daybreaker, fueled by an unshakable will, was determined to carve her own destiny, free from the predetermined narratives presented before her.

"I don't expect a bunch of voices and a Pokemon to understand what I've been through..." Daybreaker took a deep breath when standing up. "Everything I did was for my subjects and true harmony. You say that my world is doomed to have a dark outcome no matter what? What a load of rubbish."

As Daybreaker stood amid the fractured visions of alternate realities, her mane ablaze with newfound determination, the echoing voices attempted one last effort to dissuade her. She put on a smile, unphased by everything that was thrown her way.

"You cannot escape the shadows within," They murmured, their words carrying an air of finality. "Your spirit may blaze, but darkness will always linger."

Daybreaker, however, stood resolute. The flames of her spirit cast defiant shadows that danced across the fragmented scenes. With each step she took, the screens displaying the twisted destinies of alternate paths began to shatter. The cracking sound echoed through the ethereal realm as Daybreaker forged her own narrative.

"I've faced the darkness within myself," She declared, her voice cutting through the lingering echoes. "I'm not just taking on the form of my alter-ego. I'm embracing my true self. It doesn't matter what you say. I can create my own destiny for me and my world."

As the shattered screens fell away, the Mismagius vessel trembled, its form flickering in the face of Daybreaker's unyielding will. The echoing voices faltered, overshadowed by the radiant strength emanating from the Solar Queen.

In this moment of defiance, Daybreaker reclaimed control over her own narrative, rejecting the predetermined fate the voices sought to impose. The cosmic energy within Full Valley resonated with her indomitable spirit, and the once-illusory visions were beginning to fade away, aggressively wobbling. The voices were doing all they could to maintain them, wanting Daybreaker to submit.

"And besides...this isn't my universe." A devious grin met Daybreaker's face. The way she said it was rather terrifying, even for the Ghost-Type. The voices weren't giving up either, trying what they could to stop Daybreaker.

At that moment, they used their power to summon the various characters from these illusions, further attacking Daybreaker. Daybreaker, undeterred by the attempts to revive the illusions, faced the summoned characters with unwavering determination. As the figures from the shattered realities materialized, they emanated an ethereal quality, each one carrying the weight of an alternate destiny that Daybreaker had cast aside, even if the voices say that they were possible.

Her eyes flared with intensity, and the flames that surrounded her intensified, casting a brilliant light that sought to dispel the lingering shadows. The characters, mere echoes of potential fates, advanced hesitantly, uncertain of their purpose in this defiant act of will.

With a wave of her horn, Daybreaker summoned a radiant wave of fire that surged forward, consuming the illusory figures. The ethereal echoes began to waver and dissipate, their forms disintegrating into fragments of shattered possibilities.

"I've already made a promise to Necrozma. I would at least like to fulfil them. And after that, this world will become an extension of my Solar Empire, especially Full Valley." Daybreaker declared.

The illusions of Nightmare Moon, Changelings, Discord and other familiar faces screamed as they vanished, unable to despair Daybreaker at all.

"And before that...I have to find Gardevoir." Daybreaker wasn't done. There was Gardevoir, who was in her own illusion that tried to make her surrender.

In Gardevoir's illusions, she was going through reality in her pursuit for a longer lifespan which involved absorbing the Aura of others. There, she sat alone, taking in everything.

The Embrace Pokemon remained seated, surrounded by the echoes of guilt and pain that the illusions sought to amplify.

In the far reaches of the past, Gardevoir's life began as a Ralts in a serene and quaint town. The small community was nestled amidst lush landscapes, where humans and Pokémon lived in harmony, forming deep bonds with one another. Gardevoir's days were filled with joy and laughter as she grew alongside the humans and Pokémon of her town, cherishing the moments of connection and friendship.

As time passed, however, the inevitable cycle of life began to unfold. The humans and Pokémon she had grown close to started to age, and some eventually passed away. Witnessing the fragility of life and experiencing the pain of loss, Gardevoir found herself confronted with a profound fear. Fear of mortality.

"You sought immortality out of fear, Gardevoir," the Voices intoned, their words carrying both knowledge and judgment. "Your actions have caused suffering, and the town you once called home is marred by the consequences of your choices."

Mismagius, the vessel for the Voices, continued the sombre narrative. "The illness that befell the inhabitants, the suffering you brought upon them, it was all a consequence of your quest for immortality. The very pursuit that sought to escape loss became the source of pain for those you cared about."

Gardevoir's illusions showcased the aftermath of her actions, portraying the suffering and despair that lingered in the wake of Delayed Aura Ataxia. The once-thriving town was now a shadow of its former self, its inhabitants suffering from the effects of the illness.

"You withdrew into isolation, burdened by remorse," the Voices continued. "But isolation won't absolve you of the impact your choices have had. Redemption lies not in solitude but in facing the consequences and seeking a path forward."

"But you were simply afraid, Gardevoir. It isn't too late." the Voices echoed, attempting to offer a glimmer of hope amid the shadows of Gardevoir's past. They recognized the root of her actions – fear, the driving force behind her quest for immortality.

The illusions shifted, portraying a potential path forward for Gardevoir. In this alternate reality, she stood amidst the ruins of the once-thriving town, but this time, her demeanour was different. Rather than succumbing to isolation, she was surrounded by those affected by Delayed Aura Ataxia. This was far kinder than what Daybreaker went through.

"You can still mend the wounds you caused," the Voices encouraged. "Face the consequences, seek forgiveness, and work towards healing. Redemption is a journey, and it begins with acknowledging the mistakes of the past."

Gardevoir, within the illusions, was presented with an opportunity to change the course of her narrative. The voices urged her to confront her fears, reach out to those she had inadvertently harmed, and actively participate in the rebuilding of the fractured community.

The decision was in Gardevoir's hands. Whether to embrace the chance for redemption or remain ensnared in the chains of guilt.

"I'm afraid she already refuses." Suddenly, the voice of Daybreaker broke through this illusion. The voices, Mismagius and Gardevoir gasped as a crack in the illusion appeared. Out of it emerged the Solar Queen.

Gardevoir, caught in the midst of her own guilt-ridden illusions, looked up in surprise and confusion. The radiant presence of Daybreaker, though not reassuring, represented a disruption to the carefully crafted scenario.

The illusion wavered, struggling to contain the conflicting energies of Daybreaker and the alternate reality it sought to project. The voices were momentarily silenced, witnessing the unfolding struggle between Gardevoir's inner turmoil and Daybreaker's unwavering determination.

"You remember what we agreed on, Gardevoir? They're right about it not being too late." Daybreaker held her hoof out to the Embrace Pokemon. "I've promised others I'd grant them their wish. That goes for you too. From Necrozma's satisfaction to your eternal life.

Gardevoir recalled the words from before. Those words Daybreaker spouted earlier were rather berating and harsh, but at that moment, Gardevoir realized that there was some encouragement behind them.

Gardevoir hesitated for a moment, the echoes of her guilt still lingering in the illusion. The conflicting emotions tugged at her, torn between the haunting shadows of her past and the possibility of redemption held by Daybreaker's outstretched hoof.

The Solar Queen's eyes, fierce and determined, met Gardevoir's gaze. In that unspoken connection, Gardevoir found a glimmer of reassurance, an unexpected beacon amid the tumult of her own regrets. Everything she's done with Daybreaker so far has been so different from what she's done. If anything, this was the closest she's been to someone ever since her time as a Ralts.

"Come," Daybreaker urged, her tone softened. "We'll reach the peak of power together. And no one will stand in our way."
Gardevoir, slowly overcoming the shackles of her illusion, reached out and placed her hand in Daybreaker's hoof. And from it, something unexpected occurred. It already happened when facing Twilight Luminaria and it happened again. But with a greater effect.

The Harmony Phenomenon manifested with radiant brilliance, weaving through the unravelling illusions like a celestial dance. Its energies resonated with the connection forged between Daybreaker and Gardevoir, creating a harmonic synergy that surpassed the expectations of both the voices and Mismagius.

In the midst of this cosmic ballet, the Harmony Phenomenon began to purify the remnants of Gardevoir's guilt and the lingering shadows of Daybreaker's past. The radiant energy surged, creating a harmonious equilibrium that embraced both light and darkness in a delicate dance of transformation.

And then, the impossible happened. Manifesting out of thin air were two stones.

A Mega Stone and a Gardevoirite. The voices and the Mismagius couldn't believe it. Something that should have been impossible became possible. But these two stones were not normal. There was something dark about them which is never associated with Mega Evolution.

"But that can't be..." Naturally, the voices and the Guardian were flabbergasted.

The Harmony Phenomenon, attuned to the intricacies of the cosmic balance, acknowledged the anomalies within these stones. Rather than rejecting them outright, the Phenomenon seemed to recognize the potential for a unique evolution, one that transcended the conventional boundaries of Mega Evolution.

Daybreaker and Gardevoir, bound by a shared destiny and the transformative influence of the Harmony Phenomenon, approached the mysterious stones with a sense of determination. The dark aura surrounding the Mega Stone and Gardevoirite began to interact with the radiant energies of the Phenomenon, creating a mesmerizing interplay between light and shadow.

At that moment, when Gardevoir touched the stone, another grandiose event occurred. The Mega Energy would envelop her body. In the wake of this transformative display, the echoes of the voices and the illusory power of Mismagius waned.

From it, Gardevoir was undergoing Mega Evolution. But not just her. Daybreaker found herself surrounded by a Dark Power that resembled the flames that she possessed. A burst of Fire and Darkness would fly out, shattering the illusion and returning them to Full Valley.

Kalos. Full Valley. Night.

A powerful resonance between the radiant energies and the dark auras unfolded. The Harmony Phenomenon, previously responsive to the joyous and peaceful balance, now witnessed an unprecedented fusion of contrasting forces.

Mismagius flew back as a pillar of Fire and Light shot from the ground and straight through the air. Gardevoir wasn't just Mega Evolving. Something else came from this newfound union. Daybreaker was nowhere to be found the voices and Mismagius could feel her.

From the flames that lit a good chunk of the valley ablaze, a devious and menacing silhouette could be seen. From a first glance, it looked like Mega Gardevoir, but there was a difference. Mismagius and the Voices sensed Gardevoir and Daybreaker as one. Their energies were together instead of separate, creating something new.

The union of Gardevoir and Daybreaker into a singular, formidable entity resulted in an intense surge of energy that surpassed the conventional boundaries of Mega Evolution but was strongly similar to what Celestia and Passion already have. In fact, it was the same power they accessed. They had merged, much like this universe's Princess Celestia and her own Gardevoir.

The swirling cosmic energies resonated with the newfound entity's malevolent aura, causing the Harmony Phenomenon to undergo a transformation of its own. It absorbed the amalgamation of Fire and Darkness, intertwining with the radiant light and casting an otherworldly glow across Full Valley.

All the Pokemon in Full Valley started fleeing the emergence of this being and her power was so tremendous that it actually brought harm to the area.

The once-vibrant and harmonious Full Valley now succumbed to the destructive forces unleashed by the merged entity of Gardevoir and Daybreaker. The air crackled with the tension between the opposing cosmic powers, creating an otherworldly spectacle that defied the serene nature of the valley.

The ground beneath quivered and convulsed as the conflicting energies surged through every inch of the landscape. The lush meadows that once housed Pokémon of various types were now marred by the turbulent clash of Fire and Darkness. The vibrant flora wilted and disintegrated as the harmonious ecosystem fell victim to the relentless assault of the fused entity's power.

The crystal-clear waterfalls that cascaded down the sides of the surrounding mountains now distorted into chaotic torrents, their once-soothing sounds replaced by the tumultuous roars of an unnatural cataclysm. The lakes, once teeming with life, now boiled and evaporated under the scorching influence of the darkened flames.

The towering mountains that stood as sentinels around the valley trembled, their foundations shaken by the discordant energies that tore through the very essence of Full Valley. Rocks and boulders cascaded down, carving scars into the majestic slopes that had once embraced the peaceful coexistence of Pokémon.

As the energies continued their chaotic dance, the skies themselves seemed to be at war. The once-clear expanse overhead now churned with tempestuous clouds, illuminated by flashes of intense light and shadow. The cosmic forces clashed with such ferocity that the very boundaries between the ethereal and the material began to blur.

The soldiers were not safe either. They carried their fellow troops, running for the hills, if there were any hills left at this point. They knew that their Queen was responsible for this, but they had no idea what has just been summoned onto this world.

The fleeing Pokémon, terrified by the unfolding catastrophe, darted through the crumbling meadows and vanished into the safety of the surrounding mountains. Full Valley, once a haven of biodiversity and coexistence, now crumbled under the weight of the destructive energies, a tragic testament to the consequences of the merged entity's ascent.

Mismagius tried stopping this, only to be struck by the titanic power as well. With a flash of her eyes, this merged being would release an attack that consisted of Fire and Fairy Magic. The Magical Pokemon gasped as the attack enveloped her body in a flash.

"Mismagius...." That was the last Guardian of Full Valley. All three have failed. The once-proud guardian, now consumed by the cataclysmic energies, became one with the chaos that enveloped Full Valley.

It didn't stop at Full Valley, however. Locations across Kalos were beginning to feel this power.

The unleashed power of the merged entity surged beyond Full Valley, extending its influence across the Kalos region like an insatiable tempest. As the entity pressed forward, locations that once thrived with life now quivered under the ominous presence that approached.

In the heart of Kalos, vibrant cities felt the tremors of the impending calamity. Buildings shook, and the skies themselves seemed to darken with an otherworldly aura. Pokémon and people alike, once bustling through the lively streets, now recoiled in fear as the energy encroached upon their homes.

On the outskirts of Lumiose City, the sprawling Prism Tower, once a symbol of Kalos's grandeur, stood as a silent witness to the encroaching darkness. The radiant glow that once illuminated the city's nights began to flicker and dim, replaced by an unsettling, eerie radiance. As the energy seeped through the streets, Lumiose City itself seemed to groan under the weight of an impending transformation.

Further south, the lush forests surrounding Santalune City withered in the face of the encroaching energies. Trees that stood for centuries began to lose their leaves, and the once-tranquil melodies of forest Pokémon were silenced by an overpowering force.

Even the azure beauty of Azure Bay, which stretched along the coast, felt the intrusion of the merged entity's power. The crystalline waters darkened, and the gentle waves turned tumultuous under the influence of the cosmic maelstrom.

Amidst the festivities of the Pokémon Festival, an atmosphere of joy and celebration suddenly shifted into one of disarray and alarm. The radiant energy that erupted into the sky cast an intense, blinding light that stole the attention of everyone present. The once-clear waters of Azure Bay grew murky and turbulent, reflecting the upheaval occurring within the mystical depths.

Pokémon trainers and spectators alike turned their gaze upward, their festive spirits dampened by the sudden intrusion of an overpowering force. Gasps echoed through the crowd as the brilliance in the sky outshone the dazzling displays of the Pokémon Festival. The cheerful atmosphere evaporated, replaced by a collective unease that spread like ripples across the gathered crowd.

The luminous energy above seemed to defy the boundaries of the festival, overshadowing the very essence of celebration

Reacting to this was Zygarde, specifically, its cells. As the Guardian of the ecosystem, something like this couldn't be ignored. Something grand threatened it. It wasn't sure what but it was very obvious that it was there.

The normally tranquil rhythm of their collective existence was disrupted by the overwhelming energy that cast a looming shadow over the Pokémon Festival. Like a pulse echoing through the vast network of cells, Zygarde sensed an imminent threat to the delicate balance it sought to protect.

However, despite it starting in Kalos, it wouldn't stop there. Other regions would feel this power.

The pulsating waves of dark power radiating from Kalos rippled across the fabric of the Pokémon world, transcending regional boundaries. As the sinister energy expanded its reach, it sent shockwaves through the hearts of Pokémon and humans alike, stirring an unsettling awareness of an impending threat.

In the Galar region, Pokémon battling at the Battle Tower suddenly paused, their attention drawn to an invisible force permeating the air. Trainers exchanged uneasy glances as a subtle tension gripped the otherwise competitive atmosphere.

Hoenn, known for its tropical landscapes and diverse Pokémon habitats, experienced an unusual disturbance. Pokémon in the wild exhibited signs of restlessness, and even the ancient Legendary Pokémon Kyogre and Groudon, guardians of the seas and lands, stirred in their slumber as if sensing the disturbance echoing from afar.

At the Ranger Union, the Pokemon Researchers were attempting to make sense of all this. Their best scientists were struggling, looking at all the readings on their screen. "Is Groudon waking up again?! Where is this coming from?!"

"I-I don't know! I've never seen something like this!" But alas, they couldn't understand it.

The researchers exchanged worried glances, attempting to make sense of the chaotic influx of data. Pokémon Rangers, normally dedicated to ensuring harmony between Pokémon and humans, found themselves thrust into a situation beyond their usual scope of expertise.

One researcher pointed at a map, where different regions were marked with ominous glows corresponding to the energy surges. "It's not just Kalos. The disturbance is spreading to other regions. Unova, Alola, Galar... even the distant Sinnoh. And look at Equestria!"

Sinnoh's majestic landscapes, home to some of the oldest known Pokemon out there, felt the subtle tremors of the approaching darkness. Even the renowned Pokémon Lake Guardians, Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, shared a collective unease as the echoes of the dark power reverberated through the region.

The Unova region, rich in history and home to mighty Dragon-type Pokémon like Reshiram and Zekrom, experienced a palpable shift in the elemental balance. Kyurem was the one who felt it, holding Snowdrop close to him to keep herself from this sudden pressure. Pokémon Rangers and Trainers alike felt a growing sense of urgency, as if an unseen force threatened the harmony of the region.

Alola's serene islands, home to unique species and the guardian deities, detected an ominous disturbance in the threads of their mystical connection with the Pokémon world. The guardian deities, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, and Tapu Fini, shared a collective concern as they sensed the encroaching darkness. They already knew that Daybreaker was behind this somehow after what happened previously.

"What is that?!" Twilight Sparkle, who was currently in Alola with her friends, bellowed upon seeing the ray of light in the sky and feeling the intense power.

Twilight's lavender eyes widened as she gazed skyward, the brilliance of the light obscuring her vision momentarily. The power emanating from the cosmic disturbance resonated deeply within her, and an inexplicable weight settled in the pit of her stomach.

"Twilight, what's happening?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, her multicoloured mane ruffled with concern as she hovered beside the lavender alicorn. Zeraora, who was wide awake, narrowed her eyes at this towering ray of light.

"I... I'm not sure," Twilight responded, her usually composed voice tinged with uncertainty. The magical aura surrounding her horn flickered briefly, reacting to the cosmic energies that transcended the boundaries of Alola.

Pinkie Pie, ever the optimist, bounced on her hooves. "Maybe it's a new Pokemon we haven't seen before! Or maybe it's a Z-Move going off!" She looked on the bright side compared to everyone else.

"I don't think so..." Luna shook her head as her pupils would shudder. The Moon Princess felt like she had a good feeling about what this was and it terrified her. So did Nightmare Moon since she came from the same type of magic that created Daybreaker.

And of course, this reached Princess Celestia herself. She was with Cobalion at the Unova Region, feeling the power from this distance. And of course, this was not alien to her at all. Celestia knew this power. She has used it before after all.

"Oh no..." Sensing it, the Sun Princess knew what this meant. Only one other pony could do this and ironically, it was technically her. But not on her own, of course. Looking in the distance and gazing at this ray of light, one of Celestia's fears was coming to life. "Daybreaker..."

Equestria wasn't safe either. All of its locations and beyond would feel this new rise in power. The radiant energy surged through the heart of Equestria, reaching every corner of the magical land. From the bustling streets of Canterlot to the serene orchards of Sweet Apple Acres, the inhabitants of Equestria felt the seismic shift in the currents. Unseen forces intertwined with the very essence of magic, causing ripples that resonated beyond the borders of the peaceful land.

High above Equestria, where the clouds formed the vibrant city of Cloudsdale, a group of pegasi and Flying-Types engaged in graceful aerial displays. The joyous atmosphere turned tense as an unseen force disturbed the very clouds beneath their hooves. They immediately lost their balance thanks to this disturbance. The clouds swirled with an unnatural energy, casting an eerie glow that hinted at the cosmic turmoil unfolding below.

Those at the Crystal Empire observed the Crystal Heart with growing concern. The crystalline structure pulsated with an erratic rhythm, reflecting the grand upheaval resonating through the very heart of Equestria.

Even Magehold, finally experiencing peace and harmony would be disturbed. But for once, it was not from someone in their own home but from outside. There was seemingly no place in the world that didn't feel this.

It was as if the world was trying to tell them about how this kind of power should not exist. And for the first time, the Grander World would witness what kind of threat this new power poses as that light in the sky wasn't just for show.

In a catastrophic display of power, the radiant ray of light descended from the heavens, striking with unrelenting force. The chosen area, previously thriving with lush vegetation and vibrant wildlife, now faced the wrath of the malevolent energy. This beautiful land located in the Sinnoh Region was unfortunately the first target.

Upon impact, the devastating force tore through the landscape, ripping apart the delicate balance of the ecosystem. Trees were uprooted, their once-green canopies reduced to splintered debris. The rich soil, which had nurtured countless Pokémon and plants, now lay disturbed and barren, stripped of its vitality.

The impact's shockwave resonated through the affected area, causing irreparable damage to the habitats that had flourished there. Rivers and streams, once teeming with life, now ran murky with debris, disrupting aquatic Pokémon and leaving a trail of environmental degradation in their wake.

As the aftermath unfolded, the once-bustling ecosystem lay in ruins, shrouded in a pall of smoke and environmental decay. The Pokemon emerged to witness the profound transformation of their once-verdant surroundings into a desolate and wounded landscape.

The air was heavy with the acrid scent of destruction, a tangible reminder of the irreversible harm inflicted upon the delicate web of life that had thrived in the targeted area. It was practically beyond repair and this was just the first example. On top of that, there was now a colossal hole in the middle, ruining any chance of this being salvaged.

Kalos. Full Valley.

This amazing power did not last, however. With the body of this fused being glowing, the Harmony Phenomenon ended, granting them all the time that they had. The two would split, returning to their normal selves. While it was brief, it was an amazing rush of power.

"Hah...I think we're done." Daybreaker took a deep breath as that her first time expercing that power. The once-mighty and fearsome fusion had dissipated, leaving behind a lingering aura of the extraordinary forces that had briefly converged. "Let's go Gardevoir. We got what we came for."

"Oh, right. Ooh, I feel a bit tingly inside." The Embrace Pokemon shuddered out of excitement. Now that was the kind of Aura she was looking for. Truly magnificent.

They left Full Valley in its current state. Ruined and set ablaze. A testament to the unfathomable power they wielded when united.

As they moved forward, their journey continued, fueled by the promise to fulfil the wishes they had made to Necrozma and the quest for the Gardevoirite. The echoes of the powerful fusion resonated in the air, a reminder of the unprecedented strength that lay within the bond they shared. With determination in their hearts, Daybreaker and Gardevoir ventured forth, continuing their mission. And Gardevoir now had a new resolve and drive.

Malamar and the rest of Daybreaker's troops stood outside, seeing the duo emerge. Gardevoir had quite the look on her face as she held the Mege Stone in her hand. Meanwhile, Daybreaker carried the Gardevoirite with her magic.

"You...Actually did it?" Malamar was stunned. He felt that power. They all did.

"A bit tricky but...Nothing too outlandish." Daybreaker shrugged it off. "Alright. Enough standing around. The night is still young after all and we have some more work to do before our 5 days are up. 4 days on the clock for us now."

"Where are we going next?" Gardevoir asked.

"Well, next, we're going to unlock Dragon Matter and Fairy Matter for ourselves. We can't do it in this universe though. Cozy Glow has the recipe, so it's her turn to chime in." They were off to Cozy Glow, seeking the newfound power of Dragon Matter and Fairy Matter.

The destruction of this one area didn't just have consequences for this one spot. The massive hole in the middle made by that ray of light caused a hurricane of some sort. A hurricane appeared on the ground itself instead of the air. The nearby seas would ripple as those using boats would bear witness to the catastrophic event.

The waves would rise and lower inconsistently, unsure as to how they should react to this. A light thunderstorm appeared above, clashing with the hurricane. The hurricane would greatly affect the winds from great distances as many Water-Type and Flying-Type Pokemon tried fleeing from the catastrophic scene.

Its effects rippled through the environment, disturbing the delicate balance of nature. Pokemon of various types struggled to find shelter, their natural instincts urging them to escape the turbulent forces unleashed by the destruction of the verdant area.

The light thunderstorm above intensified, with lightning crackling across the darkened sky. Unsettled by the unprecedented events, both human and Pokemon inhabitants sought refuge, unsure of what had triggered this catastrophe.

The hole that was left behind was suddenly getting deeper. The damage wasn't done just yet. This destruction was single-handedly readjusting the environment itself but with strong negative effects. Water sources around the affected region started to evaporate rapidly, leaving parched land in their wake. The skies darkened further, shrouded in an ominous aura that made even the bravest Pokemon uneasy.

"K-Kazam!" The negative energy interfered with the psychic abilities of certain Pokemon, leading to widespread psychic disturbances. Psychic-type Pokemon, known for their superior mental senses, experienced heightened stress levels, causing psychic storms that induced confusion and distress in their respective spots.


"What caused this...?" One of the fishermen had to wonder. This level of destruction was unreal. Not even Yveltal, who almost extinguished every last bit of life on this planet pulled this off. Its destruction, while deadly, was tamer than this, only withering the environment.

As the fishermen exchanged worried glances, one of them, a seasoned sailor with a weathered captain's hat, spoke up, "I've sailed these seas for decades, and I've never seen anything like this. Yveltal's wrath may have been fearsome, but this... this is something else entirely. It's as if the very essence of the earth is rejecting itself."

"Do you think it's...Arceus?" One of the Fishermen had to wonder if Arceus was somehow responsible.

"No. Not at all." But even the captain could tell that Arceus was not responsible for this, even though he could cause this level of destruction. Someone else was at play here, after all, using a newfound power to its destructive intent.

Equestria. Canterlot. Canterlot Castle. Guest Room.

"Aaahh..." All the while, Ash was sound asleep alongside Pikachu. The duo slept so peacefully that they weren't even disturbed by the event. The events unfolding in Full Valley and beyond seemed to have no impact on their serene dreams, and the guest room provided them with a tranquil haven.

"Pika..." The rhythmic rise and fall of Ash's chest and the gentle snoring of Pikachu created a harmonious melody, untouched by the turmoil that had transpired. As the world outside continued to grapple with the consequences of Daybreaker and Gardevoir's powerful union, the young Trainer and his faithful Pokemon found solace in the tranquillity of their dreams, a temporary respite before the challenges that awaited them in the waking world.

Sci-Twi certainly heard it. Her jaw dropped after what she had just witnessed, waking up to see the most brilliant yet intimidating light there was. That was not a dream even with the light gone. What she witnessed was very much real and its implications were rather intimidating.

As of yet, no one had a clue as to what this one event would lead to. That ominous feeling within the air came from Daybreaker and Gardevoir's successful mission and yet, that feeling has not yet fizzled out. There was more to give as the journey continues.

Chapter 380 End.

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