• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Saved by the Diamond

Johto. The Dragon Holy Land. The Pokemon Festival. Nightfall

The Dragon Holy Land.

A grassy, forested area with various flora and rock cliffs walling it. The paradise is home to many Pokémon, some of which travel to the area to become stronger. It is only accessible through a waterfall located at the end of a certain area.

Appearing here at the Diamond Domain in a purple flash was an entire domain. The entire Diamond Domain had been sent from Kalos all the way to somewhere else. Since the domain was originally made within a cave, the cave system was sent here as well.

A group of Rattata quickly bolted away as soon as this domain appeared in a blue and purple flash, planting itself here at the Dragon Holy Land. The Rift Energy that brought them here would purposefully form a hole in the ground large enough to fit the Diamond Domain. It was forcefully reconstructing the geography of this area just to make the Diamond Domain fit at all.

The result was an expanded land which was already larger after both worlds united. However, while the transportation was a success, there was something else that was unexpected and unaccounted for. Due to the interference of a Desire, the Diamond Domain was instead hanging off the worst possible area.

"Ugh..." Twilight groaned as she fell over the Rift Pedestal, successfully taking everyone else aside from the invaders away from the Kalos Region. When getting back up, she saw that all the Carbink were safe and sound. Their home was in one piece.

"Great heavens...It wasn't that turbulent the last time." Dace said, getting back up. "Well done at least, Princess Twilight. You've successfully managed to steer us away from our invaders."

"Something's not right..." However, Twilight already knew that something was amiss. Yes, she got them away from Daybreaker's group, but that interference from Hunter J left something major behind. Thanks to the Rift Energy within her, Twilight knew this. After all, it was her Desire that affected the pedestal at the last moment.

Twilight's Desire was focused on one thing. Worrying about the worst-case scenario And after so long, that effect has finally kicked in. While the environment altered itself to give way to the Diamond Domain, it was underneath something else. Twilight used her magic to drill a small hole in the ground, knowing exactly where it was located

It wasn't just a bunch of earth. Right below the Diamond Domain's foundation was a newly formed area, done by Hunter J's surprise attack. It was a vortex of Rift Energy. She managed to form a fierce vortex underneath it, utilizing the energy from the Rift Pedestal to make it happen.

"A vortex!?" Dace gasped.

"She used the Rift Pedestal for something else. But how?" Twilight pondered. "She must've shot out Rift Magic from her vambrace for this to happen."

"Bink! Carbink!" The Carbink saw the vortex ripping away at the Rift Pedestal, sucking all the energy from it. The vortex acted as a black hole for it but it wasn't just limited to the pedestal

"Oooh..." Twilight could feel it too. Her own body was being affected by this vortex. She had high amounts of Rift Energy within her after becoming a vessel for it, so it was only natural for something like this to happen. Her body became weak, causing her to twitch and fall over.

"Princess! Are you alright?!" Dace quickly rushed over to the downed alicorn.

"I don't feel so good...J planned this. She was probably trying to cripple me for this moment. I can't be near that vortex...or here at all!"

"Carbink!" Quickly, the Carbink would pick Twilight off the ground. She had to be away from the vortex which was completely sapping away at hr Rift Energy. But alas, there was nothing they could do about the Rift Pedestal. Neither of them could touch it apart from Twilight but she was completely unavailable, losing steam fast.

The Diamond Domain was now at peace even if there was a massive hazard underneath it. All the conflict had come to an end, much to Diancie's relief. With a relaxed sigh, she ceased gathering energy from the Heart Diamond which caused all the diamonds covering her friends, allies and the domain to shatter. There was no need for them anymore.

Merrick's eyes started rolling as he was absolutely out of it. Obviously, the transportation was not supposed to be this frantic, but this is how it turned out due to the circumstances. The Carbink were now far from home, but it was for the best to avoid their invaders. If only they were quicker and one major issue would have been avoided. Quickly, Diancie would try making her way to Ash now that the conflict was over.

"Man..." Getting back up was Ash. He and his friends successfully made it thanks to Diancie's power. By covering the entire Diamond Domain, her friends and allies in diamonds, she managed to make sure that Daybreaker's group never came along.

"I'm surprised we succeeded even with our circumstances." Luna sighed, helping Rainbow Dash out of some rubble. "Where even are we? Where did Twilight take us exactly?"

"Mmm...It could be anywhere." Ash had no clue right about now. All he had to do was take a step outside and find out. And thanks to the fact that the Diamond Domain had been ripped away from the secret passageway, made heading outside rather swift.

Ash passed by the Carbink living here with no sign of Daybreaker or Second Wind's forces. Zeraora didn't see them either. Even though she finally encountered the ones who took her home from her and captured her, she could not exact revenge. Her rage didn't even go off the charts like it used to.

"Zera..." To Zeraora's surprise, her rage was held back. She knew that was the right time to let it all out and yet it didn't. Now, Daybreaker and Necrozma were gone. Truly, it was a waste.

"Zeraora. Are you alright?" Rainbow Dash knew this as well, floating over to the Thunderclap Pokemon to console her. "They're gone now but..."

"Ora." Zeraora lowered her head, disappointed by what she failed to do. However, after a few moments of silence, a smile met her face that surprised Rainbow Dash. It was not a smile of satisfaction, but one with pleasure. Zeraora was happy about one thing. Even though she failed to exact revenge, she at least helped in keeping Daybreaker and Necrozma from destroying something else.

"You're...not all upset?" The pegasus uttered with disbelief. She thought Zeraora would be absolutely gutted by this.

"Ze." But she wasn't. Because Daybreaker and Necrozma failed to destroy the Diamond Domain and ruin the home of other Pokemon unlike her own, she could at least take comfort in knowing that. Zeraora had found the group that can truly retaliate against them.

Perhaps, staying around them wasn't going to be so bad after all for the Thunderclap Pokemon. Until Daybreaker's group has been defeated, she wouldn't mind sticking around. She has nowhere else to go after all without anyone to properly temper her rage in the best way.

Once Ash reached the outside, he saw the location for himself. It was all coming back to him. "Ooh...This is the Dragon Holy Land!" Ash exclaimed.


"Dragon...Holy Land?" Luna repeated once she also came outside.

"I didn't know Twilight knew about this place...Sweet." The King of the Sea approved. Quite a pick from Twilight. "I guess anywhere that's not Kalos would've worked to get away from them. That way, the Diamond Domain's far away from them."

"What is this place anyway?" Luna repeated.

"It's a pretty awesome place for Pokemon to get stronger! A ton of them show up to Johto just to get this chance!" Ash explained. "It's just north of the Dragon's Den and Blackthorn City, so we're still close to civilization.

"Hm. A strong lack of Dragons though." Luna noticed a great lack of Dragons around. There were Mankeys, Aipom, Murkrow and Sunflora. Even some Unovan and Alolan Pokemon here and there. Everyone else would soon leave the Diamond Domain.

Many of the Carbink, followed by Diancie, Rainbow Dash and even Celestia. After buying enough time, the Sun Princess walked outside to witness the Dragon Holy Land. Her mane was a mess from all the water and destruction that occurred after taking on her alter-ego.

Carrying Twilight out of the domain were the Carbink and once she was out there, she could at least walk and stand on her own two hooves. With a relieved sigh, Twilight would stand under the Silver Moon of Johto while still having a weakened body.

"So...Did Daybreaker's group get left behind at the Allearth Forest? If so, that's still bad news."

"No. I don't think so." Twilight shook her head. "After that interaction, I think something else happened. They were still inside the Diamond Domain when it all went down. They could be somewhere else."

"So you think they've also been transported elsewhere. But where?"

Alola. Out on an island.

The Alola Region is where they went. Thanks to Hunter J's interference, another one of the drawbacks revealed itself, this time targeting her group. Daybreaker's entire group had been sent from the Diamond Domain to the Alola Region. Some of the troops could be seen drifting on the water, absolutely bewildered by what just happened. So was Hunter J's Salamence, who ended up fainting. They all ended up near an island here in the tropical region.

Daybreaker could be seen slumped on the ground of the island, slowly getting back up. This was not the outcome she expected and neither did Second Wind. The Queen of Pinnaculum Pegalysium was lying on her back with her regalia ruined.

"What happened...?" Daybreaker groaned. She lost the chance to steal the Heart Diamond's power for Necrozma. This was a failed mission on her part.

"I took a risk," J confessed. "Showed up past the right moment and used my own Rift Magic against this pedestal Twilight was on. The Heart Diamond wasn't the only valuable thing there."

"What do you mean? And speaking of which...we failed to get it. Curse, Celestia. Or rather, myself. The coincidence of her group being there ruined our chances of-" Right as she was about to face Necrozma, something rather shocking met her eyes.

Necrozma's body was entirely static now. Around his body were diamonds. The Prism Pokemon was indeed considered when Diancie used the power of the Heart Diamond but it was used for a different reason. Completely against the invaders of the Diamond Domain.

Daybreaker gasped as she had some of them around her hooves too. Diancie attempted going for all of them but only managed to get Necrozma the most. But that was the most vital hit since Necrozma was the biggest threat. Hunter J had one around her visor and hair while Second Wind received some on her wings.

The Unown had small bodies, making it easier for the diamonds to envelop them too. They were in the same state as Necrozma. Static and unable to move. Their Hidden Power could not help them this time in this condition. Their eyes were still exposed by the diamonds kept everything locked down. And these diamonds did not possess any light, making it impossible for Necrozma to absorb any power from them.

"We'll have trouble getting back to where we need to be. I only brought these Unown with me. The rest are back at Pinnaculum Pegalysium." Second Wind commented. "What a nuisance...This will be the furthest away from my lovely castle! I can't even call for help this way!"

"Curse it!" Daybreaker stamped her hoof on the ground, leaving behind a burn mark. Her eyes then flared with furious flames. "Celestia...!"

This left Daybreaker's group in a rather weakened position. The Unown and Necrozma were completely trapped by the diamonds and they had no idea what island they were on They were not yet aware of the region, but Hunter J was already attempting to figure this out.

At this point, Daybreaker and her forces only had 4 days to stay here until the gateway snatched them. The plan to steal the Heart Diamond was a bust and would seemingly be impossible to try again so soon. Johto and Alola were too far away from each other. But this wouldn't stop them. They were already aiming to escape, but now, they had to be truly discreet about it here at the Alola Region.

"It's not all bad." Hunter J grinned, looking at the positives of this. For only one reason, of course, and that went back to the Diamond Domain. By raising her hand, Hunter J summoned Rift Energy.

"Rift Energy...?" Second Wind gawked.

"The Desire within me made the right call going straight for Twilight. I got something amazing in return. This Rift Energy comes from that pedestal and now it's mine." Hunter J cackled. "As if we're going to be slowed down in any way. We can follow up here at Alola. I've heard about this region but I never got the chance to really experiment with it. Now's the best time to start."

Hunter J was rather resourceful, having something as back-up to get her out of a tight spot. And the first thing to do was to get Necrozma and the Unown out of this diamond-like state. It seemed simple enough. Just shatter the diamonds. But these were not ordinary diamonds. After all, they were made by the power of the Heart Diamond.

Johto. Dragon Holy Land. Nightfall.

With all that said and done, Ash group could rest, avoiding the Necrozma threat. For now, at least. The Carbink were far away from Necrozma by this point with Daybreaker having no way of knowing where they were.

"What a way to meet up again, right?" Diancie giggled, properly reuniting with Ash and Pikachu. Ash's Kalos Pokemon had been sent out too, minus Greninja, to reunite with Diancie once more.

"Yeah...Kinda used to it by this point." Ash replied. "Glad you're okay. We had to show up as soon as possible before things got out of hand."

"But...Now we're far from Kalos. We aren't at our home anymore. Well, most of our home. We aren't used to having the Diamond Domain being somewhere else." said Diancie. "I don't believe we can go back."

"You can always use the Rift Pedestal another time, right?" Ash asked. "There's always a way back."

"I don't think so, Ash." Celestia approached, already hearing the news from Twilight when speaking with her. "I'm afraid something's wrong with the Rift Pedestal. A vortex of Rift Energy has been opened underneath the Diamond Doman and the earth itself. It's sapping away at the pedestal and even started draining Twilight of her Rift Magic.

"Returning to Kalos will be difficult for the Carbink and Princess Diancie. For now, they'll have to stay here, just to avoid the eyes of Daybreaker. She'll most likely try again. No doubt about that." Luna added. "But...This isn't so bad. I doubt Daybreaker's forces will have the knowledge to show up here again."

"If they do, we will have to once again transport ourselves elsewhere." Dace sighed. "I fear that this is not the end."

"You're right about. I'm afraid." Celestia squeed. "We're facing quite the rising issue. It isn't the first time something that threatens our world has sprung up. Daybreaker and Necrozma threaten to absorb all light in our world and I fear the universe may be next. And she apparently said that there was another way to cure Necrozma. But I can guess it's the worst possible way."

"Nadya's gonna be fine, right? J doesn't know about what happened back at Tropeze Town." Rainbow Dash asked, completely concerned about Nadya and her parents.

"I'll make sure they're safe. And I doubt they'll be heading back there anytime soon. But I've requested that the residents of Tropezet4e immediately leave their home until then. It'll be a good chance for them to enjoy the Pokemon Festival and distance themselves from the Pokemon Hunters."

"Speaking of which, I cannot wait to continue enjoying the Pokemon Festival!" Diancie said with glee, focusing on what truly made her happy. It's as if everything that just happened, never happened. "I didn't think I'd come back to experience that, but now that it's been dealt with, I can finally enjoy myself once more!"

"Please be serious about this, Princess Diancie..." Merrick groaned. "Our entire home was almost a feeding ground for Necrozma."

"Well, you already know about it and you've been to a few so...yeah." Ash indulged in this. "Let's have it together. We've got plenty of time on our hands and-"

At that moment, Ash's phone started ringing, prompting him to take it. From it, he saw that Sci-Twi was currently calling him all the way from Kalos. The night was no longer young but there was still time for it to stick around. Looking at the phone, he quickly answered it.

"Ash! Oh, you're okay! I was so worried! You were gone for a while!" Sci-Twi frantically said, worried about Ash to the point where she had to call him.

"Sorry. We had to really go all over the place. We're totally fine right now, Twi. We're here at Johto and-"

"Y-You're at Johto?! How?! This soon?!" She gasped and cut Ash off. She expected a few things, but not this. Ash was on the other side of the world right now. "Just what did you get yourself into, Ash?"

"No need to worry! We'll be right back. But uh...I'm gonna stick around Johto for a little while." Ash would stick to Johto in the meantime before he can reunite with the others over at Kalos.

A new day would eventually come, but it wasn't without a looming cloud of danger. Daybreaker's group was still out there Albeit with only 4 days remaining for Daybreaker at this moment. Celestia could at least smile knowing she avoided the Diamond Domain's demise, but now, she couldn't take her attention away from her alter-ego. Daybreaker was out there at this very moment, plotting her next plan.

There was still plenty of time left until the Pokemon Festival ends and whatever happens next might occur in the span of these 4 weeks as the journey continues.

Chapter 329 End.

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