• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Icy Hard Family

Kanto. Pallet Town. Day.

The second day of the Pallet Town Yard Sale. New items and old items were up for sale with returning guests. And right now, Delia was waiting for her Pen Pal who turned out to be Melony from Circhester who was expected to arrive here. And when waiting for her, Delia already picked out the best possible items for Melony's Family.

Helping out with the Yard Sale as well was none other than the vampire Spectrum Shade. She previously brought items from the Yard Sale after intending not to. But now that she has gotten closer to the Ketchum Family and the friends surrounding them, the vampire from the Dread League didn't see any of this coming.

But considering how kind Delia was to her in the beginning, how could she not help out? With a stylish hood that she brought for herself to protect against the Sun, she was already starting to successfully convince others to purchase certain items. And of course, her vampire supporters would chime in.

"This will do." Delia said, waiting for Melony's family. To make sure the Deluxe Items that were exclusive for her family would be untouched, put up a 'Reserved Sign' for good measure. "And if I'm correct, they should be right about now..."

"I don't see them though." Ash squinted, trying to spot Melony's family. He could at least recognize what Melony looked like in case she shows up. But so far, no one was here.

"Give it some time. But in the meantime...Ash. Since my Pen Pal is showing up, I need to make sure the house is fully presentable for her and her family. The same goes for your room."

"Am I gonna have to clean up my room again?" The Kid from Kanto grumbled, realizing what was coming next.

"Absolutely. Melony's kids are rather young so you can expect them to show up at your room, wanting to play with someone else. Well, aside from one child. He's on the older side. But I'm sure you'll make great friends~"

"But I gotta see if Melony's up for a battle first, Mom. Can I battle her before you hang out with her? Please?" He clasped his hands together, begging his mother for a chance to battle Melony first.

"Hmm..." Delia pondered before making up her mind. "The battle will come later. Everything else will be up first. I can't wait to spend some time with my Pen Pal My first ever Pen Pal!"

"Alright. I'll get to it, Mom." Ash couldn't deprive his mother of her enjoyment. His battle could wait as he strolled over to his home, ready to clean up.

At the same time, out here, Hilbert was still selling posters of him and Ash's face, making quick and easy money by using Ash's fame as an advantage. It was a rather striking and powerful advantage so why stop here? However, he managed to get Ethan and Brendan involved.

"How did you rope us into us" Ethan sighed, standing in front of fans who were over the moon and elated to buy these posters.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm not gonna stop at posters. If I hurry, I can maybe get some cups with these faces. I'll even add your faces!" Hilbert grinned as a bright shine appeared on his teeth. "And we've got the rest of the gang. Pretty soon, we'll have our own secret base."

"We could always use my Secret Base. But it's back in our world and that's pretty hard to reach right now." said Hilbert. The only one who wasn't involved in this was Red, who was doing his own thing.

"For now, we're gonna have to get used to being here." In Hilbert's eyes, this world was going to be their new playground until they can somehow return to their original universe. "And it's not so bad. Lots of familiar places around and some new places to check out. The journey never ends it looks like."

"Ah! That must be them right now!" Delia excitedly said as her Pen Pal was finally here. A truck could be seen approaching Pallet Town, large enough to carry a big family. And in that truck was none other than Meloy, who stuck her head out of the window, waving at Delia. "Melony! Over here!"

Ketchum Household.

Meanwhile, Ash was busy cleaning up his room per his mother's orders. In reality, he was eager to meet the rest of Melony's family which would mean that new friends were on the way. He wasn't one for making his room presentable and always leaves it the way it was with some minor changes sometimes.

While cleaning up his room, his Xtransceiver went off. At this moment, Twilight was calling for him. Specifically, both Twilights were calling at the same time. Princess Twilight and Sci-Twi. It was also impressive that the Xtransceiver could show two calls which only made sense considering that multiple callers could speak with each other at the same time. Ash would respond to both of them at the same time.

"Uh, hey," said Ash. "What's up, you two?"

"You called him at the same time?" Twilight said, referring to her Human Counterpart. "Are you having a meeting too?"

"No. What's this about a meeting?"

"Well, I was just calling Ash to see if he got the notice of the upcoming reverie. The Royal Phantasy. It's something new that involves as many Kings, Queens and other forms of monarchs gathering to discuss things. It's pretty important."

"Well, yeah. I got the invitation." Ash sat on his bed. "I'll make it in time for sure, Twilight. You don't have to worry. But right now, I'm looking forward to my battle with Melony. If she's available."

"A Royal Meeting Lucky...You'll be surrounded by such big figures" Sci-Twi gushed. "But I was actually calling to see if you could help me with something, Ash. There are these shards I'm trying to find. And I already know it involves me getting out there and going places. Sunset and the others are gonna be too occupied with school and their family to get out there all the time, but I know you're always free to venture."

"Well, yeah. I'll get back to you on that, Twi." Ash would then press his face against the window, seeing if Melony had shown. She certainly has as she could already be seen approaching Delia. "Aw, sweet she's here! Aahh, but I promised mom to let her hang out with Melony first. My battle's gonna have to wait. But my room looks clean enough. I think I did a pretty good job."

"You? Clean your room?" Twilight made a light snicker. "Since when do you do that? I didn't even know you were capable of going through with it.

"I can totally clean my room! I just don't do it that often." Ash pouted.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Ash. And uh..try not to make a scene when the meeting comes." Twilight hung up.

"Uh, come by pretty soon, please." Sci-Twi would do the same, leaving Ash to finally meet with Melony yet again.

"Delia! It's so great meeting you at last!" Melony greeted Delia as the two embraced for a hug. Her children had already left the truck, exploring the Yard Sale for themselves to see what they can buy. Plenty of objects that could definitely benefit them back at Circhester. Perhaps something to keep them warm could be found here.

"Ah, how long it's been since I've had a Pen Pal," Delia said with glee. "Glad you could make it on the second day. There's a lot to offer here at our little Pallet Town."

"And this is also the place with the only gateway around." Melony eyed the gateway. "Lucky you. Could some of those gifts you sent me be from Equestria since you have such an easy way to access it?"

"Not at all. All of it is completely natural. I'm rather lucky, honestly. I get to be Royalty and have a gateway next to my house. Life sure is sweet for me right now."

"And they say we're too old to have Pen Pals. You're never too old for that. It's great meeting the mother of Ash. I'm afraid Ash hasn't met my own children yet. Only a mention."

"Oh, he'll meet them. One way or another, he'll meet someone who seems far out of reach." A confident Delia replied, knowing her son very well. And speaking of Ash, he was about to make his entrance.

"Hey, Melony!" Bursting out of his home was Ash alongside his partner Pikachu. Both of them nearly fell over thanks to the items that were in the way. "You made it!"


"And there you are. I was expecting to see you first considering you have all that energy. How have you been, Ash?"

"Been great! Done a lot, seen a lot and then some." He proudly placed his fists on his waist, standing tall "And I've been getting stronger as always. Especially if it means taking on more tougher trainers in the Pokemon World Championships"

"Yes, yes, of course. You're eager for a battle with me. It was a promised one." Melony already knew this by now. "So quick to action, aren't you? I was once too when I was younger but I've slowed down on it. I know you were quick to action as well Delia."

"I was. They didn't call me the Raging Leaf for nothing. Now then, as for the Yard Sale...I made sure to pick out the best items for you. I've been holding out on you and even Ash and Pikachu."

"You have?" Ash said, surprised by that response. Turns out, he hasn't seen everything yet. Delia was really holding herself back, not wanting to display the excellent goods just yet.

"The best of the best." Delia swivelled, facing the Reserved Section. "I wasn't sure if I should ship them to you so I waited for our town's Yard Sale to begin. Time well spent."

"Well, I brought you some gifts as well, Delia. They're in the truck and we'll just have to see who can give out the best gifts. I'm positive mine will blow yours out of the water." She said, already issuing a competition.

"Oh, no-no-no, dear. I made sure to make my the top percentage of gifts, so that whatever you have won't compare." Delia closed her eyes, accepting the challenge.

"We'll see. And to make sure it was the best, I asked one of lovely children to pick out a gift. He's a bit of a celebrity, if you didn't know and he's right here at this moment. Probably signing autographs."

"Where?" Delia and Ash collectively said, searching for this celebrity son that Melony spoke of. He should be here since apparently, Melony's entire family showed up. But there wasn't any sign of someone that would seem like a celebrity. At least not yet. That is until he made himself aware. Suddenly, a resounding fanfare went off. It was a rather eccentric one too, lacking any trumpets.

Instead, there were guitar sounds. Ash flinched from this sound along with Pikachu and a few other Pokemon. This son made himself very much present as he was already carrying a loud energy with him.

"Hey, hey, Pallet Town! Happy to see me?!"

Much like a celebrity, he was looking forward to the eyes that would gaze at him. And they certainly were gazing at him, but not in the way he expected or wanted. No signs of wonder and excitement. Only confusion. But he hasn't noticed it yet as he was currently playing music which was considered his main theme.

"I, Gordie, have finally made it to Kanto. It may be a Yard Sale, but I'm always eager to entertain my fans."

Silence and confusion only. That was all Gordie received. Not a single applause, cheer, whistle or anything of the sort. It was safe to say that no one here knew who Gordie was. Pallet Town was rather small and they weren't exactly crazy for celebrities. And it definitely showed.

"Yeesh. Pretty quiet around here..." Gordie said with some embarrassment in his tone. This was not what he was expecting when showing up at Pallet Town.

"Nice entrance as always, sweetie!" He did get a response. And it was from his mother. Melony stuck out from the crowd, waving at her son with high-octane energy, making sure he got all the support he needed. And there was very little that could rival the support of family.

"Gh! Mom..." He grimaced and flinched as soon as his mother spoke. Gordie then put his hand over his head, sheepishly walking over to Melony since no one else was eager to see him. "What's up with this place, Mom? No one seems to know who I am. How come you chose such a small place for us to show up to?"

"I'm sorry, sweetie Some places just don't have that extensive knowledge about every single famous person. But that's okay~" Melony would try and hold Gordie's face, only for Gordie to pull back, preventing any contact. " Delia. This here is my lovely son Gordie. He's also taking part in the Pokemon World Championships."

"Mother and Son? Nice." Ash nodded in agreement. "That just means there's way more opponents to battle!"


"Did you say, Ash?" Gordie then turned to face the Son of Delia Ketchum. "You're the one who defeated Bea?"

"Yeah. I'm Ash."

"M-Maybe you're the reason why I'm not getting that big of a reaction from everyone else. Yeah, that's it." Gordie tried coming up with an excuse as to why he wasn't being recognized or being swarmed by fans.

"Well, my Ash is quite the icon. Everyone over at Equestria absolutely loves him." Delia confirmed. "Just yesterday, he had plenty of fans show up and on top of that, we've sold plenty of posters with his face and I've certainly given away tons of items because of his name."

"Seriously? You're that famous?!" Gordie lowered his slick shades, outstanded by Ash's fame.

"Yeah. Equestria really digs it more than anywhere else." Ash lightly chuckled. "You won't find me being talked about anywhere else but Equestria. But hey. When you're shooting to become the very best, stuff like this happens."

"You don't really look like the kind to take out Bea. Do you know how hard that is to do?" Gordie replied with a judgemental face. "I mean, It's not like I'm suggesting that I've lost to her before, because no way, man. I'm a rising star here so I have to keep that momentum going."

"That means you've gotta be crazy strong, right?"

"Only Circhester's Gym Leader," Gordie smirked before adjusting his shades. "The Rock-Type Specialist Gordie. And soon to be the Number One Trainer in the world after I beat Leon." Much like everyone in the Pokemon World Championships, the goal was defeating Leon. And when hearing that, Hilbert sneezed. The word Number One made him react in such a way.

"The one who's gonna beat Leon is me!"

"No way, man." Gordie instantly rejected it. "That Bea battle of yours looked pretty impressive, but come on. Let's be real here. Do you think you can actually beat Leon? I've got a better chance at it. No hard feelings though."

"Since my Gordie is an up-and-coming star, he has the best chance to be the new World Champion." Melony stuck up for her son. "He has a refined and graceful battle style, despite the fact that Rock-Types have a rough and unrelenting reputation."

"And I'm the strongest in terms of skill and popularity." Gordie continued to prop himself up before whipping out his Rotomhpone. "And look at this. My followers are incredibly high and will continue to boom the more I battle." Ash, Pikachu and Delia would look over, seeing Gordie's follower count. It was most definitely high. Sitting at an impressive 4 Million and counting. Quite the notoriety.

"Impressive. Unfortunately, I'm afraid my Ash is the one to achieve that role." Delia would then boost Ash in retaliation to Melony and Gordie. "I'm positive he has plenty of followers. Just not on the technological side."

"Oh, mom..." Ash grumbled, knowing where Delia was going with this.

"Hmm. Is he strong enough, I wonder? Me and my son have learned from each other. I taught him everything he needed to know. Rock and Ice in perfect harmony. Nothing can stop us both. And when we both reach the Master's 8, the tragic moment of one of us leaving will have to come, unfortunately.

"Oh yes. He is, most definitely. And it's not just him. I may have put my battling days behind me, but I'm positive that I'm strong enough to take you on."

"Hmm? You think you can defeat a Gym Leader even though you reside at home most of the time." Melony got closer to Delia with her eyes closed. But there was certainly an aura of intimidation coming from her.

"I wouldn't underestimate me, my dear Pen Pal." Delia would do the same. She also had that intimidation factor around her. Both mothers got close to each other as there was an immediate spark of lightning in between them. Things were getting a bit heated as a rivalry was forming. Not just in terms of gifts but also for Battling. "And since Ash is eager to battle you, I'll be there watching it all play out."

This certainly grabbed the attention of some. People, ponies and Pokemon would notice the spark igniting around Delia and Melony as this was a case of Motherly Competition. Two Mothers competing against each other just for the sake of their children.

"Yeah! Nice aura, Mrs Ketchum!" Hilbert cheered her on.

"This is giving me a bad feeling though..." Ethan shuddered.

"Perhapys you wouldn't mind having a battle with me, Delia? Taking your son's place to see if you can muster that supposed excellent strength. I mean, I wouldn't expect a Housewife to compare to a Rising Pokemon Trainer."

"Thank you for complimenting my son, but you'll find that he's not the only member of the Ketchum Family that holds plenty of strength. I can show you why they call me the Raging Leaf. But I'd much rather prefer Ash to get his battle."

"Gee, Mom. It's not that deep." Gordie tried reasoning with his mother, feeling the heat building up. "And you didn't even recommend me for a battle..."

"Wait. Am I gonna have to take both of you on?" Ash looked at Gordie and Melony.

"If we're going to battle, we'll have it be at the Circhester Gym. It'll be for everyone's eyes back at my town." Melony already decided where the battle would be held.

"So be it. But!" Delia raised her arm. "Let it be in a few days. I have a meeting to go to very soon. By tomorrow, I'll be at that meeting and after that, this battle will be official. But before that...let's get a head start, shall we?"

"I agree." Melony was already on board.

"A-Are they going to battle here?" Brendan stuttered. It looked like Delia and Melony would partake in a Pokemon Battle. And it would be here where the Yard Sale was still active.

"We'll start by seeing who can make the best food for their sons!" It wasn't the battle they were expecting. Instead, it was a motherly battle. They wouldn't go through a Pokemon Battle. At least not yet. The two of them performed a handshake, declaring the first of many competitions.

"Ash, come here for a moment." Gordie would then walk with Ash as both distanced themselves from their mother. "Ash. I'll be real with you. Your mother's a bit fierce. Just like my mom."

"Yeah. Cool, huh?"

"Uh, sure..." Gordie took his glasses. "Listen I kinda know that you're a big shot back at Equestria. And you're already making a name for yourself ever since you beat Bea. You've got potential. Game recognizes Game after all."

"Gee thanks, Gordie." Ash laughed at that compliment. "You've gotta be strong too. I mean you're a Gym Leader after all."


"I know, I know. But I'm not at my best yet. I'm far from beating Leon but I can work on that And another thing I gotta work on is my fame. Recently...I've been trying to get Equestria on my Hype Train. Nessa's tried the same thing too apparently, but nothing's clicking so far. Got any tips?"


"Yeah. There's gotta be a reason you're so popular, Ash. What is it? What's your secret?" Gordie nudged Ash, wanting to know something crucial to his success.

"Sorry. It just happens." But Ash laid out the truth that was not that deep or complex. "A lot of stuff happened though and I guess that's why. I've been helping out everyone over at Equestria ever since the worlds came together. I became their mentor, teaching them some awesome skills, helping them get stronger and doing what I can to get them through this new life. Pikachu and all of my Pokemon do the same."

"Is that it? Are you sure?" Gordie wasn't so sure if that was the cause of his popularity. "There's more to it, right?"

"If you want, you can visit everyone over at Equestria to find out. The gateway's free after all." He would point at the gateway to Ponyville.

"Hm. Good point. But I'm gonna need some experience. Fame to Fame, am I right?" Gordie grinned, trying to get on Ash's good side. And it was definitely working. He would then show his Rotomphone to Ash once more. "Look. Just to get started and a way to avoid this Mom Competition or whatever, let's have a battle. That's what you're most known for At least I hope so."

"Oh, yeah! I love a good battle!" Battles are definitely part of Ash's fame. But there was a lot more to it. "Wait. Is it gonna be over at Ponyville?"

"Of course it is!" Gordie exclaimed with high enthusiasm. "I'm not gonna make the same mistake as Nessa, believe me. She wasn't really clicking with Equestria. Which is weird considering she looks like she'd fit in. But me? I'm all about that fame. And as a bonus, it'll be a Pokemon World Championships Match."

"Sounds good to me. Let's make it happen, Gordie!"

"Boys!" But before they could even hope to do that, their mothers had already called for them both. They were too late as both Delia and Melony were already prepared. The two sons turned to see their mothers already having some food at the ready. Spaghetti was served up for Ash while Gordie would receive a steamy hot pie.

"Mom! You're using the gift that we brought for Mrs Ketchum?!" Gordie screeched as that pie was meant for Delia. Now it was being wasted on the family that brought it here in the first place.

"But it's one of your favourites~" Melony winked.

"Ash, dear. You always love a good meal that gets you in the right mood~"

"We're going to be here for a while..." Ash looked over at Gordie. That battle with him might have to wait. Or it might never happen considering what was coming up next. This motherly competition was about to escalate and none of them knew what was about to happen soon.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 254 End.

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