• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Host of Happiness

Equestria. The Sea of Eggs. Afternoon.

Emerging from the Fairy Egg was a beautiful light that everyone would see. The top of the egg would open up, sending a stream of Fairy Matter and Fairy Energy into the air which would also pierce the clouds. And appearing from the light were Pinkie Pie, Spinda and Blissey.

"Aaah..." As for Ash, the Dragon Matter that was forced out of his body would fade away, prompting him to drop onto his knees. Much like Delayed Aura Ataxia, it affected his body with a heavy feeling. "Man...!"

"Ash! Are you hurt?!" Twilight rushed over. "Rayquaza, why did you-"

"It's fine, Twilight...." Ash took deep breaths, getting on one knee.

"Blissey..." Blissey's eyes would slowly open after leaving the egg, seeing the beauty of the world once more. She also saw the faces of Pinkie Pie and Spinda.

"Are you alright?"


"Blissey..." Blissey, now fully conscious and rejuvenated, turned her attention to the Fairy Egg, which remained intact despite her emergence. With a thoughtful expression, she approached the egg, a sense of curiosity mingling with her gratitude for her newfound freedom.

"I don't get it. How come it's still around? Blissey's outta there." Rainbow Dash wondered.

"It's because it needs a new vessel." Twilight answered. After learning from what Twilight Luminaria told her, she knew exactly why the egg was still here. "But beyond that...I don't know what it's going to do now that Blissey's free."

"Well, we can't destroy it. It's proven to take our heaviest attacks." Mayor Mare pointed out. "We aren't just going to leave it here, are we? What if it acts up again?"

"Maybe we should just throw it somewhere." Amethyst Star suggested. As long as they're far away from it, they would feel safe for however long.

"No." But Twilight knew that was pointless. "This thing is the first big example of Fairy Matter outside of what Daybreaker did. And because of Daybreaker's actions, the Fairy Matter's gained considerable growth. It won't matter where we put this since the source of its energy will be moving much faster. Very soon, everywhere will have Fary Matter and it can just cling itself onto another Fairy Pokemon. Even if they're just in the Egg Group."

"Does that mean my own Skitty too?" Amethyst Star gasped, holding Skitty close to her.

"Probably. Just like how the Dragon Matter followed Spike and his Dragons...the same can be said for the Fairy Matter. They both may be different but they act the same in a lot of categories."

As they thought about what to do with the egg, Ash got back up, seeing the last of the Dragon Matter dispersing from his body. He felt the rush of the Dragon Matter inside of him for the first time and it was very much different from Delayed Aura Ataxia. That sensation tampered with Prisma's soul as his eyes would flash red for a brief moment before returning to normal.

The Alola Champion would turn his head, gazing at Rayquaza, who looked back at him. Before anything else could be said, the Egg was active once more. After sitting there for a while, the Fairy Matter in the environment would rise Even with Blissey freed, it was not yet finished as it was immediately doing what Twilight brought up.

It was searching for a vessel.

The Egg could be heard vibrating, building up its energy once more, just like before. The ponies all gasped upon seeing the egg light up with a deep pink glow. Blissey raised her head, already knowing this sensation too well, even if she was out of the egg.

The various eggs that were seen laying around, having their Fairy Matter ripped from them by the Dragon Matter would also start vibrating. Everyone watched as the eggs gravitated towards the Fairy Egg at high speeds. One by one, they were entering it.

"What's happening?!" Fluttershy bellowed as a wind pressure was kicking up. At that moment, Twilight could feel the soul of Twilight Luminaria speaking through her body. It was a faint voice but she could hear it.

"It's searching for a Vessel...And it's going to turn us all into Fairy-Types!" Twilight gasped once Twilight Luminaria spoke a few words. That egg, with all of its bizarre power, was intending to force others into becoming Fairy-Types just to find a new vessel.

Before they could properly act, the Fairy Egg unleashed a pink flare that resembled a nebula. The flare would expand rapidly, engulfing the grass and the water as well as shaking nearby clouds.

"Oh! Time's up!" Suddenly, Discord felt all of his magic returning to him. His hair would stand up as his eyes would beep like a clock, signalling the return of his Chaos Magic. With a snap of his fingers, right as the wave of Fairy Matter was incredibly close too all of them, his magic would intercept it.

Twilight's eyes widened as she watched Discord's chaos magic intercept the wave of Fairy Matter just in time, halting its advance towards them. The chaotic energy clashed with the pink flare, creating a dazzling display of lights and sparks as they collided.

With its many random effects, the Chaos Magic would eat up the Fairy Matter, using the air itself to create an Air Mouth. This Air Mouth feasted on the Fairy Matter, letting it all enter its body as the pulsating energy was knocking on it, creating bumps.

With a strong struggle, the Air Mouth completely consumed the Fairy Matter, but it would blow up right afterwards thanks to the potent energy within.

"Hm." Discord shook his hand, rather surprise and disturbed that his own magic struggled for a moment against something like that. He saw first hand what this kind of power was capable of.

"Discord! You did it!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"I would've done it sooner, but it seems like nowadays everyone has a response to my magic." Discord scoffed. "No fun."

With the immediate danger averted, the group took a moment to catch their breath and regroup. Twilight knew they needed to come up with a plan to deal with the Fairy Egg once and for all before it caused any more trouble. And it could, without a doubt. This was made by her other self after all.

"What to do with this egg...?" She said to herself before coming up with something. Her eyes immediately met with the Spirit of Chaos.

"Discord. Do you think you can keep this thing in your dimension? If it stays there, we won't have to worry about it messing with the world." Twilight requested.

"In his dimension?" The other ponies repeated.

Discord stroked his chin thoughtfully, considering Twilight's proposal. By stroking his chin, he caused his goatee to extend, hitting the ground and rolling it around like a long list. "Hmm, keeping it in my dimension, you say? Well, I suppose it's worth a shot."

"Already?" Twilight was rather surprised he went with it so quickly. She figured there would be some hesitation or Discord waffling about, stalling for time.

He snapped his fingers, summoning a portal to his chaotic dimension. "Alright! I could use a new decoration anyway!" With a wave of his hand, he directed the energy from the Fairy Egg towards the portal, intending to trap it within his realm.

As the Fairy Egg was drawn into the portal, Twilight and the others watched with bated breath, hoping that Discord's plan would succeed. After a tense moment, the portal closed with a resounding snap.

"There. You won't have to worry about it anymore. Especially not me. I doubt all that Fairy Matter or whatever will be able to do a number on my dimension. It's Chaos Central after all."

"I hope so." Twilight wasn't 100% on that. "Even you're worried, aren't you, Discord? About the power of the Fairy Matter?"

"Me? Worried? Hah!" Discord wheezed. "Why would I be? Sure, it's impressive but nothing I can't handle. All this Prisma nonsense isn't nothing to stress about. Not when both of you are keeping them in check." Discord would poke Twilight and Ash's chests. "If only their souls weren't tied to you. This would be so much easier."

"As for Rayquaza...I didn't think he'd already know a bit about Dragon Matter, let alone using it." Twilight then faced the Sky High Pokemon. "He forced some of it out of Ash..."

"I don't think it's anything to worry about, Twilight." Fluttershy walked over. "Rayquaza was just helping in the best way he could. And it worked. He freed everyone else from those eggs."

"But are you even alright? Don't you need time to heal?" Rainbow Dash flew over, pointing out how Rayquaza was only harming himself by using that power.

And indeed, he delayed his healing process. The Dragon-Flying-Type cried out, laying his head back down onto the cart, needing more time to recover. It was worth it though, stopping the Fairy Matter from having its way.

'"Well, let's head home. It's been a turbulent day. Weeks again." Mayor Mare said to her citizens. With all of them in agreement, they would leave the Sea of Eggs. Then again, it wasn't a Sea of Eggs at all.

As the group prepared to depart from the Sea of Eggs, they noticed something peculiar happening around them. The landscape of the Sea of Eggs, once vibrant and bustling with energy, was beginning to dissolve and fade away before their eyes.

"What's happening?!" Fluttershy exclaimed, her voice filled with concern.

"It seems like the Sea of Eggs is disappearing," Twilight observed, her brows furrowed with worry. "Perhaps with the Fairy Egg gone, this place no longer has a purpose. That means...it's also being erased from existence."

The ground beneath their hooves trembled as the surroundings continued to fade, leaving behind only a faint echo of its former existence. The once lively forest and shimmering sea were now nothing more than fleeting memories, gone from existence itself.

That was officially one thing from the Lost Universe being wiped out.

Ponyville. Ponyville Hospital.

Not exactly a Pokemon Center but it was capable of healing Pokemon. At least, now it was. Nurse Redheart and those who work here now had the means to heal Pokemon but it wasn't even close to what the Pokemon Center had. Blissey had been checked up on.

Thankfully, it was nothing serious. She did suffer some injuries after being in that helix and her body was shaking a bit from all the Fairy Energy from within, plus the Rift Energy, but she would be fine.

"You'll be fine. Nothing too bad." The Doctor said.

"Great!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "You're all better, Blissey!"


"Blissey." Blissey smiled. Now this was the happiness she preferred. She sat there on the bed, feeling absolutely relieved. She sat there for a while, closing her eyes.

"Do you wanna stay here a bit longer?"

"Bliss." Not for too long. Blissey got off the bed, knowing she had to keep moving. The happiness she brought everyone wa genuine. Those villagers experienced the true Blissey, not needing to worry about the Fairy Egg. Blissey could go back to that, but before doing so, she faced Pinkie Pie once more.

Blissey specifically came to Ponyville just for her, Twilight and Rarity, wanting to cheer them up. But obviously, things went south. Fast. From her pouch, she took out the egg, ready to finish what she started.

"Nah. I'm okay!"

"B-Blissey?" A stunned Blissey said, shocked to see and hear that Pinkie Pie didn't want the egg.

"I was down before, but not anymore. I'm glad I got to help you get outta that mess. Plus, I'm just glad that everyone's out of my mess. Seeing all of that go down, well...that was enough for me. I guess it doesn't take a lot to make me happy, huh?"

"The same goes for us." Suddenly, entering the room were Twilight and Rarity. "Hope you''re doing okay now, Blissey."

"Our deepest apologies for making you rush to our aid. We always had the rest of our friends and family to speak with." Rarity uttered. "We could always find a way to cheer ourselves up."

"Bliss? Blissey?" This was stunning to Blissey. Usually, her species are the ones who cheer others up when they at very low points. But to her surprise, Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity have managed to raise their own spirits.

"Our town is weird like that. And we wouldn't have it any other way." Twilight chuckled. "But we're thankful you showed up just for us, Blissey. Everything that goes on here, we can handle it."

"Well, you've got other places that need your help. A lot happens in our world, so I know for a fact that you're needed elsewhere, Blissey." Pinkie would pat her on the back. "Do what do you best. And if something gets outta hand, you'd best believe we're involved in it."

"Somehow, we're always involved in it. Either we get pulled into the mess or it comes from us." Rarity groaned. "For once, why can't someone else save the day from a massive threat? I mean, I don't mind the spotlight and all but, honestly, must we be so focused on them all the time?"

"Rarity, you made an entire movie around the whole Storm Behemoth plot over at Poke Star Studios. Twilight pointed out. "

"Ah. I'm in the progress of making it, darling. It's not yet done. I've been having Cold Colt do all the special effects. And by that, I mean he's been making a mini Storm Behemoth for me. After I'm done with that, I do think our experience in the Arcane Sea will do perfectly."

"Ooh! If you're gonna do something based on what we did, do the um...uhh..." The Earth Pony paused, pondering on an idea as she thought back to everything they've done together. "Umm..."

"If you're thinking about the Black Crusade, forget it."

"I wasn't gonna say that...I was gonna talk about Fantina." Pinkie puckered her lips, shifting her eyes to the side. "Totally. You could ask her to help you out. And you could get Cheese Sandwich to make some music for you!

"Darling. His music would not fit. Why would I bring him in?"

"He's making a sweet song called Polkamon and I got to listen to a sneak peek of it! You'll love it!"

"Bliss. Blissey!" Hearing all of this was music to Blissey's ears. This entire convesation was happiness in motion. Just friends being friends. For that, the Happiness Pokemon was pleased. She experienced happiness herself, despite not gifting it to anyone else.

Looking at Pinkie Pie and her friends speak brought peace to her mind. There was no reason for her to try and cheer them up or even this entire town. They had it all under control, no matter how hard. And that got Blissey thinking about the entire world itself. She's mainly tackled villages and this was her first town. Being around Pinkie Pie brought a rather nice aura she hasn't felt for a while now.

Universe 23. The Human World.

The Human World. Much like it's Universe 1 Counterpart, it was home to Humans that reflect those from Equestria. But the brightness of it was lost.

All thanks to Empress Twilight. In this bleak world, Empress Twilight's iron grip on power was still strong compared to Equestria. With her enemies vanquished and her subjects cowed into submission, there is indeed no hope for change. Sunset Shimmer and her friends, turned to stone and imprisoned in an undisclosed location, serve as a constant reminder of the futility of resistance.

Empress Twilight's unmatched magical abilities ensure that no force within the human world can challenge her rule. Any whispers of dissent are swiftly silenced, as her loyal followers maintain a pervasive atmosphere of fear and obedience. With the intellect of her Human Brain combined with Magic, it was a devastating combo.

Under Empress Twilight's rule, the human world stagnates, its potential stifled by the oppressive regime. Innovation is suppressed, creativity extinguished, and individuality erased in favor of blind obedience to the empress's will.

Speaking of the Empress, she had arrived. Her body passed through the mirror as she took on the form of her original self. For years, she's been a pony, even going as far as to become a fully grown alicorn. Once she returned, she took a good look at herself, feeling her Human Skin once more.

"I have one more ace in the hole." Her eyes would then gaze at a location that once used to be Canterlot High, but was now a magical fortress.

It was no ordinary fortress; it radiated with a potent aura of magic, a testament to the power she had amassed during her reign.

A sly smile curled upon her lips as she contemplated her next move. Somewhere in there lied an ace in the hole that she wasn't afraid to use.

As Empress Twilight entered the fortress, she was greeted by her loyal human servants, who bowed respectfully in her presence. Their faces bore expressions of unwavering devotion to her.

The corridors of the fortress were lined with magical artifacts and relics, each one gathered from various universes she's invaded and conquered.

Finally, she arrived at the inner sanctum, where her ultimate ace in the hole lay concealed. With a flick of her wrist, she activated the protective wards that surrounded the chamber, ensuring that her secret remained safe from prying eyes.

"I hate that I have to use this, but they've left me no choice." She said as the doors open. Through the doors, were more of her subjects were, there resides two more statues But they were not of Sunset Shimmer and the others.

Instead, they were statues of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor and they were not in Human Form, but rather Pony Form. There, they sat in statis, unable to move and kept there for a scenario such as this.

The Same Cadence and Shining Armor that Flurry Heart struggled to find for the past years. Their location was here, locked in the Human World where they retained their Pony Forms.

"Your daughter for once isn't the main issue." Empress Twilight said to the statues, referring to the older Flurry Heart. "I thought about this as a backup but never believed I'd have to use it. I even found it disgusting to have that as a possibility. But now, I need it more than ever. My options are low, so I am counting on that magic of yours to make a turnaround."

There was only one power Empress Twilight could turn to. Not Daybreaker. Not Team Plasma. No one in her alliance. Instead, she was tackling the one thing completely antithetical to everything she's done but as of recently, even she has been struck by it.

"I need your Magic of Love."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 436 End.

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