• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Sacred Loss

Equestria. Out in the Mountains. Afternoon.

Out in the mountains on the path to the Changeling Lands, Lena Ketchum and her group have met with Diadora of the Sea Temple. Diadora recognized Lena Ketchum, knowing who she was simply for one reason that happened in the past. And now, it was coming back to Lena, who blanked it for a moment but soon remembered it.

"Please tell me you remember. This appearance should remind you of the ones you wronged in the past." Diadora asked while showing off her green hair and crimson eyes.

"Ah! Now I remember! Ahh...I'm not sure how I forgot about that." Lena chuckled while Diadora kept a serious look on her face. "I mean, considering where I was dragged from, it was technically only 2 months ago."

"It doesn't matter when it was!" Diadora barked. "What matters is that it happened and I'm in this position!"

"What position?" Jessie questioned, seeing nothing wrong. "You're living pretty over at the Sea Temple. I fail to see how you could be in a bad spot."

"If you must know, I could be a princess by now. Or even a Queen, holding absurd amounts of power that many regions and kingdoms would absolutely envy." Diadora clenched her hands as she was rather irritable. Quickly irritable. "I already expressed my anger to your descendant, Ash Ketchum, who is, unfortunately, the King of the Sea. But I honestly share more resentment towards you than him."

"What did you do, Lena?" James asked.

"Ah...I ate something I wasn't supposed to. That was my mistake." Lena stuck her tongue out, admitting to this mysterious mistake that made Diadora upset. Lena didn't take it too seriously while Diadora saw at as completely vital. "It's actually how I ended up in Hisui."

"What you ate was the key to my family gaining true power. You didn't see me, but I saw you. And so did my uncle. The King of Pokelantis."

"So you're his niece...You were there on that day?" Lena's jaw dropped slightly as she was rather surprised by this. Diadora was another relic of the past but stayed around thanks to the Samiyans sealing themselves away.

"As a child. And I'm guessing you had no idea what that egg was capable of before you ate it?!"

"Not at all!" Lena cackled, still not taking it seriously. "I was just hungry back then and it was because I just started exploring the world. Honestly, running into your family was the last thing I expected." Lena could already reminisce it. According to her, it was only a few months ago, confusing Team Rocket. But Lena was about to give out all the context that she could.

Hoenn. 12,000 years ago.

12,000 years ago. A ripe Kanto Region, still appearing as large as ever with its massive mountains.

Lena Ketchum, who was in her correct timeline was set to explore the world. She had already left her home village over at Kanto and now her journey led her to the beautiful Hoenn Region. And instead of the modern-day clothing she managed to find, she wore rags mostly. Her clothing was fitting for the time period as this was all that she could work with. But for Lena, she didn't care about it. All she cared about was the thrill of adventure that was calling to her.

I had just left my home village, saying farewell to all my friends and family. I was so excited to see the greater world out there. I was always known as the one who loved exploration more than the others. There wasn't a place in the world I wouldn't try and visit. Well, it was limited to Kanto for the most part but then, I managed to end up in the Hoenn Region.

"Haha!" Laughing loudly due to the excitement she was feeling, Lena had managed to ride a boat, carrying her across the seas. Since it was Hoenn, plenty of water was to be expected and no one can just head from Kanto to Hoenn on land.

Going completely solo with no Pokemon or anyone else by her side, Lena Ketchum sailed the seas of Kanto all the way to Hoenn with the brightest smile on her face. She felt the sea call to her. Every part of the world was calling for Lena and she just couldn't resist.

But even though she was doing this on her own, that didn't stop her from being close to the Strange and Wonderful Creatures that populate this world. Lena looked to her side, seeing the Water-Type Pokemon pass by. Lena stood tall on her ship, letting the wind her entire body.

A group of Dratini jumped over Lena's head, diving into the sea. On top of that, she was starting to see Pokemon from Hoenn. The first one to appear was a Mantine, who leapt into the air with a Remoraid below it. It was a sign that she was close to Hoenn.

Looking up, Lena was also letting the Flying-Types above be her guide. She witnessed a Pidgeot soar above her under the bright Sun that beamed down on the seas of Kanto and Hoenn. She sailed the length of the seas, taking in the ocean breeze. Lena was just living her best life, unaware of where it was about to head.

I missed my friends and family back home the second I left on my journey. But I knew for a fact that I would return to them with stories to tell and gifts to bring. I read the Sun, the wind and the sky when travelling the world. Even the stars above were my guide. There was always a new island to visit nearby. But, nothing at that time compared to when I came across that egg.

After travelling the seas for days, she stopped by yet another island. A rather massive one too. With her boat resting there, Lena would hop off, ready to see what this area had to offer.

"Ah...So hungry." Lena uttered with a grumbling stomach. Travelling across the seas for days kicked up a hunger. Granted, she's been gathering food from different islands, making sure she always has something to eat. And she was hoping to find some more on this island.

However, unbeknownst to Lena, this massive island was also home to a castle. The island was so big she couldn't even see the visage of the island in the distance. It was so large it might as well be city-sized. Lena was currently at a part of the island where the hills were high, obscuring more of the castle. But so far, there was no food to be found.

As for that castle, it was under the rule of the King of Pokelantis.

This island was merely one of the few places he ruled. Pokelantis was it's own Kingdom which the King wished to turn into an empire. Occupying this island meant that the King of Pokelantis had many resources to rely on.

Bordered between a fierce river to the North, the rest of the ocean which could also be found at the South, a huge mountain to the East and a more of the sea to the West, this additional Kingdom that the King of Pokelantis placed on this island was untouched. By this point in time, Hoenn wasn't really responding to the King of Pokelantis.

The island's landscape was frightening; silent mountains, chaotic, overgrown fields and the dim clouds that cast an eerie darkness over it are just a sliver of the intimidation that this island has to offer. It also had somber hills, black, decaying trees. All thanks to the King of Pokelantis.

He already had subjects on this island who had a flag of the King present on the roofs of many buildings, letting others know this was a territory of the King of Pokelantis. By this point, since he was still active, he was building up his reign of terror as he could be seen up at the castle, looking down on his subjects.

The subjects living on this island cheered for their king after he made his appearance, supporting his goal of world domination. And this greatly pleased the King of Pokelantis as a devious smile appeared on his face.

"Rejoice, my subjects!" He said, speaking to his subjects from the balcony. "Very soon, Pokelantis will gain untold power that spans the entire world! We've waited 800 years for this and a legend is finally coming true! The rare Egg that has ties to the Creator Deity has returned at last!"

Legends of an Egg that referred to Arceus had been spread. The King of Pokelantis was very much aware of this egg, much like how he was aware of Ho-oh. And just like how he wanted Ho-oh's power to gain immortality, the power this egg had was not to be ignored.

"The Creator Deity truly does exist, which means a power greater than Ho-oh is also obtainable. This egg is said to hold absolute power unlike anything else. I have claimed many islands across Hoenn, making sure that I reach the egg before anyone else. As long as I have domain over these islands, the Creator Deity's Egg will not escape us and the great power will be mine, further elevating Pokelantis to new heights!"

Listening to her uncle speak was none other than Diadora. A young Diadora. Much smaller while still having that fierce look in her eyes. It was similar to her uncle's look. Those red eyes were truly intimidating, even though the King had dark green hair compared to the rest of his bloodline.

"Listen well niece." The King looked back at Diadora. "You must strive towards this path to power, just like how I and your parents have."

"What makes this egg so special, uncle?" Diadora asked.

"Hmph. The Creator Deity is a mystery, but it is true that it does exist. Somewhere out there beyond this world. I may never reach it, but the fact that remnants of its power can be left behind proves that the divine powers can be obtained. If I consume it, I could possibly control time itself."

"Time itself?"

"The Egg last appeared 800 years ago. And another 800 years ago before that. And so on and so forth. No one has been able to claim the egg and use its power. But the energy it exhibits is not a lie. Something truly magnificent resides in it. And I need it for myself. Islands are where it seems to appear more than anywhere else and the Seer has prophecized that this island is where it will appear."

"Is that why you conquered so many islands, niece?"

"But of course!" He cackled, before leaving the balcony. His niece would follow him, continuing to learn more about his tyrannical ways. The interior of the castle showed pictures of Diadora's extended family line.

On the walls were paintings of Green-haired and red-eyed individuals with a rather menacing glare. The disposition they gave off could be felt even if they were just pictures. Diadora was the youngest of this family line, possessing that look even at such a young age.

"For years our family have strived for domination. All of us have one goal. Conquer the world." The King raised his staff, moving it across the many paintings of his bloodline. "It has been a long-lasting goal of ours and while the world has not been conquered yet, I plan to finally achieve that generational goal."

"All of my ancestors, grandparents and more have strived for the same goal?" Diadora couldn't believe it. All of them had the same goal and yet have failed to carry it out, leaving it to the next generation.

"This is merely a fraction. My main castle back at Pokelantis possesses more portraits of your family." He cackled as these paintings were minuscule compared to what his main castle had. Diadora had a rather massive family. "The Gropius Bloondline is a strong one that will not give up on our ultimate goal."

"What does that make me then, uncle?"

"Hmph. I said that I would achieve that goal. Once I become the definitive ruler of the world, I will gain the immortality of Ho-oh to live forever! This will allow me to rule over this world with no fear of time putting an end to my reign. In short, I will be the only ruler of the world for eternity, my dear nice."

"The only one?!" Diadora gasped. That made it sound like she had no place in all of this. She was expected to be the next one to carry out that goal in case the King of Pokelantis failed.

"There is still a place for you, Diadora. You may not conquer the world, but soon, you will be a Queen either way. Pokelantis will transcend being a Kingdom and soon emerge as an Empire. Whatever region you desire, it will be yours to rule." He revealed that Diadora still had a place in all of this. But his quest for world domination made it so that no one else would stand at the top but him. "That goes for the rest of your family."

"I could rule the world as well if I tried." Diadora pouted, believing that she could pull it off. They do say that the next generation tends to be better than the last in many ways.

"Haha! Adorable! The lessons I'm sharing with you will give you a better understanding of being a ruler. And I expect your parents are doing the same. But I am far above you, niece. I have done a lot and have come too far to let anyone outdo me. Perhaps, you can try and best your old man, if possible." The King of Pokelantis even brought the concept of backstabbing and betrayal. He wouldn't put it past his niece to do that in the future.

This whole family wouldn't put it past each other. This bizarre bond is what inspired Diadora. Granted, she has been raised by tyrants, so this was to be expected. She had that drive to rule even at a young age. Young rulers were not out of the question.

First the egg, then the Sea Temple and then Ho-oh. The Sea Temple is also an excellent backup in case something goes wrong." At that moment, while the King of Pokelantis kept speaking, a golden flash occurred in the distance. This flash had stardust particles fly out of it, showing that it wasn't just an ordinary body of light. It was something more. Something that the King of Pokelantis was waiting for. He seems to have chosen the right island today. "Ah. It has begun! The Egg of the Creator Deity! Let us not waste any time and claim it as soon as possible!"

Hearing this, the guards would depart with their King, quickly making their way towards the scene of the outburst. The light was impossible to ignore since it made a rather loud sound and was incredibly bright.

"You can expect me to take your place, uncle. I want to rule the world as well." Diadora said as she was planning to backstab her uncle. Someday. When she was ready. She was also hoping that it was before he gets immortality.

A grand fanfare was made for the King of Pokelantis. He walked out of his castle with high appraise from his subjects. It was to celebrate something that hasn't even happened yet. However, the King's subjects saw him as someone who can gain power successfully. After all, he has conquered many islands which was proof of his success.

Meanwhile, Lena was at the mountainous part of the island, searching for something to eat. Without a full stomach, Lena would lack the needed strength to do much. Hearing her stomach grumble, Lena Ketchum looked around for anything but none of the trees had any fruits around. They were all dead after all. Surely there had to be something edible on this island.

But all she saw were terrified Pokemon. This island was populated by some Pokemon who looked absolutely terrified, hiding in the trees and bushes. Lena noticed them gazing at her with fear in their eyes. But most likely, Lena wasn't the reason why they all had these faces.

Not all Pokemon were terrified. Approaching Lena were Plusle and Minun, leaping onto her back while she was slowly walking along. Lena grumbled, looking back to see this duo on her back.

"Do you have any food for me?" Lena questioned before receiving a slight electrical shock on her back. Lena laughed right after, quite enjoying that shock.

Reading the emotions and energy of Lena, a Ralts would sense that Lena had no violent energy within her. There was nothing to fear. It would stop hiding in the bushes, sensing no danger whatsoever. The other Pokemon saw that Lena was rather harmless. Whether it was who she was as a person or her current state.

Lena would sit down, needing some time to relax. With a deep sigh, she started thinking about what she could be eating right now. In her mind, the food of her home village came to mind. "I could go for mother's cooking...I should have taken a basket or bag of her food. The next town I come across, I will make sure to take a bag of food."

But while Lena was thinking about food, she saw how the Pokemon of this island started gathering around. Plusle called out to all the other Pokemon, telling them about how Lena was completely safe. Hearing this, they all ceased their fearful faces and any worries they may have had.

Even though she was hungry, Lena could at least smile in the face of the Pokemon. Seeing so many of them gather around her, especially since they were Hoenn-based Pokemon, was wonderful. Lena very much enjoyed seeing new Pokemon and this island was packed with them.

Whimsur, Swablu, Spinda, Ralts, Breloom, Skitty, Beautifly, Houndor and more. With no Pokedex during this time, Lena learned about the Pokemon physically and up close. "Well, at least I have all of you to speak with. I'm guessing you are all hungry as well. I wish some food would appear right now."

"Plus!" Plusle confirmed this. With no food, many of these Pokemon were starving. They certainly couldn't produce any food of their own and some had to watch out for predator Pokemon who saw them as prey. They were in a similar boat as Lena but on a higher scale since this part of the island has been dead for a while.

Lena heard the stomach of a Vigoroth grumble which was rather audible. Lena and the Pokemon all heard of it as that didn't exactly help. But what it did was made Lena chuckle. She then patted Hondour on the head, soon rubbing it which as very comfortable for the Dark-Type. But before she could really take in all of these new Pokemon and interact with them some more, that's when it happened.

The golden light appeared at this very location, unleashing a brilliant flash for Lena to see. All the Pokemon saw it for themselves. It was absolutely beautiful and unlike anything they have seen before. This light was rather inviting, especially its entrance. Even though it was sudden, it made a peaceful appearance, easing its way into this area.

And from this divine light, an object would appear. It was what the King of Pokelantis spoke and what would apparently be the key to absolute power. It even resembled the very Pokemon he referred to. It was the Egg of the Creator Deity.

"Oh, that looks good enough!" But to Lena, she just saw it as a gift for her struggles. The appearance of it didn't matter to her. All that mattered was that it looked edible. All the Pokemon had the same thing in mind. They all saw it as edible. And it was rather large too. Lena and a few other Pokemon zipped over as their eyes lit up.

This mysterious egg which was as large as a Snorlax had not just a regal appearance but also a delicious appeal. Lena could already see the squish parts of the egg, lightly poking it. The gg would immediately jiggle, proving that it could be consumed. She wasn't sure where this egg came from or why it appeared. All that mattered was that she could finally eat. But Lena wasn't about to leave all the Pokemon behind. They had to eat too since they had nothing right now.

"We will all share this egg. It looks large enough for us all. Maybe bits of it can be cut up." Lena said before picking the egg. Much to her surpise, as soon as she did so, another golden glow would happen around that very spot. Lena pulled her hand back as she managed to get a smaller but still fairly big version of the egg.

Lena wasn't sure how that was possible but she wasn't complaining. This egg was as big as her head and perfect to fill her stomach. With a wide grin on her face, she turned to all the Pokemon, encouraging them to do the same. "Everyone! Start grabbing and pulling what you can!"

The Pokemon would do just that. Seeing Lena do it, they did not hold back. Starving, the Pokemon pulled out their own eggs which all came in massive sizes.

Soon, a feast happened around this part of the island. A feast of eggs occurred with Lena and all the Pokemon gladly consuming them with nothing else in mind. As for the egg itself, the taste could be described in one word. Divine. Lena squealed after tasting it. This was worth it without a doubt.

All the while, the King of Pokelantis was making his way to the scene of the light with his guards, taking a chariot there. His niece was also in the chariot, coming along to witness her uncle obtain almighty power. A flock of Skarmory flew alongside his chariot while also pulling it, belonging to his guards. "The power this egg holds is unknown but it is without a doubt mighty since it relates to the Creator Deity. My first act with that egg will be to tackle those opposing kingdoms. I will have the power to physically shape the world in my image!"

With a menacing cackle, the King already had plans with the egg. He certainly wasn't thinking about eating it. That never came to mind at least once. Diadora was just waiting for her opportunity. Perhaps, she could snatch the egg and harness its power first before her uncle could.

Unfortunately, that was never going to happen. The egg reached Lena and the Pokemon first and already, a majority of it had been eaten. The King of Pokelantis, his guards and Diadora all collectively had the same shocked reaction on their faces. This mystical egg that relates to the Creator Deity was not only smaller, now the size of a thumb, but a majority of it had been eaten which explained the shrunken size.

"Mmmm! Mmm?" Lena was eating the last of the Mysterious Egg. This feast has lasted for at least 40 minutes, filling everyone's stomachs. The young traveller would then notice the King of Pokelantis and his forces, pausing for a moment. The King's goals were instantly shattered with the key to ultimate power being swallowed up by Lena and the Pokemon.

The Pokemon here knew who the King of Pokelantis was as they instantly backed away. This was the one that instilled fear into them. Each of the Pokemon instinctively got behind Lena, feeling safe behind her. Some would just try and leave the area as soon as soon as possible.

"Is this the one you're afraid of?" Lena asked after seeing the Pokemon all gain those fearful expressions once more. She was already putting together that this was why the Pokemon were so afraid. And potentially why there was a lack of food around.

"W-What have you done?!" The King roared. "the Creator Deity's Egg! You ate it?!"

"You're not supposed to?" Lena sked after swallowing the last of the egg. "But it tastes so good though~"

"You fool! You blasted fool! Arrest her and those accursed Pokemon!" The King called for her arrest. This was not allowed to stand. The Egg that was said to appear every 800 years and no one has managed to obtain it was now gone. Most likely, it was never coming back since all of the Pokemon and Lena have devoured it.

Lena grimaced, realizing she was in deep trouble that she wasn't asking for. The guards approached along with their Skarmorys. But right afterwards, Lena was prepared to get herself out of this, putting on a serious face. However, she wouldn't get the chance to do anything as she suddenly felt her body pulsate for a brief moment.

"Huh?" Lena looked at herself, noticing a grandiose golden glow covering her body. This golden glow would blind the guards and the Skarmory, preventing them from getting any closer. It was also rather hot for the Skarmory, tackling their Steel-Typing. "Oooh..." Lena herself felt rather woozy.

The egg was mystical for a reason and the side-effects were starting to show. Lena's eyes spun around as all the other Pokemon who ate it felt the same. The golden glow would then spike in power as Lena's body, melting away the wheels of the chariot.

"This is an outrage! Absolute power should have been mine and you went and ate it?!" The King of Pokelants growled, unable to get close because of the light's power. "Who are you, girl?!"

"Lena Ketchum!" She spoke her name before holding out a peace sign. "I was hungry! And it was worth it!" Those were her last words before she suddenly felt something else. She blinked for a moment as she and all the Pokemon would vanish from the scene. Lena looked at the King and Diadora at the last moment before having her body disappear.

All that was left behind was a golden pillar of light that would soon shrink. Just like that, Lena Ketchum and the Pokemon were gone. Along with the egg.

"Noooooooo!" The King of Pokelantis was defeated. And it was done by a starving girl and Pokemon. To say he was furious was an understatement. The guards all trembled, knowing the King's wrath was about to be absolutely terrifying. "Curse it all!"

"Darn it!" Diadora was also gutted by this, slamming her fist on the chariot. The ultimate power she planned to steal from her uncle was gone. And it was all thanks to Lena. Diadora never forgot Lena after this. Her name was known and especially that face. The face of a Ketchum.

"And that was how I ended up in Hisui. That Egg managed to transport me to the future. I wasn't even aware that it had a mystical power behind it until the King said so." Lena finished the story, finally giving full context. "I'm still not sure why it appeared out of nowhere that day. But a part of me believes that it was also an accident."

"And it would've been mine!" Diadora stomped her foot. "I was going to steal it from my uncle and use it for myself! That way, I would have been the de facto ruler of the world! But you just ate it?! Why?! Why would eat something that relates to the Mighty Arceus?!"

"It looked edible..." Lena shrugged. "If you saw it, you would've thought the same. Plus, all it did was take me to the future, so I'm not really sure its power was as amazing as you wanted it to be. I mean, it was amazing to witness and travelling through time is impressive."

"Pfft! Bahaha!" Jessie, James and Meowth collectively cackled after hearing this. That was rather hilarious. Dreams of World Domination crushed by a young adventurer? That was all too familiar to them. It seems that history repeats itself even in the past.

"Sucks to be you~" Jessie slid over, looking at Diadora's scowl.

"Whatever! I can right these wrongs! I'll succeed where my uncle failed! I knew for a fact that he wouldn't succeed even after everything he said. I am the last of my bloodline and I plan to achieve their goals."

"How do you plan to do that?" James asked. "I mean, different forms of ultimate power now exist in the future but it's not just you that wants them."

"I have the opportunity to become the Queen of the Sea, if possible. Ash Ketchum currently holds the title of King. It should be ruling the seas. Much like how you took my chance for ultimate power away, Lena, your descendant did the same."

"Listen. I'm not all for world domination, but I'm not one to crush the dreams of someone else. I have to continue on my mission at the moment so I can really say much more." Lena was about to depart, focusing on the Changeling Lands.

"Hey! I have to exact revenge! Don't just leave!" Diadora roared.

"No offence, but you're not really making it hard for us not to leave." said Jessie. It was true. Diadora didn't seem to pose any threat at all. She was rather harmless. All bark and no bite. And Diadora knew this, puffing her cheeks and looking down. She came all this way just to yell and vent her frustrations out at Lena.

"I was hoping to do more..." Diadora grumbled. "I finally meet ith the one who took my chance of ruling the world away...and now what? If I had a Pokemon of my own, this would be very different."

"Well, it's been years since then. I don't think you're all that bad, Diadora." Lena chuckled. "Young lady. You just sound frustrated. And rather lost."

"Of course, I'm frustrated! And you of all people know why! But..." Diadora sighed. "I can't really do anything about it. And I'm not sure about lost."

"You don't know what do at all, don't you?" Lena approached. "You came all this way for me, only to have nothing else to do. And it sounds like you back home, it applies there as well."

"I could be come Queen but such a title doesn't come from choice. Your grandson just happened to be the one to save the Sea Temple. I was sealed in the Sea Temple along with the other Samiyans. I saw him save it. And since then, I've been only living at the Sea Temple. I have no throne."

"That sounds like my grandson!" Lena grinned. "I love that he's made a name for himself!"

"Not me..." Diadora scoffed. "But mark my works, Lena. You should watch out in case I finally manage to exact my proper revenge."

"You're adorable!" Jessie would pat Diadora's head, finding her cute instead of threatening. Diadora would growl, trying her best to keep that same threatening aura up. She certainly had the voice which was befitting of a ruler. But there was just something missing. Something vital.

Lena knew what it was. And because of this fact, she didn't see Diadora as evil or anything close to it. Because of this major factor, Diadora was very much different from her uncle. Lena turned around, continuing on her way while looking back at Diadora.

"If it makes you feel any better...Why not come along?" Lena offered Diadora a chance to follow her. Diadora gasped as that was the last thing she expected to hear. "Try and exact revenge along the way. You can stay close or keep following us from afar. We're off to the Changeling Lands."

"E-Excuse me...?" Even after all of that, Lena's carefree attitude won it all, leaving Diadora speechless. She spoke about world domination and exacting revenge and the only outcome was Lena shrugging it off, asking Diadora to come along. Lena was a strange one.

But she was just like her descendant Ash. Needless to say, Diadora wasn't sure how to properly react or what she could do. She was already far from by this point and the one who took the ultimate power by accident was offering her something entirely unexpected.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 272 End.

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