• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Equestria. The Crystal Empire. Nightfall.

Entering the Crystal Empire was Ash, who was currently possessed by King Sombra. However, unlike most possessions, this one was decided between Ash and Sombra for one reason. This reason allowed Sombra to move through the shadows in Ash's body, aiming to get things done easier. In his current body, he was too weak since his magic was no longer as grand as it used to be. But in Ash's body, he could suffice perfectly. Going by Ash-Sombra thanks to a part of Ash coming out of him even when Ash relinquished control, he stood away from most of the rabble.

Ash-Sombra's eyes met with the scenery, witnessing the destroyed crystal buildings. All of this was done by the Sableye but the one truly responsible for this was Sweet Fang. "My Empire..." Ash-Sombra said with a mixture of Ash and Sombra's voices, looking upon his empire and how it had been sullied by the claws of the Sableye.

However, the castle was fine for the most part. Thanks to its massive size, it would manage. The same applied to the Crystal Heart as it was completely untouched. Even though he was the furthest from the chaos, he could hear and see it from afar. The sounds of Sableye ran rampant here. "Those vampires wouldn't dare to attack here if I was still king. I'll deal with them thoroughly."

"Sableye!" Speaking of which, crawling over the crystal buildings were the culprits of this mess. Ash-Sombra's eyes went up to meet with the Sableye who attempted to creep up on him, only to fail. By controlling Ash's body, the crimson eyes were sharper than before. Far sharper than what Sombra once had.

"You dare approach me?" He said before tightening his gloves. And with this possession, Sombra had full access to his magic in Ash's body as it would flare out of his arms and eyes.

"S-Sable...!" There was a bit of hesitation from the Sableye. Looking at Ash-Sombra brought a sense of foreboding fear. Unsurprising since that was Sombra's speciality.

"Afraid? You should be. This is my kingdom." Ash-Sombra said to them, advising that the Sableye think twice before attacking him. And judging by the presence he gave off, they were starting to think about it. However, some of the Sableye were braver than the rest, sneaking up on Ash-Sombra.

"Sableye!" Three Sableye lunged themselves at Ash-Sombra from behind, attempting to claw at him. Sensing this, Ash-Sombra put on a cocky smirk, knowing what was coming, but did not move out of the way to evade it. He didn't have to. All he had to do was use magic. The Sableye passed right through Ash-Sombra, hitting nothing but shadows instead. Ash-Sombra altered his body to match that of shadows, becoming intangible for a moment as the Sableye fell over.

However, Ash-Sombra would end up catching one of them by the leg. This one Sableye was in the grasp of the Double King. The other Sableye gasped, only reaffirming their fear and were greatly hesitant to get close to Ash-Sombra. The Sableye, after seeing their attacks phase through Ash-Sombra, believed him to be untouchable.

"Why act like this now...You're the ones responsible for the Crystal Empire turning out like this." Ash-Sombra questioned before looking the Sableye in the eyes, wanting an answer. The Sableye now knew what the other Sableye felt when being near the presence of Ash-Sombra. However, this one Sableye was up close and personal. And when looking into the eyes of the Sableye, Sombra already saw why all of this was off.


"Mind Control Magic. Pfft. Of course." Ash-Sombra said, deducing what magic was causing them to act like this. "Such a common usage of magic, but it's always effective. But I can fix that."

With a flash of magic from his eyes, Ash-Sombra's magic would reach Sableye. Sableye felt a part of himself being greatly affected. The same part that Sweet Fang managed to take control of. Once more, his body would be forced to submit to someone else against his own will and it was arguably the lesser of two evils.

"How about we just release 'em?" Just then, Ash's voice took over Sombra's voice, becoming dominant for a moment and catching Sombra off guard.

"W-What?!" Sombra gasped, dropping Sableye. "Boy?! Is that you?! I thought you relinquished everything, how are you talking like this?!"

"It's harder than it looks. I don't really know how to relinquish my Soul and Spirit and all that stuff. Not that well anyway. But hey, at least I can talk to you now. Or me. It's you in me."

"You're the one who came up with that embarrassing name of Ash-Sombra." He sighed as Ash did speak through Sombra once, giving the duo this name now that Sombra was in control.

"Yeah? Pretty great, right?!" Ash laughed. "It's like we used the Bond Phenomenon! I was thinking of something like Sombrash! How's that?"

"Please don't." He facepalmed, preferring not to be given these nicknames. But Ash-Sombra had already stuck and he was unintentionally going along with it.

"Anyway, I think we should try and free the Sableye from this mind control. That'll switch things up pretty quickly."

"Tch. I was opting for another option. Then I'd have my own army to combat against the Dread League." Ash-Sombra scoffed, crossing his arms in annoyance. "I've already implemented fear into them with my presence but these are only a few Sableye. I could just take out the source of the problem."

"Yeah, that'll do! If we find whoever did this, we can free all the Sableye in one go. And if you need any help with my Pokemon, I'll be here to shout it out!"

"I don't need your help for this! You're back-seating for the time being! This is my Empire and I won't let those vampires sully it." Ash-Sombra roared, wanting to do this on his own. He then eyed down the Sableye, intimidating them. "After this, you will repair the entirety of the Crystal Empire with your bare hands!"

Agitated, Ash-Sombra cast the rest of his magic onto the Sableye. With his hand out, a wave of darkness would envelop this small group of Sableye, restraining them. His process of freeing the Sableye from their control would begin and he did so by immediately attacking their fears. It wouldn't be Sombra without the involvement of fear somehow. By attacking their fears, Sombra saw what they were most afraid of.

And unsurprisingly, they all had the same fear. A lack of crystal. The Sableye shared this fear since crystals were so connected to them. This was easy enough for Ash-Sombra to deal with since their fears were so common. And after showing them their fears, not only would they snap out of their mind control, but they ended up falling to the floor, passing out afterwards.

Now it was up to Ash-Sombra to get the rest of them and that would involve going straight to the source. It was pointless to try and free every single one of them one at a time. Thus, the Duo King would take off, advancing further in the Crystal Empire. And watching this play out was one Sableye who spectated in secrecy, hiding next to a heap of crystal rubble. This one Sableye would crawl away, quickly attempting to relay this message to Sweet Fang.


Fleeing from the scene, Baby Flurry Heart and Sunburst ended up underground. By taking the underground path the Golurk made, they hid from Sweet Fang's forces, trying to stay safe. Underneath the Crystal Empire were mines that possessed crystals. Similar to the Canterlot Mines but with extra dazzle. However, these crystals lacked the same dazzle as the entirety of the Crystal Empire, but even that place was starting to lose its dazzle because of the Dread League.

"Hah..." Sunburst sighed, laying his head on a crystal wall. "What do we do now? They've got two princesses already and have overtaken the Crystal Empire by this point. How do we get out of this?" It seemed rather dire. The Crystal Empire might as well be doomed.

Right now, it was just him and Baby Flurry Heart. Both were hiding from the Dread League who had yet to leave even after obtaining two alicorns. But they weren't completely on their lonesome. Technically, there was some extra company. From his saddlebag, Sunburst would hold out three Poke Balls. He threw those Poke Balls into the air, summoning his own two Pokemon. Azumarill and Lampent.

"At least I still have you two."

"Azu?" Azumarill and Lampent were both clueless as to what has occurred. They were in their Poke Balls their entire time and were unaware of the beginning of the Black Crusade and the attack on the Crystal Empire.

Baby Flurry Heart was just as lost. Compared to Sunburst, Sunburst could just go back up there and have his body taken over and no one would think any more of him. He'd just be another victim. But for Flurry Heart, she was being targeted since she was an alicorn. And not only that, a Baby Alicorn. The first one ever. Thus, her lifespan was a goldmine for Rosa Maledicta, who aimed to be the longest-lasting Lich to ever rule to the point where she can be considered immortal.

She couldn't stay down here forever but there wasn't much that she could do. Her mother and other self had been kidnapped while her father was unable to deal with these overwhelming odds. As such, Flurry Heart did what any baby would do in this instance. Cry. She let her emotions out, crying as loud as she could over this helpless situation.

Sunburst and his Pokemon flinched at this sudden outburst which shook the crystals. This response was to be expected as the situation was incredibly dire. And for a child, this was terrifying. But this could be made even worse if this crying alerts the Dread League due to how loud it was. It was already shaking the crystals in this underground and as an alicorn, Flurry Heart's voice could be elevated.

"Oh, don't cry! Uh..." Sunburst uttered. "Azumarill! Make her some balloons!"

"Azumarill!" Responding to Flurry Heart's sorrow, Azumarill would quickly rush over. Trying her best to cheer her up, Azumarill would manipulate the air itself with ease. With her control over the air, she formed balloons out of air, gently placing them in her arms. "Marill!"

Three more were made as Azumarill gently brought them over to the weeping alicorn, attempting to brighten her spirits. Flurry Heart's eyes met with the Air Balloons as Azumarill prayed that this would be enough. But nothing was enough when her family was in jeopardy. Flurry Heart would continue crying, unleashing a louder cry that would pop the balloons.

And poor Azumarill, with her powerful ears that had superb sensors, took the brunt of this as she was the closest to Flurry Heart. Azumarill would even drop to the ground.

"Ohh...What do we do?" Sunburst groaned as the pressure kept coming. He figured that since he was underground, the best thing to do was to keep on moving. "Okay. We just have to keep going until we can figure something out or find something. Come on, it'll be okay." Sunburst said to the Baby, promising her that things would turn out fine. But that was a hard promise to keep right about now.

Lampent's light would bright some brightness to the underground, allowing them to traverse easily without bumping into anything. Flurry Heart, who kept sobbing, would be picked up by Sunburst who carried her. It took a while for Azumarill to get back up after her ears were so viciously attacked.

Back up at the Crystal Empire, Sweet Fang finally recovered from that Electrical Shield. She ended up at the main castle, staying there and overseeing everything. She even took the opportunity to sit on the throne that belongs to Princess Cadence.

And not only that but to rub her own ego, she had the Sableye make crystal accessories for her. On her head, she wore a crystal crown, made from the rubble across the empire. She had a crystal necklace, crystal bands on her hooves and many crystal sculptures around her. Sweet Fang wanted to savour this.

"I could get used to this." She said with a smile, fully confident in her efforts. She has already taken over the Crystal Empire by this point and had both alicorn princesses at her disposal. "I wonder if after this, her majesty will let me be the new Ruler of the Crystal Empire. That'd be fun."

"That's great and all but shouldn't we be getting back now?" A vampire asked. "The Golurk and Sableye have yet to find the baby. She's escaped our sights completely."

"Hmm...It is pretty annoying." Sweet Fang pouted. "But I suppose we can handle that later. We can always just come back here and try again. Let's head back to Magehold with Cadence and Flurry Heart. The Golurk and Sableye will continue to hunt down the other Flurry Heart and-"

"Sableye! Sableye!" Suddenly, bursting into the room was a Sableye. It barged through the large doors, soon crawling on the ground to meet with the one controlling it. Sweet Fang. It was just like a guard, servant or citizen coming up to Royalty. That is exactly what it looked like to Sweet Fang and it was rather pleasing.

"Oh? I presume you have good news?" Sweet Fang leaned in.

"Sableye! Sableye!" Explaining what it saw, the Sableye would frantically jump around, moving its arms and legs rapidly as it sounded like something urgent had come up. ANd it was indeed urgent as seen by the look on Sweet Fang's face.

"Ash Ketchum?! And King Sombra?!" Sweet Fang translated, shocking the other vampires on what they heard. Ash and Sombra's presence had been notified. "How did they even get in here?! The Shadow Spire should've kept any and everyone out!? Are the more outside the Empire?!"

"That's impossible. The Shadow Spire should've kept them both out completely.

"What do we do now that they're here?! They've probably brought an army of them if they caught wind of our actions this soon!"

"Hold it! We're not doing anything! At least, I'm not! We're taking Cadence and Flurry Heart back to Magehold at once. Now that we have them, they need to be there for extraction. Let the Golurk and Sableye handle that mess." Sweet Fang preferred not to engage with Ash and Sombra. She was afraid that the plan could fall apart if more showed up to the Crystal Empire, so it was best to get Cadence and Flurry Heart to Magehold as soon as possible.

Speaking of Cadence and Flurry Heart, they were currently being held up by a Golurk's large hands, still unconscious to everything going on. The Golurk understood the mission, carrying the two princesses away. The vampires would lead Golurk away, making sure to avoid Ash and Sombra at all costs.

Speaking of Ash-Sombra, he was rapidly moving across the Crystal Empire, trying to find the source of the problem. Ash-Sombra ran on top of the rooftops, getting to high ground while eyeing down the castle. That was the most obvious place to be considering how massive it was. And up ahead, he saw how overrun the Crystal Empire had become.

The Sableye ran the streets, jumping around and becoming the new citizens. As for the actual citizens, they were either under Sweet Fang's control or tied up. Some were even still hiding from the Dread League, retreating just in time before the Sableye could find them.

"Sableye!" And it didn't take long for other Sableye to spot Ash-Sombra. The Sableye up ahead that were already on the rooftops threw out Shadow Balls at the Duo King, attempting to knock him down. Ash-Sombra would evade them in response, having his senses sharpened with possession of Ash who was incredibly athletic and sharp to react to other things. Years of journeying helped mould this body.

"You're not going to strike at me!" Ash-Sombra yelled before putting his hand out. A stream of shadow magic would fly out, charging through the Sableye. The Sableye were blown away as if they were bowling pins as the stream went in a straight line with its wide appearance, knocking over various other Sableye. Ash-Sombra then pulled his hand back to keep on advancing once these Sableye were out of his way, but more were bound to intercept him.

And this was quickly proven by the other Sableye that crawled up the rooftops just to approach the Dual King. But this time, they were joined by the Golurk who were doing this against their own will. By using their jets, the Golurk took flight, pursuing Ash-Sombra on the rooftops.

"Gol!" One of the Golurks used SHadow Punch, forming a shadow fist that would extend, being long enough to reach the Dual King.

Ash-Sombra quickly leapt from one rooftop to another gaining amazing distance with his jumping strength. He avoided the Shadow Arms which crashed through the rooftops he was previously on. And without losing any momentum, he continued on his way, focusing on that castle more than anything.

The Golurk and Sableye continued their pursuit with some of the Sableye being up ahead once more, trying to cut Ash-Sombra off and slow down his movements. But of course, he wouldn't allow that to happen.

"You'd be wise not to get in the way of your king!" Ash-Sombra yelled at them before digging into his pockets to reveal a Pokemon and by lunging through the air once more, he would throw the Poke Ball forward, summoning one of Ash's Pokemon into the fray.

"Dragonite!" In this case, it was Dragonite and what an entrance she made. When she appeared, the Dragon Pokemon landed on the roof that the Sableye stood on, creating a strong burst of wind and shockwaves which knocked them over. This was then followed by Ash-Sombra descending from above, landing perfectly on Dragonite's back as if he planned it. And he most definitely did as this was a quicker way of travelling than just running.

"Onwards to that Castle!" Ash-Sombra spoke, giving Dragonite a taste of both Ash and Sombra's voices. She wasn't exactly sure why she could hear them both at the same time, but it didn't bother her that much. What did bother her was what became of the Crystal Empire.

Before she could take off, some of the Golurk got in front of her already, circling the Dragon Pokemon and the Duo King. The two of them looked up to see a circle of Automatons around them, holding their fists out to try and keep them at bay. But they did more than just keep them at bay. They attack, shooting out Thunderbolts, Flash Cannons, Shadow Punches and Stone Edges. One of these was bound to deal major damage to Dragonite.

"Nonsense! Hurricane!"

"Draaaaa....!" With a bellowing roar that broke some of the nearby crystals, Dragonite summoned a fierce gale around her body which soon transformed into a Hurricane. The Hurricane erupted from her body, acting as a shield against the attacks came in.

And with Ash-Sombra's involvement this Hurricane saw an improvement. He raised his arm, spreading his Shadow Magic around the Hurricane. Soon a Dark Hurricane emerged, using its violent power to reflect the attacks.

The Golurk were struck by their own attacks thanks to the Dark Hurricane, falling out of the sky because of this. The only ones who were fine were the ones hit by the Thunderbolt. They had full immunity and kept their momentum in the air. The Golurks that withstood the retaliation would throw their own retaliation into the mix. This time, aiming to get up close and personal with Ash-Sombra and Dragonite. "Gol!"

"Slash at them with Dragon Claw!"

"Rrrr!" With draconic energy forming around her claws, Dragonite would prepare for an up-close encounter. The Golurks all tried different forms of punches. Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Shadow Punch and Thunder Punch were among them. Even a few Hammer Arms came in.

And she did all of this by taking flight. Dragonite flew forward while having her claws out, blitzing through the air and slashing past some of the Golurk with Dragon Claw before they could get their attacks off. The Golurks that received that swift yet heavy slash went falling, crashing into the roof. But the rest of them would keep up with Dragonite, flying alongside her.

A Hammer Arm was swung at Dragonite while she was flying, attempting to bring her back down to the Earth, only for Dragonite's Dragon Claw to clash with it. Dragonite had to swing back at those who struck at her, receiving some hits in the process with how many Golurks there were. But he retaliation was mighty, causing some of the Golurk to crash into each other. With a Fire Punch slugging her face, Dragonite would slug the Golurk back with an equally hard blow.

But with so many Golurks, she certainly couldn't do this alone. And Ash-Sombra knew that this many would jeopardize him and his mission.

With Ash's body, Sombra would zoom through the air, not wanting to get harmed with Ash's body at all. All of those attacks that came in Dragonite's way were rather dangerous to her. He was genuinely trying to keep Ash's body safe but that was also for his own sake since the both of them had their lives tied.

While flying through the air, he took out two more Poke Balls before zipping to the side, evading a Flash Cannon from a Golurk. After dodging the Flash Cannon, Ash-Sombra soared to a lower level, sliding on the ground as he threw the two Poke Balls forward to bring out the next two Pokemon. Gengar and Sirfetch'd.



"Push through them! Night Slash and Shadow Ball!" He pointed at the group of Sableye and Golurk in front of them.

"Sir!" Sirfetch'd nodded before rushing in for a Night Slash, engulfing his blade in darkness. Gengar would giggle, spinning his body to gather some light energy. The Golurk and Sableye were already here to intercept, meeting with Sirfetch'd for an up-close exchange. "Fetch'd!" Sirfetch'd swung his leek, slashing away at one of the Sableye before blocking an incoming Shadow Claw with his shield.

He was then forced to block again once a Golurk swung its massive and heavy fists down, making Sirfetch'ds body shake. The crystal ground beneath him trembled with some cracks forming, showing how strong he guarded against that initial hit. He slid back, quickly blocking against another attack that came from the Sableye. The way they attack was rather rabid and fast, forcing Sirfetch'd to constantly keep his shield up and wait for a moment to strike.

"Gengar!" And Gengar did just that. After spinning around, Gengar released multiple Shadow Balls that flew in different directions. These Shadow Balls would snipe the Golurk and Sableye, blowing them away and giving Sirfetch'd enough space. Once he had his space, Sirfetch'd lunged in for his next Night Slash, swinging his Leek Sword at the Ghost-Types.

As for Dragonite, she would continue her battle in the air, evading the Golurk this time just to have them crash into some buildings. By baiting them out, the Golurk would hit the crystal buildings, either crashing into them or stopping dead in their tracks.

In this instance, both Ash and Sombra were taking charge. The usual bond Ash had with his Pokemon plus the quick-thinking brain of Sombra allowed them both to handle the scenario well, even if the numbers were starting to close in on them.

But they weren't worried about the numbers. The only thing Ash and Sombra focused on was the source. And they knew for a fact a vampire was behind this. But little did they know that the Vampire responsible for this mess was already choosing to head back to Magehold with the two alicorn princesses.

Meanwhile, just outside the Crystal Empire, Pikachu, Twilight and Espeon were patiently waiting. Twilight prayed for Ash's safety, hoping nothing terrible happens to him while he was in there and with Sombra at the helm. She just had to have faith. Not only that, but Twilight was waiting for her Z-Crystal to recharge, just so she could blow past the Shadow Spire at last.

It was a long waiting process as they couldn't even hear what was going on within the Crystal Empire. They just had to wait and hope. But while doing so, something else grabbed their attention. In the harsh snow, footsteps would crunch it up on moving, alerting the three of them. Pikachu already got on all fours, preparing for the worst as electricity would spark from his red sacs.

"Who's there?" Twilight asked. When looking ahead, these footsteps belonged to someone who was clearly heading this way. Where else would anyone near here go but the Crystal Empire? She noticed that the figure of a pony could be seen approaching. With the figure of a pony, there was a 50/50 chance this could be a vampire pony or not. it was hard to tell since it was still nighttime and the darkness within the snow was obscuring this pony.

At least for a while. That is until the pony moved through the darkness of the snow, reaching a vicinity close to Twilight's. That's when she saw who this was. It was not a foe at all. In fact, it was someone who had something in common with her. And that was being a former student of Princess Celestia.

Arriving here on this ominous night was Radiant Hope.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 134 End.

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