• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Rarity vs Opal Vivacity

Equestria. Exploud Canyon. Magehold. Magehold Chamber.

"Ampharos! Mega Evolve!" Rarity was going all in now. And that was by unleashing Mega Evolution Opal Vivacity. Ampharos already knew it was coming. The light from the Mega Stone went off, already racing to Ampharos, who stood over Pheromosa. Pheromosa looked up with a slightly damaged vision and a paralyzed body, witnessing the light envelop Ampharos who was about to undergo something beyond evolution.

"Now's my chance! That won't come to pass!" However, anticipating something like Mega Evolution, Opal Vivacity, with her devilish grin, pulled something out of her mane. From her mane, she held out an object that was retrieved from Geosenge Town during the Dread League's quest to capture Yveltal.

The Stones from Geosenge Town and nearby. Previously retrieved by Melody Moon and Bittersweet, Opal Vivacity held them out, triggering the two that were in her hooves. Once they went off, they let out a light that was strikingly similar to the Mega Evolution Energy. In fact, the stones greatly resembled that same energy, looking like shards of Mega Stones.

Once Ampharos' body started changing and by changing, he was simply getting majestic hair and awakening his hidden dragon blood, the stones went off in unison, interacting with the process. Instead of adding to it, the Mega Evolution Process ended abruptly.

"Ampha?" Ampharos felt the process ending. It was so instant as the light faded away. He noticed how his elegant hair was nowhere to be seen. The Mega Stone that was lodged in Rarity's pendant would even stop emitting that light all of a sudden. Ampharos looked at his arms, completely befuzzled and bewildered.

"Darling?! What's wrong?!" Rarity gasped.

"Worked like a charm! Just as I predicted!" Opal cackled as Rarity looked up to see two stones that resembled a Mega Stone's colours in her hooves. "So much for your Mega Evolution. It's been completely shut down!"

"Shut down! That can't be!"

"Oh, it be. It was worth Melody Moon and Bittersweet going to Geosenge and retrieving these stones/ They obviously have some relation to not only Yveltal but also the Mega Evolution Phenomenon. So I had some vampires work on it and voila! It shuts down your power-up! How's that?!"

"What a bother...!" Rarity growled as she was unable to access Ampharos' Mega Evolution in the meanwhile. "But that doesn't mean my chances have slipped away! Zap Cannon!"

"Ampha!" The options were still availabe for Rarity's team. From Ampharos' hands he would form a crackling orb of lightning that was bound to result in instant paralyzation, throwing it at Opal Vivacity.

"Of course...this also works in my favour." With that smile staying on her face, she held out the Stones right as the Zap Cannon was approaching her. The stones would light up, enveloping Opal Vivacity in its energy. And the second the Zap Cannon got close to her, the electric attack would be neutralized. Zap Cannon fizzled out when touching the energy, losing its lightning. It didn't even combust or anything like that.

"Now what?!" The unicorn groaned, wondering why Zap Cannon failed so easily.

"Splendid, isn't it?!" Opal Vivacity laughed. "Using the Parasite Demon all those Pokemon I caught paid off greatly. I stole their abilities and whatever made them unique. And in a way that affected my biology."

"What are you saying? You don't mean..."

"Abilities can only get me so far. Some of them are useless since I'm a vampire and they only work on Pokemon. So I took a risk. A massive one. I didn't just take a select few abilities, I also took some of the DNA from the POkemon I caught!" Opal revealed something truly horrific as her acts seemed to only worsen. "It's not plenty, but it helps. It's why i have that Intangibility akin to that of a Ghost!"

"You used your own Pokemon to gain power?" Rarity shuddered. "And since it was from that demon, I can only assume that it was not a pleasant feeling for them."

"Duh! Of course, I did! Why wouldn't I?! I can't deny how powerful these Pokemon are. And by taking some of their DNA, it allows me to tap into the power of stones. This energy you see around me...I'm almost undergoing my own Mega Evolution!"

Opal Vivacity had gone to extreme lengths, even affecting her own biology. Rarity now learned that she was more than just a vampire. Traces of Pokemon DNA were within her. She wasn't sure which Pokemon, especially since Opal hasn't revealed any of hers, but she was positive Opal got greedy and chose the best ones possible.

"Shocked?! I wouldn't be if you know enough about me! I've spent my entire life kicking others down just so I can rise above and be at the top! And when I become the Lich Queen, I'll truly be at the top! So there won't be any need for kicking others down. I'll be the most powerful and beautiful being to ever exist!"

"You call that beautiful?!" Rarity roared at Opal Vivacity. "You're practically a mutation due to what you've done! Everything you do is vile! You've stolen from others just to be better and you expect me to believe you can get to the top with that?"

"Oh, cry about it!" Opal sneered before having the Mega Evolution Energy flare out of her body. It would even raise her hair due to how much of it was emitting out of her. "No one can stop me now! After her majesty's reign comes to an end, which will be a very long time, it'll be my turn to take over. I can wait as long as I can and in the meanwhile, I'll be the new ruler of Canterlot just to fill up that spot. After all, there's no one in the world I respect more than the Lich Queen. She's the best we've had afterwards. After I got rid of the previous ones."

"Y-You...what?!" Rarity did not mishear that. From what Opal Vivacity just blurted out, the previous Lich Rulers were apparently tossed aside. And it sounded like Opal was the one to do it.

"You heard me correctly. Tossed aside. They were getting too remorseful for my taste. Felt bad about what they did and wished they never came to Magehold or something sappy like that. Pathetic! But you've heard enough! Prepare to be crushed by my dazzling Psuedo Mega Evolution!" From her Mega Evolution Energy, two massive Energy Hooves appeared. Two more showed up as they touched the ground, causing a tremor to go off.

And from that energy, the body of a pony was forming. This pony strongly resembled Opal Vivacity as it obviously came from her. It even had the massive mane too and those devious eyes to boot. It felt like Opal was undergoing Mega Evolution but since she wasn't a full-on Pokemon, it was only spurious. Just as Opal said, it was her Psuedo Mega Evolution.

"This is more like it!" She said while basking in the Mega Evolution energy. "I have to thank you for this, Rarity! If you never whipped out Mega Evolution, I would've never thought to use those stones right now! They almost slipped my mind! This is just another addition to my ever-growing power. I'll remember this when you're a skeleton!" She would then swing her massive hooves over at Rarity, controlling it via her own will.

"Leavanny! X-Scissor!"

"Lea!" Three of her Leavanny would use X-Scissor, attempting to clash with the massive hoof. When connecting with the hooves, sparks would fly out as the bodies of the three Leavanny would stagger, tremble and shudder as it felt like a train had come into contact with them. With pure strength, Mega Opal sent them flying. "Vanny!"

"Ampharos! Zap Cannon!"

"Ampha!" Leaping into the air for yet another Zap Cannon was Ampharos. And this time, he would make sure his attack would land. Ampharos lit himself up, generating as much light as he could to try and stun the vile vampire. However, with the added energy around her plus the veil of shadows, even Ampharos' light wasn't too much of a problem, but it was still vexing to look at.

Ampharos would then launch the sphere as the giant hoof of Mega Opal would approach it. She attempted neutralizing it once more but Rarity was prepared for this, attempting to get the better of Opal.

"Sweep the leg, Pheromosa!"

"M-Mosa!" Still paralyzed, Pheromosa would move in, dashing at half her speed. Just as Opal Vivacity was about to neutralize Zap Cannon, along came Pheoromosa, attempting to sweep the hooves of the giant Mega Evolution Pony. The strength of Pheromosa hadn't changed at all and Opal Vivacity knew that. And unfortunately, since she had her massive Mega Evolution vessel as an extra shield, she had all the chances in the world ot use her Fate-Changing Mane, which is exactly what she did. By placing it on her hoof, she changed fate once more.

Pheromosa's leg sweep completely missed as Ampharos' position had been swapped. It was Ampharos who ended up taking a heavy hit from Pheromosa. "A-Ampha!" Ampharos staggered as his entire body shook. Pheromosa noticed how Ampharos was suddenly next to her, taking the hit accidentally.


"Missed me~" Opal taunted before using her massive hoof to whack both of them. Both Pheromosa and Ampharos went flying, tumbling and rolling on the hard ground. Both would soon lay next to each other, perplexed by what just happened. But Opal wasn't done, unfortunately. From the mouth of her Mega Evolution Form, a ball of Infinity Energy would form. It was expected for her to possess Infinity Energy after what she has done.

And with this power, she made her own Hyper Beam, unleashing it from the Mega Evolution Form, targeting Pheromosa and Ampharos as they lay there on the ground, not having enough time to get back up.

"String Shot!"

"Vanny!" The three Leavanny would quickly shoot out their strings, grabbing Pheromosa and Ampharos and moving them out of the way in time. The Fake Hyper Beam would hit the ground, bringing out a vicious paroxysm that shook the area and blew away some of the walls, revealing more of the outside.

"I need more than this! Milotic!" Seeing how rough it was getting, Rarity had to send out her only Pokemon who wasn't injured in any way. Milotic was at full strength, perfect for an attempted comeback.


"Do you think that'll help you?!" Opal yelled before then having the Giant Mega Evolution unleash its hair. Much like how Opal uses her own mane as a weapon, this giant was no different, swinging it down on Rarity's group.

"Hydro Pump!"

"Miloooo!" From her mouth, a high-volume blast of water was thrown out, meeting with the massive mane. Hydro Pump met the mane's size perfectly clashing with it. Neither of these two powers won, only resulting in a tie. However, the aftershock made Milotic flinch as droplets of water fell from above.

"Energy Ball!"

"Leavanny!" The three remaining Leavanny would hold their arms out, forming a ball that was powered by nature itself and the little Sunlight that was piercing through the dark skies, throwing them in unison. Opal saw this and had her Giant Mega Evolution purposefully smash them together with its hooves. The hooves crushed the spheres when catching them both, easily ridding them.

And as a way to retaliate, Opal would do the same, having the Giant Mega Evolution made its own sphere. This was one was riddled with darkness, pulsating violently and sending black lightning that would hit the ground without even being fully unleashed.

"Ampharos use Fire Punch! Milotiic, Dragon Tail!"

"Pha!" Ampharos got back up, igniting his hands in a furious flame while Milotic enveloped her tail in a draconic energy. Just as the sphere was thrown, the two Pokemon would meet with it, swinging Fire Punch and Dragon Tail at it. Together, they both managed to hold the sphere back, keeping it in place.

"Pheromosa! Triple Kick!"

"Pheromo!" Finishing it off was Pheromosa who would fly in and kick the sphere directly. By hitting it, Pheromosa's added strength would send the sphere flying right back at Opal Vivacity just so she can taste her own medicine.

"What?!" Opal gasped before having the giant Mega Evolution move to the side. But even when evading it, the massive mane it possessed had a hole blown through it. Opal growled at this as her beautiful giant had received damage, much to her irritation. "Oh, you...!"

"Milotic, use Ice Beam! Freeze her!"

"Loootic!" Milotic would follow up with an Ice Beam, targeting the giant's hooves as she would try and start from the bottom. Stopping the hooves would certainly grant an advantage. The beam met with the hooves, already spreading its chilling aura around it.

Opal merely scoffed at such an attempt. Before the ice could really get going, Opal had her giant break it apart with a powerful hoof swing. The hoof went forward, kicking up a strong wind pressure while sending ice shards everywhere. Milotic closed her eyes as her shards were sent back at her, pelting the Tender Pokemon.

"You surprised me there! But I'm still better! Like so!" Opal then had her giant gallop, finally having it move forward which was absolutely terrifying. Seeing this giant Opal Vivacity approaching was a major problem that Rarity had to think fast if she wanted to avoid it. The giant's hoof was raised, attempting to step on her foes and ending it one attack.

"Grab it, quick!"

"Ampha!" AMpharos would raise his hands, attempting to hold the giant hoof that came crashing down. When touching it, the ground beneath him cracked as his feet were pushed deeper into Magehold's surface. "P-Pharos!" To Opal's surprise, Ampharos was holding the hoof back with his strength. She wondered if her giant wasn't as heavy as it appeared to be due to the fact that it was made out of Mega Evolution Energy.

"Now is our chance! Pheromosa! Climb up and use Triple Kick! Leavanny, support Pheromsa!"

"Pheromo!" Pheromosa saw this as an opportunity. She would run up the legs of the giant, using this as a chance to get as close to Opal Vivacity as possible. And supporting her were the three Leavanny who would use String Shot on the massive hoof. By latching onto the hoof, they pulled themselves forward, also aiming to get up close and personal with Opal Vivacity.

"Heh. Fools." However, with a nefarious smile on her face, Opal Vivacity only saw this as a positive. As Pheromosa was running up her leg and Ampharos was holding the bottom of the hoof back, something happened. Pheomosa's vision worsened unexpectedly.

"Phe?!" Previously, Pheromosa barely managed to avoid having her senses fully affected by Opal Vivacity and as a result, her vision was slightly disrupted, but not to a bad degree. Now, that changed all of a sudden. Pheromosa's vision was greatly altered as everything in front of her was being greatly obscured. And thanks to that, she had no idea where she was going as everything was a blur to her. The Lissome Pokemon not only slowed down but she was moving to the side, on the verge of falling off.

"Pheromosa, darling! What's wrong?!"

"Ampha..." But it wasn't just Pheromosa. Ampharos felt something happen to him as well. It wasn't his vision that was disrupted but his hearing. It was suddenly elevated to an insane degree. "Pharos!" Ampharos screamed as his ears were in a ton of pain, hearing sounds that were highly sensitive to him. As such, he was unable to hold up the giant hoof.

"Gotcha!" Opal took advantage on this, slamming the hoof own on Ampharos who lost the strength to keep it up. Before he knew it, he was fully forced to the ground, slammed by the giant's hoof.

"No! Ampharos!" Rarity screamed as her eyes did not believe her. Ampharos had been stomped. And it only worsened as a confused Pheromosa ran off Opal Vivacity's leg, unable to tell where she was going. Opal grinned, swinging her other hoof to strike Pheromosa. The Lissome Pokemon took a hard hit without her ever seeing it coming.

Rarity gasped as her Pheromosa was also forced to the ground. And with such a fragile body, it affected her greatly as she went flying through some rubble while falling down. Her body slid on the ground as the hoof would force the Leavanny off her, sending them flying into Milotic. Milotic attempted catching all of them, only for her to fail as the tree Leavanny crashed into her.

"Shouldn't have gotten too close! This was the perfect opportunity to use my Curse Magic! It's way easier when I'm piloting a Giant Mega Evolution of myself!" Opal Vivacity cackled. "Right now, your Pheromosa is completely blind and your Ampharos can't stand the sound of anything else! My own voice is an example!"

"Ampha!" All that screaming harmed Ampharos' ears, making him squirm while he was on the ground. He couldn't move either since Opal Vivacity had stomped on him to the point where his body was plastered on the ground.

"I bet I can do a lot with this giant form. My Curse Magic should be better than before with so much power flowing through me. You're next Rarity!" Opal Vivacity would then unleash her signature magic once more and this time, she would experiment with something. By hitting the ground, she spread her Curse Magic, using it to a greater effect. Never before has it been widespread at all.

The darkness from this curse would envelop the entire ground of this area, rushing to Rarity and threatening any of her senses. She wasn't sure which of her senses would be affected but she couldn't afford to find out, quickly putting up a shield. As she put a shield up, her Pokemon had already been hit by the Curse. Now Leavanny and Milotic were affected and the effects already showed. Milotic had her vision affected, much like Pheromosa. The three Leavanny each lost something. Hearing, scent and vision. With their senses disrupted, they laid there, stunned and bewildered.

Rarity shielded herself from the Curse Magic, protecting her senses. However, all it took was Opal Vivacity using the giant to shatter her shield easily. Rarity screamed as her shield broke from the giant hoof, stumbling back. But Opal Vivacity would not let her fall. Instead, she would use the giant to grab Rarity, finally getting her hands on her.

"I have something special for you." Opal Vivacity said while bringing the massive Rarity up to her. The unicorn attempted breaking free, zapping at the Giant Mega Evolution furiously but her magic was too weak to do anything about this.

"T-Try all you want! Whichever of my senes you try and take, I'll still do what I can!" Rarity barked, closing one eye while still trying to break free. She was fearless in the face of Opal Vivacity and her terrifying Curse Magic.

"One? Hah!" Opal laughed at Rarity's retort. "Oh, silly RarityI won't deal with one of your senses. For how persistent you were, you deserve something much better than that. I haven't done this before so now would be the best time to test out. Instead of one...I'll deal with all of them! I'll steal everything from you!"

"!" Rarity felt something she's never felt before. It was absolutely haunting what happened to her. The Curse Magic already travelled through her body, targeting everything she had. The 5 senses she possessed were hit. It was unlike anything that has ever happened before. To anyone else.

First, she felt her sight vanish as everything was going black for her swiftly. Her hearing was starting to fizzle out as all the sounds her were vanishing. Her touch was even being taken away as she couldn't even feel the Mega Evolution Energy around her body anymore.

Her Pain Stimulation had been maximized thanks to Opal Vivacity, who laughed maniacally while harming Rarity in such a vile way. Rarity could barely hear Opal's laugh. Everything was starting to fizzle out for her as she was on the verge of losing everything.

"M-Mosa..." Pheromosa could still stand surprisingly. She wasn't so supple anymore. As she stood up, she failed to see Rarity's current condition. She could not see her trainer of her friends properly but one thing was for sure. She could hear Rarity's pain.

"Too bad! You never had a chance against me, no matter how fast or strong your Pokemon were! After this, I'll deal with the rest of your friends by taking away all of their senses too! I'll stimulate their senses to an all-time high at the same time so an unbearable amount of pain comes their way! It'll be so wonder-"

But before she could finish her sentence, there was an interruption. Not from Pheromosa. She was still on the ground, trying to rush to Rarity's aid if she knew where she was. Instead, something emerged from the shadows, slashing through the Giant Mega Evolution's Hoof. Opal's jaw opened as the hoof came falling off.

The hoof that held Rarity came clean off, dropping to the floor. The GIant Mega Evolution stumbled back, unable to feel pain but it certainly left an impact that could not be ignored. As the hoof hit the ground, the energy around it would fizzle out. The one responsible for that powerful slash was none other than Bisharp. Opal's eyes followed Bisharp who was joined by his platoon of Pawniard.

"Bi...Sharp?" Rarity could barely make out what Pokemon had just flown by. But it wasn't just Bisharp who made an appearance. Someone else helped her off the ground.

"Nice going. As if you could've taken that giant on your own." Rarity could barely hear the voice that reached her. But the way it sounded was very familiar, no doubt about it. She looked up to see a familiar face too and it was of someone she didn't expect to see today.

"It's you..." But Opal Vivacity saw more than just one individual. Someone else caught her attention who Rarity could barely see and her. Opal saw this individual very clearly.

"I feared I'd meet up with you again." Hovering over the floor was a being that slightly resembled Milotic's body structure. Another Sea Serpent had arrived, but it was one that originated here at Equestria. It was the most unusual familiar reunion as Vivace had arrived.

And the one who helped Rarity up was none other than Adagio Dazzle. Joined by her two sisters, they appeared in their pony forms now that they returned to Equestria after so long. The extra help that was on the way that Celestia spoke of had arrived.

"So that's our half-sister?" Adagio said while looking up at Opal Vivacity and her Mega Evolution Construct. "Yikes..."

"Rarity! Are you alright?!" Sonata asked, concerned about Rarity's well-being. She was saved at the right time but it was a very close-call. Her senses have been greatly disrupted. She could barely, see hear or even feel anything.

"I know these voices...Dazzlings?" Rarity groaned, still trying to feel everything around her. But that was incredibly difficult and even painful for her.

"Well, hello Mother!" Opal Vivacity shouted. "It's been centuries since I've seen you. Of all the times you decide to show up, it's when my rise to power and victory is ramping up, eh?"

"I was right to leave that day. Hearing everything you've done and what you're doing now...You're Pure Evil." Vivace said, disgusted by her daughter's action.

"You're just now realizing that?" Opal sneered. "I thought you would've been proud of me. After all, I'm everything you wished for. As a siren, negativity is what you live for. I'm the product of what you wanted and I deliver negativity better than anypony! I even feed off it like any siren would!"

"What you do is absolutely horrendous. No siren would ever go that far. And the fact that you're half siren is even more terrifying."

"Thank you. Turning all those skeletons into our personal pool of negativity feasting was wonderful. A shame you never came back to try it out some more. You ran for your life when you saw it and I just used those vampires as a pool to get stronger. Eventually, they gave out so...eh."

"It was worse than that and you know it."

"Mm. Yes, it was. Anyway, who are these three? Are those my other sisters? I recognize each of them from your appearance." Opal Vivacity eyed down Adagio, Aria and Sonata, seeing the resemblance between them and Vivace. But the one who truly caught her eye was Adagio. "Oh, and that one looks a little bit like me."

"Hmph. Don't compare me to you." Adagio scoffed. "At least my mane is natural and not some cosmic mutation."

"Kh!" Opal twitched as she took offence to that. Yet again, her mane has been insulted. And Adagio was direct with her insult. "If you've come here to meet your end you've come to the right place. I've already made an example of Rarity and you're all next! I have no shame in taking out my own family, even if I'm now meeting my half-sisters. Because as it stands, I am unstoppable!"


Ponehenge. Standing here was Sunburst, who already went ahead due to orders from Princess Celestia. There was only one way to stop the Pony of Shadows and that was by sealing him away like before. However, Sunburst was waiting for someone that Celestia entrusted this mission too. Right now, he just had some Canterlot and Crystal Empire guards with him for safety.

And at this moment, the Pony of Shadows made his way here. The place where he was once sealed but now half of him had been unleashed. It seemed like he showed up first, moving through the shadows of the land to reach this area. It looked like he was way ahead of Twilight and her friends who were ordered to head to Ponehenge as soon as possible.

"Oh!" Sunburst gasped when spotting the Pony of Shadows. Unfortunately, it was not Twilight who made it here first bu the Pony of Shadows.

"Those fools. Even if I can't appear here as easily as other places because of the magic, I still have the superior speed since the shadows are under my control." He laughed as his head emerged from the ground.

Ponehenge itself seemed rather empty. Nothing was really going on here. It was dry and devoid of life with no one else in sight. During the Black Crusade, Ponehenge seemed untouched by the destructive mess that was occurring at the moment. It was also a rather dim place, secluded around a forest where the Sun barely shined on it. Perfect for the Pony of Shadows considering this is where he was once sealed away.

However, it seemed like he wasn't truly all that ahead of Twilight and her friends. Suddenly, just as he popped out of the ground, a powerful light would land, startling the Pony of Shadows. This light was strikingly bright. So bright that it perfectly contrasted the darkness that the Pony of Shadows wielded.

And that light belonged to none other than Galaxy Master. Twilight already decided how she was going to keep up with the Pony of Shadows and it was certainly the best option she could've made. Twilight emerged from the light along with Radiant Hope, Starlight Glimmer, Spike, Daisy, Paradise and an extra ally who was responsible for bringing them here. Galaxy Master's Dragonite.


"Oh, you made it after all!" Sunburst said once they showed up. "And you brought Starlight with you."

"You kept up with me? Impossible..." The Pony of Shadows was in complete disbelief that they managed to show up. He expected them to be incredibly late to the point where he would've already been gone by now.

"Nothing's impossible when you have plenty of friends who can do a lot." Twilight smiled. "And now that we're here, we can get started on what really matters. As long as you're around, the Black Crusade won't come to a proper end, so we're going to change that."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 185 End.

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