• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Sea King's Duty

Unova. Mistralton City. The Pokemon Festival. Day.

Back to Unova once more. After passing through the gateway made by Lucas, Ash and Sci-Twi found themselves in this region yet again. No one else other than Sunset Shimmer's group was aware of an entire forest just disappearing in a brilliant flash.

That was merely an example of what Daybreaker and Gardevoir have caused. During a time when Dragon Matter and Fairy Matter are trying to adjust themselves to this world, the balance of Mega Evolution and by extension, Infinity Energy has been greatly disrupted. The New World was facing a bit of a crisis and not even the usual guardians from each respective region could sort it out immediately.

At Mistralton City, a city that is known for having a cool climate and is subject to rain during the spring, autumn and even summer, it was completely fine.

"So...What do you think, Professor Oak?" Sci-Twi said when trying to reunite with her friends. Mistralton City was close to Chargestone Cave at that forest that had suddenly vanished. On her phone, she was currently speaking with Professor Oak, who was obviously caught up to date.

"I would say it's nothing to worry about, but..." Professor Oak would speak. "From what I've heard, Mega Evolution's balance never gets upset. For the most part, Mega Evolution, no matter who uses it, always stays the same and never fluctuates. This is a first."

"Celestia said she knows that it's Daybreaker," Ash added. "Something like this never happened with Rainbow Dash or Celestia. I don't think a lot's happened with the Harmony Phenomenon when I think about it."

"Maybe it's because Daybreaker doesn't come from this world? Oh, but Gardevoir does..." Sci-Twi theorized but couldn't quite figure it out. "I don't come from this world, technically!"

"Ah, you don't have to worry about a thing, Twi. You're not gonna mess up the world or anything." Ash would reassure Twilight, even with the existence of Twilight Luminaria and Midnight Sparkle.

"Easy for you to say..." Sci-Twi simply grumbled afterwards. "After what I saw. And what about you and Prisma? Isn't that world-changing?"

"Mmm...Good point." Ash nodded in agreement. Both of them were technically holding something destructive. More-so Ash.

"Now, they should be somewhere around here. Unless they've gone elsewhere. I can just call them and-" Right before Sci-Twi could make a call, something was felt nearby. It wasn't the result of the power surge from before showing the rest of its effects. Those who had no idea what it was would immediately get inside, fearing that everything around them might collapse or aggressively tremble again. "Is it another one?! Already?!"

"Is everything okay over there?" Professor Oak asked. Everything was completely fine for him over at Pallet Town. It was only near Mistralton City and it wasn't even causing that much of a ruckus. Nothing looked like it was about to collapse or anything of the sort. Judging by the direction, it was coming from the nearby seas of Unova.

"Oh, I know this!" Immediately, Ash was fully aware. By looking in the distance, he and everyone at Mistralton City would bear witness to the emergence of the Sea Temple, Samiya. Samiya rose majestically from the depths of the ocean, its ancient architecture and mystical aura capturing the attention of everyone in Mistralton City. The sight of the temple emerging brought a sense of relief to Ash and Sci-Twi, knowing that this wasn't a significant event tied to the balance of the New World. Even though it technically was "Sweet! Samiya's here!"


"So that's the Sea Temple." Professor Oak was shown the temple through his phone, witnessing it for the first time. Elsewhere in Mistralton City, Sunset Shimmer and her friends saw it as well. They were here too, as well as the Merchant from the Past, Volo. They laid their eyes on the Sea Temple for the very first time after only hearing about it.

Excitement and awe filled the air as Mistralton City's residents and visitors marvelled at the sight of Samiya. The Sea Temple's emergence was met with gasps of amazement and whispers of wonder. The Pokemon in the vicinity seemed to sense the significance of the moment, with some displaying joyful cries.

"This is incredible!" Sunset exclaimed, her friends nodding in agreement. "I never thought I'd witness something like this."

"It soothes the soul after what we just witnessed." The Human Counterpart of Rarity smiled.

"Isn't that the thing Ash is the King of?" Rainbow Dash questioned. She recalled that Ash Ketchum is apparently the King of the Sea, but she has only heard about it. Only Sunset Shimmer could confirm it. "Lucky...He gets to command that thing?!"

"But what's it doing here?" Fluttershy asked.

Volo observed the Sea Temple with a contemplative expression. It seemed that even someone with his extensive experience found the sight of Samiya to be a rare and extraordinary occurrence. He had just experienced something intriguing over at that forest that was now gone and now this has come up.

The Sea Temple definitely predates him by many centuries and not even he has heard about it. But looking at it, he already knew it was of great significance. This whole world was highly significant for him.

The Sea Temple Samiya.

The People of the Water were definitely here for Ash. After arriving at Unova, the guards of the Sea Temple stood outside, knowing that their king would come. And indeed he did. Ash could be seen running over at full speed with Pikachu, elated to see them again.

The guards greeted Ash with deep respect and admiration upon his arrival, always having a good chunk of hope in them. The citizens inside the Sea Temple would look through the holes and windows, waving at their king.

"Ah! Your majesty!" One of the guards exclaimed, a mixture of joy and reverence in their tone.

"Hey guys!" Ash came to a screeching halt. "Is everything alright?"

"We're glad to have met you so soon. It's of the utmost urgency, your majesty." The guards spoke.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Everyone felt it. Well, I was kinda asleep with Pikachu so I didn't..." Ash was already caught up to speed, but he was sure the Sea Temple had more to offer.

"Pikachu..." Pikachu giggled.

"Slow down, Ash!" Sci-Twi could barely keep up with the speeding Ash Ketchum. She would breathe in and out after catching up at last.

"Royal Advisor Alo is waiting for you inside, Your Majesty. He says that there's been a great upset in the power of Mega Evolution. The seas were trembling and practically out of control for us. Even the power of the crystals couldn't guarantee a perfect balance."

"Woah man...Even the crystals?" That came as a shock to Ash. The Sea Temple Crystals did manage to save the temple from destruction but it wasn't as easy as it should have been.

"Hmm...Get a good view of the temple, Twilight." Oak pleaded, wanting to look at the temple some more. This was the closest he'd be right now. Ash would approach, here for his subjects. While Ash isn't exactly an expert when it comes to these situations, he would be there for his friends regardless. Plus, his actions do speak louder than words when the world is facing an issue.

"I don't believe it...he really is the King of the Sea." Peeking from behind a row of trees were Sunset Shimmer and her friends. Sunset Shimmer, having known about Ash's connection to the Sea Temple, couldn't help but smile at her friends' reactions.

"I told you." Sunset grinned at her friends. "Ash has a way of getting involved in the most incredible things. I guess you could say he earned his title."

Rainbow Dash, still processing the information, shook her head in disbelief. "King of the Sea? Seriously? That's so... cool. I mean, I'm not all about the sea, but still."

"I didn't even know you could become a king without being born into it," Fluttershy whispered.

"Does that mean I could be a Queen?!" Immediately, ideas swirled in Pinkie Pie's vast chamber that was her brain. She imagined what kind of Queen she would be and what she would rule. Food came to mind immediately.

Pinkie Pie grinned and bounced with excitement. "Imagine the parties and celebrations we could have! How do I become a Queen? How'd you say he became King again, Sunset?"

"Do you realize what this means?" At that moment, with a sparkle in her eyes, Rarity saw a golden opportunity. "Having a friend who is a king opens up numerous possibilities. We could have exclusive royal...anything! All the reputation in the world. What's bigger than the sea?!"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes playfully. "You guys are getting ahead of yourselves. I bet Ash isn't even thinking about all this royalty stuff. He's too busy focusing on what just happened recently."

"Do you think we're allowed inside? I mean, we're his friends so..." Pinkie Pie questioned.

"I know your Equestrian Counterparts are allowed in, but not sure how they'd react to you..." Sunset observed when seeing Sci-Twi enter the Sea Temple.

"We can hear you!" Alas, it took one of the guards to call out to them from the distance.

"Eeek!" The girls would yelp as they had been spotted. So much for concealing themselves. They slid out of the trees, minus Volo, who was nowhere to be seen. It took Sunset Shimmer just now to realize that Volo was absent at the moment.

"Uh! W-We were just..." Sunset was frantically trying to explain herself.

"Have no need. Your faces are too familiar and we've been made aware of counterparts. You may enter." Thankfully, there was no need for explanations or excuses. The guards of the Sea Temple were well aware of Ash's friend group. Apart from just resembling their Equestrian Counterparts, Ash speaks about his friends a lot, including these six.

"Whew...." The group exchanged glances, and with a collective breath, they stepped inside the Sea Temple. It would be their first time experiencing the Sea Temple, especially at its fullest.

The Tranquill Gardens.

A serene and lush area within the temple grounds, adorned with vibrant marine flora and intricately designed pathways. The Tranquil Gardens serve as a place for meditation, reflection, and a connection to the natural beauty of the sea. A central koi pond reflects the temple's towering spires, creating a peaceful atmosphere for both residents and visitors. And there, Alo stood with his bushy beard still wet from last night's turbulent experience.

"We're here, Alo! Everything okay?" Ash asked.

"Glad you could make it, your majesty." Alo appeared before his King. And standing next to Alo was Donoma. The Sea Temple's Seer with her crystal ball at the ready. Naturally, she already saw something like this happening.

"Just in time too. The crystals are currently gathering their strength after they were used to save us." Donoma explained. "I am a bit worried that they're losing steam recently."

"That aggressive feeling from last night has died down...but it's left quite the impact on the world. Never before has there been such an upset in the balance."

"That's because of Daybreaker and Gardevoir. That's who Celestia's guessing is behind this." Ash answered. "It's not just Mega Evolution but the Harmony Phenomenon. Celestia and Passion use it and never did anything like that."

"Is that it? The Harmony Phenomenon is involved?" Even Alo didn't know about this. "Well, it's all new to me as well. I only know about Mega Evolution. Do you perhaps know how it happened?"

"Nah. I wasn't there. No one was. It just happened out of nowhere but...I was totally asleep." Ash laughed. "But you came to me because I'm guessing you know how to fix it."

"You could say that. There is a first for everything, your majesty. The Sea Temple isn't known for Mega Evolution, but it's delved into it in the past. But this kind of Mega Evolution is different from the rest."

"What makes it so different though?" Sci-Twi asked as it wasn't clicking. "Is it because Daybreaker's not from this world? That can't be it."

"It's not that. Mega Evolution transcends worlds. No matter when or were, its power can be used." Alo shook his head. "It's the method on how it was unleashed."

"Mega Evolution requires a powerful bond between a Trainer and Pokemon. That happened, but there's more. The way it was obtained was seemingly unexpected." Donoma held out her crystal ball. "I couldn't see where it came from, but I was at least able to make out what caused it. This Daybreaker character must have created a Mega Stone."

"Created a Mega Stone? By herself?" Ash said as he and Sci-Twi leaned forward to see the projection of Donoma's vision. In the ball, they saw the image of Daybreaker and Gardevoir manifesting a Mega Stone and Gardevoirite out of thin air, creating a new one.

"Mmm. Not with her own hooves. It is a manifested Mega Stone." Alo explained. "Mega Stones are not known for manifesting but there is one known way they can appear. The way to manifest them is to tackle your greatest flaws, fears and insecurities. But for someone like Daybreaker, it should have been impossible."

"How impossible are we talking?" Sci-Twi questioned.

"It's said that those who have a dark heart can never manifest one. That's how it should be. If you are not pure of heart, the Mega Stone will not manifest and yet...she pulled it off." Donoma shook her head.

"It should have ignored her entirely. Daybreaker single-handedly broke a rule in the natural order, which was a major contribution to the disturbance we all felt.

"Hmmm...Yeah, I can see why." Ash wasn't all that surprised. While he was shocked to learn that a Mega Stone could be manifested, albeit in a specific area, Daybreaker overcoming her flaws and fears didn't come as a surprise. Not after learning about her past.

"Goodness, your majesty. You already know?" Alo was rather shocked.

"Daybreaker's still Celestia. Both of them are pretty strong-willed." Ash explained. "But as for Gardevoir...she must've gotten a huge pep talk to pull it off with her."


Sci-Twi, intrigued by the information, pondered aloud, "So, they manifested a Mega Stone like that? That's...remarkable. What about the ray of light? Did you see or hear about that?"

"We did. The ray of light that struck a part of the world will bring other consequences, but they won't matter to Daybreaker because this isn't her universe. Your majesty. We ask that you help us maintain the world's balance before something like this happens again. If that power is unleashed once more, it might spiral out of control."

"You got it!" Ash pumped his fist. "I'm here to help. I don't wanna see this new world we all made just fall apart."


"Excellent. We managed to maintain the balance of the seas, but it expended a plethora of the crystals' power. On top of that, it seems that Kyogre is currently on the move to correct things, but we don't think it can do it on its own." Alo grumbled while stroking his beard.

"I thought those things had infinite power," Sci-Twi replied.

"They have heaps of it. Almost limitless. But even they had their limits, even though their potential is boundless." Donoma explained. "Recently though, they've been struggling. It's because of this new world and how it's trying to adjust itself to everything. That's where the issue of Dragon Matter and Fairy Matter comes in."

"Oh, you heard about it too?" said Ash. The Sea Temple Residents were already caught up with that it seems.

"Mhm. The universe has not yet finished adjusting itself to welcome these new forms of matter. So when that Mega Evolution occurred, it disrupted the process and the impossible manifestation just worsened things. But if we can use the crystals, we could put an end to the current level of damage, until the next one potentially shows up."

"Are you sure they're ready?" But Ash had to be 100% sure.

"Well..." Alo looked down. "Not really. They haven't recovered properly since last night. And because of the imbalance, the crystals, for the first time in their existence, are struggling. Come and see, your majesty." Alo would lead them to the chamber where the crystals were resting. Ash and Sci-Twi followed Advisor Alo with a sense of concern etched on his face. The well-being of the crystals was crucial as they were currently the best thing to use during this moment.

As Sunset Shimmer and her friends explored the Sea Temple, they couldn't help but be mesmerized by its grandeur. The Tranquil Gardens, with its vibrant marine flora and reflective koi pond, captivated Rarity's artistic eye.

"Oh, the inspiration! I can already envision a fabulous fashion collection inspired by the Sea Temple's aesthetics," Rarity exclaimed, already mentally sketching designs in her mind.

Pinkie Pie, true to her energetic self, bounced around the Tranquil Gardens, taking in the sights. "This place is awesome! I bet we could throw the best underwater party here!"

Rainbow Dash smirked. "I can already imagine racing through these spires. Think they'd let me?"

Fluttershy, who had been quietly admiring the marine life in the koi pond, nodded in agreement. "Yes, let's make sure we do everything we can to help."

The group continued their exploration, taking in the beauty of the Sea Temple while keeping in mind the critical issue that they themselves experiencence rather recently.

Rarity found herself in one of the many areas of the Sea Temple. The Hall of Coral Arts.

A grand hall dedicated to the skilled Coral Artisans, showcasing their masterpieces of coral-stone carvings and sculptures. The Hall of Coral Arts serves as both a gallery and a workshop, allowing visitors to appreciate the craftsmanship and creativity that brings the sea-inspired art to life.

Rarity, with her eyes sparkling with inspiration, entered the Hall of Coral Arts. The grandeur of the hall left her breathless as she took in the intricate coral-stone carvings and sculptures that adorned the space.

"Oh, darling, this is absolutely divine!" Rarity exclaimed, marvelling at the craftsmanship displayed in each piece. She moved from one masterpiece to another, her fingers lightly tracing the delicate details of the coral art.

The sea-inspired sculptures depicted a myriad of aquatic life, capturing the essence of the ocean with an artistic touch. Rarity couldn't help but imagine incorporating these exquisite designs into her future fashion collections.

The workshop area of the hall caught her attention, where skilled Coral Artisans were engaged in creating new pieces. The sound of chisels and hammers resonated in the air, blending with the gentle hum of the Sea Temple's magic.

"I can't believe the level of artistry here. These Coral Artisans truly have a gift," Rarity mused, her mind already buzzing with ideas for her own creations.

As she continued to explore the Hall of Coral Arts, Rarity found herself inspired not only by the art but also by the dedication and passion of the artisans. The Hall of Coral Arts, with its splendour and artistic energy, became yet another chapter in the exploration of the ancient wonders that awaited in this magical realm.

"Rarity? You look different." The Water Weavers, people who can expertly weave Water itself and make clothes and accessories out of them would recognize Rarity. Rarity turned gracefully at the sound of her name, her eyes meeting the gaze of the Water Weavers who had noticed her presence in the Hall of Coral Arts. The resemblance between her and her Equestrian Counterpart did not go unnoticed, and the Water Weavers, with their keen eye for detail, recognized her immediately.

"Back so soon? Here to make new designs with us?" A woman asked, showing off a newly made Water Satchel.

"Oh. No, no, no. I'm not the Rarity you know." But she quickly corrected them. "I'm afraid I'm not the Rarity you know. I come from a different world, but it seems that creativity and a love for fashion are universal traits."

"Really? Are you a lot like your other self?" A man asked.

"You could say that. We're both quite the fashion designers if I do say so myself. And she'd say the same thing too if she were here right now. I suppose creativity knows no bounds across worlds." Rarity flipped her mane.

The Water Weavers exchanged glances, appreciating the connection between Rarity and her Equestrian Counterpart. "I guess it's not all that different. If you have an interest in Water Weaving or coral artistry, we'd be more than happy to share our knowledge with you."

"I am. How are you doing that?" Rarity would walk over, amazed by what she was seeing. "Touching water as if it were solid..."

"Your Equestrian Counterpart asked as practically the same thing. And just like her, we'd be glad to show you." One of the Water Weavers held up a Water-made outfit, dazzling Rartiy's eyes.

Rarity's eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh, I would be absolutely thrilled!" Practically a repeat of what her counterpart went through, Rarity was about to find a new hobby. One that can only be done here at the Sea Temple.

Luminsea Halls.

Sunset Shimmer found herself exploring a part of the temple known as the Luminesea Halls. A breathtaking hall illuminated by the soft glow of bioluminescent organisms. The Luminescent Hall served as a venue for artistic performances, storytelling, and gatherings. The walls are adorned with murals depicting ancient sea myths, and the floor is made of translucent tiles that shimmer like moonlit waves, possibly creating an enchanting ambience for events and celebrations.

Sunset Shimmer stepped into the Luminesea Halls, and the sight that greeted her was nothing short of enchanting. The soft glow of bioluminescent organisms bathed the hall in a gentle radiance, casting an ethereal light that danced across the translucent tiles beneath her feet.

The murals on the walls told tales of ancient sea myths that happened here in the Sea Temple or were involved with it, each stroke of the artist's brush capturing the essence of the underwater stories. Sunset couldn't help but be captivated by the artistic beauty surrounding her.

"Wooo..." Sunset wooed, gazing at the intricate details of the murals. She even got to see an artistic depiction of when Ash saved the Sea Temple from the Phantom Pirates. They stylized his appearance as well as Phantom's. As Sunset continued to explore, she noticed a gathering area where sea-inspired instruments were arranged.

Just then, she met with Enola. The spirited and curious young girl who calls the Sea Temple Samiya her home. "Hey there! She suddenly appeared from above, hanging upside down and startling Sunset Shimmer who would screech. You're new around here, aren't you?" Enola greeted, her voice filled with youthful energy.

"Y-Yeah. I'm here with my friends." Sunset Shimmer said after being startled.

"Hmm...Are you one of King Ash's friends?" Enola would drop from the platform above as if it was nothing. "You look...weird."

Sunset Shimmer, recovering from the surprise, laughed nervously. "Uh, yes, I am one of Ash's friends. But weird? How do I look weird?"

Enola tilted her head, studying Sunset Shimmer with curiosity. "You look like you should be a pony but there's something off about the way you look. Do you have magic?"

"But I am a pony. Biologically. I was born in Equestria. I just decided to live in another world as a human." Sunset Shimmer explained.

"Cool. But any magic?" Enola wiggled her eyebrows, wanting to see some magic from Sunset Shimmer.

"Well...not really. I can't easily do it as a human compared to when I'm a pony. It usually shows up when I start singing."

"Singing? You're in the right place, lady!" Enola would slap Sunset Shimmer's leg, making her wince. She had quite the strength on her for a child.


"We have our own songs. Not many hear them since we've been missing for centuries but we have our own. You're in the Luminesea Hall right now!" Enola bellowed as her voice echoed throughout the hall.

Sunset Shimmer, rubbing her leg where Enola playfully slapped her, couldn't help but chuckle at the girl's exuberance. "Well, I suppose I'm in the right place then. But maybe later. Right now, there's something important I need to focus on here."

"Hoh...Excuses, excuses." Enola wagged her finger. "Maybe that look of yours is all for show. I bet you can't actually do any magic."

"What?!" Sunset Shimmer's competitive spirit ignited. "Excuses? I'll have you know that I can perform incredible magic if I wanted to. Easily. I just can't."

"You can't...but I can." Enola would put on a wide grin, raising a finger. She could actually generate her own magic casually. From her fingertip, she generated the same light that the Sea Temple Crystals let out. The unexpected display left Sunset momentarily speechless while also affecting her vision.

"Ough!" Sunset flinched as her vision was obstructed by the light. "Well, well, looks like I'm not the only one with tricks up their sleeve..." Sunset commented, a playful smile returning to her face.

Enola chuckled, lowering her hand. "Told you. The Sea Temple has its ways of sharing magic with us. We're a special bunch here. It's not just our crystals."

Sunset couldn't help but be impressed by Enola's natural ability. "You're this young and you can do that? But is it just a light show?"

"Nuh-uh. If I wanted to, I could cook something with this light!" Enola expressed. "I think. Stuff like this is usually used for the crystals or even making a new one. So, what are you really here for if you're his majesty's friend?"

"Well...You probably know by now. And I guess it isn't my business to get involved but...we Equestrians can't help ourselves." Sunset Shimmer shrugged. Enola was well aware of what Sunset Shimmer was talking about. Everyone in the world was on the same page after all.

Instead of heading to where the crystals were, Ash and Sci-Twi were following Alo and Donoma to another section of the Temple, going down some stairs. A rather long pair too. "Alo. This isn't the way to the Sea Crown. Where are we going?"


"Apologies, your majesty. But there is something you have to see first. Donoma foresaw something else inside of her Crystal Ball that might be coming into fruition now that you are here."

"Right. This is new to even us, Your Majesty. Right as the seas throw into turmoil because of Daybreaker and the crystals were used to temper it all, I foresaw someone appearing here at the Sea Temple. But it isn't someone I or any recognize." Donoma explained.

Ash and Sci-Twi exchanged curious glances as they followed Alo and Donoma down the long staircase within the Sea Temple. The anticipation of what they were about to witness fueled their curiosity, and Ash couldn't help but wonder about the unknown element that Donoma had foreseen. And it could only be fully realized once Ash showed up.

As they descended into a chamber illuminated by the soft glow of crystals, Donoma continued her explanation. "I saw a figure, shrouded in a mystical aura, appearing within the Sea Temple. The energy around them was unlike anything we've encountered before. It's as if they carry a power that resonates with the very essence of the temple itself."

"A mysterious figure?" Sci-Twi mused, trying to process the information. "But if it's not someone you recognize, who could it be? And why are they coming here now?"

"I believe it's someone who has been here this entire time. Perhaps longer than us." said Alo. "We have heard many stories and legends here at our temple but there are some things even we don't know."

Opening a door in this chamber led them to another part of the temple. This place just seemed to keep getting bigger. "This door was not here before." Donoma said. "Once the surge was felt, it showed itself all of a sudden, but we refrained from opening it until we reached you."

When the door opened, they arrived at a hidden sanctuary within the Sea Temple Samiya, bathed in the light of the Sun which fittingly served as a backdrop for an unexpected encounter. King Ash, accompanied by a group of People of the Water, embarked on a pilgrimage to this secluded spot to witness the celestial reflection upon the sea. Little did they know that this ethereal setting would unveil the presence of the temple's elusive guardian, Safia.

As they approached the retreat, the air became heavy with the scent of salt and sea breeze. The moon cast its enchanting light upon the pools, creating a mesmerizing dance of reflections upon the water's surface.

But what truly mattered was what sat at the centre. There sat what appeared to be a pod.

"A pod?" As Ash and Sci-Twi voiced their surprise at the sight of the pod, Alo and Donoma shared a knowing look. It seemed that the unexpected figure in Donoma's visions was directly connected to this mysterious sanctuary within the Sea Temple.

"Oh, so this is it..." Donoma whistled. We've heard stories about there being a strange pod somewhere in the temple but..we never saw it until now."

"But we never know what the pod is for. It could be a Pokemon." Alo theorized. "Yes, that has to be it. Maybe another Manaphy is resting in there?"

As Ash approached the pod, the surface of the water seemed to react to his presence. Ripples spread across the pool, and the pod emitted a soft, otherworldly hum. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of ancient magic, and the air seemed to thicken with anticipation.

At that moment, the pod was starting to open, surprising everyone. It specifically reacted to Ash once he got close to it since he was the King of the Sea. As the pod began to open, revealing its mystical contents, Ash couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and curiosity and the anticipation among the onlookers grew.

The pod opened slowly, revealing a radiant glow emanating from within. A silhouette started to take shape, and the features of the mysterious figure within became clearer. To everyone's astonishment, the figure that emerged from the pod was not a Pokémon, but a human.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 383 End.

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