• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Cosmic Love

Equestria. Kirin Village. Afternoon.

Here at the Kirin Village, where the Kirin have taken on a vow of silence, a massive Rift Kangaskhan kept anyone that enters this village as her children. For 4 years, she's been treating them as such and now Fluttershy, Applejack and a few Canterlot Soldiers were now her children, whether they liked it or not.

"All it hears is baby talk. So here's what we'll do." Fluttershy smiled before sending out the rest of her Pokemon. Out of the Poke Balls emerged Raboot and Bayleef. "I'm counting on Applejack's Aura for this. It's the only thing that works for Rift Energy."


"That's right. We're going to act exactly like children and have Applejack use her Aura at the right moment." Fluttershy said. "It won't be too embarrassing, right?"

"Ra..." For Raboot, most definitely. He did not want to be seen or treated as a baby in this instance.

"Bay!" Bayleef had a different opinion. She didn't mind at all.

"Ahem." Fluttershy cleared her throat, attempting to come up with her best baby impression. She did have a frame of reference. A lot of references actually. Being the owner of the Pokemon House and taking care of so many Pokemon will obviously involve a lot of babies. But in Fluttershy's mind, the best baby to mimic was the baby of a Kangaskhan.

Her Pokemon watched as she started mimicking the voice of Li'l Kanga. But unlike Safia who had a special ability to perfectly copy any Pokemon's voice, Fluttershy couldn't pull the same trick perfectly. But, she could get close to Li'l Kanga's speech pattern. "I think this'll work. You three should try it too."

"Bay! Bay..." Bayleef took a swing at it, trying to mimic the voice of Li'l Kanga to the best of her abilities. It had to be the right tone which was tricky for Bayleef. Audino did the same, mixing up her tone while Raboot simply watched from the sidelines. He watched as his friends started making random noises, trying to mimic one baby.

Since they were doing their best, Raboot couldn't help but support his friends either way, even for a moment. He wanted to leave as well. "Ra-" Raboot tried it and immediately, he was the closest. The Rabbit Pokemon covered his mouth, shocked by what he just pulled off. His face turned red as his friends eyed him down.

"Wow! That was the best one yet!" Fluttershy cheered.

"Ra!" Raboot crossed his arms, seemingly unimpressed by the praise. He had unintentionally excelled at baby talk, and his pride was wounded.

"Bayleef! Bay!" Bayleef nudged Raboot playfully, trying to lighten the mood. Audino, on the other hand, clapped her hands and smiled in encouragement.

Fluttershy joined in, attempting to keep the atmosphere positive. "Great job, Raboot! I think we're ready to give this a try."

The makeshift baby chorus, including Fluttershy's Pokémon, gathered as they prepared to face Kangaskhan with their unique approach. The challenge ahead was unusual, but the group was determined to navigate it with creativity and teamwork. They set off, ready to present their baby act to Kangaskhan, hoping to find a way to communicate effectively with the enormous Pokémon.

Autumn Blaze's home.

Back with Applejack, Autumn Blaze was about to lay everything down for her. The truth as to why they were all silent except for Autumn Blaze, who did not hold back. Having someone to talk to after so long was utterly satisfying for the Kirin. Her home was noticeably further away from everyone else, located at a higher point of this land.

And can you imagine what our reaction was when we saw the Pokemon? When I saw the Pokemon?" She grinned, thinking back to the past. "It was an amazing time. We used to speak and sing all the time."

"Then what happened? What made ya'll go silent?"

"Well, you're meeting our species for the first time. You don't have a clue about the Nirik." She smirked when looking back at Applejack before transforming her smirk into a frown. "Oh, I hate that day so much."

She could see it now. All of her friends gathered around in their village, conversing normally. They lived their lives to the best of their abilities. Painting and admiring each other's works, talking about their personal lives and so on. All normal things that are to be expected in civilization.

But there was one thing that stuck out with the Kirin. Not only could they access another appearance compared to most species, but their emotions were strongly tied to it. They were unable to hold back what they were saying and thus, some rash words were said.

Those words prompted the Nirik to make an appearance, which were capable of causing destruction. Their emotions did get the better of them, possibly more than any species out there. Pokemon included.

Much like flames, their emotions laid waste to nearby trees, bushes, and anything in the wild. Even their own home fell victim to the destructive force unleashed by the Nirik. The once serene village turned into a memorial of unchecked emotions, leaving the Kirin with no choice but to take drastic measures to contain the chaos.

They looked at the destruction they caused, gutted by it all. And yet, they started arguing again, blaming each other for this. They were all at fault and it seemed as if they would never stop. That is until Rain Shine decided to do something about it. As their leader, it was her responsibility and she was the most composed of them all.

With her command, she created the vow of silence, making sure no Nirik would talk ever again. Not only that, she made her subjects pass through a large body of water known as the Stream of Silence.

As the Kirin stepped through it, the stream not only forced them out of their Nirik forms but also had a calming effect on their heightened emotions.

The once destructive and chaotic scene gradually transformed into a more serene and controlled environment, back to how it previously was. The Kirin, now free from the influence of the Nirik, embraced the vow of silence as a necessary sacrifice to protect themselves and their surroundings.

"But all of that became so boring so quickly..." Autumn Blaze continued. "Most of the things we loved to do just stopped. All the best activities and the things that made us who were are weren't even given a second thought. I was stuck in a silent prison with only voices in my head. But that's when the Pokemon showed up."

Autumn Blaze remembered the day the Rift appeared in the sky, immediately summoning the Strange and Wonderful Creatures to her world. The Rift obviously knew about the situation surrounding the Kirin and couldn't help but get involved, summoning Pokemon that were involved with their predicament.

The Smeargle were there to fill in for the lack of their activities such as painting. The Espurr could connect with their emotions while the Meowth would help with any purchases. And of course, there was Chatot, who would speak for them.

She paused, her eyes reflecting a mix of nostalgia and frustration. "I saw the Pokemon, and their world was so vibrant, full of life. They spoke freely, expressed themselves, and it was like watching everything we lost. I couldn't take it."

"And then..."? Applejack leaned in.

"Even with the Pokemon here, it was still so quiet. It didn't matter how much Espurr or Chatot spoke. The rest of them just wouldn't speak. And neither could I. Entering that stream took my speech away. Until I found a cure." Autumn Blaze smiled, thinking back to that cure. She showed Applejack that cure in the form of blue flowers that she managed to gather one day at a flower bed.

By pure accident or a stroke of luck, she found the flowerbed of these blue flowers, immediately using them to her advantage. By morphing them into liquids, her voice returned to her. Immediately after drinking it, she started chatting away, holding nothing back.

And yet, after finding the cure and speaking her mind, her fellow Kirin just wouldn't say anything.

"I drove my village batty. They didn't like my songs or my jokes. I only had the Pokemon to speak to...but it just didn't feel the same. I can't speak Pokemon after all. So, the only one I could go to was our leader. But she gave me a choice. Stay with all the Kirin without my voice or leave and live with just the Pokemon. Can you guess which one I chose?"

"So... living with Pokemon the whole time. That doesn't sound so bad."

"Hello? Can't understand Pokemon, remember?" Autumn Blaze nudged. "I mean, sure I get to talk with them. But talking with someone else with full understanding is just better. No offence to the Pokemon. And that's when Starry came along. It was only 3 days after our worlds met."

Kangaskhan apparently showed up 3 days later, encompassing the entire land and making all the Kirin her children. Autumn Blaze saw it all from her high point, witnessing Kangaskhan's cosmic size.

"I could speak to her too, but she only heard me as a baby. I thought it was much worse than not speaking at all but...you get used to it. And with everything happening out there, I'm still the only Kirin that speaks."

"I can't believe it..." Applejack gasped after taking all of this. "Nopony should give up feelin'... their feelin's just to keep from gettin' angry!"

"That's what I said!" Autumn exclaimed. "You know, after I started talking again. Try as I might, I couldn't persuade Kangaskhan to let me leave. Bit of a cruel joke for her to not understand me even though I'm speaking. I only show up to meet with Kangaskhan late at night while everyone else is asleep."

"I know what the problem is!" Applejack bellowed, coming to a conclusion on something "If Fluttershy could just understand her, we'd be done here in no time."

"Well, okay. How are you going to do that?" Autumn asked before thinking back to what Applejack did to Kangaskhan. "Oh, wait. That blue thing that appeared around you? What was that thing anyway?"

"Aura. I just need enough of that stuff to-" Applejack's words were immediately brought to a halt. The reveal of her plan was frozen once she heard quite the thunderous footsteps. Her face scrunched along with Sceptile's. Not Autumn's. It was as if she knew what was coming. Turning her head slowly, Applejack saw the sight of Kangaskhan's actual baby that was in her pouch making an appearance.

The large baby appeared, standing over them as she would come to an immediate stop upon seeing Applejack. The one who caught her mother off guard.

Kangaskhan's baby gazed down at Applejack and Sceptile with a mixture of curiosity and innocence. She seemed intrigued by their presence, and her large, cosmic eyes sparkled with wonder. Applejack exchanged a glance with Sceptile, unsure of how to interpret the baby Kangaskhan's reaction. Was she upset after Applejack gave Kangaskhan a scare?

Autumn Blaze, however, seemed unfazed. "Oh, there's the big baby! Always looking for new friends," she chuckled.

"Friends?" Applejack repeated

The Baby would babble, doing what her mother did and reaching her hands out for Applejack. Li'l Kangaskhan took a step forward, her enormous form casting a shadow over the group. It reached out with its tiny, yet colossal, paw as if trying to touch them gently. The gesture seemed friendly, lacking the threatening vibe its mother inadvertently conveyed, but it was still terrifying.

Applejack cautiously extended her hoof towards the baby Kangaskhan. "Uh, howdy there, li'l fella."

The baby Kangaskhan responded with a gleeful cooing sound, seemingly delighted by the interaction. It continued to observe them with innocent curiosity, as if sizing them up as potential playmates.

"Well? Are you gonna use your Aura on her?" Autumn Breeze asked, waiting for Applejack to use the power of Aura.

"Nah. She's just a baby. Plus, she wouldn't understand a thing I'd say." Applejack had a point. Kangaskhan was the only actual baby here. She had better luck trying to speak to Kangaskhan than Li'l Kanga.

Li'l Kanga then sat down while fixating on Applejack, intrigued by the Earth Pony. The two looked at each other for a moment with Li'l Kanga being surprisingly silent. For a baby, she wasn't as active as Applejack was expecting.

"I really wish I could understand you too..." Applejack closed her eyes, wondering why Li'l Kanga was just staring at her. But despit e being a baby, Li'l Kanga responded, directly to Applejack's words.

With a babble, Li'l Kanga raised her arms, pointing to the sky. Eyes followed her arms as they were directed at her mother. Kangaskhan.

"Your mom?" Applejack questioned and she immediately got a response in the form of a nod. The earth pony gasped as Li'l Kanga could actually understand her.

Applejack couldn't believe it. The baby Kangaskhan, Li'l Kanga, seemed to comprehend her words. It was a revelation, and Applejack's eyes widened with amazement. The baby's gesture, pointing towards Kangaskhan, suggested a connection between them.

"Y-you understand me? That's incredible!" Applejack exclaimed, still a bit baffled by the unexpected turn of events. How was it that Li'l Kanga could pull this off but not Kangaskhan?

Li'l Kanga continued to coo and giggle, appearing content with the interaction. It seemed eager to communicate in its own way, making happy sounds that resonated with the group.

"Awww! She didn't do that with me!" Autumn groaned, feeling that she had been cheated. Why was Li'l Kanga suddenly speaking? "Unless...it's because she saw your Aura?"

"Is that why? You saw my Aura, didn't you? Did'ya come here for that?" The Farm Girl questioned. Her question was answered by repeated claps from Li'l Kanga. Seeing this amazed Applejack, but there was one thing she wanted to try. Applejack closed her eyes, using her Aura, but not directly at Li'l Kanga.

The Aura was used as a distance and a way to read Li'l Kanga's emotions. "Maybe it ain't about speaking words. Maybe it's more about understanding each other's feelings." She said as Autumn Blaze witnessed that radiant light once more.

Even when having a cosmic appearance thanks to the Rift, Li'l Kanga and Kangaskhan were still Pokemon at the end of the day and had Auras within them. When reading her Aura, Applejack discovered that Li'l Kanga was actually looking for support.

The baby Kangaskhan was seeking connection and understanding, much like any young creature would. Applejack, guided by the gentle glow of her Aura, responded by offering a comforting presence.

"Well? What did you find out?" Autumn Blaze slid over, unsure as to what was going on.

"Poor little girl's been a bit down lately. It's her mom." Applejack answered. "I don't think she wants Kangaskhan to keep doing this either. She still gets to grow up."

The truth of the matter was that Li'l Kanga wanted her mother to return to normal as well. Keeping them all couped up in one spot and not letting anyone else leave was not the most pleasant experience. And this was all thanks to Li'l Kanga growing up. She's had 4 years to mature, even if she was just a baby. Li'l Kanga understood right from wrong."

"I gotta fix this. Applejack adjusted her hat, knowing what had to be done. "Gotta find and tell Fluttershy first. If I can break down all that Rift Energy, we can reach Kangaskhan."

"Good luck with that. She's overwhelming, isn't she? But, who am I to judge? You look like you've got a better handle on this Pokemon stuff than I do." Autumn Blaze shrugged. "This I've gotta see."

"Sugarcube. Could ya stay here for a while? I don't wanna make your mom worry." Applejack requested, wanting Li'l Kanga to stay here for a moment. If something goes wrong, she doesn't want the baby to get hurt. It wouldn't be by force but collateral damage was a thing.

With a determined spirit, Applejack made her way back to Fluttershy to share the insights gained from her connection with Li'l Kanga. Autumn Blaze followed closely, curious to see how they could use this newfound understanding to reach Kangaskhan, just to grant them freedom.

"Not like it's gonna fix the previous issue." Autumn Blaze said to herself. After all, the silence was still a thing that she wished would be taken care of immediately.

"Fluttershy! You're gonna love this! I-" Applejack was about to blurt out her plans, but upon arriving, she already saw Fluttershy's own plan in motion. "What in tarnation...?"

Fluttershy was playing into the baby part in an attempt to reach Kangaskhan. She was in her arms, curled up like a baby while having her eyes closed. She reopened them, spouting out random nonsense akin to that of a baby. Applejack, surprised by Fluttershy's approach, exchanged glances with Sceptile. Fluttershy was indeed attempting to connect with Kangaskhan by mimicking the baby's talk and actions.

"What's this all about?" Applejack looked over at Rain Shine.

"Tot! Part of her plan!" Chatot spoke for Rain Sine once more, revealing that Fluttershy had her own plan.

Kangaskhan was hearing babble all the time and it wasn't any different with Fluttershy. Raboot grumbled as his imitation made Kangaskhan hold him the closest. The Rabbit Pokemon wanted this to be over as soon as possible while Bayleef suddenly felt sleepy in Kangaskhan's clutches. The pegasus shifted her eyes when opening them, noticing Applejack. "Great! Applejack's here!"

"Fluttershy! I don't think that plan's gonna work!" Applejack hollered from a distance.

"That's why I was hoping you'd show up. I'm just playing my part here so that you can turn her back to normal." Thankfully, Fluttershy and Applejack were on the same page when it came to solving this issue.

"That's mighty great! You should hear this too! It's her baby She knew that this was all wrong and wanted out of here too." Applejack continued, revealing more about it.

"Oh, dear. That's a shame."

"But it's all gonna be fine now." Applejack rubbed her hooves together, ready to solve this problem as soon as possible. Fluttershy and her Pokemon kept Kangaskhan occupied, allowing Applejack to move in. She didn't want to be seen by the Rift Kangaskhan after what happened previously so this was very much needed.

The earth pony went straight for Kangaskhan's legs which were the closest, already chanelling her Aura. And as soon as her hooves made contact, instead of breaking down the Rift Energy as expected, the energy would instead start pulling Applejack in.

"W-What the?!" Applejack felt an unexpected force as soon as her hooves touched Kangaskhan's legs. The Rift Energy seemed to have a different effect than she anticipated, forcing her to slowly enter the cosmic energy. Fluttershy and her Pokémon were caught off guard, watching as Applejack got drawn toward Kangaskhan.

"Applejack?!" Fluttershy gasped as all the Kirins witnessed the Earth Pony being sucked in. The Aura around Applejack intensified, blending with the cosmic energy of the Rift. As she drew closer to Kangaskhan, the cosmic eyes of the giant Pokémon fixated on her. The atmosphere became tense as everyone watched, unsure of what was happening.

"Sceptile!" Sceptile immediately his vines to try and grab Applejack before she could be taken in. The vines grabbed the back of her hooves but even they weren't strong enough to stop this. "Tile?!" Soon, Sceptile was forced forward as well.

Just like that, the two of them had entered Rift Kangaskhan.

Inside Rift Kangaskhan.

As to be expected, the inside of every Rift Being are not internal organs but instead, an entire universe. Kangaskhan's natural organs were replaced by planets, stars, galaxies and everything that made up a universe but of course, on a smaller scale. Applejack's body was larger than a moon after all.

Inside the cosmic expanse that was Rift Kangaskhan, Applejack and Sceptile found themselves tumbling through a celestial wonderland. The vibrant colours of nebulas and the glittering glow of countless stars surrounded them, creating a breathtaking view. The scale of the cosmos within Kangaskhan was immense, reflecting the vastness of the Rift.

Applejack couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the miniature universe encapsulated within the Pokémon. She and Sceptile rolled across galaxies, their surroundings a mesmerizing display of cosmic splendour. Applejack and Sceptile landed on a cosmic platform within the galaxy, surrounded by the celestial dance of planets and celestial bodies.

"Boy...What a day." Applejack groaned after standing up. "We're in Kangaskhan? How come that didn't happen before?"


"Well, we're closer than ever to her. But I didn't think this would happen." The Farm Girl shook her head.

Suddenly, a harmonious hum filled the cosmic expanse, resonating through the galaxies. The cosmic energy pulsated in response to the hum, materalizing what appeared to be the Rift in their distance.

Just as they were adjusting to the cosmic spectacle, Kangaskhan appeared before them. However, she was now in her regular size, sitting atop a planet smaller than herself. The cosmic energy that had surrounded her earlier seemed to have taken a more familiar form.

"Kangaskhan? Hey! Kangaskhan!" Applejack shouted. The Parent Pokemon turned her gaze towards Applejack as she called out. The celestial eyes, filled with a sense of maternal care, focused on the Earth Pony and her Pokémon companion within the cosmic expanse.


"Can you understand us this time?" Applejack asked after lunging off a galaxy, landing on the planet Kangaskhan was on. She was hoping Kangaskhan could properly understand her and Sceptile instead of perceiving their speech as babies.

"Kang. Kagaskhan." the cosmic Kangaskhan's response resonated through the celestial surroundings. There was a sense of acknowledgement and curiosity in her cosmic gaze.

"Whew. That's great." Applejack was relieved to hear that. Finally, she could talk to Kangaskhan properly. "Kangaskhan. This is all just Rift Energy messing with you. We've seen something like this before. Right now, out there, there aren't any babies except for ya own flesh and blood."

"Khan..." That was the thing. Kangaskhan understood that. She knew that it was only her baby that was the actual baby out there. But with her eyes closed, Kangaskhan also knew why she was brought here of all places. And it had to do with the Rift Energy in the astral sky.

Their eyes widened, witnessing the Rift's usual appearance but they weren't sure if that was the actual Rift arriving here. It didn't speak, so they weren't sure if that was the actual Rift, but they knew that it was behind this.

Why would the Rift send Kangaskhan here aside from wanting entertainment as always? Applejack was trying to process it. She had to think about everything the Rift has done and how it all makes sense. She put her hooves on her head, thinking as hard as she could.

Everything the Rift has done has mainly been due to how certain Pokemon fit the scenario. In some cases, it was just to overwhelm Equestria, but the latter was only done in certain instances. The meeting between Rarity and all the Sewaddle who would eventually become Leavanny was obvious. So was when Applins appeared in Applejack's farm.

Then, there was the arrival of Duplica at the Canterlot Wedding, who was only put there because the Rift saw a single connection between her and the Changelings. It was small, but it was there. It kept piling on in Applejack's mind. Certain Pokemon were introduced to others by the Rift due to how similar they were. Whrilipede was Rainbow Dash's first Pokemon simply because of the speed aspect.

Miccino who eventually became Cinccino was a neat-freak like Twilight Sparkle herself. And she didn't even have to think hard when it came to Fluttershy and all the Pokemon that surrounded her. Even Applejack receiving the power of Aura was a great example. All of it was planned by the Rift after all, who just had to do something to steer them in the right direction.

And for the Kirin, that was no different. It clicked for Applejack. She finally figured out why. The main reason as to why Kangaskhan was sent here was because there are few things that can temper strong emotions and prevent any harm in the process.

And among them, motherly love is a candidate.

"You...came here to help the Kirin? But they already used that Stream of Silence to make themselves quiet." Applejack gasped once she figured it out. "And all those Pokemon that showed up were for the Nirik too. Was the Rift tryna get 'em all mad so you'd show up or something else?"

"Kan. Kanga." Kangaskhan nodded, her eyes reflecting understanding. It appeared that the Rift had a specific purpose in guiding Kangaskhan to this astral realm to assist the Kirin in their unique predicament. But it wasn't just that. Kangaskhan revealed another reason.

From her hand, she could bring projections since she was filled with Rift Energy at the moment. And from it, she revealed the figure of what appeared to be a clock. Immediately, the projection of this clock was frozen, being as still as stone. For her, time was frozen. Nothing ever developed. And because of this, she could never see anyone past being babies.

"Golly. So time's all messed up for you, huh? But don't worry about it anymore. I'm gonna fix this. Let me use all my Aura on you, turn you back into normal and you can go home." Applejack promised.

The Parent Pokemon's gaze shifted between Applejack and Sceptile, acknowledging their understanding of the situation. It became clear that the Rift's motives, though enigmatic and often chaotic, sometimes had a method to its madness – a method that involved orchestrating connections and moments that could lead to growth and resolution.

In response, the Rift in the sky would immediately object to this. From it, summoned smaller Rift Kangaskhans in an attempt to stop Applejack.

"What the?!" Applejack gasped once these Rift Kangaskhans descended. One by one, they came crashing down, being the oppossing force here.

"Kanga?!" The main Kangaskhan gasped.

"I know this already." But Applejack, a small bit of her expected this. "The Rift won't let it end here. It just wants to see fun. So we'll give it some fun, alright." Understanding the Rift's pursuit of entertainment, Applejack would gladly indulge since there was no other way out of this.

"Out ya come! Lucario!" From her saddlebag, she summoned her Delta Lucario into the scene, who emerged from his Poke Ball.

"Lucario!" The Anubis Pokemon arrived as backup, being in tune with Aura himself. Delta Lucario stood tall when standing before these Rift Kangaskhans and so did Sceptile. With Lucario and Sceptile by her side, Applejack faced the encroaching Rift Kangaskhans with determination.

"You should stand back, Kangaskhan. Let us handle this." Applejack requested as the main Kangaskhan would back away for safety. Lucario! Sceptile! Aerial Ace and Leaf Blade!"

"Sceptile!" The two of them were off. Sceptile and Lucario lunged in with up-close and personal attacks, taking on these Rift Kangaskhans.

The celestial Kangaskhan watched, its cosmic eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and anticipation as the struggle unfolded in this small universe.

Kirin Village.

Back on the outside, many were still stunned after what they had just witnessed. That has never happened before here at the village. But it seemed that the battle happening inside was affecting Kangaskan from the outside.

"K-KANGA! KANGASKHAN?" Kangaskhan cried out as the feeling of Aura was radiating with her cosmic body. The vibrations of Aura and cosmic energy resonated through the connection, creating a unique bridge between the external and internal worlds. The cosmic eyes flickered, showing signs of inner turmoil as the external Kangaskhan struggled to make sense of the unfolding events.

Outside the Rift, the Kirin, Fluttershy, and the Pokémon observed with bated breath. It was an unprecedented moment, and the impact of the internal struggle seemed to ripple through the very fabric of the astral space surrounding them. The celestial Kangaskhan's concern was evident, and its cosmic form shimmered in response to the turbulent energies at play.

"Oh, my goodness. What is Applejack doing in there?" Fluttershy wondered as she and her Pokemon were dropped by Kangaskhan.

The Rift Kangaskhan stood up as she immediately started stomping her feet. By doing this, she caused a tremor that immediately shook the village, making the trees rustle. Kangaskhan had now become a danger to the Kirin Village.

The tremors caused by Rift Kangaskhan's stomping reverberated through the Kirin Village, creating a sense of urgency among the Kirin and the other inhabitants. The ground shook, and the cosmic Kangaskhan's erratic behaviour posed a threat to the safety of the village.

The Kirin, already feeling the weight of their situation, looked at each other with concern, unsure of how to handle this unforeseen escalation. The guards, though initially stunned, snapped into action, directing the villagers to move away from the trembling ground. The Kirin, still without their voices, nodded and gestured urgently, guiding the inhabitants to safety.

The tremors then created destructive dust clouds that came their way, threatening to cover them. Audino had the right idea of using Protect but the Kirin beat her to it.

"Audino?" The Hearing Pokemon uttered as the Kirin antlers lit up with their respective colours. Together, they managed to form a magical shield that would block the fierce dust.

"KANGA!" But that wasn't all. Kangaskhan was violently swinging her arms, trying to expel the Aura within her. It felt like a bad burn going off repeatedly. And by swinging her arms, one of them could hit some of the buildings nearby, either by direct contact or by pressure alone.

The destruction unfolding before the Kirins' eyes struck deep emotional chords within them. Witnessing the harm to their homes and the village they held dear was beginning to trigger a surge of emotions that they had chosen to suppress for years through their vow of silence.

Rain Shine noticed this, terrified of what could come next. She thought that the Stream of Silence would forever keep their emotions in check, but she didn't account for another destructive force to spark these emotions up once more. The leader of the Kirins faced Chatot and the Espurr, informing them to head to Fluttershy, who could understand them very well.

If the Nirik make a return, this whole land will be laid to waste much worse than what happened in the past. And the Stream of Silence might not do the trick a second time.

"Tot! Keep them calm! Keep them calm!" Chatot said to Fluttershy when flying over.

"Purr! Espurr!" The Espurr said the same, but elaborated more on it for Fluttershy.

"I should keep them calm? Or else they'll add more to the destruction?" Fluttershy translated.

"Purr! Espurr!" the Espurr added, emphasizing the urgency of maintaining emotional control to prevent further destruction. The pegasus then looked over at Rain Shine who would nod in response, wanting all the help that she could get. Even she couldn't stop something like this since things were already getting out of control.

Fluttershy nodded back, understanding the gravity of the situation. She focused on the Kirin, trying to convey a sense of reassurance through gentle gestures and comforting expressions. There was one solution. "Audi. You know what we have to do."

"Audino!" Audino cried out. She was more than ready. While earlier today, her plan to use Heal Pulse on Zeraora to remove her rage was shut down, it was brought back for the Kirin. A strong enough Heal Pulse will soothe their emotions, causing them to feel tired. Fluttershy unleashed her Key Stone while Audino summoned her Mega Stone, the Audinite.

Together, Fluttershy and Audino would synchronize, tapping into the power of Mega Evolution as both stones would release their light, forming DNA strands. Audino transformed into her Mega form, radiating a calming aura that enveloped a bit of the area.

The mystical flames from the Kirin were beginning to emerge as their transformations looked imminent. Rain Shine bit her hoof, fearing that it might be too late.

"Audi! Use Heal Pulse!"

"Audino...!" The Hearing Pokemon put her hands together, generating a blissful and peaceful energy that was intended to heal and soothe. But in this case, Audino was only aiming to soothe the Kirin as a green light would rapidly expand.

Mega Audino's soothing energy enveloped the Kirin, creating a tranquil atmosphere amidst the chaos. The mystical flames that hinted at their transformations began to flicker, influenced by the calming aura. Fluttershy, with her empathetic connection, focused on radiating a sense of peace and reassurance.

The Kirin felt the healing influence of Mega Audino's Heal Pulse. As the gentle energy washed over them, the flames of their emotions started to subside. The agitated expressions softened, and the impending transformations were momentarily halted.

Of course, receiving a Heal Pulse of this magnitude when there is no damage caused the Kirin to fall over with smiles on their faces. They felt like they were in heaven with this angelic feeling.

But it wasn't over yet. Kangaskhan was still flailing. The soothing energy couldn't stop Rift Kangaskhan at all desite how far it reached. Signs of Aura were beginning to flash within her, only increasing her irritation. And with it, she swung her arms down, heading straight for Audino.

"Quick! Use Protect!"

"Audino!" Audino gasped, quickly putting her protective shield up. Right in the nick of time as the massive arms of
Kangaskhan struck the shield. The impact of this massive arm was so great that it rippled Mega Audino's shield, causing her to stagger. "Dino!"

It happened again as Kangaskhan's tail would hit the barrier next, causing another fearsome pressure. This time, it shattered Mega Audino's shield while sending a strong shockwave. Fluttershy closed her eyes as her mane was violently blowing in the wind. The Kirin, who were lying there with happiness on their faces, were also threatened by this shockwave as Mega Audino was sent flying.

"Audino!" The Hearing Pokemon hit the ground, bumping into one of the trees.

Li'l Kanga and Autumn Blaze had made their way to the scene, witnessing the chaotic events unfolding within Kangaskhan's cosmic realm. The sight of their mother in distress prompted Li'l Kanga's concern. Autumn Blaze was not supposed to be here since she chose to speak and stay by herself but that would all change upon seeing her friends in danger.

"How did this happen...?" Autumn Blaze commented.

Kangaskhan was about to stomp on those she once viewed as her children while the Kirin simply looked up. Her irritated state made her blind to what was hapening around her.

Quickly, Autumn Blaze came to the rescue of her friends at the cost of being seen by Rain Shine. Her emotions reacted to her friends being in danger, prompting her to unleash the power of the Nirik. And by doing so, Autumn Blaze unleashed those mystical flames from her horns, intercepting Kangaskhan's foot.

It clicked for the Kirin, who managed to snap out of their current state when seeing Kangaskhan's foot descending. Now, they had another emotion clicking in. Fear.

The mystical flames of the Nirik burst forth from her horns, intercepting Kangaskhan's foot and preventing further harm. Kangaskhan cried out as the flames were strong enough to sting her foot, dealing a bit of damage. The flames of the Nirik, usually a source of destruction, became a shield against the chaotic onslaught of the cosmic Kangaskhan.

Rain Shine, Chatot, and the other Kirin observed this unexpected turn of events, their emotions now stirred by a mix of concern and surprise. It had been a while since they'd seen Autumn Blaze, immediately knowing it was her.

"Are you all alright?!" Autumn Blaze spoke to her speechless friends, making herself visible.

"What was that...? How did you do that?" Fluttershy commented, unaware of the Nirik form.

"Where's Applejack?!" Autumn also noticed that Applejack was missing. But before she could wonder that, she realized she was in perfect control of her emotions. Autumn looked at her hooves, feeling like her normal self despite appearing as a Nirik, however, she would quickly returned as a Kirin. "Ooh...I was in control?"

This surprised Rain Shine as well. Autumn Blaze appeared as a Nirik for a moment but returned to normal easily. And even before that, she was violent as a Nirik. All the other Kirin saw the first time one of their own was in control and actually used such destructive power for good.

"Huh. I guess anger's like other feelings." It clicked for her. She felt anger since the lives of her friends were threatened but they were for the right reason after all. Autumn blinked before shaking her head, putting her mind back on track. "Nevermind that! Where did Applejack go?"

All of the Kirin aimed their hooves at Kangaskhan, informing her of her position. Autumn froze for a moment before realizing what this meant. "Oh don't tell me..."

Li'l Kanga took this as an opportunity to speak with her mother if she could. She ran past everyone, making her own tremors that were on a smaller scale. Her cries were as loud as they could be, attempting to reach Kangaskhan's ears while she was irritated.

Back inside Kangashan, Sceptile and Lucario were still in the heat of battle. Sceptile's Leaf Blade would slice through the Rift Kangaskhan's while Delta Lucario's breakneck speeds with Aerial Ace allowed him to strike each of them.

In retaliation, the Rift Kangaskhan would use the power of the Rift to their advantage. The cosmic onslaught from Rift Kangaskhan was relentless. Waves of cosmic energy surged towards Sceptile and Delta Lucario, forcing them to brace themselves against the powerful attacks. The vibrant lights of the cosmic dimension intensified with each clash, creating a dazzling and chaotic spectacle.

"S-Scep!" Sceptile cried out when blocking some of these waves.

Delta Lucario, utilizing his Aura abilities, attempted to create a protective barrier to shield himself and Sceptile from the cosmic onslaught. However, they began breaking through, making it hard for Lucario to keep it up. "L-Luca...!"

"Use! Dark Matter!"

"Luca...!" Dispering the barrier and leaping into the air, Lucario put his hands together, tapping in the power of Dark Matter. The forces of the universe coalesced into his paws as a black ball as he launched it down at the Rift Kangaskhan.

The dark energy clashed with the cosmic forces, creating a brief reprieve for both Lucario and Sceptile. Sceptile, taking advantage of the momentary respite, launched into a series of agile movements, evading the remaining cosmic onslaught.

"Sceptile, use Frenzy Plant!"

"Sceptile...!" By digging his hands into the planet, Sceptile summoned massive roots from below which would fly at the Rift Kangaskhan at impressive speeds. The Frenzy Plant attack, powered by Sceptile's strength, aimed to entangle and restrain the cosmic creations. The roots moved with precision, attempting to ensnare Rift Kangaskhans and limit their movements. Delta Lucario, ready to follow up, observed the situation, prepared to act accordingly.

"Bone Rush!"

"Caaaa!" Generating energy bones in his paws, Lucario whacked each of the Kangaskhan once they were all pulled into one spot by Sceptile. Striking them all made it much easier for Lucario instead moving from place to place.

The impact of the Bone Rush caused the planet around them to crack as it was on the verge of falling apart. The stars nearby would ripple from the shockwave.

Applejack managed to defeat many of the Rift Kangaskhan as they would fizzle out, returning to the cosmic force they came from. She took deep breaths, adjusting her hat which almost came off from the heat of this battle.

"Kanga..." Kangaskhan watched it all happen, amazed by what she was seeing. There was indeed hope. But this wasn't the only piece of hope here. In her ears, she suddenly heard voices from the outside that reverberated through the cosmos. It was the voice of her baby.

From the outside, Li'l Kanga was crying out to her mother, hoping she could hear her. Li'l Kanga's cries echoed through the astral realm, reaching Kangaskhan's ears. The cosmic being turned its gaze towards the source of the voice, recognizing the familiar tones of its own child.

Li'l Kanga called out again, the desperation evident in her voice. Her plea reached Kangaskhan, touching the maternal instincts within the cosmic entity.

"Khan..." Kangaskhan's gaze softened, and for a moment, the cosmic madness seemed to waver. The connection with her baby sparked something deep within, and the chaotic energy around her began to diminish. She also saw all those she viewed as children through the cosmic energy, seeing all the destruction caused by her unnecessary size.

"Only one thing left to do. Time to use all my Aura." Applejack saw this as the best time to unleash her Aura so that this could come to an end. All the Kangaskhan were defeated so there was no one standing in her way.

However, to stop this, the Rift summoned one more Kangaskhan. The strongest one yet. A Cosmic Kangaskhan came crashing down, larger than the rest and more in line with the one currently on the outside.

"KANGASKHAN!" The appearance of the Cosmic Kangaskhan brought a renewed challenge. Its heightened cosmic form radiating immense power. The smaller Rift Kangaskhans converged around it, merging into a single entity. This new form was a representation of Kangaskhan's cosmic power, shaped by the chaotic influence of the Rift.

Applejack, Sceptile, and Lucario braced themselves for the impending confrontation. They exchanged determined glances, understanding the magnitude of the task ahead. The Kirin, still lying in a state of bliss from Audino's Heal Pulse, were unaware of the intense struggle unfolding within Kangaskhan's cosmic realm.

"One more huh?" Applejack looked up with a frown on her face but it soon transformed into a smile. The personality of Ash was definitely rubbing off on her. After seeing so many Pokemon Battles and seeing Ash's battles, Applejack has come to find the enjoyment in them. The absolute rush that they entail.

The Cosmic Kangaskhan unleashed a barrage of cosmic attacks, creating shockwaves that reverberated through the astral space. "Kanga!" The original Kangaskhan cried out, holding her arm out to reach Applejack and her Pokemon. The attacks landed, causing astral dust and stardust explosions to emerge.

Kangaskhan looked shocked and gutted. They took that attack head on and it was absolutely mortifying to think what could have happened to them.

However, they were fine. For one good reason. Emerging from the smoke and dust was the light of Mega Evolution. It burst through the aftermath, revealing Mega Sceptile.

"Sceptile!" Mega Sceptile stood tall, his form radiating a powerful and awe-inspiring energy. The Mega Evolution had brought forth enhanced strength and capabilities, ready to face the formidable Cosmic Kangaskhan with another grand power.

"Too bad for you!" Applejack bellowed. "Finish her, Sceptile! Dragon Pulse! Lucario, use Dark Matter"

"Sceptile...!" Sceptile was going to make this next hit count. So were Lucario. Both of them put their all into this as darkness and a draconic energy were all being built up. All the while the massive Kangaskhan was prepared to put an end to this, swinging her arm down.

As Mega Sceptile unleashed the powerful Dragon Pulse, and Lucario hurled the concentrated Dark Matter towards the looming Cosmic Kangaskhan, a surge of energy erupted within the astral space. The attacks collided with the cosmic force, creating a dazzling display of lights and cosmic energies. The shockwaves reverberated through the astral realm, causing ripples that reached every corner of Kangaskhan's cosmic world.

Applejack, still within the astral realm, observed the clash with anticipation. The Kirin, Fluttershy and the Canterlot Guards felt the intensity of the battle even from the outside. The Cosmic Kangaskhan, despite its immense size and power, couldn't withstand the combined might of Mega Sceptile and Lucario's attacks.

Applejack wanted to use her Aura while there was no conflict but she found an opening here, deciding to go for it. Her body would emanate that Azure light which would also appear from Lucario's body. This was all elevated thanks to Mega Evolution drawing more of it out.

The power of Aura, Dark Matter and Dragon Energy enveloped the Rift Kangaskhan's body in a mish-mash of mighty energies that were enough to stop the power of the Rift. But there was no explosion from it. Only a brilliant light.

As the astral dust settled, the defeated form of the Cosmic Kangaskhan dissipated into stardust, returning to the cosmic forces it originated from. The astral space, once filled with chaotic energy, gradually calmed down.

Mega Sceptile and Lucario, having successfully defeated the formidable opponent, could rest easy now. "Whew...That takes care of that." Applejack sighed before facing Kangaskhan. The exertion of her Aura was beginning to tear this universe apart.

Blue cracks appeared in the universe, breaking everything apart as it was also affecting the outside. Applejack was about to free Kangaskhan from this cosmic form at last. The universe that had manifested within Kangaskhan was beginning to unravel, its cosmic energies dissipating into stardust. The cracks in the universe mirrored the breaking of the connection between Kangaskhan and the Rift.

In the outside world, the Kirin Village felt the effects of this astral turmoil diminishing. The destructive forces that Kangaskhan's cosmic form unleashed seemed to subside, leaving the villagers and their homes safe once more.

Kirin Village.

Kangaskhan from the outside would cease her irritation at last. The conflict within her had ended. And even though the Aura from within was tearing her Cosmic energy apart, she was finding peace. The Parent Pokemon then looked down at all those she saw as her children, even her actual children.

"KANGA..." Her voice echoed as she was beginning to realize what she had done.

"Are you okay now?" Fluttershy spoke. And with that, she was also starting to understand their voices once more. No longer was she stuck to hearing them as babies. Her perception of time was returning to normal.

As the cosmic energies dissipated, Kangaskhan underwent a transformation back to her regular form. The celestial spectacle of the cosmic universe within her faded away, leaving behind a sense of tranquillity. Kangaskhan, now free from the influence of the Rift and the distorted perception of time, looked at the Kirin Village and her children with a mix of relief and realization.

"Kanga..." She sighed upon returning. Her baby would return to her original size as well, free from the Rift's involvement. And once she was back to normal, Li'l Kanga rushed to her mother, leaping into her arms for a hug. "Khan."

"Kangaskhan..." She nodded, expressing her gratitude to those who helped her overcome the cosmic turmoil. The Kirin, now able to speak again, used their voices to convey a sense of unity and understanding. The crisis had passed, and the bonds between the inhabitants of the astral realm and those from the Pokémon world had played a crucial role in restoring balance.

Applejack shook her head, feeling rather perplexed after that cosmic experience. At least she got to see the inside of a Rift Being for the first time. Quite the experience indeed.

Autumn Blaze, having revealed herself in her Nirik form to save her friends, looked around at the Kirin and the Pokémon, her presence no longer a secret. "Uh, sorry about this. This was just a brief visit, that's all." She nervously said. "I'll be going now if you-"

But she wasn't going anywhere. Not when Rain Shine approached. Autumn Blaze nervously looked up at her ruler, fearful of what might happen. However, it was the exact opposite of what she thought.

Rain Shine approached Autumn Blaze, and instead of anger or reprimand, she extended a gentle hoof. The leader of the Kirin village looked at Autumn Blaze with understanding in her eyes. And then, without warning, the unexpected happened.

"Thank you, Autumn Blaze," Rain Shine spoke with a soft voice, breaking the silence that had gripped the Kirin for so long.

Autumn Blaze, surprised by this unexpected response, blinked a few times "Y-You can talk!? I thought you went through the Stream of Silence?! I saw it!"

"Must've had the cure already," said Applejack.

"No way. I searched everywhere for those flowers and I couldn't find anywhere. 73 times by the way!" Autumn exclaimed.

"The Meowth and Espurr found some a year ago" Rain Shine said, revealing that the Pokemon already got on that case. "Maybe that's why that Rift thing you spoke of did to us. It sent us these Pokemon who all fill specific roles to help us. Bit of a cruel joke, honestly."

"Ain't it?" Applejack spoke.

"You've been staying silent for a year? Wow..." Autumn Blaze's eyes widened. She was very much impressed by that.

"The realization that anger is within us, but it is our choice how we let it out. We would very much like it if you came back to live with us. I can't say how much we've missed your beautiful voice."

A wonderful compliment that made her face turn red. How long she has waited to hear something like that before. Receiving a compliment is another wonderful feeling that silence couldn't measure up to. All the Kirin then started laughing as those words from their leader was enough to let them express their words.

After seeing how Autumn Blaze handled her emotions and by extension Kangaskhan, they could laugh to their heart's content. Laughter filled the area, attacking Audino's strong ears. But she didn't mind. For the most part. "A-Audino!"

"Kangaskhan." Kangaskhan was truly sorry for this, approaching the Kirin. Even though it wasn't her fault, as a mother, she took responsibility for being unable to stop this sooner.

"Oh, Kangaskhan, you don't have to apologize," Fluttershy reassured her. "We're just glad everything's back to normal."

Kangaskhan nodded appreciatively, grateful for the understanding. The Kirin, having found their voices again, were starting to communicate with each other, expressing their emotions and feelings. The village, once enveloped in silence, now echoed with the sounds of Kirin chatter and laughter.

But Kangaskhan and her baby were far from home. Their natural habitat was elsewhere and they weren't even sure where they were. Being occupied in the Kirin Village for 4 years sheltered them from the rest of the world. Equestria was practically alien to them, just like how it would be to any Pokemon that hasn't gotten to experience everything these past 4 years.

"Oh my...You can't return home." Fluttershy said. "And you don't even know where you are." Just then, Li'l Kanga had a solution for some of her age. She decided to go with Applejack and her friends. They lost their home so they would have to make a new one. The two of them should do just that in this new world.

But they didn't just want to truly enter this brave new world. They wanted help and they faced one pony. Applejack. The mother was truly grateful for what Applejack did for her and wanted to pay her back.

"Wanna come along? Alright then." Applejack held out a Poke Ball, offering a chance for them to join the party.

"Kanga!" Kangaskhan and her baby were on board. With a cheerful spirit, Kangaskhan and her baby allowed the Poke Ball to make contact, absorbing them into the crimson light.

1...2...3...Gotcha! Kangaskhan was caught.

Applejack now had two new members joining her team – Kangaskhan and her adorable baby. Even though they counted as one Pokemon. But Applejack saw them more as teammates. Picking up the Poke Ball, she now had family members on her side.

"Welcome to the family, you two."

With the Kirin Village now in a state of joyous chatter and laughter, and Kangaskhan and her baby finding a new adventure with Applejack, it seemed like the balance and harmony of this world were gradually being restored.

And so, with new friends by their side, Applejack, Fluttershy, and their Pokémon companions prepared to embark on the next chapter of their journey, ready to face whatever challenges and wonders this mysterious world had in store for them.

Plus, they almost forgot about Pinkie Pie this entire time. Once it clicked for them, they knew where they had to go next. They weren't quite done out in the wild after all.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 392 End.

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