• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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All in this Together

Equestria. Ponyville.

Ponyville was nearly beyond repair. The Dark Tsunami had levelled a majority of the buildings here, covering them in Dark Magic. And standing among the rubble was the one responsible for the Dark Tsunami. Dimstar. Currently, Ponyville was empty thanks to Emerald Aura sending everyone to a small dimension. However, Dimstar was expecting them, already knowing that they had all left for another realm entirely and was waiting for their return. Now that the Dark Tsunami had come to an end, they should be expected to reappear soon.

Dimstar witnessed an emerald glimmer that appeared on the ground as she immediately believed that they were about to return. And it did seem that way. However, once the emerald light ran its course, nothing happened. Instead, the light faded away.

"They're not reappearing..." Dimstar commented. It was then that she realized she had been juked. The light was merely a bluff made by Emerald Aura, fooling Dimstar. The Half Lich Half Vampire grit her sharp teeth, feeling slightly annoyed by that. She was prepared to deal with the residents herself but that didn't seem to be the case.

"Where are they?" The other vampires were also lost. Far more than Dimstar who already figured it out. They were very much ready to terrorize the residents some more but with their absence, there was no one to terrorize.

"They've probably fled elsewhere," Dimstar answered. "That light was a fluke from the pony that did this."

"What now? Do you think they'll be back?" Another vampire asked.

"Maybe. For now, while they're gone, we have their entire home to ourselves." Dimstar swivelled, facing the majority of buildings that had suffered. With Ponyville in this condition, we can rebuild. The new world that the Lich Queen is searching for will need a revamp. Ponyville can be the first place where reconstruction of an extended Magehold can begin."

"And if they come back?"

"We'll be ready for them," Dimstar smirked deviously, preparing for Ponyville residents to make a comeback. This was their home after all and it was expected for them to show up. In the meanwhile, Ponyville was about to receive a vampiric makeover. One that would fit Magehold while still being a part of the Black Crusade..

Lapras Lake.

Emerald Aura brought them to Lapras Lake. A place that was relatively close to Ponyville but was also hidden from it thanks to the abundance of trees that could be seen here. The green light appeared on the sands of this area, revealing Emerald Aura and everyone else that had been brought to the dimension.

"Phew...That could've been way rougher..." A relieved Emerald Aura said, lying on her back

"I agree..." Rarity breathed in and out. "You couldn't have made your circle wider though in the beginning?"

"Hey...I'm still not the Rift Pony I used to be thanks to the Rift, okay?" Emerald Aura groaned. "If I had that level of magic previously, this wouldn't be that much of an issue. Now Ponyville's overrun by vampires. I saw a glimpse of them when trying to re-enter."

"Great. Our home's been taken over now. Just when we thought we were getting somewhere!" It was rather frustrating as Scootaloo put it. They previously had a rough battle against a Despair Plant and now this comes along and smacks them in the face, forcing them out of their own home.

"We're gonna have to back there, aren't we? I'm tired though..." And unfortunately, not everyone could keep this up forever. Some wanted to fall asleep since it was way past their bedtime.

"You won't get any rest during the Black Crusade," Sombra added. "Those vampires will capitalise on your home and change everything you know. The Black Crusade doesn't just involve destruction. It plans to remake things in a way that fits Magehold."

"Are homes are being targeted too?! Rebuilt?! That can't be!" Cheerilee gasped.

"What now? What do we do?" Sweetie Belle asked her big sister. Rarity was a bit stumped as well. This whole situation was escalating rapidly. The Dark Tsunami was certainly the tipping point for this mess to really worsen. Everyone awake thought of what to do now. They certainly wanted to head home but that would only lead to more battles. And while they would defend their home without a doubt, just as Shrivel said, more will come. And more did come plus the possibility of another wave showing up since this was the Black Crusade. It would continue relentlessly with no signs of slowing down.

"Hm!" Just then, before anyone could decide what to do next, Ash's eyes suddenly opened up, startling the others. The eyes of the King of the Sea reawakened along with all those were unconscious and in the 18 Realms. Finally, they were active. And more than just active, those who were infected by Magehold Curses had a significant change.

The Black Cracks that affected their bodies, harming and eating away at them were gone. Just like that, they had vanished. Daisy and Paradise succeeded, getting all the sunlight they needed in the Grassy-Type Realm. And once that was said and done, Ash and everyone would prop back up.

"Success!" Ash triumphantly bellowed, pumping both his fists along with Pikachu. Everyone else would stretch their bodies, regaining their composure after being harmed by the curses for a while now. "Worked like a charm, didn't it?!"


"Yeah, but you had me completely worried that Ataxia would show up again." Twilight scratched her mane after returning from the 18 Realms. "A part of me even thought that we might run into something there."

"See? It's all better now." Fluttershy would speak to the Creatures of the Everfree who found themselves being cured as well. And to say they were elated was an understatement. They roared with happiness, relieved to be cured of something so painful. Their massive bodies moved around, shaking parts of the earth with how many massive creatures were here. Especially since two of them were an Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, making the most noise.

"You all picked the worst time to wake up..." Emerald Aura sighed as it was a little too late for them to wake up. Her eyes then widened, noticing that the Ursa Major and Ursa Minor were right here, putting on a panicking face. Not because they were present but mainly due to their size.

Quickly, she would use Rift Magic on them without them knowing. Their bodies suddenly turned invisible while they were happily jumping around.

"Emerald? Why'd you-" Fluttershy asked before being cut off by the Rift Pony, witnessing the Ursa Family being concealed by the Rift Magic. They were still here. It wasn't like they were sent away.

"We can't show ourselves! The vampires could see us! Especially with these two here! Probably should've done it earlier while they were still on the ground..." Emerald Aura sighed, only wanting everyone to be safe and out of sight for now.

"Oh, I guess so." Fluttershy understood. "But anyway. It's great that everyone's been cured. Now it should be all fine, right?"

"Not really. It's wonderful that you're all back but...we faced another problem." Unfortunately, Rarity had to break it to them while they were just now feeling good. They very much had to hear this considering their homes were involved. It took a while for them to even realize that they were away from their home in the first place.

Magehold. Magehold Contest Hall.

After a delicious feast, the citizens of Magehold were ready to see the contest in full action. Magehold's first Pokemon Contest could finally begin. Once more, Fantina would be present for it. But unlike the ones she has over at different cities and towns where she was a guest judge, she would instead be the announcer. She would bow to the vampires, greeting them once more and certainly riling up her fans. Fantina did in fact have fans here and there were quite a few factors for that.

Some admired her for her beauty while others for her style and skills. Some even admired her for all of them. On top of that. good things have been said about Fantina when it comes to the children who she teaches. They will never forget how she saved their lives.

"I hope you've all had a good meal! Because now, we can truly begin! It's going to be a long one and there'll still be enough food left to keep you full the whole way through. We'll have over 80 contestants take part in the Performance stage but only eight of them will make it here. I don't want to waste time any longer though since I've been looking forward to this as well. Say hello to the first contestant, Bleak Glint!"

With Fantina giving the call, the plan to destroy the barrier could begin. And the Pokemon Contest was seemingly that very answer. The first vampire pony entered the scene once Fantina kicked things off. This vampire would launch her Poke Ball, summoning her partner Misdreavus onto the scene.

Unlike the Fashion Show, this one would go beyond just showing off, even though that was the main basis of it. But the vampires had no idea what they were about to witness. With each of them being instructed or inspired by Fantina, the tricks they would pull blew their minds.

The vampires saw just how far a Pokemon's skills can truly go. It wasn't all just attacks, defences and power boosts. And this was shown by how Misdreavus used Ominous Wind and Power Gem in unison, sending the sparkling rays flying into the air for all to see. And there was certainly more where that came from.

Once the first contestant finished up, the rest would follow. This was only the performance stage which was just the warm-up for things. But from what the crowd was seeing, it was incredibly promising. So many moves were being utilized in unique ways that vampires have never seen before. Truly stunning to the eyes. And the best part of it at all was the fact that despite it composing of mostly Ghost and Dark-Types, the list of moves and how unique they could be were plentiful. They weren't limited to their types at all.

The judges, who were supposed to rate these, found themselves so amazed that they lost focus and froze there for a while before remembering to judge. This was all just so new and stupendous not to admire. While nothing so far could match the cheers that Fantina received when she first appeared, the cheers here were thunderous indeed. And it was all music to Fantina's ears. Hearing the crowd cheer was pleasing considering how much she loved Pokemon Contests.

This is exactly what she wanted and it was only going to get better once the Battle Stage comes along. BUt the secret plan in all of this was getting that barrier down. And Fantina was currently counting on Eccentrick for the moment that truly mattered. Speaking of Eccentrick, Fantina purposefully put her last. When looking at the list of participants and the order they would enter, Eccentrick was at the very end. She was obviously being saved for when it mattered.

Lapras Lake.

"Seriously?!" Just now, Ash and everyone else who had just returned from the 18 Realms heard everything Rarity and all those who had to deal with the Dark Tsunami spouted.

"Now you see why we had to hide those two." Emerald Aura sighed. "It's pretty rough. It looks like it's gonna be non-stop too. It's a good thing we got everyone out of there when we had the chance."

"What about the Despair Plant?! Is it okay?! And the others from PokePark!" Daisy questioned, deeply worried about Bullfrog and the other Despair Plants over at the PokePark.

"I'm sure everyone back at PokePark is fine, Daisy," Twilight reassured. "PokePark exists in its own space which is still odd to me on how that works. The tsunami can't reach it at all. As for the Bullfrog..."

"It's fine." Emerald quickly answered. "I saw it hop away though. No clue where it is now."

"Nevermind that. I can't let them roam around Ponyville the way it is right now." Mayor Mare interjected. "Our poor town's been through enough tonight and now they plan to redo it? Absurd."

"I say we head over there and take back our home!" Amethyst Star was already opting to start a comeback, reclaiming Ponyville from the Dread League. But it was at that moment that she would suddenly yawn, feeling fatigued. "After some rest though...I need it."

"We can't rest. Not when the Black Crusade is ongoing. Our home isn't exactly comfortable to sleep at anymore." said Roseluck. "I wish we could rest though. All that healing didn't re-energize us."

"Well, I'm going back there." Ash already made up his mind on what he wanted to do. And he didn't look tired at all compared to the others. "There's too much at stake here. I gotta know if mom's okay. The gateway's still there, after all."

"Are you sure, Ash? Are we ready to head back there?" Rarity questioned.

"Yeah. Plus, those vampires could spread more curses. Then we'd have to go back in there and heal everyone up a second time." said Paradise. "I mean, I wanna do it but..."

"I'm sure about it." Ash was always sure when it comes to his loved ones. His mother's safety couldn't be ignored at all. "I know Galaxy Master will show up there to save her...but I gotta make sure the vampires don't do anything else to the rest of Pallet Town."

"I hear you, Ash." Twilight understood Ash, not questioning his decision at all. His drive to protect his family was too powerful and reasonable. "We'll head back there as soon as possible but with something to retaliate."

"You won't have to do so." Shockingly, their foes came directly to them. The voice of a familiar vampire passed through the ears of Ash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and the others. The voice of Dimstar. Their heads all turned to see Dimstar present here, standing on a sandy hill.

"Dimstar!" Ash shouted out her name, remembering it very well ever since their first encounter at the Despair Plant Garden.

"You've narrowly escaped your fates yet again in rather creative yet annoying ways like the cockroaches you are." Dimstar talked down to them, figuratively and literally. "All you've been doing is scurrying around, trying to avoid the Black Crusade's inevitable path of destruction. You've done it again but your luck has run out as I will follow up on my duties and snuff all of you out."

"Why...Why'd she have to show up now?" It was getting too overwhelming for some ponies. They just wanted a break from this. But they couldn't get that much for it. And even if they did, it wouldn't last that long. Ponies held onto either their children or their Pokemon, keeping them safe in the face of Dimstar.

"The Ursa Major and Ursa Minor gave it away." Just as Emerald Aura feared, Dimstar found them by going straight for these two bears. Since they were targets of the Black Crusade too, it was only natural for her to come across this group.

Ash's eyes flared as he used his Aura to see the invisible tendrils that were coming out of Dimstar's back. Was there seemingly no end for Ponyville's residents, including those helping to protect it? It has been a while since Ash and the others have even returned to Spike's group back at the Crystal Empire.

"You will not rest. You will not sleep. You will not have any form of relief so as long as we the Dread League exist and the Black Crusade flows as intended." Dimstar commented, bringing the harsh reality down to everyone. That even included the Creatures of the Everfree, who would snarl at Dimstar.

"Maybe we should run...Or return to that dimension again?" Apple Bloom asked, wanting to leave the scene immediately. Many of the ponies were intimidated by Dimstar's presence and that was mainly due to the morose and cold aura she gave off. This was the aura of a Lich. She had some of it and it was utterly chilling.

It felt like multiple swords near them all, ready to slash them if they made the wrong move. That was how terrifying Dimstar's presence was to most of them. Even with this stark number difference, Dimstar did not seem to fear them at all. Instead, she was instilling fear in them.

"Perhaps I should take you back to Ponyville. That way, you'll see how much it's changed before you perish. With Dark Magic involved, the reconstruction of certain buildings is quite swift and rather fitting to what we envision." Dimstar continued. "The Dark Magic around it will be abundant once complete."

"I'd rather not go with her at all," Sombra spoke out. "If you set foot in that town the way it is now with all of the Dark Magic that's been added, there's no telling what would happen. "

"Ponyville's not safe again? That can't be." Fluttershy's ears couldn't believe what she was hearing. How could this be? All that work for what? Just for another vampire to show up and ruin it with one simple act?

"It's not gonna end like this though." Ash suddenly stepped forward, intensively staring Dimstar in the eyes, showing no fear whatsoever. Suddenly, joining Ash's side were the Everfree Creatures. The Hydra, Ursas and even some Timberwolves stood beside him.

"You all can go ahead," Ash spoke after stepping up.

"What?!" Twilight gasped. "Go ahead?! You're going to stay behind?!"

"I gotta make sure mom's okay. You've gotta save your home before it's fully taken over." Ash looked back at everyone. "And I got more stuff I gotta make sure of right now. Leave Dimstar to me. And I guess the Everfree Creatures too. You're gonna chime in too, huh?" He then looked up at the creatures. They would immediately roar back, agreeing to assist Ash.

Their time in the Grass Realm certainly formed something. These creatures were not as hostile as they seemed. At least not now. Not when their lives had been saved thanks to Ash's idea. If anything, they were thankful to Ash.

"Dimstar! You're gonna be dealing with me if you wanna get in their way!" Ash grinned, challenging Dimstar. "No way we're gonna let you stay around here, ya hear?"


"Hoh? You wish to battle me? You still have multiple vampires to deal with and the Dark Magic that will permeate across the town." Dimstar chuckled as her tendrils furiously trembled. No one else but Ash could see them but their pressure could be felt. "Let it be known that none of you will be leaving my sights. And even if you do, the dark magic will be your next foe to overcome if you even dare try and step in Ponyville."

"That's fine." Ash adjusted his hat before looking at Sombra. "Sombra. I'm counting on you to help everyone truck through this one."

"What?!" Sombra pulled back. "You're asking me to go that far?! If I do, I'll just instantly return to your side, boy! I can't possibly take that distance."

"I know. Emerald. I need you to sort that out. See if you can give Sombra some time away from me."

"Yeah, sure I can do that." Emerald Aura shrugged. "I'll give Sombra some time. That way he won't snap back to you if he gets way too far."

"Awesome. Just leave the rest to me. And if I can't make it to Ponyville in time, at least check up on Mom and Mimey to see how they're doing." Ash pleaded to his friends. The residents of Ponyville saw this side of Ash once more. A mixture of confidence, bravery and safety. Specifically, the safety of others.

"I'm staying with ya, Ash." Suddenly, Applejack chose to stay behind, touching Ash's back instead of heading back to Ponyville. "We're better together. Always."


"Applejack...?" Ash uttered, surprised that Applejack would choose to stay.

"Same here! I'll be by your side all the time, Ash!" Fluttershy bellowed with confidence. "I also have to be here to make sure you and your Pokemon are in tip-top shape after all."



"Some of us will go on ahead. But maybe we'll need this muscle to help us." Mayor Mare spoke, referring to the Creatures of the Everfree. It was a good thing they were on their side right now. They needed that extra muscle without a doubt. "Just know that we'll make sure your home is safe too. In a way, it's part of Ponyville."

"Mhm! And your mom's cooking only adds to that!" Pinkie Pie expressed. "We'll look out for her!"


"Aw, you guys..." Ash grinned, loving what he was hearing. More and more Ponyville's residents would spout out what they would do. A majority of them would head back and try and retake their home while a few would stay and support Ash.

"That's touching," Dimstar uttered before slowly descending to meet with everyone else. "Unfortunately for you...your movements will be stopped by something you just can't see."

"Your tendrils, right?" Ash answered, making Dimstar twitch. "I can see them. Oh, yeah I can totally see them. And so can Applejack. Right, AJ?"

"I see 'em clearly, Ash." Applejack saw them as well thanks to her Aura. They did not escape her sight.

"Tch...So you can still see them..." DImstar grizzled her teeth. "Fine then. We have some unfinished business ever since our previous encounter. I'm going to finish it here in the way I wish for it to end!"

"Yeah! With us on top! Twilight! Sombra!" Ash exclaimed as Twilight and Sombra already knew what to do. It was time for the others to jet off and return to Ponyville, evading Dimstar. Dimstar was ready to attack but was immediately stopped by the head of a Hydra which came directly for her.

The Half Lich Half Vampire gasped, flying back as she avoided the headbutt from the three-headed creature which crashed into the sand. After dodging that headbutt, the roar of the Ursas would fly in her direction, sending strong sound waves. Dimstar flinched a bit from the soundwaves, nearly losing her balance in the air.

The Creatures of the Everfree would still go to Ponyville but they would also try and make sure that DImstar goes nowhere near it either. They stood on Ash's side, here to support his group from start to finish. The Black Crusade's victims united under one cause. All hostility and fears were tossed aside for a larger enemy that threatened them all.

"Insolent Creatures of Grogar..." Dimstar said with disgust while the others were already on their way, leaving the scene. Staying behind to help Ash was Applejack, Fluttershy, Roseluck and some Timberwolves. "Fine then. I'll humour you with this confrontation. I'll leave the rest to the others. It's time you faced more of what a Lich can do, Ash Ketchum!"

"Bring it!" Ash put his fist in his palm, eager to throw down with a Lich once more and see how far he can go. At the same time, he would think to himself, which wasn't that common since he always speaks his mind. "Mom. Chrysalis. Please be safe when I show up, okay?"


"Good luck boy." And Sombra only wished the best for his fellow King. He wanted him to succeed. He wanted his friend to come out on top and overcome everything else taking place during the Black Crusade. Everyone was. And Ash wouldn't dare try and disappoint his friends.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 154 End.

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