• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Chrysalis's Plan

Equestria. Ponyville. Twilight's Castle. Late Afternoon.

On the same day that the Battle Carnival became Equestria's first ever Battle Frontier and when Chrysalis learned the truth about the Box of 100 Demons, something else occurred at Twilight's Castle. She had to deal with a plethora of Baby Despair Plants running around the castle frantically.

The blades of the baby Triantis may be small but they pack some power behind them as there were cut marks on tables and walls. Curtains have been damaged because of them but surprisingly, none of the books have suffered from these cuts. But they've certainly taken hits from Arachnorchids and their webs. These webs were scattered across the walls of the castle, forming multiple cobwebs. It wasn't just limited to the walls. The floors were targets too and naturally, Twilight Sparkle wouldn't exactly let this stand.

The Princess of Friendship slid on the ground, attempting to catch the Triantis and Arachnorchid Despair Plants that had no concept of slowing down. "Get back here!" She yelled at these Baby Despair Plants, struggling to keep up with them.

"Cinccino!" Twilight's Pokemon also attempted to stop them with Cinccino appearing in front of them, holding her hands out. However, the Despair Plant Babies still kept their agility and versatility as if they were fully grown. Triantis would flip over Cinccino with impressive acrobatics while the Arachnorchids used their webs to travel through the air. "Ccino!?"

"Ugh! They're too fast!" Twilight groaned when trying to use her magic to hold them. The same went with Espeon when she tried using Psychic. However, they couldn't focus on them due to how fast they were moving, making it difficult for them to be caught at all. "Togekiss! Blind them with Dazzling Gleam!"

"Toge!" Togekiss would soar through the castle when pursuing these babies as she heard Twilight's words loud and clear. She would redirect herself, taking a different pathway to get in front of these Despair Plants. The option she had was to try and blind them and Dazzling Gleam seemed to be the answer. From her body, a blinding light would emerge with Fairy Magic exuding from it. "Togekiss!"

Successfully, the Despair Plants had their eyes mesmerised by Togekiss' light. The blinding light slowed them down, interrupting whatever they were planning to do to evade Twilight and her Pokemon.

"Nice one! Now to just-" With this opportunity, Twilight would try and bring them all over here with her magic. Unfortunately, one of the Despair Plants had avoided the light by just now entering the room. It was another Arachnorchid that ended up shooting webs into Twilight's eyes. "Gah!"

"Esp?!" Espeon gasped after seeing another Arachonorchid fly by, catching her Trainer off guard. The Sun Pokemon snarled, leaping into the air to try and catch this Arachnorchid, only for it to swing away at the right time, causing Espeon to land face-first into the floor. "Espeon...!"

"Ugh...Daisy! Paradise!" Twilight removed the web from her eyes, crying out for the Flora Ponies. After all, these plants were their responsibility since they brought them into this world, just like how Twilight brought Daisy and Paradise into this world.

Her voice reverberated across the entire castle, reaching the ears of Daisy and Paradise. As for these Flora Ponies, they were already holding some of the Despair Plants with them.

"Sorry! Sorry about that!" Daisy quickly ran into the room with Paradise simply walking, not bothered by this. "Are you okay, Mom?"

"I'm fine...So far, anyway" Twilight sat up, groaning as the Despair Plants would soon flock to Daisy and Paradise. "These little ones are a bit too chaotic for the indoors, don't you think?"

"They are?" Paradise replied.

"Yes. They are. I don't think they should be indoors but rather outdoors." Twilight sighed before using her magic to remove the cobwebs from the walls and floors. They're plants after all...Why were they so rowdy today anyway?"

"Oh, we just forgot to feed them last night, that's all. Truth is...they actually eat moonlight instead of sunlight." Daisy apologized. "They get a bit rowdy."

"Excuse me? These plants eat moonlight?" Twilight said while looking at the Triantis that stood next to her. She learned something new about these plants. They benefitted from the Moonlight as opposed to every other plant that benefits off of Sunlight. Perhaps it was the fact that they came from Magehold, thus, they were more adjusted to the moon, even if they had recently been brought into the world. "Well, that's good to know. Anyway, they should still be outside."

"Aw, but why..." Daisy pouted, not exactly loving the sound of that.

"Plants are the best when they're outside. You two can live perfectly indoors and outdoors since you're a combination of ponies and plants." Twilight explained, wanting to be as kind as possible. "But these Despair Plants need to be outside because of how they act. They still come from Magehold and while they're very different to the ones we've encountered and know about, these things need to be considered."

"I guess so. But that would mean we'd have to say goodbye to them." Daisy's eyes suddenly started wobbling, attempting to cry. Twilight would grimace as Daisy's sudden facial expression change. "Please don't do that, Mom. They're our babies."

"Yeah, and they're fun to chase around too." Paradise wasn't as emotional about it compared to her sister. "We can just let them go and never seen them again."

"Well, you could still see them one day and-" Twilight attempted to cushion the blow to them. "And uh..." But that was rather difficult as she didn't wish to disappoint or sadden them. Even though she didn't consider herself a mother figure to them, she was still their mother to an extent. And it definitely felt like talking to her own children. "I wish Ash were here to say something. What would he say?"

"Esp. Espeon." Just then, Espeon would nudge Twilight's hoof, sparking something in her mind. Espeon wished to diffuse this as well and one thing came to mind. "Eon." The Sun Pokemon nudged her head to the side, suggessting at something.

"Oooh, great thing, Eve!" Twilight understood Espeon clearly, knowing what she was going for. "Girls! You won't have to worry about not seeing them for a while. I know the perfect place to let them roam freely."

"You do?"

PokePark. Cove Area.

PokePark. A special park hidden within Twilight's Lab, holding an entirely different location that could be considered its own land. This was thanks to the dimensions that were nestled between the lab and the park, making them compatible. And the first area was the Cove Area. A coastal area which houses many Water-type Pokémon.

Naturally, Daisy and Paradise were amazed by what they were witnessing. An entire massive area was just hidden here in Twilight's Lab. It was actually larger than her lab which made it all the more surreal.

"They'll be fine here," Twilight said. "I would've said the Pokemon House but I think PokePark works best with how expansive it is. What you're looking at is just one area out of multiple. It's perfect for these little guys to run around."

"This is amazing, Mom! How can this even fit in here?!" Paradise questioned.

"Eh. Dimension things." Twilight shrugged. "It's most definitely Rift Energy at play. This is one of the few traces of Rift Energy that exists after everything came together."

"This is great! Perfect for them!" Daisy greatly agreed with this, having no qualms at all. "And you can just show us around and we'll know where to find them, Mom."

"Yeah...If it's just the Cove Area and Arbor Area." Twilight scrunched her face. "I'm not sure about the other areas."

"Huh? But you've been here before, haven't you?" asked Paradise.

"The truth is..." The young alicorn scratched her mane, putting on a nervous face. "I haven't explored all of PokePark. I've barely even been to it that often. I'm a princess, after all. I have important duties to take care of and I can't be a full-time Pokemon Professor. I'll give out Starter Pokemon to upstart trainers sure and research about the Pokemon World but that's about it. I do wish I had the opportunity to spend time with everyone here at PokePark but so much has happened these past years."

"Hmm...That's a shame. "Daisy grumbled. "But do you think we can explore it?"

"You have more freedom than me. And you're young so that's an even greater length of freedom. One day I'll get to fully experience PokePark for what it is and that'll be incredibly satisfying. The Baby Despair Plants can live here freely and choose whatever area they want. And you'll always be close to them."

"Okay then. Go ahead, little ones." Daisy lowered her hooves, dropping the Baby Despair Plants she held. She encouraged them to run wild here as they would have all kinds of freedom. The Despair Plants did not hesitate for a moment. They scrambled in a heartbeat, not wasting any time. Much like a baby, they were too curious. If anything, they were closer to children as they could certainly grow up and develop, much like a young plant. "Make sure to eat enough moonlight, okay?!"

"Cool...But this lab's pretty neat too, actually." Paradise turned to face the Pokemon Lab. "I already got what I need thanks to grandma, but you said you could've given me what I needed here."

"I did. You already have your fancy-looking Pokedex and bag. It's pretty clear that mom's been using my princess money." Twilight Sparkle easily knew that her mother, Twilight Velvet, was using the money she got as a Princess plus a Pokemon Professor as a way to pay for certain things.

"And it looks good, doesn't it?!" She showed off her Pokedex immediately by taking it out of her fancy saddlebag. "Grandma knows how to pick 'em!"

"That's great and all, but what about your Pokemon? That's a different story." Twilight asked. "Ash helped you catch your first one so I'll help you with your second one."

"You'll give me a second Pokemon?"

"Of course. What kind of mom would I be if I didn't? In this evolving world, Pokemon are needed. Believe me." Twilight approached the table where the Poke Balls were kept. Six Poke Balls sat there. Three were based around different regions and were common starter Pokemon that most know about while the other three were always random Pokemon. But they all kept the theme of Grass, Fire and Water. With her magic, Twilight would lift all six of them up before throwing them. Out you come!

Emerging from the Poke Balls were the six starters. The first three were Snivy, Squirtle and Torchic. Different regions but were each Starters in their own right. As for the other three, they had similar typings but were not usually known as Starter Pokemon. Bounsweet, Litwick and Clauncher.

"Here. Six Pokemon to choose from." Twilight introduced them. Usually, young trainers come by here and they all have someone to have on their side. But since it's just you, Paradise, you get one."

"Aw, only one?" Paradise pouted, not too fond of only getting one Pokemon. "Fine...I guess if I had to choose then..." She thought about it deeply. They all looked so adorable to her. Choosing one would be tough without a doubt as they all struck her eye.

"Twilight!" Before Paradise could make her choice, entering the castle were Spike and Starlight. And yet, it did not break Paradise's concentration. "Twilight! There you are!"

"Oh, Spike. Starlight. What's up?" Twilight asked. "Did something happen"

"Okay, two things. Uh, one! The New Battle Frontier's been made!" Spike excitedly said. "It's the Battle Carnival, just like what Princess Celestia said!"

"And you wanna take part in it, don't you?" Twilight Sparkle saw directly through Spike judging by how he was spouting this news.

"Heck yeah!" Spike nodded his head with enthusiasm. "I'd love to take on a Frontier Brain! Ash told me how strong they are. It's like taking on a Gym and an Elite 4 at the same time."

"Wait, have you completed all the Gyms yet, Spike? Are you still on that path to the Equestria League?" Twilight asked.

"Oh. I'm still focusing on being a Dragon Trainer. But I'm sure I'll catch up before the league can start."

"And as for the second news, Fluttershy shared this with us." Starlight stepped up. "Chrysalis recently showed up and she has some big news with her."

"How big are we talking?"

"As in...It could turn the tides for the whole Dread League issue 'Big'." Starlight wasn't joking. It was about the Box of 100 Demons which had helped the Dread League multiple times in spreading chaos. No one would forget those demon attacks. Especially the one that nearly destroyed most of Equestria. "Where do I start with this? Because it's a bit of a doozy."

"Uh, just go with what Chrysalis is planning to do," Spike suggested that Starlight cut to the chase. Chrysalis had a plan that was already shared with Fluttershy back at the Pokemon House. And right now, Starlight and Spike, who have heard about it, will share it with Twilight Sparkle.

The Pokemon House.

"Y-You're serious?!" Twilight heard everything. She was told all she needed to know about Chrysalis and her connection to the Box of 100 Demons. She learned that Chrysalis was the creator of the Box and the one who turned many species into demons. "You're gonna take it from them?!"

"I have to. It is rightfully my box." Chrysalis stood tall after saying that. "Therefore, I am the one who must possess it. And it's better that I have it rather than those vampires. Fluttershy's already agreed to help me and I plan to revert some of those demons to their original forms. It will be difficult to know which is an innocent creature and which as a criminal, but I have Fluttershy to count on for that."

"Mhm. Chrysalis has the potential to bring them back to how they originally were. She did it to a Centipede Demon." Fluttershy explained. "Soon, it'll just be down to maybe 60 or 50 Demons."

"On the off chance I can't do it, I need your help, Twilight. You have access to some spells I know nothing of. And you have Rift Magic on your side. If possible, can you help me revert them to how they originally were? Please." Chrysalis pleaded. "Will you help me with this?"

"Do you have to say anything else?" Twilight already agreed. "Of course I'll help. I've been itching to do something about that box myself. It's so troublesome. And if we have it, that can stop once and for all. Do Ash and the others know about this?"

"Xtransceiver and all." Spike held up his Xtransceiver. He already called Ash on it so he was well aware. "You should've seen Ash's reaction to it. He found it cool."

"Did he now?" Twilight looked over at Spike.

"He did. I was rather flattered when I heard it." Chrysalis nodded in confirmation. "I didn't expect my status as the Box's creator to be 'Cool'. But frankly...I'm honoured."

"Good to know. Alright, so you have a plan. How are we going to make it work though? We'd have to let the Dread League come to us." Twilight asked.

"In the dead of the night. My mother told me all I need to know about the Dread League and they are the most active during the night or when the clouds are covering the Sun. Recently, they've been more active than usual, probably accelerating their plans for their Black Crusade. You've already encountered them weeks ago and they could be anywhere. We can't exactly track them down easily, but I have an idea."

"I'll be the bait," Fluttershy revealed a part of the plan. By stepping up, she shockingly revealed that she would be the bait for the vampires. And it was so casual too.

"What?!" A stunned Twilight Sparkle yelled. "F-Fluttershy! You can't be the bait!"

"Oh, but I can. I asked for this, Twilight, don't worry about it." It was of Fluttershy's own will and choice. She wanted to be the bait. Mainly because she knew how the Dread League wanted her. "They consider me one of them because of that Vampire Fruit Bat incident. So, I'll let them come from me and Chrysalis and everyone else can take it from here."

"By everyone else, she's referring to us and the Pokemon here." Starlight added. "The Pokemon of the Pokemon House want to chime in on this. It'll be a great team effort."

"You make it sound so fun for something so dangerous." Twilight sighed. "Alright. You'll be the bait I guess but be careful. After you lure them in, then what?"

"We expose them to the light. And there's one way to do that. Dazzling Gleam." Chrysalis said before looking at Ribombee and Espeon, who both possessed this blinding light. "However, what matters the most is that we need them to use the Box of 100 Demons. I'm not looking to take down any vampires. I just need to get the box back. And the only way for that to happen is if they're pushed far enough to summon it."

"How are we gonna push them to the point that they'll need the box though?" Spike questioned.

"I have that covered. And we'll do this far away from everyone else, so that no innocents are harmed." Chrysalis added. "That way, we can get as wild as we want. That goes for my Changelings. So when that moon shows itself and it's late enough, we'll take action. Understood?"

"It's risky but it could work if we pull it off perfectly. Leave it to me then." Twilight smiled as she lived for situations like this, where everything goes smoothly. "Nopony pulls off plans better than me. I'll make sure it goes according to plan. Ash and the others are already somewhere, right?"

"They're out there getting ready. Apparently, Ash has something planned himself. I'm not sure what it is but I'm looking forward to it." Chrysalis said as they all had a way to approach this confrontation.

The goal was to retrieve the Box of 100 Demons. That's all. If they can get it and Chrysalis can revert some of them to how they originally were, a huge advantage would be given to Equestria, greatly crippling Magehold and the Dread League. It was all a matter of pulling it off successfully. And knowing the Dread League, it wouldn't be easy. Not one bit.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 103 End.

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