• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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A Vampire's Worst Fear! Exploding Zekrom

The Dream Realm. Hyperdream.

Luna and Darkrai would be forced to endure the wrath of the Nightmare Queen, who had entered the Dream Realm to put an end to the both of them, aiming to finish what started 2 years ago.

Flashes of Magic that mirrored the Night went off. One from Luna and one from Nightmare Rarity. With Darkrai, the two were putting their best foot forward. Darkrai had unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt, his body surrounded by electrical power.

The Pitch-Black Pokemon had become an electrifying sight, becoming a living weapon as he would dash over, only for Nightmare Rarity to leave behind an afterimage of herself that was surrounded by rather explosive magic.

"Gah!" Darkrai cried out when struck by the explosion, the force throwing him off course. He would be blown back, his body trembling. Nightmare Rarity chuckled, watching the Pitch Black Pokemon struggle to get back up, his body covered in bruises.

"Try again, darling~" Nightmare Rarity taunted while giggling.

"Grrr...!" Luna's eyes were narrowed, glaring at the Nightmare Queen. Luna's horn would flash, unleashing a beam of energy directly at her. Nightmare Rarity's eyes would widen as the beam would suddenly be cut off, the explosion being halted and the light dispersed.

"Oh, you were aiming for me, weren't you?" Nightmare Rarity snickered, having blocked the attack with her hair, her hair forming a wall to protect her.

"Luna!" Darkrai shouted, getting up. Luna's eyes would widen, feeling an extreme pressure.

"What?! Gah!" Luna was suddenly slammed by the air, feeling an impact from above her. It was a force so heavy and powerful that it managed to knock her back, causing her to fall through the space of the Dream Realm.

The Moon Princess would find her body crashing through multiple dream bubbles before managing to recover. But the second she recovered, two long Nightmare Streams would fly in her direction, straight from Nightmare Rarity's mane. Luna gasped, narrowly managing to sway her body and evade the two streams.

The streams would turn around and strike Luna again, forcing her to dodge once more. The two strands would keep chasing her, moving around rapidly. Luna would fly down, but the strands followed her.

"How annoying...!"

"They aren't just strands of hair! They are extensions of my mind. If I want them to follow you, then they'll follow you no matter where you go! I'm controlling them!" Nightmare Rarity smirked. "And if you think you can escape, then think again!"

Nightmare Rarity's two strands would suddenly split apart, becoming a total of 4. Two strands had merged together, making two new strands. Luna's eyes widened, watching as the 4 strands would come her way.

In response, Luna cast a spell that made the Streams soft, slowing them down and causing them to become easy to avoid. The strands of hair would continue following Luna, but their movements had slowed down drastically. After slowing them down, Luna would then look up to see some Dream Bubbles being thrown her way, covered in Nightmare Magic.

The bubbles were like bombs, and if Luna got hit by them, she would be sent falling down, giving Nightmare Rarity a chance to land an attack on her. However, that would also mean that the dreams would be endangered, breaking apart.

Thinking fast, Luna would summon a massive pocket of Magic, forming a large sphere around the area, protecting it. The Dream Bubbles collided with the sphere, but it managed to hold up, keeping the bubble intact.

"Hah...At this rate, even one dream might fall apart." Luna muttered.

"That's the idea." Nightmare Rarity smirked. "If a single Dream is destroyed, it will be an incredible setback for you and Darkrai. You can't afford to do so since you're so dedicated to protecting the dreams of everyone. Quite the weaknesss you two have."

"You call it a weakness, but I believe it's a strength. It shows how much we care for the dreams of everypony." Luna replied. "Unlike you. Which shouldn't be the case since you used to be somepony who cared for others. The Rarity we know. What happened? How could you let Nightmare Moon overtake you?"

"Bah. I wasn't overtaken. I welcomed her. We made an agreement. And of course, I ended up being the one to overtake her in the end when her guard was down. And ever since then, I've been living this life to the fullest, doing whatever I please."

"By doing this to your own home? You abandoned everything and turned your own friends and family into decorations. You aren't Rarity anymore. Not in this Universe."

"Hm." She rolled her eyes. "That's why this isn't your Universe. Get used to it. There are some worlds out there that just have a pre-destined outcome. This is just how things were always meant to be."


"Besides. Do you know how good it feels to have power over your friends? To have your family bow down to you? To be feared and respected? I've always wanted a massive level of attention and now, I have all of it in my world! And right now, you and your universe might ruin it for me! So beat it!" From her body, Nightmare Rarity would unleash a powerful storm of Nightmare Magic that would spread far and wide in an instant.

Darkrai found himself being launched back by the storm, being unable to endure it. He would cry out, his body being sent flying through the Dream Realm.

"Darkrai!" Luna shouted, watching him fly. Nightmare Rarity had sent him back to the real world, leaving him unable to help. It was a devastating loss, leaving Luna alone with the Nightmare Queen.

"Now then. Without your friend, what do you intend to do? Are you going to surrender and let me have my way? Because otherwise, I can make sure the dreams here never happen." Nightmare Rarity chuckled.

"Tch! Go, Zekrom!" Luna quickly summoned another Poke Ball, unleashing Zekrom. The Dragon Electric-Type burst out of his Poke Ball with a crash of lightning, flying alongside Luna.

"Gh!" Nightmare Rarity actually looked intimidated the second Darkrai arrived. Zekrom's presence was enough to cause her to flinch.

"As long as I have my friends with me, no matter how many, I can win this!" Luna declared with Zekrom roaring at the top of his lungs.

"Kh...I forgot that she had a Zekrom." Nightmare Rarity grumbled. Seeing Zekrom here made her think for a moment. Unlike Darkrai, who took a lot of damage, Zekrom was healthy and ready to fight.

"Alright! Use Bolt Strike!"

Zekrom roared, flying through the sky, gathering up the lightning energy needed. His body was surrounded by electrical power, becoming a living lightning bolt. And with a single swipe of his claw, the electrical energy would be fired directly at Nightmare Rarity.

The Nightmare Queen growled, having her two strands of hair block the attack, which would result in the strands being destroyed. Nightmare Rarity's strands of hair were no match for the raw power of a Legendary Dragon.

"Hah!" With Zekrom's power, Luna was now able to push back the Nightmare Queen. Zekrom would charge up his Dragon Pulse, his mouth glowing bright with a purple light. He would fire a beam of energy straight for her, catching the Nightmare Queen off-guard.

Nightmare Rarity just barely managed to create an afterimage of herself to avoid the beam. She would find the two of them charging her way, forcing her to move out of the way, evading them.

"Zekrom could be a problem." Nightmare Rarity said to herself. "And I bet she has more Pokemon that have yet to battle. If I am to win this, I'll have to resort to my more greater spells. But first..."

Nightmare Rarity would fly up, summoning her dark clouds. They were dark clouds of Nightmare Magic, and the second she called upon them, Nightmare Rarity would begin unleashing a torrential downpour of Nightmare rain.

However, this rain had different properties compared to the rest and it was mainly Zekrom who would feel it the most.

"What is this?!" Zekrom grunted, the rain coming in contact with his body, feeling the Nightmare Energy. It was strong enough to make him falter. His body started slowing down, the rain coming down harder.

But it wasn't just heavy. This rain was doing something unique to Zekrom. Around his body, bizarre scales were forming, covering his body. This wasn't a form of corruption, but something else.

"Hohoho! I was saving this for Necrozma, but I guess you'll do!" Nightmare Rarity chortled, seeing how the scales were now beginning to glow, the light growing stronger.

"Z-Zekrom?!" Luna cried out, not expecting to see this happening. "What did you do to him?!"

"Something meant for Legendary Pokemon. Think of it as an adhesive. It'll stick to the Legendary Pokemon and make their power more explosive than it is normally! Like a ticking time bomb. Originally, we were going to use it on Necromza once he absorbed enough light from other universes. But it looks like I'll be testing it out on him instead. That's fine, however. Zekrom naturally has a ton of energy. This is a good way to test the waters."

"For Necrozma? You mean Daybreaker's Necrozma?" Luna gasped.

"Spot on! I'm not too big a fan of Daybreaker being in charge. While she's a great leader, I obviously want to stand at the top. So me and the others came together to find a way to deal with Nerozma, but only when he's at his absolute best. When he ends up getting all the light that he needs to finally restore his full power, that is when we will strike. But that time hasn't come yet, so I'll try it out on Zekrom. I worked hard to create this spell."

"Zekrom! Use Dragon Pulse!" Luna shouted. Zekrom would begin building up Draconic Energy in his body, preparing the attack. However, the second he was about to release it, his body would begin to tremble, the light from the scales getting stronger. And with an intense burst, Zekrom's Dragon Pulse flew out but it resulted in an explosion.

"Gah!" Zekrom cried out, the explosion sending him flying back, his body trembling. It would reach Luna as well, causing her to shield herself, protecting herself.

"Wh-What's going on with Zekrom...?" Luna wondered.

"Hm-hm-hm! Works just like how I expect it to! Marvellous! Right now, Zekrom's power is rising, overflowing even. It's too much for him to handle and it's building up, causing the scales to glow. They will eventually go off and explode, resulting in an immense explosion. And that's just for the first phase. In the end, the energy will build up until he'll no longer be able to handle it, forcing him to let it out."

"Why you...!" Luna growled.

"Did you really think I was going to take on a Zekrom? Are you insane? There's no way I can defeat him in combat. So the next best thing is to make him lose by force. If the scales keep glowing, his power will only grow. To the point where he will have no choice but to unleash an attack to expend it. That will destroy the dream bubbles, and you can't afford that, can you?"

"Ngh!" Just as Nightmare Rarity said, Zekrom would unleash another attack from his body, but this time, it was unintentional. It forced itself out of him as a Fusion Bolt was unleashed, combusting in front of him. Zekrom would struggle to contain the power inside his body, gritting his teeth.

"Oh, dear. It's happening sooner than I thought. Perhaps because this is my first time testing the waters with this spell. Regardless, with this..I can win!" Taking advantage of this, Nightmare Rarity unleashed a beam of Nightmare Magic directly at Zekrom, landing a direct hit.

"Ze...Zekrom!" Luna cried out. Zekrom was then launched in her direction, his massive body coming her way. Luna quickly tried slowing him down with his magic, but his weight was far too much. As a result, Luna was hit and sent flying through the Dream Realm, the impact being enough to disrupt her mind, her thoughts getting jumbled.

Nightmare Rarity wasn't letting up. She would launch some more Dream Bubbles at Luna, who would just barely recover. By using her magic, Luna would be able to deflect the bubbles away. However, some would still hit, which would result in a few dream bubbles taking damage, their contents being exposed to the open air.

Zekrom would try catching some, only for his energy to explode from his body yet again. A burst of electrictiy flew out, damaging some of the Dream Bubbles in the process. Seeing this, Zekrom would cease his intention to catch them, resulting in him being slammed by a barrage of Dream Bubbles.

"Ah! This is splendid!" Nightmare Rarity cackled, revelling in this. "Where's all that bravado, Luna?! I bet you were excited to have Zekrom finih things for you! Trusting in his power! Well, look at you now! Look at how pathetic he is!"

"Zekrom...!" Luna was struggling, trying to come up with a plan. But nothing was coming to mind. She was unable to focus on anything else, the situation growing worse by the second. Another outburst of Zekrom's energy would go off, shocking Luna with 500,000 Volts of electricity, the shockwave knocking her back.

"Oh, dear. What a shame. I'm going to enjoy watching the dreams of countless individuals fade into nothing. Especially if it's your fault. This is a wonderful sight."

"Y-You coward...!" Luna growled, her body staggering from the volts. "Using such tactics...I thought you felt confident in your strength? Believing that you could defeat me ever since our last encounter."

"Hmph. Rich coming from the one using Legendary and Mythical Pokemon to do all the work." Nightmare Rarity chuckled. "I'm simply taking the opportunity presented before me. Don't be so naive."

"Grr...!" Luna scowled, hating that this was happening. She knew she couldn't let any dreams fall. Not when she was in charge of protecting them. So the Princess of the Night would do the best thing she could do, which was to try and stop Zekrom's rampage, trying to hold his body down and calm him.

However, before she could do so, something caught Nightmare Rarity's attention. Something very intriguing. The Nightmare Queen would turn her head, her gaze shifting elsewhere. Her eyes widened as she spotted a Dream Bubble belonging to a certain someone.

"Well, what do we have here?" With a snicker, she used her magic to bring the dream over. And the one this dream belonged to was none other than Luna. "Ah...This is one of your dreams, isn't it? The Dream you had when you were just a filly."

"Don't you dare...!" Luna hissed, her eyes narrowed.

"Hmmmm..." Nightmare Rarity would hum, looking at the dream. "A little filly dreaming of her sister. How cute. And it looks like this is all before Nightmare Moon was a growing force within you. When you still had a good relationship with Celestia at the time. Lovely. But I wonder...if this is a dream of the past, what would happen if I ruined it? Hm?"

"You wouldn't!"

"Duh! I would! If I ruin this dream...then how will that affect your relationship with you sister? I wonder if that will reverse everything that's led to your powerful bond now. That's an interesting thought, isn't it? Let's see what happens!" Wasting no time, from Nightmare Rarity's body, she would summon her Tantabus, a black monster resembling a shadowy stallion.

Luna's eyes would widen. "No! Wait!" She shouted. The Tantabus would enter the dream, resulting in the dream turning black, a white moon forming above.

"Stop!" Luna bellowed, trying to fly towards it, but she was unable to. Her body was still recovering, and her limbs wouldn't move, preventing her from getting to the bubble

"Hm-hm-hm...Hahahaha!" Nightmare Rarity would laugh, enjoying the sight. As this dream was being corrupted, Luna's body would suddenly start feeling a powerful surge of magic rushing through her. A rather painful one too.

"Ah! What the...?!" Luna would groan, feeling a powerful rush of pain, the magic coursing through her.

"Oho. Since this dream has your sister in a good light, ruining it has caused an extreme change in your magic. Most likely, because of Nightmare Moon. Without this Dream being how it should be, your resentment towards your sister will grow from this point. And since you've already made peace with Nightmare Moon, that peace is being disturbed in the past."

"Rrgh!" Luna cried out, feeling the effects. Even the dream was changing, showing a different scene. Nightmare Rarity would watch, finding the changes quite funny.

"Now then. What other Dream of yours can I find?" Nightmare Rarity looked around. Using her magic, she would start organizing the Dream Bubbles much like how Luna does. But this time, Nightmare Rarity was in control, finding the most precious Dreams of the Lunar Princess.

"Ooooh, this looks tasty. How about we give this one a go?" From her body, a Tantabus would break out, entering the bubble, which would cause a change in the dream. Another powerful surge of magic would course through her, causing Luna to scream.

"I'm guessing this Dream has a similar theme to the last one. Oh, wait! I know! This is when you first raised the Moon! A rather crucial moment for you. This was when you got a glimpse of when your sister's popularity when it comes to the Sun. And how you were less popular. Granted, you didn't think too much of it in the beginning since it was your first time. Let's change that shall we?"

The Tantabus would corrupt the Dream, changing the scene. Instead of thinking little of it, the past Luna was immediately dreaming of her sister overshadowing her, showing a sense of resentment and hatred towards her.

"Ngh! Stop it!" Luna groaned. She felt a powerful surge of magic coursing through her body, her powers fluctuating. With the past affected once more, the magic that she shared with Nightmare Moon was violently moving around.

Nightmare Rarity wouldn't stop, searching for more Dream Bubbles belonging to Luna by organizing them. Zekrom's energy would burst once more, sending him flying even further back. Luna would try catching him, but with her own power fluctuating, she couldn't focus her magic on anything.

The Tantabus would start flying through various dreams of Luna's past, infecting them with Nightmares. It was mainly the dreams that were precious to her, where she had a good relationship with her sister at the time.

The changes would affect the future, causing an effect in the present. Luna's magic would continue to fluctuate, the Nightmare Energy coursing through her body. Her magic was unstable, her mind not in the right state.

Nightmare Rarity would keep this up, searching for more Dreams and Corrupting them, resulting in more and more Nightmares flowing through Luna. At the same time, the past and present was changing, making Luna's feelings towards her sister worsen.

Zekrom was losing his ability to fight back. He was struggling to control the energy building up within him, his body growing more volatile. He was struggling, and the more Nightmare Rarity kept this up, the more the scales would glow, his energy building up even more.

"This is truly wonderful! Now, acept your fate, Luna! Accept that I've won this! And that you're not going to do anything about it!"

"N-Never...!" Luna snarled, her body shaking. She was struggling to stay afloat, her eyes gazing at Nightmare Rarity. "I will never give up. As long as I have my friends with me and a world I need to protect, I will always find a way!"

"Oh, dear. I'm afraid not. I don't want to hear you say that. After all, your words will be meaningless in the end." Nightmare Rarity smirked. "Once Zekrom's power gets too much, he'll have no choice but to expel it all. And if I'm correct, that will cause him to explode, taking out the dream bubbles and destroying them all. You've failed, Luna. I've won."
"Gh...! Th-That can't happen...! Not now!" Luna was horrified.

"But if you want me to make it easy on you, here. I'll do you a favour and knock you out!" From her horn, Nightmare Rarity unleashed a powerful beam of energy.

Luna was unable to dodge, getting hit in the side. The Moon Princess was sent flying, crashing through the air. She was then sent down, slamming against the ground of the Dream Realm, which would have the same effects as a meteor crashing. Luna wasn't aware that the Dream Realm had a ground at all, believing it was just a vast space.

"Z-Zekrom..." Luna groaned while on her back, gazing up. Her strength was waning, her body exhausted. The laughter of Nightmare Rarity echoed across the Dream Realm, the Nightmare Queen taunting her. Luna would also look up to see Nightmare Monsters beginning to emerge from the Dream Bubbles that they've already conquered.

"You can't get out of this. I'm not going to let you. You and Zekrom will stay here, and watch the dreams fade away. And once the dream bubbles are gone, you and your precious friend will be stuck here forever. And no one will find you." Nightmare Rarity chuckled, approaching Luna. "I'm going to enjoy watching you lose. Just like how I've lost. And the second your heart has shattered, I'll absorb the magic within you and your friends."

Universe 5.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Dimstar's group stood before Oculus Gloom, with the Nightmare Monster standing proudly. All the exits and entrances were covered in a dark liquid that made up Oculus'sown body, making it difficult to escape.

Dimstar stood strong, glaring at Oculus Gloom with fury in her eyes. Not only that, the Pokemon that had already turned into Nightmare Monsters were also standing in front of her. There were 13 of them, all corrupted and standing at the ready.

"Ohoho! Look at all those Pokemon! You must really care for them! What a shame that they're going to be part of my collection!" Oculus Gloom laughed, her body trembling in excitement. "I can't wait to decorate the halls with all of you!"

"My Stoutland..." Mayor Mare was in shock as her own Stoutland was among the corrupted, his eyes glowing purple. His body was covered in Nightmare Energy, becoming a Nightmare Monster.

"All of you, stay back." Dimstar ordered. "You're all far too weak and injured to get involved in this. If you get too close, you might fall prey to the Nightmare Monsters. So stay back and let me handle things."

"But we can't get them to safety, Dimstar. All this gross stuff's blocking our way." Eccentrick pointed out. "How do we keep them safe?"

"Like this." Using her magic, Dimstar conjured up a barrier that would protect her allies, including the Pokemon. The barrier was powerful, and it would hold for quite some time. It would prevent any Nightmare Monsters from coming their way, keeping them protected. "The rest of you will focus on removing this substance while I take care of her."

"Foolish Lich. You have no idea what you're dealing with." Oculus Gloom cackled. "In this universe, we've already dealt with all of you Vampires. The Veiled Mistress even made you all special decorations in the castle."

"Is that so?" Dimstar narrowed her eyes.

"Yes. Your species were some of the easiest to deal with. You are also creatures of the Night, so manipulating you was not an issue for the Veiled Mistress. Espeally after crafting something to defeat you."

"And what would that be?"

"This." Oculus Gloom would bring up the dark liquid, causing a change in the environment. The room would turn pitch black, leaving the entire space in darkness. Everyone was left blinded, unable to see a single thing. Even the vampires. Only Dimstar was able to see a thing. The vampires and the ponies all gasped once everything was filled with darkness, not expecting this.

"Wh-What happened?!" Apple Bloom was the most shocked, not able to see anything. "It's so dark!"

"Hmm...!" Dimstar growled while narrowing her eyes. "What is this? What are you up to?"

"Ah...Seems you can see through the darkness. That must be because of your Lich Half." Oculus Gloom eerily said. "No matter. You'll be able to witness what will become of your fellow vampires. You all come from a land where some of the most common nightmares are a regular occurrence. You're used to living in a harsh and dark place. Normally, nothing nightmarish should affect, you correct?"

"Exactly. So what's the point in doing this?" Dimstar questioned, her eyes following Oculus Gloom's movements each time she would vanish and reappear in the darkness.

"The Veiled Mistress made sure that would never be the case ever again. Using her amazing power, she merged every ounce of her Nightmare Magic to create a new variation of Nightmares. One that is made to affect even those that are immune to such things."

"Hmph. That's a lot of effort just to go after us. I guarantee you, there is nothing we fear. Especially not me." Dimstar declared. "So whatever you throw at me, I'll be fine."

"Ah...Tell them that." Oculus giggled deviously, prompting Dimstar to turn her head. There, she witnessed her fellow vampires all with faces of fear, terror, and horror. They were all experiencing the same nightmare, their minds being filled with one thing that struck fear into all of them.

"Wh-What?! Everyone...!" Dimstar gasped, seeing the other vampires all suffering the same effects. They were all terrified, unable to fight back. It was almost like they were paralyzed, unable to move a single inch.

"I-It can't be..." Eccentrick's heart was beating fast as she stepped back, mortified by what she was seeing. Or rather, who she was seeing. All the vampires were viewing the same individual. The one being who brought fear into their hearts and was terrifying enough to be considered a Nightmare. A Nightmare to all Vampires.

Very soon, Dimstar would enhance her vision, seeing what they were seeing, and she was also shocked to see the being in front of her fellow vampires.

It was none other than Opal Vivacity.

The beautiful yet cruel vampire who brought them all so much suffering for centuries and the sister of Dimstar. She was the only one they truly feared after what she had done to them all. Robbing them of enjoyment and true freedom for so long while working alongside the former Lich Queen and the other Lich Kings and Queens of the past, bringing Magehold into a grim time.

While Opal was no more, the memories of her and what she did to them were still fresh, causing them all to have the same fear, the same Nightmare.

"Opal..." Eccentrick and the other ponies were in shock. They weren't aware that this was a Nightmare, but that is exactly what made this magic so effective. It looked like Opal Vivacity herself was actually here.

"If I recall correctly, Opal Vivacity was a plague on Magehold, wasn't she? The perfect Nightmare to use against the vampires. Remind them of them who had such an overpowering presence over them all. It's so delicious, watching them tremble in fear." Oculus Gloom chuckled. "But of course, there's you Dimstar. You aren't the least bit terrified of her."

"Of course not! She's already been defeated so I have nothing to fear!" Dimstar roared.

"But your fellow vampires haven't gotten over her yet it seems. Unfortunately for you, this kind of fear...Fuels my strength!" From the dark floor, a tendril would rise, uppercutting Dimstar without her even seeing it. The attack caught her off-guard, the lich's body flying through the air.

"Ugh!" Dimstar bounced on the floor, her movements invisible to everyone else who were only viewing the darkness. The vampires would cry out in fear, the illusionary version of Opal approaching them.

Cries from the darkness came out, the vampires screaming at the sight of Opal Vivacity. The ponies couldn't see a thing. All they could hear were the voices of the vampires and the screams of fear.

Dimstar growled as another pair of tendrils would strike at her body, knocking her around. She was unable to see them coming in time, having her body moved around by these attacks.

"You vampires are such weaklings. Your fear of Opal is a delight! The perfect fuel for me!"

"Shut up...!" Dimstar hissed, trying to locate the Nightmare Monster. But with her senses clouded by the dark, it was difficult. Oculus Gloom wasn't moving, allowing Dimstar to see her position. This wasn't a problem until Oculus would teleport herself, the tendrils following Dimstar and striking her, moving around in the dark.

Dimstar's body would be struck, her limbs being thrown about as the tentacles kept her from being able to react in time. Eventually, she would crash, bouncing on the ground. She was struggling, unable to find the right moment to strike back.

"We Nightmares are fueled by the fears of others! With it, we can perform much better, no matter what!" Oculus cackled while rapidly beating down on Dimstar's body with her tendrils from above, whipping her. "Your fear is quite delicious! I hope it lasts a long time!"

Oculus continued to laugh while aggressively beating down on Dimstar. Not only that, but the Nightmare of Opal Vivacity would start harming the Vampires. At least, that's how it seemed. In reality, it was the Pokemon that have already been transformed who were attacking them, their appearance masked by the darkness, giving them the illusion that it was Opal Vivacity who was hurting them.

"How dare you...!" Dimstar's eyes would flare as she unleashed a black burst of darkness that would blow away the tendrils. But right after blowing them back, Oculus Gloom's body would start opening up. "What...?"

"I'll try and see what can scare you, Dimstar. But for now, I'll just have to knock you out first. And with these fears, I know for a fact I can pull that off with absolute ease. Now...Face my Nightmare Black Hole.

From Oculus Gloom's body, she would unleash a powerful vortex, a massive and destructive suction. This would be enough to suck up Dimstar's body, the lich trying to keep herself planted, her hooves digging into the ground.

"Urgh!" Dimstar grunted. She would then look back at everyone else, her gaze shifting to her fellow vampires. They were too terrified by Opal Vivacity to notice the vortex, the Pokemon attacking them.

Dimstar attempted to put up a shield, only being able to pull that off at the moment. She then witness the Vortex expand, flying towards her instead of just pulling everything in.

Her eyes widened once she saw the Vortex coming her way, prompting her to greatly increase the size of her shield. The second the vortex hit the shield, a powerful explosion followed right afterwards, a shockwave being sent across the area.

The ponies were thrown back, their bodies colliding against the barrier, which didn't budge. However, the impact would be enough to make it flicker, causing Dimstar to feel weakened. The building had a huge hole blown through it because of this impact, the debris flying around.

Dimstar was knocked out of the building, flying through her own shield and out into the open, rolling across the dark grass, forming a crater.

"Hmph." Oculus Gloom snickered as the vortex would cease. It would be too much for her to keep up, the Nightmare Monster feeling exhausted from using it.

Dimstar groaned, slowly getting back up as Oculus Gloom levitated herself out of her base, exiting outside. She looked down at Dimstar while the battle around them continued. Streams of Hyper Beams and Nightmare Energy could be seen flying everywhere.

"Not bad. For a Vampire-Lich Hybrid. But this is as far as you get." Oculus Gloom smirked as Dimstar's shield would collapse. Once it did, the ponies, Mayor Mare and the Pokemon were all exposed, no longer protected by the shield but they were still unable to see anything.

"Now then. I will take the pleasure of finishing you off and adding you to my collection. And once that's over, I'll deal with the others. After all, there are 13 Pokemon and 13 ponies. I'll need way more than that. And you're getting in the way of that, Dimstar. Once you're dealt with, you'll have no choice but to watch as your friends fall one by one, unable to do anything about it. Don't worry. I'll make sure you're an amazing Nightmare Monster after this."

"I think not..." Dimstar stood back up. Oculus scoffed at this attempt to be brave, responding to it by generating another powerful attack. Her eye would pulsate as she summoned a disgusting black sphere out of thin air, one the size of a building.

Oculus would then drop the sphere as it would crackle violently, getting ready to explode upon contact. Dimstar would be forced to put up a shield, blocking the sphere, but the shield wouldn't be strong enough, breaking apart.

The second it broke apart, the sphere would explode, the impact enough to knock back Dimstar. The Lich would fly through the air, her body being tossed about. She was sent crashing down, her body slamming against the ground, leaving a crater.

Oculus wouldn't stop there. She would generate another one of those spheres, throwing it at Dimstar. Dimstar would quickly conjure a barrier, but her shield was still far too weak. Just as it was about to drop, a bolt of lightning would fly over Dimstar, crashing into the Sphere, causing an explosion.

"Huh?" Oculus turned her head, spotting a familiar face. Standing before Dimstar was a human alongside a Pikachu. Behind him were six ponies in total and their own Pokemon. It was none other than Ash and his friends as they had finally arrived in this universe.

"We're here, Dimstar! And it looks like we're just in time." Ash declared.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu cried out.

"Ash! Everyone!" Dimstar bellowed, having the happiest face she's ever displayed in her life. Using one of the Travel Spheres, they had finally shown up in Universe 5 and two of them had the most displeased looks on their faces. Rarity and Applejack. After all, their sisters have been captured.

Oculus stared down Ash's group, a little agitated that they were here. The things she's heard from this group were troublesome, considering how difficult they were to deal with it. The Canterlot Guards noticed Ash's group arriving, also showing glee on their faces. They were more than happy to see them all. Ash put his hands together with a bright grin before shouting out.

"Okay! You guys look like you're having fun! So now, it's our turn! We're bringing an end to this!"

As the journey continues.

Chapter 478 End.

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