• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 3,133 Views, 504 Comments

Equestrian Vacation - Dragonboy111

Harry tries to have a nice vacation in Equestria with his penpal, Twilight, but things don't go to plan, causing the adventure of a lifetime.

  • ...

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Chapter 19: Twilight's Kingdom

Voldemort and Tirek stared each other down menacingly. A towering red centaur and a unicorn; they couldn't have been more different in appearance, yet similar in malice.

Eventually, Tirek spoke, "What are you, some spirit?"

Harry's voice responded with a cackle, saying, "I am one who conquered death, loathsome half-breed."

Tirek scowled. "Worthless blustering." Tirek opened his mouth to consume Voldemort's magic.

"Legilimens!" Voldemort shouted.

Tirek froze stiff. He and Voldemort ceased moving for a few seconds before Tirek grasped his head and shook it. His glare at Voldemort was fierce enough to melt metal.

Voldemort laughed and opened his mouth. To everypony's surprise, wisps of red magic were pulled from the caged ponies and even Tirek himself. The magic was brought to Voldemort, orbiting around him like a black smoke. It became clear exactly what happened: Voldemort copied and stole a piece of Tirek's magic.

"Enough!" Tirek shouted. He swiped a hand through the magic being pulled from him, severing it and returning most of it to him. Not much must have been lost because he shrunk only an inch or so, but that was inconsequential to the unmatched wrath etched on Tirek's face. "Mind magic... You dare to steal from me!? I spent years learning that magic, mastering it!"

"I dare to take whatever I desire!" Voldemort declared.

Voldemort pulled an item out from beneath Harry's cloak with his hoof: Harry's wand. He waved the wand about in the air as his magic poured through the wand instead of his horn. Harry's body warped and shifted unnaturally. His legs' cannons shrunk as the rest of the limb grew. His hooves faded as smaller appendages bulged out from the ends. His coat, mane, and tail grew in reverse until they vanished completely; the skin beneath was a sickly bone white. The horn atop his head, a symbol of pride for any unicorn, retracted and faded.

The girls in the cage gagged at the grotesque morphing of Harry's body. The changes and transformation continued until Harry's body was replaced by that of Voldemort's. Voldemort's human body was cloaked in shadows that formed robes over his remade body. The once-again-human Dark Lord stood arrogantly, his transformation complete. Voldemort held up Harry's wand, and in a flash of light, it was bleached bone white. He rolled the wand between his fingertips absently.

Voldemort smirked to himself and muttered under his breath, "The irony that it is the boy who restores me. To think his death would've been the last step to immortality, and yet his life has proven much more useful." Voldemort raised his wand and voice toward Tirek. "Once more I return, and all will bow before me."

"You are as arrogant as you are stupid if you think a weakling like you can rule Equestria. You live off another's body as a parasite," Tirek sneered.

Voldemort cackled. "You weakened Potter, he lacks the strength to fight me. Magic is might, and he has none. I will control this body forever. His pathetic attempts to contain me were in vain." He swished his wand in a zig-zagging motion. "And I suppose I have you to thank for that. Your gift is a swift death. Avada Kedavra!" A massive jet of green light blasted out of the wand.

The girls recognized the light as what Voldemort used in the graveyard, the one Dumbledore described as the "killing curse". Tirek leaned away, narrowly dodging death by inches. The spell hit a nearby tree, and the plants and nearby flora withered instantly. The girls looked in shock at the death this bolt caused, greater than when they had last seen it.

"Death magic?" Tirek mused. "I guess you'll make decent practice for when I pulverize Princess Twilight. I'll entertain you."

Voldemort raised his wand and Tirek ignited an orb between his horns. And their battle began.

Voldemort opened with another cast of the killing curse. The green lightning flew at Tirek, who opened his mouth as though to eat the spell. The jet of light impacted Tirek's mouth and, rather than causing a swift death, flowed like a river down his throat.

The centaur seemed to struggle with holding the spell for a brief moment. Then, smirking, Tirek held up a hand, summoning a green orb of light. He raised the green orb and turned it to red before flinging it back. Voldemort, frozen by this turn of events, barely had time to raise his wand and form a silver shield between him and Tirek. The orb impacted the shield and exploded with a deafening blast, the sound of shattering glass, and a plume of smoke. Voldemort launched out of the dust cloud, his shield shattered.

"A killing spell," Tirek sneered. "I devour dark magic as easily as any other! You shouldn't rely on cheap tricks!" Tirek stomped forward, popping his knuckles and neck before readying another magic orb. Voldemort scrambled up to his feet and replaced his barrier. "You thought you could imitate my magic-stealing spell? You lack the experience! It will tear your body apart, and I will harvest what remains. Then I will make you wish you were dead."

"Nothing is worse than death," Voldemort replied.

"Let's test that." Tirek angled his horns down, leveling a massive beam of energy to destroy his challenger.

Voldemort vanished just before the attack hit, reappearing behind Tirek. Voldemort waved his wand above his head, conjuring a fiery snake. The serpent coiled around Tirek; its flame was ineffective in burning the centaur but managed to hold him in place. Voldemort hurled another killing curse at the immobilized Tirek. Before the curse could hit, Tirek teleported out of the way, appearing above Voldemort. The Dark Lord dove out of the way when Tirek crashed into the ground.

"You think I can't do that, too? Don't think I haven't noticed you haven't attempted to steal my magic again. Perhaps you aren't as powerful as you proclaim? Either way, you're going to have to do much better than that against me!" Tirek proclaimed before he made another rush at Voldemort.

"You mean us, right?" Discord said from his spot by the cage.

"I'm busy!" Tirek shouted as he and Voldemort exchanged another blast of spells.

The girls watched from the confines of their cage. A dark wizard possessed their friend, and they couldn't do anything to stop it! Harry was supposed to be safe, and now he was front and center of the danger! Twilight was the only one who could stop either of them, and she was still in the Everfree!

"This just went from bad to worse. Instead of one bad guy, we got three!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"And one of them's Harry! How do we fight that?" Applejack scowled. "I don't understand, how did this happen?!"

"Celestia made Harry's amulet to contain that spirit, maybe Tirek's magic broke it?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, sure, let's go ask Celestia right now," Rainbow Dash huffed.

"She's tring to help," Fluttershy sniffled, before crying again.

The girls recoiled from the fight as Discord squeezed his head between the cage's bars. "I'm sorry, did I hear something about his amulet?"

"You're not involved here, buster!" Pinkie Pie screamed, looking ready to erupt in fury. Apparently, draining her magic didn't make her any less... Pinkie.

"I know you ain't gonna want to help us," Applejack spoke, "but I know you helped Harry once. Celestia made the amulet to protect Harry, and your 'friend' just broke it. Are you just going to watch?"

Discord, however, looked amused. He chuckled and said, "Yes. I already guessed about the amulet; it's not rocket science. I was going to let this fight pan out in Tirek's favor, but..."

Discord looked over to the fight, watching as Tirek fired another blast at Voldemort, who was wise enough to evade it by disappearing and reappearing elsewhere. The two then exchanged another blast of spells, which erupted in a plume of black smoke. Voldemort was again knocked back, lacking the mass to stand his ground. A second exchange of magic ended with Voldemort barely blocking Tirek's attack and Tirek absorbing Voldemort's.

"...Well, it's not exactly fun anymore. I mean, Moldywort or whatever his name is doesn't have a trump card when Tirek can eat magic. I was expecting... I don't know, more. I have better things to do." Discord waved and vanished, reappearing next to his ally. "So, Tirek, how're things going over here?"

"Splendid," Tirek growled with heavy sarcasm. He launched a bolder at Voldemort, only for the dark lord to dodge, again. "This worm won't stay still and die. Do you have other information you've been withholding?"

"No, but I might have a solution," Discord said. He leaned in close to whisper in Tirek's ear.

Tirek grinned deviously when Discord stepped away. He stood to his tallest height, dwarfing Voldemort.

"So, Lord Voldemort, you think you can defeat me?" Tirek drawled in a mocking tone. Red bolts of magic flickered around Tirek, a testament to his absorbed power. "Even with the fraction of my power you've squandered, you are but a worm."

"The fact that I live speaks otherwise, creature," Voldemort spat. Despite his bravado, it was becoming clear Voldemort was outmatched. Burns and scrapes decorated Voldemort, close calls with Tirek's spells. Fatigue oozed from his posture.

"The only reason you exist is because I can't keep you down," Tirek said with devious glee in his eyes. "But I'll find a way, eventually."

"You're bluffing," Voldemort said. "I cannot die. Potter was to be the last piece to my ascension to immortality. You can't kill me."

"Can't I?" Tirek grinned.

A burst of aquamarine-and-pink energy formed between Tirek's horns. Tirek lobbed the magic at Voldemort. Voldemort opened his mouth to devour the magic; this only caused the centaur to grin more. The magic flowed to Voldemort's mouth before changing course to strike Harry's amulet, reinvigorating it.

Tirek sniggered. "You see, Discord told me that when I absorbed this 'Harry Potter's' magic, that amulet around his neck broke, and its magic was consumed with his. Discord told me that it trapped your spirit. So, loath as I am to say it, I'm giving some magic back."

Voldemort sneered back at the centaur. He lifted the glowing amulet, slipping the thin chain over his head. It sparkled with power, but nothing was happening to it. He tossed it up before catching it, as a child might play with a toy.

Voldemort cackled and said, "Foolish creature. This was made to contain me when I possessed but a sliver of my current strength. Did you honestly think it could contain me as I am now? It's only a matter of time before you die, followed by all of Potter's friends. Nothing—"

Magenta magic sparked from Voldemort's right wrist, rippling over his arm. Harry's bracelet, his gift from the Tree of Harmony, shined with new magic. Voldemort's right hand dropped Harry's wand, seemingly out of Voldemort's control. The arm grasped the amulet and pried the case open. Its gemstones glowed brighter than ever, and dark smoke leaked from Voldemort's arms, repulsed by the light. Voldemort's other hand grasped at the amulet, intent on throwing it away, but his insubordinate hand refused to yield.

Black smoke gushed from Voldemort's mouth. Little wisps of black smoke, Voldemort's soul fragments, rose, being sucked into the amulet. Voldemort staggered, falling to his knees in silent agony. Voldemort gaped at his rebellious limb.

"What's happening?" Voldemort demanded to himself.

Voldemort's head jerked violently like he had been struck, and he looked at the ponies trapped in the cage. One red eye and one emerald eye looked at Harry's friends.

Voldemort's mouth opened, but it was Harry's voice that spoke, "You shouldn't have threatened my friends; I won't let you hurt them."

"No, you can't do this to me! You don't have magic," Voldemort howled.

"No; I've got something better," Harry's voice proclaimed.

Voldemort's free hand grabbed Harry's wand from the ground and pointed it at the defiant limb.


Voldemort's hand dropped the wand, no longer under his control. His other hand, the one holding the amulet open, slammed into his chest. The smoke trickling out exploded into a cloud that was sucked into the amulet. Voldemort reeled as the last of his spirit was siphoned into the amulet. Harry's body fell forward, shifting back into a battered and bruised unicorn as he hit the ground. The closed amulet rolled away from Harry's hoof, silent once more. A long moment of silence followed.

"Well, that was dramatic," Discord noted.

Tirek raised a hand and summoned the amulet. When it arrived in hand, Tirek grasped the still-glowing trinket and pried the case open. A black flame flickered from within, confined by the amulet's many protections. It was obvious the flame was Voldemort's soul, or what small piece remained. Tirek smirked as magic crackled in his palms.

"Now, I recall you said nothing was worse than death..." Orange magic crackled over Tirek's hands, glowing brighter and more volatile. "Farewell, your lordship."

The soul fragment in the amulet screamed as Tirek blasted it with dark magic. The amulet glowed like the sun as Tirek's magic overwhelmed it. The magic built up until, with the sound of shattering glass, the soul fragment exploded. The amulet dropped to the ground, inert.

The soul fragment was dead.

Tirek straightened his back, standing triumphant over his foe's remains. "Well, that was entertaining."

"I'll say. The two of us make quite a team," Discord said.

Tirek chuckled mirthlessly. "Team? Who said anything about a team?"

"You did," Discord said, confused. An orange glow ensnared the draconequus, dragging him to Tirek.

"You've helped me grow strong, you've provided the means by which I can obtain Princess Twilight's magic, and now you are no longer of any use to me," Tirek growled. He opened his mouth, and a stream of green-and-purple magic was drained from Discord's mouth into Tirek. Tirek grew even taller, dwarfing every building in Ponyville. He turned to walk over to Harry Potter.

"But you said this was a sign of your gratitude and loyalty," Discord held up the golden amulet around his neck. "A gift from someone close to you," Discord pleaded, still unable to believe the situation.

"My brother who betrayed me. It is as worthless as he is," Tirek spat.

"Surely you saw this coming," Applejack pleaded to Discord.

"I didn't. I truly didn't," Discord said in despair.

Triek stomped over the Harry Potter. He stomped on Harry's wand on the way, snapping it in half.

"Now, let's see just how much Princess Twilight values your life—"


A blast of fire obscured Tirek. When the centaur cleared the smoke, Harry vanished from his place on the ground. "Why you little— where are you!?"

Harry galloped to the cage holding his friends. All he could think about was getting them out of here, getting them somewhere safe, somewhere away from Tirek. Then, getting Tirek away from Ponyville was next on the list. His chest burned from within. Whether it was a side effect of the possession, the fight, or the stolen magic, Harry didn't know. What he did know was the soothing coolness his bracelet seemed to provide, along with a burst of energy. Harry swung his horn down, unleashing a modified box-blasting spell to shatter Discord's cage.

His friends looked at him warily; Harry didn't blame them.

"Harry?" Applejack spoke first. "Is that you in there?"

"I'm as honest as you when I say yes," Harry replied. He pointed his hoof toward the Everfree Forest. "You have to find Twilight, she's the only pony who can stop Tirek."

Rainbow Dash looked concerned and said, "But what about—"

"There you are!"

Harry turned around and instinctively threw a barrier toward Tirek's voice. A massive shield, larger than Harry had ever conjured, formed between them. And not a second late as a torrent of fire washed over his barrier. The fire in Harry's chest burned, but the cool embrace of the bracelet soothed it over again.

As Tirek's attack faded, he and Harry stared directly into each other's eyes. A standoff for who would move first.

"Go, I'll be right behind you," Harry promised quietly. A promise that might never come true, but one he could try to keep. All six of his friends reluctantly turned and bolted toward the Everfree. Harry's eyes darted to the last person remaining. "Discord, go with them. Keep them safe as best as you can." Something on Discord's face shifted, betraying surprise and appreciation. Like the rest, he too took off toward the Everfree.

With his friends out of harm's way, Harry took a step toward Tirek.

Round two.

Twilight looked down at the ledge below her. She had gotten all of her basic-to-intermediate magic under control, but some of it was still... troublesome. Teleporting, for example, was random and erratic. If she could just teleport to the ledge below her...

"I can do this," she said to herself. She closed her eyes and focused on teleporting to the next ledge, and felt her magic respond. The telltale sensation of teleportation encompassed her, then released. Twilight opened her eyes and looked around. She was right where she wanted to be!

"See! Ha! Perfectly controlled teleportation—"

Another full-body shudder went down Twilight's spine. Her eyes went to a faintly shining light on her foreleg. Twilight's bracelet's copy of her cutie mark glowed magenta. Twilight tried to cast a spell to investigate the bracelet before something else came to her attention.

Her magic was different again. It felt like the immense weight of four alicorns had been... lessened, somehow. Odd. "Does Harry's bracelet somehow share a connection with mine? Perhaps our bracelets are tied directly to our magic. I suppose that could explain why it chose now to make one for me." Twilight shifted the bracelet on her arm, pondering. She dropped to the forest floor and paced lightly. "But why make one for Harry? His magic... isn't natural by unicorn standards? Maybe the bracelets were some form of... I don't know, foci? No, Harry's never had much trouble controlling his magic, no more than most at his age. I wonder what happens if—"

Twilight slipped the bracelet off. Her horn sparked as the full weight of her magic returned. She put it back on, and the weight of her magic returned. Twilight kept it on, deciding some control was better for practicing. Now, onto complex—

"Twilight!?" somepony shouted.

"Where are you!?" called a voice Twilight recognized as Rainbow Dash's.

Twilight galloped towards their voices. They wouldn't have come to the forest without a good reason. Twilight caught sight of the group not moments later. Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Spike, and Discord dashed toward Twilight. Twilight noticed they looked awful. Their eyes were dull and... their cutie marks were gone.

Tirek got to them.

"Twilight!" Applejack shouted. "Thank goodness we found ya! It's bad, really bad."

"Wait," Twilight did a head count, "slow down. What happened, where's Harry, and why is he here?" she asked, pointing at Discord. The draconequus ducked his head, looking ashamed.

It was Applejack who spoke up, saying, "A lot's happened, but what's important is that Tirek stole Discord's magic, and Harry's out there, facing him alone!"

Twilgiht's heart rate skyrocketed. "Where?!" she demanded quickly.

"The edge of Pony—"

A large explosion cut off Rainbow Dash's response. Understanding what happened, Twilight launched herself up and raced toward the explosion's source. She wasn't going to let Harry sacrifice himself, not if she could help it!

Harry blocked another fireball from Tirek, barely managing to reflect it into the sky. Tirek forced Harry further from Ponyville throughout their battle. Harry knew he couldn't beat Tirek, but he could buy time for his friends to get away. He had pestered Tirek with stunning, sticking, and binding charms, as direct damage was outside of Harry's power. Even with what Voldemort had stolen and whatever the bracelet was doing, Harry didn't have the power to keep Tirek down.

He just needed to buy time for Twilight to take over. Her magic might be enough.

Tirek grabbed Harry in a telekinetic hold, lifting them face-to-face. His fist glowed red before he swung it at Harry. Harry formed a small protective field around himself like a suit of armor. The armor shattered on impact, and Tirek's fist struck Harry in the chest. Harry's lungs spat out air as Harry struck and tumbled on the ground. Harry struggled to take in gulps of air, his lungs uncooperative.

"You know," Tirek said, "the parasite was cunning, but you're much more fun to knock around. You've lost," Tirek grabbed Harry again, "and I want that magic back."

Tirek opened his mouth to use his magic again, this time to absorb Harry's magic. The same weakening sensation overcame Harry, but the burning went away. When Tirek was finished, he lit an orb between his horns, intent on striking Harry again, only to stop when a loud shout pulled his attention from Harry.

"Let go of my friend!"

A blinding wave of light and colors slammed into Tirek, pushing him away from Harry, who dropped from the air. Harry watched as the beam of energy blasted Tirek away, leaving a crater in its wave. A sky-shattering explosion erupted from the end of the crater. A far more gentle levitation spell finished lowering Harry to the ground. Harry looked at the spell's caster, Twilight Sparkle. Despite the anger heard in her voice just a moment ago, her eyes were nothing but soft and concerned as she held him aloft.

"Twilight," Harry murmured. "They found you. I—" Harry winced in pain. "I wasn't sure if..."

Twilight floated Harry closer. "I was terrified you'd sacrificed yourself. I'm not ready to lose you, not now, not ever." She held him as close as she could without touching his battered body.

"PRINCESS TWILIGHT!" Tirek bellowed. He strode through the crater Twilight dragged him through, looking royally peeved. "You have something that belongs to me!"

Twilight and Harry looked at each other. Harry opened his mouth to say, "I can still—"

"No," Twilight decided. "I'm getting you away from here."

There was a flash of light as Twilight teleported Harry and herself away. She had brought them back to the Everfree Forest. Her friends were pacing about in a clearing. As soon as they noticed the two, everypony rushed over. Twilight set Harry as gingerly on the ground as she could, but Harry still groaned at the contact.

Fluttershy was the first to ask, "Is Harry—?"

"I don't know," Twilight answered solemnly. "But we can't do anything for him while Tirek is still around, his injuries will require magical assistance. And I'm the only pony who has a chance at stopping him. Keep him as comfortable as you can, I'll be back."

Twilight launched up and over the treeline, and Harry stared at the fading color trail. Please, come back safe. Harry's mind sunk into the sweet unawareness of sleep as his exhaustion tugged his eyelids down.

The first thing Harry realized was the temperature. His chest felt cold and his skin was uncomfortably hot. Next was the sound of muffled voices. There were many, panicked, hushed, and tired. He definitely felt the last one. His body ached so badly. And finally, the third thing he felt was a gentle hoof on him. Harry opened his eyes wearily. Eight figures came into focus. Six ponies, one dragon, and one draconequus. He focused on the one in front of him. Purple, with a horn and a pair of wings.

"Twilight?" Harry moaned.

"I'm here," Twilight responded.

"What— what happened?" Harry asked.

"Tirek and I were fighting," Twilight said. "He didn't have the power to beat me outright, so he vanished. He captured all of you. He— he threatened to kill you all if I didn't give up my magic," Twilight said.

Twilight dusted the rubble off her shoulders and looked up at Tirek. She and Tirek had been hitting each other hard, but neither had enough power to finish the other off.

"It appears we are at an impasse," Tirek said. He snapped his fingers, and several bubbles appeared behind him. "It wasn't hard to find them, not with the power I hold. So how about a trade, Princess Twilight? Their release for all the alicorn magic in Equestria," Tirek demanded.

"Don't do it, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash shouted from her bubble.

"We aren't worth it!" Fluttershy said.

Discord shook his head and said, "Oh, but you are, Fluttershy. You're the pony that taught me that friendship is magic. I had magic and friendship, and now I don't have either."

"Enough! I want an answer, and I want it now!" Tirek roared. He held out a hand, and one of the bubbles floated down to him. Twilight felt her heart sink, seeing Harry trapped in this bubble. Tirek's grin grew at the look on her face. He popped the bubble and grasped Harry by his neck, leaning down so he could taunt her with him. "I wonder how much this one's life is worth. Let's start with him, shall we?"

Equal measures of terror and fury gripped Twilight's heart.

"Fine! I'll give you my magic, but let my friends go!"

"As you wish," Tirek said with a smug grin, knowing he had just won. He dropped Harry unceremoniously on the ground and popped every bubble except Discord's.

Twilight reiterated her request. "All of my friends."

Tirek pointed at Discord in surprise. "After the way he has betrayed you, you still call him a 'friend'?"

"Release him!" Twilight demanded.

"If that's what you want." Discord was dropped to the ground just like the rest.

"Twilight, I'm sorry..."

Twilight dropped her head, burying it into Harry's shoulder. Harry wrapped a hoof around her, whispering that it was all okay, he was safe. Harry looked at Twilight's side. Her cutie mark was gone. Twilight backed up a bit, regaining her composure.

"I did what I needed to save my friends. Tirek took my magic, it's all gone," Twilight said.

"You shouldn't have had to make that choice," Harry moped.

"It was mine to make. You're my friends," Twilight replied.

Discord stepped forward. "Tirek tricked me into believing that he could offer me something more valuable than friendship. But there is nothing worth more. I see that no.," He held up the medallion he had been wearing. "He lied when he said that this medallion was given as a sign of gratitude and loyalty. But when I say that it is a sign of our true friendship, I am telling the truth," Discord placed the medallion around Twilight's neck. Everypony looked at the small item.

"Do you think..." Harry said, pointing at the medallion.

"We have to get to the chest," Twilight said.

"I'll only slow you down. Get moving," Harry said.

"You're coming with us, whether it's slow or not," Applejack said. "Magic or not, we ain't leaving you here."

Discord leaned down to hoist Harry up, as he was the only one who could walk on two legs and carry Harry.

"Then let's get to that tree."

The group went as fast as they could to the Tree of Harmony, panic overriding their lack of energy. They managed to make it to the tree in good time, but they could still hear the thunderous footsteps of Tirek rampaging through the forest.

"Let's hope this works," Harry whispered.

Twilight's placed the medallion next to the chest. The medallion glowed before transforming into a key that fitted itself into the last notch. But they could still hear Tirek's footsteps getting louder.

"Together! I think we have to do this together!" Twilight declared.

She and the others approached their respective keys. Then, a ray of light from the box latched onto Harry's bracelet. The light bounced off, attaching itself to Twilgiht's. The magic jumped from Twilight's hoof to Rainbow Dash's, then to Rarity's, then Fluttershhy, then Applejack, then finally to Pinkie Pie. The magic formed five more bracelets, each one styled uniquely to the pony. Five more marks appeared on Harry's bracelet, each colored to their Elements.

Five more bracelets? Why?

A second rainbow arced from the chest into the tree, which in turn showered the six girls with the light of their Elements. An orb of light formed around them, transforming them and lifting them out of the cave. Harry ran outside of the cave to watch them float high into the air, above even the height of Tirek. Harry watched in awe as Tirek blasted them, but the Elements completely overpowered Tirek! The Elements had made them too strong for Tirek to hurt!

Even from the valley, Harry heard Twilght's voice proclaim, "I may have given you my alicorn magic, but I carry within me the most powerful magic of all!"

Their Elements' magic swirled around the six, blasting at Tirek. His yells echo down to the cave below as he vanishes in a glint of light. Harry watched as the girls floated higher and higher until they separated in a massive wave of light that covered Equestria. Harry could feel his magic returning to him as the light washed over him. A minute later, six rays of light returned to the cave, which revealed themselves at the mares. Their manes were free and floating, full of streaks of other colors and glowing marks. Their transformations faded away as the box glowed brighter. A rainbow shot out of it, arching up and away, carrying the box with it. Harry approached the six mares.

"Did you do it?" Harry asked. "Everything's back to normal?"

"Well," Twilight said, holding up her bracelet, "I wouldn't say normal but—"

The seven of them vanished in a flash of light, a teleport.

Harry looked up in surprise at their location. Behind him was Ponyville, and there was a freaking castle in front of him! It looked like the Tree of Harmony if the tree was also a castle with Twilight's cutie mark all over the place. There were windows, balconies, and roofs on top of the tree. All seven of them stood in awe.

"Sweet Celestia!" Rarity exclaimed. "Are you all seeing what I'm seeing?"

"But... whose is it?" Twilight asked.

"I believe it is yours, Princess Twilight." Harry turned around to see Princess Celestia approaching. Behind her were Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Spike, and Discord. She walked forward into the castle, gesturing for everypony else to follow. "You've been wondering what you are meant to do as a princess. Do you know now?" she asked.

Twilight nodded. "As a princess, I believe I have the power to spread the magic of friendship across Equestria. That is the role I am meant to have in our world! The role I choose to have! But I didn't defeat Tirek on my own— it took all of us to unlock the chest!"

"Then it is unlikely you are meant to take on this task alone," Celestia said, opening the door at the end of a long hallway.

The hall was a large space without decorations, sans the eight thrones and a table decorating the center.

Wait, eight?

Harry counted the thrones in the room once more, just to be sure. Six large thrones had a cutie mark emblazoned on their top. Next to Twilight's throne was a small throne, possibly for Spike. And finally, situated between Twilight's and Applejack's thrones, was a seat that held no cutie mark. Harry walked up to this last throne, surprised. Was this for him? He wasn't one of the Elements, why would he ever get a throne? No, this couldn't be right. Maybe it was—

"Why does he get a throne?" Discord asked.

"Wait, this is mine?" Harry said.

"You're one of us, I wouldn't have it any other way," Twilight said. She turned around, looking around at the castle's walls. "Besides, this place is too big for just me and Spike. You're sticking around here until you decide if you go back to Hogwarts."

"Thanks, Twi," Harry said. Recently, the thoughts of returning to Hogwarts had been forgotten, with all the adventure.

Twilight smiled. "No problem." Twilight sighed, tired. "You know, we should go on a group picnic when this is all over."

Harry sighed. "Really? We almost died and your first thought is a picnic?"

The others, Celestia included, rolled their eyes. But before they could do that, they had to fix up town. Harry twisted the Tree of Harmony's bracelet on his arm, looking at the seven marks adorning it. It didn't give him access to their new "Rainbow Power", but it reacted to it. Harry wondered if it might've had something to do with the looming threat of Voldemort. Equestria may be my home, but I've still got a commitment back there.

Harry watched as his friends explored the new castle. The bittersweet joy on Twilight's face caught Harry's eye. His friends had been put in danger, sure, not everything was perfect, but... it could always get better.

There's never a dull day in Equestria. And I get to spend them all with my friends. I may not have been born here or be an Element, but they've made me their friend. That's worth more than all the magic on Earth. Whatever comes our way, we can make things right.

I love my home.

Author's Note:

And that ends the season 4 finale! Alright, I get it, it's been a week and a half. I couldn't finish this chapter because of the question of whether Harry should get in on the Rainbow Power or not. This was my final decision. It's extra long because there wasn't a good place to fit it. But if any chapter gets to break the rules on length, it has to be the season 4 finale.

There's a lot to go through here, so I'll guess and answer as many questions as I can.

Was Voldemort a real threat to Tirek? Not really. Voldemort has some powerful spells, but Tirek can eat most of them. In all cases, Harry Potter's universe says that wizarding magic is less effective the more magic something has, hence why dragons are so hard to kill. And let's be honest, a whole country's worth of magic couldn't compete against Voldemort, and I already gave him a huge buff through Legilimency.

I wanted to make that bracelet item for the story's sequel. I didn't have a good way to introduce it, so season 4 was the only good place to add it in. And yes, I did give one to every member of the Mane 6. You'll have to wait to see what they do.

As for the sequel. This is the grand finale of Equestrian Vacation.

Stay tuned for the sequel story: Equestrian Education.

Until that drops, I'll be preparing to get the story up and running. I've already got parts written out, so don't worry! It'll take a bit, but I promise you'll enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing!

Thanks so much for reading, this is one of my favorite pastimes.

Once again, stay tuned for the sequel story: Equestrian Education.

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