• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 3,133 Views, 504 Comments

Equestrian Vacation - Dragonboy111

Harry tries to have a nice vacation in Equestria with his penpal, Twilight, but things don't go to plan, causing the adventure of a lifetime.

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Chapter 18: Dances And Departure

"Mr. Potter, and Ms. Sparkle, I see you've both dressed appropriately," said McGonagall dryly, to which the two shrugged. The head of Gryffindor sighed. Harry and Twilight looked a little embarrassed. "You don't work in half-measures. Well, I suppose there's nothing I can do about it. Follow along momentarily." McGonagall turned, leaving the champions alone for the moment. Harry looked at the other three champions and their partners. Cedric was with Cho, Fleur was with the Ravenclaw quidditch captain, and Victor was, to everyone's surprise, taking Hermione with him. Harry turned to address Krum's partner, Hermione. The two shared uneasy looks.

"Hey, Hermione."

"Hey, Harry. That's an expensive-looking robe. Where did you get that?"

"Can people stop asking about that? The guys are glaring daggers at me, and I think I saw a girl faint already," Harry bemoaned.

"Rarity's best might have been too good for this event. I should have known she would go overboard," Twilight added. "We both could do with fewer gemstones."

Hermione took notice of the girl at Harry's side.

"Harry, is she your date? I don't think we've met," she asked, gesturing to Twilight. Twilight reached out her hand, which Hermione shook.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"Hermione Granger."

"Harry told me about you. You're the letter thief?" Twilight said dryly. Hermione had the decency to look ashamed.

"Why can't you all let that go? I said I was sorry."

"It's always good to apologize, but when your actions hurt people, it takes time to heal," Twilight said sagely. To Harry, it sounded like an excerpt from her letters to Celestia.

"Sounds like something from a kid's story."

"And what if it does?" Twilight countered. "We learn how to live our lives from the day we're born, and there's no age limit to learning wisdom."

"I suppose," Hermione agreed reluctantly.

"Then, let's start over," Twilight said. "Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle. Harry told me you almost rival my studious attitude," Twilight remarked. Hermione almost had the heart to look offended. "Almost."

Hermione offered her hand in return.

"I'm Hermione Granger."

The two shook hands and went back to their respective partners. Harry looked at her, confused.

"How can you forgive her so easily?" Harry demanded. Twilight shrugged.

"I guess it's not in my nature to hold grudges. Remember what I told you about Trixie and the Alicorn Amulet? She did a lot of evil with that thing, but I forgave her because she sincerely asked for it. I'm not asking you to forgive your friends right now, you should do that at your own pace."

Twilight smiled at Harry, who could only shake his head. The magic of Friendship was something powerful, even if Harry still couldn't understand it. Just another thing that made Twilight the most special person he knew.

"Champions, follow me!" McGonagall called. The eight people followed her into the Great Hall.

The dance was better than Harry expected. He and Twilight moved in sync (more or less), competing with Fleur and her date for everyone's attention. Harry would lead, Twilight would be in step, and vice versa. It took a few minutes, but once all the champions and their partners got comfortable, other pairs joined together. The Weird Sisters took the music through multiple tempos and themes, but they danced together regardless. Harry was having the time of his life. He wasn't perfect, but spending time with a friend made it worth it. He should write a letter to Celestia about that.

That's not to say it was picture-perfect, Harry might have stepped on Twilight's toes once or twice, and vice-versa. But neither particularly minded if both were a bit clumsy. It just made it more... personal. And that was to say nothing of the numerous attempts by other attendees to steal them from each other. Fortunately, the people involved were so star-struck they could barely formulate their invitations.

As they finished another dance, Harry noticed he was the only champion left. Silently gesturing, the two took a seat to take a breather.

"That was fun. These dances are the only interesting part of Canterlot social gatherings." Twilight smirked.

"I didn't take you for a dancer," Harry said, surprised.

"I'm not," Twilight said with a laugh, then hid her smirk (and maybe a blush) behind a glass of punch.

Smiling, Harry began to think to himself; he had been doing that a lot lately, thinking. The constant threat of death didn't give him much time to reflect, but with Twilight he felt safe enough to think freely now. Every year he had been mere seconds away from death, and the Dursleys were still the scum of the Earth during the summer. He had run away his third year, and they weren't in any mood to actually care. If there was a place Harry could go in the summer instead of the Dursley's, Harry would gladly go.

But there was a place he could go.



"Yes, Harry?"

"You're aware of my... living arrangements for the summer. I was wondering, after this year is done, when I have to leave Hogwarts for the summer, could I... could I stay in Equestria?" Harry asked, wringing his palms anxiously.

Twilight froze, and Harry panicked. Had he asked too much? "I know I'd have to get a job, a place to stay, and clear it with the princesses, but for the summer I'd rather take that over the Dursleys any day—" He was cut off by Twilight wrapping her arms around her neck in a warm embrace. Her lips pulled close to Harry's ear so she could whisper.

"Of course, you can stay the summers. You're my friend, Harry. I'd be honored if you could stay in Equestria with me."

Harry felt tears pricking at the edges of his eyes. He had been trying to build up the courage to ask since she first brought him to Equestria. It felt more like home than anywhere else. Harry fought to keep his tears from falling as they separated.

"Thanks, Twilight. I've been meaning to ask, but I couldn't find the right time. You have no idea what this means to me." Harry managed to keep a smile on his face, blinking to keep tears from falling.

"It's nothing, really. Let's just enjoy the momen," she said. However, that moment didn't last long because she started tugging at his arm after a few seconds. "Actually, on second thought, you should talk to Ron and Hermione, before they start something they'll regret," she suggested, pointing across the hall. True to her words, Harry could see Ron and Hermione in a heated discussion. Looked like their friendship needed another intermediary. Harry rolled his eyes.

If he had to guess, Hermione was mad Ron didn't ask her out, and he was mad or jealous she was with Victor. It was just a hunch though. Harry caught them in the middle of their quarrel.

"What is up with you?" Hermione asked.

"If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you," scathed Ron. Hermione looked at Harry pleadingly. Harry took his chance to talk.

"Ron, what's going on-"

"I'll tell you what, he's from Durmstrang!" spat Ron. "He's competing against Harry! Against Hogwarts! You're- You're fraternizing with the enemy! He's just using you to get to Harry, to get an edge!"

"Don't be so stupid!" Hermione scolded. "He hasn't asked anything about the tournament! I want Harry to win just as much as you, you know that, right Harry?" Harry felt indignation rise from his chest.

"Ron, Hermione, I don't want to win, I don't care about winning. I'm trying to survive!" Harry's outburst seemed to have caught their attention. "And this tournament isn't about competing, it's unity. Why do you think the Department of International Magical Cooperation is here? Laughs and giggles?"

"It's not about 'meeting other wizards', it's about winning!" Ron yelled. People were starting to stare.

"'It's about winning'?" Echoed Twilight. "Now, what house does that sound like? Oh, right, Slytherin." Her words cut deep. She knew it was a low blow, but Ron needed to realize how childish he was.

"Big talk from someone who doesn't go to this school. Actually, you're not part of any of the schools, are you? What, with those fancy clothes? Can't imagine you've done anything but ask your mum and dad for money. You're just some rich person hanging off Harry!" Harry clenched his fists. The air grew tense, everyone was scared of what this would lead to, and rightfully so. "You're a—" Harry pushed Ron roughly.

"Don't you dare finish that!" Harry roared.

"What's she to you?" Ron muttered.

"My best friend."

"Fat chance."

"You should be more careful about how you talk to people you don't know," Twilight growled. Her eyes briefly shone pink as she restrained Ron with a strong levitation spell. Pink lightning started to spark on her fingers. Ron was now hovering off the ground, less than a foot away from an angry unicorn. But the use of nonverbal wandless magic wasn't what shut him up, but the glare in her eyes, full of righteous fury. "I'm Harry's friend because he is a good person.

"I don't care if he's famous, I don't care if he's rich, I don't care whether he has magic or not! He's my friend and that's all that matters to me." Twilight dropped Ron to the ground, letting her magic dissipate. Realizing the scene she was making, she turned away from Ron and Hermione. "I'll be in the library," she said to Harry as she left. "Sorry for ruining the night," she said as she teleported out with a sparkle of magic. The room came alive with excited chatter. The teachers in the back were glancing at each other, trying to decide on a proper course of action.

Harry glared down at Ron, who looked like he had seen his own ghost. He reached down to roughly pull him up to his feet, which Ron did numbly.

"Let's go for a walk," Harry scowled.

Ron seemed too stunned to disagree, so Harry slowly led him out, whispering an apology to Hermione along the way.

When the two reached the entrance hall, Harry let go of Ron.

"You can't keep doing this Ron."

"Doing what!?" Ron demanded. "Caring about this tournament?"

"Yes. Twilight was right, you—"

"She called me a Slytherin!"

"Did every bad thing come out of Slytherin? Quirrell and Lockhart were in Ravenclaw, look how they turned out. And is Gryffindor the house of heroes, because last I checked Peter Pettigrew was in Gryffindor! Just admit you're taking this too far!"

"Maybe you're not taking this far enough! This is an opportunity to show off what Hogwarts can do! Why are you—" Harry cut off Ron.

"Because I hate it! I never asked for my parents to die, never asked for everything that has made my education so hard! Is peaceful too much to ask!? Or is fame and fortune all you see, like the mirror showed you?"

"You're rich!"

"I'm starved by my only biological family and treated like dirt!"

"Then why don't you like being hailed as a hero!?"

"Because I'm tired of almost dying every year!" Harry shouted as loud as he could. "Ron, I've been attacked by Voldemort three times, poisoned by a basilisk, and attacked by dementors and werewolves. I can't pretend my luck will last forever."

Harry paused to catch his breath, nearly collapsing down on the ground as his brain caught up with what he said. His heartbeat was fast and hard. Harry's breath was fast, too fast, but he couldn't bring himself to slow down. Why was his vision so dark? Ron stood beside Harry as he kept talking.

"One of these years I might die. I can't— I can't live my life burning every bridge I build with my friends." Harry stared down at the ground. "I never had a friend for almost ten years. I want us to be friends, you, me, and Hermione. I can't live my life completely isolated. I just want some normal things in my life for once." Harry trailed off, his energy completely spent.

Ron kneeled down next to Harry, watching and listening. He placed his hand on Harry's shoulder.

Harry raised his head, breathing slowly.

"I'm sorry, mate. You're right. I- I didn't mean to go that far." Ron sat down next to Harry. "I suppose I am a bit jealous. You have a lot of things I want, but you lost a lot of what I have."

Despite everything, Harry smirked.

"I'd ask if you'd want to trade, but..."

"No thanks. Some of my family's rough around the edges, but they're still family," Ron said with a grin. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have insulted Twilight. I would've lost my cool, too."

"Friends?" Harry asked, holding his hand out.

Ron hesitated, weighing everything before him, but shook Harry's hand eventually.


"Good. Now, I need to go apologize to Twilight for dragging her here, and you need to apologize to Hermione, now. You can apologize to Twilight later. I'll see you back at the common room." Harry pulled out his wand and focused on the image of the library. He felt a sharp jolt, and the familiar feeling of unicorn teleportation overtook him. When he opened his eyes, he was in the library. "Twi? You here?"

"Over here," her voice softly called from behind one of the shelves.

Harry followed her voice, navigating the maze of shelves and books. Eventually, he found her sitting at a table, gazing over a piece of parchment.

One with Celestia's royal crest on it.

"Twilight, is that...?"

"Celestia. She's bringing me back after I say my goodbyes. Terrible timing, but it's not her fault. She couldn't have known." Twilight quickly torched the paper to ashes. She took a moment to steel herself, before rising from her seat.

"I've really enjoyed my time here, truly. But we both know my place is in Equestria." At Twilight's words, Harry felt his heart drop. He knew this was coming, their goodbyes.

"I know. Friendship means making sacrifices for those you care about. You'll still write, won't you?" Harry asked.

"Not once you get there for the summer." With Twilight's upbeat tone, Harry felt his spirits lift. She was right, this wasn't a goodbye forever. It was just a few short months.

"Yes, I suppose I won't have to. I'm sorry Twilight- I just- I don't have the words for this."

"It's alright, you don't have to." She went in to give Harry a gentle hug. "Just remember, you are a very remarkable person, famous wizard or not."

"I'll keep it in mind," Harry whispered with a blush, pulling himself tighter into the hug. They stayed like that for a few seconds, savoring the moment, until the silent hum of magic signaled her imminent return.

"And one more thing," Twilight said. "Of all the magic in this world or any other, the truest one of all-"

"Is friendship, the bonds that tie us together. I'd be daft to not know this by now," Harry finished, smirking. The two shared one last look as Twilight faded in a soft white light. Harry stared at the space she had occupied. The weight in his chest was lighter now, eased by one important fact.

He was going to see Twilight and all her friends, his friends, very soon.

"You know, all things considered, tonight wasn't too bad," he said to himself.

Friendship truly is magic.

Dear Twilight.

I hope you made it back to Ponyville safe and sound. Everyone must have been so worried. I wouldn't wish to be Discord when Fluttershy finds out what he did. I'm glad you still have the elements to keep him in check, "reformed" or not

Also, Hermione, Ron, and I are starting to make up. Snape has us shoved in the same detentions over "attacking a student", so we'll have time to work out our problems. She's promised never to steal from us, and tell her friends of her concerns before going behind anyone's back. That's about as good as I'll get, I suppose.

In other news, this adventure has given me a lot of time and examples to reflect upon the nature of friendship. I don't think Celestia would mind if she read this one.

I've learned friendship is more than being close to someone. Sometimes you can get separated by distances, physical or emotional. But that doesn't mean to give up on them. Friendship isn't a one-time commitment, and that's a good thing.

And sometimes that commitment calls for you to give up something you want for what's best for your friend. Friendship is one of the most valuable treasures in life, and it should be treated like such, not smothered or kept to oneself. I learned that sometimes friendship requires compromises. But when both sides are willing to make these sacrifices, that's how you know your friends are ones worth treasuring in your heart.

With all my love,


Author's Note:

Yeah! All caught up to Fanfiction.net! Tomorrow will be the first new piece of story!
Okay, a bittersweet ending, but a necessary one. Let's be honest, Twilight can't stay at Hogwarts forever. She has her own studies and friendships to maintain back in Ponyville. So, she'll be balancing her newfound ability to ask Celestia to transport her between worlds to visit, but she won't be around all the time. Harry will have to adjust to it. But, I will PROBABLY skip the second task. Because, in all honesty, it's is the least interesting task, and Twilight can't exactly do much there. Even if she was the hostage, not much changes.
Watch out for the aftermath chapter where we see Hogwarts wind down from the Ball.

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