• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 3,133 Views, 504 Comments

Equestrian Vacation - Dragonboy111

Harry tries to have a nice vacation in Equestria with his penpal, Twilight, but things don't go to plan, causing the adventure of a lifetime.

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Chapter 32: Death Eater In The Halls

Moody dragged Harry through the crowd when Twilight teleported Cedric back. Several students screamed in panic and many looked close to fainting (several did). Harry glanced back, saw his Equestrian friends getting lost in the crowd, and tried to pull back against Moody.

"Twilight said I should stay," Harry protested as Moody continued to drag him.

"Your friend thinks you're in shock, come on." Moody pulled him along.


"Harry, there is a Death Eater on the loose, on the castle grounds! Hasn't it occurred to you that in this crowd, in this chaos, you are the perfect target? Dumbledore is too concerned with Diggroy's life to focus on yours! Move!"

Harry stumbled along as Moody pulled him, reeling from the information. There's a Death Eater? Here? How? Who?

Moody dragged Harry through the courtyard that led to the castle gates. "Now tell me, what happened?"

"The cup was a portkey," Harry gushed as they crossed the entrance hall. "It took me and Cedric to a graveyard, Voldemort was there."

Clunk. Clunk. Clunk. Moody's prosthesis hit noisily as they went up the marble staircase.

"The Dark Lord was there? What happened then?" Moody demanded.

"Wormtail tried to kill Cedric. We fought, and I managed to get Cedric to the portkey."

"You escaped through the portkey?"

"No, just Cedric. I was stuck there. It got hit with the killing curse, that's probably why..." Harry trailed off, shivering at the thought of Cedric's injuries. Dark magic and portkeys were clearly a poor mix.

"What happened next?" Moody demanded as they entered his office.

"Voldemort made a potion to regain his body."

"The Dark Lord has his body back? He's returned?" Moody guided Harry into his office and pressed him to a chair. He pressed a vial to Harry's lips. "Drink it," He commanded. Harry gulped it down, almost gagging at the peppery taste, but as soon as he did much of his previous exhaustion faded. Harry got a good look at Moody, who was now sitting next to him; he was pale as a sheet. Emotions Harry couldn't place flickered across Moody's face.

"He was. I tried to fight him, butβ€”"

"You dueled the Dark Lord?"

"I tried."

"Voldemort's back, Harry? You're sure he's back? How did he do it?" Moody demanded. He looked... excited?

"He took blood from me, bone from a grave, and Wormtail's hand. There was a cauldron, the potion made him a new body. It was hidious." Harry raised his arm, showing the mark from the silver knife.

"What happened next?"

"He was going to kill me, but Twilight stopped him." Harry's mind was going a million miles an hour, the last hour already blurring the minutes together.

"Your friend found you, how?"

"Twilight tracked me, I don't know how. She and the others teleported in, I still don't understand everything. But she fought him and his Death Eaters to save my life."

"Your friends fought him?" Moody demanded.

"She beat him," Harry confirmed.

Moody looked like Harry had turned into a demon. "How? So few have crossed the dark lord in a such a manner and lived, much less won. You're certain Voldemort has his power back? He has never outright lost a duel before." Moody licked his lips, an undeniable look of anxiety passing over him.

"I'm certain. Twilight is a very powerful witch, more talented than almost anyone I know. Voldemort couldn't harm her, his killing curse failed- failed to kill her."

"Failed? No, no, that can't be right. He is stronger than that. He's always been stronger," Moody muttered. "It must have been a trick. What of the Death Eaters, what did they do after that? Did they question him? Were those slime still loyal?"

"Voldemort told them to attack us. We fought them off, together. Twilight and the others turned them all to stone. Voldemort was no exception."

"That's impossible. The dark lord couldn't have been beaten buy some girl. But those Death Eaters; it's no less than they deserve." Moody scowled. "I told you Harry, if there's one thing I hate, it's a Death Eater who walked free. Cowards, all of them."

"We need to tell the minister! The game was rigged, someone made the cup go to that graveyard!"

"I am aware, Potter. And I already know who it was. I told you, there's a Death Eater at Hogwarts," Moody scowled.

"They must have put my name in!" Harry shouted. "Snape and Karkaroff were both Death Eaters."

"Karkaroff?" Moody let out an odd laugh. "No, he didn't. It was I who did that."

At Moody's words, Harry went rigid, processing. Moody? But... he's an auror.

"No... No, that doesn't make sense," Harry said.

"I assure you, it does," Moody said. "Who else would have put your name in? Who scared off everyone who was a threat to your success?"

"You were manipulating everything, weren't you?" Harry demanded. Moody raised his wand to point at Harry's heart.

"Of course I was. I had to use every scrap of cunning I possessed to not arouse the old fool's suspicion. But so long as you managed to get to that graveyard, it would be made worthwhile. It was I who nudged Hagrid toward telling you about the dragons. I told you how to win. I told Cedric how to open the egg, trusting he would tell you to make things fair between you two, not that you needed it. I gave Neville Longbottom the book that contained Gillyweed, I let that miserable house elf overhear its location, which you used to win again.

"Everything was going to plan when you went into that maze. I kept a close eye on you and your competition. I stunned Fleur Delacour in the maze and placed the Imperius curse on Krum. I was about to rid you of Diggory when your blasted heart got in the way. But, seeing his condition, I doubt he'll make it through the night. Magical wounds, especially those from dark magic, are so diffcult to heal. They all served their purpose tonight. And tonight you have served yours: to bring back my master so I may rejoin after years in Azkaban."

Harry mentally scrambled to process these facts. Moody was a Death Eater! And Harry was stuck here with him, defenseless. Twilight had his wand when she left for the hospital wing. Neither she nor Dumbledore would know something went wrong until they checked for him. Moody's wand pressed into Harry's chest.

"The Dark Lord didn't manage to kill you, Potter, and he so wanted to," whispered Moody. "Imagine how he will reward me when I return to his side. I gave you to him- the thing he needed above all to regenerate- and then I killed you for him. I will be honored beyond all other Death Eaters. I will be his dearest, his closest supporter, closer than a son..."

Harry laughed. It wasn't funny, but a mad, barking laugh. Moody thought he could still rejoin Voldemort!

"You're mad!" Harry shouted between his hysterical laughs.

"Mad, am I!? Well, we'll see who's mad when you are dead, and I rejoin the Dark Lord at his side!"

"They won't let you escape! And if you did, he's dust! There's nothing to return to! You've lost!" Harry cackled deliriously.

"LIES! MY MASTER IS THE GREATEST WIZARD TO EVER LIVE!" Moody shouted hysterically. "He can not be beaten, do not lie to me! But as for you, Dumbledore will never know until it is too late. He's busy with poor, poor, Cedric Diggory." Moody's eye swung backward for a moment. The man seemed to startle at something before he placed himself behind Harry.

"Stupefy!" There was a blinding flash of red light, and with a great splintering and crashing, the door of Moody's office was blasted apart. Moody was able to just barely avoid the stunning spell.

In the blasted Doorway stood Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, and Twilight. The latter had transformed again, purple skin contrasting the dark walls. The wizards had their wands drawn on Moody, who pressed his wand harder to Harry's neck. Twilight held a dangerous orb of magic in her palm.

"Not another step!" Moody growled.

"Don't you dare hurt Harry!" Twilight shouted. Moody seemed to get more irritated in response.

"Ah, the girl Harry insisted beat the Dark Lord. Not feeling so mighty now I bet." Moody moved his wand up and down Harry's neck, taunting her. "Send me to Azkaban for all I care, for tonight I have done a great service to my master! I know he is returned, you cannot lie to me!"

Harry panicked. If I had my wand I could hit him, but Twilight has it. I can't do anything... Unless...

Harry thought to himself, scheming. There was one last-ditch attempt to be had, provided it worked. He focused on the magic deep within himself, the power that lay in his soul. It was there, just like Twilight had taught him. When he was ready Harry looked back at Moody, eyes blazing with righteous anger. He didn't need anything fancy, just effective.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry roared. To everyone's surprise, Harry's palm shimmered as a green spell released from his hand. Moody's wand was flicked up into the air. It wasn't much, still within the Death Eater's reach, but it was enough.

Still using Harry as a living shield, Moody made an attempt to grab his wand. Unfortunately for him, a familiar blue blur got there first, and Moody's wand vanished into thin air.

"Looking for this?" quipped Rainbow Dash, who was flying next to Dumbledore, twirling Moody's wand in her fingers. She had flown through the air fast enough to steal his wand without risk, ensuring Moody was weaponless for good.

"Catch!" Twilight threw Harry's wand at him. The moment he caught it he vanished in a flash of green light. When Harry teleported next to Twilight all three teachers unleashed their spells on Moody.

Moody was thrown into the wall, thick ropes binding his arms as he dropped unconscious. Dumbledore stepped forward first, his wand still raised. It was then that Harry understood why Dumbledore was the only wizard Voldemort feared. While he couldn't hold a candle to Twilight or Celestia in terms of power, the wizard had a stone-cold exterior that made up for it. There was no wise twinkle of light in Dumbledore's eyes or benign smile on his face as he looked down at Moody. His ancient face held nothing but a silent fury, an intangible aura that threatened to burn his foes to ash. Dumbledore kicked Moody onto his back, revealing he was truly unconscious.

Not a moment later, Twilight crashed into Harry with a desperate hug. No words were needed as they hugged, Twilight conveyed her relief and fear through, as Pinkie Pie would say, the "subtle language of hugs". Harry could feel something wet staining his shirt, Twilight was crying. He had never seen her do that before tonight; it just made him lean harder into her embrace, answering her relief with his gratitude and reassurance he was okay. Her transformation faded as she relaxed. The two separated with bittersweet smiles, relieved beyond belief at the other's survival. Harry wiped a tear off her face, whispering that he was alright again and again.

Professor McGonagall went straight to Harry afterward. "Come along, Potter," she whispered. The thin line of her mouth was twitching as though she was about to cry. "Come along to the hospital wing."

"No," Dumbledore said sharply.

"No? Albus, the boy can barely stand on his two feet, he has seen enough tonight."

"He will stay, Minerva, because he needs to understand," said Dumbledore curtly.

"I think I understand plenty," Harry replied, still in some form of shock. "Moody's an impostor, isn't he?"

"Correct," Dumbledore confirmed Harry's suspicions. "The moment your friend here," he pointed at Rainbow Dash, "told us Moody had taken you, I knew something was wrong. I followed not long after you passed the marble staircase." Dumbledore fished out Moody's flask and keys.

"Severus, please fetch me the strongest truth potion you possess, and then go down to the kitchens and bring up the house-elf called Winky. Minerva, kindly go down to Hagrid's house, where you will find a large black dog sitting in the pumpkin patch. Take the dog up to my office, tell him I will be with him shortly, then come back here." If either teacher was confused, they didn't show it when they left. As they did, Dumbledore started searching the impostor's pockets.

At the same time, the rest of the mane six (plus Spike) made their appearance. Cries of "Harry!" and "Twilight!" surrounded the two as their friends joined in.

"What happened to you?" Applejack asked. "Rainbow got ahead of us to warn the teachers."

"Moody's the Death Eater impostor," Harry said.

"An impostor?" Fluttershy echoed.

"Oh, great, it's the wedding all over again," said an exasperated Rainbow Dash, rubbing her forehead. "How'd he do it? Let me guess, shape-shifting?"

"My guess? Polyjuice Potion," Harry guessed. "Snape was missing ingredients from his stores that could make it. Enough juice, and whoever he is could stay as Moody the whole year," Harry said, gesturing to Moody.

"An astute observation, Harry." Dumbledore said. He flipped over Moody's flask, and a glutinous fluid poured out of it. Polyjuice Potion. Dumbledore went back to putting keys into Moody's trunk.

"What was he after?" Twilight asked.

"My blood. To resurrect his master, Voldemort," Harry said gravely.

"Oh, I think I'm going to be sick," Rarity said, looking paler.

"Voldemort? Was that the snake-looking guy Twilight was kicking around?" Pinkie Pie said.

"Yeah, that was him," Harry said.

"Harry, come here please," Dumbledore requested. He was peering into Moody's trunk. Harry approached and was shocked to see the real Alastor Moody lying in the bottom of the trunk. Dumbledore dropped down to check on the man. "Stunned and controlled by the Imperius curse. Harry, throw down the impostor's cloakβ€” he's freezing. Pomfrey will see to him later." Harry was about to reach for imposter Moody's cloak when Rarity stopped him.

"Here," Rarity said, holding out a thick purple blanket. "He obviously needs it more." Harry took the blanket, not questioning where Rarity got it, and passed it down to Dumbledore, who barely seemed fazed as he tucked Moody in. Dumbledore got out of the trunk and pulled out a chair to look at Moody.

"Now, we wait to see the truth," Dumbledore said.

They all waited for the Polyjuice Potion to wear off and for Snape and McGonagall to return. When they did, the identity of the impostor was revealed as none other than Barty Crouch Jr. The next few minutes were spent interrogating him with a truth potion, learning how Barty escaped and how he had planned out the events of the tournament. The house elf Dumbledore summoned formerly served the Crouch family. She helped them understand how Barty Crouch Senior had broken his son out and controlled him, which backfired down the line. They then learned how Barty Crouch Jr. planned to have Harry killed in the graveyard.

All the while, Twilight had her arm wrapped around Harry's, keeping him close. The other Equestrian girls were standing close behind the two, horrified by the events of the night. When Barty was done talking Dumbledore instructed McGonagall to guard the office, and urged Snape to fetch the minister. When that was done, Dumbledore led Harry and the others up to his office.

"Come on, Harry, I'm afraid we are not done tonight. There is much we don't know," Dumbledore said softly. Harry nodded.

Twilight squeezed Harry's hand, and he squeezed back. He was so, so tired. He wanted to collapse into the other six right now and sleep. But he would endure long enough to explain what happened.

Author's Note:

Hello everybody, welcome to more aftermath of the graveyard. Moody was the imposter! I hate myself for saying that. But I enjoyed wrecking his sanity with Harry and Twilight, knowing they turned Voldemort to dust. But now Dumbledore gets to hear this mess for himself next. Buckle up, Albus, you're going for a ride.

And to everyone who suggested ideas on Harry's place in the cosmic balance, thanks. Please review, and I'll see you next week!

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