• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 3,129 Views, 504 Comments

Equestrian Vacation - Dragonboy111

Harry tries to have a nice vacation in Equestria with his penpal, Twilight, but things don't go to plan, causing the adventure of a lifetime.

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Chapter 8: The Summer Sun Celebration

Author's Note:

Sorry for the late post, but here we are! Season 4 premiere arc!

After their next misadventure in the Crystal Empire, Harry and the gang returned to Ponyville to prepare Ponyville for the Summer Sun Celebration. During the train ride back, Harry showed everypony his amulet and told them what Celestia had discovered. Revulsion, shock, and fear were the most common reactions when Harry said it was a soul fragment that was attached to him. Twilight demanded Harry hide it deep in the basement, and Harry had no objections to that plan.

When the group got back to Ponyville, Harry helped out where he could between studying the clock and getting used to Equestria. Turns out, there was a pattern to the clock. If Harry's guess was right, time was currently faster in Equestria, but it cycled between faster, much faster, and backward randomly. If Harry timed a portal right, he'd know when he'd emerge. But until he figured out when that was, he would remain in Equestria.

With his biggest concern on pause, Harry was eager to help around town. He'd never had any real hobbies before now, or time to grow any. Once again Harry found enjoyment in seemingly monotonous tasks that would have carved away at his soul on Earth. He was a few years older than the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but he was made an "honorary member" due to lacking a cutie mark. Of course, it gave them an older person to keep an eye out for, which Rarity and Applejack thanked him for.

But the Summer Sun Celebration was fast approaching, and Celestia selected a special task for Twilight during the ceremony. Everypony cleared their schedule to say goodbye and travel to Canterlot and back. Of course, said special task required Twilight to learn to fly. Fast.

"You gotta really flap 'em hard," Rainbow Dash shouted. High above everypony, Twilight fluttered in the sky, flapping her wings harder. But the princess lost control and collided with a tree. "Uh, maybe not quite that hard."

Twilight dropped down to the ground.

"Looking good up there, Princess Twilight," Applejack said happily.

"Applejack, you know you don't have to call me that," Twilight insisted.

"Why do you protest so?" Rarity asked, "You've already given up wearing your crown all the time. The least you can do is embrace your new title."

"If other ponies want to address me that way, I suppose it's fine, but... not my friends. It just doesn't feel right," Twilight sighed heavily. "And neither does all this flying business. The Summer Sun Celebration is only two days away, and I'm never gonna be ready to perform my part."

"Not if you spend all your time down here, you won't!" Rainbow Dash said. "Now get up there and show everypony the big finish!"

Twilight took off into the sky, starting slow but building speed.

"She's going to crash, isn't she?" Harry asked rhetorically.

"Yup," Applejack cringed.

A second later Twilight crashed into the ground, dirt piling up as she made a crater in the ground. Everypony rushed over to their friend. Twilight was unharmed, just a bruised ego.

Pinkie Pie knelt into the hole. "Wow! That was a big finish!"

After Twilight's spectacular crash, they all took a break to visit the stained-glass windows in the castle, including one made in Twilight's honor. She was still getting used to the art of her as an alicorn, but she'd admit it was very well-made.

"You look amazing, darling. They've really captured your regality," Rarity said.

"I suppose," Twilight mumbled.

"Oh, don't be so modest. It's everypony's dream to someday wear a crown and have their coronation ceremony preserved in stained glass for all to see," Rarity remarked.

"I don't know if it's everypony's dream," Rainbow Dash said.

"Most of my dreams are about frosting!" Pinkie Pie started to salivate. Twilight wisely chose to ignore that.

"We'd better get going. We don't want to miss our train," Fluttershy said.

"Fluttershy's right," Applejack said. "Don't know about y'all, but I've still got bushels to do to get ready. The official celebration may be here in Canterlot, but hoo-wee, has the mayor put us in charge of one heck of a party back home," Applejack stopped when she saw Twilight's downtrodden face

"Aw, don't look like that, sugarcube. You get to be right there with the other princesses when Celestia raises the sun."

"And I'm honored. Really, I am. It's just that the Summer Sun Celebration is what first brought us all together. It just doesn't feel right not getting to spend such a special day with my Ponyville friends," Twilight said.

"It doesn't feel right to us either, darling. If the Mayor wasn't so desperate for our assistance, we'd most certainly stay here in Canterlot. And of course, we do understand that your royal duties must come first," Rarity replied.

"The Summer Sun Celebration may have brought us together, but it's something much bigger that'll always keep us connected," Applejack pointed at the stained-glass mural of the six mares with their Elements. "Exhibit A: The six of us are united by the Elements of Harmony. No amount of royal duties is gonna change that. Right, everypony?"

Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy hummed in agreement.

"Right, Pinkie Pie?"

"Creamy, creamy frosting..."

Fluttershy dabbed at Pinkie Pie's mouth with a napkin. "You should take that as a yes."

"Well, except for me and Harry. The Elements have nothing to do with us," Spike said.

"Eh, not really," Harry interrupted. "Their defeat of Nightmare Moon opened the rift that sent my first letter, kickstarting our friendship."

"Wait, really?" Twilight said. "How'd you know that?"


That was all Harry had to say for Twilight to stop asking questions.

"Well, that just further proves my point," Applejack exclaimed. "The Elements were what brought us together, even if indirectly. That's special, nothing changes that."

Everypony smiled in agreement, Twilight included. They're right, our friendships are special, one of a kind. We can survive the most important holiday in all of history being apart.

After visiting the murals, the group had to head to the station to get on the train back to Ponyville.

"We're gonna write you and give you so many details, it'll be like you're in Ponyville with us! Right, girls?" Pinkie Pie said. "Oh, and Harry!"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," everypony echoed, doing the motions.

"And you will be with us right after the Celebration. We already have an appointment on the books to discuss the royal upgrades to your loft decor," Rarity gushed.

Twilight's friends turned to get on the train, which had just arrived at the station. Twilight spoke suddenly.

"Harry, you'll be alright, won't you?" Twilight asked him before they all managed to get on the train.

Harry smiled. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"It's just, I've got so much to do here, and—"

Harry finished her sentence for her. "You don't want to worry about me?"

Twilight sighed with a chuckle. "You know me too well."

Harry smirked.

"Well, how about this: you come back after the Celebration in one piece and we can celebrate by going out for ice cream or something. "

"I might take you up on that," Twilight said to herself. She hadn't had a good chance to relax since becoming Princess—

Rarity, in what must have been a personal record, rushed between the two, grinning madly. "Is that a date I hear?"

Twilight blushed angrily; she could see the same reaction taking place with Harry. That wasn't a date offer, it's just friends getting ice cream! Besides, I said I might take Harry up on his offer, an offer that wasn't a date!

"RARITY!" the two shouted.

"Only kidding!"

"Why does she keep doing that?" Harry asked.

"I don't think she's serious at this point," Twilight said. "But it's getting more annoying to ignore."

"I'll talk to her on the train."

By some miracle of Harmony, the train whistle blew.

"All aboard for Ponyville!" The conductor announced.

Harry and everypony else filed onto the train just before it left. Twilight watched them all wave goodbye from the train as it pulled away.

When Canterlot was out of sight, Harry sat down. "This feels weird. Anypony else feeling weird?"

"Right with ya there. Twilight's still getting used to being royal and whatnot. I feel weird, leaving her in Canterlot," Applejack said.

"Twilight's a princess, she can take care of herself. She was doing fine before we met. It'll just be... lonelier," Rainbow Dash said.

"Speaking of lonely, Harry's being left home alone," Rarity said.

Harry scoffed. "Please, I can take care of myself until Twilight comes back. She almost made me stay with her in Canterlot."

"Just you and her in the big city, what an opportunity," Rarity noted.

"Rarity!" Harry huffed. "Can you please just lay off on that!? I want to be able to count the number of stable friendships on two hands!"

"Alright, dear," Rarity said. "You do know I'm only teasing. I don't intend for you two to date, you know."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Harry said. "Anyways, I basically raised myself on Earth. I can handle a day or so of being 'home alone' in Ponyville of all places."

"Speaking of, what're you going to do between now and the Summer Sun Celebration?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Harry tapped his chin. "Probably finish my second set of cloudball gear. I think I can do that without Twilight."

"How's that game going, dearie?" Rarity asked.

"Very good. Cloud Chaser has my first set on 'permanent loan' while visiting Cloudsdale, I think I might sell him a full set. Who knows, if it gets popular I could build and sell them for a profit, make a proper game out of it."

"Professional cloudball. I like the sound of that," Rainbow Dash said.

Harry shrugged. "On that note, I might practice the wings spell. I want to be able to cast it before I return to Earth."

"That reminds me; did ya figure out that clock Discord gave ya?" Applejack said.

Harry shook his head. "I'm close to solving it, I just need to know one or two days on Earth compared to here, then I can guess the date. I'll review my letters for dates, then I'll crack the code!"

"Well, I wish you good luck!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Thanks, Pink."

Pinkie Pie gasped. "Is that a nickname!? Harry used a nickname for me! We've moved from friends to best friends!" She nearly strangled him in a hug.

Harry chuckled awkwardly.

When the train to Ponyville arrived, everypony went their separate ways to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration. Harry walked through the door to Twilight's house, alone. Wow, that feels weird. Harry was well and truly home alone. He wasn't left with some old lady or tucked away somewhere out of sight, he was at home, and he was alone. Harry smirked as he pranced about the house.

"What to do... what to do..." he muttered to himself. "I could start that second set of cloud ball gear... Or I could eat a whole tub of ice cream, and no one can stop me!" Harry giddily pranced over to the kitchen. He'd never gotten the opportunity to indulge in the wonders of childhood, he had some things to make up for losing with the Dursleys. Harry was going to eat non-stolen desserts from the freezer!

Somepony knocked at the door.

"Oh, come on!" Harry groaned. He trotted to the front door.

With Twilight and Spike gone, I have to answer the door. I never got to do that on Earth. Still, I wonder who it could be. The library is public but most of Ponyville is working on their Celebration preparations. Maybe the others are checking in to make sure I haven't burned the house down or something. Probably Applejack or Fluttershy.

Harry opened the door and saw, to his surprise, no adults but three fillies who were a few years younger than him. The "Cutie Mark Crusaders": Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Harry smiled as he waved them in.

"Hey, girls. Off doing more crusading before the Summer Sun Celebration starts?" Harry asked.

"You betcha!" Scootaloo said, buzzing her wings. "Holidays are only once a year, we only get one shot to try everything we can."

"I did all my chores while my big sis and y'all were up in Canterlot. We have the whole day to ourselves," Apple Bloom said.

"Rarity wouldn't let me touch anything she's working on," Sweetie Belle grumbled.

"I'm sure Rarity's just working herself hard. She likes things done in her own meticulous way," Harry replied. "You have family that cares, that's worth a whole lot more than you think."

"Oh alright," Sweetie Belle conceded.

"Okay, let's stay on topic," Scootaloo reminded everypony. "We're crusading!"

Harry nodded. "Speaking of, why are you here? I'm an honorary memeber but I don't crusade with you."

"We were hoping Twilight was around. We wanted to ask if she knew anything special about the Summer Sun Celebration," Sweetie Belle said.

"Sorry, but Twilight's in Canterlot. She's got royal duties to attend to," Harry said.

"Well that's a bummer," Scootaloo said.

"Maybe I could help," Hary said.

"Really? Ya can help us?" Apple Bloom said.

"I've helped rearrange the books before. I can probably find a book here." Harry said. He stepped back to scan the shelves. "Let's see... Summer Sun..." He plucked a book about common Equestrian traditions from the past few hundred years, followed by one about the history of Celestia's time as Equestria's sole monarch. He looked closely for one last book. "This'll be perfect!" He pulled out one more book: Elements of Harmony: A Reference Guide. Harry plopped the books down. "This should help."

Scootaloo groaned. "Ugh, reading."

"Sorry, but I don't know much more than you," Harry apologized. He opened the book on the Elements. "If I remember correctly, the Summer Sun Celebration celebrates both the start of summer and the defeat of Nightmare Moon at Celestia's hooves with the Elements of Harmony. I overheard at the Summit that Celestia wants to commemorate Luna's return."

"Everypony knows that," Apple Bloom said. "There's got to be something special we can do to earn a cutie mark."

"Celestia raises the sun, everything else is a big party. Party planning is all I can think of," Sweetie Belle said.

"Sorry girls, I know you want to get your cutie marks," Harry said sheepishly.

"I don't know how you've managed to go this long without yours," Scootaloo said. "You're older than us, and we're super late bloomers."

Harry looked at his unmarked rump. It briefly held an image when his amulet's magic expunged Voldemort's soul, but nothing since. At this point, there was little hope for him getting one.

"Humans don't have cutie marks; Twilight doesn't know if I can even get one. But I can see the appeal. A mark unique to you, and you alone. I still struggle with having some unknown destiny."

"Well, if you could get one, what do you think it'll be?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Probably something with magic. I can't fly without it, and I like flying. I know stars are common symbols of magic," Harry guessed.

"Like Twilight's cutie mark?" Scootaloo asked.

"I was thinking more like her brother's. He's all magic and shields. But I'll never know till I get one, so there's no point in fretting over it."

"I wish I had your confidence," Apple Bloom said.

"I'm just content to be happy, I guess. I never had a good summer before now, I'll just enjoy my time doing things here, in Ponyville. Speaking of..." Harry levitated a box of gear and spare parts out of the basement. "How would you feel about cutie marks in some craftwork?"

Harry and the Crusaders worked on Harry's spare set of cloud ball gear until the afternoon. By then, Harry had placed all but his more complex enchantments on the gear. To the Crusaders' disappointment, no cutie marks were gained. Harry congratulated them on the attempt. They trotted out when he suggested they ask Pinkie Pie for something else to try, celebrations were her specialty. When they left the library, an idea came to Harry. He walked to a list of magical books from Twilight's pile of study material.

Harry hummed as he skimmed through the books. "Magical artifacts... Magical artifacts..."

Harry knew Equestria had no shortage of powerful items. The Elements were arguably the greatest, but there were others. Speaking of... Harry flipped the page to a well-known item: The Alicorn Amulet.

"The Alicorn Amulet is one of the most mysterious and powerful of all the known magical charms. Whoever wears it is blessed with untold powers, said to rival a true alicorn." Harry flipped the page, looking for other items. He read a few more entries. "Unicharm... Book of Inspiration... Staff of Sacanas... Possessing any one of these could tip the scales against Voldemort. I could have saved myself instead of puting Twilight in danger."

Harry spent the rest of the day absorbing little bits of Equestrian magical knowledge. He told himself he would get stronger, and he intended to keep that promise. When Harry felt he had made substantial progress he retired to bed early. With a yawn and a smile, Harry slept with eager expectations of his first Summer Sun Celebration in two days.

Harsh sunlight pulled Harry out of slumber. Feeling sleep-deprived, Harry groggily rolled out of bed. Celestia, what time is it? Harry trotted to a nearby window to gauge the time and froze up.

The Sun and Moon were out. It was day and night.

"What the hay..."

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