• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 3,132 Views, 504 Comments

Equestrian Vacation - Dragonboy111

Harry tries to have a nice vacation in Equestria with his penpal, Twilight, but things don't go to plan, causing the adventure of a lifetime.

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Chapter 31: Statues

"Is that all you got?"

Twilight stood, defiant and unharmed by the most dangerous spell from the most dangerous wizard. She barely appeared to be fazed. The Elements' magical aura glowed brighter, pulsing like a strong heartbeat. She looked ready to take on the world and win.

Voldemort and his followers were a different story altogether. A range of different emotions could be guessed by their posture and body language, the most common being shock, confusion, and, most of all, fear. Fear of the impossible, that which no one could defeat.

The impossible and the unknown were ancient fears. Just as people aren't afraid of being in the dark, but of not being alone in the dark. The fear of the unknown, which takes all that you have learned, and ignores it is a frightening thing. Muggles feared magic because it ignored science. Wizards fear dark magic because it ignores many magical protections. Everyone feared death because it could not be stopped.

And here was Twilight Sparkle, having been struck by the killing curse, and lived.

"You hurt my friend, and I gave you one chance to back down!" Twilight scowled.

Voldemort looked even less pleased and, dare Harry think it, afraid. "Avada Kedavra!" the dark lord shouted.

Twilight watched calmly as the lightning came at her. When it was within arms reach, she raised one hand and brutally slapped it away. The Death Eaters were silent as they watched this display.

"What was it you said?" Twilight asked darkly. "That was your last mistake?" she said mockingly.

Voldemort scowled.

"Kill them all, but stun the boy! He is mine!" he commanded.

Several Death Eaters stepped forward, firing curses and hexes at their master's behest. A wave of Twilight's hand coated the seven in a large magical bubble, causing the spells to rebound. More Death Eaters appeared, and they were quick to join their comrades. But all their spells were rendered useless against the Elements of Harmony.

"Harry, who are they?" Rarity asked.

"Death Eaters, followers of Voldemort. Dark wizards, all of them," Harry supplied. The six shuddered at the thought.

"Then we need to take them down," Rainbow Dash said. "I don't think Discord would have asked us to use the Elements for nothing."

"Agreed. I'll keep the protection spell over us. I'm going to get us out, but I need time. Rainbow, Fluttershy, get us some cloud cover, now. Everyone else, stay near Harry, keep him safe."

"I can take care of myself!" Harry protested. It was his fault they were here, his fault Voldemort was back, it was all his fault!

"Stay safe," Twilight said.

Almost immediately, the group broke. Twilight opened the top of her dome, and the two pegasi raced up to the cloud layer, nimbly dodging spells. Taking advantage of the distracted Wizards, Harry and Twilight flung spells to take down several Death Eaters. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy scrambled what remained of the Dark Mark. The clouds began to descend ominously, surrounding Harry and the others in a thick layer of fog that obscured them from sight. Despite the attempts of the wizards, the blinding fog refused to budge, their influence worthless next to two pegasi. Spells were blindly fired through the clouds, most missing, but a few curses hit their comrades. Rainbow and Fluttershy touched down on the ground.

"How's that?"

"Perfect," Twilight said. "Now—"

"Duck!" yelled Pinkie Pie. Everyone wisely listened as three curses flew overhead.

"I found them!" Four Death Eaters walked through the cloud, pointing their wands at the group.

"Bugs to be crushed beneath my boot—" Faster than he could process, the first Death Eater's face was smashed in by a high kick, courtesy of an outraged Fluttershy. Said Death Eater was catapulted back through the mist, unconscious. Everyone looked at Fluttershy, who was breathing heavily like an enraged bull. The other two Death Eaters were seemingly unbothered as they raised their wands.

Applejack was the first to respond. She swept her legs low, knocking two flat on their backs, one of them losing their wand in the process. She aimed a high kick at the standing Death Eater, shooting him far away with the sound of cracking bones. Rarity leveled her gaze at one of the Death Eaters Applejack knocked over. She grasped him in her magic and performed the closest thing she could to an over-the-shoulder throw with magic, launching the Death Eater far away into another gravestone. Another spell had him tied up by his clothes. The last Death Eater tried to point his wand at Rarity, deeming her the closest threat.

Rainbow Dash went into action, flying faster than the remaining Death Eater could even blink. She drop-kicked him in the sternum, pushing him back. She followed up by swinging her right fist in an imitation of an uppercut punch. As her fist passed through the mist that made up their cloud cover, dark clouds and red sparks trailed her fist. When the blow connected there was a resounding crash of thunder, and a flash of red lightning blasted the last Death Eater. The receiver of said punch instantly vanished into the clouds, and the only sign of him hitting the ground was the sickening crack that followed. Rainbow Dash looked at her fist, shocked.

"Lightning punch?! Cool!"

"Rainbow, focus! Twilight, use the Elemetns, now!" Harry shouted, eyes darting about their cloud cover.

"You will not escape me, Harry Potter!" echoed Voldemort's voice.

There was a red glow from one side of the clouds, and then a plume of crimson fire broke through their cover. Twilight stopped her mass teleport spell to raise her hand, generating a vibrant shield. The fire was scattered around, and Harry could hear the screams of Death Eaters being burned. Harry looked at the others as the fire lit up the area. They had brave faces on, but they were scared, like him. They were here because of him. They were in danger because of him. Harry tightened his grip on his wand as he stood back up.

"Twilight!" Harry yelled. She glanced back to see Harry with his wand raised, and they shared a look that explained everything. They waited until the flames subsided. "Now!"

Twilight dropped her barrier, and both Harry and Twilight flung their spells forth. The flames had left a clear line of sight to the dark lord. Harry's stunning spell was deflected by Voldemort, but he disapparated when Twilight's spell got close. A second later the whole area where Voldemort had stood was turned into a crater the size of a mansion. The echoing bang! that was released from the blast cleared half of their cloud cover away, and the cries of fear from the Death Eaters became louder than ever.

Harry looked around wildly, searching for Voldemort. His scar itched as he looked behind him. Pinkie Pie had the same idea.

"Twilight, behind us!" both Harry and Pinkie Pie shouted. Everyone turned around as a curse whipped past Harry's face. A large gash was cut across his face. The curse hit a gravestone, which exploded in spiked shards. Voldemort stood on the hillside, wand at the ready.

Voldemort made a grand gesture with his wand, and a stream of lightning shot forth. Twilight replied with a beam of her own, creating a clash of blinding light. The force of the two spells blasted the rest of their cloud cover away, revealing the group to the assembled Death Eaters. Twilight's attack was overpowering Voldemort completely, forcing the dark lord to disapparate away again. By sheer instinct alone Harry turned to where Voldemort had reappeared. The dark lord raised his wand and a jet of green light shot forth. Harry raised his wand to release the sunfire spell again, contesting Voldemort's might against his own. The two spells met in the middle, their jets of light pushing against one another. Harry's wand began to shake as the two began a battle of will. Unfortunately, the other Death Eaters were taking notice of them.

"Twilight, you need to stop them, now!" Harry roared. Twilight faced the other girls, leaving Harry to withhold Voldemort's offense. His wand started to vibrate violently, the spells between him and the dark lord no longer acting as they should. A golden thread stretched between their wands. Harry's spell pushed against Voldemort's, and Harry heard the strangest sound start to flood his ears: a phoenix's song. The golden string splintered, casting a dome of light around him and Voldemort. Harry looked back at Twilight and the others as he fought to keep whatever strange event was happening stable.

"Girls, the Elements!" Twilight called. The six gathered next to Twilight in a circle behind Harry. A rainbow arched from one Element to the next until all six formed a glowing ring. The light grew in intensity until it was almost blinding. Every spell directed at them either missed or was cast aside by the power of the Elements of Harmony. Twilight opened her glowing eyes to look back at Harry.

Harry and Voldemort's wands were tied by a string of gold light, orbs of power flowing from Harry's wand to be forced into its brother. His feet were anchored to the ground, and he guessed Voldemort was experiencing the same thing. Voldemort couldn't leave, and that's what Harry wanted. Harry grasped his wand with two hands till his knuckles turned white. More orbs raced down from Harry's wand into Voldemort's. The yew wand echoed with sounds of agony. Golden veins pulsed beneath Voldemort's wand as his wand started to regurgitate the images of the last spells it cast. Voldemort was resisting, but Harry wouldn't let the connection break. He held on, phoenix song ringing in his head.

Ghostly figures crawled out of Voldemort's wand. The first was an older man, one whom Harry had seen killed by Voldemort in a past vision. The second was a witch whom Harry didn't recognize. But the next two were heart-achingly familiar. Harry had seen them twice before, in a mirror and a photo album. Ghostly figures of Lily and James Potter rushed past the other two phantoms to get to their son. Behind them, Voldemort looked on in a mix of rage and fear.

"Harry... My little boy... You've grown up..." Lily whispered. She held a hand up to Harry's face, palm almost touching. "You've done so well... just a little longer, my son."

"Harry... Hang on a little more..." James said, mirroring Harry's mother. "I am so proud of you... just a little longer..."

"We love you, son..." Lily and James said.

Tears flowed from Harry's eyes. We love you. For years he had wished to hear those words. James moved to stand at Harry's side, looking with silent fury at the man who had killed him and his wife.

"Harry, you mustn't break the connection... Keep fighting... We're here for you..."

Harry blinked away the tears and focused on Voldemort. More and more echoes of spells and people spat out of his wand. They cheered for him and told him to keep going. Harry wouldn't let them down. This was a battle of will, and Harry held an overwhelming advantage. He was fighting not just for his sake, but for his friends and everyone Voldemort had hurt. Harry wasn't going to lose. His wand had stopped shaking, a calming wave of power steading Harry's hand. Just a little longer, Harry reminded himself. He could feel the energy of the Elements at his back, ready to finish this fight.

"Harry!" Twilight shouted from behind him. "Get ready!"

The magic collected by the Elements exploded outwards. The nearest Death Eaters had no time to react as the magic slammed into them. The dark wizards were petrified in pale stone, a mimicry of Discord's punishment. Those who were farther away only had time to scream in abject terror as the magic swept toward them. Some looked like they were trying to disapparate, but they were met with the same fate. Harry could hear Voldemort shouting, screaming, and pulling harder against his wand, but Harry never relented. The wave of rainbow-colored magic swept past Harry on its way to Voldemort, giving the dark lord the same fate as his followers.

The ghost-like figures that had emerged from Voldemort's wand looked down at Harry, many of them smiling as they faded away. Some whispered words of appraisal but were lost as they too slowly faded away. Harry's parents were the last to disappear, a proud look on their faces.

When the light faded, the only moving people were Harry and his friends, the rest all turned to stone. Harry crumpled to the ground like a sack of bricks. Twilight rushed over to pull Harry to a sitting position. She gently relieved his hand of his wand, tucking it into a pocket. Harry leaned into her, weak and shaky. His limbs were so very tired, he had been running on pure adrenalin since Twilight's arrival and the aura of the Elements was so soothing he could fall asleep right there. Harry glanced to the nearest Death Eater, captured in a prison of solid rock. It was both disturbing and satisfying, seeing them frozen in time. Harry looked at the statue of Voldemort. The not-so-great dark lord's statue showed him mid-scream, holding onto his wand. This wand, the brother of Harry's wand, looked like charred wood now; whether from the Elements or its duel with Harry's, he couldn't be sure.

Voldemort's statue cracked, fissures spreading across the black surface. Then, with the sound of crumbling stones, Voldemort's statue collapsed inward to dust. Harry and Twilight watched as the powder from Voldemort's statue was slowly swept away by the winds until there was nothing left. Voldemort had schemed to regain a body, and now it was dust.

"Is that it? Is it... over?" Harry whispered.

"Maybe. I can't be sure. But the rest won't unfreeze anytime soon," Twilight replied. She brushed away some of his hair to sweep a gentle thumb across Harry's scar. Whatever was in it quivered with fear. "We still have this to figure out, but right now, you're safe, and that's all that matters to me." Twilight hugged him tight. "Come on, let's get you out of here," Twilight said softly.

The other five circled the two. Twilight held a hand up as her Element glowed again. There was a pleasant humming in the air, and Harry and his six friends vanished from that graveyard, never to return.

Twilight's spell made all seven of them reappear just a few feet into the maze. As the power of the Elements receded, the girl's changes disappeared and the illusion reasserted itself over their skin. Twilight helped Harry stagger to his feet and limp forward as fast as they could, out into the open air. There was a small crowd gathering just beyond the entrance to the maze. Harry could see Dumbledore kneeling over something. People were screaming behind them. Spike was sitting a few feet away from Dumbledore, facing away from the crowd.

"Professor!" Harry yelled, limping at the assembled group. They all looked back as Harry stumbled toward them.

"Harry?" Dumbledore asked. He took stock of Harry's various cuts, bruises, and general appearance.

"I told you he disappeared!" Spike shouted at the old man.

"What happened?" Dumbledore demanded.

"Voldemort, it was him, he's back, but he's gone!" Harry shouted. The adults looked shocked. "He rigged the cup! Cedric had it last, where is he?" Harry demanded. Concerned glances passed between the adults. "Where's Cedric?!" Harry pleaded. Dumbledore stepped aside, allowing Harry to see what he had been kneeling over.

It was Cedric.

He was injured, badly. A pool of blood stained the grass below him. Though he had never seen them himself, Harry recognized the injuries from a book from the school library he had accidentally read not too long ago.

"He arrived a few moments ago. He got splinched, badly," Dumbledore said gravely. Harry felt his heart drop. Splinching, when parts of you got left behind in disapparition, could be lethal. "Madame Pomfrey is tending to him now, but the wounds resist her healing."

True to his word, Madame Pomfrey was standing over Cedric, applying salves, liquids, and a multitude of spells to him. But it looked so bad. Parts of Cedric looked like they had been cut or scooped out. Most of the skin on his right arm was gone, along with most of his left shoulder. The gouging on his chest had exposed bone, muscle, and organs. All over him, pieces were missing, lost to the damaged cup. Behind Harry, Twilight and the others caught sight of Cedric, their reactions were either to gasp or gag.

"Albus, I'm doing what I can, but I never prepared for splinching this bad. They refuse to heal," Madame Pomfrey said.

"He needs to be moved to the hospital wing," Fudge said. "Away from these people!"

"I can't move him in this condition!" Pomfrey shouted back. Harry felt sick again. If Cedric couldn't be moved, then...

"Twilight! Get them to the hospital wing!" Harry shouted, gesturing towards the group. "Hurry!" Twilight rushed forward until she was standing next to Pomfrey.

"If I can safely get him there, can you save him?" Twilight demanded. At Pomfrey's nod, and bubble of magenta magic expanded out of Twilight's tiara.

"Harry, stay here," Twilight and Dumbledore said simultaneously. A second later Pomfrey, Cedric, Dumbledore, Amos Diggory, and Twilight vanished in a flash. The yard was silent as they vanished.

Almost immediately after, Professor Moody approached Harry. "Come with me, Potter, we need to get you out of here. It's not safe for you."

Author's Note:

So, fun fact, I rewrote this chapter due to the biggest epiphany imaginable. Changed my whole plan for the better. I originally planned for Voldemort to escape, but then asked, "why bother writing fanfiction if everything is the exact same?" I can write whatever I need to, I don't have to be held back by the story I'm changing! I let Cedric get away, with some injuries, but he's alive. What I did to Voldy makes much more sense than him apparating away like a coward. Of course, we don't know exactly what happened. And we still got Moody to deal with next.

Plus, the rewrite gave Harry a role to play in the fight. Stay tuned for next week!

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