• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 3,133 Views, 504 Comments

Equestrian Vacation - Dragonboy111

Harry tries to have a nice vacation in Equestria with his penpal, Twilight, but things don't go to plan, causing the adventure of a lifetime.

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Chapter 37: The Closing Speech

Harry stared up at the ceiling of the Gryffindor dormitory. He had been lying here since the sun rapidly rose in the sky, fell until night covered the place, and then rose again. With that in mind, it meant Celestia was also on Earth. If he was being honest, the idea scared Harry just a little. A small cynical part of him suggested that Celestia had changed her mind, that Harry wouldn't be allowed to visit for the summer because of Voldemort. But the hopeful part of him stamped that thought out promptly. He had been looking forward to spending time with his best friend for months now.

It might have been a full hour that Harry lay down, doing nothing but look up at the ceiling. He was broken out of his musings by Ron entering the room.

"Harry, are you going to sulk all day?" Ron asked from the doorway. "You look ill. You alright over there?"

"I'm fine, Ron, just anxious, that's all," Harry explained, still looking at the ceiling.

"About term being over with You-Know-Who still alive?"

"Actually, no. That's my second concern now."

Ron looked at Harry, confused as to what he meant. Harry raised his head to talk directly at Ron.

"It's about my summer break. I want to spend it in Equestria, with Twilight," Harry revealed.

Ron's mouth dropped open. "What? She wants you to live with her? Blimey, you lucky bloke."

Harry repressed a shudder. "Please, never talk about us like that. She's not my marefriend— I mean girlfriend," Harry corrected his use of Equestrian terms. He shifted to sit properly in bed. "Besides, it's not her I'm worried about, it's the princess. I'm nervous Princess Celestia won't allow me in. She gave Twilight her blessing to bring me over for visits, but that was before Voldemort attempted to return. I don't want to face her. What if she doesn't allow me to return?" Harry said.

"Well, she's in a different country, you can go to breakfast without seeing her," Ron commented with a little sarcasm.

"That's just it, Ron. She's not; she's here, in the castle," Harry sighed.

Ron looked at Harry, perplexed. "How can you tell? You haven't left bed."

"Someone had to move the sun," Harry revealed.

Ron looked confused, but realization slowly dawned on him. The Weasley looked outside, back at Harry, back to the sun, then back to Harry again.

"She did that? Blimey, I thought the twins were feeding me some of their strong stuff. You're telling me she moves the bloody sun?!" Ron ranted.

"Regularly, yes. But looking at it now, there's not much I can do about her. I need to get up and deal with this," Harry said.

Harry pulled himself out of bed, coming to terms with the fact that avoiding Celestia was a fruitless endeavor. After a quick moment to collect his thoughts, Harry and Ron made their way down the Gryffindor common room. There was a surprise waiting for them at the bottom. Twilight and Hermione, the former reading Harry's gift and the latter reading something else, were sitting in the main common room.

"About time you got out of bed, Harry," Twilight said with a small grin. "You're never going to survive Equestria if you can't rise with the sun."

"Pony-who-oversleeps-says-what?" Harry quipped.

"Pardon?" Twilight asked, with a smirk. She dropped it a second later.

"So..." Harry said awkwardly. "I saw the sun."

"Yeah, that. When Celestia arrived, she said her magic caused the sky to shift. She was probably correcting that. She's up with Dumbledore right now."

"Oh," Harry said, a little disappointed already. "So she decided about my summer?"

"She fully intends for you to stay!" Twilight said with jubilation.

Harry's mood instantly matched hers when he heard the news. Harry couldn't resist jumping up in the air. Finally! Harry could have a happy summer unburdened by wizard and muggle affairs! And he got to spend it with his best friend in all of Equestria!

"I'm sorry, what's going on?" Hermione asked, looking up from her book.

"Apparently, Harry's staying with Twilight for the summer," Ron said.

"That's great, right? You don't have to go back to the Dursleys now," Hermione said.

"Exactly. Now, come on, one last meal at Hogwarts before we go on the train," Harry said as he walked toward the portrait.

The four walked out the portrait entrance, Twilight and Harry in the front. As they walked, they all chatted about their plans for the summer. But, as neither Ron nor Hermione had anything of interest to present, the topic drifted back to Equestria. Harry talked a bit more about what life in Ponyville looked like, what little of it he had seen in his two visits. The most interesting topic was, of course, Twilight's academics.

"So, let me try to understand this," Hermione spoke as they waited for the moving staircases. "Once a week, you had to write a report to your mentor, the head of state, about a lesson in friendship?" she demanded.

"Yep. Once a week, or whenever I learned something new. The Princess assigned me to Ponyville to study the Magic of Friendship not long before I met Harry," Twilight replied.

"What do you mean 'the magic of friendship'? Friendship isn't magic, magic is magic," Hermione protested.

"I used to believe the same thing," Twilight said in response. "I didn't care for friendship. I did nothing but study all day, every day. But when I moved to Ponyville and saw my new friends wield the Elements of Harmony, I knew friendship was and is magic. Generosity, Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Loyalty, and Magic. Together, they make the Magic of Friendship."

"She's right, Hermione," Harry added helpfully. "Remember, Twilight and the others used the Elements on those Death Eaters in the graveyard. I don't understand it, but it is magic."

"Well, I don't believe it. There has to be a more reasonable explanation," Hermione huffed, annoyed. "I've never heard of magical friendships. Maybe your magic is enhanced by emotional feelings for your friends, rather than fueled by 'friendship'? If friendship were magic, muggles could use magic, and there's no evidence of that."

"Maybe you're in denial," Ron snarked.

Harry patted Hermione on the shoulder. "We've seen magic in all sorts of places, why not friendship? Besides, Equestria is full of magic that doesn't quite make sense. Cadance is the Princess of Love, she's used her magic to disintegrate a semi-immortal shadow unicorn after he banished an entire empire out of existence for a thousand years. Love makes her magic stronger, or can make the magic of ponies she loves stronger."

"I'm sorry, what—?"

Harry continued talking. "Of course, that's to say nothing of Discord, Lord of Chaos and whatnot, or Pinkie Pie and her Pinkie Sense."

"Please, can we not talk about that? There's a reason Laughter was Discord's favorite Element," Twilight pleaded.

"Pinkie Sense?" Ron asked.

Harry smirked as Twilight glowered. "Pinkie Pie can detect if certain events are going to happen based on bodily reactions. For example, her tail twitches when things are about to fall. It was how she knew I got kidnapped."

"Like divination?" Ron asked.

"Probably closer to Arithmancy, if it's consistent and predictable. Maybe she has a talent for that?" Hermione suggested.

Twilight huffed. "That's the problem, there's no magic involved. I've studied it in-depth, and there is no conscious or subconscious magic active in whatever she does. And it has nothing to do with her cutie mark! Earth ponies don't get that kind of magic, she shouldn't be able to do half the stuff she does!"

"Okay, so magic is weird there. Does that have anything to do with the sun here?" Ron asked.

"Did I miss something?" Hermione asked.

"Harry said Celestia moved the sun or something," Ron answered.

Hermione immediately jumped in surprise. She looked at Ron, then at Twilight.

"What?! When?! How did I miss that? You can't move the sun in a geocentric system, and moving the earth would create noticeable changes in momentum! How does she—"

"Don't look at me, I don't know how it works. I've only read the history," Twilight said quickly. "Celestia and Luna have been managing the sun, moon, and stars for generations. It's been thousands of years since the unicorn tribe did it."

"Slow down. Are you suggesting that your people are fully capable of moving the sun?" Hermione shouted.

"The whole of the unicorn tribe did it before Celestia took responsibility. But that was many millennia ago, I doubt anypony knows how to do it anymore."

"I- I'm going to need a moment," Hermione murmured, falling silent.

"I'll rest my case. Equestria's built differently from anyplace else," Harry said, shrugging. He'd given up trying to understand the place ages ago.

The four fell into a less comfortable silence as they walked the last few steps to the Great Hall. They chose to sit further down the length of the table, away from everyone's eyes. Unfortunately, the twins had a similar idea.

The twins spoke in a rush.

"Hey, Harry. We've been looking for you all day," George said.

"Well, us and half the school. You've barely been seen all week," Fred added.

"You're getting too good at your disappearing acts."

"So, have you heard the big news?"

"What news?" Harry asked.

"Well, it's not news."

"More like gossip."

"But it's got everyone talking."

"Oh, just tell us already," Ron demanded.

"Well, rumor has it some Ravenclaws saw the sun move backward, but that's quickly becoming old news," George said, or maybe it was Fred.

"The real news is the lady sitting next to Dumbledore," said the other twin.

Harry and the rest looked at the teacher's table, seeing a strange-looking human seated to Dumbledore's right. Her abnormal skin tone signaled her out as an Equestrian. But Harry recognized her immediately: Princess Celestia's human form.

"No one knows anything about her. Word has been flying about faster than the rumors have time to stick around," said Fred.

Harry could hear all the students nearby chatting about her, whispering about her appearance and if she was a Ministry official. He could also catch some (not so) far-fetched theories of her being some foreign dignitary. The conversation ended when Dumbledore stood back up.

"The end," Dumbledore said, looking around at them all, "of another year."

Dumbledore paused to cast a long sad glance at the Hufflepuff table.

"There is much I would like to say, but there is something many of you need to hear first. Let's start with the good news. Cedric Diggory was admitted to St. Mungo's the day after his tragic injury. His family has permitted me to share this news with you all. Cedric will survive his injuries, though recovery is a long way away. Magical wounds are always the hardest to heal. Cedric has sustained extensive nerve damage from the splinching and has been paralyzed in much of his body. However, he shall eventually recover the use of his limbs. Your professors and I are relieved to hear of his survival."

Dumbledore paused to let the news sink in. The class let out a quiet sigh of relief. Harry seethed as he saw Malfoy and some of the Slytherins sulk and whisper to each other. Twilight wrapped her hand around Harry's, calming him down a little.

"However, you all have the right to know what happened. Cedric Diggory was attacked by Lord Voldemort."

Hushed but panicked whispers perforated the Great Hall. Many were looking at Dumbledore in disbelief, others in fear. The headmaster looked calm and collected as the whispers died out.

"The Ministry of Magic does not wish for you to know this, to know what happened that night. I suspect many of your parents will feel similarly, whether because they do not believe it or because they think you are too young. I, however, believe truth is preferable to lies. And so, I will tell you what happened.

"Cedric and Harry both grabbed the Triwizard Cup, therefore securing the Hogwarts victory. However, that cup was enchanted to take whoever touched it straight to Lord Voldemort. I'm certain you've all seen the news of the Death Eaters found in a graveyard on Saturday. But between their arrival and escape, they had to face a terrible evil. But, when each of us finds our darkest hour, it is our allies who brighten our path. Cedric and Harry both managed to escape the events of that night alive, which is a miracle on its own. They showed a bravery few wizards can when facing Voldemort, and for that, I honor them."

Dumbledore raised his goblet, looking sadly at Harry. Nearly everyone followed suit, murmuring Harry's and Cedric's names, drinking to both. A few Gryffindors looked at him and Twilight oddly, probably guessing she had something to do with Dumbledore's words. It was a quiet moment before Dumbledore spoke again.

"Let us all eat together on this last day, and remember good times."

The hall was filled with chatter again, this time much more solemn than when Harry and his friends arrived.

"Huh. I thought he'd introduce that lady. He usually likes his kooky introductions," George commented.

Harry shrugged. "Likely she didn't want an introduction. Celestia's not one for pomp and circumstance in an informal environment. Probably didn't want to step on Dumbledore's important announcement," Harry said.

The twins looked at him, surprised.

"You know her?" they asked in unison.

"We've only met a few times. Twilight introduced us. Celestia is Twilight's professor."

"Well, that is true. But she's more of a mentor than a professor. Plus, her duties as royalty come first anyways," Twilight explained.

"Royalty?" Ron echoed. "That's the princess? She's... pale." Hermione jabbed Ron in the side for his comment. "OW! What? She is!"

"A princess? Well, don't tell Malfoy," George said.

"He'll have his father kissing her feet all day," Fred said with a dry smirk. The twins shared a devious look.

"Actually, please tell Malfoy."

"We would pay to watch that," the twins pleaded.

"Please, she gets enough of that back home," Twilight laughed. "You should've seen her when we accidentally wrecked her annual Grand Galloping Gala. Apparently she hated all the stuffy introductions. Said the one we 'ruined' was the best one she's had in years."

"You crashed a party?" George asked.

"Well, more like everyone else did. I was greeting po- people with the princess, as I am her student."

"I wish I could have seen it," Harry remarked. "Apparently Pinkie Pie found a party she couldn't have fun in, Applejack found Apple family products weren't popular in Canterlot, Fluttershy found animals she couldn't befriend, the list goes on."

"I think you would've had more fun with Spike, provided be didn't overeat on donuts, again," Twilight remarked. "Actually, it would've been better if you were there to stop him."

"Still, with how much Malfoy's father kisses up to the Minister, you can't deny it wouldn't be funny," Fred said.

Harry couldn't resist a chuckle at their antics. He smiled more. He wasn't going to miss Earth that much, but he might miss these moments, the ones with his friends. One train ride and he would have a new home. It felt so surreal. Just a few more hours and his summer began.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, but this was one of those "I split it in two" sort of chapters. This one is less plot, and more friendship and fluff. We've got three more left in the GoF arc, so stay tuned! I can't wait to show you guys what comes next!

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