• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 3,133 Views, 504 Comments

Equestrian Vacation - Dragonboy111

Harry tries to have a nice vacation in Equestria with his penpal, Twilight, but things don't go to plan, causing the adventure of a lifetime.

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Chapter 9: A Magical Infestation

Harry stared at the sky, shocked. The Summer Sun Celebration was tomorrow, why were the sun and moon out?! Harry turned and galloped toward the front door, grasping it in magic. He pulled it open and ran, but the door suddenly slammed shut before he got out, causing Harry to run headfirst into the door.

He fell back with a shout. "Ow! What the hell?"

Harry tried to open the door again, but the door suddenly started to slam open and closed uncontrollably. Harry tried to get his magic under control but the spell resisted him at every turn, refusing to stop. Realizing he wouldn't be able to use the door until his magic returned to normal, Harry ran for one of the windows, opening the next one with his hooves instead of his magic. He was about to jump out when something heavy swept Harry off his hooves. He looked up to see his two unfinished bludgers rushing at him. Harry cursed under his breath. He tried to summon up a magical shield, but the spell refused to activate. Another round of hits was scored on him by the bludgers. That's going to bruise.

Harry muttered a storm while dodging the two orbs. "Come on, think. How do I get rid of two evil bludger that I can't use magic on?" He looked for any way to trap the things. He spotted the door to the basement. "Of course!"

Harry galloped toward the door, jumping, ducking, and dodging the bludgers until he was standing in front of the door. He glanced up at the malfunctioning bludgers, which were zipping about the house, knocking books off their shelves. Harry let out a sharp whistle, drawing their attention. The rouge orbs refocused on Harry, blitzing across the room. Harry waited until they got close enough before he opened the door to the basement and jumped to the side. The bludgers flew inside, pinging around as they flew about. Harry slammed the door shut and barricaded it shut. He sighed in relief as he allowed his lungs to catch up with his racing heart. Harry stood up, noting the front door had returned to normal.

"Okay, somepony has to know what's going on here," Harry said as he rushed out the door. Harry skidded to a stop when he caught a glimpse of the town. "What in Equestria..."

Massive black vines with turquoise thorns covered the village. All over, ponies were either fleeing or trying to control the infestation. Harry jumped back as another one sprouted up next to him. I need to find the others. They have to know what's going on! Harry thought. He ran toward the town center, where everypony would likely be in a disaster like this. The first pony he ran into was Rarity. The fashionista was swerving around the vines like they were the plague.

"Rarity! Do you know what's going on?" Harry demanded.

Rarity shook her head. "Something very strange is going on, and— AH!" A vine latched onto her hoof, which she kicked away. Another large one spiraled up from the ground. "I for one would appreciate an explanation!" She and Harry ran to the town hall, away from the vines and towards their friends.

Rainbow Dash circled overhead, occasionally kicking dark clouds with unnatural spikes in them. "All I know is the sky's split in two, and these clouds moving in sure aren't from around here."

"Neither are all these crazy plants!" Applejack exclaimed as she tried to uproot one of the vines. "They're coming from the Everfree Forest! And try as we might, us earth ponies can't do anything to get rid of them! Don't suppose you know any magic that might stop them from spreading?" She pointed at Harry and Rarity.

"Alas, this whole raging forest situation seems to have left my horn on the fritz!" Rarity said.

Harry shook his head. "Same here. None of our magic is working," he apologized.

"We have to figure out something! I don't know how much more of this Ponyville can take!" Fluttershy said. "AH!" A vine grabbed at her leg, which Rainbow Dash managed to sever with a kick. "I don't know how much more I can take!"

"The forest is expanding, y'all, and judging by how fast it's moving, it doesn't seem content just taking over Ponyville... I reckon before long, it'll cover half of Equestria!" Applejack said.

"Not to sound like our resident bookworm, but maybe the library has something?" Harry suggested. "And, failing that, the Elements of Harmony are there as a backup."

"Let's go!" Rainbow Dash said.

The group took off as fast as they could to the library, dodging the vines as they went. Along the way, they managed to pick up Pinkie Pie, who seemed to be the least encumbered by the plants. When they entered the Golden Oaks Library, Harry slammed every window and shutter he could get his hooves on. Harry then summoned the chest that held the Elements of Harmony and passed everypony their respective Elements.

"Oh, yeah, just like old times," Rainbow Dash said as she put hers on.

"A-boo-yah!" Pinkie Pie hoof-bumped Harry.

"Alright let's hope we don't need them. Everypony, find anything that looks relevent and start reading. We can worry about organization latter, just find something!" Harry said.

Everypony grabbed books and started skimming through them as fast as possible. Harry and Applejack scrolled through as many about plants as they could, looking for anything that looked like the mysterious weeds that had taken over the town. Rainbow Dash was looking into a book about the weather. When Harry finished skimming through his book he moved on to a book about magical accidents and afflictions, hoping to find something about whatever was affecting his and Rarity's magic. Unfortunately, nothing in any of the books so far had anything about the plants, the day and night sky, or magical disruptions.

"Found anything?"




Harry rubbed his face. Twilight always seemed to have a book for everything. She could probably think of something.

"Whoa! Aah!" In a flash of light, a purple cartwheeling alicorn barged into the library, tumbling into the piles of books. A second impact could be heard on the window.


"Oh, thank goodness!" Rarity exclaimed. She placed a hoof over her heart like she had received a real fright.

"Oh, I hope you know we wouldn't normally go through your books without permission," Fluttershy said.

"Wait, where's Spike?" Harry asked. A second later, the front door opened.

Spike crawled into the library. "Sweet ground!" He kissed the floor. "Sweet, sweet, wonderful ground!"

"Okay, I get it! I need to work on my flying!" Twilight exclaimed.

"I dunno if you've noticed, but the Everfree Forest is just a teeny-tiny bit out of control," Pinkie Pie said. Her tail started to quiver uncontrollably.

"Everypony, duck!" Harry said.

A large vine shot through a window Harry left open, smacking Rarity in the face.

"Guess it turned out you were missing something here in Ponyville after all," Applejack said. She slammed the window shut, cutting the vine.

"But perhaps you already know what's causing all of this calamity," Rarity said. "Has Princess Celestia sent you to dispel it posthaste?"

"Not exactly. You see, Princess Celestia is, well... she and Princess Luna are both..." Twilight trailed off, looking concerned.

"Something happened, didn't it?" Harry guessed.

"Yes! They're missing!" Spike confirmed everypony's fears. A collective gasp of fear ran through the group.

"I don't know who has taken them, but I've got a hunch we're going to need the Elements of Harmony to get them back," Twilight said.

"Way ahead of you," Harry said. "I think you'll be needing this." He summoned the Element of Magic and placed it on Twilight's head.

"Thanks, Harry," Twilight responded.

"I told ya we'd always be connected by the Elements," Applejack sighed. "Now we just gotta figure out who to aim these bad boys at so we can get Celestia and Luna back and keep the rest of Equestria from becoming plant food! Any ideas?"

"I haven't found squat in the books I've been looking through!" Pinkie Pie said, looking at a coloring book." Oopsies! Missed a spot!"

"How in the world are you a functioning adult?" Harry whispered. "I mean, it's impressive, but how?"

Twilight walked up to the window. "Half day, half night... strange weather patterns... out of control plants. I think I'm starting to get a pretty good idea of who we're up against."

"Discord," Harry said.

"Let's go get him," Applejack said.

Harry quickly rushed to go get his Cloak of Invisibility, just in case, while the six Elements walked outside to get some room. Harry made it outside just as the six of them gathered in a circle. Magic hummed in the air as they floated up. A rainbow stretched between each Element as Twilight's crown glowed brightly. A rainbow spiraled around something and when it faded a familiar form was left behind.

Discord, the spirit of chaos, was in the middle of a bath.

"Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap-ooh!" Discord laughed awkwardly, wrapping himself up with a towel. "Now, Twilight, you know Princess Celestia said that you were to give me a heads up before you summon me with that little spell she gave you. In case you haven't noticed, I was in the middle of a particularly invigorating shower." Discord rubbed himself down with his towel to emphasize his point.

Twilight shoved him back. "Enough! Release Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and stop the Everfree Forest from invading!" she demanded.

A vine snaked around her, then swapped places with Discord. "Why, whatever are you talking about?" he chuckled.

"Don't you play dumb with us, Discord! We know you're the one behind all of this!" Applejack said.

"Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love what you've done with the place, but I couldn't possibly take responsibility. I'm reformed, don't you remember?"

"I'm reformed, not heroic," Harry quoted. "That was what you said, right?"

Rainbow Dash flew into his personal space. "Yeah, right! This has got your cloven hoofprints all over it!"

"I'll have you know that I have only one cloven hoof." Discord's leg detached itself to kick Rainbow. "Such accusations. And here I thought we were friends."

"Drop the act, buster! We're onto you!" Pinkie Pie scowled.

"Ladies, ladies, I'm innocent. Would I lie to you?"

"Yes!" Five of the six girls shouted.

"Um, maybe?" Fluttershy whispered.

Discord shrugged. "Well then, it seems we've reached an impasse. I'm telling the truth, but you think I'm lying. What do friends like us do in a situation like this, Princess Twilight? Congrats, by the way, on the promotion. You totally deserve it."

"I say we blast him back to stone!" Applejack decided.

"Works for me!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Hear, hear!" Rarity agreed.

Their Elements glowed with power, but Fluttershy flew between them. "Hey! We can't do that! What if he is telling the truth?"

"Well, finally!" exclaimed Discord. "Somepony willing to give me the benefit of the doubt. The rest of you could learn a lot about friendship from my dear friend Shutterfly here." Discord grabbed Rainbow Dash around the shoulders.

"Um, it's Fluttershy," Fluttershy whispered.

"Oh, right, whatever." Discord swapped the two out.

"This isn't the 'benefit of the doubt', Discord," Harry said. "If you foalnapped Celestia and Luna, you could have stolen any of the Elements while they were unguarded, or taken one of the six ponies who can use the Elements. Fluttershy is the weakest and easiest to capture, she would have been a perfect target. No offense, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy shook her head. "Oh, no, I understand. I am weak and helpless, and I'm grateful you accept me for that."

"My point exactly," Harry reasoned. "Since everypony's here and their Elements are intact, I think there's a chance Discord might be telling the truth." He turned to face Discord. "And you can prove it by helping us."

Discord smiled at Harry's deduction. "Well done, boy! However, that's not getting you out of owing me one. All that hoof pointing and besmirching of my good name. I just don't know if I'm up to it." Discord started a ball of yarn from the plants, knitting a large arrow. "Why don't you ask your zebra friend if she knows anything?"

A zebra emerged from the Everfree Forest, pulling a large wagon. Everypony rushed over to help, lightening her load.

"Zecora!" Twilight shouted.

"From my home, I have had to flee! The forest has grown too wild, even for me!" Zecora said.

"Any idea why all this is happening?" Applejack asked.

"I'm afraid it is a mystery to me as well, but I may have something that, if combined with a spell..." Zecora retreated to her wagon and pulled out a bottle with a purple liquid inside. "I do not dare to use it myself, the results would be tragic. It only responds to alicorn magic. Princess Twilight, you can turn the potion from purple to white. After a sip, you may see why the sky is day and night."

Twilight eyed to drink warily. Eventually, she closed her eyes and allowed a cloud of purple magic to cover her horn. Everybody watched as the drink turned a milky-white color. After a moment Twilight picked the bottle up and took a gulp. Everybody waited for something to happen.

Twilight shuddered. "Doesn't seem to be worki—" Twilight cut off, staring blankly into space, her eyes glowing.

"I think it's working just fine," Harry remarked. "Um, Zecora, what does this thing do again?"

"The potion has a vision to show. What Twilight sees, I cannot know," Zecora said sagely.

"Great, divination," Harry deadpanned.

"So we wait for her to snap out of it?" Applejack asked.

Zecora nodded. The group waited and watched Twilight. Said alicorn mumbled to herself. Worried glances were passed around when tears started to flow from her eyes, and Twilight's frame was rocked with violent sobbing.

"Can't we make this go any faster?" Rainbow Dash demanded.

"I second her opinion," Harry agreed.

"I vote to sit and watch," Discord said.

"You're not involved anymore," Pinkie Pie said.

"I'm feeling pretty involved," Discord countered.

"Hey!" Rarity shouted. "Look, Twilight's back!"

True to her words, Twilight's eyes fluttered open, a little poofy from the tears.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Twilight asked.

"It's just... you were mumbling to yourself..." Applejack said.

"Ooh! And don't forget the uncontrollable sobbing!" Pinkie Pie added.

"We were scared for you," Harry said.

Discord laughed. "I for one found it delightful. Sort of a one-pony theater piece, if you will." He held out a scroll that held a moving image of Twilight crying. "You should really consider taking it on the road."

"Did you find out whose rump we need to kick and where we can find them?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I saw something from a long time ago. But it didn't explain what's happening now." Twilight said regretfully.

"Perhaps farther back still are the answers you seek. Another sip of the potion will give you a peek." Zecora held up the potion.

Twilight grabbed the potion again. She looked at it with trepidation.

Spike walked up to her. "You sure about this?

Twilight nodded and took another sip of the potion. Her eyes glowed white as she was overtaken by another vision.

Discord appeared with a large film camera and a set of stylish clothes. "Oh, I do hope she breaks into a song this time!"

Harry shook his head. "Time and place, Discord. Time and place."

Discord scoffed. "Oh, don't be like that. There's always time for a laugh. Right, Pinkie Pie?"

"A good laugh. Like making yummy chocolate milk rain without a sinlge dollap of whipped cream in sight, not a single dollap!"

The draconequus rubbed his chin. "Whipped cream? Now that sounds like a wonderful idea."

Harry walked between the two. "And that's enough. Let's not give the draconequus any more ideas."

"Hey everypony, Twilight's coming out of it," Spike announced. True enough, Twilight blinked rapidly, eyes returning to normal. "So what did you find out?"

"I still don't know what's happened to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, but I think I know why the Everfree Forest is acting this way. Something's happened to the Tree of Harmony."

"The tree of what now?" Rainbow Dash demanded.

"Could you explain that for everypony who hasn't read everything under Celestia's Sun?" Harry asked.

"It's where Celestia got the Elements of Harmony," Twilight explained. "I think it's in danger."

Applejack marched forward. "Well, all right then! Let's go save a... tree. Uh... where is it exactly?"

"Let me guess..." started Harry, "it's in... there." He pointed at the wild Everfree Forest.

Twilight nodded nervously.

Discord laughed, looking into the distance. "Ooh-hoo! I'm going to need more popcorn!"

"Who are you talking to?" Harry asked.

Discord shrugged. "Nopony, or shoud I say no pony?"

Harry decided to leave the chaotic creature to his plants. The eight friends marched to the edge of the forest that was overflowing with vines.

"Seems like only yesterday we were heading into these woods to find the Elements of Harmony," Rarity said.

Twilight marched forward, the rest following her lead. "Seems like only yesterday I was foolish enough to think I should go after them on my own. I don't know what we're going to face in there. But whatever it is, I know we need to face it together."

The group trudged in, careful to avoid the ensnaring vines. Now that he had time to think more, Harry realized how much it reminded him of the devil's snare from his first year. They continue along the marshy grounds, Twilight at the front. The marshy pathway suddenly ended in a bubbly pool of green liquid. Twilight inspected the rocks sticking above the water.

"We can use those to cross," she said and jumped forward. The rock came alive beneath her, revealing itself as a massive crocodile-like creature made of stone.

"A cragadile! Run for your lives!" Rarity cried.

The group split in separate directions, trying to put some space between them and the creature. The cragadile singled out Twilight and charged at her. It backed her and Spike to a rocky ledge. Twilight was unable to escape, her wings unwilling to follow her commands. Coming to their senses, the others scrambled to help their friend. Just before the cragadile could get close to Twilight, six ponies pulled on it with a rope fashioned from the vines. A few seconds later, more vines tangled the cragadile up so it couldn't take a bite out of the Princess or anypony else.

"That was close," Twilight sighed.

"A little too close, if you ask me. You sure you're all right?" Applejack asked.

"I'm fine. I just can't seem to get these new wings to do what I want them to do when I want them to do it," Twilight said.

"Aw, you'll figure it out eventually," Rainbow Dash said.

"'Eventually' isn't soon enough," Twilight grumbled.

Applejack stepped up, a somber look on her face. "You have been having an awful lot of trouble with those things. And, well, who knows what else is gonna to come after us? You know, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea for Twilight to go back to Ponyville and let us look for the Tree of Harmony without her."

"What? Why?" Twilight said, surprised.

"For starters, you just about got eaten by a cragadilly," Applejack replied.

"We all did. He wasn't after just me," Twilight countered.

"Sure, but... well, the rest of us aren't princesses," Applejack reasoned.

"What's that got to do with anything?" Twilight growled.

"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are gone," Applejack placed a hoof on Twilight. "If something happened to you, I- I just don't think Equestria can risk losing another princess."

"Applejack does make a valid point," Rarity said. "Even if we manage to save the Tree of Harmony, it won't necessarily mean Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will return. Equestria will need somepony to lead in their absence."

"But the Tree of Harmony! I'm the only one who has seen it and knows what it looks like," Twilight protested.

"Huge tree, cutie marks on the trunk, probably being attacked by something hideously awful? Yeah, I'm pretty sure we'll know it when we see it," Rainbow Dash deadpanned.

"All of you feel this way? Feel like I shouldn't be here?" Twilight whispered, tears building up.

Harry stepped forward, standing next to his friend. "Twilight, it's not that you shouldn't be here, it's just that you could be the only pony that holds Equestria together. I know you want to be here with us, we feel the same. However," Harry faced Applejack. "if Twilight goes, we have a problem on our hooves. Twilight has the Element of Magic, without it the others are worthless. If she leaves, we can't defeat whatever we're facing."

"Well, I can go back for her," Rainbow Dash said.

"And if that's not fast enough?" Harry countered.

The others frowned in contemplation. Twilight looked the most pained by this decision. Eventually, she bowed her head in defeat. Her crown floated off her head, hovering in front of her face.

"Then Harry can bear my Element." She placed the crown on Harry's head. "If anypony else can use it, he can."

Harry was too stunned to speak. He looked numbly at the crown— Twilight's crown— that rested on his head now. Harry quickly pulled it off his head.

"No. I- I can't. You don't even know if I can use it," Harry protested.

"Sunset Shimmer did," Twilight responded.

"And she turned into a demon!" Harry shouted. Harry pointed at the others. "They are the spirits of the Elements, just like you. I am not the spirit of Magic. I am not their friend in the same way you are. We're friends because of you."

"But you are our friend, that's all that should matter," Twilight replied. She maneuvered so her and Harry's faces were mere inches away. "Sunset didn't understand or want friendship, that's why it corrupted her. But you value friendship, even if you don't represent it. My Element is magical, yes, but that's not all that it is. Our friendships bond the Elements. Our friendship is magic. " A reassuring smile crept across Twilight's face, which soon infected Harry's face.

Harry raised his head. "If you think I can—"

"Harry, I know you can do this. You've always stepped up to do what's right. I believe in you." Twilight pointed at the others. "And our friends, your friends, believe in you too. That's got to be worth something, right?"

"Twilight's right," Applejack said. "If there's anypony else I'd trust to hold Twilight's Element, it'd be you."

Harry looked down at Twilight's crown on his hoof. She was giving him something personal, important, and powerful. Harry looked down to see his reflection on the Element's surface, then up at his friends. They believe in me, The least I can do is try. Harry placed the crown on his head, feeling the magic within stir. The others gathered around as Harry stood up taller, the crown glimmering in the light.

Harry felt confidence stir within him. "Don't worry, Twilight, this thing will be back on your head by the end of the day, I promise." Harry turned away from Spike and Twilight, facing the other five. "Alright girls, we got a tree to save!"

Author's Note:

IMPORTANT! I've been having a lot of stress lately, so updates might break away from the weekly schedule soon.

Yep, I did that. I gave Harry and Element of Harmony, even if it's borrowed. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that. If friendship is magic, then the Element of Magic is the Element of Friendship. Harry's not a perfect friend, but hey, he tries. So I'll see you soon!

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